home · On a note · To keep the garden well-groomed: choose a garden vacuum cleaner. How to choose a garden vacuum cleaner DIY garden vacuum cleaner

To keep the garden well-groomed: choose a garden vacuum cleaner. How to choose a garden vacuum cleaner DIY garden vacuum cleaner

Most summer residents use their land plots for their intended purpose. They are setting up garden beds throughout the area and trying to grow an environmentally friendly crop.

Such people use walk-behind tractors and cultivators for work, which greatly facilitate soil preparation, planting and caring for crops. However, there are summer residents who use their garden plots for recreation.

In this case, flower beds and lawns are laid out on the site, and decorative ponds And alpine coaster. Such dachas are pleasing to the eye, but only the owner knows how much work it takes to maintain this beauty in proper form. For example, how to quickly remove fallen leaves in the fall?

Some citizens act the old fashioned way: they arm themselves with rakes and methodically clean the area. This approach requires a significant investment of time and effort. A garden vacuum cleaner can help turn lawn cleaning into relaxation. This is a multifunctional unit, which we will now get acquainted with.

Operating principle

Garden vacuum cleaners are practically no different from their domestic counterparts. The laws of aerodynamics are also involved here.

The engine of the device generates an air flow that can act in two directions. If a vacuum cleaner sucks air, the technique is used to collect leaves. This mode of operation goes well with the built-in chopper.

The foliage pulled into the bell is crushed and can subsequently be used as food for rabbits or organic fertilizer for plants.

When the vacuum cleaner operates in blower mode (the air flow is directed outward), the equipment is used to clear dust and small debris from paths.

It is worth noting that most models on the market combine both operating modes, which significantly expands the functionality of the product.

Please note that this type of equipment can be used for ecowool. Air jet literally blows insulation into the cracks between building material, which allows to significantly reduce repair and construction works. For these purposes, stores sell specialized attachments.

You can use a garden vacuum cleaner to clear away puddles or clear clogged pipes. Some gardeners use such equipment for cleaning garden paths from the snow.

Design features

The device of a garden vacuum cleaner looks elementary. The unit is based on an engine that, when rotated, generates a directed air flow.

To give air flow required power, the engine is equipped with an impeller. The body of the vacuum cleaner is usually made of steel or durable plastic.

The design includes an air intake, an air filter and a spark plug for gasoline models.

Please note that garden vacuum cleaners are portable or on wheels.

  • The second option is used for cleaning large areas, such as golf or football fields.
  • Portable models are ideal for caring for garden plots. They weigh about 5 kilograms and are equipped with a handle with controls. Some modifications are equipped with a garbage shredder.

Given the simplicity of the design, some summer residents make such units with their own hands. You can use a home vacuum cleaner as a basis, which needs to be equipped with a larger diameter socket.

The existing dust collector is replaced with a larger container. The body is being redesigned in accordance with design changes. Of course, such a homemade product is inferior in performance to factory models, but it does an excellent job of removing leaves from a small garden plot.


All garden vacuum cleaners are divided into two groups, depending on the type of engine installed. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each group.

Electric garden vacuum cleaner blower

These are compact models that are characterized by silent operation, simple controls and low structural weight.

It is worth noting that such modifications are environmentally friendly and are suitable for work not only outdoors, but also indoors.

However, such modifications cannot boast of high performance; the range depends on the length of the cord and the location of the electrical outlet.

Gasoline vacuum cleaner

Such products show good performance and help remove debris throughout the garden.

However, you have to pay for mobility with high noise levels and breathing exhaust fumes. Besides, petrol models They are heavier and less economical to operate.

Brief overview of models

As an example, let's look at two models of vacuum cleaners that have earned the approval of customers. For comparison, here are the gasoline and electric models.


This manufacturer produces various modifications of garden vacuum cleaners. Consider the gasoline version of the Ryobi RBL 30 MVA.

This model is portable, structural weight – 7.5 kg. The air flow is generated by a POWR LT2 two-stroke gasoline engine. Power power plant: 1 l. With.

Engine speed (maximum value) 8,500 rpm. The model is equipped with a fuel tank with a volume of 0.4 liters. In this case, the fuel consumption is 500 milliliters per hour of operation.

The vacuum cleaner operates in three modes: suction/blowing and grinding. Directional power air flow is 250 km/h. In grinding mode, the garbage fraction is 12:1.

The model is complemented by a garbage container with a volume of 40 liters. The noise level during operation is 96 dB.

This is an electrical modification with the following characteristics:

note that this modification works in three modes. For blower used optional equipment, weighing the vacuum cleaner up to 4.4 kg.

The model is intended for manual use, therefore the vacuum cleaner is equipped with a shoulder strap with a foam pad.

The control keys are concentrated on the handle. The garbage bag is made of moisture-resistant fabric and has a zipper to remove collected leaves.


In contact with

"It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -
I love the lush decay of nature,
Forests dressed in scarlet and gold” A.S. Pushkin

Garden vacuum cleaner: main purpose

Autumn time - for some - is a picturesque period of golden crowns, enchanting leaf fall, covering the soil saturated with moisture with fallen leaves and the shore of the pond strewn with colorful flowers. A great time for romantic meetings. For others, this is a difficult period when the problem of removing leaves comes to the fore, because soon yellow leaves will turn into unsightly rotting garbage - a real abode of bugs, larvae and other harmful insects. Of course, it is easier to prevent a problem than to deal with the consequences. This means that with the onset of autumn, gardeners, armed with the appropriate equipment, will begin to rake, remove and burn.

