home · electrical safety · Vetonite sand-cement mixture. "Vetonit", plaster: technical characteristics, purpose. Classification of cement-sand mixtures

Vetonite sand-cement mixture. "Vetonit", plaster: technical characteristics, purpose. Classification of cement-sand mixtures

  • Pouring and curing negative temperatures up to -15 °C without additional heating
  • Highly fluid, expanding when set
  • Fills the pouring space well, even in hard-to-reach places
  • Rapid strength gain, even at sub-zero temperatures
  • Resistant to salt and frost

Application area

The non-shrinking mortar weber.vetonit JB 600/5 P is used for grouting joints of concrete elements, pouring and grouting prefabricated concrete structures; for filling anchor connections; for performing various fillings and gravies in narrow and hard-to-reach places with a layer thickness of 15-100 mm per pour. Compressive strength 60 MPa.

Note: Suitable for use according to European building codes B4 and European Concrete Association (BY50) classifications for the following load classes: XC4, XD3, XS3, XF2 and XA1 (see EN 206-1)


Color Grey
Binder rapid hardening Portland cement
Aggregate natural sand
Supplements substances that improve weather resistance and workability,
as well as increasing the volume of fresh concrete,
providing strength gain at low temperatures
Filler fraction size, mm 0- 5
Volume expansion, % +1
Air content, % 2-6
Water consumption, l/kg 0,104-0,116
Water consumption, l/25 kg bag 2,6-2,9
Time of use from the moment of mixing with water, hour. 1
Compressive strength, MPa 60
Strength gain, MPa, EN 12390-3 via:
1 day approx. 2 MPa (at t= -5 °C) and approx. 1 MPa (at t= -15 °C)
7 days approx. 30 MPa (at t= -5 °C) and approx. 10 MPa (at t= -15 °C)
28 days approx. 45 MPa (at t= -5 °C) and approx. 20 MPa (at t= -15 °C)
Modulus of elasticity, MN/m 2 34500
Wet density, kg/m3 approx. 2200
Amount of ready solution approx. 12 l/ 25 kg approx. 480 l/1000 kg
Frost resistance 300 cycles (SFS 5447), frost resistant to salt (SS137244)
Packing The dry mixture is supplied in paper bags of 25 kg and 1000 kg.
Storage Bags should be stored on pallets,
preventing them from contacting the ground and protecting them from moisture.
Shelf life in unopened packages in dry rooms -
about 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Non-shrinking mortar weber.vetonit JB 600/5 P

Non-shrink cement mortar weber.vetonit JB 600/5 P is usually used for anchoring, for pouring the bases of concrete columns, machine foundations and other hard-to-reach places in winter conditions (at temperatures up to -15 ° C). The layer thickness is 15-100 mm in one pass. Non-shrink repair solutions Weber are produced on the basis of quick-hardening Portland cement; natural sand with different sizes factions. A special additives in the composition improve the weather resistance and workability of the solution, provide strength gain at sub-zero temperatures. Rapid-hardening Portland cement has an expansion effect before setting, which compensates for shrinkage deformations.

Weber.vetonit non-shrinking mortars are very fluid, but are not so-called self-leveling mortars. Thanks to its excellent flowability, weber.vetonit JB 600/5 P is suitable for use on sites where, due to tight formwork or casting spaces, quickly compacting and filling mortars are required.

Frost-resistant concrete weber.vetonit JB 600/5 P has the following advantages:

  • high turnover;
  • expansion effect;
  • rapid strength gain;
  • resistance to salts and dynamic loads;
  • frost resistance of at least 300 cycles.

Features of working with JB 600/5 P solution

Typical Applications non-shrink mortar weber.vetonit JB 600/5 P are pouring column bases, anchors, installation of industrial machines. To provide high quality performance of work, it is necessary:

  • apply a non-shrinking solution to the prepared concrete base, which must be rough to ensure adhesion;
  • passivate galvanized steel anchors;
  • ensure the tightness of the formwork;
  • strictly follow the recommendations for adding water;
  • use the prepared solution within 60 minutes;
  • compact the solution by tamping or light vibration compaction;
  • protect concrete pouring using a plastic covering for a period of at least 7 days.

