home · Networks · What to do with garden begonia in the fall. We grow tuberous begonia. How to care at home

What to do with garden begonia in the fall. We grow tuberous begonia. How to care at home

To preserve the beautiful begonia until the next season, it is necessary to properly organize its rest period. In most cases, with the arrival of summer and the onset of warm, fine days, flower growers try to bring their plants outdoors. open air. Even those living in room conditions, they feel much better outside. They are more actively gaining green mass, forming new shoots and buds.

The main danger that awaits flowers with the onset of autumn is the first frost. The delicate, fragile leaves of begonia contain a lot of water, so they react sensitively even to temperatures dropping to 0 degrees.

How to prepare begonia for storage?

In anticipation of cold weather, the pot with the plant from the street must be moved indoors. Now it’s time to prepare it for dormancy, which means that watering needs to be reduced. In principle, they start watering the bush less often while still in the fresh air, and when the flower “moves” into the house, the soil does not need to be moistened at all. After all, the tubers must be able to dry before being stored.

Where to store begonia?

If possible, the plant can be left directly in the pot for the winter. All shoots will need to be cut off first. Place the pot in a dry room with a stable above-zero air temperature, for example in a basement.

Do not water begonia in a pot while storing it.

If there is no basement, the tubers should be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tuber preparation

Before storing the begonia, it should be removed from the flowerpot and freed from the substrate. Next, carry out the following activities:

  • cut off a shoot from a tuber;
  • use scissors to cut off the roots;
  • leave the tubers so that the cut dries well.

Place peat in a bag and place begonia tubers there. Instead of peat, it is good to use sphagnum moss.

What to do with the remaining cuttings?

The shoots that remain after pruning the plant do not have to be thrown away, especially if they are rare and beautiful variety. They can be used to propagate flowers by rooting cuttings. If you approach this procedure correctly, you will be able to grow several young bushes from one pot.

It is better not to root the entire shoot, but only its middle, removing the top with buds and the thick lower part.

Place the prepared cuttings in a pot with fresh soil, deepening it down to the leaves. It is better not to use the soil left over from the previous plant, as it may contain pests or fungi. Cover the pot with a bag. It is not recommended to root begonia in water; it quickly rots there.

Differing in bush size, leaf shape, color scheme inflorescences, growth type. Among begonias, the most common are the flowering, decorative foliage, and tuberous groups.

  • Blooming begonias densely covered with inflorescences of various shades: white, pale yellow, orange, soft pink, scarlet, bright red. The texture of the flowers is double and semi-double.
  • Decorative deciduous varieties distinguished by a juicy green tint of leaves that have different shape, size. This species does not have beautiful, decorative flowers.
  • Tuberous begonias growing up to 50 cm in height, have a strong stem and large double flowers. Tuberous varieties are used for outdoor and indoor growing.

In winter, plants are dormant, this important conditions for further development, ability lush flowering. Each species has its own wintering characteristics. This variety of begonias does not have a clearly defined dormant period. They grow well all year round. But with the arrival of winter, it is necessary to lower the room temperature to +16°C and reduce watering.

At a temperature of +22°C and above, the plant needs abundant water; it will grow intensively. However, due to the short daylight hours, the sprouts will stretch out and have a pale color. Therefore in winter period It makes sense to keep begonias in conditions of low temperature and minimal watering.

Plants should be placed on a well-lit windowsill, extra light at this time will not hurt. You should also take care of an additional lighting source. The flower does not feel comfortable near heating radiators. Insufficient humidity leads to . To prevent this from happening, it is better to place the plants away from heat sources, or cover them with a wet cloth, which will increase the humidity level in the room.

Strictly ensure that the liquid does not fall on the leaves when moistening. This can lead to the development of fungal diseases.

Read more about caring for begonia at home.

Wintering in an apartment: what do you need?

Decorative flowering species do not require certain conditions. The parameters needed for them are the same as for decorative deciduous trees:

  • low room temperature;
  • high humidity;
  • It is necessary to water the soil after the top layer of soil in the pot has completely dried;
  • exclude re-rooting and .

There are varieties that bloom all year round, they do not need any preparation for the winter season. Just add, if possible, a little artificial light and provide winter nutrition minerals(we talk about how to feed begonia). This will ensure a continuous flowering process.

Cold season care for different species

Tuberous flowers are grown in open ground and in flowerpots on windowsills, and below we will look at how they can be saved. This type of begonia has a pronounced sleep period, but also houseplants winter at different conditions.


If tuberous begonia grows on windowsills, it is not removed from flowerpots for the winter. In order for the plant to gain strength and energy for further development, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions:

  1. Move to a dimly lit area in the house.
  2. Reduce temperature to +15°C.
  3. Water once every 10 days.
  4. Maintain humidity 60-70%.
  5. Do not apply fertilizers.
  6. Do not replant or replant the plants.
  7. If the leaves and stems do not wither over the winter, begonia is not needed.
  8. Insulate to prevent overcooling root system flower.

Choosing the right place

IMPORTANT: The main task of how to properly store begonia at home is maintaining the required air humidity in the room. In a dry microclimate, the tubers may dry out, high humidity there is a possibility of rotting. The optimal limit varies in the range of 70-80%.