Today, thanks to the development of science and technology, traditional cleaning equipment has been replaced by special equipment that greatly facilitates the process of cleaning large areas and small areas - modern garden vacuum cleaners and blowers. The use of such devices can significantly reduce labor costs when harvesting leaves, and their use is not limited to autumn alone.

It should be noted that cleaning with a powerful air flow has a beneficial effect on the condition of the soil and plants by enriching them with oxygen and eliminating the possibility of mechanical impact. However, like other equipment, a garden vacuum cleaner requires a responsible approach and a thrifty attitude.

So, let’s dwell in more detail on the classification and purpose of equipment of this type and outline the main recommendations of experts when choosing a blower or garden vacuum cleaner.

Classification of garden vacuum cleaners

All models of garden vacuum cleaners can be divided into three groups:

  1. manual;
  2. knapsack;
  3. wheeled.

1. Garden leaf vacuum cleaner manual type , intended for work in areas not large area, equipped with a comfortable handle and an adjustable strap, making the equipment easy to transport. A handheld garden vacuum cleaner has very accessible and understandable functionality and attractive design, compactness and light weight.

The performance of garden equipment and the ease of its operation, as well as the level of noise emitted during operation, are determined by the type of installed engine, which classifies garden vacuum cleaners into 2 groups:

  • electrical,
  • gasoline.

Models with electric and petrol engines have a range of distinctive features and have both advantages and disadvantages.

Eg, electric garden vacuum cleaner (ryobi garden vacuum cleaner) is silent, safer and easier to operate, but it is significantly inferior in power and mobility to its gasoline counterparts, which means that experts do not recommend using them over large areas. In addition, you should take care of extension cords and sockets. However, if the area is small, then the best assistant in the fight against leaves and debris will be an electric garden vacuum cleaner (garden calm vacuum cleaner).

It is impossible not to mention the existence garden vacuum cleaners equipped with batteries , are models that combine only the advantages of gasoline and electric units.

They are silent, portable, environmentally friendly and their movement is not limited by the length of the cable, but the charge lasts for half an hour at most, which means you will have to take breaks to recharge it.

Remember: when choosing a garden vacuum cleaner, you should study specifications popular models from well-known manufacturers.

Petrol garden vacuum cleaner (garden vacuum cleaner mtd) is considered more powerful and mobile, while it does not require a power cable and can move freely within the space, although the noise level and exhaust gases emitted during operation can be compared to a motorcycle engine. Such models are designed for cleaning large areas.

Advice: when deciding to buy a particular model of garden vacuum cleaner, first check its noise level. Your neighbors will certainly thank you for this!

2. Backpack garden vacuum cleaners can safely be classified as professional equipment. The scope of their use is vast areas, so they are equipped with a gasoline engine. The design of this type of vacuum cleaner resembles the shape of a backpack, which greatly simplifies the transportation of the tool throughout the area.

3. If you have a large-scale cleaning of leaves and debris, then a powerful one will be the ideal companion for you. wheeled garden vacuum cleaner .

Wheeled modifications are equipped with wide nozzles with a working width of 40-65 cm, a garbage container with a capacity of up to two hundred liters and serious cutting systems, which successfully process branches with a thickness of 30-50 mm. The included corrugated hose allows for cleaning in hard-to-reach areas.

Ease of use and mobility of the vacuum cleaner are ensured by a reliable handle and two pairs of wide wheels, the front of which are swivel. Often, manufacturers transfer the drive to the rear wheels, making the design self-propelled. This approach is especially relevant if the equipment is large or heavy.

Professional garden vacuum cleaner is able to quickly and effectively clear the space of debris, collect leaves and grass, small twigs and trimmings of bushes left after cutting. By performing functions such as blowing, sucking and shredding leaves, the equipment significantly reduces the labor intensity and time of cleaning.

Garden vacuum cleaner: modes of use

When cleaning an area from debris, a garden vacuum cleaner can use one of three operating modes:

1.vacuum cleaner;


3. chopper.

Any garden vacuum cleaner can operate in one of two modes - vacuum cleaner or blower, or can successfully combine them (for example, black decker garden vacuum cleaner).

First mode - vacuum cleaner - similar to a traditional home vacuum cleaner and allows you to eliminate small garden debris: by sucking parts of plants and leaves through a plastic socket, it accumulates in a garbage bag.

Blower , thanks to the high power of the air flow, easily moves debris. To do this, air is blown out of the nozzle, working like a broom. The blower allows you to clear hard-to-reach places from small blades of grass, which distinguishes this model from its manual counterpart.

Often, garden vacuum cleaners can combine these two modes, changing them using a simple switch - in this case, you can use a blower to collect garbage in a pile, and then, after switching, use a vacuum cleaner to move it into a bag.

Returning to the topic of choosing and purchasing a garden vacuum cleaner, pay attention to this useful function like shredding garbage.

3. Garden vacuum cleaner shredder (bosch garden vacuum cleaner) will significantly reduce the volume of waste and save time on unloading the bag. The result of this grinding is excellent mulch or raw material for compost.

If you are seriously thinking about purchasing a garden vacuum cleaner at an affordable price, then professional advice from a specialist will not be superfluous: you will be able to get acquainted with the various models of garden vacuum cleaners most famous brands, their purpose, functional features and technical parameters, engine type and operating mode.

