home · Lighting · What is the correct name for bleach? Bleach formula. Percentage composition - how to dilute and use the mixture for processing

What is the correct name for bleach? Bleach formula. Percentage composition - how to dilute and use the mixture for processing


It is obtained by reacting chlorine with slaked lime (calcium hydroxide).

Chemical properties:

In air, bleach slowly decomposes according to the following scheme:

Thermal decomposition

Application:Widely used for whitening and disinfection.

6. Oxygen-containing acids of halogens. Changes in their strength and oxidative capacity. Salts of oxygen-containing acids. Application.

7. General characteristics of the oxygen subgroup.

The oxygen subgroup, or chalcogens, is the 6th group of the periodic table D.I. Mendelev.

From top to bottom, with an increase in the external energy level, physical and Chemical properties chalcogens: the atomic radius of the elements increases, the ionization energy and electron affinity, as well as electronegativity decrease; Non-metallic properties decrease, metallic properties increase (oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium are non-metals), polonium has a metallic luster and electrical conductivity. Hydrogen compounds of chalcogens correspond to the formula: H2R: H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te – chalconic hydrogens.

8. Water. Physical and chemical properties. Water as a solvent. Biological role of water.

Physical properties: water is a colorless liquid, tasteless and odorless, density – 1 g/cm3; freezing temperature – 0 °C (ice), boiling point – 100 °C (steam). At 100 °C and normal pressure, hydrogen bonds are broken and water turns into a gaseous state - steam. Water has poor thermal and electrical conductivity, but good solubility.

Chemical properties: water dissociates slightly:

In the presence of water, hydrolysis of salts occurs - their decomposition with water to form a weak electrolyte:

Interacts with many basic oxides and metals:

With acid oxides:

Water - excellent solvent for polar substances. These include ionic compounds, such as salts, in which charged particles (ions) dissociate in water when the substance is dissolved, as well as some non-ionic compounds, such as sugars and simple alcohols, which contain charged (polar) groups (-OH) in the molecule. .

Biological role of water:

Water plays a unique role as a substance that determines the possibility of existence and the very life of all creatures on Earth. It acts as a universal solvent in which the basic biochemical processes of living organisms occur. The uniqueness of water lies in the fact that it dissolves both organic and inorganic substances quite well, ensuring a high rate of chemical reactions and, at the same time, sufficient complexity of the resulting complex compounds. Thanks to hydrogen bonding, water remains liquid in a wide range of temperatures, and precisely in the one that is widely represented on planet Earth at the present time.

9. Hydrogen sulfide, preparation and properties. Hydrogen sulfide acid. 1st and 2nd dissociation constants. Role in redox processes. Salts of hydrosulfide acid.

Receipt: 1) direct synthesis from elements at a temperature of 600 °C; 2) exposure to sodium and iron sulfides with hydrochloric acid.

10. Sulfuric acid. Role in redox processes. Salts of sulfuric acid. Application.

SO 2 oxide and sulfuric acid exhibit only oxidizing properties, which is due to the highest oxidation state of sulfur (+6)

11. Sulfur compounds in oxidation state +4. Role in redox processes (examples). Application.

12. general characteristics nitrogen subgroups.

They can exhibit oxidation states in compounds from −3 to +5.

13. Ammonia. Preparation, chemical properties, application.

14. Nitric acid. Chemical properties. Interaction with metals. Nitrates. Detection.


The test liquid and copper filings are placed in a flask connected to a refrigerator, the end of which is lowered into a flask with water. The flask is heated in a mineral oil bath or sand bath and the liquid is evaporated almost to dryness. With a sufficient concentration of nitric acid, it is reduced by copper into nitric oxide, which forms nitrogen dioxide (orange vapor) with atmospheric oxygen. The latter, dissolving in water, gives nitric and nitrous acids, which are detected by chemical reactions:

3Сu + 2HNO3 = 3СuО + 2NO + Н2O

3СuО + 6HNO3 = 3Cu(NO3)2 + 3H2O

2NO + O2 = 2NO2; 2NO2 + H2O = HNO2 + HNO3

15. Nitrous acid and its salts. Role in redox processes. Application.

HNO2. Salts nitrous acid(nitrites) are obtained by reducing nitrates:

NaNO 2 +HCI = NaCI+HNO 2.

Nitrous acid exhibits both oxidizing and reducing properties. Under the influence of stronger oxidizing agents (H2O2, KMnO4) it is oxidized to HNO3:

2HNO 2 + 2HI → 2NO + I 2 ↓ + 2H 2 O;

5HNO 2 + 2HMnO 4 → 2Mn(NO 3) 2 + HNO 3 + 3H 2 O;

HNO 2 + Cl 2 + H 2 O → HNO 3 + 2HCl.

16. Biological role nitrogen and phosphorus. Application.

Nitrogen is part of chlorophyll, hemoglobin, etc.

Phosphorus is present in living cells in the form of ortho- and pyrophosphoric acids, and is part of nucleotides, nucleic acids, phosphoproteins, phospholipids, coenzymes, and enzymes. Human bones consist of hydroxyapatite 3Ca3(PO4)3Ca(OH)2. The composition of tooth enamel includes fluorapatite.

17. Arsenic and its compounds. Detection. Effect on a living organism. Application.

Of the inorganic arsenic compounds, arsenous anhydride can be used in medicine for the preparation of pills and in dental practice in the form of a paste as a necrotizing drug.

