home · Lighting · Compaction coefficient of cement-sand mixtures. Methodological recommendations “Methodological recommendations for the construction of crushed stone bases treated with sand-cement mixture. Preparing the distributor for operation

Compaction coefficient of cement-sand mixtures. Methodological recommendations “Methodological recommendations for the construction of crushed stone bases treated with sand-cement mixture. Preparing the distributor for operation

When using cement grades 300 and 500, indicated in table. 8, the quantity should be changed using coefficients of 1.2 and 0.9, respectively.

When using slag and ash binders of strength grades 50, 100, 150, their quantity must be increased by 3; 2; 1.5 times compared to the data in table. 6.

Slags, ashes and sludge with an activity of at least 5 MPa at the age of 80 days can be used as an independent binder.

To increase the strength of the treated part of the layer by 10 - 30% or reduce cement consumption by 10 - 20%, it is advisable to introduce SDB into the mixture in an amount of 0.5 - 1% of the cement mass.

5.8. Sand cement of the greatest strength for a given cement content can be obtained by optimal quantity in a mixture of water (approximately 7 - 10% of the mass of the dry mixture), established experimentally when selecting the composition of the mixture.

The amount of water (t) for preparing sand cement when laying the base by mixing or pressing with a pad roller should be calculated using the formulas:

where l, b are the length and width of the section, respectively, m;

h1 - thickness of the upper, processed part of the layer, m;

ρпс - density of the sand-cement mixture, t/m3;

Optimal water content in sand-cement mixture, fractions of a unit;

Qpts - the amount of sand-cement mixture, i.e.

When constructing the base with vibratory rollers or rollers on pneumatic tires, the amount of water in the sand-cement mixture for good penetration into the crushed stone should be 3 - 5% less or more than the optimal one calculated according to formulas (9).

5.9. To obtain maximum strength of a layer of crushed stone treated with sand cement, before spreading the sand cement, the crushed stone should be moistened to create a mixture of optimal moisture (approximately 7 - 9% of the mixture mass).

The approximate amount of water for irrigation of crushed stone (t) when constructing the base using the method of mixing and pressing with pad rollers should be calculated using the formula

where is the optimal water content in a mixture of crushed stone and sand cement, t,

and when constructing the base by impregnation using vibratory rollers or rollers on pneumatic tires - according to the formula

5.10. The amount of sand-cement mixture Qpt or other binders introduced into crushed stone can be determined by the hollowness of crushed stone and the given processing depth (thickness of the treated base layer) approximately using the formulas

where ρ1 is the density (volumetric mass) of crushed stone grains, t/m3;

ρ2 - bulk density(volumetric bulk mass) of crushed stone in a compacted state, t/m3;

Kr - coefficient of expansion of crushed stone grains, Kr = 1 ÷ 1.15;

vпш - voidness of crushed stone, fractions of a unit;

Kp - loss coefficient, Kp = 1.03.

The value of ρ2 can be determined by compacting 10 kg of crushed stone in a steel cylinder with a diameter and height of 234 mm with a load of 10 kg on a vibration table at a vibration frequency of 3000 rpm, an amplitude of 0.4 mm for 30 s.

5.11. When constructing the base using the impregnation-indentation method, taking into account the depth of processing, fractionated crushed stone should be treated with 35 - 40% of the sand-cement mixture, which corresponds to the voidness of the material being laid.

It is advisable to treat crushed stone of a fraction of 5 - 40 mm when constructing the base using the mixing method, taking into account the depth of processing, with a sand-cement mixture in an amount of 20%, which also corresponds to the voidness of the mixture. During a feasibility study, it is allowed to process crushed stone with 35 - 40 and 50% of the sand-cement mixture.

Before starting work, to clarify the consumption of the sand-cement mixture, the voids of the materials used should be determined and formulas (12) should be used.

The approximate consumption of sand-cement mixture for the installation of 100 m2 of base at different depths of crushed stone processing, taking into account a surface layer of sand-cement 1.5 cm thick, is given in Table. 7 of these “Methodological Recommendations”.

Table 7

5.12. After establishing the laboratory composition of sand cement, the need for materials per unit area of ​​the base should be calculated.

The required amount of crushed stone (m3) can be determined using the formulas:

where Kushch is the compaction coefficient of crushed stone.

5.18. The amount of sand (m3) for preparing the sand-cement mixture should be determined using the formulas:

ρnp - bulk density of sand, t/m3.

5.14. The amount of cement Qc (t) for the preparation of sand cement can be determined by the formulas:

5.15. When carrying out work, amendments must be made to the calculated composition of materials, taking into account the actual moisture content of the materials, according to the formulas:

where Wп, Wш - humidity of sand and crushed stone, respectively, fractions of unity;

The amount of water required to prepare a sand-cement mixture on wet sand, t;

Optimal water content in sand-cement mixture, t;

The amount of water required to prepare the mixture on wet crushed stone, i.e.

6. Technology of foundation construction using the mixing method

6.1. When constructing foundations using the mixing method, crushed stone is removed onto the prepared underlying layer, the amount of which should be set taking into account the design thickness of the foundation and the compaction coefficient.

IN winter time crushed stone can be transported to intermediate roadside warehouses in the area of ​​the planned construction.

6.2. The crushed stone is pre-distributed with a bulldozer or motor grader, and finally, to the design thickness of the base, taking into account the compaction coefficient, with a DS-108 type profiler or other distributors in one pass.

When distributing crushed stone with a profiler, the cutter and cutter blade are raised. The auger blade is installed at the design level with a margin for compaction. The auger is raised 2 - 2.5 cm higher cutting edge dump.

6.3. After distribution, crushed stone, if necessary, should be moistened before treatment with sand cement to subsequently obtain a mixture of crushed stone with sand cement of optimal humidity ( estimated consumption water - up to 10 liters per 1 m2) and roll it for the passage of construction vehicles (two or three passes of the roller along one track).

8.4. The sand-cement mixture intended for processing the upper part of the crushed stone layer must be prepared in mixing plants of the SB-78 or DS-50A type. To ensure a high-quality composition of the mixture, an accuracy of sand supply of at least ±5%, cement and water ±2% of the mass of the supplied material is required.

8.5. The mixture should be transported by dump trucks or other vehicles with an appropriate feasibility study.

8.6. The sand-cement mixture must first be distributed with a motor grader, and finally laid over the surface of the distributed crushed stone with a profiler or other spreaders. The consumption of sand cement is determined taking into account the given depth of processing of the crushed stone layer and the ratio between crushed stone and sand cement in the treated part of the layer.

The sand-cement mixture is graded using a profiler in one pass at a working speed of 10 - 15 m/min. When leveling, the auger and blade are raised to the thickness of the layer of the mixture being distributed, and the cutter and cutter blade are raised to the transport position.

8.7. Upon completion of distribution, the sand-cement mixture must be mixed with the laid crushed stone to the calculated (required) depth. The maximum mixing depth for the profiler should not exceed 15 cm. Mixing is carried out at an operating speed of 5 m/min using a cutter at maximum number revolutions and auger; in this case, the blades are raised to the transport position, and the cutter and auger are set to the processing depth mark.

If necessary, the resulting mixture is moistened so that the mixture has optimal humidity, and mixed a second time with one or two passes of the profiler.

After mixing is completed, the base is laid out in one pass of the profiler. The working bodies are installed in the same way as when leveling crushed stone. Working speed 7 - 8 m/min.

6.8. Immediately after mixing, the base should be compacted using 12 to 16 passes of the roller on pneumatic tires along one track. In this case, the compaction coefficient at a depth of 5 - 20 cm must be at least 0.98. Compaction begins from the edges of the base to the middle.

6.9. Compaction must be completed within 3 hours from the moment of preparation of the sand-cement mixture, including the time for transporting the finished sand-cement mixture to the road section under construction, its distribution and compaction.

The technological gap between the preparation and compaction of a sand and slag mixture based on crushed slag or uncrushed slag with the addition of an activator - cement should not exceed 4 - 5 hours. When processing crushed stone with uncrushed granulated blast furnace slag without an activator - cement or bauxite and nepheline sludge, the technological gap can be increased to 6 - 8 hours

6.10. Upon completion of compaction, the base should be finished with a profiler and the surface layer should be finally compacted with a heavy smooth roller in one or two passes along one track.

During finishing leveling, the cutter and cutter blade are raised; The auger blade is set to the design level; the auger is raised 1 - 2 cm above the cutting edge of the blade.

6.11. Upon completion of the final leveling, it is necessary to maintain the base using one of the generally accepted methods used in the care of cement concrete, in accordance with SNiP III-40-78. It is allowed to lay the coating on the day of installation of the base; in this case, maintenance of the base is excluded.

6.12. Traffic on a foundation constructed with cement should be opened after reaching 70% of the design strength of the foundation, but not earlier than 7 days after completion of work.

7. Technology of foundation construction using the impregnation-indentation method

7.1. The essence of treating a crushed stone layer with a sand-cement mixture is to fill the voids of the crushed stone layer with the mixture under the influence of its own weight and indentation during rolling (mechanical action), in several ways:

vibration using vibrating plates of laying machines;

vibration and pressure - vibrating rollers;

deep pressure - cam rollers;

surface pressure - rollers on pneumatic tires.