The manufacturer and build quality of the unit are also important. By testing a garden vacuum cleaner right in the store, you can evaluate the noise level and ease of use. Well chosen garden equipment will become your faithful assistant for many years.

Video from youtube

A video from YouTube will tell you in detail how to choose a garden vacuum cleaner.

All owners of private housing construction in the fall begin to worry about thoroughly cleaning areas of fallen leaves and dry branches; the process is done manually and requires a lot of time and effort. Manufacturers different countries We have long launched the production of equipment specially designed for these needs, so today choosing a garden vacuum cleaner or blower is not a problem for users.

All collected garbage is burned, which does not contribute to the improvement of the environment, but if you use this technique, you can process leaves and dry branches into small garbage that can be used in the form of natural fertilizers. Gardeners and vegetable gardeners who are interested in the latest developments To make their work easier, they can find out all the necessary information by carefully reading this article.

Such modern technology necessary primarily in order to facilitate the cleaning of the garden plot from natural debris in the form of dry leaves, cut branches, etc. Retail offers a wide range electric vacuum cleaners, which can operate from a home network or a built-in high-power battery.

Manufacturers produce high-quality equipment For effective cleaning garden and vegetable garden, for example:

  1. Hand-held or in the form of a backpack on the back, the blower is designed to blow dry leaves and pruned branches from bushes for subsequent collection in heaps or removal by suction into pre-prepared containers. The engines of such products run on gasoline from electrical network, they have different power, with at least three adjustment modes. Each consumer can choose the option that suits him personally.
  2. Garden vacuum cleaners are universal technology, capable of operating in two or three modes: suction and grinding, in the mode of blowing air with high speed, i.e. like a blower. They have special bags on board for collection, and wheeled version It is possible to immediately move the waste to a separate trailer. Then everything collected is disposed of or used for subsequent fertilizer.
  3. Sweepers are a very powerful type garden equipment, its cost-effective use is the vast areas of recreation parks, city squares and state gardens. Large brushes are used as working tools: rotary, side or combinations thereof. All garbage is collected in special containers or polyethylene bags.

We have listed the main types of equipment for collecting leaves and dry plant debris, but if you use a walk-behind tractor or a miniature tractor for agricultural work, you can turn them into a machine that can solve all the listed tasks under the control of one operator.

Types, principle of operation, equipment

All manufactured vacuum cleaners for garden cleaning are divided mainly according to the method of their transportation:

  1. Manual technique. It is distinguished by its great compactness and low weight - 3-7 kg, the design is very durable, all parts are simply dismantled and assembled. The handle with the start button is rubberized, shoulder straps create comfortable use the device even with one hand. Ideal for processing small areas, there is only one drawback: you often need to empty the receiver of accumulated debris.
  2. Backpack products are equipped with fairly wide straps and a belt for fixation; for example, a vacuum cleaner with a gasoline engine allows you to move away from the house at considerable distances, since its freedom of movement is not limited by the power cable. The electric counterpart, powered by a battery, is also free to move. All models are multifunctional, they can even remove liquid from paths after rain, as well as snow from steps or open terrace. Cons: the gasoline version has quite a loud noise during operation, like the hum of a motorcycle. The kit includes one air duct fitting.
  3. Wheeled vehicles are used in large areas; here there are the following subtypes: manual, self-propelled vehicles and transportable by walk-behind tractor option. All of them are distinguished by high productivity, large volumes of the storage bag, a powerful shredder engine, and all have excellent maneuverability. That is why experts do not recommend purchasing such equipment for a small plot of land - their lot is large areas, spacious gardens.

Standard equipment of the unit:

  • frame;
  • engine - electric or gasoline;
  • impeller;
  • filter elements;
  • garbage storage;
  • suction or blowout pipe.

For individual models, the kit may have some differences.

The principle of operation of the products is to launch an impeller, which ensures the suction of small debris and fallen leaves from the ground surface using a nozzle. All this is collected in a bag, the volume of which can be more than 100 liters. When changing the nozzle, air is blown to remove debris from the bushes and form small piles of it. This technique helps clean the area much faster than the manual method.


Each model has its own personality functionality, but all equipment is equipped with the following basic modes:

  1. Suction and subsequent movement into a special container at high speed.
  2. A shredding organ that turns branches into fine debris, with a shredding ratio ranging from 5:1 to 16:1.
  3. With air blowing function - to create great strength air flow that moves debris in the right direction and cleans the bases of small and large shrubs. It resembles an air broom.

In the second option, highly crushed leaves and branches are called mulch - experienced gardeners use it to fertilize the ground under trees and fruit bushes, and also add it to flower beds and flower beds.

Modern garden technology has standard vacuum cleaners three modes: vacuum cleaner, shredder and air blower, but some

Model options have a narrow specialization, so read the operating instructions carefully. Diesel and gasoline models are more independent than electric models connected to the network, but you can purchase a garden vacuum cleaner with a 60V battery - such a product is more economical, works quietly and does not poison environment harmful exhaust gases.

Electric or petrol garden vacuum cleaner

To find out which equipment will be better for helping in cleaning a personal plot, let’s compare these two products.


Experts say that this is the most common type of vacuum cleaner for the garden; they are based on manual versions with a two-stroke electric motor. Among them there are models with a bag increased to 45 liters and a special power regulator with three stages - such units are produced for cleaning large areas. Their power cable has a long length, high-quality protection against moisture penetration and accidental mechanical damage.

They perform at least two standard functions:

  • blowing debris out of hard-to-reach places;
  • collecting leaves and small debris in bags.

