home · electrical safety · Program for comprehensive testing of process equipment. How the act of comprehensive testing is formed. Rules for technical operation of consumer electrical installations

Program for comprehensive testing of process equipment. How the act of comprehensive testing is formed. Rules for technical operation of consumer electrical installations

The so-called start-up costs are also taken into account. These include the costs of comprehensive testing of equipment of facilities (factories, workshops, power plants, etc.) in working condition to determine the readiness of new facilities for commissioning 1.

Commissioning costs, or so-called start-up costs, should be distinguished from production development costs. These include the costs of comprehensive equipment testing, equipment adjustment, and trial operation.

The customer is also responsible for commissioning and comprehensive testing of equipment. Usually, to carry out commissioning work, the customer engages specialized organizations that perform work under direct contracts. The general contractor organizes the implementation of all work on the construction of facilities stipulated by the contract, on time and of proper quality, on his own and by the forces of involved specialized organizations and is responsible to the customer for the implementation of the work stipulated by the contract in accordance with approved projects, estimates and working drawings.

Before the final commissioning of construction projects into permanent industrial operation, the following intermediate stages of acceptance and commissioning work are carried out: transfer of completed installations of objects for commissioning; comprehensive testing of equipment under load; commissioning of objects for permanent use. industrial operation.  

Comprehensive testing of equipment is intended to verify collaboration under the load of all equipment of the workshop (facility). Main tasks comprehensive testing are checking the joint operation of all elements of the workshop under load with parameters and indicators close to design identification possible defects in equipment, devices and structures that impede reliable operation, development of measures to ensure stable and reliable operation of the workshop (facility).

The standard duration for developing the design capacity does not include the time required a) to ensure production preparation (staffing, provision of materials, energy resources, creation of an appropriate backlog of parts, etc.) b) to conduct a comprehensive testing of equipment (idle and in operating modes) c) on commissioning works.  

The standard for the duration of development of the design capacity does not include the time required 1) to ensure the preparation of production for the release of products at the commissioned facility (staffing, provision of raw materials, materials, energy resources, creation of an appropriate reserve of parts, etc.) 2) to conduct comprehensive testing equipment (idle and in operating modes) 3) for commissioning. These works must be completed before the commissioned facility is accepted into operation, i.e., before the day the act is signed.

Comprehensive testing of equipment idle, under load, in a neutral environment or with trial delivery provided for by the product design, adjustment of equipment, participation of installation organizations in the temporary operation of installed equipment and electrical installations. These costs are incurred by the customer at the expense of core activities according to a special estimate for putting the facility into operation.

During the period of comprehensive testing of equipment, the equipment is checked, adjusted and ensured to work together in the technological process envisaged by the project at idle speed, followed by transferring the equipment to work under load and reaching a stable mode, ensuring the release of the first batch of products envisaged by the project in a certain volume.

Cost of maintaining operating personnel Duration of commissioning work Duration of comprehensive testing of equipment

The customer carries out comprehensive testing of equipment with the participation of interested parties, provides supervision of installation of manufacturing plants, adjusts technological processes and, together with the general contractor, ensures the commissioning of production facilities and construction projects.

Before the completion of work on acceptance of the completed construction facility, based on the results of individual tests and comprehensive testing of equipment, acceptance of the equipment as a whole must be carried out.

Before presenting the objects to the state acceptance commissions, the working commissions appointed by the customer (developer) must check the compliance of the projects of the objects and installed equipment, the results of tests and comprehensive testing of the equipment, the readiness of the objects for normal operation and production of products (provision of services), including the implementation of measures to ensure health and safe

Before putting the equipment into operation, it must be checked. To avoid possible disagreements, the action is documented.

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It allows you to record all faults detected during the test. To carry out the procedure, you need to know in advance how the comprehensive testing report is formed.

What you need to know

Before you start drawing up, you need to study the list of requirements.

Timely familiarization with the data will allow you to avoid problems that may arise during the process of filling out documentation so that the paper does not get lost legal force.

Required terms

Comprehensive testing of equipment is an event that represents a test of the main units and installations before commissioning to identify possible malfunctions and their timely elimination.

While the action is running technical lines tested in operating mode. The event allows you to determine how the equipment will behave in working conditions.

Before starting to use new equipment, the company is required to test it. Based on the results of the operation, a report of the same name is drawn up.

