home · Networks · Dismantling the lock for the internal opening of the entrance metal door. Old door frame: methods and algorithm for dismantling. Specifics of dismantling balcony doors

Dismantling the lock for the internal opening of the entrance metal door. Old door frame: methods and algorithm for dismantling. Specifics of dismantling balcony doors

When performing renovations in an apartment, quite often the question arises of how to dismantle old doors. The technology for carrying out the work directly depends on the type of doors that will be dismantled. We will consider further how to dismantle old doors and install new ones.

Door classification: description, characteristics

Doors not only protect the room from outside intrusion, but also perform an aesthetic function. Entrance doors greet guests and create the overall impression of the apartment. Interior doors divide space into separate rooms.

Exists a large number of doors, which are divided into groups based on certain principles. In relation to the material from which the doors are made, they are:

1. Wooden - the most popular option. These doors come in a variety of patterns and textures. Doors made of wood are environmentally friendly, lightweight, but at the same time durable. In pricing policy wooden doors suitable for almost everyone, since there are cheaper types of wood, such as pine, larch, and more expensive ones - oak, beech. Wood is easy to process, so doors of various shapes can be made from it. By painting them in the desired color, you can make doors that suit any interior style.

2. Aluminum - they are distinguished primarily by their resistance to aggressive environments and long service life. Among the main characteristics of an aluminum door, we also note fire resistance, good sound insulation and heat insulation characteristics.

Also, doors made of aluminum are resistant to corrosion and have a light weight, compared to metal ones, they resist burglary well, so they are most often used as an entrance door.

Among the disadvantages of such a door, we note them high cost and a tendency to corrosion if aluminum comes into contact with other types of metals and moisture.

3. Metal - the most reliable. There is a large number steel doors, varying in color and design. To treat doors, special compounds are used that prevent the development of corrosion. Among the positive properties of such doors we note:

  • soundproofing characteristics;
  • high level of protection;
  • protection from cold and frost.

4. Glass - used if it is necessary to visually increase the space in the room. They are not susceptible to moisture or temperature changes. With the help of special processing on glass they create very beautiful patterns, making the doors unique. Their glass doors have high sound permeability, are quite heavy and are expensive.

5. Veneered - cheaper than wood. However, such doors are more susceptible to moisture and are easily deformed under its influence. Therefore, installing them in the kitchen or bathroom is impossible.

6. Laminated - such doors are more resistant to moisture, as they have laminated protection on their surface. It is possible to decorate such doors to match any type of wood or any color. Another type of laminated doors is laminated doors. They are more wear-resistant than laminated ones and cheaper.

7. Mesonite-type doors - fine-grained wood is used for their manufacture. These doors are characterized by relative strength and durability. For their finishing, laminated or veneer coating is used.

8. Plastic doors are inexpensive, easy to clean, imitate different textures and colors well, and can have a unique design. However, such doors are very light and unstable to mechanical damage.

9. A combined door contains several materials from which it is made. The most popular option is a combination of wood and glass. Metal and glass, veneer and glass, wood and metal, etc. can also be joined together.

Depending on the method of opening the door, they are:

  • swing - opening in one or two directions;
  • sliding - installed to save space in the room;
  • folding - consist of several sections, installed exclusively indoors;
  • swinging - open in both directions, especially relevant in a house with pets.

In relation to the number of panels that make up the door, they are:

  • one-;
  • two-;
  • one and a half;
  • three-field.

In relation to the filling of the door panels, doors are divided into solid and non-blind. Glazed doors are often installed on balconies and indoors. They transmit light from one room to another.

In relation to the internal filling, doors are:

  • massive - exclusively a solid piece of wood is used for their manufacture, this option the doors are impressively heavy and have high strength;
  • panel - such a door has a honeycomb filling; to fill the door panels in such a door, for example, slats, veneer, plywood, and shavings are used;
  • paneled - characterized by the presence of rectangular, round, rectangular recesses;
  • smooth - characterized by an absolutely smooth surface.

Technology and features of door dismantling

There are two ways to dismantle door frames in an apartment. The first of them involves careful execution of the work followed by the use of the dismantled door. The second method involves accelerated dismantling of the door without further use.

Compliance with door dismantling technology to ensure ease of implementation installation work on installation new door. In the process of work you will need the following tools:

  • hammer;
  • hacksaw for working with wood;
  • devices in the form of a crowbar and a nail puller.

If the door is to be used again, you will also need a wide chisel, pliers, a sharp utility knife, a screwdriver and a screwdriver.

