home · On a note · Tuberous begonia in pots: what to do in the fall. How to organize proper wintering of begonias. How to prepare begonia for storage

Tuberous begonia in pots: what to do in the fall. How to organize proper wintering of begonias. How to prepare begonia for storage

Begonia is the name of a genus of plants in the family Begoniaceae.. It includes about 1.6 thousand species. The name is based on the surname of the Governor of Haiti M. Begon, who organized scientific expeditions.

ATTENTION: One in the family, perennial herbs, semi- and shrubs with creeping rhizomes or tubers. All representatives have asymmetrical leaves with beautiful colors and flowers different color with an irregular shape.

The most beautiful flower in the genus is the tuberous begonia. This plant is a perennial, but it does not survive the winter in open ground, growing in middle lane Russia. Therefore, its tubers are dug up with the onset of cold weather. By observing this first rule, everyone will enjoy the luxurious flowers of different colors and shapes in their flower beds in the summer.

main feature tuberous begonia– fear of frost. To drop her off at open ground at the beginning of summer, tubers are germinated from the end of March or the beginning of April.

Rest period and awakening

When does begonia go dormant? Late October – early November. She awakens in the first days of spring, as soon as the gardener changes the frequency of watering and moves the box to a warmer room.

The rest period is an important event that cannot be omitted or missed. The main thing in winter is to provide everything so that the tubers do not dry out and rot..

If you send a flower to rest ahead of time, it will not be ready for sleep. It will not accumulate a sufficient supply of nutrients and simply will not survive the winter. There is no need to rush into organizing winter quarters.

Best time for awakening - March-April. At this time, if the storage conditions are changed, the buds on the tubers will swell. To do this, it is important to remove them from the sawdust or sand and put them in a warm and dry place. Before planting in a peat-based mixture, cuttings are carried out.

After waking up, i.e. the appearance of buds, the tubers are planted. The first step is to place them correctly in the hole: the top of the head should be at the top, not at the bottom. In order for buds to appear on a concave/flat surface, the air temperature in the room must be above +18⁰С, and watering must be done after each drying of the top layer of soil.

IMPORTANT: New shoots on begonia tubers appear just a few weeks after the conditions change.

Divide the tubers into parts if they have several buds. The cut sites are processed charcoal and ash. After germination, they are planted in open ground at the beginning of summer, having previously taken care of the soil, fertilizing it and protecting it from the wind.

Maintenance until spring at home and in open ground

Tubers of garden and home begonias are cared for differently. When preparing them for winter, some features are taken into account.

Garden begonias House begonias
They have large tubersThey have small tubers
Preparing for dormancy before the first hard frost. A light frost is not scary for them, as it prepares them for hibernation and forces them to accumulate strengthThe plant tubers are not prepared for dormancy at all. They are not dug up, but left in the pot without being removed from the soil mixture.
The best time to dig up tubers is when the leaves of the plant die off and the stems gradually dry out.After the stems wither, reduce watering and cut them as short as possible, thereby preparing them for sleep.
After 2 weeks of drying, remove the containers with tubers to a cool roomThe pots with the plant are removed to a cool place where new foliage will not appear on the stems and flowers will not appear on the peduncles

Important nuances

  • When buying sprouted begonia from hand, check whether it has tubers or not. More often the seller passes it off as perennial annual.
  • They never prune a “green” begonia, wanting to put it to rest by force.
  • Begonias that have not shed their leaves are removed without pruning.

Begonia – heat-loving plant . In the wild, it grows in countries where the climate is hot. Thanks to selection work, the beauty is grown in the garden and on windowsills by flower growers from Russia. In order for it to survive the winter, do not cut off the foliage in the first days of summer and do not dig up the tubers before serious frosts.

Autumn - important stage in the life of a plant. It is at this time that it grows tubers, storing nutrients in them and forming buds for flower stalks that will bloom on next year. Therefore, there is no need to rush to organize hibernation, but there is no need for delay either.

ADVICE: Tubers are always dug up for the winter if the crop is growing in the garden. After drying, they are stored in paper bags in the refrigerator. Neglecting this procedure, they are not surprised by death garden begonia for the winter.