7.2. Before treatment with sand cement, crushed stone should be carefully leveled with a motor grader and watered with water in an amount of 3 - 10 liters per 1 m2.

If it is necessary to ensure the passage of construction vehicles, crushed stone is rolled with a light roller in two to four passes along one track in accordance with SNiP III-40-78.

7.3. The sand-cement mixture prepared in the installation must be distributed over the surface of the crushed stone layer using a profiler or motor grader.

The consumption of sand cement is determined depending on the hollowness of the crushed stone and the depth of treatment of the layer. It is recommended to take the technological gap time between the preparation of the mixture and the end of compaction in accordance with clause 6.9 of these “Methodological Recommendations”.

7.4. To process crushed stone by vibration, it is recommended to distribute the sand-cement mixture using pavers of the DS-97, DS-108, D-345 types, equipped with vibration compacting elements. In this case, simultaneously, in one pass of the paver, the sand-cement mixture is distributed and penetrates into the crushed stone layer.

7.5. To process the crushed stone layer with vibration and pressure, you should use a vibrating roller of the DU-54 type, the vibrating roller of which promotes the penetration of the distributed sand-cement mixture into the voids of the crushed stone layer in three to four passes along one track.

7.6. To process a layer of crushed stone using the deep pressure method, it is advisable to use a cam roller, which during operation increases the gaps between individual crushed stones, ensuring an increase in the depth of penetration of the sand-cement mixture into the crushed stone layer.

7.7. Depending on the required thickness of the treated monolithic base layer, indentation can be carried out in two ways. If the required thickness of the monolithic layer is no more than 13 cm, it is recommended to press the sand-cement mixture or other binder into the crushed stone by successive passes of a cam roller, and with a thickness of more than 13 cm, alternating passes of a cam and pneumatic or smooth roller roller through each pass. The approximate number of passes of the cam roller can be assigned in accordance with table. 8 of these “Methodological Recommendations” and clarified based on the results of test indentation at the beginning of work.

Inert construction materials include a large number of names, brands and types of materials that are used in various branches of construction. Inert building materials include: sand, gravel, sand-gravel mixture, crushed stone different varieties and other types of products.

Sand is a fine-grained loose sedimentary rock consisting of at least 50% grains of quartz, feldspars and other minerals and rocks measuring 0.052.0 mm or more. Sand can be river, mountain, gully, or sea. The sand may contain impurities of dust and clay particles, rock fragments. River sand is the cleanest, sea sand is contaminated with salts and requires washing clean fresh water. Mountain and ravine areas are often contaminated with clay, which reduces the strength of mortars. River sand, mined in the beds of dried up rivers, combines two properties that are rarely found together: fineness up to 2.6 mm and high purification from foreign inclusions, clay impurities, and organic residues - this makes it a universal building material. The granulometric composition includes four groups of sand depending on the size of individual particles: dusty sand with particles up to 0.05 mm in size; small from 0.05 to 0.25 mm; average 0.250.5 mm; large 0.52.0 mm or more. The flowability of sand depends on humidity. The angle of repose (about 40°) reaches its greatest values ​​when the sand moisture content is 510%. A further increase in humidity reduces the angle of repose to 2025°. The humidity of sand layers of different heights is not the same and increases as the level of the layer decreases from the surface. Resistance to chemical exposure cement alkalis must be taken into account for sand intended as an aggregate in the production of concrete. The durability of sand is determined by its mineral and petrographic composition and the content of harmful components and impurities. Natural construction sand is intended for use as a filler for heavy, fine-grained, cellular and other types of concrete, mortars, and for the preparation of dry mixtures for road surfaces and airfields.

Sand from rock crushing screenings, having true density grains more than 2.8 t/m 3 or containing grains of rocks and minerals classified as harmful components in quantities exceeding their permissible content, or containing several different harmful components, are released for specific types construction work By technical documents, developed in in the prescribed manner and agreed with laboratories specialized in the field of corrosion. Sand is transported in bulk on open rolling stock.

Natural gravel is a loose mixture of grains of various materials (5150 mm in size) formed as a result of the weathering of rocks, which are part of igneous (less often sedimentary) rocks. There is specially manufactured artificial gravel produced by crushing hard rocks. According to the conditions of occurrence, gravel is divided into river, sea and mountain (gully). Grains of river and sea gravel are abraded when transported by water and have a rounded shape. The grains of mountain gravel are acute-angled. River and sea gravel is usually cleaner and contains less clay and organic impurities than gully gravel. The sea gravel contains admixtures of limestone grains and shell fragments. Gravel with a size of 20-40 mm is called pebbles.

The special properties of gravel include strength and frost resistance. Strength is characterized by a grade determined by the crushability of gravel during compression (crushing) during special tests and is characterized by the loss of grain mass as a percentage (dust is screened out). The frost resistance of gravel is characterized by the number of freezing and thawing cycles, at which the percentage loss by weight of gravel or crushed stone does not exceed the established values. Gravel must be resistant to impact environment. The durability of gravel is determined by the mineral and petrographic composition of the original rock and the content of harmful components and impurities that reduce the durability of concrete and cause corrosion of the reinforcement of reinforced concrete products and structures. Gravel is transported on open rolling stock (in gondola cars), with the mandatory use of measures to prevent the loss of these goods from blowing out and spilling into cracks and defects in the car body or in hopper dispensers. Crushed stone is used in construction both in pure form(for example, for filling road surfaces), and as a filler in the production of concrete and asphalt concrete. Crushed rock - inorganic granular bulk material with grains larger than 5 mm, obtained by crushing rocks, gravel and boulders, incidentally mined overburden and host rocks or substandard waste from mining enterprises for processing ores (ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals of the metallurgical industry) and non-metallic minerals from other industries and subsequent sieving of crushed products.

Crushed stone is one of the main materials used for the construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of roads and railways. The quality characteristics of crushed stone largely depend consumer properties(evenness, coefficient of adhesion, etc.) and durability of roads. This especially applies to crushed stone used for the construction of the upper layers of road pavement (cuboidal crushed stone), which directly absorb high mechanical loads from moving vehicles and are exposed to natural factors (variable temperature - humidity conditions, repeated freezing - thawing, exposure to solar radiation, etc.) and anti-icing chemicals. The main properties of crushed stone. like all mineral construction goods discussed above are: strength, frost resistance, abrasion, grain shape, water absorption, radioactivity, adhesion, content of pollutants and chemicals harmful impurities. The strength of crushed stone is characterized by the tensile strength of the original rock during compression, the crushability of crushed stone during compression (crushing) in the cylinder, and wear in the shelf drum. These indicators simulate resistance stone material when exposed to those passing along the road Vehicle and mechanical impacts during the construction of road structures (laying and compaction with rollers). Depending on the strength grade, crushed stone is divided into groups: high-strength Ml, strong M, medium-strength M600800, low-strength M300600, very weak-strength M200. Most in demand granite crushed stone with strength M1200 is used, and high-strength crushed stone from hard rocks (consisting of other structural minerals) is also used, including basalt crushed stone with strength grade M. It is mainly used in the production of heavy high-strength concrete, in load-bearing bridge structures, critical foundations . Frost resistance of crushed stone is characterized by the number of freezing and thawing cycles. It is allowed to evaluate the frost resistance of crushed stone by the number of cycles of saturation in a solution of sodium sulfate and drying. Flakiness. In crushed stone, the content of grains of lamellar (the term comes from the breed of fish bream, i.e. “flaky crushed stone” means “flat like bream”) and needle-shaped forms is normalized. Lamellar and needle-shaped grains include grains whose thickness or width is three times or more less than their length. According to the shape of the grains, crushed stone is divided into four groups (content of grains of lamellar and needle-shaped forms, % by weight): cuboid up to 15%; improved from 15% to 25%; regular from 25% to 35%; usual from 35% to 50%. The presence of lamellar and needle-shaped grains in crushed stone leads to an increase in intergranular voids in the mixture. This in turn leads to an increase in the consumption of the binder component, which entails additional material costs. In addition, cube-shaped grains have greater strength than lamellar and needle-shaped grains. Consequently, the use of cube-shaped crushed stone in production is more economically feasible, for example, in the production of concrete it can significantly reduce cement consumption, and in road construction it can reduce the time and labor costs for laying by 50%. asphalt concrete pavement; brings the compaction factor closer asphalt concrete mixture to one, which ensures not only the durability of the road surface, but also increases its frost resistance. Radioactivity of rubble. When producing crushed stone and gravel, a radiation-hygienic assessment must be carried out, the results of which determine the class of crushed stone in terms of radioactivity and the types of work for which it can be used. The first class of radioactivity is used for newly built residential and industrial buildings and structures. Second class for road construction within the territory of settlements and areas of promising development. Third class for road construction outside populated areas.

Adhesion is one of the specific characteristics of crushed stone. It reflects an assessment of the quality of adhesion of bituminous binders to the surface of crushed stone. Crushed stone is transported in specialized open dump cars, hopper dispensers or gondola cars.