Instructions for use

Conditions for performing work

During work, the temperature of the air and the base must not be lower than -15 °C.

Preparatory work

The base is thoroughly cleaned of ice, snow and other contaminants. To ensure adhesion concrete base should be rough, otherwise it should be roughened. When using frost-resistant concrete weber.vetonit 600/5 P for pouring galvanized steel anchors, you must ensure that the zinc layer is passivated. Fresh (unpassivated) zinc reacts with the alkaline solution, which can lead to reduced adhesion between the concrete and the anchor due to the formation of gas bubbles at the surface of the anchor. It should be borne in mind that the process of mandatory passivation is long and takes place within 2-3 weeks at an air temperature of +15 - +20°C and 5-6 weeks at an air temperature of 0 - +5°C. Passivation can also be achieved using chrome plating. If there is uncertainty about good passivation, preliminary tests must be carried out.

Before pouring, ensure the tightness of the formwork due to the high fluidity of the solution.


Depending on the desired consistency of the solution, a 25 kg bag is mixed with approximately 2.6-2.9 liters of clean water in a concrete mixer or using a low-speed drill with a stirrer. First, a minimum amount of water is poured in, and then the mixture is poured out, mixing time is 2-3 minutes. After preliminary mixing, check the consistency of the solution and add the remaining amount of water only if necessary. Avoid overdosing on water, as this can lead to deterioration of strength and increased shrinkage, as well as delamination of the solution.

Execution of work

The prepared weber.vetonit JB 600/5 P mortar is suitable for pouring within 60 minutes; pouring should be done as quickly as possible in order to fully utilize the expansion properties of the mortar. Before pouring, check the tightness of the formwork. Filling is performed only on one side of the formwork. On this side, the formwork must be made higher and wider so that the concrete spreads deep into the formwork under the influence of its own weight. For the best spreading of the mass deep into the formwork, the solution can be compacted or lightly vibropressed. Pouring machine foundations at installation work must be planned so that the air released from concrete mixture, as well as located under the machine bed, could be removed. The temperature of the air and the substrate during application and for at least two subsequent days should not be lower than -15 °C. When pouring a layer thickness of more than 100mm at a time, it is recommended to use as thick a solution as possible to prevent the possible formation of separation and segregation. Or, alternatively, it is also recommended to fill using one of the following methods:

  1. Increase the grain size of the non-shrink mortar by adding a larger, clean, dust-free aggregate with a granulometric composition of 5-10 mm in a volume of 15% of the weight of the dry mixture (3.75 kg of coarse filler, such as stone, per 25 kg of dry mixture weber.vetonit JB600/ 5 R).
  2. Fill in two layers of 100 mm each. The second layer is poured approximately 24 hours after pouring the first layer. The previous layer is made rough to ensure better adhesion.

Using non-shrink concrete V load-bearing structures strength development under operating conditions must be checked before loading the structure. At temperatures below 0°C, the rate of concrete strength development decreases noticeably.

Cleaning the instrument

Working tools and equipment are washed with water immediately after completion of work.

Precautionary measures

  • When working, you must use rubber gloves;
  • avoid prolonged contact with skin and eyes;
  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse big amount water.

Disposal instructions

The dry mixture and hardened material must be disposed of as construction waste. The material must not be discharged into the sewer. Dispose of the paper bag as regular waste.

WEBER VETONIT cement facade plaster for leveling surfaces with a layer from 5 to 30 (50) mm:
For interior and exterior use
high adhesion and vapor permeability

Can be applied to concrete without prior priming of the surface.
Has good adhesion to all common building substrates.
Easy to apply, hardens without shrinkage.
It is moisture and frost resistant.

Alignment mineral surfaces layer from 5 to 30 (50) mm, before tiling, puttying, painting.
For vertical and horizontal surfaces, indoors and outdoors.
Suitable for application on the following substrates: concrete, ceramic and sand-lime brick, bases from cellular concrete, over previously applied cement plasters.