Suitable places for proper preservation of begonias:

  • Cellar or basement . Tubers are stored in containers with sand, sawdust or soil mixture. The samples should not touch each other and should be surrounded by a soft “cushion”.
  • Fridge. Here the tubers are placed in a plastic bag with holes for ventilation, sprinkled with substrate. The bag should be stored in the vegetable drawer. Periodically you need to inspect the tubers for the presence of fungal diseases, mold, and rot.
  • For indoor begonias in flowerpots the best option there will be winter quarters insulated loggias, balconies, cellar, heated greenhouses, the coolest places in the house.

Watch the video of tuberous begonia conservation at winter time:

At the beginning of March, plants wake up from winter hibernation.


  1. In the first days of spring, indoor plants are moved to the brightest windowsill in the house.
  2. They gradually begin to resume, gradually increasing the ambient temperature.
  3. Before the active growth phase begins, the plant can change the soil. It’s easy to find out whether a flower needs this: the root system has filled the entire space of the pot. The begonia should be larger in diameter than the previous one, doing this carefully and carefully. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the container.
  4. In the spring, flowers begin to appear little by little. This is especially true for non-transplanted plants.
  5. The soil in which they are located should be enriched with mineral fertilizers.

Watch a video about the awakening of tuberous begonias in the spring:


In general, the process of winter storage of begonias is not complicated; even a novice gardener can easily cope with it. The main thing to remember: Proper storage of begonias in winter is the key to healthy growth and magnificent flowering in summer.

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Introducing autumn and winter care for begonias different conditions. We tell you how to prepare for winter tuberous begonia: when to dig and how to store tubers.

We also describe caring for begonias in winter at home, caring for young flowers, and what to do with begonias in the garden after winter.

Begonias mostly heat-loving plants and preparing them for winter for flower growers is an important task on which their future fate depends.

When approaching the question of how to care for autumn and how to prepare begonia for winter, it is necessary to take into account the type of begonia, its condition and personal preferences.

In open ground in the CIS, tuberous begonia is grown, which is an ornamental flowering species or ever-flowering begonia, as an annual plant.

Tuberous begonia is hybrid varieties, united by the presence of perennial tubers.

  1. Experts recommend that large tubers of begonias (they bloomed in the open ground in summer) should be placed in peat/sand after the above-ground part of the plant dies in the fall and stored in a cool place during dormancy. At the beginning of spring, begonia tubers begin to germinate.
  2. Large tubers of begonias (they bloomed in pots in the summer) can be left in the pot after the above-ground part of the plant dies in the fall. It is necessary to move the plants to a cold place.
  3. Begonias grown from seeds and flowers with small tubers are recommended to be stored in winter in a cool and bright place and watered moderately.
  • Each tuberous begonia needs a period of rest - at least 2 months a year, and preferably about 100 days (minimum January-February).

Preparing tuberous begonia for winter growing in open ground

Now let's move on to the story of how to prepare tuberous begonia for wintering to obtain tubers.

After the end of flowering, the begonia gradually dies aboveground part and the tubers begin to actively develop, accumulating nutrients. After accumulation nutrients in tubers, in begonias, a period of rest will begin.

  • Some experts recommend not digging up tuberous begonias from the ground for as long as possible.

This allows begonia tubers to accumulate the maximum amount of nutrients. They believe that there is no need to be afraid of the first frosts and rush to dig up begonias.

This option is suitable for mature plants with large tubers.

  • In our instructions for digging up begonia tubers, we present an option with earlier digging up begonia with a lump of earth.

Tuberous begonia, hybrid

Digging up begonia tubers for the winter

  1. In September, when there is a threat of the first frost, dig up a tuberous begonia with a clod of earth as large as possible.
  2. Begonias that grew in containers are taken out in a solid lump by tapping on the bottom of the pot.
  3. After digging, begonias are sorted by tuber size. Experienced gardeners recommend dividing small (diameter less than 2 cm) and large begonia tubers as small tubers are more prone to drying out.
  4. Then the begonia with a lump of earth is placed tightly together in boxes and they are placed in a ventilated, bright place protected from rain with a temperature of 14-16 degrees Celsius. Watering is reduced.
  5. At this time, the above-ground part of the begonia begins to gradually die off. After the leaves fall off, watering the plants is stopped. After flowering, begonia begins a period of rest.
  6. After the aerial part has completely died off (1-1.5 months), the tuberous begonia is cut off at a level of 2-3 cm from the ground. Pruning helps avoid infection of tubers by pathogenic fungi.
  7. 12-16 days after pruning, the begonia tubers are cleared of soil and sprinkled with dry sand or peat and placed in boxes.

ADVIСE. Begonia tubers are convenient to dig out from open ground with a pitchfork (garden fork).

The main thing is to dig up the begonia tubers along with the soil (soil mixture) and under no circumstances shake it off.

  • Adult begonias with large tubers can be dug up 12-16 days after pruning dying shoots. Those. start from point 5.

Tuberous begonia: winter storage

  1. Boxes with small and large begonia tubers are stored from November to the end of February at a temperature of 7-9 degrees Celsius.
  2. The box with tubers is periodically sprayed: large tubers - once a month, and small begonia tubers - once every 3 weeks, so that they do not dry out. They also remove rotten tubers, if any.
  • There is no need to divide the tubers before storing.

Storing begonia tubers in the refrigerator in winter

If you want to store begonia tubers in winter not in a basement or cellar, then after sorting they can be put in a plastic bag filled with peat, sawdust or moss and put in the refrigerator.

The bag with tubers is periodically taken out and moistened, similar to point 2 in the chapter “Storing tubers in winter.”

Begonia tuber

Preparing young begonias for winter: care in the first year

Young plants with small tubers, after digging out of the garden, are recommended to be placed with a ball of earth in separate boxes.