Approved by the director of Soyuzdornia, candidate of technical sciences E.M. Dobrov

Approved by Glavdorstroy
(letter No. 5603/501 dated 08/01/83)

Moscow 1985

The designs of crushed stone foundations treated with sand-cement mixture, developed by Soyuzdorniy, Giprodorniy and Gosdorniy, are presented, as well as a method for determining the calculated modulus of elasticity of the layer; requirements for sand-cement mixture and crushed stone treated with sand-cement mixture.

Recommendations are given for the selection of mixture compositions that provide the required strength and frost resistance of the base layer; according to the technology of constructing a crushed stone base, treated in the upper part with a sand-cement mixture by two methods: the mixing method using a profiler and the pressing method using a vibratory roller, a cam roller and a roller on pneumatic tires.

The need for quality control of construction is indicated.

Layer height ratio
h 1 / h

Modulus of elasticity of the untreated part E 2, MPa

The value of the average elastic modulus of the base E cp, MPa, equal to E 1, MPA equal




The value of the average elastic modulus of the base layer E avg when calculating according to the "Design Instructions" road pavements non-rigid type" VSN 46-83 (M.. Transport, 1983) for the most common values ​​of the elastic modulus of materials treated and untreated with binders, depending on the depth of impregnation, should be assigned according to Table 1.

2.2. The calculated modulus of elasticity of the lower, untreated part of the base, depending on the properties of the materials used, must be taken according to the “Instructions” VSN 46-83 with the additions given in table. 2 of these “Methodological Recommendations”.

2.3. The calculated modulus of elasticity of the upper, processed part of the base, depending on the strength grade of the sand cement used and its quantity in the crushed stone layer, ensuring the production of different strength grades of the treated material that meets the requirements of GOST 23558-79, should be taken according to.

Strength grade of crushed rocks

Calculated modulus of elasticity of the untreated part, MPa, with crushed stone size, mm










> 1000

Compression resistance of sand cement, MPa, at the ratio Shch:PC, % ( To section)

Indicators of properties of the processed material







Modulus of elasticity, MPa


Tensile strength during bending, MPa

2.4. The minimum total thickness of the base layer should be at least 10 cm, the maximum - no more than 25 cm. The maximum size of crushed stone grains should not exceed 2/3 of the base thickness.

The maximum depth of processing of crushed stone with sand cement when constructing the base using the mixing method using a profiler and the impregnation method using a cam roller should be no more than 15 cm, and when using rollers on pneumatic tires and vibration - no more than 7 cm.

The surface layer of sand cement in the structure of a crushed stone base treated with a sand cement mixture should not exceed 1 - 2 cm.

3. Requirements for materials used

3.1. The stone materials used to construct the proposed structure must meet requirements for strength, frost resistance and grain composition.

A mixture of sand with cement or other inorganic binders should meet requirements for composition, strength and frost resistance,

3.2. The strength of crushed stone from natural rocks must meet the requirements of GOST 8267-82, the strength of slag crushed stone - GOST 3344-73.

3.3. Frost resistance of crushed stone must meet the requirements given in table. 4 of these “Methodological Recommendations”.

Table 4

Climatic conditions

Grade of crushed stone for frost resistance, not less, for





Not used



I V, V




3.4. When constructing the base using the mixing method, it is advisable to use crushed stone of a fraction of 5 - 40 (70) mm, by the impregnation-indentation method using rollers on pneumatic tires - crushed stone of a fraction of 40 - 70 or 70 - 120 mm. When using cam and vibrating rollers, it is advisable to also use crushed stone of a fraction of 20 - 40 mm.

3.6. Mass losses when testing crushed slag stone for structural stability should not be more than 7%.

3.7. To process crushed stone, you can use sand-cement, sand-slag (based on crushed ferrous metallurgy slag and activator-cement) and sand-ash mixtures (based on the ashes and slags of thermal power plants), as well as uncrushed granulated blast furnace slag and belite sludge.

3.8. The mixtures listed in clause 3.7 must meet the requirements of GOST 23558-79. Compressive resistance of sand cement at the age of 28 days, and of slag and sludge at the age of 90 days. must be at least 3 MPa. In each specific case, the grade of samples from the mixture should be assigned in such a way as to obtain the required strength (calculated elastic modulus) of the treated part of the layer and the entire base structure as a whole in accordance with.

The composition of the sand-cement mixture is determined in each specific case by laboratory selection.

3.9. The frost resistance of sand cement, determined according to GOST 23558-79, must meet the requirements given in.

3.10. Cement for sand-cement mixture must meet the requirements of GOST 10178-76. The beginning of setting of cement is no earlier than 2 hours after mixing.

Climatic conditions

Grade of sand cement in terms of frost resistance, not less, for

bottom layer of base

top layer of base


I - II


Not used










3.11. Granulated blast furnace slag or fine slag with an activity according to GOST 3344-73 of more than 5 MPa and a maximum size of 5 mm can be used as a wedging and binding material in the proposed design.

3.12. Instead of a sand-cement mixture, alumina production waste - belite (nepheline or bauxite) sludge with the following characteristics - can be used for processing crushed stone:

Maximum grain size, mm, no more than 5

Size modulus according to GOST 8736-771 - 2.5

Bulk density, kg/m 3 900 - 1200

Natural humidity, %15 - 30

Optimal humidity, %20 - 25

Compressive strength of sludge at the age of 90 days, MPa, not less than 3

3.13. Sand must meet the requirements of GOST 8736-77 with the following additions.

The plasticity number of sand fractions finer than 0.63 mm should not exceed 2.

3.14. When processing crushed stone of a fraction of 70 - 120 mm, it is allowed to use a sand-gravel mixture and crushing screenings with a maximum size of 20 mm. When processing crushed stone of a fraction of 40 - 70 mm, the sand should not contain grains larger than 10 mm; when processing crushed stone of a fraction of 20 - 40 mm - larger than 3 (5) mm.

3.15. When preparing mixtures and watering crushed stone, it is recommended to use water suitable for drinking.

3.16. To reduce cement consumption by 10 - 15% and improve the technological properties of sand cement (increase mobility), SDB should be added to the mixing water in an amount of 0.5 - 1% of the cement mass.

The consumption of SDB is specified during laboratory selection of the composition of the sand-cement mixture from specific materials.

4. Technical and economic choice of pavement base

4.1. Depending on the depth of impregnation, as well as the required average modulus of elasticity of the base layer, you can use the base designs shown in.

4.2. The base design must be selected based on a technical and economic comparison of options, taking into account the cost of materials and mixture composition.

Cost per unit area of ​​the base structure With sppc consists of the cost of crushed stone With sch sand-cement mixture With pts, spent on the construction of this structure:

With sppc = With sch + With pts

Rice.2. Examples of structures of crushed stone bases treated with inorganic binders on different depths, E avg - middle module elasticity of the base layer, MPa; h - total base thickness, cm; h 1 - thickness of the upper, processed part of the layer, see Figures for structures - elastic moduli, MPa.

The cost of crushed stone is determined by the formula:

where is the cost of 1 m 3 of crushed stone, rub.;

l, V- length and width of the site, respectively, m;

h 2- thickness of the lower, untreated part of the layer,

To ushch- crushed stone compaction coefficient;

K p- loss coefficient, K p = 1,03;

h 1- thickness of the upper, processed part of the layer. m;

Method of pressing sand cement into crushed stone

Thickness of the monolithic base layer, cm

Number of roller passes on one track

Consecutive passes of the pad roller




Alternating passes of cam and pneumatic or smooth roller rollers



Pressing sand-cement mixture or belite slurry into the crushed stone layer with a pad roller begins from the roadsides with subsequent passes moving to the longitudinal axis highway and overlapping the trace of each previous pass by at least 20 cm.

7.8. To process a layer of crushed stone using the surface pressure method, rollers on pneumatic tires should be used, pressing the sand cement with two or three passes of the roller along one track.

7.9. The final compaction of the layer after processing the crushed stone using one of the previously mentioned methods should be done with rollers on pneumatic tires of the type DU-29, DU-16V, DU-31 in 12 - 16 passes along one track and in accordance with paragraphs. 5.42 - 5.46 "Technical instructions" VSN 184-75.

When using the indentation method by alternating passes of a cam and pneumatic or smooth drum roller, the number of passes of the pneumatic roller can be reduced to five to eight due to the fact that simultaneously with indentation, partial compaction of the base occurs.

The compacted base should be finished using a smooth roller roller.

7.10. After compacting the base, it must be maintained (see these “Methodological Recommendations”).

7.11. The movement of construction vehicles along the base can be opened after it reaches 70% of the design strength when treating crushed stone with a sand-cement mixture or slag binders with a cement activator.

On a base made of crushed stone treated with belite slurry, vehicle traffic can be opened immediately after the device. If the next day after the installation of such a base it is not planned to lay the overlying layer, then the base must be maintained by watering it daily (in dry weather) with water in the amount of 1.5 - 2 liters per 1 m 2 during the entire warm period before laying the overlying layer layer of road pavement.