18. General characteristics of the elements of the carbon subgroup. Effect on a living organism.


The carbon cycle in nature includes the biological cycle, the release of CO 2 (=> photosynthesis).

Silicon compounds are relatively non-toxic. But it is very dangerous to inhale highly dispersed particles of both silicates and silicon dioxide, entering the lungs, crystallizing in them, and the resulting crystals destroy the lung tissue and cause a serious disease - silicosis.

Small amounts of germanium have no physiological effect on plants, but are toxic in large quantities. Germanium is non-toxic to molds.

Tin is part of the gastric enzyme gastrin.

Lead and its compounds are toxic. Once in the body, lead accumulates in the bones, causing their destruction.

Lead is not widely used in medicine due to its high toxicity. Use only Pb(CH 3 COO) 2 3H 2 O, or lead water, for lotions against abrasions

Currently, tin is not used in medicine.

19. Oxygen-containing carbon compounds. Cyanides.

20. Silicon¸ atomic structure. The most important compounds, their properties, applications.

21. General characteristics of elements of group III main subgroup. Application.

22. Bor. Atomic structure, valence. The most important connections. Application

B +5)2)3. Valency is 4.

23. Aluminum and its compounds. Application.

When interacting with strong alkalis, the corresponding


NaOH + Al(OH)3 = Na

Al(OH)3 forms salts with acids

Aluminum halides under normal conditions are colorless crystalline

substances. Among the aluminum halides, AlF3 differs greatly in properties

from their analogues

Al2O3 + 6HF = 2AlF3 + 3H2O

Aluminum compounds with chlorine, bromine and iodine are fusible, very

reactive and highly soluble not only in water, but also in many

organic solvents

AlCl3, AlBr3 and AlI3 smoke in humid air(due to hydrolysis

Widely used as a construction material. It is widely used in cryogenic technology. Material for making mirrors. In the production of building materials as a gas-forming agent. Aluminum acetate (at least in 2003) is an antiseptic, has an astringent and local anti-inflammatory effect.

24. General characteristics of the elements of the main subgroup of group II. Application.

Main subgroup of group II Periodic table elements are beryllium Be, magnesium Mg, calcium Ca, strontium Sr, barium Ba and radium Ra.

The atoms of these elements have two s electrons in the outer electronic level. In chem. In reactions, atoms of elements of the subgroup easily give up both electrons of the outer energy level and form compounds in which the oxidation state of the element is +2. All elements of this subgroup belong to metals. Calcium, strontium, barium and radium are called alkaline earth metals.

Beryllium metal is used to make windows x-ray installations, since it absorbs X-rays 17 times weaker than aluminum. Strontium nitrate is used in pyrotechnics, and its carbonate and oxide are used in the sugar industry. Barium hydroxide and chloride are used in laboratory practice, barium peroxide - to produce hydrogen peroxide, nitrate and chlorate - in pyrotechnics, barium sulfate - in fluoroscopy of the digestive organs. Barium compounds are poisonous. Radium salts are used for research purposes, as well as to obtain radon, which has healing properties.

25. Water hardness and ways to eliminate it.

Water hardness is a property of water (does not lather, produces scale in steam

boilers) associated with the content of soluble calcium compounds and

magnesium, this is a parameter showing the content of calcium and magnesium cations in

There are two types of rigidity: temporary and permanent.

To get rid of temporary hardness, you just need to boil

water. When water boils, bicarbonate anions react with

cations and form very slightly soluble carbonate salts with them,

which precipitate.

Ca2 + 2HCO3- = CaCO3v + H2O + CO2^

From a chemical point of view, it is very easy to combat the consequence of constant water hardness - scale. It is necessary to act on the salt of a weak acid with an acid

stronger. The latter takes the place of coal, which, being

unstable, decomposes into water and carbon dioxide. The composition of scale may

include silicates, sulfates, and phosphates. But if you destroy the carbonate

“skeleton”, then these connections will not stay on the surface.

26. Alkali metals. Change in ionization potential. Role in redox processes. The most important compounds, biological role, application.

These are elements of group 1 of the periodic table chemical elements: lithium Li, sodium Na, potassium K, rubidium Rb, cesium Cs and francium Fr. When alkali metals are dissolved in water, soluble hydroxides called alkalis are formed.

Ionization energy, a type of binding energy or, as it is sometimes called, first ionization potential, is the smallest energy required to remove an electron from a free atom in its lowest energy (ground) state to infinity.

All alkali metals are characterized by reducing properties.

Hydroxides (To obtain hydroxides of alkali metals, electrolytic methods are mainly used), Carbonates (An important product containing an alkali metal is soda Na2CO3. The main amount of soda throughout the world is produced using the Solvay method, proposed at the beginning of the 20th century. The essence of the method is as follows : an aqueous solution of NaCl to which ammonia has been added is saturated carbon dioxide at a temperature of 26 - 30 °C. This produces slightly soluble sodium bicarbonate, called baking soda).

In terms of content in the human body, sodium (0.08%) and potassium (0.23%) are considered macroelements, the rest are lithium (10-4%), rubidium (10-5%) and cesium (10-4%) - microelements. Alkali metals in the form of various compounds are part of animal and human tissues. Sodium and potassium are vital elements that are constantly contained in the body and participate in metabolism. Lithium, rubidium, cesium are also constantly contained in the body, but their physiological and biochemical role is poorly understood.