Each model is equipped with comfortable belts or straps for carrying, and the control handle with a start button is rubberized for high-quality holding.

Main parameters:

  1. Engine power - 1.5-3.0 kW.
  2. Productivity - up to 800 cubic meters. m/h.
  3. The air flow speed at the outlet is 160-300 km/h.
  4. Mulching ratio - up to 16:1.
  5. Volume capacity - 30-45 l.


  • light weight;
  • no environmental pollution;
  • low vibration or its complete absence;
  • safety of use:
  • sound impact;
  • attractive price.


  • cord length;
  • use in small areas.

Attention! The bulk of electric models are vacuum cleaners and blowers.


They are distinguished by high power, high productivity, during autonomous operation they process very large areas, they can withstand many hours of daily loads, which is why they are used for cleaning parks and city squares, and on large construction sites. Structurally they have some differences from electric blowers.


  • engine (two- or four-stroke);
  • starting system - manual or electronic;
  • fuel tank.

The battery life directly depends on the volume of the fuel tank.

They may look like:

  • manual;
  • knapsack;
  • wheeled.

Most of the models are a backpack version with comfortable, wide straps that evenly distribute the load on the operator’s shoulders. Main functions: blowing, suction and grinding, the less, the more goes into the bag.

Technical specifications:

  1. To clean a summer cottage, a motor power of 500 W is sufficient.
  2. Productivity - 500-1000 cubic meters. m/h, above are considered professional products.
  3. Fuel tank volume - 0.5-3.0 l.
  4. The rotation speed of the chopper knives is up to 3600 rpm.
  5. The width of the nozzle is up to 60 cm.
  • high performance;
  • autonomy;
  • work remotely from the power grid;
  • high grinding speed.
  • increased noise level;
  • harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Conclusion: electric ones are more convenient, they are quieter, save the environment, but are tied to the source electrical energy. Gasoline products have high productivity and blowing speed, but they are quite noisy and poison the atmosphere with exhaust gases. Therefore, which one is better is up to you to decide.

Criterias of choice

Before you go shopping for a garden vacuum cleaner, you need to determine the region of its use: country cottage area, country cottage with a large garden and garden area, where there is a swimming pool, a large lawn and trees have been preserved from the surrounding forest. Indeed, in addition to small natural debris, modern models remove snow and puddles after rain from paths and other open areas near the house.

Therefore, you need to take measurements:

  • the area surrounding the house;
  • the amount of possible contamination and frequency of cleaning;
  • the main type of garbage is grass, branches, fallen leaves, garbage of non-vegetable origin (plastic cups and dishes after a mass picnic with friends);
  • possible movements around the site and their distance (to determine maximum length cables and carriers).

Vacuum cleaners are divided into already known types, but it is useful to know their individual advantages:

  1. Advantages of handmade products:
    • light weight;
    • high mobility;
    • intuitive controls;
    • cleaning problem areas (under low-growing branches);
    • comfort of work - shoulder straps, handle with rubberized handle;
    • attractive price.


    • small volume trash bag.
  2. Backpack models are considered an improved option and belong to the middle class of harvesting equipment. Most models have gasoline engines.

    Positive traits:

    • wide shoulder straps that evenly distribute the load on the shoulders and back;
    • easy transportation of the product to the place of work;
    • mobility and autonomy of operation, since there is no power cable connection;
    • larger compared to manual option power resource.

    Negative consequences:

  3. sound impact;
  4. refueling.
  5. Wheeled models are used on large garden plots. They are divided according to the type of movement: manual, transportation using a walk-behind tractor, and self-propelled. By type of engine used: electric models, battery-powered and gasoline-powered. According to the direction of air flow: vacuum cleaners, blowers and a combined or universal version with a switch for suction and blowing.

    General benefits:

    • high performance;
    • clean any areas, no matter how far they are from the house;
    • Excellent cleaning quality due to high engine power.
    • big sizes;
    • You need a special storage room or a place in the garage.
  6. Mounted models are used only in professional purposes eg farmers, utility companies. The equipment in this case is more extensive:
    • injection and exhaust pipes;
    • separate motor for the chopper;
    • filter elements, waste collection bags;
    • additional impeller.

    The package can be expanded with additional functions.

Minor parameters

When choosing garden vacuum cleaners of great importance Dont Have:

  • color design and external shape of the model;
  • cord winding system and packaging;
  • container in which the product is packaged.

Remember that the purchase of expensive equipment is necessary only for those users who try to maintain their site in perfect condition, but protect their health without wasting it on tedious manual work.

Rating of the best models

In this review, we determine the best garden vacuum cleaner or leaf blower based on user reviews.

  • Product type: petrol
  • Functions: suction and grinding
  • Volume: engine - 205 cc. cm, tank - 3.0 l, garbage bin - 106 l
  • Engine: B&S OHV PB, 800 series
  • Power: 3.7 kW
  • Chopper: rated power - 6.5 l/s, blade rotation speed - 3,600 rpm, working width - 60 cm
  • Wheels: front/rear size - 254/100 mm, type - pneumatic tires
  • Packaging dimensions: 690x1200x1020 mm
  • Weight: 69 kg
  • Manufacturer: American design, made in Germany
  • self-propelled
  • transmission chain drive
  • maximum diameter of chopped branches - 5 cm
  • reliable rotor with threshing type knives
  • the intake is adjustable in height

  • not found

  • Item Type: Backpack Blower
  • Functions: leaf blower
  • Capacity: 917 cu.m. m/h
  • Motor: DigiPro brushless motor
  • Power: 60W
  • Autonomous operation - 60 minutes
  • Maximum speed of blown air: 225 km/h
  • Battery: 60V, battery 2918307
  • Weight: 5.6 kg
  • Warranty: 24 months
  • Manufacturer: GREENWORKS company, USA
  • comfortable backpack
  • straps are adjustable to suit the user
  • convenient control
  • correct distribution of the load on the back
  • not found

Each summer resident is faced with a large amount of garbage on his site. There is especially a lot of it in the fall, when it’s time for leaves to fall, and also in the spring, when it is necessary to remove the garbage that has accumulated over several months.