8. Construction quality control

8.1. All foundation materials should be tested to ensure they meet the requirements of the material standards.

8.2. The composition of the sand-cement or sand-slag mixture and its quantity per 1 m2 of base, ensuring the design strength of the mixture of crushed stone with sand-cement, must be determined by the laboratory before the start of construction by selecting materials.

8.3. The design composition of the sand-cement or sand-slag mixture should be controlled in accordance with SNiP III-40-78 using dispensers at the mixing plant.

8.4. The quality of the prepared sand-cement (sand-slag) mixture should be controlled by making three samples in each shift and testing them for compressive strength at the age of 28 days. in accordance with the requirements and methods of GOST 23558-79 when adding activator-cement to the slag, and at the age of 90 days. when using slag and sludge without additives.

Bending (split) strength, as well as frost resistance, should be determined on samples taken from every 5 thousand m 3 of the prepared mixture, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 23558-79.

8.5. When distributing crushed stone and sand-cement or sand-slag mixture, as well as slag and sludge, the thickness and width of the layer of distributed materials on every 100 m of the base should be controlled with measuring rulers and tapes. The thickness of the layer in each diameter must be measured along the axis of the base and at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from the edges.

8.6. Quality of mixing crushed stone with sand-cement. or sand and slag mixture, as well as with slag and sludge, or the quality of impregnation should be assessed by the depth of impregnation or by the amount of binder consumed.

The depth of impregnation must be measured with a measuring ruler every 100 m in each diameter along the axis of the base and at a distance of 1 - 1.5 m from the edges.

It is recommended to determine the amount of sand-cement (sand-slag) mixture in the crushed stone layer at least once per shift by taking a sample weighing 10 kg and then sieving it on a sieve with a hole diameter of 5 mm.

8.7. The technological gap between the preparation of the sand-cement mixture and the completion of compaction of the base, as well as the quality of compaction, should be controlled in accordance with SNiP III-40-78.

8.8. The correspondence of the strength of the constructed base to the design strength can be assessed by determining the elastic modulus with a deflector or other device. The elastic modulus must be no less than the calculated (design) one.

8.9. After completion of compaction and finishing, every 100 m of the base should be checked for evenness and transverse slopes with a three-meter metal strip and a template with a level.

8.10. After compacting the base, it is necessary to ensure the timely pouring of film-forming material or water. Lack of maintenance reduces the strength of the base by 50%. Reducing maintenance time (when watering) to 21 days. from the moment the base is compacted, the strength decreases by 8 - 10%, up to 14 days. - by 20 - 25% and up to 7 days. - by 25 - 30%.


The technological map is intended for use in developing a project for the production of work and the organization of labor at a construction site.

This technological map is used when constructing a sand-cement base using a concrete spreader DS-99 equipped with a vibrating beam. The sand-cement mixture is prepared in high-performance plants. This method makes it possible to construct bases with smooth edges and vertical side edges, which is an indispensable condition for the construction of bases and coverings of airfields.

The technological map assumes the distributor's productivity per shift of 650 m of base with a width of 7.5 m and a thickness of 0.2 m.

Before installing the sand-cement base, the underlying structural layers of the base are accepted by representatives of the technical inspection. In addition, for the distributor, follower strings are installed on both sides of the row in accordance with the instructions of the technological map “Installation of follower strings when constructing bases and coverings of airfields”, M., Orgtransstroy, 1978.

If the conditions accepted in the technological map change, it is necessary to adjust and link the map to the specific conditions of the work.


The DS-90 distributor is intended for the distribution of concrete, as well as soils strengthened with cement. It has three working parts: a retractable conveyor for receiving the mixture from a dump truck and delivering it to the base; milling-screw working body for distributing the mixture; blade for leveling the mixture into a layer of a given thickness.

In the front part of the distributor frame there is a vibrating beam for collapsing and preliminary leveling of the unloaded mixture. The sides of the machine are equipped with sliding formwork. For preliminary dosing of mixtures, in the front part of the distributor there is a trailed inventory hopper - a pneumatic dispenser, and a vibrating beam is suspended at the back for its compaction (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Technological diagram of the sand-cement base:

1 - dump truck; 2 - distributor; 3 - distributor of film-forming materials DS-105; 4 - string; 5 - vibration beam; 6 - hopper - dispenser; 7 - sliding formwork

Technical characteristics of concrete spreader DS-99

Engine power, hp................................................... .................................... 235

Type of drive................................................ ......................................... Hydraulic

Fuel tank capacity, l................................................... ........................... 460

Width of base laying, m................................................... .................... 7.3 - 8.5

Machine weight, t................................................... ................................................... 40

Speed ​​(forward and reverse), m/min.................................... ....................... 0 - 72

Minimum turning radius, m................................................... ............... 45.5

In this regard, the side formwork of the distributor must be extended so that its ends extend beyond the vibrating beam and protect the edges of the laid layer from collapse during vibration compaction.

The sand-cement base is arranged in rows, the lighthouse rows are made first. After the sand cement in these rows has gained strength sufficient for the passage of the distributor, a sand cement base is installed on the intermediate rows. In this case, the distributor tracks pass over the hardened sand concrete of the lighthouse rows (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Diagram of operation of the distributor when laying sand-cement mixture on the intermediate row:

1 - distributor; 2 - caterpillar; 3 - vibration beam; 4 - sand-cement base of the intermediate row; 5 - hardened sand-cement base of lighthouse rows

The sand-cement mixture prepared in the installation is delivered to the installation site by dump trucks.

The amount of mixture required to construct the base in each shift is approximately determined by the formula:

Q = lbhk at k P ,

Where Q- amount of mixture in loose state, m3;

l- grip length, m;

b- row width, m;

h- thickness of the base in a dense body, m;

k y is the mixture compaction coefficient;

k n is the loss coefficient during transportation and installation.

Approximate compaction coefficient of sand-cement mixture k y = 1.3 - 1.4, and the mixture loss coefficient k n = 1.03. The value of these coefficients is clarified during the process of laying the mixture.

When installing a sand-cement base, the following work is performed: preparation of the distributor, distribution and compaction of the sand-cement mixture, as well as film-forming materials for maintaining the base. In this case, the sand-cement mixture is unloaded either into a dosing hopper located in front of the distributors, or into the receiving hopper of a retractable conveyor, which is located on the side. The first method is used in cases where dump trucks delivering the mixture are allowed to enter the underlying layers of the row. This makes it possible to significantly increase the pace of work and improve the surface quality of the sand-cement base.

Preparing the distributor for operation

During preparation, the retractable conveyor is removed from it, the machine is installed at the beginning of the row and oriented relative to the longitudinal axis of the row. The milling-screw working body and the blade are aligned along a cord stretched between the lower edges of the side walls of the distributor. In this position, the indicator arrows should show zero.

A trailed receiving hopper - a pneumatic dispenser - is mounted in front of the distributor, and a vibrating beam is hung at the back. The side extended sliding formwork is installed so that the gap between the lower edges of the formwork and the base (the underlying structural layer) is approximately 1 cm.

After this, the working parts of the distributor are installed in the following position (Fig. 3): dump - above the design mark of the top of the sand-cement base by (7 - 8 cm) the amount of reserve for compaction; the milling-screw working body is 5 cm below the cutting edge of the blade; The vibrating beam is raised to the top position by hydraulic cylinders.

Rice. 3. Installation diagram of the working parts of the distributor when laying the sand-cement mixture:

1 - rear wall of the dosing hopper; 2 - cutter - auger; 3 - dump; 4 - vibrobeam; h- thickness of the base in a dense body;h 1 - thickness of the loose mixture layer; δ - margin for compaction

The rear wall of the trailed bunker is raised by hydraulic cylinders to a height at which the cross-sectional area of ​​the prism of the sand-cement mixture laid by the bunker would be equal to the cross-sectional area of ​​the sand-cement base.


The cross-sectional area of ​​the sand-cement base in the loose layer is 7.5 × 0.28 = 2.10 m 2.

The area of ​​the mixture prism formed by the hopper (Fig. 4) with a lifting height of the rear wall above the base of 0.39 m is equal to

Rice. 4. Cross section of a prism of sand-cement mixture laid with a dosing hopper

Therefore, the rear wall of the hopper must be raised above the base (underlying layer) by 39 cm.

Level and course sensors are installed on the jibs, they are adjusted, and the tracing rods come into contact with the strings.

Distribution and compaction of sand-cement mixture

The distributor is installed so that the rear wall of the receiving hopper is at a distance of a meter from the beginning of the row.

The dump truck is driven in reverse until the wheels stop against the thrust rollers on the hopper and the mixture is unloaded through the hopper onto the base (since the hopper has no bottom).

The distributor is put into operation. The rear wall of the bunker doses the sand-cement mixture by volume, the milling-screw working element distributes the mixture across the entire width of the row, and the blade levels the surface of the layer to the design mark with a reserve for compaction.

When the vibrating beam approaches the beginning of the laid layer, it is lowered and put into operation. The speed of the distributor is set to 1 - 1.5 m/min and at the same time the required degree of compaction of the mixture is achieved (0.98).

First, the mixture is laid over an area of ​​10 - 15 m and the quality of work is checked: the thickness and width of the layer, the evenness of the surface, the transverse slope, the degree of compaction. Based on this check, the position of the working parts of the distributor is finally adjusted and the required operating speed is specified.

