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Requirements for ventilation of premises. Regulatory requirements for ventilation. Climate control equipment for offices

The air exchange rate according to SNiP is sanitary indicator state air environment in room. The comfort and safety of people staying in a particular room depends on its value. The permissible value of this parameter is regulated by state building codes and rules that determine different requirements for all erected buildings.

General information

Before defining optimal indicator the air exchange rate according to SNiP in premises (residential or industrial), it is necessary to study in detail not only the parameter itself, but also the methods of its calculation. This information will help you choose the most accurate value that is suitable for each specific room.

Air exchange is one of the quantitative parameters characterizing the operation of the ventilation system in enclosed spaces. In addition, it is considered the process of replacing air in the internal spaces of a building. This indicator is considered one of the most important when designing and creating ventilation systems.

There are two types of air exchange:

  1. 1. Natural. It occurs due to the difference in air pressure inside and outside the room.
  2. 2. Artificial. This is done through ventilation (opening windows, transoms, vents). In addition, it includes the entry of air masses from the street through cracks in walls and doors, as well as through the use of various systems air conditioning and ventilation.

The air exchange rate is a parameter showing how many times (within 60 minutes) the air in the room was completely replaced with new one.

Its value is determined not only by SNiP, but also by GOST ( state standard). The set of measures that need to be taken to maintain optimal conditions V residential apartments and office premises.

Ventilation in the apartment. What is natural ventilation in an apartment?

Calculation rules

Most newly constructed buildings are equipped with sealed windows and insulated walls. This helps reduce heating costs in cold period years, but leads to a complete cessation natural ventilation. Because of this, the air in the room stagnates, which causes the rapid proliferation of harmful microorganisms and a violation of sanitary and hygienic standards. Therefore, in new buildings it is important to provide for the possibility of artificial air ventilation, taking into account the expansion rate.

Air exchange standards in premises (residential or industrial) depend on several factors:

  • purpose of the building;
  • number of installed electrical appliances;
  • thermal output of all operating devices;
  • the number of people who are constantly in the room;
  • level and intensity of natural ventilation;
  • humidity and .

The air exchange rate can be determined using the standard formula. It involves division required quantity clean air entering the building in 1 hour per room volume.

Thanks to natural aeration, this figure can reach 3 or 4 times per hour. If significantly more frequent air exchange is required, then mechanical ventilation is used.

Values ​​for different buildings

In order for people in a particular room to feel as comfortable as possible, it is necessary to comply with the air exchange rates stipulated by building codes and regulations. They differ significantly for various buildings, so you should approach their choice with maximum responsibility. Only in this case can you achieve the desired result and create a ideal conditions to find people.

All residential buildings require provision of not only artificial, but also natural air flow. If one of them is not enough, then it is allowed to use combined option. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure the removal of stagnant oxygen. This can be done by arranging ventilation ducts from the following premises:

  • bathroom;
  • restroom;
  • kitchen.

Besides this, everything modern buildings are equipped with special autonomous air valves. They can be opened and closed by apartment owners, and also perform the function of removing stagnant air.

The frequency of air exchange in a residential area is indicated in SNiP 2.08.01−89. According to these standards, the indicator should be like this:

  • Separate room in the apartment (bedroom, children's room, playroom) - 3.
  • Bathroom and individual restroom - 25 (if combined, the value should be 2 times greater).
  • Dressing room and washroom in the dormitory - 1.5.
  • Kitchen with electric stove - 60.
  • Kitchen with gas equipment - 80.
  • Corridor or lobby in an apartment building - 3.
  • Ironing, drying, laundry in the dormitory - 7.
  • Pantry for storing sports equipment, personal and household items - 0.5.
  • Elevator machine room - 1.
  • Staircase - 3.

Calculation of air exchange in the boiler room ( detailed analysis)

In office centers

The size of the air exchange rate for administrative buildings and offices are much larger than for residential premises. This is due to the fact that the ventilation and air conditioning system must efficiently cope with heat emissions emanating not only from workers, but also from various office equipment. If you properly equip the ventilation system, you can improve the health and increase the productivity of employees.