*Preparatory work:
The base must be dry, durable and not subject to shrinkage or deformation.
The base must be cleaned of dust, dirt, old paint, solution and degrease.
At a temperature environment above 25°C, before applying plaster, it is recommended to moisten the base.
The base temperature must not be lower than +5°C.
For work at temperatures from – 10 °C to + 10 °C and in case of possible night frosts, use weber.stuk cement winter.
Highly absorbent substrates must be pre-treated with weber.prim multi or weber.prim A10 (pre-diluted 1:4 with
clean water).

Pour 6.25 liters of water into a container and add 25 kg of plaster (bag).
Weber.stuk cement must be mixed in clean water at a temperature of approximately 20°C.
It is necessary to knead the mixture mechanically using a drill mixer at medium speed (400 - 600 rpm) to achieve a homogeneous mass without lumps.
Leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes to “ripen”, then stir again.
After this, you can apply the plaster to the wall by throwing it or using a trowel and trowel.
Allowable thickness one layer up to 30 mm, greater thickness can be obtained by applying the solution in several layers with intermediate drying of each layer
at least 12 hours.
At 20°C and normal humidity, the prepared solution remains viable for at least 2 hours.

During drying, the plaster must be protected from high temperatures, straight sun rays and wind.
When applying weber.stuk cement for the first time or when environmental conditions change, it is advisable to small area check and install optimal proportion water and mixture, and then stick to it.
If on the basis there are expansion joints, then when applying the mixture it is also necessary to make expansion joints, repeating their geometry and filling them with polyurethane sealant.

The prepared solution is applied manually or using a machine to a previously prepared surface.
Without waiting for the surface to weather, the solution is smoothed using the appropriate tool.

Working tools and equipment are washed with water immediately after completion of work.

When working, you must use rubber gloves
avoid prolonged contact with skin and eyes
In case of contact with eyes, rinse with plenty of water and keep away from children.

The dry mixture and hardened material must be disposed of as construction waste.
The material must not be discharged into the sewer.
Dispose of the paper bag as regular waste.

Three-layer paper bag with a middle layer of polyethylene – 25 kg.
Pallet 48 bags/1200 kg.

12 months from the date of production, provided that it is stored in original packaging on a pallet in a dry place.



M-150 Universal mixture De Luxe

The purpose of the universal cement-sand mixture M-150 is external, internal construction, finishing, renovation work, such as brickwork, primary plastering, construction of partitions and non-load-bearing walls, sealing, processing of seams. Recommended layer thickness is 5-50 mm. A layer 10 mm thick will require 16-18 kg/m².

M-200 Assembly and masonry mixture De Luxe

The purpose of the dry mixture M-200 (sand concrete De Luxe) is external, internal construction, finishing, repair work, such as brickwork, block laying, floor screed, seam treatment, wall repair, sealing cracks. Recommended layer thickness is 5–50 mm. A layer 10 mm thick will require 16–18 kg/m².

M-300 Pouring mixture (De Luxe coarse sand concrete) De Luxe

Purpose of M-300 - external, internal construction works, such as pouring foundations; construction of walls and foundations; installation of screed, load-bearing layer of floors, including those used as finishing floors in industrial and warehouses. Minimum thickness layer – 35 mm. The maximum filler fraction is 3 mm. A layer 10 mm thick will require 18-20 kg/m².

How official dealer we offer to wholesale the most popular dry mixes M-150, M-200, M-300 at attractive price. There are discounts for wholesalers: when ordering over 20 tons, the price is reduced on a per-unit basis, which will ultimately bring you significant benefits. Contact us by requesting a call back, or place an order to purchase dry mixtures online on our website.

Marking of dry cement-sand mixtures

Comprehensive information about the composition, class, additives introduced, methods and areas of application of the material, its shelf life and release date, weight, technical parameters The DSPs are located on the packaging. Information about the purpose is provided by the marking:

  • universal plaster – M-100;
  • universal – M-150;
  • assembly and masonry mixture – M-200;
  • filling, foundation – M-300;
  • pouring, foundation especially strong - M-400.

The number in the marking indicates the load (static) that the hardened mortar can withstand, for example, the dry assembly and masonry mixture M-200 can withstand a load of 200 kg/cm³.

The presence, qualitative and quantitative composition of additives change the purpose of DSP, as they expand the possibilities of its use. Additives affect adhesion, water repellent properties, strength and price of the dry mixture.

