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Vetonite sand mixture. Dry mortar mixture Vetonit technical characteristics. Disposal instructions



M-150 Universal mixture De Luxe

The purpose of the universal cement-sand mixture M-150 is external, internal construction, finishing, repair work, such as brickwork, primary plastering, construction of partitions and non-load-bearing walls, sealing, processing of seams. Recommended layer thickness is 5-50 mm. A layer 10 mm thick will require 16-18 kg/m².

M-200 Assembly and masonry mixture De Luxe

The purpose of the dry mixture M-200 (sand concrete De Luxe) is external, internal construction, finishing, repair work, such as brickwork, block laying, floor screed, seam treatment, wall repair, sealing cracks. Recommended layer thickness is 5–50 mm. A layer 10 mm thick will require 16–18 kg/m².

M-300 Pouring mixture (De Luxe coarse sand concrete) De Luxe

Purpose of M-300 - external and internal construction work, such as pouring foundations; construction of walls and foundations; installation of screed, load-bearing layer of floors, including those used as finishing floors in industrial and warehouses. Minimum thickness layer – 35 mm. Maximum fraction filler – 3 mm. A layer 10 mm thick will require 18-20 kg/m².

How official dealer we offer to wholesale the most popular dry mixes M-150, M-200, M-300 at attractive price. There are discounts for wholesalers: when ordering over 20 tons, the price is reduced on a per-unit basis, which will ultimately bring you significant benefits. Contact us by requesting a call back, or place an order to purchase dry mixtures online on our website.

Marking of dry cement-sand mixtures

Comprehensive information about the composition, class, additives introduced, methods and areas of application of the material, its shelf life and release date, weight, technical parameters The DSPs are located on the packaging. Information about the purpose is provided by the marking:

  • universal plaster – M-100;
  • universal – M-150;
  • assembly and masonry mixture – M-200;
  • filling, foundation – M-300;
  • pouring, foundation especially strong - M-400.

The number in the marking indicates the load (static) that the hardened mortar can withstand, for example, the dry assembly and masonry mixture M-200 can withstand a load of 200 kg/cm³.

The presence, qualitative and quantitative composition of additives change the purpose of DSP, as they expand the possibilities of its use. Additives affect adhesion, water repellent properties, strength and price of the dry mixture.

Classification of cement-sand mixtures

According to GOST 28013-98 dry cement-sand mixtures classified by density, amount of binder additives, purpose. Based on density, CPS are divided into light and heavy; by the number of binder components - into simple and complex, containing one or more substances, respectively; by purpose - for plastering, masonry, pouring. The standard regulates the parameters of mixture solutions:

  • humidity,
  • temperature range,
  • plastic,
  • density,
  • delamination.

The hardened solution is assessed by frost resistance, density, and strength.

WEBER VETONIT cement facade plaster for leveling surfaces with a layer of 5 to 30 (50) mm:
For interior and exterior use
high adhesion and vapor permeability

Can be applied to concrete without prior priming of the surface.
Has good adhesion to all common building substrates.
Easy to apply, hardens without shrinkage.
It is moisture and frost resistant.

Alignment mineral surfaces layer from 5 to 30 (50) mm, before tiling, puttying, painting.
For vertical and horizontal surfaces, indoors and outdoors.
Suitable for application on the following substrates: concrete, ceramic and sand-lime brick, bases from cellular concrete, according to previously drawn cement plasters.

*Preparatory work:
The base must be dry, durable and not subject to shrinkage or deformation.
The base must be cleaned of dust, dirt, old paint, solution and degrease.
At ambient temperatures above 25°C, before applying plaster, it is recommended to moisten the base.
The base temperature must not be lower than +5°C.
For work at temperatures from – 10 °C to + 10 °C and in case of possible night frosts, use weber.stuk cement winter.
Highly absorbent substrates must be pre-treated with weber.prim multi or weber.prim A10 (pre-diluted 1:4 with
clean water).

Pour 6.25 liters of water into a container and add 25 kg of plaster (bag).
Weber.stuk cement must be mixed in clean water at a temperature of approximately 20°C.
It is necessary to knead the mixture mechanically using a drill mixer at medium speed (400 - 600 rpm) to achieve a homogeneous mass without lumps.
Leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes to “ripen”, then stir again.
After this, you can apply the plaster to the wall by throwing it or using a trowel and trowel.
Allowable thickness one layer up to 30 mm, greater thickness can be obtained by applying the solution in several layers with intermediate drying of each layer
at least 12 hours.
At 20°C and normal humidity, the prepared solution remains viable for at least 2 hours.

During drying, the plaster must be protected from high temperatures, straight sun rays and wind.
When applying weber.stuk cement for the first time or when environmental conditions change, it is advisable to test and install on a small area optimal proportion water and mixture, and then stick to it.
If on the basis there are expansion joints, then when applying the mixture it is also necessary to make expansion joints, repeating their geometry and filling them with polyurethane sealant.

