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Kempas parquet board. The structure of the castle connection

Kempas tree - characteristics and features

Kempas is an exotic tree that cannot be found in our country. Mainly, the tree grows in countries such as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. In addition, kempas can often be found in New Guinea. It should be noted that wood grows in mountainous areas. With low mountain altitudes from 800 to 1200 m. Kempas also grows in forests with high humidity.

The tree is different large sizes. Its height can reach 60 m, and its trunk diameter is 100 cm. The trunk has no branches or forks at half its height, which makes it possible to use it in the production of lumber. From this wood species it is possible to produce very even boards and beams.

The peculiarity of wood is that it is heavier than water and therefore sinks. In this case, after the drying procedure has been completed, the density of the wood becomes 880 kg/m3. The material is very difficult to dry and the most best performance can only be achieved when the entire wood processing process takes place outdoors.

Kempas is a sound wood species. The structure of the tree has a clear division between sapwood and heartwood. Sapwood has light color, often white or yellow. In turn, the core of the tree is the complete opposite - it is dark, closer to red-brown. Speaking about the surface structure, it is worth noting that the fibers are characterized by very large veins, reminiscent of palm wood. The texture of the pattern is uniform and graceful.

Processing process wood material, it is not always easy. The fact is that hard veins (stones) can be deposited in wood, which owe their appearance to deposits of lime salts. They make the process of processing the material quite complex. Tools used in the processing process often break. Therefore, cutters with carbide teeth are most often used.

When drying wood containing stony inclusions, cracks may occur. One of the features of wood material is its increased acidity. For example, if a steel fastening system is used, then rust will appear on its surface within a few months. Therefore, most often the kempass sticks together. Wood also accepts paints and varnishes without any problems.

It should be noted that the Brinell hardness index is 4.9 units. At the same time, despite its hardness and wear resistance, wood is a material with average durability, as it can be susceptible to woodworms. If no surface treatment has been carried out, it cannot be said that the kempas is resistant to moisture. If the wood is stored in conditions of low air humidity and regular ventilation, its operational period can be more than a dozen years.

In our country, this material is most often used in the production of high-quality floor coverings. Kempas is used to produce solid and parquet boards. Less commonly, you can find furniture products which are made from this type of wood.

In countries where compas grows, there are many more areas of its application. Thus, specialized devices for use in the agricultural sector are produced from wood material - tools, equipment, boxes, and so on. Also, sleepers used in the construction of railway tracks are produced from kempas. Very often, large timber trunks are used on construction sites.

A solid Kempas wood board is an example of a durable, wear-resistant, and most importantly, very beautiful floor covering. His characteristic feature are bright colors and smooth texture. Sometimes Kempas is used as an alternative material to more expensive cabinetry, which is supplied in limited quantities.

In terms of brightness of color, this tree is one of the most “red”. The color of the heartwood varies from golden-reddish to dark orange. And the sapwood of Kempas is yellowish-white. Under the influence of external factors, in particular the action of ultraviolet radiation, wood becomes even more bright shade and it gets even darker.

The Kempas tree grows in South-East Asia. This tree can be found on the islands of Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia. Its height has record values ​​- it can reach 35 - 45 m. And the trunk diameter is quite large - up to 2 m or more. Another advantage is that up to a level of 30 meters there are practically no knots on the trunk. A smooth, clean trunk is convenient for making solid floorboards.

The advantage of this type of wood is its uniform, albeit large, wood structure. In the cutting plane, an even wood texture with light longitudinal veins is obtained. A floor made of this material looks neat and solid.

Kempas is a heavy wood species. The logs of this tree even sink in water. And in practice road construction Kempas was used to produce railway sleepers And roofing products. The hardness of Kempas complicates the process of wood processing both manually and by machine. But as a result of processing, a solid and reliable massive batten Kempas.

Solid parquet boards are made from a single piece of wood. But modern version this flooring is distinguished by its precision geometric shapes and sizes. The main feature of solid wood is that, as a result of special processing, it acquires wear-resistant properties and is a truly stable floor covering. Unlike the plank floor of previous generations, the current array does not dry out or warp when correct operation, it is also more moisture resistant.