Classification of cement-sand mixtures

According to GOST 28013-98 dry cement- sand mixtures classified by density, amount of binder additives, purpose. Based on density, CPS are divided into light and heavy; by the number of binder components - into simple and complex, containing one or more substances, respectively; by purpose - for plastering, masonry, pouring. The standard regulates the parameters of mixture solutions:

  • humidity,
  • temperature range,
  • plastic,
  • density,
  • delamination.

The hardened solution is assessed by frost resistance, density, and strength.

Vetonit TT - waterproof plaster-primer for cement based; best material for use as plaster for brick wall. Can be used in dry, damp and wet areas. Vetonit TT plaster is an economical, practical and durable material, which is easy to apply, grips well, sands and does not shrink.

Areas of use

  • Preliminary leveling of surfaces interior walls from mineral materials.
  • Leveling wall surfaces from.
  • Leveling and repairing old, plastered surfaces.

Base and application
Vetonit TT can be applied directly to brick, concrete, aerated concrete, as well as new cement plaster or primer. The base for Vetonit TT must be hard, dry, free of dirt and dust. Substances that weaken adhesion to the surface, such as dust, paint, oil, etc., as well as water-soluble leveling compounds must be removed. It is recommended to close windows and other surfaces that are not being treated with film and tape. If necessary, dry and absorbent surfaces are moistened.

Vetonit TT plaster can be sprayed onto the base using a compressor or applied manually using a steel ruler or. If the surface is uneven, it is possible to apply several layers of the composition, after making sure that the previous layer is completely dry. Each dried layer requires grinding with an abrasive material and is additionally moistened in dry rooms. The drying time of the layer is one day at room temperature. To make the surface smoother, wipe the slightly dried layer with a damp sponge. A completely dry surface can be covered or painted with alkali-resistant paint. But usually large-fraction "TT" ( maximum fraction- 1 mm) before painting, coated with fine-grained compounds: in wet and wet areas- “V” - “VH”, and in dry ones - “LR” or “T” - “KR”.

The Vetonit TT mixture is not suitable for painted surfaces, for surfaces leveled with water-soluble substances, for example, Vetonit T, KR, L, LR or lime levelers, and is not suitable for leveling floors. The leveling solution can clog the pipes; do not pour the remaining primer down the drain. Vetonit TT mixture is not suitable for leveling floors.


Color grey
Water resistance waterproof
Aggregate natural sand and limestone< 1,0 мм
Binder cement
Working temperature during leveling work, the temperature of the base, mortar mixture and the room should be above +10C
Usage time Within approximately 3 hours from the moment of mixing with water
Compressive strength (28 days, relative humidity 65%, +23C) 6-8 MPa
Hardening reaches 50% of final strength within 7 days. In cold conditions, the process of gaining strength slows down.
Recommended layer thickness - partial leveling: max. 30 mm - full leveling: 2-10mm/one application - minimum layer thickness: approx. 2 mm
Consumption ~1.2 kg/m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm
Required amount of water ~ 6 liters/25 kg dry mixture
Adhesion strength (28 days, relative humidity 65%, +23C) with concrete > 0.5 MPa

Various building mixtures today they are in demand more than ever. They are lightweight and easy to use, economical, and have a stable composition. But all these and many more important characteristics inherent in materials produced by a serious, trusted manufacturer. This is exactly what it is trademark Vetonit. The company produces powder mixtures intended for use in construction and finishing works.

Among other types of products produced by Vetonit, plaster is in the highest demand among professional builders and private developers. This will be discussed further.

Features of plaster mixtures

The Vetonit company supplies Russian market several It consists mainly of cement, and the filler is limestone, sand, microfiber and other additional components. Today, several types of products of this brand are sold on the market, intended for leveling walls, ceilings and creating a decorative layer outside and inside premises:

  • Primer. Used when working with brick and concrete surfaces.
  • White, non-waterproof compound intended for hand or machine work. Used to create a surface ready for painting.
  • "Vetonit EP". Non-waterproof plaster mixture on a cement-lime base. Used when it is necessary to level a large area in one go. It is advisable to use this material only on a solid base, but on weak lime and cement-lime surfaces it will be ineffective.
  • "Vetonit TT". The basis of the mixture is cement, so the material has waterproof characteristics. The TT brand of the Vetonit company is a plaster that can be called universal, since it can be used to work with surfaces made of any materials.
  • Decorative. Available in several types to suit different surfaces.