  1. Young begonias experience a relative period of dormancy and their above-ground parts often remain green in winter. Young flowers overwinter in boxes in a bright, cool place with moderate watering.
  2. With the onset of spring, young flowers begin to grow again. In April-May they are transplanted into separate pots, and in early June, if desired, the plants can be transplanted into open ground.
  3. Having lived in pots all summer, begonias begin to prepare for a period of rest. After the leaves fall in the fall, stop watering the begonias.
  4. In October, the wilted shoots of potted tuberous begonia are cut off at a level of 1-2 cm from the ground.
  5. Then, until the beginning of March, the flower pots are removed to the coldest place in the house or to the basement, cellar, or balcony. Water the tray occasionally and little to prevent the tubers from drying out.
  6. At the beginning of March, the pots are moved to a bright place and begin to be watered more abundantly. When the sprouts appear, the begonia tubers are delicately cleared of the substrate and transplanted into a new soil mixture.

Wintering tuberous begonia in a pot: care at home

Begonia with large tubers, which bloomed in a pot in summer, can be left in it for the winter after the above-ground part dies off.

  1. To ensure that begonia continues to bloom as long as possible, place it in a bright place, but out of direct sunlight. sun rays. Water the begonias in the apartment when the nutrient substrate in the pot dries, approximately once every 10-14 days.
  2. When the begonia gets tired of flowering or it stops blooming on its own, stop watering, cut it off (2-3 cm from the ground) and move it to a dark and cool place (basement, cellar).
  3. In January-February, the tubers are taken out of the ground, wrapped in a wet towel and placed in a plastic bag (it should be slightly open) next to the battery.
  4. After about 2-3 weeks, the first shoots appear. Tubers are planted for forcing in small pots (500 g plastic cups) with wet soil. The tubers are lightly pressed into the ground.
  5. After 2-3 weeks, the begonia is transferred to a new permanent pot, and the tubers are covered with a 2-4 cm layer of soil mixture on top.

This method is well suited for tuberous begonias growing in pots.

Begonia after winter: care and planting in spring

In March-April, begonia buds begin to swell, and the plant gradually emerges from dormancy. Now you can carry out cuttings of ever-flowering begonia or planting tuberous begonia for germination in moist peat.

  1. 2-3 months before planting begonias on permanent place(March-April) tubers are taken out of the sand/peat and planted in pots/containers for germination (forcing).
    If the begonia was stored in winter in boxes with a lump of earth, then simply take them out.
  2. The tubers are planted with the top side up (the flatter or concave part with the buds (tubercles/irregularities)).
  3. Begonia tubers need a temperature of 17-20 degrees Celsius for good germination, high humidity and regular watering. In 2-3 weeks, the first shoots of begonia reach approximately 5-6 cm in height. In general, tubers germinate unevenly and for a long time.
  4. It is at this stage that it is recommended to propagate tuberous begonia by cuttings or division. The tubers can be cut into several parts, the main thing is that each has 3-4 buds. Typically, old tubers are divided into 2-4 parts; it is advisable to process the cut areas charcoal.
  5. After the sprouts get stronger, grow and the first leaves form, the begonia tubers from the boxes can be planted in separate pots.
    Sprinkle soil mixture on top of the sprouts to the base of the first pair of leaves. It is advisable to add wood ash and humus.
  6. It is recommended to plant begonia in open ground in early June, and in separate pots/containers on the balcony in mid-late May.
  7. For planting in open ground, choose a place protected from the winds with loose nutritious soil in partial shade or light, but with a minimum of scorching rays of the sun.





Now you know how to prepare tuberous begonia for winter, how to store tubers and how to properly plant flowers in the spring.

We wish you a successful winter and a great mood!

Tuberous begonia is a flower that loves warmth. They can survive the winter period only in a state of sleep. Already in September, the flower independently prepares for a state of dormancy, shedding leaves and getting rid of stems. Let's talk about storing tuberous begonias in winter.

Features of wintering first-year tuberous begonias

In the first year of life, Begonia tubers are small and weak, so they need special care. If you leave them stored together with adult plants for the winter, then there is a possibility that the first-year plants will die.

In winter, tuberous begonia enters a dormant period, which usually lasts from November to February.

Young tubers are removed from the garden and placed together with a lump of earth in boxes, where the peat mixture has already been prepared. The peculiarity of first-years is that their period of rest is a relative concept. Often their upper part (stems and leaves) remains green for the winter. Therefore, flowers in boxes are placed in light and a cool place. Watering at this time is required infrequently. It is enough to moisten the soil a little once or twice a month. In spring, the plant again enters the active growth stage. In April, they should be transplanted first into pots with peat, and then, closer to summer, planted in the ground.

In the second year, the plant independently and consciously prepares for hibernation, this time in the fall by the month of October his upper one dies off part that then needs to be cut off.

Dormant period and awakening of tubers

The period of rest or hibernation in ever-flowering begonia starts in November and continues until early spring. With the help of this event, the plant hides from the cold. The main task of gardeners during this period is to preserve the tubers and protect them from drying out.

If the flower is sent for storage early, she may not have time to prepare for bed, since the supply of nutrients at this moment will be insufficient. That's why Don’t rush and remove the flower at the very beginning of autumn. Optimal time end of October – beginning of November. The main thing is to do it before frost sets in.

Awakening of tuberous begonia after wintering

With the onset of heat, namely in March - April, the flower buds swell and the flower emerges from the sleep state. At this time, it is necessary to carry out cuttings and plant them in a peat mixture.