The most acute problem with cleaning arises among those who have a large number of fruit trees and berry gardens in their dacha. Enjoy ripe and juicy fruits good, but removing leaves from them in the autumn and spring months brings little pleasure to anyone. Recently, modern equipment has appeared in specialized stores to help summer residents with gardening work. Among such equipment there are also blowers. What pleases summer residents most is cleaning leaves with a leaf blower.


A leaf blower is a tool that performs the same function as a regular rake, broom or broom. Using air, she blows out the leaves and ultimately clears the plantations of fallen leaves and even small twigs. Some modifications of such tools also have the function of sucking debris into special bags.

What types of blowers are there based on the operating principle of the engine?

Currently, the manufacturer produces two types of blowers: with an electric motor and with a gasoline motor.

In terms of environmental safety, of course, an electric blower is best suited. Unlike gasoline, it does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere that are formed during fuel combustion. This device works in two modes - blowing and garden vacuum cleaner. Using the latter mode, you can easily clear the area of ​​the site from small debris, and the blowing mode will help get rid of foliage. This blower also has a shredder, which in turn helps clear the garden of larger branches. However, an electric garden blower also has a very obvious drawback - it is tied to a power source and cannot work without electricity, which makes its use in large gardens problematic. In addition, this invention is not recommended for use when high humidity air.

Better electric leaf blower

The petrol garden vacuum cleaner has gained much more popularity than its electric competitor. This is explained by the fact that its operation does not require electricity, and therefore it can be used even in the farthest corners of the garden and in industrial gardens, which sometimes spread over several tens or even hundreds of hectares. For work gasoline blower A small amount of gasoline is required.

Important! This type of blower is also relatively lightweight - the average weight of such tools is about three to four kilograms. That is why even several hours of working with it will not cause severe fatigue. Gardeners also appreciate the speed of such garden vacuum cleaners. On average it is 53-55 meters per second.

Blower operating modes

A standard leaf blower can operate in three modes: direct blower, garden vacuum and shredder.

The blower mode is so that the tool can collect fallen leaves and other small debris on the site into one pile. During operation of the tool, a large air flow occurs, which collects all unnecessary debris in one place. At the same time, the summer resident can control the air masses himself and thus concentrate the garbage in the place it needs. Most often, this mode is used in autumn for fallen leaves.

The second operating mode of such a tool is the garden vacuum cleaner mode.

The second operating mode of such a tool is the garden vacuum cleaner mode. This function is also available on all types of blowers. Its operation process is similar to that of a regular home vacuum cleaner. During operation, debris is swallowed and flows through a plastic pipe into a special garbage bag.

In some series there is a third mode - chopper. The principle of operation is similar to the second mode, however, before the garbage gets into the bag, it is finely chopped using special knives. As a result, shredded garden residues can be used as mulch for various plants. However, not all blowers have this mode. To find out for sure, you should consult with a store employee.

Electric garden blower: main classification of units

Before purchasing such a unit, you should pay attention to the features of using such a tool:

  • For small areas, a handheld blower is best. It is good because it has excellent maneuverability and is easy to work in gardens and alleys. This unit is small in size. Compactness prevents a person from getting too tired while working. In addition, the device is equipped with a comfortable handle and belt.
  • A gasoline backpack blower will be good in areas remote from residential buildings and structures. It runs on gasoline and is therefore not tied to power supply. This unit is quite heavy. However, even a weak woman can wear and use it. This is explained by the fact that the garden vacuum cleaner has a special belt system. It is this that relieves a person from fatigue, as it evenly distributes the weight of the equipment. As a result, the gardener will not get tired even if he works for several hours.
  • For industrial gardens, powerful ones are best suited cordless vacuum cleaners. They usually have wheels, which allow such units to be rolled around plantations. These fans have four wheels and one handle. Plus, they have wide nozzles that can clean out as much debris as possible. The blower-vacuum cleaner also has a shredder function; it processes even large branches well. At the same time, domestic developers have also thought out large containers for collecting garden waste, and also introduced sprayers.

Garden vacuum cleaner-leaf blower: how to choose the right one

To choose garden blower should be approached responsibly. Close attention needs to be paid to some parameters and aspects. Here are the main ones:

  • Plot size. The most important aspect that you need to focus on when choosing a vacuum cleaner for the garden. For small areas (up to two hectares), manual units are well suited. However, if the garden area is more than two hundred acres, then it is recommended to purchase already gasoline vacuum cleaner. If the area of ​​the industrial garden is five or even ten hectares, then it is better to purchase a garden vacuum cleaner on wheels for your farm.
  • The amount of work and complexity is the second aspect that you need to pay attention to when choosing this type of equipment. It is necessary to analyze what you need to do with this blower (collect garbage in one pile, in a bag, or even shred it).
  • Mobility. If the technology is difficult to use, it will not bring any benefit.
  • Parameters - weight and transportation.