The prepared solution is applied manually or using a machine to a previously prepared surface.
Without waiting for the surface to weather, the solution is smoothed using the appropriate tool.

Working tools and equipment are washed with water immediately after completion of work.

When working, you must use rubber gloves
avoid prolonged contact with skin and eyes
In case of contact with eyes, rinse big amount Keep water away from children.

The dry mixture and hardened material must be disposed of as construction waste.
The material must not be discharged into the sewer.
Dispose of the paper bag as regular waste.

Three-layer paper bag with a middle layer of polyethylene – 25 kg.
Pallet 48 bags/1200 kg.

12 months from the date of production, provided that it is stored in original packaging on a pallet in a dry place.

Today, putty is the most popular method of finishing walls and load-bearing structures. Before the main decoration, the surface is carefully processed; one of these stages is the application of putty. In essence, this is a standard leveling of the base using special building mixtures. As experts note, Vetonit putty rightfully bears the title of the best mortar for wall finishing. Compared to other analogues, it has a lot of advantages, distinctive specifications and performance properties.

Applying putty is a very labor-intensive process, but using high-quality products makes it easier to putty walls and also helps the coating dry faster (regardless of the number of layers).

Vetonit Weber is a famous collection consisting of individual modifications of the putty. The most popular is Vetonit lr putty. Due to his unique composition it is used for finishing plastered, concrete walls and ceilings, as well as plasterboard partitions.

In most cases, putties Weber Vetonit used for external decoration of walls, as well as as a base for painting or wallpapering (for example, Vetonit kr putty). There is also façade putty designed for leveling walls outside buildings (facades).

As noted above, this series presents different types of putty, differing from each other in their composition and direct purpose. However, filler and binders (oil or other) are an integral part of all putties in this series. That is, there are two complementary components, due to which the structure of the material is unpretentious in use.

Most of the composition of the putty is taken up by filler (limestone), while polymer glue acts as a binding element.

Preparation of the solution

To prepare putty with optimal structure and consistency, dilute the dry mixture with water in accordance with the proportions indicated on the package. The result should be a homogeneous mass of medium density.

Before diluting the putty mixture, you should know that water must be added to the solution in portions, and its temperature should be approximately 20 degrees.

There are a few professional advice that you should adhere to:

  • After ready putty Infuse a little (within 10-15 minutes) and acquire a more uniform texture; it should be thoroughly mixed again using a construction mixer.
  • After mixing the solution, no more than 24 hours should pass until the putty is applied, otherwise the mixture will lose its properties and harden.
  • If there is still dry mixture left in the package, it is recommended to store it in a cool (but dry) and dark place.

Methods for applying putty

Leveling walls with putty is done in two ways:

  • mechanical spraying (using special equipment);
  • applying the putty mixture manually (using spatulas of different sizes).

The last option is more often applicable for putty polymer materials. It all depends only on the personal preferences and tasks of the person performing the construction work. The putty layer should not exceed 5 mm, otherwise the coating will dry out for a long time and unevenly.

When applying several layers of putty, each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely hardened.

On video: tips on puttying walls from experts.

Types of putties and their descriptions

Vetonit putty is available in several types. Each product has its own unique composition and purpose. Thus, the following groups of materials can be distinguished:

  • VH, V, TT - with these marks, mixtures that are made on the basis of cement are released for sale. Materials of this group are excellent for any type of premises; they can be used in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet (where there is high humidity).
  • LR and KR - these markings indicate that the putty mixtures are intended for final leveling of walls and ceilings, resulting in a coating suitable for subsequent painting or wallpapering. Materials of this group cannot be used in rooms with high levels of humidity.

Vetonit VH

This type of product is best suited for use in conditions of high humidity. Vetonit vh putty, in addition to its main task of preparing the surface for subsequent painting, performs protective function– it prevents the appearance of condensation on ceilings and supporting structures in rooms with high humidity air.

The product is presented in two versions: white and gray color. The white model of Vetonit vh putty is simply irreplaceable if the surface is planned to be painted. The second option is used as a primary layer before laying tiles.

The main feature of this putty mixture is the ability to be used on surfaces made of the most different materials. As the instructions say, the finishing putty can be used on plastered, concrete, stone (brick) walls and bases made of expanded clay, foam aerated concrete, and gas silicate blocks.

Vetonit LR and LR+

Finishing putty Vetonit is in high demand on the market building materials, it has a unique composition, low cost and is easy to use. Model Weber putties Vetonit lr is intended for finishing dry rooms, therefore, compared to other brand products, it has a more viscous and dense structure. After applying the Vetonit finishing putty, proceed to wallpapering the walls or painting work using specialized highly pigmented paints.

It is worth noting that this product not suitable for leveling non-standard, volumetric planes, as well as large objects. This is how most finishing compositions work, whose main task is to reduce the sharpness of the transitions between layers of plaster and paint and minimize surface unevenness. White base putty is best suited for plaster and chipboard surfaces.