The action is performed by several persons at once. The list includes:

  • customer;
  • general contractor;
  • representatives of the installation organization.

The paper must include the conditions under which the equipment was run in. The deadline for completing the operation is also entered here.

The number of copies of the document is made depending on the number of interested parties participating in the operation. Usually the document is prepared in 3 copies. Final stage drafting - certification of paper with signatures.

The form must contain the details of all 3 interacting parties or their representatives authorized to perform the action. If signatures are missing, the document has no legal force.

Fire protection systems

The event is carried out to check the readiness of protection systems to operate in real danger conditions. The action takes place in.

To carry it out, a situation is simulated during which the protection system should have been triggered.

Specialists taking part in the event record:

  • alarm response to a suspected fire;
  • activation of warning systems;
  • the appearance of a signal on the control panel of the fire department and the presence of an indication of the place where the action occurred;
  • turning off general ventilation;
  • opening of valves in the trigger zone.

Based on the results of the event, a document is drawn up, which includes the features of the system’s behavior in conditions close to real ones.

The specialist responsible for the event records the reaction of the equipment for each of the parameters. If several systems are tested at once, it is allowed to include the final data in 1 act.

It should be remembered that testing of the internal fire water supply must be documented in a separate act.

Only equipment that has passed the test can be put into further use. An inspection can be recorded with the help of an act automatic installation fire extinguishing

Lighting systems

The document is necessary to check the performance of lighting systems put into operation and to identify possible violations committed during installation.

To perform the action, a set of measures is carried out that simulate conditions close to real ones. The specialists responsible for performing the action record:

  • quality of lighting system installation;
  • system performance;
  • the presence of deviations from the plan.

The data is entered into the act, the preparation of which is the final stage of the event.

Sample filling

If you carefully study the act, entering data into the document will not be difficult. The action is performed by all participants of the event. The number of copies of the document is compiled according to the number of parties.

In order for a document to acquire legal force, it must indicate:

  • date of the event;
  • the name of the companies taking part in the action;
  • representatives of institutions involved in testing;
  • data of commission members.

By filling out general information, people must enter information about the equipment that the event was aimed at studying.

To do this, the following is recorded in the paper:

  1. Name of the unit or technical installation.
  2. The building or workshop in which the item is located.
  3. The name of the company that owns the equipment.
  4. The name of the complex that includes the property, if such a fact occurs.

Here you can indicate deficiencies and the fact of deviation from the plan for creating the item, which may subsequently affect its functioning.

Then there is a section devoted to the commission's decision. It states:

  • data of commission members;
  • subject of the act;
  • signatures;
  • conclusion of the commission.

PTEEP clause 1.2.9. For violations in the operation of electrical installations, the following bear personal responsibility:

the head of the Consumer and those responsible for electrical equipment - for failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the Rules and job descriptions;

workers directly servicing electrical installations - for violations that occurred through their fault, as well as for their improper elimination of violations in the operation of electrical installations in the serviced area; workers carrying out equipment repairs - for disruptions caused by poor quality of repairs;

managers and specialists of the energy service - for violations in the operation of electrical installations that occurred through their fault, as well as due to untimely and unsatisfactory Maintenance and failure to implement emergency measures;

managers and specialists of technological services - for violations in the operation of electrical technological equipment.

What liability is provided for violation of rules and regulations during the operation of electrical installations?

271-19.Which federal executive body carries out federal state energy supervision over compliance with the requirements of labor protection rules during the operation of electrical installations?

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

PTEEP clause 1.2.11. State supervision over compliance with the requirements of these Rules is carried out by state energy supervision bodies. See also Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 N 401 “On Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision" (as amended on May 29, 2006)

See also Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 N 401 “On the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision” (as amended on May 29, 2006)

What should an employee do if he notices a malfunction in the electrical installation or protective equipment?

PTEEP clause 1.2.10. Violation of these Rules entails liability in accordance with current legislation.

Each employee who discovers a violation of these Rules, as well as notices malfunctions of the electrical installation or protective equipment, must immediately report this to his immediate supervisor, and in his absence, to a superior manager.


In 24 hours
Within 48 hours
Within 72 hours
Within 120 hours

Who carries out comprehensive testing of equipment before accepting electrical installations into operation?

PTEEP clause 1.3.3. Before accepting electrical installations into operation, the following must be carried out:

during the construction and installation of a power facility - intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structures, including hidden work;

acceptance testing of equipment and commissioning tests of individual electrical installation systems; comprehensive testing of equipment.