Experts also advise paying attention to the manufacturer of the blower. Today, equipment is produced by many companies and factories. Rating best brands looks like that:

  • Hitachi,
  • Husqvarna,
  • Stihl,
  • Bosch.

Don't forget to read the instructions before using it. After purchase, you need to contract with the seller for service and maintenance of the blower. This is required because do-it-yourself repair will cost much more. And it won’t be possible to repair it everywhere. For example, not all teams even in large cities carry out repairs of vortex blowers.

DIY blower

You can save money and make a hand blower. If it is made correctly, then in operation it will be little inferior to purchased ones. To assemble it, you need to take an unnecessary compressor from a vacuum cleaner, a plastic pipe, a bag, a motor and filters for blowers. You will also need a handle. By putting all these parts together, you get an excellent device that has the same functions as a garden vacuum cleaner from the store.

In order for the tool to still be of high quality and work for a long time, and also not to have to repair the blower soon, you should not rush to assemble it. Otherwise, the unit will quickly fail and all the work will have to be redone. But there is always the option of buying equipment in a store, the main thing is to decide on the model.

Purchase professional tool, intended for, is justified only for large volumes of work.

Cheap analogues often do not have the necessary properties or much less reliable.

Therefore, the manufacture of homemade devices for performing this type of work is gaining increasing popularity.

We'll focus the bulk of this article on blowers, but we'll also talk about other tools you can make yourself.

Combines both a vacuum cleaner and a blower general principle work - impeller rotating at high speed gives the air centrifugal acceleration, which is why a zone of high pressure appears at the outlet, and a zone of low pressure at the inlet. As the impeller speeds up, the difference in pressure at the inlet and outlet accelerates the air to high speeds.

On some models of leaf blowers or garden vacuum cleaners with this function, this parameter reaches 270 km/h or more. By changing the hose connection point, you can switch the operating mode of the device from a vacuum cleaner to a blower.

When operating in vacuum cleaner mode it is necessary to either separate any contaminants or remove only solid ones. In the first case, the collected leaves settle to the bottom of the filter bag without being crushed.

The advantage of this method is that you can use the impeller from an old vacuum cleaner, however, at such rotation speeds of this part, even a leaf from a tree that slips through the filter bag can damage the impeller.

In the second case, a durable impeller is installed, which not only withstands a collision with a leaf, but also effectively crushes it, due to which the volume of collected fallen leaves is reduced by 10–15 times.

Is it possible to make these devices yourself?

Such a device can be made with your own hands, however implement the grinding function pretty at home difficult.

The fact is that it is necessary to maintain a balance between the speed of rotation of the impeller and the power of the engine, and therefore the mass of the entire installation.

After all needed so high speed impeller shaft rotation, in which the foliage is not only crushed, but also completely removed from the surface of the part due to centrifugal force.

To solve this problem, mass-produced garden vacuum cleaners use a complex-shaped impeller made of materials that can withstand enormous centrifugal loads.

Therefore, most often, homemade vacuum cleaners-leaf blowers cannot chop leaves, but increasing the volume of the bag and using devices designed for shredding grass and leaves solves this problem.

We have already talked about such devices in. In addition, when making a homemade vacuum cleaner, you have to choose a screening method leaves and other dirt.

The problem is that the most efficient cyclone filters take up a lot of space, and small mesh ones clog quickly.

In serial devices this the problem is solved using the grinding function, therefore, only the largest fragments that pose a danger to the impeller have to be screened out.

This problem will have to be solved when making a garden vacuum cleaner of any configuration, so many people first make a blower to hone their skills, and only after that they begin to develop a vacuum cleaner model.

Selecting a filter type

For garden vacuum cleaners use 3 types of filters:

  • mesh;
  • inertial;
  • cyclones.

Strainer allows air and polluting particles whose size is less than a certain value to pass through.

Their can be done How from car air filters, So and made of durable fabric.

The disadvantage of this type of filter is that the speed of air movement at the inlet of the vacuum cleaner directly depends on the filling of the filter.

Therefore, it is not well suited for leaf removal due to its small internal volume.

The advantage of this filter is that no objects that could potentially damage the vacuum cleaner or its centrifugal pump will pass through it.

Operating principle inertia filter is that it is easier for air moving at the same speed as any solid fragments, including leaf litter, to change direction due to its lower density and mass.

Typically such a filter is container into which the inlet and outlet tubes are inserted, and inserted so that the air is first forced to sink to the bottom, then rise in a wide and slow flow to a high outlet. Moreover, the diameter of the outlet hole is much larger than the inlet hole.

As a result, the speed of the air flow at the inlet is much higher than the outlet, so it is no longer enough to lift solid fragments and move them to the outlet pipe.

The disadvantage of such filters is that filtration coefficient directly depends on size devices, therefore, to catch fallen leaves, which are large in size and light in weight, you will need a device with a volume of 50–100 l, not counting the size of the garbage container.

Cyclones work on the same principle as inertial filters, but more high efficiency with a smaller volume is achieved due to the rotation of garbage in the hopper.

The input stream, containing various contaminants, enters a round container so that it then gradually descends and moves along the wall.

This leads to the appearance of centrifugal force, which increases the efficiency of the device.

Due to this, for effective removal and various small debris a volume of 10–20 l is enough excluding the container for collecting leaves.