The putty is available in different configurations, most often it can be found in a powder version in 25 kg bags. You can also see a ready-made putty mixture that does not need to be diluted with water.

There is also a product Vetonit LR+. This is a polymer putty from this collection. Due to its unique composition, it is ideal for finishing ceilings and walls in dry rooms. This is the starting and most popular model. Its distinctive characteristics are low consumption, quick drying, ease of use and very affordable price. The diluted composition can be applied over smooth or rough surfaces (plasterboard and mineral materials).

You can find many on the Internet positive feedback about the use of this product, with most buyers appreciating the low consumption of material and its versatility. Plastering walls and ceilings with Vetonit allows you to prepare the surface for subsequent paint application.

Important! Vetonit lr plus putty is usually applied by spraying onto walls and ceilings made of plasterboard or particleboard. This starting mixture can also be used as an adhesive layer for installing gypsum boards.

KR and TT products

Marking KR means that the putty is finishing. Before using it, the VH starting solution is first used. Vetonit TT putty is a universal composition that can be used both as a starter and as a finishing coating. In addition, this material is also suitable for finishing facades.

How much material is needed for finishing?

The main criterion when choosing a product for puttying surfaces in living conditions is the product consumption. As for Weber putty, all models in this series have different viscosities. Thus, the version of Weber Vetonit lr putty, as well as individual modifications of Vetonit kr putty, have different consumption.

Before purchasing a putty mixture, you need to calculate required amount material. To make it clearer, let’s look at the consumption of Vetonit kr putty as an example. When finishing walls, about 1.2 kg of ready-made mortar is consumed per 1 m2 of surface, while seven liters of water are enough to dilute the mixture (this figure may vary depending on the structure of the material).

Various building mixtures today they are in demand more than ever. They are lightweight and easy to use, economical, and have a stable composition. But all these and many more important characteristics inherent in materials produced by a serious, trusted manufacturer. This is exactly what it is trademark Vetonit. The company produces powder mixtures intended for use in construction and finishing works.

Among other types of products produced by Vetonit, plaster is in the highest demand among professional builders and private developers. This will be discussed further.

Features of plaster mixtures

The Vetonit company supplies Russian market several It consists mainly of cement, and the filler is limestone, sand, microfiber and other additional components. Today, several types of products of this brand are sold on the market, intended for leveling walls, ceilings and creating a decorative layer outside and inside premises:

  • Primer. Used when working with brick and concrete surfaces.
  • White, non-waterproof compound intended for hand or machine work. Used to create a surface ready for painting.
  • "Vetonit EP". Non-waterproof plaster mixture on a cement-lime base. Used when it is necessary to level a large area in one go. It is advisable to use this material only on a solid base, but on weak lime and cement-lime surfaces it will be ineffective.
  • "Vetonit TT". The basis of the mixture is cement, so the material has waterproof characteristics. The TT brand of the Vetonit company is a plaster that can be called universal, since it can be used to work with surfaces made of any materials.
  • Decorative. Available in several types to suit different surfaces.

Important detail: to obtain high-quality final result You must carefully read the instructions and strictly follow them.

Technical specifications

There are several parameters by which Vetonit products (plaster) are classified. Technical characteristics are the most important indicator:

  • Release form. The plaster mixture is produced in the form of a dry bulk substance, which is packed in paper bags. Weight depends on the size of the package and can vary: 5, 20 and 25 kg. Decorative plaster is produced not only in the form of a dry substance, but also in the form of a ready-to-use solution. In this case, it is packed in a plastic container and weighs 15 kg.
  • Granule size. The mixture is produced in powder, where the fractions do not exceed 1 mm. In decorative plasters, the fractions may be slightly larger - from 1 to 4 mm.
  • Consumption of dry mixes "Vetonit". The plaster is applied in a layer of 1 mm. Accordingly, for 1 sq. m will need to dilute a solution of 1.2 kg. The thicker the layer, the more dry matter will be needed for work.
  • Temperature. You can work with the solution at temperatures from 5 to 35 degrees. If the packaging is marked with the words winter or an asterisk, the material is designed to work in winter and can be used at temperatures down to minus 10 degrees.
  • The viability of the diluted mixture is 2-3 hours.
  • Frost resistance. The dry mixture can withstand 80 to 100 defrost/freeze cycles.
  • The shelf life is up to 1 year. But this is provided that the material is stored in original packaging that has retained its integrity. If the bag is torn, the mixture must be placed in a whole package and stored in a dry place.


The composition depends on the type of Vetonit mixture. T-grade plaster contains organic binding adhesives. The mixture with the designation EP, in addition to cement, includes lime, and the L plaster is made on the basis of a polymer binder.

Thus, for specific type works, a material is produced that has the necessary properties for this purpose.