A couple of months before planting, the tubers must be removed from the container in which they were stored and planted in a container for germination.

Tubers must be planted so that their crown faces upward. It is usually concave or flat, with kidneys. Germination requires warmth, at least 18 degrees, and daily watering.. In a few weeks the first shoots will appear.

The tubers can be divided, the main thing is that each part of them has several buds. The cut site is treated with ash or charcoal. It is advisable to treat the cut areas with charcoal.

The difference between wintering begonias at home and in the open ground

Caring for domestic tubers garden plants significantly different. In order to properly prepare them for winter, you should take into account some features of both:

  1. Tubers of Begonias living in open ground much larger than those growing in pots at home. Garden flowers should be removed at the onset of the first hard frost. The rule of the golden mean is important here, since the first light frosts are not capable of killing the plant, so there is no need to rush either. Let the flower gain strength and prepare for hibernation on its own. The optimal time is when the plant's leaves and stems die off on their own. After this, the stems are cut off, and the tubers themselves are placed in a box and left so that they can dry. After this, the containers with the plants are put away for storage until spring.

Begonia tubers are dug up for the winter and placed in a box.

  1. Caring for a houseplant in winter looks a little different. The tubers are not dug up, but remain in their pots. At the first appearance of wilting of the stems, they are also pruned. From this point on, watering is reduced to a minimum. In the spring, Begonia must be transplanted into new soil, having previously been divided into several parts if many buds have formed on them.

When purchasing an already germinated homemade Begonia at the end of summer, be sure to check whether the flower in the pot has tubers. Since there are annual varieties. They do not leave tubers and their lifespan is only one season.

The green leaves of begonia cannot be plucked, thereby forcibly putting the flower to rest.

It's not uncommon when home Begonia It does not shed its leaves in the winter and remains green. In this case, there is no need to trim it. The plant remains in place until spring replanting.

Is it necessary to dig it up for the winter?

Begonias are heat-loving flowers, so preparing them for winter is very important for further growth. When answering the question “is it necessary to dig it up for the winter”, it is worth considering the type of plant and condition:

  1. Flower growers advise outdoor large tubers after wilting, dig up and place in a bowl with peat to a cool place.
  2. Large tubers of domestic plants are left in pots on same place for the whole winter.
  3. Sprouted Begonias from seeds and flowers with small tubers also cleaned and stored in a cool, well-lit place.

Preparing tubers for storage

The result of storage and further growth depend on how correctly the planting material is prepared for winter and how you care for this plant.

Firstly, Begonias that grow in the garden must be dug up before the first hard frost.. At this time, the upper part of the plant is cut off, leaving stumps no smaller than 1 centimeter in size.

Begonia tubers should be dried before storing.

Secondly, the tubers are put in a dry and cool place where they should dry out. Only after they are completely dry can it be put away for storage.

It is best to dig out the tubers with a pitchfork and under no circumstances should you shake off the soil from them.

Begonia growing at home, is stored differently. Preparations for hibernation begin in October. First, reduce watering, and after a month, stop it altogether. When top part the flower fades, it is cut off. If it does not die off, leave it in its previous state.

Compliance with storage rules is the key to successful wintering and further growth in the future.

Basic methods and conditions of storage in winter

There are several methods for storing such plants.

The most common way is in the basement. Dried Begonia tubers are placed in boxes or wooden crates. They fill the top with sifted sand and put it in the basement. You can make a mixture of sand, peat and sawdust in equal quantities. This method is convenient for large quantities planting material.

Storage in the cellar is prohibited, as it has very high humidity. This is very harmful for Begonia.

From time to time it is necessary to sort through and remove the rotten ones.

Begonia tuberous material can be stored in boxes filled with peat and sand, or in a refrigerator in a plastic bag filled with peat, moss or sawdust.

The second, no less popular storage method is in an apartment.. The best place there will be a plot near balcony door or under the window. There are two types of storage in the house:

  1. In the box, when the tubers are placed in them and covered with sand and sawdust.
  2. In pots. Flowers that grew in a pot remain in it, are trimmed and transferred to a cool place. In this case, you need to water the plant no more than once a month.

In the spring, after germination, they are transplanted into new soil.

The third storage method is in the refrigerator. Suitable for small quantities of planting material. To do this, Begonia tubers are placed in plastic bags with sawdust, after making holes in them for breathing.

If you don't have sawdust, you can take plain paper, and wrap each tuber in a separate sheet.

The bags are placed in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator for vegetables.

Compliance with all of the above storage rules guarantees successful growth and flowering of Begonia next season.

In winter, many indoor plants go dormant. Begonias are no exception. There are decorative deciduous and decorative flowering tuberous varieties of these plants. Their wintering rules differ significantly.

Decorative foliage plants

Decorative deciduous varieties of begonias do not have a clearly defined dormant period. They can grow equally well in winter and summer.

But due to the fact that daylight hours decrease in winter, for these plants natural light becomes insufficient.

Therefore, with intensive watering, they develop incorrectly, stretch out and become thinner.

In order for decorative deciduous begonia to grow more slowly in winter, its temperature is reduced and watering is reduced. In winter, such varieties are kept at a temperature of about 16ºC and watered only when the top layer of soil in the pot dries out.

In winter, it is undesirable to keep decorative deciduous begonia at room temperature , since when high temperature(22-26ºС) frequent watering of the plant is necessary.