Initially, the order of work looks like this:

  • tool preparation;
  • withdrawal door leaf;
  • dismantling of platbands;
  • removing the door frame.

Dismantling interior doors, should be carried out with extreme care, especially if the premises are residential. To dismantle the old door, follow the instructions below:

1. Initially, remove the door leaf. If there are detachable or card loops, this process goes by very quickly. If the door is fixed using universal hinges, then you must first unscrew the screws.

2. Next, you should get rid of cash. To do this, you need to remove the decorative plugs and unscrew the screws. If the casher is fixed using nails, then you need to tap it with a hammer so that the nails come out.

3. The next stage is dismantling the door frame. Initially, find a place to fix the box in the wall. Quite often they are located near the loop or lock connection. Using a screwdriver, unscrew the fasteners that secure the door frame. If you don't have a screwdriver, you can use a Phillips screwdriver.

Advice: if, during the process of dismantling the old door, difficulties arise with pulling out the fasteners, then it is enough to saw them off using a grinder, but in this case, you need to wear glasses and gloves.

In the presence of polyurethane foam between the opening and the door frame, it is cut out with a stationery knife. This will make the dismantling process easier. To remove plaster from a doorway, use a hammer.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with the second method of dismantling the door. To complete it you will need:

  • hammer;
  • ax;
  • hacksaws;
  • crowbar and nail puller.

To remove the door frame, just cut it down the center. To do this, use a hacksaw. To make removing the frame easier, saw it at a forty-five degree angle.

Installation and dismantling of doors is very difficult process, performing which it is necessary to strictly follow the technology, otherwise, problems may arise with the destruction of the doorway.

Dismantling and installation of interior doors is carried out according to this principle. If there is a doorway made of a steel profile, use it to strengthen it. wooden beams, which are installed inside the profile before fixing the box.

Before installing a new door, it is necessary to complete the floor finishing work. Because in the end you can make a mistake with the height of the threshold and it will be inconvenient. Optimal value The gap between the box and the wall is 20 mm. When assembling the door frame, try to connect all the parts together while maintaining an angle of forty-five degrees.

How to dismantle a metal door

All work on dismantling an iron door begins with removing the door panels. To do this, you should inspect the door hinges and disassemble them in relation to their type. If the hinges are removable, then just open the door wide and lift it.

If the door is equipped with non-demountable hinges, then it is enough to unscrew the screws with which they are screwed to the frame. If the door frame is made of metal, then its dismantling becomes more difficult compared to ordinary wooden doors.

Initially, you should pull out and unscrew all the fasteners on the door. Next comes the process of dismantling the canvases and the box. For these purposes, a grinder is useful, which is used to saw the racks and remove the fasteners.

After dismantling the front door, it is installed. The entrance door is installed in the opening so that it is flush with outer wall. Fastening elements are fixed in the wall using specially installed plates with small holes.

Anchor bolts with a length of about 12-15 mm are used as fasteners. It is possible to replace them with steel rods, scraps of reinforcement or other metal elements. They are riveted or welded onto a steel frame using welding machine. To perform welding, you must be present installation gap, which is 1.5-2 cm.

Second installation option metal door implies its installation deep into the doorway. For this, minimum thickness the wall into which the door is installed should be about 15 cm. In this case, the frame is fixed using metal wire or anchor bolts. If there are no mounting holes on the surface of the door frame, build them yourself using a door and nozzles for working with metal. In this case, the technological gap is from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. After determining the optimal method of fixing the door frame, the process of its installation follows. For these purposes, you will need plastic or wooden wedges 2-3 mm thicker than the technological gap. They allow you to install the box correctly and evenly.

Next, a stand is installed on which the hinges are mounted. Make sure it is installed evenly. The stand is fixed using self-tapping screws, the holes for which are also made independently. After lubricating the hinges, the door leaf is installed. Metal balls are installed inside the hinge, on which the door leaf is hung. Next, the fittings are installed. After this, the lock post is aligned and the door is closed so that there is a gap of no more than two millimeters between it and the door leaf. The lock post is secured with bolts or pins. The box is covered with masking tape, and the opening is moistened with a spray bottle.

Place a container containing mounting foam into the container and treat the surface of the doorway in such a way as to eliminate technological gaps. After the foam has completely dried, get rid of excess and protruding parts. Next, the trim is installed and the door is checked for functionality.

Door dismantling video:

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here - to remove the canvas from its hinges and “uproot” the box. But it's not that simple. As practice shows, if you want to get a smooth and beautiful doorway, remove old design it needs to be done correctly. We will talk about how to dismantle doors in this article.