Lithium is used in special light alloys, organolithium derivatives are widely used in the synthesis of various classes organic compounds. Sodium is used in metallothermy. Metallic sodium and its liquid alloy with potassium are used in organic synthesis. Sodium amalgam is often used as a reducing agent. From heavy alkali metals technical application finds only cesium, which, due to its low ionization potential, is used to create photosensitive layers in vacuum photocells.

27. Chrome. The structure of the atom. Possible oxidation states. Acid-base properties. Application.

Cr +24)2)8)13)1

Chromium has oxidation states of +2, +3 and +6.

As the degree of oxidation increases, the acidic and oxidizing properties increase. Chromium Cr2+ derivatives are very strong reducing agents. The Cr2+ ion is formed at the first stage of the dissolution of Chromium in acids or during the reduction of Cr3+ in an acidic solution with zinc. When dehydrated, hydroxide Cr(OH)2 turns into Cr2O3. Cr3+ compounds are stable in air. They can be both reducing and oxidizing agents. Cr3+ can be reduced in an acidic solution with zinc to Cr2+ or oxidized in an alkaline solution to CrO42- with bromine and other oxidizing agents. Hydroxide Cr(OH)3 (or rather Cr2O3 nH2O) is an amphoteric compound that forms salts with the Cr3+ cation or salts of chromous acid HCrO2 - chromites (for example, KSrO2, NaCrO2). Cr6+ compounds: chromic anhydride CrO3, chromic acids and their salts, among which the most important are chromates and dichromates - strong oxidizing salts.

Used as wear-resistant and beautiful galvanic coatings (chrome plating). Chromium is used for the production of alloys: chromium-30 and chromium-90, which are indispensable for the production of nozzles for powerful plasma torches and in the aerospace industry.

28. Redox properties of chromium compounds with varying degrees of oxidation.

Chromium is chemically inactive. Under normal conditions, it reacts only with fluorine (from non-metals), forming a mixture of fluorides.

Chromates and dichromates

Chromates are formed by the interaction of CrO3, or solutions of chromic acids with alkalis:

СгО3 + 2NaOH = Na2CrO4 + Н2О

Dichromates are obtained by the action of acids on chromates:

2 Na2Cr2O4 + H2SO4 = Na2Cr2O7 + Na2SO4 + H2O

Chromium compounds are characterized by redox reactions.

Chromium (II) compounds are strong reducing agents and are easily oxidized

4(5gCl2 + O2 + 4HCI = 4CrCl3 + 2H2O

Chromium compounds (!!!) are characterized by reducing properties. Under the influence of oxidizing agents they go:

to chromates - in an alkaline environment,

in dichromats - in acidic environment.

29. Amphotericity of chromium (III) hydroxide. Chromites, their reducing properties.

Cr(OH)3. CrOH + HCl = CrCl + H2O, 3CrOH + 2NaOH = Cr3Na2O3 + 3H2O

Chromates(III) (old name: chromites).

Chromium compounds are characterized by reducing properties. Under the influence of oxidizing agents they go:

to chromates - in an alkaline environment,

in dichromates - in an acidic environment.

2Na3 [Cr(OH)6] + 3Br2 + 4NaOH = 2Na2CrO4 + 6NaBr + 8H2O

5Cr2(SO4)3 + 6KMnO4 + 11H2O = 3K2Cr2O7 + 2H2Cr2O7 + 6MnSO4 + 9H2SO4

Salts of chromic acids in an acidic environment are strong oxidizing agents:

3Na2SO3 + K2Cr2O7 + 4H2SO4 = 3Na2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + K2SO4 + 4H2O

30. Chromic and dichromic acids, their salts, role in redox reactions.

Chromic acid H2CrO4, dichromic acid H2Cr2O7

Salts - chromates and dichromates

Chromium (III) compounds play the role of reducing agents in an alkaline environment. Under the influence of various oxidizing agents - Cl2, Br2, H2O2, KmnO4, etc. - they turn into chromium (IV) compounds - chromates

Strong oxidizing agents, such as KMnO4, (NH4)2S2O8, in an acidic environment convert Cr (III) compounds into dichromates:

Thus, the oxidizing properties consistently increase with a change in oxidation states in the series: Cr2+ Cr3+ Cr6+. Cr(II) compounds are strong reducing agents and are easily oxidized, turning into chromium compounds. (III). Chromium (VI) compounds are strong oxidizing agents and are easily reduced to chromium (III) compounds. Compounds with an intermediate oxidation state, i.e. chromium (III) compounds, can, when interacting with strong reducing agents, exhibit oxidizing properties, turning into chromium (II) compounds, and when interacting with strong oxidizing agents (for example, bromine, KMnO4) exhibit reducing properties , turning into chromium(VI) compounds.

31. Manganese. The structure of the atom. Possible oxidation states. Acid-base properties.

Atomic structure diagram: Mn +25)2)8)13)2.

Characteristic oxidation states of manganese: +2, +3, +4, +6, +7 (+1, +5 are not very characteristic)


32. Redox properties of manganese compounds depending on the degree of oxidation.

Manganese - element VIIB (7) of group has valence configuration 3 d 54s 2. In connections

manganese exhibits oxidation states from 0 to +7, the most stable of which are +2, +4, +6 and +7.