To prevent the plant from stretching when watering frequently, you need to provide it good lighting. But since even on southern windows in winter there is not enough light for begonias, you will have to organize additional electric lighting for at least 6 hours a day.


If begonia is kept at low temperatures in winter, it must be watered very sparingly. Upper layer The soil must dry out between waterings to a depth of at least 3 cm, otherwise the roots of the plant will rot very quickly.

At low temperatures, do not allow moisture to get on the leaves and stems of begonia.

Excessive humidity at low temperatures leads to fungal diseases of these flowers.

The surface of the soil should dry out between waterings.. You need to place the flower on the most illuminated windowsill. Direct sun in winter will not harm the plant.

Begonia should not be placed near heating radiators. Near heating devices The air in winter becomes very dry, and this is harmful to the plant. At low humidity leaves may begin to dry out.

To prevent this from happening, you should move the begonia to a windowsill away from radiators and take care to humidify the air in the room. You cannot spray the flower so that water gets on the leaves; it is enough to spray the moisture near the plant.

Begonias should not be transplanted or propagated in winter.

The disturbed root system of a plant recovers very slowly in winter and susceptible to diseases. Cuttings for rooting are not cut in winter, since at this time they slowly take root and often rot.

Tuberous flowers

Tuberous decorative flowering begonias are grown in pots or outdoors. These plants have a pronounced dormant period.

Potted and garden begonias overwinter in different conditions. That's why winter care behind the potty and horticultural crops tuberous begonias are fundamentally different.


In order to preserve the tubers of begonias growing outdoors, it is necessary to carefully dig them out of the ground when cold weather sets in. This is usually done in early October, when the air temperature drops and the plants begin to lose leaves. You should not wait for frost, as even a slight frost can damage the tender begonia tubers.

You need to dig up begonia tubers carefully so as not to damage them. The stems of the plant need to be cut with pruning shears at a distance of 2-3 cm from the tuber. After this, the dug tubers are lightly cleared of soil and placed in wooden boxes for drying. Dry them in a closed, warm and dry room for 2 weeks.

After this, the remaining soil must be removed, and the tubers should be covered with dry moss or sawdust and stored in a dry cellar.

Here they should be stored at a temperature of 5 to 10ºC until mid-March.

In spring, begonia tubers begin to wake up. When the buds on them have increased significantly, they are planted in boxes filled with peat for germination. In this case, it is advisable to increase the temperature to 15-17ºС.

The tubers are kept in peat boxes, periodically moistening the substrate, until mid-April or early May, and then planted in flower beds if frosts are no longer expected.


If tuberous begonia grows in a pot, do not dig it up for the winter. In order not to disturb it and not damage the roots, the flower is left in the ground, but the frequency of watering is significantly reduced. Already from the beginning of October, the flower is watered once a week, and with the onset of winter, watering is reduced even more. In winter, the plant is watered only after the entire lump of earth in the pot has dried.

A pot with wintering tuberous begonia is kept in a room away from heating radiators. It is best to place it on a cold windowsill, where it will be illuminated by the rays of the winter sun. So the plant should winter until mid-March.

In March or early April, watering the tuber can be slightly increased.

Moistening the soil and lengthening the daylight hours will help the plant emerge from dormancy and the germination of the tuber.


Air humidity plays an important role in the wintering process of tuberous begonias. It is desirable that the air in the room where the tubers are stored is as dry as possible. This will ensure their safety and prevent rotting.

Begonia tubers can be stored in two ways: in the cellar and in the refrigerator. When storing in the cellar, they need to be watered periodically, making sure that fungus does not begin to develop on them. Or you can cover them with dry moss and place them in plastic bags to prevent them from drying out. These bags are stored in the refrigerator until spring.

Begonia will delight and delight with the luxury of its flowering for many years, if you responsibly treat its storage in the off-season and ensure proper care for a flower in winter.

Types of begonia

  • decorative deciduous;
  • bushy;
  • tuberous.

Each of them requires certain conditions during the winter.
Bushy and decorative deciduous species do not require special wintering conditions. To prevent them from dying in winter, it is enough to cut off wilted stems when cold weather sets in and mulch the bushes with straw or garden leaves.

Tuberous begonias are the most demanding of care and maintenance in winter.

The beauty and duration of flowering of this magnificent flower directly depends on how to care for begonia in winter.
If begonia does not bloom for a long time, or it has small and few flowers, this indicates that it was stored incorrectly in winter.

Caring for begonia grown in the ground

Mature plants have fairly large tubers. If they grew in open ground, then, trying not to damage them, they are dug up when the first frost occurs.
However, there is no need to rush to dig up the plant, since autumn frosts do not damage the tubers.
You need to wait until the flower prepares for winter on its own - that is, the vegetative part dies off, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

In addition, at the end of the growing season, the tubers noticeably increase in size and increase in mass, since when the above-ground part dies, all the nutrients are lost to them. At the same time, renewal buds are laid, from which new shoots will develop after the begonia overwinters.

Having dug, you need to cut off the frozen stems, leaving shoots (hemps) no more than 3 cm high on the surface. This procedure prevents the formation of pathogenic fungi that contribute to infection of the tubers.

Then the plant is cleaned of soil, placed in a box and placed to dry in a well-ventilated, warm, dry room. Two weeks later, when the roots have dried, the dried shoots and the remaining soil are removed.

Next, the tubers are placed in wooden boxes in several rows and sprinkled with river sand or dry peat with the addition of vermiculite.
It is very desirable to add vermiculite, because thanks to its ability to regulate the humidity of the substrate, the risk of root rot is significantly reduced.