Engine selection

For efficient leaf removal a power of 2–4 liters is required. With. or 1.5–3 kW. This power is enough to create the required speed in a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm. You can use a pipe with a smaller diameter only if the device will only operate in blower mode, because a smaller pipe diameter will be an obstacle to the movement of large leaves.

If you use only the blower function, the power can be reduced by 1.5–3 times, because the air flow does not have to push leaf litter inside a relatively thin pipe.

On homemade vacuum cleaner or blower can be installed the following types motors:

  • electrical network;
  • electric battery;
  • petrol.

Electrical network the motor has minimal weight, but when working with such a device you will have to carry an extension cord with you. Electric battery The motor is not only heavier due to the battery, but also noticeably more expensive than a mains or gasoline engine.

In addition, it is much more difficult to obtain, because other models of motors can be removed from various broken or decommissioned equipment.

Petrol The motor is completely autonomous, so devices equipped with it can be used away from power sources.

However, he noticeably heavier electric, and also much larger. When working he makes a pretty loud sound, so it is advisable to use headphones.

All motors that are installed on garden vacuum cleaners are equipped with a system air ventilation, therefore it is necessary to take into account the strong heating of some of its parts.

When assembling homemade equipment it is necessary to take into account the ratio of torque and engine speed and, if necessary, use gear or belt drives to eliminate imbalance. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the larger dimensions of the gasoline engine and the direction of its exhaust.

Thematic forums

To make a normal garden vacuum cleaner with your own hands without unnecessarily complicating the design, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the existing models homemade devices. Moreover, these can be not only garden vacuum cleaners, but also any other vacuum cleaners.

We have prepared List of forums, where users discuss various configurations homemade devices and share their experience in their manufacture and use:

Making a device for collecting leaves from a regular vacuum cleaner

This is the easiest way to make a homemade device, because a commercial vacuum cleaner creates the necessary pressure difference and gives the air the necessary acceleration.

That's why just connect to him inertia or cyclone filter with container for foliage and you can start cleaning the area. Wherein it is advisable to use vacuum cleaners with a motor power of 1.5 kW or more.

As a cyclone filter, can be used as a sanitary PVC pipes with a diameter of 200–500 mm, and a plastic barrel.

Wherein it is necessary to make the structure collapsible so that the filter can be detached from storage capacity. The most convenient is a plastic barrel with a capacity of 50–100 liters with a hermetically sealed lid as a storage tank and a filter made from plumbing pipes. This design can be installed on a wheelbarrow or cart, and a vacuum cleaner can be mounted next to it.

You will also need:

  • plug for the pipe - filter housing;
  • several 50 mm pipes with seals;
  • hot glue gun;
  • hand jigsaw or soldering iron attachment for cutting;
  • additional hoses for the vacuum cleaner.

Making a cyclone filter

Here's the optimal one procedure:

  1. Cut a piece 50 cm long from a plastic pipe with a diameter of 200–500 mm; this will be the cyclone body; measure the distance from the edge with the rubber seal.
  2. From a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, cut a piece 15 cm long, also measure the distance from the edge with the seal, this will be the inlet pipe.
  3. Shape the cut edge of the inlet pipe so that it fits tightly to the cyclone body, and also cut a hole in the filter housing to insert a pipe into it.
  4. Insert the pipe and commit/ seal it using hot melt glue as shown in the picture. Do not skimp on hot-melt adhesive, because even a small gap or inconspicuous hole will reduce the efficiency of the vacuum cleaner.
  5. Make a hole in the center of the plug for the pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, this will be the outlet pipe, then cut a piece of such a pipe (measure the distance from the edge with the sealing rubber band) 10 cm long and insert it into the plug.
  6. Secure and seal the joint using a heat gun.
  7. Make sure that the lid closes on a container for collecting leaves hermetically sealed, otherwise, restore the seal after replacing the lid or replace the lid/container.
  8. Cut a hole in the lid according to the diameter of the body, and also cut out 3-4 triangular amplifiers.
  9. Insert the cyclone into the lid so that the body passes through it by 5 cm and attach it using a heat gun.
  10. Install around the cyclone body amplifiers and attach them to both the filter housing and the lid, then seal the joint with glue.
  11. Place the lid on the leaf container, then insert a hose into the outlet pipe and connect it to the inlet vacuum cleaner. Insert a leaf hose into the inlet.
  12. Plug in the vacuum cleaner and check your work the entire device.
  13. If you are not sure that you will be able to determine the filling of the container in time, then cut a long vertical strip in it and glue a strip of plexiglass there.

How to make a mesh filter?

For those who think that making a cyclone filter is a complex and difficult process, would be better suited mesh filter based on a fabric bag.

The basis of such a filter is plastic container with a hermetically sealed lid, inside which a purchased or homemade bag is inserted.

The dimensions of such a filter directly depend on the size of the bag, because the latter, being filled with air, must either fit snugly against the walls of the housing or be slightly short of them.

If, however, a filter element is used air filters from cars, That minimum distance between them and the body is 1 cm.

For a garden vacuum cleaner, a filter with a bag is better suited, because it is easier to manufacture and has a much larger usable volume than the option with one or more cartridges from a car air filter.

It is most convenient to use for making this device plastic sewer pipe with a diameter of 40–50 cm, although you can use any plastic container with a hermetically sealed lid.

The best results are achieved by a design in the form of a horizontally laid cylinder with a bag inside. Moreover, the size of the filled bag should be 1–2 cm smaller internal diameter filter.