If the thickness of the laid layer with good compaction of the mixture turns out to be greater than the design one, lower the rear wall of the hopper and the distributor blade slightly. With a smaller layer thickness, these working bodies are raised.

During operation, maintain a uniform specified speed of movement of the distributor, since violation of this requirement will lead to uneven compaction of the mixture with a vibrating beam and the formation of flat surface sand-cement base. During forced stops, the vibrating beam is turned off and raised.

In some cases, lumps of the mixture get onto the surface of the finished sand-cement base. This indicates excessive high speed rotation of the milling-screw distributor body.

To form a flat surface of the laid layer, a mixture roller continuous along the length of the blade is supported in front of the spreader blade. To do this, make sure that the receiving hopper is constantly filled with the mixture. The driver does not place all the mixture from the bunker, but leaves part of it until the next dump truck with the mixture arrives.

Copying strings are used only when constructing a sand-cement base on lighthouse rows.

When constructing the base on intermediate rows, the side sliding formwork is removed and the guide wires are not installed. Instead, the level indicator is the laid base of the lighthouse rows, and the course indicator is the edges of these rows. Therefore, for level sensors, rods with forks are fixed to the leg forks and tracing rods are connected to them.

To maintain the course, a follower fork is installed on the front track, and a special follower disk is installed on the rear track (Fig. 5).

At the end, a working seam is made. Boards are installed across the row and secured with pins. The mixture is laid down to the board. The vibrating beam is raised in front of the board, and the junction of the laid layer with the board is processed manually. When work on laying the mixture is resumed, the board is removed.

Rice. 5. Installation of tracer sensors on the distributor tracks when laying the mixture on intermediate rows:

a) mounting the sensor on the front track; b) mounting the sensor on the rear track; 1 - sand-cement base of lighthouse rows; 2 - side edges of the base of the lighthouse row; 3 - copy rods; 4 - front track; 5 - rear caterpillar; 6 - disk; 7 - bracket with spring; 8 - bracket for mounting the copier sensor

Distribution of film-forming materials for the care of sand-cement base

Film-forming materials, for example pomarol PM-100AM, are distributed using the DS-105 machine, which is included in the set of concrete-laying machines.

At the beginning of the shift, the machine is prepared for work, installed at the beginning of the site and oriented relative to the axis of the laid base. Then the heading sensors are installed and adjusted and the contact forks (copiers) are brought into contact with inside carbon string.

The tanks are filled with film-forming materials. The nozzles required by the size of the holes are selected and installed, and the frame with the distribution system is lowered so that the distance from the nozzles to the surface of the sand-cement base (torch height) is 45 - 50 cm.

The distribution of film-forming materials begins after the first 30 - 50 m of the base have been laid.

The pressure in the distribution system is raised to 4 - 6 kgf/cm2. The distribution of film-forming materials is carried out in two stages. During the first dose, half the norm is distributed, 0.4 - 0.5 l/m2. The machine is returned to the beginning of the section and, after 30 - 60 minutes, a second distribution is carried out at the same filling rate.

The operating speed of the machine when distributing film-forming materials should be at a filling rate of 0.4 l/m 2 - 14 - 16 m/min; at a filling rate of 0.5 l/m 2 - 9 - 11 m/min.

During operation, the actual filling rate is monitored and, if necessary, the speed of the machine is changed. In the tank, the film-forming materials are periodically mixed.

At the end of the work, the machine is moved beyond the finished base, the nozzles are cleaned and washed with kerosene, the distribution system is cleaned and the machine is washed. The installation of the next structural layer of the base or coating is permitted no earlier than after 14 days.

Carrying out work on the method of unloading the mixture into the hopper of a retractable conveyor

This method is used in cases where the movement of dump trucks along the base of the row is prohibited (weak base, presence of an insulating layer).

To distribute the sand-cement mixture, the distributor is installed at the beginning of the section, it is oriented relative to the longitudinal axis of the row and the working elements are installed in the following position: the blade is at the level of the top of the sand-cement base, taking into account the allowance for compacting the mixture; cutter - auger 5 cm below the cutting edge of the blade (counting relative to the cutter teeth).

The mixture is distributed and compacted with a vibrating beam in the following sequence. The operator extends the conveyor and receives the mixture alternately from two dump trucks, then removes the conveyor, distributes the mixture with a cutter-auger at the operating speed of the distributor 1 - 1.5 m/min and compacts it with a vibrating beam. The driver repeats such work cycles continuously.

Frequent stops of the distributor to receive the mixture reduce the pace of work. To increase the rate of laying the mixture, the following technique is used: in front of the distributor, the mixture is unloaded from an adjacent row onto the base, taking measures to preserve the edges of the adjacent row from destruction by the wheels of dump trucks. A retractable conveyor feeds the mixture to its full volume.

Otherwise, the work of distributing the mixture, compacting it with a vibrating beam and distributing film-forming materials is carried out in the same sequence and using the same techniques as with the method of unloading the mixture in front into the dosing hopper.

Instructions for the quality of work

The quality of work must meet the requirements of the “Instructions for the production and acceptance of airfield construction work”, SN 121-73, M., Stroyizdat, 1974, as well as the requirements of the “Instructions for the use of soils strengthened with binding materials for the construction of foundations and coatings of highways and airfields", SN 25-74, Gosstroy USSR, M., Stroyizdat, 1975.

When performing operational quality control of work, they are guided by the technology map for operational quality control of work ().

Safety instructions

When installing a sand-cement base, the requirements of the “Safety Rules for the Construction, Repair and Maintenance of Highways”, M., “Transport”, 1969, should be met.

When working with film-forming materials, the following safety rules must be observed:

1. During operation, the operator of the distributor of film-forming materials must wear overalls, canvas mittens, hat and safety glasses.

3. In hot weather, drums containing film-forming materials create increased pressure, so care should be taken when opening them.

4. If film-forming materials get on the skin of your hands, you should immediately wash them off with kerosene, and then wash your hands with warm water and soap and wipe dry.


Before starting work on installing a sand-cement base, do the following:

clear the operating area of ​​the distributor from foreign objects and materials;

install carbon strings (for lighthouse rows);

lay temporary culverts in low areas to release water from intermediate rows;

collect the necessary machines, equipment, tools, materials at the work site (see “Material and technical resources”);

fence the area with barriers and signal signs;

prepare and maintain in good condition paths for the supply of sand-cement mixture. In dry and hot weather, they are periodically watered to reduce dust and create safe work motor transport;

The work area is provided with mobile equipment: a carriage - an office, - a pantry, - a shower, a dining room), drinking water and water for technical purposes, mobile bathrooms, and a medical kit.

Work on the installation of a sand-cement base is carried out, as a rule, in two shifts, with a 650 m long gripper assigned to each shift.

To work on each shift, a team of workers is organized, which includes a 6-grade distributor operator. - 1; assistant driver 5 grades - 1; operator DS-105 for distribution of film-forming materials 5 sizes. - 1; road workers: 4 grades - 1, 3 sizes - 2, 2 sizes - 1.

At the beginning of the shift, the distributor operator and his assistant prepare the machine for work, install sensors and place tracing rods on the string.

During operation, the driver controls the distributor, receiving hopper and vibrating beam, and the assistant driver, following the machine, controls the quality of work (flatness of the base surface, transverse slope, layer thickness and, with a laboratory assistant, the quality of compaction).

The DS-105 operator distributes film-forming materials over the finished sand-cement base.

A 3rd grade road worker, moving in front of the distributor, lowers the string for the entry of dump trucks, controls the movement of these vehicles, and keeps track of the incoming mixture. As the distributor approaches, it lifts the string and hangs it on the rack brackets.

Road worker 2 grades takes the mixture into the hopper, cleans the body of the dump truck, and, if necessary, transfers the mixture with a shovel to the vibrating beam.

Road workers 4 and 3 grades. follow the distributor and eliminate minor defects on the base before distributing film-forming materials - correct edge collapses, install temporary formwork, seal seams at the joints of rows.

At the end of the work, road workers participate in cleaning the distributor and its components.


Note . The graph shows a fraction: the numerator is the number of workers, the denominator is the duration of the operation in minutes.


Code of norms and prices

Description of work

Squad composition


Scope of work

Standard time, person-hour

Price, rub.-kop.

Standard time for the full scope of work, person-hours

Cost of labor costs for the full scope of work, rubles-kopecks.

VNiR-57, § B-57-5, § 1

A. Construction of a sand-cement base

Receiving the sand-cement mixture into the dosing hopper and cleaning the dump truck body. Relocation of entry signs to the base. Leveling and compacting the mixture, finishing the edges and surface of the base with a spreader. Manually lifting the mixture from the side formwork. Correction of minor base defects. Construction of the working seam. Moving the distributor to another row

Distributor operator 6 raz. - 1

Assistant driver 5 grades - 1

Road workers:

4 size - 1

3" - 2

2" - 1

1000 m 2






VNiR-57, § B-57-5, No. 2

B. Care of sand-cement base

Operator of film-forming materials distributor, 5 grade. - 1





Total for replaceable grip 4875 m 2



Per 1000 m 2




The name of indicators


According to calculation A

According to schedule B

By what percentage is the indicator according to the graph greater (+) or less (-) than according to the calculation?