Important: pour the tubers sand mixture in such a way that they are isolated from one another - this reduces the percentage of their loss.

Begonia prepared for wintering is placed in a cool place where the temperature should not exceed 10 °C, humidity about 60% - these are usually basements and cellars.
The plant remains in a dormant period for almost three months - from mid-November to almost the end of February; during this entire time it is impossible to water, otherwise the sleeping buds will wake up.
Periodically, but at least once a month, the condition of the tuber is examined for the presence of mold and root rot.
When a lesion is detected, it is cleaned and treated with colloidal sulfur or brilliant green. If the lesion is extensive, the plant is removed to prevent the spread of infection.

At the beginning of spring, in March, when dormant flower buds begin to awaken on the tubers, they are removed from the sand and placed for germination in a moist substrate prepared on the basis of peat with the addition of high-quality humus and river sand, taken in the same volume.
Containers with germinated tubers are placed closer to the light, watering is limited, and the temperature is about 18 °C.
Tubers germinate rather slowly and unevenly. First of all, they take root. Sprouts that appear later need to be shaded from the sun and ventilated more often, but avoid drafts.

This time is good for dividing tubers and propagating them. The cut is treated with colloidal sulfur powder or crushed charcoal.

Many people manage to successfully preserve begonia in winter in boxes with a lump of earth on the loggia, if it does not freeze, or in the coolest places in the apartment - near the balcony or front door.

How to preserve young begonia tubers in winter

All these actions are good for healthy and strong tubers. In the case when they are very small and flabby, you will have to act differently.
The fact is that the behavior of a young plant and an adult flower differ significantly, and therefore the tubers different sizes during the dormant period they are stored in different ways.

  • Small first-year flower nodules must be kept in a cool place in winter and be sure to be watered periodically, otherwise the root system may dry out.
    The dormant period of first-years is rather conditional, since their shoots do not fall off during the winter, although growth stops.
  • Having dug up such a nodule, it is placed in a plastic bag filled with dry peat and placed in household refrigerator. Begonia is periodically inspected. If sprouts appear prematurely, they must be broken out, since they are not viable.
  • Young begonias can be left to overwinter in boxes placed in a cool, bright place and watered moderately. With the onset of spring, they are planted in separate pots with substrate.
    They are transplanted into the ground when a stable positive temperature occurs.

Winter care for home begonia

Begonia, grown in pots in summer, blooms until late autumn. With the onset of cold weather, it plunges into a state of rest. It is not recommended to replant begonia at this time, but it is necessary to reduce watering. You should water only when the soil in the pot becomes completely dry, because excess moisture can cause root rot.

With the beginning heating season The air in the apartment becomes very dry, so you need to spray the air near the flower every day using a spray bottle.

As you can see, caring for begonia in winter is not difficult, you just need to show it a little attention, the answer to which will be a profusely and brightly blooming garden.

Tuberous begonia - how to preserve in winter (video)

To preserve the beautiful begonia until the next season, it is necessary to properly organize its rest period. In most cases, with the arrival of summer and the onset of warm, fine days, flower growers try to take their plants outdoors. Even indoor begonias feel much better outdoors. They are more actively gaining green mass, forming new shoots and buds.

The main danger that awaits flowers with the onset of autumn is the first frost. The delicate, fragile leaves of begonia contain a lot of water, so they react sensitively even to temperatures dropping to 0 degrees.

How to prepare begonia for storage?

In anticipation of cold weather, the pot with the plant from the street must be moved indoors. Now it’s time to prepare it for dormancy, which means that watering needs to be reduced. In principle, they start watering the bush less often while still in the fresh air, and when the flower “moves” into the house, the soil does not need to be moistened at all. After all, the tubers must be able to dry before being stored.

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Where to store begonia?

If possible, the plant can be left directly in the pot for the winter. All shoots will need to be cut off first. Place the pot in a dry room with a stable above-zero air temperature, for example in a basement.

Do not water begonia in a pot while storing it.

If there is no basement, the tubers should be stored in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf.

Tuber preparation

Before storing the begonia, it should be removed from the flowerpot and freed from the substrate. Next, carry out the following activities:

  • cut off a shoot from a tuber;
  • use scissors to cut off the roots;
  • leave the tubers so that the cut dries well.

Place peat in a bag and place begonia tubers there. Instead of peat, it is good to use sphagnum moss.

What to do with the remaining cuttings?

The shoots that remain after pruning the plant do not have to be thrown away, especially if it is a rare and beautiful variety. They can be used to propagate flowers by rooting cuttings. If you approach this procedure correctly, you will be able to grow several young bushes from one pot.

It is better not to root the entire shoot, but only its middle, removing the top with buds and the thick lower part.

Place the prepared cuttings in a pot with fresh soil, deepening it down to the leaves. It is better not to use the soil left over from the previous plant, as it may contain pests or fungi. Cover the pot with a bag. It is not recommended to root begonia in water; it quickly rots there.

Begonia will delight and delight with the luxury of its flowering for many years if you take responsible care of its storage in the off-season and ensure proper care of the flower in winter.

Types of begonia

  • decorative deciduous;
  • bushy;
  • tuberous.

Each of them requires certain conditions during the winter.
Bushy and decorative deciduous species do not require special wintering conditions. To prevent them from dying in winter, it is enough to cut off wilted stems when cold weather sets in and mulch the bushes with straw or garden leaves.