1.3.4. Acceptance tests of equipment and commissioning tests of individual systems must be carried out according to design schemes contractor (general contractor) with the involvement of the customer’s personnel after completion of all construction and installation work for the electrical installation being delivered, and comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer.

Which organization carries out acceptance tests of equipment after completion of construction and installation work on the electrical installation being delivered?

PTEEP clause 1.3.4. Acceptance tests of equipment and commissioning tests of individual systems must be carried out according to design schemes by the contractor (general contractor) with the involvement of the customer’s personnel after completion of all construction and installation work on the electrical installation being delivered, and comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer.

During what period of time is a comprehensive testing of the main and auxiliary equipment electrical installations before commissioning?

In 24 hours
Within 48 hours
Within 72 hours
Within 120 hours

PTEEP clause 1.3.7. During a comprehensive testing of equipment, the operability of the equipment must be checked and technological schemes, safety of their operation; all monitoring and control systems, protection and interlock devices, alarm devices and instrumentation were checked and configured. Comprehensive testing is considered completed under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 72 hours, and power lines for 24 hours.

How long does it take to conduct a comprehensive testing of the operation of a power transmission line before putting it into operation?

In 24 hours
Within 48 hours
Within 72 hours
Within 36 hours

PTEEP clause 1.3.7. During a comprehensive testing of equipment, the operability of the equipment and technological schemes and the safety of their operation must be checked; all monitoring and control systems, protection and interlock devices, alarm devices and instrumentation were checked and configured. Comprehensive testing is considered completed under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main and auxiliary equipment for 72 hours, and power lines for 24 hours.

Is it possible to accept electrical installations with defects and imperfections into operation?

PTEEP clause 1.3.8. Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during acceptance and commissioning tests, comprehensive testing of electrical installations, must be eliminated. Acceptance for operation of electrical installations with defects and imperfections is not permitted.

Completely completed power plants, boiler houses (steam and hot water), electrical and heating network facilities, as well as, depending on the complexity of the power facility, their queues and start-up complexes must be put into operation in the manner established by the current rules. This requirement also applies to the acceptance into operation of energy facilities after expansion and reconstruction.


The launch complex must include normal operation with given parameters, part of the total design volume of an energy facility, consisting of a set of structures and objects assigned to specific power plants or to the power facility as a whole (without reference to specific power plants).

It should include: equipment, structures, buildings (or parts thereof) for main production, auxiliary production, auxiliary, household, transport, repair and warehouse purposes, landscaped area, public catering points, health centers, dispatch and technological control facilities (SDTU), communications, engineering communications, treatment facilities that ensure the production, transmission and supply of electricity and heat to consumers, the passage of ships or fish through shipping or fish passage devices. To the extent provided for by the project for this launch complex, standard sanitary and living conditions and safety for workers, environmental protection must be ensured environment, Fire safety.


Before commissioning of a power facility (start-up complex), the following must be carried out:

individual tests of equipment and functional tests of individual systems, ending for power units with a trial run of main and auxiliary equipment;

comprehensive testing of equipment.

During the construction and installation of buildings and structures, intermediate acceptance of equipment units and structures, as well as hidden work, must be carried out.


Individual and functional tests of equipment and individual systems are carried out with the involvement of the customer’s personnel according to design schemes after completion of all construction and installation work on this unit. Before individual and functional tests, compliance with: these Rules must be checked, building codes and rules, standards, including labor safety standards, technological design standards, rules of state control and supervision bodies, norms and requirements of environmental legislation and other state supervision bodies, rules for electrical installations, labor protection rules, explosion and fire safety rules.


Defects and deficiencies made during construction and installation, as well as equipment defects identified during individual and functional tests, must be eliminated by construction, installation organizations and manufacturing plants before the start of comprehensive testing.


Trial runs are carried out before comprehensive testing of power facilities. During a trial run, the operability of equipment and technological schemes and the safety of their operation must be checked; all monitoring and control systems were checked and configured, including automatic regulators, protection and interlock devices, alarm devices and instrumentation.