Basic requirements for the system:

  • filtration, humidification, heating or cooling of air before supplying it to the room;
  • ensuring a constant supply of sufficient fresh oxygen;
  • arrangement of exhaust and supply ventilation systems;
  • the use of equipment that will not create much noise during air exchange;
  • the most convenient location of installations for the convenience of carrying out repair and preventative measures;
  • the ability to adjust the parameters of the ventilation system and adapt its operation to changing weather conditions;
  • ability to provide high-quality air exchange with minimum costs electricity;
  • the need to have small dimensions.

All these requirements will help you quickly remove from indoors exhaled carbon dioxide and fumes coming from operating equipment.

For correct settings air conditioning and ventilation systems, it is necessary to accurately calculate the multiplicity and compare it with the standards of SNiP 31−05−2003, which provide such meaning:

Production workshops

It is especially important to ensure good air exchange in industrial premises, where people work in the most harmful conditions. To reduce negative influence For their health, it is necessary to properly equip the ventilation system and calculate the air exchange rate.

To total values influenced by several main factors:

The optimal value of the air exchange rate for industrial premises is determined according to the SNiP table 2.04.05−91. It indicates the value of this parameter for each specific room.

  • Shops where work is performed that does not require much physical effort - 25.

  • The main ones are:

    The air exchange rate, standardized according to SNiP, is one of the most important indicators of the air condition in a particular room. If it is calculated correctly and all recommendations provided by standard standards are followed, you can significantly increase the quality of aeration, as well as make people’s stay in the room more comfortable and safe.

In medical institutions (except for infectious diseases departments), in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN, they provide certified forced supply exhaust ventilation. In all zones, in addition to rooms with cleanliness class A, independent air supply from outside is planned (clause 6.11). Once a year, equipment used to improve the air environment is inspected, maintenance measures are carried out, including disinfection, and repaired if necessary (clause 6.5).

Rules for air exchange in places where infectious patients lie, in accordance with the Norms and Rules:

  • In boxes and sections of wards, individual ventilation with natural supply and installation of a deflector is installed
  • They organize a forced influx with the transportation of air masses into the corridor.

Air conditioning systems are planned for areas of medical institutions with special microclimate requirements. These are the chambers:

  • Operating and postoperative, rehabilitation, intensive care rooms
  • Rodzaly
  • For newborns, premature babies, infants
  • For patients with burns.

The air passes through specialized filters before entering the wards. At the initial stage, the use of an oil filter is prohibited. The speed of movement of air masses and relative humidity. It is permissible to design one ventilation system for several rooms if they have a uniform regime and there are no infectious patients in them.

Tasks that ventilation and air conditioning equipment must solve:

  • Prevent the spread of pathogenic microbes. To do this, it is necessary to organize the supply of clean air, the removal of dirty air, and prevent the flow of air from less clean to cleaner areas (clause 6.9)
  • Ensure standard air characteristics - temperature, humidity level, movement speed, amount of impurities that adversely affect human health
  • Prevent the accumulation of static electricity, which can provoke an explosion of narcotic gases used for anesthesia and other technological operations
  • Ensure the necessary sanitary and biological characteristics of the air mass in the premises - percentage oxygen, level of radioactivity, bacteriological purity, absence of harmful chemical components and odors.

When designing, only air conditioners and other equipment are selected that comply with the noise and vibration background requirements of SanPiN (clause 6.7), and also do not emit harmful substances into the space. Supply and exhaust equipment are installed in rooms separate from each other. You should also consider:

  • Qualitative characteristics of air received by supply systems
  • Thermal level in rooms with a large number of technological equipment
  • The presence of toxic gases and chemicals used for disinfection, anesthesia and others medical actions, presence of strong odors
  • Foci of infection located inside a medical facility, probable ways of their expansion.

Rules for organizing air supply and exhaust

General requirements:

  • The circulation of air masses within the building (without the passage of air masses through appropriate filters) is prohibited
  • When designing, ensure explosion-proof conditions
  • Air supplied from outside systems supply ventilation, are processed in filters that are located in central supply systems or air conditioners.