Read also: Types of home-grown Kalanchoe

Tuberous begonias are the most demanding of care and maintenance in winter.

The beauty and duration of flowering of this magnificent flower directly depends on how to care for begonia in winter.

If begonia does not bloom for a long time, or it has small and few flowers, this indicates that it was stored incorrectly in winter.

Caring for begonia grown in the ground

Mature plants have fairly large tubers. If they grew in open ground, then, trying not to damage them, they are dug up when the first frost occurs.
However, there is no need to rush to dig up the plant, since autumn frosts do not damage the tubers.
You need to wait until the flower prepares for winter on its own - that is, the vegetative part dies off, the leaves turn yellow and fall off.

In addition, at the end of the growing season, the tubers noticeably increase in size and increase in mass, since when the above-ground part dies, all the nutrients are lost to them. At the same time, renewal buds are laid, from which new shoots will develop after the begonia overwinters.

Having dug, you need to cut off the frozen stems, leaving shoots (hemps) no more than 3 cm high on the surface. This procedure prevents the formation of pathogenic fungi that contribute to infection of the tubers.

Then the plant is cleaned of soil, placed in a box and placed to dry in a well-ventilated, warm, dry room. Two weeks later, when the roots have dried, the dried shoots and the remaining soil are removed.

Next, the tubers are placed in wooden boxes in several rows and sprinkled with river sand or dry peat with the addition of vermiculite.
It is very desirable to add vermiculite, because thanks to its ability to regulate the humidity of the substrate, the risk of root rot is significantly reduced.

Important: sprinkle the tubers with the sand mixture so that they are isolated from one another - this reduces the percentage of their loss.

Begonia prepared for wintering is placed in a cool place where the temperature should not exceed 10 °C, humidity about 60% - these are usually basements and cellars.
The plant remains in a dormant period for almost three months - from mid-November to almost the end of February; during this entire time it is impossible to water, otherwise the sleeping buds will wake up.
Periodically, but at least once a month, the condition of the tuber is examined for the presence of mold and root rot.
When a lesion is detected, it is cleaned and treated with colloidal sulfur or brilliant green. If the lesion is extensive, the plant is removed to prevent the spread of infection.

At the beginning of spring, in March, when dormant flower buds begin to awaken on the tubers, they are removed from the sand and placed for germination in a moist substrate prepared on the basis of peat with the addition of high-quality humus and river sand, taken in the same volume.
Containers with germinated tubers are placed closer to the light, watering is limited, and the temperature is about 18 °C.
Tubers germinate rather slowly and unevenly. First of all, they take root. Sprouts that appear later need to be shaded from the sun and ventilated more often, but avoid drafts.

This time is good for dividing tubers and propagating them. The cut is treated with colloidal sulfur powder or crushed charcoal.

Many people manage to successfully preserve begonia in winter in boxes with a lump of earth on the loggia, if it does not freeze, or in the coolest places in the apartment - near the balcony or front door.

How to preserve young begonia tubers in winter

All these actions are good for healthy and strong tubers. In the case when they are very small and flabby, you will have to act differently.
The fact is that the behavior of a young plant and an adult flower differs significantly, therefore tubers of different sizes are stored differently during the dormant period.

  • Small first-year flower nodules must be kept in a cool place in winter and be sure to be watered periodically, otherwise the root system may dry out.
    The dormant period of first-years is rather conditional, since their shoots do not fall off during the winter, although growth stops.
  • Having dug up such a nodule, it is placed in a plastic bag filled with dry peat and placed in a household refrigerator. Begonia is periodically inspected. If sprouts appear prematurely, they must be broken out, since they are not viable.
  • Young begonias can be left to overwinter in boxes placed in a cool, bright place and watered moderately. With the onset of spring, they are planted in separate pots with substrate.
    They are transplanted into the ground when a stable positive temperature occurs.

Winter care for home begonia

Begonia, grown in pots in summer, blooms until late autumn. With the onset of cold weather, it plunges into a state of rest. It is not recommended to replant begonia at this time, but it is necessary to reduce watering. You should water only when the soil in the pot becomes completely dry, because excess moisture can cause root rot.

With the beginning of the heating season, the air in the apartment becomes very dry, so you need to spray the air near the flower daily using a spray bottle.

As you can see, caring for begonia in winter is not difficult, you just need to show it a little attention, the answer to which will be a profusely and brightly blooming garden.

Tuberous begonia - how to preserve in winter (video)

It is worth knowing how tuberous begonia is stored in winter or how to winterize its other varieties. After all, incorrect adherence to the rules for storing the root system can lead to the loss of the plant.

It is worth knowing how tuberous begonia is stored in winter or how to winterize its other varieties

Begonia is one of the most popular plants among gardeners. There is a tuberous, bush and leaf type of flower.

Tuberous begonia is considered to be a separate group of this plant species: the fact is that it includes a whole series different varieties. This type of begonia is distinguished by its rich green and sometimes light pink shade of the stem. It is usually undersized herbaceous plant with lush foliage.

The flowers are most often single; they can be double, semi-double or waxy; they are quite large in size. Flowering occurs long time, and if pollination is carried out correctly, then this type will be able to produce a large number of seeds Flowering takes too much energy from this flower, and therefore, after the active period ends, the bush itself gradually dies off, only the bulb continues to gain strength. Experts recommend giving this plant a rest for 2-3 months, just after wild flowering, during this period the tubers are placed in a dry and cool place.