Before the test run, conditions must be met for reliable and safe operation energy facility:

operating and maintenance personnel are staffed, trained (with knowledge testing), operational instructions, labor safety instructions and operational schemes are developed and approved, technical documentation on accounting and reporting;

reserves of fuel, materials, tools and spare parts have been prepared;

SDTU with communication lines, systems were put into operation fire alarm and fire extinguishing, emergency lighting, ventilation;

monitoring and control systems were installed and adjusted;

permits for the operation of the energy facility were obtained from state control and supervision authorities.


Comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer. During comprehensive testing, the joint operation of the main units and all auxiliary equipment under load should be checked.

The beginning of a comprehensive testing of a power plant is considered to be the moment it is connected to the network or under load.

Comprehensive testing of equipment according to schemes not provided for in the project is not permitted.

Comprehensive testing of equipment of power plants and boiler houses is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main equipment for 72 hours on the main fuel with rated load and design parameters of steam (for gas turbine units (GTU) - gas) for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power station provided in the launch complex, and with constant or alternate operation of all auxiliary equipment included in the launch complex.

In electrical networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation under load of substation equipment for 72 hours, and power lines for 24 hours.

In heating networks, comprehensive testing is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the equipment under load for 24 hours. nominal pressure provided in the launch complex.

For gas turbine units, a mandatory condition for comprehensive testing is, in addition, the successful completion of 10, and for hydraulic units of hydroelectric power stations and pumped storage power plants - 3 automatic starts.

During comprehensive testing, the instrumentation, interlocks, alarm devices and remote control, protection and automatic control that do not require operational adjustment.

If comprehensive testing cannot be carried out on the main fuel or the rated load and design parameters of steam (for a gas turbine unit - gas) for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power plant or load for a substation, power lines during joint or separate testing and coolant parameters for thermal networks cannot be reached for any reason not related to the failure to complete the work provided for by the launch complex, the decision to conduct a comprehensive test on reserve fuel, as well as limit parameters and loads are accepted and established by the acceptance committee and are specified in the act of acceptance for operation of the launch complex.


To prepare the power facility (start-up complex) for presentation to the acceptance committee, a working commission must be appointed, which accepts the equipment according to the act after conducting its individual tests for comprehensive testing. From the moment this act is signed, the organization is responsible for the safety of the equipment.


Acceptance into operation of equipment, buildings and structures with defects and deficiencies is not permitted.

After comprehensive testing and elimination of identified defects and deficiencies, an act of acceptance for operation of the equipment with related buildings and structures is drawn up. The duration of the period for mastering serial equipment is established, during which the necessary tests, adjustment and development work must be completed and the operation of the equipment with design parameters must be ensured.


The organization must provide the acceptance committee with documentation prepared working commission to the extent provided for by current regulatory documents.


Completed construction of detached buildings, structures and electrical devices, built-in or attached premises for production, auxiliary production and auxiliary purposes with equipment installed in them, controls and communications are accepted for operation by working commissions.


Experimental (experimental), pilot-industrial energy technology installations are subject to acceptance into operation by the acceptance committee if they are prepared to conduct experiments or produce products envisaged by the project.

1.2.7. Comprehensive testing must be carried out by the customer. During comprehensive testing, the joint operation of the main units and all auxiliary equipment under load should be checked.

Commencement of comprehensive testing of the power plantnew device is considered the moment it is connected to the network or underload.

Comprehensive testing of equipment according to the schememothers not provided for by the project are not allowed.

Comprehensive testing of equipment of power plants and boiler houses is considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and continuous operation of the main equipment for 72 hours on the main fuel with a rated load and design steam parameters [for gas turbine units (GTU) of gas] for a thermal power plant, pressure and water flow for a hydroelectric power plant, provided for in the launch complex, and with constant or alternate operation of all auxiliary equipment included in the launch complex.

Comprehensive testing in electrical networksis considered to be carried out under the condition of normal and notintermittent operation under equipment load understations within 72 hours, and power lines within 24 hours.

In heating networks, comprehensive testing of calculationscarried out under normal and continuous conditionsoperation of the equipment at full load for 24 hours at the nominal pressure specified in the commissioningin the complex.

For gas turbine plants, a mandatory condition for comprehensive testing is, in addition, the successful completion of10, and for hydraulic units of hydroelectric power stations and pumped storage power plants - 3 automaticno launches.

During comprehensive testing, it should be includedchens provided for by the project instrumentation, blocking,alarm and remote control devices,are protected and automatically controlled, not requiring operational adjustments.