  • Color. The material has light grey, white, grey. Other shades are not provided, since plaster is not a decorative coating.
  • Strength. Almost all types of plasters have the same strength.
  • Layer thickness. Maximum indicator- 3 cm, minimum - 2 mm. The exact figure depends on the type of mixture.
  • Adhesion. The plastering material has high adhesive strength.

Competitive advantages

Vetonit brand products can be used with almost all known materials: concrete, aerated concrete, foam concrete, silicate or ceramic bricks and other types of building materials. The plaster adheres perfectly to any of them. Due to the fact that the composition is highly water resistant, it is used for plastering premises in which the presence of higher level humidity: bathrooms, warehouses, indoor swimming pools, laundries, etc.

Not just for finishing internal surfaces Vetonit products are used. Facade plaster is intended for work on surfaces with outside buildings, so for its manufacture only components were used that can withstand any weather influences: frost, heat, high humidity. It is worth noting that during hardening the material does not shrink and provides excellent adhesion to the surface.

Features of working with the material

The process itself consists of two stages. The first is preparatory. First of all, the surface on which the mixture will be applied is prepared for work. It is cleaned of dirt, leveled, cutting off protruding elements and filling up irregularities. If necessary, reinforcing material can be used. If you have to work with concrete surfaces, they are pre-treated with a primer.

After this, mix the dry mass with water, strictly following the instructions: use water room temperature, mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, leave for 10-15 minutes, then repeat mixing and you can begin plastering the surfaces. Violation of proportions is fraught with the fact that the material will not acquire the characteristics given to it, especially if it is used gypsum plaster"Vetonit", which is more sensitive. If you prepare incorrectly, you may get a result that differs from what you expected.

The treated surface, protected from moisture and winds, is left for 48 hours, after which they move on to the next stage of work - re-application of plaster or decorative finishing.

Cost: How much will the purchase cost?

The most important thing that usually interests fans of Vetonit brand products is the price. The cost depends on the type of material of interest. For example, TT brand dry mix costs about 360 rubles for a 25 kg bag, and TTT brand material will cost 370 rubles for a 20 kg bag. If you are interested in façade mixture min 1.5 Z from Vetonit, its price will be higher - about 640 rubles per 25 kg.

Vetonit is a brand that produces powdered building mixtures used for a wide range of finishing and construction work. Among the most popular products are finishing putty for walls and ceilings, floor leveling screeds, and tile adhesive. The products have become widespread due to their excellent qualities and affordable price. The production of dry mixes in Russia is carried out by the company Weber-Vetonit, which is an industry division of the international industrial and construction group Saint-Gobain. The article will discuss the main features of Vetonite dry mixtures.

Briefly about the manufacturer

  • The Saint-Gobain company is one of the largest corporations in the world for the production of construction products. It was founded in France in the mid-17th century, and today it has 1.5 thousand companies in more than 60 countries around the world. The head office is located in Paris. Construction mixtures are just one of four areas of activity in which the corporation consistently occupies a leading position.

  • In 1992, the Weber company, specializing in the production of building materials, joined the Saint-Gobain industrial group. “Weber” dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, when J. Weber and J-B. Bruten began to be produced facade plasters. Today, Saint-Gobain Weber has more than 200 branches in 42 countries, and after the acquisition of the industrial group Maxit (MaxitGroup), its factories also appeared in the Russian Federation.
  • All manufactured products meet the highest European requirements, which is confirmed by international quality certificates. Vetonit is a universal and highly specialized material for finishing almost any surface.

Consumers who choose Vetonite are guaranteed to get excellent results, but how can this be achieved?

Vetonit characteristics

Vetonit putty

  • Putty mixtures are used for final leveling of surfaces; the quality of their application directly affects the overall impression and appearance ready renovated premises. Vetonit putties create perfectly flat surface, and their main purpose is to seal cracks, layers and cracks after rough basic construction work.

  • Like all types of putty, Vetonit mixtures are divided into three subtypes: cement, polymer and gypsum. Mainly finishing putties, intended for cladding ceilings and walls. The basis for their application can be a variety of materials - concrete, plasterboard, brick, plaster and others; putty has even been developed that is applied to painted surfaces.
  • The mixtures are universal and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Although putties create a perfectly smooth and smooth surface, still special decorative qualities they do not have, therefore it is allowed to apply almost any decorating materials on top of the layer - wallpaper, relief plasters, tiles, acrylic or water-based paints and so on. The putties themselves are not adhesives.
  • These are environmentally friendly products that are created only from ingredients that are safe for humans and nature.
  • Due to their excellent water resistance, the mixtures are versatile and can be used even in areas such as swimming pools (the packaging should be marked “waterproof mixture”).
  • Powder mixtures have such a fine fraction that the applied layer acquires an ideal, almost mirror-like smoothness.
  • The applied layers of putty are not afraid of adverse weather conditions, including frost, rain or hail, which means they can serve reliably even in facade finishing long years. In addition, products have been developed that can be applied even when negative temperature(snowflake marking on the package).
  • The putty layer enhances the heat-insulating and noise-absorbing properties of the walls and ceiling.