Rules for designing the supply and removal of air flows in accordance with the functionality of the room:

  • For operating rooms used for minor operations, the installation of individual air supply units is permitted. An adjacent room is used for the supply cabinet
  • Air intake from outside is carried out from a clean area located at a height of at least 2 m above ground level. The air is cleaned with filters of varying degrees of purification (clause 6.22). The exhaust air masses are released after cleaning using appropriate filters to a height of 0.7 m above the roof level (clause 6.23)
  • In rooms for treatment with light, heat and electric current, the supply and removal of air flow is organized from the upper zone. The temperature of the air masses entering this room must ensure thermal balance. As a result of air exchange, the concentration of harmful impurities is reduced
  • In X-ray diagnostic rooms (with equipment closed type) and X-ray therapy, operating rooms, postoperative, anesthesia, labor air flows are planned both from above (600 mm from the ceiling) and from below (500 mm from the floor) (clause 6.13). X-ray therapy rooms are characterized by more intense air exchange
  • From areas in which liquid nitrogen is used, heavy gases, aerosols, and air are removed from the lower space. When storing biomaterials in liquid nitrogen, an individual exhaust ventilation system is required, as well as emergency ventilation, which is activated when a signal from a sensor monitoring gas levels is triggered (clause 6.14)
  • In “clean” zones, the inflow exceeds the exhaust volume, in infectious zones – vice versa (clause 6.15)
  • Patients with diseases that provoke emergency sanitary and epidemiological situations are allowed to be placed only in boxes with a forced ventilation system (6.20)
  • In wards equipped with separate sanitary rooms, the hood is installed in the bathroom (clause 6.27)
  • Workplaces intended for handling hazardous chemicals are equipped with local exhaust devices
  • Pharmacies provide individual methods for removing air masses for reception and prescription, washing, sterilization and others.

Design of filters that provide multi-stage purification of incoming air masses:

  • First stage – coarse filter
  • Second stage – fine filter
  • The third stage is microfilters or absolutely fine filters.

Microclimate standards

Availability rational heating- one of the most important conditions for creating optimal microclimate for patients, data are given for the winter period:

  • For most patients – 20-22°C
  • With severe burns – 25-27°C
  • With lobar pneumonia – 15-16°C.

When determining the optimal microclimate, the season, period of day, age of the patients, nature and stage of the disease are taken into account.

Standard parameters:

  • Temperature differences vertically – no more than 3°C, horizontally – 2°C
  • Temperature changes during the day – 3°C
  • Relative air humidity in medical premises in accordance with SanPiN – 30-65%
  • The speed of movement of air masses is 0.25 m/s.

The organization of heat supply to a medical center can be carried out in one of two ways - from an individual boiler house or from centralized utility networks settlement.

Features of the design and installation of heating systems in medical institutions

At medical facilities in heating devices Only water is allowed to be used as a coolant; other compounds are prohibited. Coolant temperature in heating system+70…+85°C (clause 6.3). Heating can be wall, floor, combined. IN separate rooms install automatic temperature control devices.

Requirements for heating radiators used in medical institutions:

  • Smooth surface, allowing frequent wet treatment using disinfectants and eliminating the accumulation of dust and microorganisms (clause 6.2)
  • Location near external walls under window openings
  • Absence of ribs (tubular, mounted in the wall, or panel) - in wards, diagnostic, preventive and treatment rooms. In other types of premises, convectors or finned radiators can be used.

Ventilation is the removal of air from premises and its replacement with clean outside air. Ventilation ensures the condition of the air environment in the premises in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements. In residential and public buildings The life activity of people, everyday processes (cooking, washing clothes, etc.) are accompanied by a decrease in oxygen content in the air, accumulation of heat and moisture, as well as indoor air pollution with foul-smelling substances and necessitate constant or periodic replacement with fresh air. The intensity of such replacement is usually determined by the ratio of the hourly volume of replaced air to the volume of the room, i.e., the exchange rate per hour. In accordance with sanitary hygienic requirements standards for the frequency of exchange have been established for residential, children's, school and hospital premises(table).

Ventilation of industrial premises is the most important means of combating the release of harmful gases, vapors, dust, excess heat and moisture. The sources of these emissions are technological processes, production equipment and people. However, such a fight should begin with measures that prevent or reduce these emissions (localizing the source of unfavorable emissions through shelters with air suction - local suction). Non-localized secretions are removed using ventilation. The required air exchange is determined by the formula:
where g is the hourly amount of emissions released into the premises harmful substances in mg/hour; Efficiency - maximum permissible concentration of a harmful substance () and Kp. - concentration of this substance in the introduced air in mg/m3.