Manganese (II) compounds exhibit reducing properties in reactions, both acidic and

alkaline environment:

2MnSO4 + 5PbO2 + 6HNO3 = HMnO4 + 3Pb(NO3)3 + 2PbSO4 + 2H2O

MnSO4 + H2O2 + 2NaOH = Mn(OH)4↓ + Na2SO4

The MnS precipitate oxidizes when standing in air:

MnS + O2 + 2H2O = Mn(OH)4↓ + S↓

Manganese(IV) compounds can act both as an oxidizing agent and as a

reducing agent. Manganese (IV) exhibits reducing properties, for example, when

obtaining potassium permanganate by fusing berthollet salt with manganese (IV) oxide and

3MnO2 + KClO3+ 6KOH = 3K2MnO4 + KCL + 3H2O

An example of the oxidative properties of manganese (IV) compounds is the reaction of dioxide

manganese with iron (II) sulfate:

MnO2 + 2FeSO4 + 2H2SO4 = MnSO4 + Fe2(SO4)3 + 2H2O

Manganese (VI) compounds have oxidizing properties, but when exposed to more

strong oxidizing agents can also act as a reducing agent:

K2MnO4 + Na2SO3 + H2SO4 = MnO2↓ + Na2SO4 + K2SO4+ H2O

2K2MnO4+ Cl2 = 2KMnO4 + 2KCl

Manganese (VII) compounds, salts of manganese acid, permanganates, are some of the

the most powerful oxidizing agents. Depending on the pH of the medium, the permanganate ion is reduced

to varying degrees:

Acidic environment: MnO4 + 8H + 5е→ Mn2 + 4H20

Neutral medium: MnO4 + 2H2O + 3е→ MnO2 + 4OH

Alkaline environment: MnO4 + 1е→ MnO42

33. Behavior of potassium permanganate in various environments (examples). Application.

Is a strong oxidizing agent. Depending on the pH of the solution, it oxidizes various substances, being reduced to manganese compounds of varying degrees of oxidation. In an acidic environment - to manganese(II) compounds, in a neutral environment - to manganese(IV) compounds, in a strongly alkaline environment - to manganese(VI) compounds.

Examples of reactions are given below (using the example of interaction with potassium sulfite:

in an acidic environment: 2KMnO4 + 5K2SO3 + 3H2SO4 → 6K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 3H2O;

in a neutral environment: 2KMnO4 + 3K2SO3 + H2O → 3K2SO4 + 2MnO2 + 2KOH;

in an alkaline medium: 2KMnO4 + K2SO3 + 2KOH → K2SO4 + 2K2MnO4 + H2O;

Dilute solutions (about 0.1%) of potassium permanganate have found widespread use in medicine as an antiseptic, for gargling, washing wounds, and treating burns. A diluted solution is used as an emetic for oral administration in case of some poisonings.

34. General characteristics of the iron triad. Role in a living organism.

The elements of the iron triad (iron, cobalt, nickel) are in the secondary subgroup of group VIII. The atoms of the elements of the iron triad have 2 electrons at the external energy level, which they give up in chemical reactions. In their stable compounds, these elements exhibit oxidation states +2, +3. They form oxides of the composition RO and R2O3. They correspond to hydroxides of the composition ROH)2 and R(OH)3.

In their normal state, iron, cobalt, and nickel are heavy, silvery-white metals with high temperatures. All these metals have excellent mechanical properties.

In living organisms, iron is an important trace element that catalyzes the processes of oxygen exchange (respiration). The adult human body contains about 3.5 grams of iron (about 3.5 grams), catalyzing respiration processes in cells. Lack of iron manifests itself as a disease of the body (chlorosis in plants and anemia in animals).

Cobalt is involved in the enzymatic processes of atmospheric nitrogen fixation by nodule bacteria. The average person's body (body weight 70 kg) contains about 14 mg of cobalt.

Nickel is one of the trace elements necessary for the normal development of living organisms. However, little is known about its role in living organisms. It is known that nickel takes part in enzymatic reactions in animals and plants. In animals, it accumulates in keratinized tissues, especially feathers.

35. Iron, atomic structure, oxidation states. Changes in the properties of compounds with changes in the oxidation state of iron. Role in a living organism. Application.

Atomic structure diagram: Fe +26)2)8)14)2.

Iron is characterized by oxidation states of iron - +2 and +3, less often - +6. (the corresponding oxide and hydroxide do not exist in free form). Ferrates are the strongest oxidizing agents.

Iron (II) compounds - reducing properties. Iron (III) compounds exhibit amphoteric properties.

In living organisms, iron is an important trace element that catalyzes the processes of oxygen exchange (respiration). The adult human body contains about 3.5 grams of iron (about 0.02%), of which 78% is the main active element of blood hemoglobin, the rest is part of enzymes. Iron deficiency manifests itself as a disease of the body (chlorosis in plants and anemia in animals).

Iron is one of the most used metals, accounting for up to 95% of global metallurgical production. Iron can be part of alloys based on other metals - for example, nickel. The unique ferromagnetic properties of a number of iron-based alloys contribute to their widespread use in electrical engineering for magnetic cores of transformers and electric motors. Ferrous sulfate decahydrate (iron sulfate) mixed with copper sulfate is used to combat harmful fungi in gardening and construction. Iron is used as an anode in iron-nickel batteries and iron-air batteries.