To break - not to build: features of dismantling

Many inexperienced self-taught builders mistakenly believe that to remove an old door it is enough to just pick out the jambs from the wall. But in practice, everything turns out to be not so simple. Often, with incorrect and aggressive dismantling, not only the door design, but also part of the wall. This situation is especially common in old Soviet houses, where construction interior partitions We used weak gypsum plaster slabs.

If you don’t want to lose part of the wall when dismantling the interior doors, you need to approach the work creatively. First of all, decide whether you need the old door or are you going to take it to its final destination - to the landfill. In the first case, dismantling must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the components, for example, if you want to move the door from an apartment to a country house. If you don’t need the box and all its elements, there is a faster and “ruthless” method, which we will talk about a little later.

But no matter what method of dismantling old doors you choose, the work should be carried out as carefully as possible so as not to damage the wall. Otherwise, after removing the box, you will have to spend time and money on puttying and plastering.

But first, a little theory. Any such structure consists of two vertical racks, one horizontal crossbar on top and the door leaf itself, sometimes there is also a lower horizontal bar - a threshold. Often old doors are behind their long life managed to survive 5 or even 10 painting sessions, becoming several millimeters thicker, and therefore heavier.

The paint has long hidden the slightest hints of the location of screws, nails and other fasteners, but on an intuitive level you can still recognize where everything is. So, usually between the wall and the door frame there is a wooden block. Its thickness was selected in such a way that the vertical posts were positioned strictly perpendicular to the floor surface. Large nails 120 or 150 mm long were driven into this beam: two into the left vertical post, two into the right, and one (sometimes two) into the upper horizontal crossbar. If the doors have not been replaced for 30-50 years, then these nails have probably had time to rust, so you won’t be able to simply remove the frame.

To avoid uprooting part of the wall with the bars, use a nail puller or pry bar. You will also need a hammer, an ax and a saw (hacksaw).
Gentle way

In this chapter we will tell you how to remove the door and frame so that they can be used later.

Remove the door leaf by placing a crowbar between the door and the floor to create a kind of lever. Slightly opening and closing the door, begin to lift the leaf, pressing on the pry bar.

It is better to do this together, since old Soviet doors are quite heavy, especially if you are dismantling the front door. If the hinges do not respond to your manipulations, they may be rusty or severely clogged. In this case, apply lubricant (it is better to use an anti-corrosion spray lubricant, which instantly removes rust), wait a couple of minutes and try again. Complete removal of the door leaf should be done with the door open, otherwise the door will rest against the horizontal crossbar at the top.

When the door leaf is set aside, you can begin to eliminate the trim. There is no particular need to worry about the safety of old platbands, since in most cases they are in rather poor condition and are covered with a thick layer of old enamel. Place the point of the ax into the hole between the trim and the frame, or anywhere higher if all the nails are covered with paint and nothing is visible. Hold an ax with one hand and a hammer with the other.
Using gentle but confident movements, hammer in the ax and disconnect the casing from the box.

In the widened gap you will be able to see those same large nails. Place the ax under one of them and push the casing to the maximum limit. Repeat the same procedure for the other nail locations. As a result, you should be able to easily separate the entire casing from door frame.
Since there are trims on both sides, repeat the same steps on the other part of the wall. Unfortunately, the casing almost always breaks. During the heyday of Soviet engineering and construction, nails were made very thick and strong, and platbands were installed quite thin, so it was impossible to simply remove them with rusted nails. But, fortunately, making new and more aesthetic platbands today is quite simple and inexpensive. In addition, if you remember that half a centimeter of faded enamel has already dried on the frame frame and cannot even be used for firewood, then it would be more reasonable to get a new frame for the door.
So, the platbands have been removed, and what you are left with is a door frame with iron hinges. Before you try to rip it out of the wall, remember that it is nailed to the leveling bars with long 150mm nails. Carefully inspect one of the vertical posts - if the lower fastening point (nail or block) is visible, step back about 20 cm from it. If the fasteners are not visible, then step back 60-80 cm from the floor and saw through the post.

Just above the cut, insert the tip of the ax so that it is between the doorway and the wooden post, and then, with firm pressure, move the post away from the wall. This way you will simultaneously remove the stud and pull the nail out of the wall.
Do the same with the opposite part and top bar. When the first pillar is removed, dismantling the doors with your own hands is much faster and easier.

Keep door block, which has served for 30 years or more, does not make sense - today you can use more modern, durable and inexpensive materials or put the same tree, only fresher.