Labor intensity of work per 1000 m 2 of sand-cement base





Average level of workers

Average daily wage of a worker





DS-99 distributor utilization coefficient over time during a shift k c = 0.92.


A. Basic materials

Note . The quantity of materials is determined for the following conditions:

compaction coefficient of the sand-cement mixture - 1.4;

loss of the mixture during transportation and installation - 3%;

the rate of distribution of pomarol is 1 l/m 2, losses 0.5%;

Under other conditions for laying the mixture and caring for the base, the amount of materials should be recalculated.

B. Machinery, equipment, tools, inventory


Brand, GOST


Distributor equipped with dosing hopper and vibrating screed


Film Forming Material Dispensing Machine


Two-axle trailer for barrels of pomarol

Dump trucks for transporting sand-cement mixture

by calculation

Two-axle trailer with water tank (for technical purposes)

Level with tripod

Leveling slats


Metal measuring tape, 20 m

Twisted flax cord, 20 m


Wooden ruler 80 cm


Steel construction shovels


Blacksmith's blunt-nosed sledgehammer


Nylon brushes with long handles

Watering cans for distributing porcelain manually

Kovalev's device for measuring the degree of compaction of a mixture

Layer thickness gauge

Three-meter rod for measuring surface evenness

Set of signal signs fencing the work site

Wagon for master and storeroom


Dining car


Car - shower


Note . The inventory requirements do not include tracing strings and accessories for their installation. The quantity of this inventory is determined according to actual needs.


Cross slope

Δ4 = +0.002

Surface evenness (allowable clearance under a 3-meter rail), mm

Δ5 = 5

Base design diagram indicating maximum deviations

Notes . 1. The density coefficient of the base must be at least 0.98 of the maximum standard density.

2. The uniformity of distribution of the film-forming material is controlled by pouring a solution of phenolphthalein or of hydrochloric acid. The number of points of foaming or redness in an area of ​​100 cm2 should be no more than two.

Basic operations subject to control

Distributing and compacting the mixture with a distributor

Distribution of film-forming materials

Composition of control

Base width

Layer thickness

Surface evenness

Cross slope

Axis marks

Substrate density

Uniform distribution of film-forming material over the base

Method and means of control

Measuring, laboratory, steel tape, steel ruler, thickness gauge, rod and wedge, level.

Cutting ring method: density meter - moisture meter designed by Kovalev, radiometric device PGP-2

Visual, measuring, phenolphthalein or hydrochloric acid solution

Mode and scope of control

At the beginning and middle of the shift

On cross-sections every 40 m

Every 100 m

At least twice for every 400 m2

One test per shift

Person supervising the operation

Master, laboratory assistant


Person responsible for organizing and exercising control


Units involved in control



Where are the control results recorded?

General work log, laboratory work log

General work log, laboratory work log, acceptance certificate

Mass production of sand concrete products requires careful step-by-step organization of the technological process, and compaction is one of these stages.
When producing heavy concrete using traditional molding schemes, compaction quality control is usually not carried out. The manufacturer is content with organoleptic signs of compaction, for example, the appearance of laitance on the surface of the product. Manufacturing practice confirms the sufficiency of these characteristics, primarily due to the workability margins included in the design of the composition to simplify the molding stage. The price for increasing workability is an increase in cement consumption, but enterprise management willingly agrees to this, believing that high-quality compaction when using aggregates with unstable properties is sufficient compensation for excess cement consumption.
When manufacturing structures from sand concrete, where there is always more cement paste than in heavy concrete, the appearance of cement laitance on the surface of the molded product is no longer a sufficient sign of high-quality compaction.
The “Recommendations for the manufacture of structures from sand concrete” states that sufficient indication high-quality compaction of cement- sand mixtures is to obtain a compaction coefficient Ku≥0.97.
Control of the compaction coefficient should accompany both the design of the composition and the manufacture of structures. This is especially important for sand concrete, where undercompaction is the main defect in the mass production of small-piece products from especially and super-hard mixtures.

Application of intensive compaction methods for cement-sand mixtures

In recent years, methods of intensive compaction of concrete mixtures have been increasingly used in both foreign and domestic practice.
During intensive compaction, hard, especially and super-hard mixtures are used, which allows not only to reduce cement consumption, but also to fundamentally change the production scheme - to exclude molds from the technological process.
High-quality compacted rigid concrete mixtures are able to independently hold their shape, and especially and super-rigid ones allow immediate movement of freshly formed products directly or on a pallet.
In world practice, the following main methods of intensive compaction are used: vibrocompression, semi-dry pressing, roller molding, press rolling, extrusion, anti-extrusion, vibroforming with weight, etc.
Vibration pressing
In Russia, vibrocompression is most widely used; There are many years of experience in using the method, as well as domestic developments in the field of technology and equipment.
New types of brick making machines and automated lines are being produced that have proven themselves in long-term operation. It has been shown that by vibrocompression it is possible to obtain high-quality products from cement-sand mixtures, not only by eliminating the use of molds and reducing the time of heat and humidity treatment, but also by reducing the quality requirements for aggregate sand imposed by suppliers of foreign equipment. Vibrocompression also ensures the production of calibrated dimensions and high-quality surfaces of products.
Analysis of the designs of brick making machines from the world's leading and domestic producers with many years of experience in their manufacture and operation in Russia and abroad, he showed that in the best equipment options the matrix is ​​installed on a vibrating platform so that vibration impacts similar to those on the concrete mixture in the matrix are transmitted to the punch. This allows you to reduce the molding time of products and increase the rigidity of the molded mixtures.