Processes in any industry, in medicine, in public catering. And it’s just difficult to keep your home crystal clean without using special drugs. The most accessible and well-known is chlorine. This poisonous substance helps defeat bacteria and insects, fungi and mold. Therefore, a caustic solution has been used to disinfect all surfaces since ancient times. Today, despite the abundance of soap and detergents, bleach continues to be widely used for disinfection. Whether it's good or bad, let's figure it out together.

general description

Many of us are so accustomed to the smell of “Whiteness” that we can no longer imagine cleaning without it. In fact, bleach for disinfection was widely used throughout schools and hospitals, kindergartens and residential premises. It is a white powder that has a pungent, bad smell, but has excellent whitening properties.

What is the danger?

When working with this substance, be sure to use rubber gloves and a mask. It can affect the respiratory system, so we must not forget about safety precautions. Bleach for disinfection is an irreplaceable, but very aggressive product. It may damage the coating, so test first small area. If after ten minutes neither the color nor the structure have changed, then you can clean.

Once again, please note that bleach for disinfection should not be used without protective equipment. It is toxic in any form. Once in the body, it can negatively affect health. Exposure to the skin is also undesirable; in this case, rinse the affected area with water and consult a doctor, as this can lead to a serious burn.

Cleanliness and mold protection

The bleach solution for disinfection can have different concentrations to decide different tasks. Very often in winter time Mold begins to gather in the corners. This is especially true for private houses with stove heating. To deal with mold, dilute 30 grams of dry powder in a liter of water. You now have a working solution. After sanitization, it is important to ventilate the room very thoroughly. Caustic fumes are dangerous to the body, so there should be no people or animals in the room during cleaning.


After it has been completed spring-cleaning, it is necessary to maintain cleanliness. For this purpose, it is used which is then diluted for specific needs. To prepare the concentrate, you will need to take 1 kg of bleach. You will need to dilute it with 10 liters of water, that is, in a ratio of 1:10. Now leave for a day for an insoluble precipitate to form.

Instructions for use

Above we looked at how to dilute bleach for disinfection. Now let's talk about how to use it. To wash floors and rinse dishes, use a weak solution, 0.5%. That is, half a liter of the original concentrate is diluted in a bucket of water. Previously, hospitals used it to disinfect hands. It was prepared simply, using 250 ml of concentrate per bucket of water. For cleaning floors and appliances in technical rooms a 5% solution is used. To prepare it, take 5 liters of a 10% solution per 5 liters of water.

If you have pets at home

Bleach is excellent at removing urine stains and odors, but for some animals, the smell of bleach itself is a stimulus to renew their “marks.” If your pet has this characteristic, then it is best to change the disinfectant.

Bleach and water

The bactericidal properties of this substance have not yet been surpassed by any other product. Chlorination is still the main method for water purification. This method is used in city water utilities to purify water in swimming pools and wells. Bleach for water disinfection must be used strictly in accordance with the dosage, otherwise you will smell an unpleasant odor, the water will irritate your skin, and it will become completely unsuitable for drinking.

Things to consider:

  • The pH of the water should be 7.2-7.6. If hard water, then you will have to wait a very long time for the powder or tablet to completely dissolve. Therefore, additional measures will have to be taken to mitigate it.
  • For the solution it is recommended to take cold water, because the warmer it is, the less chlorine can dissolve.
  • After using chlorine, you must wait at least 20 hours. During this time, a complete reaction will occur and the water will become clean again.

It is quite difficult to calculate the dosage, since different manufacturers They produce products of different concentrations. You must follow the instructions. At home, “Whiteness” is often used. This is a solution Consumption - approximately 1 liter per 10 cubic meters. meters.

Wells also need to be chlorinated. To do this, use capsules or a 1% solution. Dry bleach is not used for disinfection, as it is very difficult to dose. It is very convenient to use capsules. They are lowered to depth and changed periodically. This measure eliminates the risk of developing intestinal or other infections.

Tablet form

Today no one measures by eye, pouring or pouring reagent into water. There is bleach tablets for this. It is much better suited for disinfection. It is sold in pharmacies and hardware stores. A popular remedy is “Abacteril-chlorine”. Such products dissolve well in water and can be used to prepare solutions for sanitation.

Unlike powdered chlorine, here on the packaging it is precisely indicated in what proportions the tablets should be added to the water. Each of them contains 1.5 grams of active chlorine. They are packaged in plastic jars of 300 pieces. Because of this, users sometimes express their dissatisfaction, because it is very difficult to use such a quantity in the territory of your home. On the other hand, this is a non-perishable product; it can be easily stored for a long time.

BLEACHING POWDER- a product obtained by the action of chlorine gas on slaked lime. Bleaching lime was discovered by Theiard in 1798, when he saturated it with chlorine to prepare Javel water. lime milk instead of an expensive caustic soda solution. He was the first to propose using chlorine on dry slaked lime; this method of producing bleaching lime is still used today. Bleaching lime goes on sale in the form of a white dry powder that does not have a strictly defined chemical composition. Bleaching lime is widely used for bleaching cotton fabrics and paper pulp, for making paper, and is also used as a powerful disinfectant and, being an accumulator of active chlorine, is used in chlorination reactions, such as, for example, in the preparation of chloroform. Currently, bleaching lime is produced (if pure chlorine is used for its production) in special chambers, where dry calcium oxide hydrate is poured onto a cemented floor in a layer of 8-10 cm.