Preparation for storage

  1. Digging up the tubers after the foliage turns yellow and flies off and the stems dry out.
  2. They are placed to dry at the end of October - beginning of November. You will need special boxes and keep them in a room where it will be warm and dry.
  3. After drying for 2 weeks, wrap them in paper bags and place them in a place where the temperature will be +7-9⁰C.
  4. Winter care involves spraying once a month to prevent drying out.
  5. If necessary, remove rotten tubers.
  6. They are not divided into parts until spring comes.

There are only three ways to store begonia tubers:


Proper wintering is a guarantee that with the onset of warm days they will again acquire foliage, and eventually lush flowers. The main thing is to follow all the rules stated above.

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Among those who like to grow home flowers, growing begonias is very popular. It differs from others in a large number of varieties. The texture and shape of the leaves of each begonia is strictly individual; the plant can be painted in a variety of colors.

The beauty of color is expressed by its palette and lush appearance. Begonia can be completely monochromatic, or it can have a wide variety of colors.

The plant is approximately 25 cm long. Growing begonia bushes to obtain beautiful garden, requires special care, special at home.

Landing nuances

In order to plant begonia and minimize the work associated with caring for it, it is necessary stick to a certain sequence. In the future, this will allow us to achieve good growth and beautiful flowering.

Tuberous begonia is grown in early February and continues until May. Tubers are best planted in slightly damp peat. As a result, begonia will receive the maximum amount of required nutrients. Due to the large amount of peat, the tuber will develop much better.

Each tuber has two sides:

  • Round;
  • Concave.

It is allowed to plant tubers in the soil rounded side only. Novice gardeners often make mistakes because of the appearance of the tuber and turn it over, planting it on the wrong side. This type of tuber planting requires care and precision.

Planting of tuberous begonia should be carried out when room temperature, usually not exceeding 20 degrees, then moderate watering is done. Because of these conditions, tuberous begonia sprouts germinate very quickly. After they reach 5 cm in length, they are transplanted into flower pot, and its diameter should exceed 20 cm.

The transplanted plant begins to grow rapidly and produces a large number of leaves and flower buds. The plant blooms all summer and does not fade in autumn period. Before the start of winter, the leaves of the tuberous begonia fall off; it is necessary to prepare the plant for the winter period.

For this purpose, pruning of leaves is carried out, roots are removed. Tubers, roots and leaves should be stored in a cool, dark place.

The location of the plant, its lighting

It will be very good if the tuberous plant is placed near the window, on a flower stand, facing the southwest direction. If possible, during winter cold it is advisable to move the plant to south-facing windows all the time.

It is undesirable to get on begonia leaves in the summer. sun rays. They may suffer severe burns. For this, window glass cover with a film, ensuring that the begonia receives scattered sunlight.

Irrigation system

In order for the plant to always please the eye, it is necessary to properly organize its watering. Tuberous begonia, planting and care at home, requires special attention. At summer heat, the tuber should have abundant watering, the plant should not dry out.

At moderate temperatures, it is enough to water the begonia three times a week, in scorching heat, watering should be daily. This is especially true during the period when intense flowering occurs.

Good watering ensures strong flowering of begonia, the more beautiful the plant bush will look. It is better to water the plant with settled water.

During watering, water should not get on the leaves and flowers. Begonia doesn't like this. There is no need to achieve strong soil moisture. The plant has very delicate roots, so excess moisture can cause great harm.

Before watering again, you need to make sure that the soil is completely dry. When water constantly gets on the leaves of a plant, they begin to turn yellow and rot. The plant gradually dies.

When the heat is 40 degrees, in order to cool the pot with begonia, you can temporarily place it in a basin where wet, cool pebbles will be poured.

What kind of feeding is needed

This plant loves good fertile soil. There should be no lime in the soil. Begonias should be fed several times a week from summer to late autumn.

Any fertilizer intended for growing is suitable for feeding indoor plants. This soil is sold in gardening stores.

Subtleties of cultivation

Begonia is a very capricious plant and requires careful care. If this is not done, the plant will not produce beautiful flower. With a problem proper care often encountered by most lovers of this plant. It's possible determine by appearance begonias:

How to care for a plant if pests appear

The appearance of pests is associated with improper care for indoor begonia.