We have described one of the most problematic options for dismantling doors using large nails as fasteners. If you see that the elements are fastened with screws, then disassembling such a box is not difficult - you just need to use a screwdriver.

Fast way

If you are planning to get rid of your old door and do not intend to install it in another place, use a simpler and in a fast way dismantling the box.

To work you will need the following tools:
hacksaw for wood.

How to quickly dismantle a door:
Remove the door leaf as described in the previous instructions - this step cannot be done any easier or faster.
There is no point in disassembling the door frame, so it is easier to break it. This is very easy to do if you make a cut in the central part of one of the vertical posts.
Using a hacksaw, make a cut, but not perpendicularly, but at an angle of approximately 45°.

If the door frame has a threshold, it is also better to saw it in the center.
If the threshold is fixed in doorway above the floor, it is easy to “uproot” it with a crowbar.
You can quickly tear off the platbands if you drive the edge of an ax between them and the box beam. Move the ax handle back until there is a gap large enough to further work with a crowbar.

We remind you that if you don’t need the old door frame, the remaining wall will still be useful for installing a new door, so do the work as carefully as possible.
Removing a plastic door

Plastic and metal-plastic doors have long ceased to be a novelty, and it is much less common to see a high-quality solid wood panel than a familiar structure, shining with pristine whiteness. However for correct operation, repair and adjustment, you need to know some secrets that not all owners of plastic doors know.

The most important thing is to understand the structure and functioning of the hinges on which the door is held. Then you will be able to use its full potential to the maximum, repair or remove the entire structure yourself. The hinge consists of several elements: a steel tab, a frame with fastening pins, and a spacer sleeve located between the tab and the frame.
Removing the door on the balcony

If you try to dismantle the plastic door according to the instructions described above, you will not succeed. The fact is that such structures have their own installation and, therefore, dismantling features, so they need to be removed in a special way.

Remove the protective caps covering the hinges.

Take a hammer and carefully knock out the axle mechanism, opening the door slightly.
When the edge of the axle mechanism appears from below, grab it with thin pliers and pull down until it comes out completely.
Tilt the door towards you, holding it firmly free hand(it's quite heavy) and lift it 5 cm to release the bottom support pin. Since in such designs the hinges at the bottom are not fixed, the door can be easily removed by slightly lifting it and moving it to the side.
Removing the front door

The structure of a plastic entrance door differs from a balcony door, so dismantling occurs a little differently. The main difference is that the entrance doors have a reinforced structure and do not have double-glazed windows.

The structure of the hinges is also different - they are more powerful, reinforced and have an anti-burglary system. The plastic entrance door has three hinges, and the balcony door has two. This is explained by the fact that the door is quite heavy, and two hinges could not cope with such a load.

In principle, the dismantling procedure follows the same scenario as for a balcony door, the only difference being that you will need help - you will not be able to remove the front door alone. Once you lift the door off its hinges, it needs to be held firmly, which can only be done by two people.

Removing a metal door

In most new buildings, apartments are commissioned with metal entrance doors, but, unfortunately, they seem reliable only at first glance. In fact, this is an ordinary sheet of steel, not reinforced with anything, and certainly not having insulating properties. Owners of such apartments prefer to replace structures with new ones or insulate existing ones, but first they need to somehow remove the fabric itself.

Dismantling a metal door is quite simple:
Pound away the plaster near the door jamb to expose the door lug attachment points.
Since modern metal doors are fixed using anchor wedges or anchor bolts, try unscrewing them with a key or screwdriver.
If the fasteners do not budge, gouge them out with a hammer drill chisel.
Between the partition and the door frame there is a layer of polyurethane foam - cut it with a knife to free the door.
Lift the door leaf and remove it from the hinges in the open position.
Then you can remove the door frame and install a better door.

As you can see, dismantle old door It’s not at all difficult, be it wooden, plastic or iron. The main thing is to do everything measuredly and carefully so as not to spoil the opening in the wall, which will still be useful for installing a new door.

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One of the steps in installing a new steel system is removing the old one. If the block to be dismantled is wooden, dealing with it is not difficult. - Using a nail puller, saw and axe, the job is done quickly. Dismantling a metal entrance door is not much, but more difficult - you will have to use additional tools, put in more effort, spend “extra” time.

Do-it-yourself dismantling of a metal door

Any steel system, no matter how cheap or ancient, represents a certain value that the economic owner of a house or apartment can always “attach” somewhere. Among the options, for example, country house or utility room- You can also give a gift to a friend or neighbor to use for similar purposes. If such a development of the situation is foreseen, the dismantling of the metal door is done carefully - without the slightest damage to the structure. If the product goes to scrap metal or a landfill, removal is carried out vandalistically - as a result, time is saved.