Important detail: to obtain high-quality final result You must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them.

Technical specifications

There are several parameters by which Vetonit products (plaster) are classified. Technical characteristics are the most important indicator:

  • Release form. Plaster mixture is produced in the form of a dry bulk substance, which is packaged in paper bags. Weight depends on the size of the package and can vary: 5, 20 and 25 kg. Decorative plaster is produced not only in the form of a dry substance, but also in the form of a ready-to-use solution. In this case, it is packed in plastic container and has a weight of 15 kg.
  • Granule size. The mixture is produced in powder, where the fractions do not exceed 1 mm. IN decorative plasters fractions may be slightly larger - from 1 to 4 mm.
  • Consumption of dry mixes "Vetonit". The plaster is applied in a layer of 1 mm. Accordingly, for 1 sq. m will need to dilute a solution of 1.2 kg. The thicker the layer, the more dry matter will be needed for work.
  • Temperature. You can work with the solution at temperatures from 5 to 35 degrees. If the packaging is marked with the words winter or an asterisk, the material is designed to work in winter and can be used at temperatures down to minus 10 degrees.
  • The viability of the diluted mixture is 2-3 hours.
  • Frost resistance. The dry mixture can withstand 80 to 100 defrost/freeze cycles.
  • The shelf life is up to 1 year. But this is provided that the material is stored in original packaging that has retained its integrity. If the bag is torn, the mixture must be placed in a whole package and stored in a dry place.


The composition depends on the type of Vetonit mixture. T-grade plaster contains organic binding adhesives. The mixture with the designation EP, in addition to cement, includes lime, and the L plaster is made on the basis of a polymer binder.

Thus, for specific type works, a material is produced that has the necessary properties for this purpose.

  • Color. The material has light grey, white, grey. Other shades are not provided, since plaster is not a decorative coating.
  • Strength. Almost all types of plasters have the same strength.
  • Layer thickness. Maximum indicator- 3 cm, minimum - 2 mm. The exact figure depends on the type of mixture.
  • Adhesion. The plastering material has high adhesive strength.

Competitive advantages

Vetonit brand products can be used with almost all known materials: concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete, silicate or ceramic bricks and other types of building materials. The plaster adheres perfectly to any of them. Due to the fact that the composition is highly water resistant, it is used for plastering premises in which the presence of higher level humidity: bathrooms, warehouses, indoor swimming pools, laundries, etc.

Not just for finishing internal surfaces Vetonit products are used. Facade plaster is intended for work on surfaces with outside buildings, so for its manufacture only components were used that can withstand any weather influences: frost, heat, high humidity. It is worth noting that during hardening the material does not shrink and provides excellent adhesion to the surface.

Features of working with the material

The process itself consists of two stages. The first is preparatory. First of all, the surface on which the mixture will be applied is prepared for work. It is cleaned of dirt, leveled, cutting off protruding elements and filling up irregularities. If necessary, reinforcing material can be used. If you have to work with concrete surfaces, they are pre-treated with a primer.

After this, mix the dry mass with water, strictly following the instructions: use water room temperature, mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, leave for 10-15 minutes, then repeat mixing and you can begin plastering the surfaces. Violation of proportions is fraught with the fact that the material will not acquire the characteristics given to it, especially if it is used gypsum plaster"Vetonit", which is more sensitive. If you prepare incorrectly, you may get a result that differs from what you expected.

The treated surface, protected from moisture and winds, is left for 48 hours, after which they move on to the next stage of work - re-application of plaster or decorative finishing.

Cost: How much will the purchase cost?

The most important thing that usually interests fans of Vetonit brand products is the price. The cost depends on the type of material of interest. For example, TT brand dry mix costs about 360 rubles for a 25 kg bag, and TTT brand material will cost 370 rubles for a 20 kg bag. If interested façade mixture min 1.5 Z from the Vetonit company, its price will be higher - about 640 rubles per 25 kg.