Technical specifications

  • Release form. All Weber putty products are produced in three-layer paper bags, the middle layer of which is made of polyethylene (dry powder) of 5, 20 and 25 kg or plastic containers(paste-like substance) 10-12 l.
  • Astringent. Cement, polymer glue, limestone, and gypsum can be used as a binder.
  • Main purpose. There are several types of putty, distinguished by their main purpose:
    1. for leveling a plastered surface or concrete base before subsequent finishing (painting, wallpapering, cladding ceramic tiles);
    2. for sealing seams formed between sheets of drywall;
    3. applying a putty layer to a previously painted surface.

  • Color of the finished composition. The main shades of the applied layer are white, gray or yellow, which corresponds to the color of the purchased dry mixture.
  • Granule size. Fine-grained powder mixture, the size of which is 0.3-0.5 mm, the fraction of a paste-like substance is no more than 0.06 mm.
  • Temperature. The surface during processing and the ambient temperature should be in the range from +5 to +25 degrees (for frost-resistant species from -10 degrees).
  • Vetonit product consumption. On a surface of 1 m2, when applying a layer of 1 mm, 1.2-1.4 kg of dry substance will be required, consumption when filling joints is 100-200 g/m2.
  • To prepare putty, you need to add 290-350 ml of water per 1 kg of powdered substance.
  • Viability. The prepared cement mixture must be used within 2 hours, after which it loses its quality; diluting it again is not recommended; if the composition includes polymer binders, the viability of the finished solution can be 12-24 hours, and if stored in a closed container, up to 2 -x days.
  • Complete drying time. The applied layer hardens within 3 hours, for complete drying you should wait at least a day; the greater the thickness of the layer and the number of layers, the longer it takes to dry.
  • Thickness of the applied layer. It is recommended to apply 1-3 mm at a time (depending on the brand of product, a layer of up to 5 mm can be applied in one pass).
  • Frost resistance. At least 75 freeze/thaw cycles for powdered products and 10 cycles for ready-made solutions.
  • Strength factor. After one month, the layer is able to withstand mechanical loads of up to 10 MPa.
  • Adhesion coefficient. The adhesion strength to the surface is approximately 0.9-1 MPa.
  • Shelf life. The product can retain its quality for 12-18 months, provided the original packaging is kept intact, as well as under proper storage conditions - dry room, where air humidity is no more than 60%.

Stages of work

  • Putty mixtures can be applied to the surface to be treated either manually or mechanized way using automatic settings.
  • The base is properly prepared - cleaned of dust and dirt, it must be strong, dry, hard and free of substances that reduce adhesion (oil or grease stains). In the room where finishing is taking place, windows and doors must be closed to prevent the possibility of drafts.

  • To prepare the solution, pour the required amount of water into a large container, preferably made of plastic, the temperature of which is approximately 20-25 degrees (no more than 40 °C). Then dry powder is poured into the container (it is not recommended to change the sequence) and thoroughly mixed using a construction mixer or a drill with a special attachment for 5 minutes. After which the prepared mixture is kept for at least 10 minutes to better dissolve the binder, stir again and you can start using it.

  • When applying several layers of Vetonit putty, it is necessary to dry each previous one. Before further finishing, it is recommended to sand the dried surface with fine sandpaper and clean it from dust.

Vetonit plaster

To Russian construction market Several types of dry are supplied plaster mixtures from the Weber-Vetonit company, which are produced both directly at factories in Russia and in other countries, for example, in Finland.

  • Vetonit plasters are, as a rule, cement mixtures, in which sand and limestone can be used as filler, and additional components such as microfiber are added. The most popular product is considered to be the products of “Weber.Vetonit TT” - universal plaster for most reasons.
  • Decorative plasters, capable of creating a unique relief, have become widespread. They can be applied to surfaces pre-treated with any type of plaster (cement, gypsum, lime-cement), as well as to plasterboard and gypsum fiber substrates.

Main competitive advantages

  • The product can be used on most known materials - concrete, aerated concrete, ceramic or sand-lime brick, foam concrete, and so on, preparing the base for subsequent finishing using tiles, glass or plastic slabs, as well as for applying putty.

  • Vetonit plaster is particularly frost-resistant and water-resistant, making it suitable for use in facade work, as well as for plastering bathrooms, warehouses and other rooms with high humidity or low temperature.
  • Non-shrinkage hardening and excellent adhesion to the surface.