Thanks to modern sanding equipment, solid floorboards can be sanded up to 7-8 times without loss appearance and quality. In this case, the standard board thickness is 16-22 mm. Solid Kempas parquet has a thickness of 18 to 20 mm.

Modern solid floorboards are available in several sizes. You can choose the option that suits you: an elongated or shortened model, wide or narrow, or maybe opt for a standard board. Depending on the manufacturer and the species used, solid parquet boards can have a length from 500 to 3000 mm. In this case, the standard is 1000 - 1500 mm.

The size of the Kempas tree trunk allows us to produce boards up to 1800 mm long as Kempas nature from Surya (Indonesia). But shortened versions of solid parquet made from this wood (length 350-900 mm) are also popular. As products from manufacturers Magestik floor (Holland) and Parketoff (Germany).

The width of the parquet board can vary between 50 - 500 mm. Narrow models suitable for indoor spaces small size, they visually increase the space. And large-format copies are most often used for laying in large rooms. Solid parquet boards from Kempas have standard width 122-127 mm.

Manufacturers of flooring take into account that Kempas wood is deformed under conditions of rapid changes in humidity (if it is not dried properly). Therefore, this material is not suitable for indoor flooring. high humidity. Requires constant monitoring temperature regime and indoor humidity levels. To achieve the highest possible moisture resistance, all types of wood used for the production of solid parquet undergo serious processing. They are dried in a special way to the so-called furniture humidity (8-10%). This reduces the internal tension of the wood and the hygroscopicity of the material. Also to give the solid board additional stability in any conditions on bottom side Each board has “unloading grooves”. They protect the product from deformation.

Also additional protection The floor surface is the finishing board covering. To do this, use varnish or oil composition, sometimes oil with wax. The varnish not only gives the floors a decorative glossy shine or matte velvety, it protects them from negative impact moisture. This is even more important if solid Kempas floorboards are used as flooring. Oil also reduces the hygroscopicity of the board by penetrating into its pores. In addition, many models of solid parquet are produced without coating, which allows you to choose the composition that you consider necessary.

Kempas "under oil" Kempas "under varnish"

Modern solid boards are characterized by a high degree of thermal protection. Natural wood floors will keep your home warm, even if you do not use a special insulating underlay. Also for massive parquet has excellent sound insulation characteristics. This is very important in the conditions of our apartments. Among the advantages of solid wood we can highlight its environmental friendliness and naturalness.

Installing modern solid wood flooring is also easy. For this purpose, each parquet flooring has a fastening system, with its help the boards are connected to each other. Cutting tongue-and-groove panels on solid Kempas boards helps to install the flooring in as soon as possible. It also ensures the reliability of the parquet flooring connection.

Modern elite solid wood board is quite expensive looking floor covering. But if you dream of comfort and beauty of the floor, then a solid board can provide this for you. The price for this type of coating is quite high, but the costs are recouped due to the durability of the floor. Solid parquet boards have a guaranteed service life of 20 to 30 years, unlike inexpensive laminate and parquet boards.

Given that proper care flooring from Kempas can serve indefinitely. Floors made from this wood are for those who appreciate everything refined and original. The sale of solid boards in our store comes with a mandatory warranty.

Size range (mm):

  • Solid Kempas board 20 x 120 x 900
  • Solid Kempas board 20 x 120 x 1200
  • Solid Kempas board 20 x 120 x 1500
  • Solid Kempas board 20 x 120 x 1800

Kempas board is a prominent representative solid floors made of classic mahogany and is characterized by excellent hardness, strength and wear resistance. Just like piece parquet made from this type of wood, solid kempas boards are widely used in rooms with high operational loads, successfully resist the effects of aggressive chemical environments and mechanical damage. At the same time, due to its thickness and increased wear layer, the kempas board suggests the possibility of repeated sanding and restoration of the solid floor.