Ventilation air exchange in residential and some public premises

Name of premises Air change rate per hour
influx hood
Living spaces
In apartments - 3 m 3 /hour per 1 m 2 area *
In the dormitories - 1,5 *
Bathrooms (in apartments)
United - 50 m 3 /hour
Separate - 25 m 3 /hour
Bathrooms - 5
Kindergartens and nurseries
Group, game rooms - 1,5
Dining room - 1,5
Insulator - 1.5
Bedroom - 1,5
Classes, laboratories Calculated at 80 m 3 /hour for 1 person
Treatment and prevention institutions
Wards (1 bed)
for adults 4 0 40
for children 20 20
Meltzer boxes and semi-boxes - 1,5
Viewing boxes 1,5 1,0
Dressings 1,5 2,0
Operating rooms, maternity 6,0 5,0
X-ray diagnostic and radiotherapy rooms 5,0 7,0
for thermotherapy 5,0 6,0
for electro- and light therapy 4,0 5.0
Fotary 2,0 3,0
* But not less than 20 m 3 /hour for 1 person.

Air exchange in the rooms is carried out in various ways: 1) natural ventilation - through windows, doors, pores in the walls, due to the difference between the air pressures outside and inside; 2) artificial ventilation - using mechanical devices.

The effectiveness of natural ventilation depends on the area of ​​vents, transoms (which should be at least 1/40 of the floor area), the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor air, and the degree of porosity of the walls.

Artificial ventilation ensures constant air exchange in the room. It can be exhaust, supply or supply and exhaust and is carried out using axial and centrifugal fans (Fig. 1 and 2).

Rice. 1. Axial fan: 1 - wheel with blades; 2 - casing.
Rice. 2. Centrifugal fan: 1 - casing; 2 - bed; 3 - outlet; 4 - suction hole.

Rice. 3. Air conditioning installation: 1 - opening for incoming outside air; 2 - mixing chamber; 3 - irrigation chamber; 4 - chamber with separators to retain water droplets; 5 - centrifugal fan; 6 - pump for water supply; 7 - heater; 8 - intermediate chamber.

The exhaust system consists of a fan with an electric motor and air ducts. Air in industrial premises contaminated with dust, harmful gases or vapors must be cleaned before being released outside. The supply air is pre-treated to create a favorable microclimate (see) in the room. Therefore, the supply system, in addition to fans, electric motors and ducts, includes heaters (heaters), filters or dust chambers, humidifying or washing chambers, refrigeration and drying units. When it becomes necessary to maintain constant temperature and relative conditions in a room, devices for so-called air conditioning are used (Fig. 3).

Sanitary standards in the USSR related to ventilation devices are concentrated in the following documents: Sanitary design standards industrial enterprises CH-245-63 (section 4B); Building codes and SNiP II-G rules. 7-62 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”; Design standards SNiP II-M. 3-68 "Auxiliary buildings and premises of industrial enterprises."

The task (preventive and current), carried out mainly by employees (SES), includes checking compliance with the main provisions of these documents.

When checking the operation of ventilation, you should pay attention to the correctness of its use, namely: so that not only the exhaust units work, but also the supply units; to serve supply air did not create unpleasant blowing; that the microclimate conditions correspond to the permissible ones, and that the air samples taken do not contain harmful substances above the maximum permissible concentration. When monitoring, you should use flags and artificial haze. To control air pollution, chemical laboratories of SES or enterprises should be involved.

Ventilation - technical means, which completes the system of measures to improve the air environment of working premises (the most important prerequisite for preventing air pollution in industrial premises is rational organization production processes: sealing and process continuity with remote control and monitoring, automation and mechanization).

Ventilation, heating and air conditioning of production premises and structures (including crane operator cabins, control panel rooms, and other similar isolated rooms) are arranged to ensure that at permanent workplaces and in the work area during basic and repair and auxiliary work necessary in accordance with hygienic requirements meteorological conditions, air purity at work (temperature, relative humidity and air speed, maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances and dust). Industrial ventilation ensures the fight against excess heat and moisture by creating a general air exchange, as well as removing harmful gases, vapors, dust entering the air of working premises through the use of local, localized ventilation units (see also “SSBT. Gas-cleaning dust collection equipment.” GOST 4.125 -84; "SSBT. Blowout prevention equipment". GOST 12.2.11586).