Technical specifications

  • Release form. The manufacturer supplies its products in paper bags, packaged in 5, 20 and 25 kg. Decorative plasters can be produced in the form of a ready-made solution, in plastic containers of 15 kg.
  • Astringent. The binder is cement.
  • Main purpose. Depending on the type of product, it can be used in the following cases:
    1. creation of a decorative layer for subsequent painting with water-dispersion paints both inside and outside residential and public buildings;
    2. preliminary leveling of ceilings or walls in rooms with any level of humidity;
    3. local application when leveling surfaces for subsequent construction and repair work.
  • Color of the finished layer and mixture. The shade of the resulting layer is gray for simple plasters and light gray for products intended for subsequent dyeing.

  • Granule size. The powdery substance has a maximum fraction size of no more than 1 mm. Decorative plasters, depending on the texture, contain fractions from 1.5 to 4 mm.
  • Temperature. The solution can be applied at temperatures from +5 to +30 degrees; if the package is marked with an asterisk or has the inscription “winter”, then the plaster is used in the cold season, at temperatures from -10 degrees.
  • Vetonit product consumption. To apply a layer of 1 mm to an area of ​​1 m2, from 1.2 kg to 2.4 kg of dry matter is consumed.
  • Volume of water for mixing the mixture. Water consumption per 1 kg of dry matter is from 160 ml to 300 ml (the exact amount is always indicated on the packaging and you must follow the recommendations to get the finished layer as durable and high quality as possible).
  • Viability. Cement mortars very quickly lose their viability; as a rule, it fluctuates within 2-3 hours.
  • Complete drying time. Each applied layer must be kept for up to 2 days and only after this period of time has passed, you can proceed to subsequent ones. repair work. Within a week after finishing, the plaster gains 50% strength.
  • Thickness of the applied layer. Vetonit plaster can be applied in one pass in a layer of 2 to 10 mm, maximum thickness 3 cm.
  • Frost resistance. The dry powder can withstand 75-100 full freeze/thaw cycles.
  • Strength factor. After 28-31 days, the applied plaster is able to withstand a load of 6-8 MPa.
  • Adhesion coefficient. On a concrete base, the adhesion strength will be within 0.5 MPa.
  • Shelf life. The product must be stored in its original packaging, without damaging its integrity. In a dry room, the product can retain its properties and qualities for 1 year.

Stages of work

  • The surface for applying the solution must be properly prepared. To do this, it is cleaned of dust and dirt, and if necessary, the base is strengthened with reinforcing mesh. If there are oil or grease stains, they should be removed as they will reduce adhesion. All large irregularities are repaired. Before applying the diluted mixture to the concrete base, it must be treated with a primer so that the concrete does not absorb moisture from the solution.

  • Mix the solution in clean water, room temperature (20-25 degrees). Be sure to follow the sequence in which the dry powder is added to the liquid, and not vice versa. To improve adhesion, 10% of water can be replaced with a dispersion primer. Stir the solution using a construction mixer or drill until all lumps have dissolved. During the application process, the finished mixture is stirred without additional addition of water or other liquid.

  • When finishing facades, it is important to protect the applied layer from rain, snow and direct sunlight for 24 hours. The resulting decorative surfaces can be painted after 72 hours; to reduce paint consumption, it is recommended to treat the relief layer with a silicone or silicate primer.

Self-leveling floors/floor leveler

Self-leveling floors are self-leveling mixtures used for floor screed. Weber.vetonit products allow you to create a perfectly flat surface, with a layer thickness from 1 mm to 25 cm in one pass. The solution can be used for installing floors in residential and office premises, both in new buildings and in structures with a long service life.

Main competitive advantages

  • The resulting surface has an almost mirror-like appearance and does not require additional grinding or leveling.
  • Can be used as a base for any floor coverings, even for subsequent finishing with very thin materials.
  • Due to its high compressive strength, the finished coating can withstand heavy loads; in addition, internal reinforcement allows the mixture to be used even on deformable surfaces.

  • The mixture has the fastest possible strength development, which allows you to walk on the poured layer within an hour, and lay floor coverings after 2 hours.
  • It can be used even on difficult substrates, for example, on top of an old wooden floor, ceramic tiles and other materials, thanks to the addition of special polymer components.
  • Forms a sound-proof, heat-resistant and moisture-resistant layer.