If comprehensive testing cannot be carried out on the main fuel or rated loadand design parameters of steam (for gas turbines - gas) for heathowl of the power plant, pressure and flow of water for hydrotransmission lines during joint or separate testing and coolant parameters for heating networks cannot be achieved for any reason not related to the failure to complete the work provided for by the launch complex, the decision to conduct a comprehensive test on reserve fuel, as well as the maximum parameters and loads, are accepted and established by the acceptance committee and are specified in the commissioning certificate of the launch complex.

Comprehensive testing should be carried out after eliminating defects and deficiencies identified by the working commission during unit-by-unit acceptance and individual testing of equipment.

The main objectives of comprehensive load testing are:

Checking the joint operation of the main units and
auxiliary equipment;

Identification of possible defects in equipment,
devices and structures.

The program and schedule for comprehensive equipment testing are drawn up by the customer together with commissioning organizations, agreed upon with the general contractor, installation organizations, and plant supervisors and approved by the acceptance committee.

Comprehensive testing is carried out by the customer with the participation of representatives of the general contractor, the general design organization, relevant installation and commissioning organizations, and, if necessary, manufacturers of equipment and equipment. To perform comprehensive testing, the customer provides:

Qualified operating personnel;

Fuel, demineralized water, condensate, electricity, steam, compressed air, lubricating oils and others auxiliary materials;

Additional instrumentation for monitoring the reliability of equipment operation.

During comprehensive testing, the general contractor and subcontractors ensure:

Performance necessary work to eliminate detected installation defects before the end of comprehensive testing (defects that do not reduce the reliability of equipment operation, do not lead to a deterioration in its technical and economic performance and environmental protection conditions can be eliminated after the completion of comprehensive testing);

Installation personnel on duty for the entire period of comprehensive testing.

The customer is responsible for safety precautions, explosion and fire safety during comprehensive testing.

After eliminating the defects and deficiencies identified during comprehensive testing, the acceptance committee accepts the power facility for operation.

Comprehensive testing is one of the more complex and responsible operational operations, since for the first time it connects all the power plant equipment into a single technological chain. Therefore, carrying out comprehensive testing requires not only good installation of equipment, but also careful preparation and qualified, well-coordinated work of operating personnel, who act at their workplaces during complex testing.

Work and activities carried out during the preparation and comprehensive testing of equipment are carried out according to the program and schedule developed by the customer or on his behalf by the commissioning organization and agreed upon with the general contractor and subcontractor installation organizations and, if necessary, with the supervisory staff of equipment manufacturers.

The comprehensive testing program must have a section defining the responsibility of testing participants for safety, explosion and fire safety.

Comprehensive testing should be preceded by:

- at thermal power plants: load testing of solid or liquid fuel supply devices with commissioning of air dust removal units on the fuel supply path, installations for mechanical sampling and cutting of samples solid fuel, metal collection devices; steam testing of the boiler; adjustment of safety valves; purging of steam lines; test firing of the boiler without turning and with turning the turbine (running in the turbogenerator, checking its vibration state, checking the safety circuit breaker; drying, adjusting and testing the generator); putting the water treatment plant into operation; organization of water regime and chemical control of the block or boiler; setting up monitoring and control systems on existing equipment; adjustment and testing of automatic control devices, remote and automatic control shut-off and regulatory bodies, technological protections and interlocks (to the extent possible under the conditions of test runs of equipment); adjustment, configuration and testing of protection and electrical automation;

-at hydroelectric power plants: testing the idling operation of the thrust bearing and bearings of the hydraulic unit; checking the transfer of the unit from manual control to automatic control; reading the characteristics of the automatic control system and checking the stability of the regulator; checking the opening of the guide vane during turbine start-up and idle mode, the starting angle of rotation of the impeller blades (for rotary-blade hydraulic turbines), and the rotation speed relay. After checking and testing the mechanisms at idle, permission is given to turn on the excitation and dry the generator in accordance with technical specifications for installation and instructions from the generator manufacturer. After drying, electrical tests of the generator windings are carried out according to a program drawn up in accordance with current GOSTs, as well as testing the electric machine exciter of the generator;

-in electrical networks: carrying out acceptance tests of all equipment and equipment of electrical installations and power lines included in the complex being put into operation electrical network, in accordance with the requirements of the Electrical Equipment Test Standards.