During the sanitary examination of ventilation projects in expert opinion The following main questions are reflected:

1) characteristics of the system and the correctness of its choice; 2) assessment of the supply system: a) place and method of intake of supply air and devices for its cleaning, heating and humidification, b) location and arrangement of supply openings in the premises, temperature and supply speed of supply air, c) assessment of the sufficiency of air exchange according to the supply (test calculation), d) cubic capacity of the room per person, air cube and exchange rate, e) recirculation, its admissibility and scale; 3) assessment of local air supply units: direction of air shower inflow, supply air temperature, air supply speed; 4) assessment of the exhaust ventilation system: a) design and location of general exhaust ventilation openings, b) arrangement of localizing shelters, c) initial speed of air movement in the openings, d) device for cleaning the air removed from the room, e) assessment of the location of the exhaust air release, f) air exchange through the hood (test calculation);

5) characteristics and assessment of the ventilation system as a whole: the ratio of the places of supply air intake and the places of exhaust air, the ratio of the location of supply and exhaust openings in the room, the air balance of the room (i.e. the ratio of the total amount of supply and exhaust air). For a detailed description of the requirements, see “Sanitary standards for the design of industrial enterprises” (SN 245-71) and the section “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning” (SNiP 11-33-75), industry design guidelines (issued by individual departments with mandatory approval from Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Directorate of the USSR Ministry of Health).

In the absence of industrial emissions, air exchange must be organized in rooms with a cubic capacity of less than 40 m3 per worker.

The amount of air required to ensure the required air parameters in the working area is determined engineering calculation. At the same time, the uneven distribution of harmful substances, heat and moisture along the height of the room and in the working area is taken into account, namely for rooms with heat emissions - according to excess sensible heat; for rooms with heat and moisture releases - based on excess sensible heat, moisture and latent heat, checking to prevent moisture condensation on the surfaces of building structures and equipment. In those rooms where there are gas emissions, the amount of air that needs to be supplied to the room should provide dilution chemical substances up to the maximum permissible concentration. The amount of harmful emissions is taken either according to the technological part of the project or technological design standards, or according to data from natural surveys of similar enterprises, or by calculations. If there are simultaneously several harmful substances, heat, and moisture in the room, the amount of supply air when designing ventilation is taken to be the largest, obtained from calculations for each type of industrial emissions.

Emissions cleaning. Technological emissions and emissions of air removed by local suction, containing dust, poisonous gases and vapors, and unpleasant-smelling substances, must be arranged in such a way as to ensure the dispersion of these substances and so that their concentration does not exceed:

a) in atmospheric air settlements - maximum permissible maximum one-time values; b) in the air entering buildings through openings of ventilation and air conditioning systems and through openings for natural supply ventilation - 30% of the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the working area of ​​industrial premises.

Ventilation air removed by general ventilation and containing the above-mentioned impurities must be purified before being released into the atmosphere, taking into account that in places of air intake by ventilation and air conditioning systems, the content of harmful substances in the outside air does not exceed 30% of the maximum permissible concentration for working area production premises. If ventilation emissions contain low concentrations of harmful substances, then cleaning may not be carried out, but the dispersion of harmful substances in the atmospheric air under the most unfavorable weather conditions should meet the above requirements.

Forced ventilation. Recycle. In production premises with a volume per worker of less than 20 m3, a supply of outside air in an amount of at least 30 m3/h per worker must be organized, and in premises with a volume per worker of more than 20 m3 - at least 20 m3/h per worker. every worker. If there is more than 40 m3 of room volume per worker in the presence of windows and lanterns and in the absence of the release of harmful and unpleasantly smelling substances, it is allowed to provide periodic natural ventilation - opening the casements of windows and lanterns. When designing buildings, premises and their individual zones (sections) without natural ventilation (airing) with mechanical ventilation supplied only from outside air, the volume of outside air should be at least 60 m3/h per 1 worker, but not less than one air exchange per hour according to the entire volume of the room (with air conditioning with recirculation - with a calculated air exchange rate of 10 times or more). With a lower design air exchange rate and when recirculation is used, the volume of outside air supply should be at least 60 m3/h per 1 worker, but not less than 20% of the total air exchange (the volume of outside air supply is up to 10% if the air exchange rate is less than 10 and recirculation - if more 120 m3/h of outside air per 1 worker.

When designing general supply and exhaust ventilation of premises without natural ventilation, at least two supply and two exhaust units must be provided, each with a capacity of at least 50% of the required air exchange (with one installation - backup fans).