Technical specifications

  • Release form. Available in the form of dry powder, packaged in three-layer paper bags of 5 and 25 kg, for reliable protection from exposure environment The middle layer of the packaging is made of polyethylene.
  • Astringent. Special cements are used as a binder.
  • Main purpose. The mixtures are intended:
    1. for leveling concrete and cement-sand bases;
    2. to create screeds for subsequent installation of floor coverings;
    3. to create the main floor layer on balconies and terraces;
    4. for installing a “warm floor” system.
  • Color of the finished composition. The shade of the mixture is determined by the presence of cement in the composition, which gives the finished layer a gray tint.
  • Granule size. The maximum size of the powdery substance is from 0.6 mm to 3 mm.
  • Temperature. The solution is poured in rooms with air temperatures from +10 to +25 degrees; it is considered optimal to maintain the temperature within +15-+20 degrees.
  • Vetonit product consumption. When applying a layer of 1 mm to an area of ​​1 m2, 1.4-1.8 kg of dry matter is consumed.
  • Volume of water for mixing the mixture. To prepare a working solution, add 200-300 ml of liquid per 1 kg of dry substance.
  • Viability. The prepared mixture requires immediate use, as after 15 minutes it begins to harden.
  • Complete drying time. After 1 hour, you are allowed to walk on the poured layer; after 2-3 hours, you can lay the floor covering.
  • Thickness of the applied layer. It is allowed to make a layer whose thickness varies from 1 mm to 25 cm.
  • Shrinkage. A month after application, the layer may shrink by up to 0.5 mm/m.
  • Strength factor. After 28 days, the self-leveling floor can withstand loads of up to 30 MPa.
  • Adhesion coefficient. Grip with concrete base 1 MPa.
  • Shelf life. Bags of mixture are stored unpacked in a dry place for 6-12 months from the date of production.

Stages of work

  • The mixture is used indoors. When pouring the floor, it is necessary to close windows and doors tightly and maintain a constant temperature within +10-+25 degrees for at least 7 days.
  • The base under the self-leveling floor must be cleaned of dust, and also make sure that it is dry and durable (if it is concrete, it must stand for at least 2-3 months). If upper layer If the surface being treated has flaking materials, they should be removed. The place of possible leakage of the mixture must be sealed.

  • It is best to prime the surface with a special compound, for example, Weber Vetonit MD 16 dispersion. If more than 1 layer is intended to be applied, then each of them must be processed accordingly. Dispersions and primers prevent the formation air bubbles and provide better adhesion to the base.

  • To prepare the working solution, pour into a plastic or silicone container clean water, and then pour out the dry ingredients and mix everything thoroughly with a construction mixer.
  • It is best to use the mixture immediately. It can be applied either manually or mechanically. It is optimal to fill in strips, the width of which varies between 30-50 cm. You should start from the corner, spread the poured solution with a steel spatula and roll it with a needle roller (to release the existing air).

  • It is not allowed to take breaks during pouring; if too large an area is being processed, then it should be divided into small sections by installing limiters.

Range of products and approximate prices per package

The industrial group "Weber.Vetonit" produces, in addition to plaster and putty products and self-leveling floors, many more dry building mixtures that have proven themselves in domestic market. These materials include adhesive compositions used for installation thermal insulation boards (mineral wool, expanded polystyrene) and for laying porcelain stoneware, tiles, stone slabs, including at sub-zero temperatures. Almost any surface can be used as a base - concrete, plasterboard, brick, wood, and so on. The table shows the average prices for dry Vetonite mixtures.

Product type Brand / purpose Price/packaging
Putty Finish-LR+

Used in dry rooms for walls and ceilings, made in Finland.

670-680 rub. / 25 kg.
LR paste

Ready putty solution in the form of a paste.

690-700 rub. / 12 l.
LR Fine

Superfinish mixture, which contains a polymer binder, is intended for finishing ceilings and walls in dry rooms.

650-670 rub. / 25 kg.

For finishing ceilings and walls in dry rooms, made in Finland.

610-620 rub. / 25 kg.
Finish VH(gray)

For finishing surfaces in wet areas, made in Russia.

590-600 rub. / 25 kg.
Finish VH(white)

For finishing surfaces in wet rooms, made in Finland.

920-940 rub. / 25 kg.
Siloite gyprocJS

For sealing seams formed during installation plasterboard sheets, as well as for finishing walls and ceilings in dry rooms, made in Finland.

780-850 RUR/20 kg.
Rend facade(white) 540-570 rub. / 20 kg.
Rend facade(gray)

Cement-based putty, the main purpose is finishing facades, and is also used to apply the finishing leveling layer.

400-450 rub. / 20 kg.
Plaster TT

Plaster mixture for cement based, has increased moisture resistance and frost resistance, used for pre-leveling walls inside and outside public and residential buildings.

350-370 rub. / 25 kg.

A cement-based plaster mixture, lightweight, used for preliminary leveling of surfaces, and is moisture and frost resistant.

360-380 rub. / 20 kg.

A plaster mixture on a lime-cement basis, with the addition of microfiber, intended for external and internal use.

630-650 rub. / 25 kg.
stuk cement ( gray )

Cement based plaster, can be used as facade mixture, thickness of the applied layer is up to 5 cm.

390-450 rub. / 25 kg.
min 1.5 Z

Decorative plaster creating a “fur coat” texture, filler fraction 1.5 mm, subsequent painting with water-dispersion paints is allowed.

1600-1700 rub. / 25 kg.
min 2.0 Z

Decorative plaster creating a “fur coat” texture, filler fraction 2 mm, subsequent painting with water-dispersion paints is allowed.