The purpose of comprehensive testing of substations and power transmission lines of the electrical network is to check the uninterrupted operation of the network under rated voltage and under load for a specified time; this ensures a sufficient level of reliability of the insulation of electrical equipment of power lines put into operation;

- in heating networks: purge of steam pipelines with steam discharge into the atmosphere, hydropneumatic flushing of water networks in closed systems heating supply and condenser lines, hydropneumatic washing and disinfection followed by re-rinsing with drinking water in open systems heat supply, hydraulic pressure testing of pipelines and equipment in accordance with the requirements of PTE, individual testing of pumping station equipment.

During comprehensive testing, the joint operation of the main units and their auxiliary equipment under load is checked.

The management of the comprehensive testing is carried out by a technical manager appointed by the commission, as a rule, the chief engineer of the energy enterprise.

To carry out comprehensive testing, the customer provides: qualified, trained (with knowledge testing) operating personnel; water, condensate, electricity, steam, compressed air, lubricants and other auxiliary materials; additional instrumentation to monitor the reliability of equipment operation during startup and commissioning.

During a comprehensive testing, the general contractor and subcontractors ensure the availability of installation personnel on duty for the entire period of complex testing and the completion of the necessary work to eliminate identified installation defects until the end of the comprehensive testing.

Repair work on equipment during the comprehensive testing period is carried out according to work permits in accordance with the requirements of the current PTE and PTB.

Comprehensive testing of double blocks is carried out when two boilers are ready. In the process of comprehensive testing, the technical feasibility must be established reliable operation power installations with the generation, conversion or transmission of electrical or thermal energy envisaged by the design. In accordance with this, PTEs require normal and continuous operation of the introduced object during comprehensive testing. Interruptions in operation caused by failures of the introduced equipment indicate its insufficient reliability and the need for additional adjustment or replacement (repair) of individual components. Based on experience, it has been established that in order to determine the operability of the equipment, it is enough for it to operate continuously for 72 hours. For gas turbine units (GTU) and hydraulic units of HPPs and PSPPs intended for operation in the mode of regulating load peaks in the power system, it is also necessary to ensure the reliability work with frequent starts and stops. Therefore, a prerequisite for comprehensive testing of gas turbine units is the successful completion of 10 automatic starts, and of hydraulic units of hydroelectric power stations and pumped storage power plants - 3 automatic starts.

During comprehensive testing, it is not necessary to turn on automatic control devices that require routine adjustment; such adjustment should be carried out during the period of mastering the equipment.

Comprehensive testing of equipment, as a rule, is carried out using design fuel, at design steam (gas) parameters, rated load, pressures and water flow rates at the hydroelectric power station, at which maximum stresses are observed in the components and parts of the equipment. However, in some cases it may not be possible to meet this requirement.

If all the work provided for by the launch complex is completed in full, and the start-up and loading cannot be carried out according to external reasons: the absence of consumers of electrical and thermal energy for electrical and heating networks, the absence of design fuel for thermal power plants, then the acceptance committee may decide to conduct a comprehensive test using reserve (start-up) fuel with reduced parameters and loads compared to the nominal ones; for power transmission and substations by putting them under voltage (without loading); for heating networks with two or more pipes by circulating the coolant through a jumper, and for a single-pipe heating network by putting it under pressure.

The acceptance committee may also decide to conduct comprehensive testing at partial load and reduced parameters of steam and gas (for gas turbine and combined cycle gas turbine units), if the main equipment (especially head samples) does not allow it to be carried out at nominal values ​​due to design flaws and revealed manufacturing defects .

The first units of newly built hydroelectric power plants, as a rule, are launched and undergo comprehensive testing at reduced water pressures due to incompletely constructed retaining structures, which should be reflected in the start-up complex; specific values starting pressures are established by the acceptance committee. Sometimes, to start at reduced flow rates and water pressures, temporary wheels of hydraulic turbines are used, designed to operate at reduced pressure.

More early implementation comprehensive testing with a deviation from the requirement to achieve the rated load and design parameters allows for hydroelectric power stations to reduce the payback period of capital investments, and for thermal power plants to reduce the period of equipment development. At the same time, the customer receives an earlier opportunity to gain experience in operating the equipment, identifying possible defects in the design, design and manufacture of equipment, which is especially important for prototype samples.

The commissioning certificate for the launch complex notes all deviations from the nominal values ​​in the operation of the equipment, accepted by the acceptance committee. The capacity commissioning plan must take into account the actual capacities achieved during comprehensive testing.