When designing ventilation and air heating, recirculation can be allowed during the cold and transition periods of the year (for air conditioning systems - at all times of the year). For recirculation, you can use room air where there are no harmful emissions or if the released substances belong to hazard class IV and their concentration in the room air does not exceed 30.% of the maximum permissible concentration. Application of air recirculation for ventilation, air heating and air conditioning is prohibited in rooms in which:

a) the air contains microorganisms;

b) there are pronounced unpleasant odors; c) substances of hazard classes I, II and III are released in the air.

Air and air-heat curtains must be installed at gates that open at least 5 times per shift or at least 40 minutes per shift. These curtains are also installed at technological openings of heated buildings and structures in areas with a design outside air temperature for heating design of 15 °C or lower in the absence of airlock vestibules. When opening gates, doors and technological openings, the air temperature at permanent workplaces during operation of the curtains should not be lower than: 14 °C at light physical work, 12 °C - for moderate work, 8 °C - for heavy work (in the absence of permanent workplaces near gates and openings - up to 5 °C).

The temperature of the air mixture passing through the gate or openings must meet the specified standards.

Exhaust ventilation. The combination of dust and easily condensable vapors, as well as substances that, when mixed, produce harmful mixtures or chemical compounds, into a common exhaust system is prohibited. Local exhaust systems for removing harmful substances of hazard classes 1 and 11 must be interlocked with process equipment so that it cannot operate when local exhaust ventilation is inactive (with the exception of installing backup fans for local exhaust units with automatic switching). When installing local exhaust ventilation, the following requirements must be observed: 1) sources of harmful emissions must be covered as much as possible; 2) the design of the suction air intake and its location - take into account the natural movement of emissions (convection air flows, the direction of the dust stream, the direction of gas movement, etc.); 3) the breathing zone of workers - to be outside the shelter; 4) the flow of the technological process and the ease of servicing the equipment - not to be disturbed; 5) in the shelter, by suctioning air, a vacuum must be created to prevent the entry of harmful emissions into the air of the room.

General ventilation. To dilute to the maximum permissible concentration that part of the production emissions that cannot be removed using local exhaust ventilation, general mechanical ventilation is installed. The location of the air exhaust zone depends on the nature of the harmful emissions. In the presence of heat emissions or light gases and vapors, the joint release of heat and chemicals, the exhaust air is removed from the upper zone of the room; Air removal (usually partially) from the lower zone is carried out in the event of the release of heavy specific gravity gases and vapors. Air is removed from the upper and lower zones when it is simultaneously contaminated with a mixture of gases and vapors, one of which is lighter and the other is heavier than air. You draft receivers should be located in areas of the highest temperatures and the greatest air pollution.

Supply air is usually supplied to the work area in the following cases: a) during the release of heat and the joint release of heat and gases; b) when installing exhaust from an area with the highest dust concentrations above the working area (welding shops, etc.). Supply air is released into the upper zone of the premises in the absence of significant excess heat and dust and gases are sucked out by local exhaust ventilation, with lower exhaust in rooms with the release of vapors of volatile solvents or dust, in rooms with excess heat when cold air is supplied. In the presence of moisture release, supply air is supplied to two zones - the upper (heated) and the lower.

Local inflow is arranged to create limited zones with a favorable microclimate and low concentrations of harmful air impurities (air showers, air oases).

In industries where large quantities of harmful substances (except dust) may suddenly enter the air of the working area, emergency (usually exhaust) ventilation should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP and departmental standards. If departmental standards do not contain instructions on the air exchange of emergency ventilation, then together with the existing ventilation it must provide an air exchange of at least 8 exchanges per 1 hour in the internal volume of the room. It is recommended to provide for blocking emergency ventilation with gas analyzers that determine permissible concentrations of harmful substances. To start emergency ventilation, remote devices must be installed in accessible places and outside the room.

Ventilation, air conditioning and heating installations should not create noise above permissible values ​​(see noise standards).

Heating. For heating buildings and structures, systems, devices and coolants must be used that do not create additional industrial hazards. The use of radiant heating with infrared gas emitters is permitted provided that combustion products are removed to the outside. In heating systems, the average temperature of the heating surface should not be higher than:

a) on the heated floor surface 26 °C (in lobbies and rooms with temporary occupancy of people 30 °C); b) on the heating surface of the ceiling at a height of 2.5-2.8 m 28 ° C; at a height of 2.9-3 m 30 ° C; at a height of 3.1-3.4 m 33 ° C;

c) on the heating surface of partitions and walls at a height of up to 1 m from the floor 35 °C, from 1 to 3.5 m 45 °C. Heating devices in rooms with significant dust emissions must have smooth surface, which makes them easier to clean.