The chamber is tightly closed and chlorine gas is introduced into it, which reacts with slaked lime in the presence of a certain amount of moisture. At the end of the reaction, the chamber is well ventilated, and the finished bleaching lime is poured immediately into barrels. The moisture content of calcium oxide hydrate should be around 4%. In such chambers it is impossible to work with diluted chlorine, such as chlorine obtained by the Deacon method, and therefore, to use chlorine containing inert impurities, the reaction of saturating calcium oxide hydrate with chlorine is carried out in special cast iron cylinders located one above the other. It means that lime is transferred from one cylinder to another in the direction from top to bottom. The movement of calcium oxide hydrate in the cylinders is carried out by screws, which, like inner surface cast iron cylinders, coated with chlorine-resistant enamel. The direction of chlorine is opposite to the movement of lime, namely: chlorine is introduced into the apparatus through the lower cylinder and drawn through the entire system by suction from the upper cylinder. Such a device operates on the countercurrent principle, and therefore allows the use of diluted chlorine. The finished product comes out of the lower cylinder and is poured into barrels. The system usually consists of six cylinders, each 4 m long.

When chlorine gas acts on calcium oxide hydrate, chlorine is formed. arr. products of the following chemical composition:

in various proportions.

Even Balyard, who discovered hypochlorous acid, expressed the opinion in 1835 that bleaching lime is a compound or mixture of CaCl 2 and Ca(OCl) 2. According to Dietz's work, when chlorine acts on slaked lime at a low temperature (while cooling), two molecules of calcium oxide hydrate react with one molecule of chlorine to first form an intermediate product of the basic nature of the chemical formula:

The resulting free calcium oxide hydrate reacts with chlorine gas according to the first equation. If we take into account the above circumstance, we can calculate that for 4 molecules of calcium oxide hydrate, 3 molecules of chlorine will be required, which can be represented by the following equation:

But if the calcium oxide hydrate contained a sufficient amount of moisture when loading, then the released water will cause the dissociation of the main salt with the release of calcium oxide hydrate. Then for 8 molecules of Ca(OH), 7 molecules of chlorine are required, which is expressed by the equation:

Based on the above reasoning, it can be seen that as the reaction progresses, bleaching lime is obtained increasingly rich in chlorine content. Therefore, the final reaction for producing bleaching lime can be represented by the following formula:

where n = 1, 2, 2 2, 2 3, etc. If complete saturation occurs according to the equation:

then bleaching lime must contain 49% active chlorine. In fact, working in a very favorable conditions, you can get a product containing 42-45% active chlorine.

Technical bleaching lime usually contains 35-36% active chlorine. According to the works of Neumann and Gauk, pure and fresh bleaching lime does not contain free calcium chloride, which is also evident from the fact that bleaching lime does not exhibit the same ability to dissolve in air as is characteristic of calcium chloride. Therefore, bleaching lime is a mixed salt of hypochlorous and hydrochloric acids. If you take chemically pure products to prepare bleaching lime, then, according to Neumann and Gauck, you get a product containing 39% active chlorine according to the following chemical formula:

Research by Neumann and Gauck showed the importance of the purity of the starting materials for the production of bleaching lime; for example, if the lime is poorly burned or the chlorine contains carbon dioxide, then the result is a low-resistant product that quickly attracts moisture and has a low content of active chlorine.

Bleaching lime is stored only in well-closed containers. In air it attracts carbon dioxide and releases free chlorine. Completely dry carbon dioxide has no effect on bleaching lime, and the reaction requires the presence of moisture. If bleaching lime is kept in the cold and in the dark, the active chlorine content decreases by 1/4 - 1/2% per month. The durability of bleaching lime is increased by drying it at 100° under a reduced pressure of 50 mm. Impurities of iron and manganese accelerate the decomposition of bleaching lime with the release of active chlorine, and also spoil appearance product. Oxides of aluminum, magnesium and silicon do not affect the decomposition of bleaching lime, but their presence increases the weight of the product, which reduces the content of active chlorine. Technical analysis of bleaching lime consists of determining the amount of active chlorine by titration with sodium arsenic acid (Peno's solution), and the end of the reaction is determined by iodide-starch paper. The analysis should be carried out weak solutions and as soon as possible so that no loss of chlorine occurs. Peno's solution is prepared by dissolving arsenous anhydride in a solution of bicarbonate of soda and determining the iodine titer. The calculation is carried out according to the equation

In some factories, the strength of bleaching lime solutions is determined by their density, measured according to Baume, which gives only relative numbers and is only suitable for bleaching lime with the same constant content of active chlorine. Varieties of bleaching lime with different contents of active chlorine are incomparable using this method, because if the solution contains calcium chloride or lime, then these substances increase the density of the solutions, but do not contain active chlorine. For bleaching lime containing 35% active Cl, the relationship between the density of solutions according to Baume and the amount of active Cl per liter of solution is as follows:

Chloric (bleaching) lime has found its application in many industrial sectors. It is a powdery mixture of white or gray color, with a distinct chlorine odor. It is marketed in three types, which are distinguished by different active concentrations of chlorine: (35, 32, 28%). The chemical formula of bleach Ca(ClO)2, CaCl2 and Ca(OH)2 includes dicarboxylic acids, calcium salt and hypochlorous acids, oxychloride, slaked lime and hydrochloric acid salts HCl. slaked lime formula. If the composition is exposed to direct sunlight, it will begin to deform. This destroys some active components. Accordingly, it is recommended to store the material in an airtight bag or special packaging protected from the sun.