The most dangerous enemy of begonia is considered. Its appearance is caused by abundant watering. To combat this pest, it is necessary to treat the flower with a fungicide. You can also use a simple garlic solution. To prevent this disease from affecting your plant, it is necessary to carry out moderate watering, constantly loosen the soil, and ventilate the premises.

Another pest that affects begonias is aphids. The fight against this infection is done manually. For this purpose, each sheet must be wiped with alcohol. You can use specialized solution, sold in stores such as Khoma. A teaspoon is dissolved in one liter of water. This solution can only be used to treat begonia leaves.

When the room is very low humidity, attacks the plant spider mite . To combat it, the leaves are treated with chamomile or soap solution. Specialized drugs have a great effect:

  • Intavir;
  • Karbofos.

How does begonia reproduce?

The plant can reproduce by seeds or tubers. The finished tuber is divided into several parts. Each of them must have a developed bud. The finished cut edge is sprinkled with sand. The prepared cuttings are planted in the soil and moderately watered. Tuberous begonia, planting and care, requires special care.

A whole tuber can be stored for about five years. Before you start planting it, you need to remove any mold or existing traces of rot.

Replanting the plant is required only if the root system has grown greatly and it simply does not fit in the pot.

It is better to replant the plant in mid-spring. The flower is carefully pulled out of the pot, the roots are cleaned. They are then lowered into light solution potassium permanganate. Leave for about 20 minutes.

Then the completely rotten roots are cut off, and the cut areas are treated with fine charcoal.

IN big pot, where the mixture has been previously poured with soil, begonia is planted. At first, the plant will hurt. Only after a couple of weeks will the tuberous begonia begin to take root. In this period Frequent watering required, should not be exposed to hot sunlight. Time will pass, and your home garden will be decorated beautiful flowers domestic begonia, grown from one tuber.

Of course, caring for begonia is a painstaking task that requires great care. Thanks will be a very beautiful flowering. If you follow all the maintenance conditions, you can arrange a whole blooming garden on the windowsill.

Tuberous begonias grow well and bloom only in conditions that are comfortable for them. Here you need to follow a few basic rules:
1. Tuberous begonia is sensitive to bright sunlight. In hot, dry weather in the sun, flowers and leaf tips may wilt, but bloom well in partial shade. However, with strong shading, the shoots become elongated, the leaves fall off, and few or even none flowers are formed. Therefore, for lush flowering, it needs a bright place, but without direct sunlight, or partial shade (it is better if it is sunny before lunch, and partial shade after lunch). For loggias and balconies facing south, shading of begonias during the midday hours is necessary.
2. Begonia does not tolerate drafts and places exposed to the wind. The shoots of tuberous begonias are fragile, strong wind break, so it is necessary to provide protection from winds. And because of drafts, begonias drop flowers and buds.
3. The place for begonias should have good ventilation, because... she does not like stagnant air (which happens on glazed loggias and balconies), she needs a constant flow of fresh air.
4. Proper watering very important. Tuberous begonia does not tolerate flooding, so the pot must have good drainage. To preserve flowering in hot, dry weather, you need to water the ground under the begonias early in the morning (while the ground has not yet warmed up after the coolness of the night), but not cold water. When watering during the day, burns appear on the leaves. And also, if you water overheated soil with cold water during the day or evening, the roots may die.

5. High air humidity (not lower than 50-60%) also promotes lush growth and flowering of tuberous begonias. If the air is very dry, you need to place containers of water next to the pots with begonias or spray the air around them, but it is not recommended to spray the begonias themselves, so as not to cause brown spots and rot on the leaves and petals.
6. Optimal temperature air for normal well-being of tuberous begonias is within 20-24 ° C, some varieties feel good at temperatures below these values, but more heat has a depressing effect on tuberous begonias.
7. Tuberous begonia loves feeding, but there is no need to overfeed it. Fertilizers that she did not have time to process appear on the surface of the soil in the form of white deposits, and sometimes change its acidity. Also, overfed plants are less resistant to pests and diseases.