Besides the beautiful performance characteristics Nature has endowed this breed with amazing depth and complexity of shades. In terms of the brightness of its colors, solid kempas board is one of the most interesting: reddish-orange and pink fibers alternate with lighter amber-yellow areas, iridescent with a pearlescent sheen. At the same time, oddly enough, in general the floor looks quite uniform; the differences in tone across the area are insignificant. Over time, under the influence of light, the board darkens somewhat, the overall tone becomes more saturated, gaining depth and volume. Noble shades with mother-of-pearl touches create the effect of gold scattering, thanks to which the massive kempas board is firmly associated with luxury and solidity.

Among the peculiarities of operating floors made from solid Kempas boards, one can note the need to maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions. When stored indoors room temperature And relative humidity within 45-60%, and also provided there are no sharp fluctuations in humidity, such a floor will faithfully serve more than one generation. It is also necessary to take into account that, having acidic properties, kempas wood should not come into contact with ferrous metals, since it has a corrosive effect on them. In view of high density Kempas boards are recommended to be drilled for fasteners to avoid splitting the wood when laying the boards.

KOMOFLOOR produces massive board kempas as in raw form without finishing coating, and varnished, ready for installation. The boards are carefully sorted by quality and wood tone (light, medium and dark).

Wood workability kempas belongs to the moderate class and is poorly processed due to its high density and intertwined structure. It is better to cut wood with a band saw rather than a circular saw. It is difficult to grind, but can be planed on machines, although the surface is fleecy. Grinding allows you to get smooth surface, but putty is required before varnishing. Machining tests have shown that drilling, chiselling and grinding give very good results, and planing and chiselling give good results. Processing on lathe gives bad results. Before driving nails kempas It is better to drill to prevent cracks. Since wood has pronounced acidic properties, it can be corrosive to metals.

Botanical name: Koompassia malaccensis Maingay ex Benth, family Leguminosae. Local names: kempas, kompas, kampas, menggeris. Other names: kempas (Europe and USA). 88 (0.68 - 1.29); I (highest) - II (high) Shrinkage during air drying is

Specific gravity and strength class: 0.2.0% (radial) and 3.0% (tangential).

Hardness according to JANKA - is determined by pressing a steel hemisphere until a hole S = 1 cm2 is formed in a wood sample after drying in air:

End (kgf/cm2)
7700-8500 N

Lateral (kgf/cm2)


Due to its fantastic hardness, coupled with relatively low wear resistance, kempas is rarely used as building material. People often use it to make planed blocks, but not to make furniture. This tree makes a wonderful charcoal. A support tree having more than high hardness, specific gravity and wear resistance than trunk wood is often used for countertops. Kempas is suitable for making floors, especially where spills of acids or chemicals are possible, for example in laboratories. After chemical treatment, kempas is suitable for the manufacture of railway sleepers, beams and car decks, construction of buildings and port facilities. Kempas wood can also be used to make pallets, panels and plywood.


Produced in two versions: adhesive connection and castle. Lock systems RealLock- powerful, double, snaps at an angle, tear-resistant, ensuring precision joining of boards.

The main task lock connection RealLOC®- this is a tight and precise connection of boards to each other. Like all parquets Upofloor, parquet boards with locking joints RealLOC® are offered in a wide range of wood species, as well as various options surface finishing


    The exact dimensions of the lock that connects the boards to each other.

    The locking parts are durable, Ptherefore the connection is strong.

    If necessary, the presence of glue pockets allows the use of glue.


    No glue, no special tools.

    With a slight movement of the hand, the lock latches precisely.

    The same lock at the end and at the edges guarantees a strong and tight connection.


    The floor is immediately ready for use

    The floor surface is extremely smooth

    Easy to maintain, like all parquets Upofloor - the edges of the board are treated from the influence of moisture- care as for regular parquet

    Simple repair - if the parquet board is damaged, the floor can be easily disassembled and - the damaged board is replaced with a new one.

Parquet board Upoflor Kempas