  • treatment of walls and ceilings of premises or other surfaces. o MDF for the ceiling;
  • neutralization and destruction of pathogens;
  • disinfection of toilets, wastewater disposal pits, waste containers.

It is worth noting that in pure form bleach can disinfect a surface only after it is moistened.

For maximum sterility of the treated area, it is rational to use chlorine-based solutions (10 or 20 percent).

A ten or twenty percent solution is mixed in this way. Two kilograms of dry composition are used, a liter of running water is added to it and thoroughly mixed until smooth. Then, you need to add up to ten liters of water to the resulting solution and do not forget to mix everything thoroughly.

After this, the mixture is poured into a special container made of glass or enamel, transferred to a closed, semi-basement room and infused for more than a day. Every other day, the filtered solution is poured into the required vessel.

Before necessary work, based on the solution discussed in the article, it is necessary to prepare a working mixture of the required consistency.

The method of preparing milk from chlorine and lime is similar to preparing ten or twenty percentage composition bleaching lime. Only the composition does not need to be left for a day, but used immediately.

Composition and characteristics, chemical formula of bleach

The composition of bleaching lime includes calcium salt of hydrochloric, hypochlorous acid and hydrates, quicklime in various ratios and dosages. its formula. It all depends on the technical production conditions and storage conditions for the components of the product.

The material in question is extracted by passing it through lime, quenched with water (fluff). about its application. The result is a white powdery mixture with an unpleasant odor.

If a small amount of powder is poured into water, it will dissolve without residue.

The dry mixture is non-flammable. When acid and moisture enter into a chemical reaction, chlorine begins to be released abundantly. This can even occur with minimum temperature eighteen degrees. Bleaching lime used in technical conditions, is not considered stable.

In open spaces, it absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide as much as possible. As a result, the dry mass becomes liquid or lumps appear in it.

If the lime comes into direct contact with air, sun rays, warmth, high humidity, it will begin to collapse by dividing into parts.

This is also possible when it comes into contact with organic components (sawdust, coal dust, industrial oil). The process often occurs simultaneously or in parallel with spontaneous combustion.

For more information about bleach, watch the video:


Bleaching lime is distinguished by its disinfecting abilities due to its active chloride components. In a humid environment, the material absorbs the lightest gas, which, when combined with oxygen, forms water. As a result chemical reaction hydrogen chloride and acid are formed.

When exposed to a humid environment, the latter elements quickly decompose into oxygen and hydrogen, where the former element is distinguished by its oxidizing, antibacterial and deodorizing properties.

The latter element, in turn, turns into hydrogen chloride with increasing humidity. Bleaching lime is used for antiseptic treatment of premises and warehouses where animals were kept or their waste products were located.

Also the material described in the article disinfect drinking and waste water, nitrogen-potassium fertilizer, as well as wagons in which cattle were previously transported.

The material is used in powder form in rooms with high humidity, as well as for disinfecting wet soil. Bleaching lime in the required concentration can disinfect urine, residues of nitrogen-potassium fertilizer, and the wet floor of premises where animals are raised.

To prepare a disinfectant solution containing two percent of the active substance, you need to mix one hundred liters of water and eight kilograms of lime, which contains more than 40 percent chlorine.

The solution should be mixed in a barrel made of wood, glass or enamel. about the proportion of cement lime mortar for plaster.

After 24 hours of settling and sedimentation, the upper transparent mixture is drained and used as a disinfectant. To prepare the disinfectant mixture, bleaching lime is poured into a barrel. At the same time, water is introduced into it in a thin stream.

The main thing is not to stop stirring the solution from the moment it is added. Then the rest of the water is added, the amount of which depends on the thickness of the finished mixture.

The prepared disinfectant material is used on this day or no later than 24 hours to disinfect the surfaces, partitions and walls of rooms where animals previously lived. about MDF for walls.

Using bleach for disinfection

For treating animal cages in zoos or circuses, as well as bird feeders. It is added to the disinfectant mat and disinfectants. To increase bactericidal properties in the composition It is recommended to add acid or sodium chloride.

If the disinfecting solution will be used at temperatures below zero degrees, antifreeze is added to it. The material discussed in the article in the form of a mixture or a lighter solution is used for disinfecting premises in acute cases. viral diseases animals:

  • plague or foot-and-mouth disease (chlorine concentration should not exceed two percent);
  • for zoonotic infectious-allergic diseases, infectious vaginitis of cows, for viral diseases in rabbits (the active concentration of chlorine should not exceed two and a half percent);
  • pseudorabies, infectious bulbar palsy, infectious meningoencephalitis (the active concentration of chlorine should not exceed three percent);
  • when horses are infected, widespread pneumonia, peripneumonia of cows (the active concentration of chlorine should not exceed four percent);
  • for a disease caused by Koch's bacillus (the active concentration of chlorine should not exceed five percent).

In case of malignant carbuncle or anthrax, the room where the animals lived is cleaned with bleaching lime three times a day.

In this case, the active concentration of chlorine should not be less than five percent.

For maximum disinfection, it is necessary to use five percent bleach in combination with sulfuric acid in equal proportions. soda lime formula.

The temperature of the disinfecting solution should not exceed twenty degrees. To disinfect eggs, they are treated before being placed in the incubator. chlorine solution with a concentration of substances not exceeding one and a half percent. The eggs must remain in the solution for at least three minutes.