The first feeding is carried out in the spring (after the shoots begin to grow, but not before the tuber is completely filled). It is recommended to carry it out nitrogen fertilizers. Moreover, 1-2 such feedings are enough, because... an increased dose of nitrogen promotes active growth green mass, and a plant fed with nitrogen grows a trunk and burdock leaves, but does not bloom. Later (until autumn) fertilize with water-soluble complex mineral fertilizers. The first such feeding is carried out at the beginning of budding, and then repeated every two weeks. The last fertilizing (in September) is carried out after the end of flowering; the dose of nitrogen in it is significantly reduced (it is best to use potassium fertilizers that do not contain chlorine).

It is not recommended to feed tuberous begonias with organic fertilizers. Begonias also do not like chlorine-containing fertilizers.

After continuous summer flowering, closer to autumn, when the days become shorter, begonias begin to grow tubers. During this period, it is necessary to create all the conditions for begonias so that the tubers, exhausted during the flowering period, have time to accumulate enough nutrients before leaving for the dormant period.

At the beginning of autumn, tuberous begonias stop feeding and gradually reduce their watering. The last fertilizing is carried out after the end of flowering (in September), the dose of nitrogen in it is significantly reduced (it is best to use potassium fertilizers that do not contain chlorine).

It is recommended to remove new buds that appear in September so that begonias do not waste energy on flowering. On the contrary, it is advisable not to cut off fading shoots for a longer period of time (until the leaves completely wither and the stems completely dry out), since food is still supplied from the tops to the tuber. All this helps to increase the mass of the tuber.
Tuberous begonias that are grown in pots are left outside until the first autumn frost. In central Russia - until October.

The rest period of tuberous begonia should be at least 2 months. In any case, by the end of February your begonia will have time to rest. Therefore, by mid-October - early November (not earlier), if aboveground part The begonia has not died off on its own by this time; you need to cut off the stems of the begonias near the ground.

Tuberous begonia is a monoecious plant, that is, flowers of different sexes are formed on one plant: male (larger, double) and female (single-double with a three-lobed seed pod under the sepals).
To prolong the flowering of tuberous begonia, it is recommended to remove female flowers at the very beginning of their development, and male flowers leave.
There has long been debate on the Internet between supporters and opponents of removing female flowers. Ultimately, everyone decides for themselves whether to remove or not to remove female flowers.

During the dormant period the tubers different sizes stored differently.
Young first-year begonias with small tubers, grown from seeds, will try to grow tubers and are unlikely to retire. Force them to winter holidays There is no need and there is no need to trim the above-ground part of begonias either. Pots with such begonias are kept in winter in a bright, cool place with moderate watering (in winter, their shoots stop growing, but often remain green). If small begonia tubers are stored in the same way as large ones, then the likelihood of them drying out in winter increases significantly.
Begonias grown from standard tubers manage to grow fairly large tubers by the dormant period.

They are stored differently:
1) If begonias were grown in open ground, then after the first autumn frosts they are dug up with a clod of earth. The above-ground part is cut to 2-3 cm with pruning shears. Without clearing the soil from the roots, the tubers are placed in boxes and transferred to a warm, ventilated room. After about 2 weeks, remove the remaining shoots, which by this time are easily separated. The tubers are dried and stored in the basement at a temperature of 6-10°C and air humidity of 80-85%. The gaps between the tubers are covered with peat. If there is no basement, then you can store them in the refrigerator, lightly shaking them off the ground, folding them in cardboard box and sprinkle the tubers with dry peat, sawdust or sand.
2) If begonias were grown in pots, after the shoots die, the tubers can be left for the winter in the same pots. After the first frost, pots with begonias are brought indoors and watering is reduced. By mid-October - early November, watering should be completely stopped. If top part by this time it has not died off on its own, cut off the stems of the begonia near the ground and place the pot in the basement or a dark, cool place with a temperature of 5-12°C, where it will overwinter until February.
3) Young first-year begonias with small tubers, grown from seeds, are stored in a completely different way in winter, since they have a relative period of rest - their above-ground part often remains green in winter. Young begonias remain overwintering in pots placed in a bright, cool (about 10-15°C) place with moderate watering.

To preserve the beautiful begonia until the next season, it is necessary to properly organize its rest period. In most cases, with the arrival of summer and the onset of warm, fine days, flower growers try to bring their plants outdoors. open air. Even those living in room conditions, they feel much better outside. They are more actively gaining green mass, forming new shoots and buds.