A mandatory ritual after removing the old steel system is removing debris, after which preparation for installation is carried out. As a rule, there are no apartments or private houses with a “bare” entrance. Therefore, a new design is immediately installed, most likely purchased from the Dvermet MSK online store.

What you need to know when dismantling a metal door

At first glance, this work is not very difficult, however, when performing it, there are certain nuances that you need to know and take into account. The grinder circle must be of sufficient diameter to allow hard-to-reach fasteners to be reached in a limited space. They are cut from the bottom up, otherwise the block may collapse on the last pins, and on its head. When hollowing out the same rods or sections of reinforcement, you need to be careful not to overdo it, because in the future you will have to strengthen the damaged connections. This work is hazardous, so it must be done with gloves and sometimes with glasses.

Price for dismantling a metal entrance door

Knowing the prices for dismantling metal doors, you can choose the best option solving a problem consisting of 2 conditions. By removing the steel block yourself, you can save money. If you use the services of specialists, you will be able to save time during which you can earn money. In the Dvermet MSK online store, the price for dismantling and installing a metal door is more than acceptable. For Moscow and the region it is 2500 rubles.

Our specialists have extensive experience similar works and will do everything quickly and accurately. First, they will remove all additional communications (if any) from the old doors, such as security devices and decorative finishing. Then they will remove the fastenings of the door leaf and remove it. After this, the door slopes are dismantled. As a result of all the work carried out, only a steel box will remain. To remove it, you must first delete the layer insulating material between the frame and the wall so that the fastening points become visible. After this, using a grinder, the craftsmen will cut the door frame from the reinforcement, which is concreted into the walls, floor and ceiling. Trimming will be done as close to the box as possible. This will make it easier to install a new door, which can be secured to the same fittings. It is worth noting that our specialists will carry out all work very carefully, without damaging the object. This means that you can install it again, for example, in the country.

Cost and prices

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Difficulties in dismantling steel doors

If necessary, disassemble and replace the old one iron door, difficulties often arise. And here the matter is not only in the large weight of such a structure and its considerable dimensions, but also in the installation features, which involves welding the door frame to metal fittings built into the walls, floor and ceiling. So, if you decide to tackle a similar issue, do not hesitate to call the specialists.

Features of disassembling wooden and plastic doors

It would seem that what is so difficult here? Breaking is not building, and any apartment owner can cope with this task. But it was not there. A job done incorrectly can cause various problems in the future.

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Do you need to dismantle your front door?

Today this service is in great demand, as residents are massively replacing old doors with modern metal entrance structures. And this is not surprising, because installing a new metal door means 100% confidence that your home is safe reliable protection, since such doors are equipped with a special anti-burglary system, they are very durable, and besides, they have a solid appearance.

To prepare the doorway for installation new design, you need to dismantle the old front door, but how to do it yourself or involve specialists is up to you.

Our company LLC Dismantling works» performs dismantling various types. Our services also include the dismantling of entrance and interior doors. For us, this work does not present any difficulty, since we have extensive practical experience and everything necessary tools, which makes it possible to complete it quickly and efficiently.

But the price for dismantling the front door is very reasonable for customers, which is why many turn to us when the need arises.

To decide whether to dismantle the old front door yourself or entrust this work to professionals, you need to know what its essence is.

The main thing in this matter is not to damage the integrity of the doorway, without breaking a piece of the wall in the process.

The features of this type of work are as follows:

  • remove the door leaf from its hinges, placing a crowbar under it and making something like a lever. This must be done together, swinging and lifting the door, while simultaneously pressing the lever;
  • then remove all the trim, which will most likely require an ax;
  • after the platbands are removed, you need to disassemble the door frame, for which you will need a saw and an ax, and work must begin with top rack. But the box must be dismantled very carefully without shock methods so as not to damage the wall.

For some, such work will seem quite simple, but for others there is no time or desire to do this - it is easier to use qualified services.

If you are for professional dismantling, call us right now! We will carry out this work efficiently and very carefully, after which we will remove all construction garbage, quickly preparing your doorway for installation of a new metal door.

I prefer to entrust any work related to apartment renovations to professionals, and when the need arose to replace the front door, I did not hesitate to invite specialists to dismantle the old one. Well, what can I say - the work was done conscientiously and accurately. In a couple of hours the doorway in perfect condition was ready for the new door to be installed.

Igor Bezrodny. Moscow

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