Bleaching lime is suitable for disinfecting drinking water, disinfecting water in reservoirs after it has settled (two hundred grams of material per twenty liters of sludge).

It has found its application for neutralizing toxic substances that can settle on the skin, soil or other surfaces.

Bleaching powder

Bleaching lime is also used to treat infected diseases: ulcers formed after the bite of a poisonous insect or snake, etc. Bleach treated as domestic premises, and industrial facilities.

The substance has found its use as a sterilizer for dishes in which dairy products are stored; it is also used to treat industrial devices (two percent solution), car tires, chassis, inner body. about how long it takes for car putty to dry.

The result is a disinfectant mixture with the components of methanal and chlorine.

On square meter For the surface to be treated, it is necessary to purchase fifteen grams of methanal and twenty grams of a technical mixture of hypochlorite, calcium chloride and calcium hydroxide.

Wherein relative humidity indoors should be within 90 percent. If bleaching lime is mixed with ammonium nitrate (add nitric salt and drinking water) as a result, chlorine, chloramine and ammonium chloride appear. This combination of elements disinfects any surface.

At industrial production facilities where poultry is raised, the air it breathes is disinfected. It's comfortable carry out chlorine-turpentine in the form of aerosols. In this case, you need to adhere correct ratio active substances (four to one).

As a result, chlorine and turpentine begin to be actively released. The drugs are used at the following consumption: two grams of the material described in the article with an activity of more than thirty percent and half a liter of turpentine per cubic meter of water.

Disinfection is carried out even if there are birds in the room, but it is necessary to adhere to rational temperature regime. At infectious disease in rabbitry, chlorine turpentine solution is obtained by mixing two grams of the material discussed in the article and 0.2-0.3 ml of turpentine.

This solution will be sufficient for cubic meter premises. If a heating installation is used in rabbitries, it is recommended to place the reagents in a special tank. An aerosol with a smoky structure completely covers the entire room.

Disinfection for infectious diseases of rabbits is carried out up to four times over three days.

Additional processing can be carried out after half a month.


To disinfect a room where animals grow and reproduce, it is recommended to treat it with aerosols obtained by actively combining bleaching lime with formaldehyde or ammonium nitrate. This composition can also be used to treat hatching eggs.

A combination of methanal (thirty-eight percent solution) and lime (twenty-eight percent chlorine) is acceptable. Methanal and technical mixture hypochlorite, calcium chloride and hydroxide are diluted in special twenty-liter vessels.

After disinfection, the number of bacteria decreases significantly within a week. For preventive purposes Disinfection can be carried out at weekly intervals. Veterinarians recommend disinfection with aerosols when respiratory illnesses occur.

Better known to us as bleach, it is a product that is obtained by reacting calcium hydroxide with free chlorine. The most known property bleach is a disinfectant. Only a chlorine solution can kill some bacteria and viruses. It is effective even against HIV infection, tuberculosis and viral hepatitis! It is these properties of bleach that are widely used almost everywhere:

  • for processing and disinfection of equipment and instruments (in hairdressing salons, beauty salons, etc.);
  • glass products;
  • plastic products and surfaces;
  • underwear and bed linen, as well as workwear;
  • rubber products;
  • dishes;
  • furniture and interior items;
  • children's toys, especially preschool institutions education;
  • various surfaces of premises (floors, bathrooms, panels, etc.).

You couldn't help but notice that medical institutions use bleach solutions almost everywhere. Every person associates the smell of bleach with a hospital! This state of affairs is completely justified, since bleach is the only solution that can disinfect absolutely any biological material or waste products of the body.

No matter what the manufacturers say various means for disinfection that does not contain chlorine - only this substance is capable of long time protect surfaces from various pathogens. When interacting with carbon dioxide, bleach releases free chlorine, which provides a prolonged disinfecting effect. Thus, the treated surfaces remain relatively sterile for quite a long time.

What chlorine solutions are used for disinfection and how to prepare them correctly?

For disinfection use:

  • dry bleach;
  • bleach, which is prepared by mixing 3 parts water and 1 part bleach;
  • powder, which consists of talc and bleach in a ratio of 1:2;
  • special tablets for water disinfection;
  • chlorine-lime milk (chlorine + water in a ratio of 1:9).

Dry bleach is used to treat cesspools and in medical institutions, for disinfection of liquid biological materials (sputum, blood, pus, urine, etc.). To prepare a 10% chlorine solution, which is commonly called mother liquor, in a volume of 10 liters, you need:

  1. take 1 kg of bleach and mix it with 2-3 liters of water;
  2. stir well with a wooden spatula until a homogeneous suspension is formed;
  3. increase the volume to 10 liters by adding required amount water;
  4. Close the lid tightly and place in a dry, dark place;
  5. stir constantly during the first 3-4 hours;
  6. after 1 day, the suspension is filtered through several layers of gauze, leaving a chlorine-lime sediment at the bottom of the container.

This solution is stored in a dark, cool room that is well ventilated. This solution retains its disinfecting properties for up to 10 days. To prepare a solution for disinfection, mix the mother liquor with water in a ratio of 1:3.

The disinfecting properties of chlorine can be enhanced by adding a special activator, which can be a solution ammonia. This solution has better bactericidal properties, which means it is more effective.

If you have a need in bulk, then you can easily order it on the website of the Prodvizhenie Trading Company, which can provide any volumes you need. The company's pricing policy is very affordable, and the prices will pleasantly surprise you.