The main danger that awaits flowers with the onset of autumn is the first frost. The delicate, fragile leaves of begonia contain a lot of water, so they react sensitively even to temperatures dropping to 0 degrees.

How to prepare begonia for storage?

In anticipation of cold weather, the pot with the plant from the street must be moved indoors. Now it’s time to prepare it for dormancy, which means that watering needs to be reduced. In principle, they start watering the bush less often while still in the fresh air, and when the flower “moves” into the house, the soil does not need to be moistened at all. After all, the tubers must be able to dry before being stored.

Where to store begonia?

If possible, the plant can be left directly in the pot for the winter. All shoots will need to be cut off first. Place the pot in dry room with a stable above-zero air temperature, for example in the basement.

Do not water begonia in a pot while storing it.

If there is no basement, the tubers should be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tuber preparation

Before storing the begonia, it should be removed from the flowerpot and freed from the substrate. Next, carry out the following activities:

  • cut off a shoot from a tuber;
  • use scissors to cut off the roots;
  • leave the tubers so that the cut dries well.

Place peat in a bag and place begonia tubers there. Instead of peat, it is good to use sphagnum moss.

What to do with the remaining cuttings?

The shoots that remain after pruning the plant do not have to be thrown away, especially if they are rare and beautiful variety. They can be used to propagate flowers by rooting cuttings. If you approach this procedure correctly, you will be able to grow several young bushes from one pot.

It is better not to root the entire shoot, but only its middle, removing the top with buds and the thick lower part.

Place the prepared cuttings in a pot with fresh soil, deepening it down to the leaves. It is better not to use the soil left over from the previous plant, as it may contain pests or fungi. Cover the pot with a bag. It is not recommended to root begonia in water; it quickly rots there.

Proper storage of tuberous begonia in winter is of interest to many novice gardeners, because the plant, due to its heat-loving nature, is not able to overwinter in open ground. Therefore, during cold weather, you have to dig up begonia tubers and put them in storage, ensuring peace for the plant. Only with proper wintering can you count on lush flowering next season.

Preparing begonias for winter

With the arrival of September, all buds are removed from the begonia, which will ensure the accumulation of nutrients in the tubers. After the accumulation of nutrients, a period of rest begins. There is no need to rush into digging up tubers: the plant can easily survive short-term frosts in the autumn. It should be borne in mind that this option is appropriate for adult plants with large tubers.

Digging is done with a sharp shovel, garden fork or pitchfork together with a ball of soil (no need to shake off the soil), while avoiding damage to tubers and roots. After being removed from the ground, the tubers are sorted by size. If you follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners, then planting material less than 2 cm should be separated from large ones, since small tubers are prone to drying out. Then the tuberous begonia, together with a lump of earth, is placed in boxes and transferred to a ventilated and dry room with a temperature of +14...+16˚С for 2 weeks, while watering should be reduced. When the shoots are completely dry, trim with sharp pruning shears, leaving 2-3 cm above the ground. After 2 weeks, the tubers are cleared of soil and placed in boxes with peat or dry sand for further storage.

How to store begonia tubers in winter (video)

How to store tubers

How to preserve begonia tubers until spring? There are several storage methods, and each gardener selects best option for yourself depending on your capabilities. When living in a private house, planting material can be stored in the basement. Peat, sand or sawdust are used as filler for filling tubers. Such components will allow you to save as much as possible planting material until spring. It is important to know that you should not keep tubers in the cellar, since it is very high humidity, which will negatively affect the storage of begonias. IN winter period planting material is periodically inspected to identify rot and diseases.

If begonia is grown in an apartment, then to preserve the tubers, planting material is placed in cool places, for example near balcony door. In this case, storage can be carried out in two ways:

  1. In pots. If begonia was grown at home, then it can be stored directly in pots. The dead above-ground part is cut off, and the containers themselves are transferred to a cool place. Begonia is watered periodically in winter to prevent the soil from drying out completely.
  2. In a box or boxes. Planting material is placed in a box and covered with sawdust, peat or sand. IN Lately Vermiculite is increasingly used for these purposes, which allows you to preserve begonia until spring.