In Fig. Figure 5.7 shows a diagram of a molding complex, including a brick press with a lifting matrix. The brick making machine consists of three main components: a forming unit, a pallet feeding mechanism and a concrete feeding mechanism. The forming unit includes load-bearing columns 1, an upper cross-beam 2, a lower base plate 3. Brackets with shock absorbers are installed on the columns, on which a vibration platform 4 with vibrators 5 is located. Matrix 6, consisting of a frame and a liner, moves along the columns using hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders.
The cylinder 7 of the punch 8 is mounted on the upper cross-beam, to which the dies are attached.
The concrete dosing mechanism is a welded frame 9 on which a hopper 10 is mounted.
A measuring box 13 with a pusher moves along the guides by a system of levers 11 and drive 12. On the front wall of the box there is a device for cleaning the punch dies from concrete residues.
The pallet feeding mechanism includes a storage device 14 mounted on a frame 15, along which a trolley with folding stops moves reciprocatingly using a hydraulic cylinder. The brick making machine is equipped with a receiving table 16, a hydraulic pump station 17 and a control system 18.
Operating procedure of the brick making machine:
- the pallet is installed on the vibrating platform at the next conveyor step;
- the matrix goes down and presses the liner to the pallet, then its upper plane coincides with the support base for moving the measuring box. The punch is in the upper position;
- concrete is supplied to the hopper of the dosing mechanism. The pusher is in its original position, that is, pressed against the back wall of the measuring box;
- the measuring box is installed above the matrix, the vibrators are turned on, the concrete mixture from the measuring box is distributed to all nests of the matrix;
- after the vibration stops, the measuring box returns to its original position;
- a punch is lowered onto the concrete mixture located in the matrix cell, and the vibrators are turned on. The concrete mixture is compacted under the combined influence of vibration and load;
- after the completion of the compaction process, the matrix lifting cylinders are turned on. The punch continues to remain in the lower position, keeping the products from rising along with the matrix until they are completely released. Further rise of the matrix occurs together with the punch;
- the pallet with freshly molded products is pushed out from under the forming device, and the next pallet takes its place;
- the matrix together with the punch are lowered, the matrix presses the pallet to the vibrating platform, the punch rises to its original position. The forming unit is ready for the next cycle.
The process of volumetric vibrocompression itself can be divided into 3 stages:
This stage is usually combined with volumetric vibrodosing: the concrete mixture is placed into a matrix under the influence of vibration. In this case, the mixture is distributed over the matrix area, air is partially removed, and the mixture is pre-compacted due to the convergence of particles.
Filler particles coated with cement paste automatically take an optimal position during vibration - small ones are placed between large ones, reducing the voids of the mixture.
Since during the process of pre-compaction the mixture is dispensed “onto the product”, it is essential to ensure uniform filling of the matrix with the concrete mixture, for which a number of techniques have been developed by the practice of vibrocompression:
- vibration dosing. Dosing of the mixture is carried out with the vibrating platform turned on, which leads to partial removal of air from the concrete mixture and, consequently, to greater uniformity of the backfill;
- multivibration. When the measuring box moves along the matrix, it stops abruptly at the beginning and end of the movement, which causes the system to oscillate with a low frequency and high amplitude (with vibration dosing, high frequency and low amplitude). This movement of the measuring box is performed 3-5 times;
- “entry” of the measuring box. The front face of the measuring box stops behind the front face of the matrix;
- increasing the volume of the measuring box. The volume of the measuring box is 1.5-2 times greater than the volume of the brick-making press matrix, which ensures the constant presence of a column of concrete mixture above the matrix;
- installation of a “turner”. The agitator, in the process of multi-vibration, carries out additional directional mixing of the mixture. The configuration of the agitator, as a rule, depends on the type of product being molded. Moving the measuring box causes the agitator to perform low-frequency oscillations, on the one hand, which prevents the compaction of the concrete mixture in the measuring box, and on the other, improves the filling of the matrix cells. A number of foreign companies began to supply vibration-pressing equipment with active (having their own drive) agitators.
The positive effect of an active agitator on the quality of filling matrix cells, especially for products containing high thin walls, has been experimentally confirmed.
The measures that ensure high-quality filling of the matrix of a brick-making press also include:
- regulation of the moisture content of the mixture as a factor that significantly affects its rheological characteristics;
- thorough mixing of the mixture, ensuring its homogeneity in accordance with the standard;
- with the overall dimensions of the matrix, in terms of close to a square and exceeding 1.0 m, - the use of two bins and two measuring boxes, each filling its half of the matrix;
- supply of aggregates and cement from one manufacturer, including sand with a stable granulometric composition and non-additive cement fixed activity with constant normal density of cement paste.
All these problems also occur in foreign practice, although to a lesser extent, due to the use of washed, dry, fractionated aggregates and pure clinker cements in the technology.
Typically, the cement-sand mixture entering the matrix contains up to 60% air. As a result of pre-compaction measures, its quantity is reduced to 20-25%, and this air is fairly evenly distributed throughout the volume of the mixture.
With the correct composition of concrete, vibration parameters and pressure from the punch, liquefaction of the cement paste is ensured, i.e., the filler particles come closer together, and thin structured shells of cement paste are formed around them. As a result, the cement-sand mixture acquires fluidity properties, which ensures almost complete removal of trapped air.
This stage of molding in the best examples of vibration-pressing equipment is characterized by the pulsating nature of the interaction between the mixture and the punch. During the vibration process, the punch periodically breaks away from the concrete mixture with subsequent impact on the molded product.
The total impact from the punch (its own weight, hydraulic (pneumatic) pressure) and the nature of the vibration impacts are assigned so that the inertial tearing forces can create conditions for a pulsating mode in the interaction “vibration platform - compacted product - punch”.
Final compaction.
The compaction obtained at the preliminary stages can be considered close to the required one - at this stage there is practically no visible movement of the punch, but only the removal (partially more uniform distribution over the volume) of the remaining trapped air is carried out.
To eliminate destructive processes in a freshly molded product and air leaks, additional force is applied to the punch at this stage of compaction, ensuring the closure of the vibrating system “punch - product - vibrating platform”.
It is advisable, simultaneously with an increase in pressure, to increase the oscillation frequency of the vibrating platform, for example, to 100 Hz, which brings small aggregate particles into resonance, promoting compaction of the concrete mixture.
The above mechanism for forming hard and especially hard mixtures is the result of many years of research and is the basis for the operating algorithm of the vast majority of foreign and domestic brick making machines.
However, vibration compaction in existing equipment models is successfully implemented in the manufacture of structures either in the form of thick flat plates, or products having a constant height and cross-section in the direction of molding.
When producing structures of variable thickness or different heights in the direction of molding or thin plates, the above molding scheme does not provide high-quality compaction.
Deterioration in the quality of compaction not only affects the strength characteristics of concrete products, but also makes characteristics that depend on the structure of the material - frost resistance, water absorption, water resistance - poorly predictable.
Below are methods for obtaining products of variable thickness and products of fixed height by vibrocompression.
Vibrocompression, as a technology in its classical version, involves the production of products of constant height in the direction of molding. Usually these are slabs or blocks, either solid or including vertical channels. These products are classic version molding on a flat pallet.
Producing products of variable thickness on pallets of complex configuration is, as a rule, considered impractical due to their excessively high cost, which even with flat pallets is close to the cost of molding equipment.
Giving a product a different configuration using a punch is a much more widely used technique.
This is how trays, gutters, well covers, covering stones for plinths, etc. are made.
However, the practice of molding products of variable thickness using methods used for products of constant thickness leads to under-compaction of individual areas in them. Indeed, when molding on a flat pallet, a measuring box with a mixture of constant height fills the entire volume of the matrix. As a result, only the thinnest section of the product is compacted under the figured punch. When molding “uneven-high” products from mixtures with high workability, the latter moves under the load, but in hard, especially and super-hard mixtures this does not happen, so the product turns out to be uncompacted.
A technological method has been developed that includes an additional operation before vibration compaction: after filling the concrete mixture with a measuring box under continuous vibration, the mixture is loaded with a punch with a force of -20% of the molding force. Thus, the concrete mixture, moving under the influence of vibration in a confined space, acquires a shape in its upper part that corresponds to the configuration of the punch.
The next stage of molding is traditional vibration compaction, however, compaction in a product containing sections of different heights will be of better quality in this case.
Many years of experience with especially and super-hard concrete mixtures molded using intensive compaction methods have shown that when Ku≥0.97, high-quality concrete with high physical and mechanical characteristics is obtained, and that obtaining a higher Ku, as a rule, is not justified economically. for increased costs for compacting concrete mixtures and reduced equipment productivity.
Thus, despite the current practice, it becomes obvious that under-compaction of concrete in products with low strength, for example, in wall blocks, is unacceptable.
Another way to obtain the required compaction in products of variable thickness is to increase the workability of the mixture to a level that allows using specific equipment to transfer it into a vibration-liquefied state by vibrating the concrete mixture. This will ensure its free movement in the matrix, and the pressure from the punch should not interfere with this.
However, as the workability of the concrete mixture increases during the compaction process, laitance appears on the surface of the freshly molded product. Cement laitance can also appear as a result of poor-quality mixing, when individual volumes of the mixture have an increased water content, or from uneven amplitude field of the vibrating platform or punch. Then laitance may appear not on the entire surface of the molded product, but at its individual points. As a result, the concrete mixture sticks to the punch, forming breaks on the surface of the products after it is lifted.
When the workability of the mixture increases to a level leading to the appearance of cement laitance on the entire molding surface, the product sticks to the punch, and the van der Waals adhesion forces are so great that the freshly molded product, even freed from the matrix, rises along with the punch when it returns to the starting position.
Technical solutions that prevent sticking to the punch were obtained during the development of vibrocompression technology cement-sand tiles- a thin plate of variable (10-25 mm) thickness.
Placing a polymer film between the product and the punch completely eliminated sticking, and the molded surface was perfectly smooth. A mechanism for continuously drawing the film after each molding has been developed.
An even better result was achieved when molding tiles with a punch heated to 110-120 °C. In this case, a vapor layer formed between it and the molded product. As a result, the tiles did not stick to the punch, and their surface after molding was mirror-like. In addition, the tiles turned out to be hot after vibration pressing. It was shown that the heat accumulated by the product is sufficient for the mixture to undergo a period of structure formation, which corresponds to the time of preliminary exposure in the heat-moisture treatment mode.
No less important is the development of a method for producing fixed-height products by vibrocompression and, first of all, wall blocks - one of the most popular structures produced using vibrocompression technology.
Calibrating the blocks in height allows not only to apply the “glue” masonry scheme, but also to improve heat-shielding properties walls by reducing the thickness of horizontal cold bridges.
The scheme for compacting cement-sand mixtures in vibrocompression technology involves lowering rigidly interconnected punch elements into the cells of the matrix, which involves uniform filling of the concrete mixture into each of the cells.
The mixture is poured into the matrix using a measuring box, i.e. a volumetric dosage of the mixture is produced, and in its worst version. As a result, even when measures are taken to improve the backfill, as a rule, the amount of mixture in each cell turns out to be different and, therefore, compacted differently. In reality, only one of the products or one of the walls of the product turns out to be qualitatively compacted, all the others are, to one degree or another, underconsolidated.
What is the extent of this underconsolidation, and how significant is this for the properties of concrete? According to data, each percentage of undercompaction leads to a decrease in strength by 5-7%. In general, this assessment can be considered correct. However, this is an integral assessment. The essence of undercompaction is the unformed structure of concrete: the presence of spontaneously located air that has not been removed from the concrete product. This air may end up, for example, in the zone of main tensile stresses, and then we are no longer talking about the percentage reduction in strength - the failure load can decrease several times. The air may be close to the edges of the product (this often happens in the manufacture of paving slabs), and then these edges become painted or break off during transport operations or packaging, which impairs the durability and presentation of the products.
But this is not the worst result of undercompaction. For products that require frost resistance, the presence of cavities of “unorganized” air in them leads to their filling with water. The freezing and thawing of this water destroys the products within 1-2 seasons.
An analysis of the practice of manufacturing small-piece concrete products shows that the compaction coefficient Kу = 0.97 is sufficient (including durability), i.e., about 3% of the air phase is allowed in freshly molded concrete. The accuracy of the dosage of the cement-sand mixture per product is estimated at 4-6%, i.e. the total volume of the air phase can reach 9%. This also means the appearance of products of different heights in parallel moldings, which is unacceptable, first of all, for wall and finishing materials.
In the practice of vibrocompression, to obtain products of constant height, the technique of stopping the vibropress punch at a fixed height is used. This may be a mechanical fixation - a stop, or the movement of the punch stops under the influence of a signal from the position sensor.
It is obvious that in this case all products are under-compacted. The way out of the contradiction is the proposed method of using concrete with air entrainment. The essence of the method is the introduction of an air-entraining additive into the concrete mixture in an amount that provides up to 10% air entrainment.
When vibrocompressing products with a fixed height of lowering the punch, this will mean that entrained air will be in different quantities in each product. However, this air is no longer randomly placed in the form of large pores, but is evenly distributed throughout the mass in the form of small air entrainment pores throughout the entire volume of the product. It is known that such air for concrete made from particularly hard cement-sand mixtures in an amount of 5-6% practically does not reduce the load-bearing capacity of the products, significantly increasing their frost resistance.
In addition, air entrainment plasticizes the concrete mixture, and, taking this circumstance into account, the strength of concrete may even increase.
Thus, the mechanism for implementing the method of forming products of calibrated height is the use of an air-entraining additive in particularly rigid concrete mixtures of a continuous structure (i.e., with an excess of cement paste), providing air entrainment of up to 10% and fixing the punch of a brick-making press at the level of the product height required by the standard.
Then, with a correctly selected concrete composition, one of the compacted products will have Ku≥0.97, and the rest Ku = 0.97-0.93, and the spread in the strength characteristics of concrete will not exceed regulatory requirements.
Roller molding
The production of small-piece concrete products in domestic and world practice is carried out mainly by vibrocompression. The advantages of the method are so significant that the development of other compaction mechanisms is clearly insufficient.
However, vibrocompression also has serious disadvantages: it is a very “noisy” and “vibrating” technology, and the sizes of products manufactured by vibrocompression are limited.
With matrix dimensions exceeding 1.0 m, the equipment becomes bulky and metal-intensive. The load on equipment increases many times over. There is no experience in mass production of reinforced concrete structures using vibrocompression.
To a large extent, in order to eliminate these disadvantages, a vibration-free method for compacting concrete (primarily cement-sand) mixtures was developed - roller molding.
The essence of the method is layer-by-layer compaction of the cement-sand mixture with rollers, creating the necessary pressure for compaction by reaction in the rolling bearings.
A prototype of the unit was developed and research work was carried out on an experimental line for the production of large-sized unreinforced paving slabs 1000x1000x100 mm.