The inlet pipe is made from a sewer plastic pipe with a diameter of 50 mm, and to seal the bag tightly, install adapters with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the bag. Moreover, the inlet pipe, adapter and filled bag must freely exit the filter housing.

To do this, cut a piece from a plastic sewer pipe of suitable diameter, the length of which is slightly less than the length of the bag, and a rubber seal should be located on one side.

Then they take plugs of suitable diameter and to one the inlet pipe with an adapter for attaching the bag is glued, and to the other the outlet pipe.

To prevent the bag from jumping off the adapter, glue the side of the seal cut from the same pipe, and a rope is inserted into the bag, which will fix the filter element to the adapter.

To do this, it is enough to tie it with any knot suitable for quick untying. After the bag is filled (this will be indicated by a decrease in the efficiency of the vacuum cleaner), the front plug is pulled out and, by untying the rope, the bag is removed from it, which after emptying can be installed back.

To prevent air leakage, it is advisable to do everything before assembling the filter lubricate with medical glycerin.

It will not harm the rubber or the bag, but will greatly increase the tightness of the connection.

In addition, before each autumn season it is necessary to feel the rubber seals. If they become hard, then they need to be replaced, because hardened rubber already cannot provide the required level of sealing.

How to make a bag?

To create a bag, it is advisable to use spunbond with a density of 30–50 g/m2. Due to the large area of ​​the bag, the specific speed of air movement, and therefore the pressure on it, will be low even when used with centrifugal fans with a power of 2–3 kW.

The shape of the bag depends on the shape of the body, so For a filter from a sewer pipe, a cylinder shape is best suited. Any novice seamstress can make a pattern of parts, who will then connect all the parts and stitch them on a regular machine.

Spunbond can be purchased at any hardware or garden store, where it is offered as a covering () material. They cut it with ordinary tailor's scissors, and any sewing machine. To increase strength, the seams can be wrapped with a strip of calico fabric before stitching.

Blower manufacturing

The main part of this device is a centrifugal fan, which you can either make yourself or remove from some equipment.

Main problem, which occurs when self-production such a fan associated with insufficient balancing of the impeller on the engine shaft, which causes vibrations that reduce the air flow speed and destroy the motor bearings. In this case, engine power is not particularly important; there are cases when a blower was made with a motor from a DVD drive.

Nevertheless, It is undesirable to use motors whose power is below 500 W.

After all, when cleaning a garden or clearing a vegetable garden of fallen leaves, you have to not only blow away single leaves, for which the main thing is the speed of the air flow, but also create a wide jet that can move large masses of leaves.

Therefore it is advisable use impeller and volute removed from the old one vacuum cleaner. Such an impeller wheel can withstand the speed and torque necessary to create a sufficiently wide and fast jet, and also does not require balancing, because the shape of the fastening eliminates the incorrect position of the impeller.

Can be used as air ducts plastic water or sewer pipes suitable diameter. They have a small mass, and their connection does not cause problems.

The joints of the air duct parts from sewer pipes must first be sealed with hot-melt adhesive, then reinforced with tape, this will keep them from spreading if the nozzle is too close to the ground.

To increase the air flow speed, the edge of the duct farthest from the fan can be slightly flattened.

Other homemade tools

Most homemade leaf harvesting tools are analogues of mass-produced devices, so below we will talk about the most popular and useful of them.

Bag loading attachment

This device can be made from various materials, because its main task is to constantly keep the bag open. The nozzle is U-shaped box, the dimensions of which are 1–2 cm smaller than the size of the bag. When it is inserted into the bag, it forms a large window together with it, thanks to which the leaves can be raked directly into the lying bag.

If you make a nozzle funnel-shaped, then to load the bag it will be enough to fill it with collected leaves, then lift it and place it vertically, due to which the entire mass of leaves will slide into the bag under its own weight.

Trailer for walk-behind tractor

This device will be useful during transportation collected leaves to the boundaries of the site or disposal site, For example, compost pit or a pyrolysis gas generator that turns leaf litter into flammable gas. In addition, the trailer can also be used to transport a garden vacuum cleaner.

Wire rake

Unlike conventional rakes, this device is much more less damaging to the grass surface, and also makes it easier to collect leaves in hard-to-reach places. They can be made from ordinary galvanized wire, using ready-made analogues as a basis.

Transport cloth

This is a piece of thick fabric, to which a comfortable handle is sewn at each corner. Such a canvas is used to move collected heaps over short distances, from where all the material will then be transported to the disposal site.

The optimal size depends on the number of workers - the larger the canvas, the more leaf litter you can drag at one time, but the more people will be required for this.

Therefore, in most cases, the length and width of such a device fit into no more than 2–3 m.


This device is laid out in the place where leaves are collected and filled with a rake or blower, adding a pile of leaf litter. Then the rope is pulled, and the net covers all the collected material, so that when dragged to another place, the foliage will not fall out of it.

After reaching its destination, the rope is first loosened and then completely released, revealing the net and removing the collected material from it.

Video on the topic

The video shows how to make a powerful blower with your own hands:


Despite the abundance of commercially produced devices for cleaning leaves, most of them can be made independently.

Now you know:

  • what homemade devices can be used to clean your territory from leaf litter;
  • how to use these devices;
  • how to make your own leaf blower or garden vacuum cleaner;
  • how to turn a regular vacuum cleaner into a garden vacuum cleaner.

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