In early March, the potted plants will sprout. At this time, the tubers are removed and transplanted into new soil. Another option for preserving begonias in winter is the refrigerator. After drying, the tubers are placed in plastic bags, in which holes are first made and filled with sawdust.

After preparing the planting material in the described way, the bags are placed in a box for vegetables, where storage will take place at the optimal temperature.

Proper wintering of begonia is possible if you follow following rules:

  1. The flower's dormant period lasts until the end of February. In more early dates no need to plant plants.
  2. It is best to store begonia in winter in boxes with sand, avoiding plastic bags.
  3. The tubers are turned over periodically. If rotting is detected, the soft parts are cut off, and the cut points are sprinkled with wood ash.

Overwintered planting material must be germinated before being planted in the spring. In this case, the tubers are placed at a certain distance from each other, leaving 3-4 cm above the surface of the soil (sand). To obtain sprouts, the surface of the soil is moistened with water.

Storing first-year tubers

Depending on their age, begonia tubers can be stored in winter in different ways. If this is a first-year seedling, then in winter the top young plant remains green and does not need to be trimmed. plant in cold period must be in a pot. Since the flower retains its leaves, they need lighting. Young tubers must be stored in a ventilated, bright place at a temperature no higher than +15˚C and a humidity of more than 50%. The planting material is watered periodically (every 2-3 weeks) and can be sprayed. It is important to avoid overwatering, which will lead to rotting. If the same conditions are provided for first-year tubers as for adults, then there is a high probability of their drying out. Therefore, care for young plants must be correct.

  1. In September, stop feeding the plants.
  2. When begonias lay buds in September-October, they must be cut off.
  3. As the top layer of soil dries, watering is carried out. The soil is moistened along the contour of the container, but water should not get on the tuber.
  4. Lighting is a prerequisite. With a lack of light, the stem stretches.
  5. In winter, begonia can be stored on a window on the east side of the house, but it must be taken into account that heating system dries the air and raises the temperature. In this case, place a container of water on the windowsill.
  6. Feeding is excluded. In winter, the plant does not need nutrients. If there is an excess of them, the roots may rot.

After the tuber produces new stems, the overwintered cuttings can be cut off and placed for rooting.

Basics of successful care (video)

How to care for begonia after wintering

At the beginning of spring, begonia begins its next growth phase: the tubers begin to sprout. Now the plants need more intensive care, which comes down to more light and moisture, which ensures rapid growth. After winter, debris and soil are removed from the planting material and placed in prepared soil. In this case, a pot or box can be used. Each tuber should have at least 5x5 cm of area. To indoor flower sprouted, the tuber is deepened into the soil, placing back side towards the light, while closing them only halfway. Great option substrate for germination of begonias is next lineup: peat, humus (compost), rotted leaves with sand in a ratio of 1:1:1:2.

After disembarkation further care involves transferring the container to light in a room with a temperature of +15...+18˚С and a humidity of more than 50%. Begonia sprouts unevenly over several weeks. During this period, the plant needs protection from direct sunlight and drafts, while closed premises should be avoided. Growth stimulants can be used to speed up germination.

With the appearance of the first leaves, the plants are removed from the box and planted in pots. The base of the shoots should be completely covered with humus and ash. The plants are left in this state until the threat of return frosts has passed.

Some experts recommend periodic hardening of begonias, which causes the plant to shed some leaves, which is considered normal. When warm weather sets in, begonias are planted in open ground: the soil should be loose and contain sand. A minimum of 15x15 cm of area is allocated for one tuber; for large tubers - 30x30 cm. After planting, the soil is covered with humus and ash.

You need to monitor soil moisture and avoid stagnation of water. The most useful watering is considered to be in the morning. Lush growth and development of buds is achieved by creating a humid climate. At high altitude bush care involves tying the stem to avoid damage. Begonia requires more attention in winter, but the splendor of this plant is worth it. Improper storage in winter will affect poor flowering in summer. Problems usually arise for beginning flower growers. If the plants did not survive the winter well, then in the future you need to try to avoid these mistakes. Now you know how to store begonia tubers in the cold season and how to plant plants in the spring.