Supply heating and ventilation equipment and air conditioners that serve the premises without recirculation are placed in isolated rooms.

Each enterprise must have a designated person responsible for the operation and condition of ventilation, heating, and air conditioning. All ventilation units, both newly equipped and put into operation after reconstruction or overhaul, are subjected to instrumental acceptance tests to determine effectiveness.

Each enterprise must establish a procedure for operating ventilation and heating in accordance with specially developed instructions and passports (for ventilation units). The instructions contain instructions on how to regulate the operation of each unit (system) in relation to the operating mode of the workshop (department) and technological equipment (during the working day, during the seasons of the year and in different time days depending on meteorological conditions); timing of cleaning air ducts, fans, dust and gas cleaning devices; timing of scheduled preventive maintenance, etc. For all ventilation units, a passport is drawn up in a certain form, in which all changes in the installation, the results of tests carried out at the request of the sanitary-epidemiological station are entered. An operation log must be kept for each ventilation system (kept by the workshop manager). In rooms where chemicals, dust and other harmful substances may be released into the air, it is necessary to systematically test the air for the content of harmful substances within the time frame determined by local sanitary inspection authorities.

Control of ventilation units. The effectiveness of ventilation is determined only on a working ventilation unit. The air supply unit must have air heaters in working order, valves and openings for air intake must be open. Check the water temperature and the addition of steam entering the heaters, the purity of the supplied air; determine the temperature and speed of air flowing out of the supply pipes into the working room.

When checking exhaust devices special attention is paid to the tightness of the air ducts and, first of all, in the places where the pipes are connected to shelters and main air ducts. It is important to check the tightness of the connections in the flanges of the air ducts; dust and dirt are not allowed to accumulate in them; the suction openings must be open, and the devices for cleaning the air removed from the room must be in good working order. To assess the effectiveness of ventilation, the content of dust and chemicals in the air of working premises is determined when production equipment is operating at full power. Along with this, the performance (volume of supplied or removed air per 1 hour) of ventilation units is checked and its compliance with design data using either anemometers or pneumometric tubes with a draft gauge. In this case, the speed of air movement in the air duct is multiplied by the area of ​​the ventilation opening (in m2) and by 3600 (the number of seconds); get the installation productivity in cubic meters of air per 1 hour.

If there are grilles in the air duct opening, then to obtain the volume of air passing through the exhaust openings, the result obtained is multiplied by a factor of 0.8. To determine the volume of air passing through the supply openings with grilles, take half the amount instead of the area of ​​the air duct opening overall area holes and free cross-sectional area of ​​the grating. It is impossible to measure the speed of air movement in the air duct with an anemometer, since this changes the nature of the air flow (pneumometric tubes with a draft gauge are used). These studies are carried out by specially trained personnel of ventilation laboratories or SES groups or special laboratories of departments and enterprises.

About approval of the Rules fire safety In Russian federation

(PPB 01-03)


75. Smoke pipes boiler installations operating on solid fuel must be equipped with spark arresters and cleaned of soot in accordance with clause 67. Boiler rooms built into the buildings of commercial establishments are not allowed to be converted from solid fuel to liquid.

76. Fire-retarding devices (dampers, dampers, valves, etc.) in air ducts, devices for blocking ventilation systems with automatic installations fire alarm or fire extinguishing, automatic ventilation shut-off devices in case of fire must be checked within the established time limits and maintained in good condition.

77. When operating ventilation and air conditioning systems, it is prohibited:
leave the doors ventilation chambers open;
close exhaust ducts, openings and grilles;
connect gas heating appliances to the air ducts;
burn off accumulated in air ducts body fat, dust and other flammable substances.

78. Ventilation chambers, cyclones, filters, air ducts must be cleaned of flammable production waste within the time limits specified by the organization order.
For explosive and fire hazardous premises, a procedure for cleaning ventilation systems using safe methods must be established.