These studies made it possible to determine the main parameters of the installation (the diameter of the rollers, their length, the number of double strokes), which make it possible to obtain high-quality compaction and eliminate such specific disadvantages of roller molding as layering, burst cracks, etc. The diagram of the roller molding unit is shown in Fig. 5.8, where 1 - form, 2 - beam, 3 - pressing rollers, 4 - support rollers, 5 - product.
At the Kretinga plant building structures Industrial production of a wide range of road products has been organized using this technology.
In Fig. Figure 5.9 shows a diagram of a technological line, including 2 horizontally located transport streams with a molding unit 1 and a transfer unit 2. Molding is carried out on pallets 3, the molding space is formed by the transverse partitions of the pallet and the longitudinal sides of the installation.
The heat treatment process of products is divided into 3 stages:
- preliminary exposure in chamber 7 at a temperature of 25-30 °C for 4-5 hours (products are on pallets);
- isothermal heating in chamber 9 at a temperature of 70 °C for 4-5 hours (products are on pallets);
- aging of products in chamber 7 without pallets with their transportation on freshly molded products located on pallets.
During transportation, hardened products cool down to 25-30 °C within 4-5 hours.

This heat and humidity treatment scheme made it possible to create a compact, highly productive line.
Line operation order: the pallet with freshly molded products 4 is installed by a pusher 5 on the roller conveyor 6 of the chamber 7, in which the first stage of heat treatment takes place. Then the pallet with products is transferred by transferor 2 to roller conveyor 8 of chamber 9 to carry out the second stage of HME. The pallets are moved by a pusher 10. After passing through the chamber 9, the hardened products are removed from the pallet by the formworker 11 and installed on freshly formed products located on the roller table 6 to undergo the third stage of heat treatment. The pallets, freed from products, are sent through the cleaning and lubrication mechanism 12 to the forming table 13.
The transferor performs two functions: it packages products that have undergone a full heat treatment cycle, and transfers pallets from roller conveyor 6 to roller conveyor 8.
Roller molding allows you to simultaneously produce a different range of products. Yes, on specified line Of the 87 pallets available in the technological flow, 40% are intended for the production of main side stones, 11% - lawn stones, 49% - paving slabs.
A single molding cycle is 3 minutes. The proposed technology, compared to vibrocompression, expands the possibilities for the production of products with a finished surface, including when using embossed sheets for pallets industrial production, using a hardening retarder instead of lubricating pallets, etc.
The hardening retarder makes it possible to obtain a decorative surface of the “shagreen” type, formed after “washing” the surface layer of concrete in products that have undergone heat and moisture treatment.
The fundamental possibility of manufacturing large-sized reinforced concrete structures from sand concrete, including road slabs 3.0 x 1.75 m, by roller molding is shown.
Press rolling, semi-dry pressing
Press rolling is a very limited technology used in Russia almost exclusively for the production of cement-sand tiles.
The tiles are manufactured on shaped cast pallets, fed in a continuous strip under the forming device.
A portion of a particularly hard cement-sand mixture is poured from the hopper of the forming unit onto a pallet, which is then rolled (compacted) with profiled rollers. The lower (profile, with irregular protrusions) surface of the tile is formed according to the profile of the pallet, the upper (longitudinal waves, elements of the locking connection) - by a roller device.
Advantages of the method: low noise, high productivity, good product geometry, the ability to use particularly hard mixtures.
Disadvantages: high cost of pallets, poor redistribution of the cement-sand mixture under the forming roller, the need to use high-quality, mainly prepared aggregates, the possibility of manufacturing a limited number of structural forms of products.
The domestic practice of producing press-rolled tiles faces serious problems in ensuring the water resistance of products.
The lack of clear requirements for the quality of aggregate sand, the use of quarry and river sands without processing leads to constantly changing rheological characteristics of the cement-sand mixture. As a result, the mixture is unevenly distributed over the plane of the pallet and, therefore, compacted differently in different parts of the products. With the adopted molding scheme, the mixture does not have the ability, as happens, for example, during vibrocompression, to move along the pallet under the influence of vibration. The unevenness of the backfill and the associated heterogeneity of the compacted material leads not only to a decrease in strength, but also to the inability to guarantee the waterproofness of the tiles. It is impossible to test every tile - water resistance must be ensured by technology. A number of companies that for several years have set the goal of entering the Russian market of roofing materials, despite significant investments, have not been able to complete the solution of this task.
Attempts to stabilize the characteristics of raw materials by supplying sand from certain quarries also did not lead to the necessary results, and attempts to use dry mixtures to produce tiles increased the cost of products so much that it approached the cost of metal tiles.
As a result, manufacturers began to apply a polymer layer to the surface of the hardened tiles, which not only eliminated leaks in the roof, but also decorated it. In the advertising brochure, however, the consumer is offered not only colored coated tiles, but also uncoated tiles. It would be advisable to apply colored colloidal cement glue (the result of joint grinding of cement with pigment) to freshly molded tiles, which ensures clogging of the pores of the surface layer. In addition, this would save dye and eliminate the possibility of peeling off the polymer layer.
There is information about the use of press rolling technological lines for the production of paving slabs - products that are in much higher demand than tiles. Paving slabs are thick, flat plates of constant thickness, and molding them with a press roll is a simpler task than making tiles.
The formation of paving slabs occurs on a flat pallet, which is a metal sheet 4 mm thick, which makes the manufacture of pallets a very simple task.
The height of the paving slabs (usually 70-80 mm) allows the mixture to move under the compacting roller and, therefore, form them better.
The disadvantages of the technology include the possibility of obtaining relief in paving slabs only in the form of longitudinal stripes and chamfers only in the direction of movement of the slabs along the conveyor.
It is not clear from the literature whether it was possible to obtain a chamfer in the direction perpendicular to the movement when cutting a continuous strip of a molded plate into products. It was assumed that the formation of a transverse chamfer could be organized simultaneously with cutting.
Semi-dry pressing is a technology that involves a one-time intense force impact of a pressing element on a concrete mixture without vibration. Both the disadvantages of the method and its advantages are obvious.
The latter include low noise, the possibility of using mixtures of higher mobility than with vibrocompression, primarily due to the absence of vibration, which leads to the sticking of the punch to the product. Semi-dry pressing technology makes it possible to increase the productivity of molding equipment, the ability to expand the range of workability of molded mixtures, and also to obtain products with decorative surface. When semi-dry pressing cement-sand mixtures, a “shagreen” type surface is obtained, because cement milk does not protrude onto the surface of the product, “smearing” the aggregate.
The main disadvantage of semi-dry pressing is that it is difficult to qualitatively compact the concrete mixture using pressure alone without vibration. Therefore, as a rule, the technology is used in the production of thin, non-load-bearing or lightly loaded products, for example, finishing materials.