1600-1700 rub. / 25 kg.
min 2.0 R

Decorative plaster creating a “bark beetle” texture, filler fraction 2 mm, subsequent painting with water-dispersion paints is allowed.

1600-1700 rub. / 25 kg.
min 1.5winter

Textured plaster (“fur coat”) with a grain size of 1.5 mm, can be used at temperatures from -10 degrees.

1600-1700 rub. / 25 kg.
Screeds/leveling mixtures 3000

Self-leveling floor mixture, made in Finland.

700-725 rub. / 25 kg.

Quick-hardening floor leveler, with a layer thickness from 2 mm to 3 cm, made in Finland.

542-620 rub. / 25 kg.

Self-leveling floor.

540-630 rub. / 25 kg.
4310 Renovation

Self-leveling mixture, can be used on difficult substrates.

885-920 rub. / 25 kg.

Self-leveling floor.

880-920 rub. / 25 kg.

A quick-hardening floor mixture used on concrete and cement-sand bases.

990-1000 rub. / 25 kg.

Self-leveling floor (industrial).

1230-1250 rub. / 25 kg.

Self-leveling floor.

1230-1250 rub. / 25 kg.

Self-leveling floor.

1350-1370 rub. / 25 kg.

Self-leveling floor.

1350-1370 rub. / 25 kg.

Quick-hardening self-leveling floor, the solution is intended for manual application.

570-580 rub. / 25 kg.

Basic leveling mixture, made in Russia.

280-300 rub. / 25 kg.

Self-leveling floor, applied layer from 1-25 cm, hardening time 3 hours.

375-385 rub. / 25 kg.
Adhesive mixtures Easy fix

For tiles and porcelain tiles for interior and exterior use

230-300 rub. / 25 kg.
Granit fix

For porcelain tiles and plasterboard.

280-300 rub. / 25 kg.
Ultra fix

Elastic composition for outdoor use.

570-585 rub. / 25 kg.
Ultra fix winter

Cement mixture for tiles, drywall and blocks, used for facade works in winter.

420-450 rub. / 25 kg.
Profi Plus

For gluing porcelain stoneware.

345-440 rub. / 25 kg.

Tile adhesive for dry and wet areas.

195-250 rub. / 25 kg.

White adhesive composition used for light-colored tiles.

990-1000 rub. / 25 kg.
therm S100

Universal adhesive mixture.

440-450 rub. / 25 kg
therm S100 winter

Composition for gluing mineral wool and expanded polystyrene at low temperatures

490-500 rub. / 25 kg.
therm EPS

Adhesive mixture for installation of polystyrene foam.

330-350 rub. / 25 kg.

Elastic adhesive composition for floor tiles.

680-700 rub. / 25 kg.

For gluing tiles and plasterboard sheets to complex substrates.

700-750 rub. / 25 kg.

For gluing mineral wool boards.

450-470 rub. / 25 kg.
Masonry mixtures ML 5

Colored mixture for laying silicate and ceramic bricks.

15150-16000 rub. / 1 t.
PSL Concrete

Quick-hardening mixture for sealing vertical joints in concrete structures.

14000-14500 rub. / 1 t.
Jay SL N169

Used for sealing brick joints.

400-420 rub. / 25 kg.
JB 600/3

Non-shrink mixture.

1000-1100 rub. / 25 kg.
JB 1000/3

Non-shrink mixture.

1200-1250 rub. / 25 kg.

Cement mixture, produced in Russia.

220-250 rub. / 25 kg.

Masonry mixture for bricks and blocks

240-250 rub. / 25 kg.
Block winter

Masonry mixture for blocks and bricks, can be used at low temperatures.

290-300 rub. / 25 kg.
Kiln mixtures ML Savi

Clay-based oven mortar.

400-420 rub. / 25 kg.
ML Tuli

Fireproof masonry mortar.

1200-1300 rub. / 25 kg.
Grout for joints DECO

Grout for joints between stone, glass and ceramic tiles, with fine grain and a wide range of shades.

150-200 rub. / 2 kg.

Grout for joints, with rapid strength development, 8 color shades.

350-400 rub. / 5 kg.

In addition to dry building mixtures, Weber factories produce acrylic, silicate and bitumen paints, primers and dispersions for pre-preparing bases and subsequent application of self-leveling floors, putty or plaster, as well as all kinds of impregnations, antiseptics, substrates and injection materials (bitumen pastes, suspensions, improving the properties of screeds, mastics for insulation, and so on).

When entering a store, it is very easy to get confused among the huge selection of goods and products, but Vetonit products can be found immediately. These are yellow paper bags(less often white), on the left side of which there is a strip with the name of the product - 2/3 black (the name of the manufacturer is indicated), and 1/3 red, orange, green and other shades (the brand of the product is indicated). By purchasing powdered building mixtures or ready-made Vetonite solutions, you can always be sure that the repairs performed will be of high quality and durable.