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPiN – 10


6.36 Air ducts, air distribution and air intake grilles, ventilation chambers, ventilation units and other devices must be kept clean and free from mechanical damage, signs of corrosion, or leaks. The use of ventilation chambers for purposes other than their intended purpose is prohibited. Cleaning of ventilation chambers should be carried out at least once a month, and air intake shafts at least once every six months. Maintenance, cleaning and disinfection of ventilation systems is provided at least once a year. Elimination of current malfunctions and defects is carried out immediately.


Fire regulations in the Russian Federation PPR RF clause 50

Cleaning ventilation systems provides:
– safety of ventilation equipment, maintenance efficient work and proper condition of individual parts of air ducts;
– reduces the likelihood of ignition of flammable deposits;
– maintaining design parameters of the ventilation system;
– sanitary and epidemiological safety and protection from numerous viral and respiratory diseases.

Cleaning of ventilation systems includes:
– Cleaning inner surface air ducts, natural ventilation and chimneys from dust and grease deposits, is carried out to ensure fire safety of buildings, maintain hygienic cleanliness ventilation;
– Fire retardant valves must be cleaned regularly to maintain the functionality of the valve actuators during an emergency;
– Cleaning of heaters and fans is also carried out to ensure normal operation ventilation system.

Cleaning Frequency
Cleaning must be carried out regularly, depending on the purpose of the room:
For administrative, retail, office premises - once a year.
For industrial applications at least 2 times a year.
For organizations Catering– 1 time per quarter.
For healthcare organizations – once a quarter.
For Preschool Educational Institutions– 2 times a year (clause 5.7.8 SanPiN
Cleaning heaters from contamination - 2 times a year;
Clean filters – once a month and replace them when dirty;
Monitoring the cleanliness of air intakes and ducts – once a year

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the use of disinfectants is allowed only if there is a certificate of state registration (registration certificate) issued in in the prescribed manner Ministry of Health of Russia, guidelines for their use approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia, certificate of conformity.
To achieve a reliable effect of killing microorganisms, it is necessary to comply with the basic requirements set out in methodological guidelines on the disinfectant used - consumption rates, concentrations, exposure time (contact), method of application, frequency of treatment, formulation disinfectant.
When choosing a disinfectant, you should take into account the characteristics of the object being treated, biological properties circulating microorganisms, features of disinfectants.

Risks if there is no maintenance and periodic cleaning:
– accumulation of dust and grease deposits occurs, which makes it difficult to maintain the specified air parameters;
– contaminated air ducts create the possibility of fires;
– spread of fire throughout the building along with the movement of air inside the air ducts;
– the fan may fail due to overheating, which will lead to expensive repairs;
– If the ventilation system, in addition to transporting air, is designed to heat, cool and humidify it, then accumulated dust deposits create favorable soil for the growth of mites, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that are dangerous to humans. Over time, microorganisms can break off from the surface of the air ducts and be carried by the air flow into the premises served. Diseases such as allergies, influenza, and SARS can be transmitted through ventilation, from an infected person to a healthy person;
imposition of an administrative penalty on entity according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Article 20.4, from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Fire regulations in the Russian Federation

Resolution dated April 25, 2012 No. 390 On the fire safety regime

In accordance with Article 16 Federal Law“On fire safety” the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation.

2. This resolution comes into force 7 days after the day of its official publication, with the exception of paragraphs 6, 7, 9, 14, 16, 89, 130, 131 and 372 of the Rules approved by this resolution, which come into force on September 1 2012


49. In accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, the head of the organization ensures inspection of fire-retarding devices (dampers, dampers, valves, etc.) in air ducts, blocking devices for ventilation systems with automatic fire alarm or fire extinguishing installations, automatic devices turning off ventilation in case of fire.

50. The head of the organization determines the procedure and timing of work to clean ventilation chambers, cyclones, filters and air ducts from combustible waste with the drawing up of a corresponding act, and such work is carried out at least once a year.

Cleaning ventilation systems Explosion-hazardous and fire-hazardous premises must be carried out using fire and explosion-proof methods.

51. It is prohibited to operate with faulty and disconnected hydrofilters, dry filters, dust collection and other devices of ventilation (aspiration) systems. technological equipment in fire and explosion hazardous areas (installations).


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2011 N 1225 “On licensing of installation activities, maintenance and repair of fire safety equipment for buildings and structures” does not provide for licensing of air duct cleaning work.