This species most often reproduces by seeds, although its tubers are proper cultivation capable of producing strong and robust plants. Unlike bush variety, tuberous begonia should be removed from open ground in the winter. For proper storage tubers need to be completed in a row mandatory requirements, which will help keep the plant’s vegetative system intact until spring.

It’s worth saying right away that there is certain difference between methods of storing tubers of a young and mature plant. A more mature plant is a 2-3 year old flower, its tubers are 4-5 mm in diameter. There are for them following rules preparation for winter.

Preparing tubers for wintering

To do this, you should wait until the plant has completely bloomed and the bush begins to dry out little by little; during this period, all the nutrients are absorbed by the begonia’s root system. The rest period, as a rule, begins in mid-September and lasts until February. Often, begonia continues to produce new buds and flowers in September and October, but this greatly depletes the bush, so the flowers should be cut off without much regret.

The begonia needs to prepare for the dormant period. To prevent the plant from wasting extra energy on preserving the already dying bush, it must be carefully cut off and the bulb itself not touched for at least another 2-3 weeks, this will allow it to gain the necessary minerals and nutrients for a full winter. It is important to remember that while the plant has a large number of green leaves, it is too early to cut off the trunk; you must wait until they wither and begin to dry out completely.

Begonia is one of the most popular plants among gardeners.

If the pot with the bush was located on the street or on the loggia, then it should now be stored in an apartment where the temperature will be above 10°C.

After a certain time, the bulb is ready for storage, but before that it should be properly prepared. They remove it from the ground carefully, trying not to damage its integrity. After this, if there are shoots, they need to be removed, but this should not be done at the very base, but leave about 2-3 cm of a free edge. The tuber must be cleaned of contamination and placed in a container to dry; it must be well ventilated and located in a dry and cool place. The tubers are dried for about 10-15 days. After the bulb dries, the remaining stems and unnecessary shoots are removed from it.

Autumn care

It is worth preparing the plant for hibernation in advance; for this, the usual care requires some changes. The preparation period lasts from September to November.

Watering during this time is significantly reduced; it is enough to moisten the soil once a week. Water should be used that is settled and soft. The soil should dry out well between waterings. This regime will stimulate the plant to enter a dormant period; the lack of moisture will accelerate the drying and withering of the foliage, which will significantly shorten the period of preparation for wintering. They completely stop watering the plant at the end of October - beginning of November.

The temperature in the room should gradually decrease. If this indoor flower, then it can be taken out onto a glassed-in loggia, but in this case you should make sure that the temperature difference is not too sharp. It is necessary to gradually reduce temperature regime. If the room is warm and comfortable, then the begonia will continue to spend its energy on foliage, and not on feeding the tubers.

The lighting for this period should also be as dim as possible; the windows can be darkened or the pot can be moved to a darker but cooler room.

Begonia needs to prepare for the dormant period

Bulb storage

Most gardeners are wondering how to store begonia tubers in winter: in the ground or without, in what room and for how long. Begonia bulbs can be stored in two ways. The first method involves keeping the tubers in a dry and spacious container that has ventilation holes. This container is stored in the basement or pantry; a loggia may also be suitable if it is glazed. The second method of storing the root system of this plant involves placing the bulbs in a substrate. Peat or sawdust, as well as coarse sand, are ideal for this.

In the first and second cases, certain care for the bulbs is necessary. They must be periodically inspected for damage; if there are spoiled tubers, they must be immediately removed from general material. In the room where the boxes and containers with begonia bulbs are located, you need to carry out regular ventilation. If the substrate has absorbed moisture, it must be replaced with a new, drier one.

Most gardeners are wondering how to store begonia tubers in winter: in the ground or without, in what room and for how long

Begonia is not stored in winter plastic bags and especially in the refrigerator. This method is absolutely not suitable for her, since the bulb in this case does not breathe and quickly begins to deteriorate.

The temperature in the room where the boxes are stored must be at least 9°C. If the air in the room is dry enough, you can spray the bulbs with water from a spray bottle. This is done to prevent the tubers from drying out; large bulbs are irrigated once every 30 days, and smaller ones - once every 20 days.

Tuberous begonia (video)

Wintering in the first year

Winter care for begonias in the first year has its own characteristics. Keep young plant until spring it is necessary in a cool but bright place where the temperature does not fall below 15°C. First-years have it going on active growth into the crown, and not into the roots, so by winter they do not shed their leaves and do not go to rest. However, wintering must take place under certain conditions. The young bush must be prepared in advance for winter storage, for this you should follow the following rules:

  1. They stop applying any fertilizers in September, so as not to stimulate the plant to actively grow.
  2. If begonia produces new buds and begins to bloom in September or October, then they should be removed without regret, since the plant will not be able to go into a dormant period.
  3. Begonia requires some care in winter. It is worth watering it carefully along the edge of the pot, trying not to get on the tubers. Watering is carried out once every 10 days; if the temperature is above 15°C, then you can water more often than usual. Lighting for the winter period remains in the same mode, since the young plant does not stop growing.
  4. It is best to keep a pot with a plant on the east side of the house. Small flowerpots fit perfectly on window sills, but in this case you should not forget about radiators and other heating devices, they can dry the air and heat the plants themselves. To avoid this, it is best to place a vessel with water next to the flowerpots and spray it periodically.
  5. The overwintered flower is not touched until the tuber produces a new shoot. Only after this can you cut cuttings from it and begin rooting.
  6. The pots are stored at home all winter and only in early May are they moved to a brighter room, while changing their care. Watering is carried out more often than usual and complex fertilizers are added to the soil.