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M50 solution is light or heavy. M50 grade solution. Preparing a mixture for laying bricks

Over the past decades, the use of cement-lime mixtures in construction and finishing has remained at the same level. But this is not due to a lack of new materials and technologies, but only because this composition meets all modern requirements To building materials. Cement- mortar remains relevant and in demand.

Main advantages

Cement-lime mortar is a durable and plastic material that is excellent as a binder during construction and for finishing works.

  • It can be used as masonry mortar or plastering material. As masonry mixture it securely connects the blocks or bricks used in construction. As a plaster, it can be used for interior and exterior finishing work.
  • It is excellent for pouring monolithic floors, due to its characteristics. Lime, which is part of the solution, increases its hardening time. Increasing the hardening time and viscosity of the composition avoids the formation of cracks and helps distribute the putty more evenly over the surface.

Penetration ability

Cement mortar using lime has a high degree of adhesion to the surface. It is able to easily fill small cracks and depressions, which increases the adhesion strength to any materials to which it is applied.

This solution is characterized by a high degree of adhesion, so it can be used even when working with wood. Plaster on shingles ( wooden sheathing) is produced with just such a solution.

The increased characteristics of strength, elasticity and moisture resistance make it possible to use the mixture for any finishing work indoors, even with high humidity, since dampness and precipitation do not destroy the finished coating. The solution can be used, for example, for finishing work in bathrooms, on facades or on the foundation, even in that part where it is directly adjacent to the blind area and, as a result, is exposed to moisture.


The composition of such a solution must include cement, sand, slaked lime and water. It is worth paying attention to the fact that you need to add exactly slaked lime. Otherwise, the quenching reaction will begin in the solution itself when water is added, and bubbles, forming inside the solution, will lead to cracking of the plastered surface. This process of bubble formation will lead to deterioration in the quality of the solution and to brittleness after it dries.

Thanks to the lime contained in the material, pathogenic bacteria and fungi do not develop on it; in addition, lime prevents rodents and various pests from entering the home.

Construction mixtures, their composition and properties are regulated by various GOSTs. This is necessary for standardization and regulation of norms in construction. GOST 28013-98 is the main regulatory legal act regulating technical requirements to mortars and materials included in the composition.

This standard also includes characteristics of quality indicators, acceptance rules and conditions for transportation of finished solutions. It contains qualitative and quantitative characteristics masonry mortars, materials for plastering and for interior works, used in different conditions operation.


Basic properties of cement-lime mortars:

  • mobility;
  • the ability of the solution to retain water must be 90%;
  • the delamination of the prepared mixture should be up to 10%;
  • application temperature up to 0 degrees;
  • average density;
  • humidity ( this parameter applies only to dry mortar mixtures).

The composition of the mixture is selected depending on the type of material to which it will be applied and the conditions of further operation of the finished coating.

There is such a thing as the fat content of the finished mixture. The fat content depends on the amount of astringent included in the composition.

Cement-lime mortars are divided into three fat content categories.

  • Normal- these are solutions with such plasticity that they are most universally suitable for use in various conditions. Solutions with such fat content do not shrink and, as a result, cracking of the finished coating.
  • Skinny– these are solutions with minimal shrinkage. They are ideal for cladding work.
  • Fat- these are mixtures with a high degree of plasticity, which is due to big amount binders included in the composition. This material is best used for masonry work.

The fat content category can be adjusted by adding components to the composition that can change the plasticity of the solution. For example, porous sand reduces fat content, while lime, on the contrary, can increase it.

In this way, you can easily adjust the plasticity of the finished solution and adjust its properties to specific operating conditions.

Density and grades

The components that make up the cement-lime mortar have a direct impact on its density. The ratio of these components also has an important influence.

As a result, the following types of solutions can be distinguished:

  • low density or light – up to 1500 kg/m³;
  • high density or heavy – from 1500 kg/m³.

Also, according to the ratio of components, solutions are divided into grades from M4 to M200 according to GOST 28013-98. For example, for masonry the best way Solutions of brands M100 and M75 are suitable. They are characterized by high levels of moisture resistance and strength. The components that make up these materials are more homogeneous, since, unlike concrete of similar brands, they do not contain crushed stone.

Ready-made mortar grade 100 or grade 75 is suitable for the construction of civil and industrial facilities. To prepare solutions of these brands, it is necessary to mix cement, lime and sand in a certain proportion. So, for an M100 solution when using grade 500 cement, the proportions will be 1: 0.5: 5.5. And for M75 mortar using a similar brand of cement, the proportions will be different - 1: 0.8: 7.

For plastering works Solutions M50 and M25 are very popular. They have undeniable advantages such as low cost and ease of preparation.

Solutions of grade 50 and grade 25 can be used when indoor humidity is above 75%. This allows them to be used in the construction of bathhouses and other premises where high humidity saved long time. Also, the lime included in the composition prevents the formation of any type of fungus on the plastered surface, which is certainly an advantage of such a coating.


Plaster mixtures can be divided into several types.

  • Basic– used for initial, rough leveling of the surface and sealing large flaws and holes;
  • Decorative– such options may contain decorative additives, such as pigment for coloring, crushed mica to create a shimmering effect, plasticizing and hydrophobic additives;
  • Special– used to improve technical properties treated room, they can serve for moisture protection, sound insulation and heat insulation tasks.

Dry mixture or homemade composition?

The undeniable advantage of this material is its cost. It is significantly cheaper than a similar cement-sand mortar. The benefit is due to the economical consumption when applied to various surfaces in comparison with the analogue. Sand mortar is less plastic due to the scattered sand fraction and the absence of a plasticizer. It has less adhesion and is less well distributed over the surface.

Cement-lime mortar can be purchased as a dry mixture from various manufacturers, or you can make it yourself. Now presented wide choose manufacturers of ready-mixes with their own characteristics and areas of application.

Please note Special attention refer to the markings on the packaging in order to select the optimal mixture suitable for the type of work you need.

To use this mixture, add water according to the instructions on the package and mix thoroughly to achieve a uniform texture. For these purposes, you can use a construction mixer or mix the composition the old fashioned way using a trowel and shovel.

If you decide to make the mixture yourself, it is not difficult to do. It is enough to purchase all the necessary ingredients (cement, lime, sand) and mix them in the proportion of the appropriate brand that you want to obtain.

When making cement-lime mortar, you need to add slaked lime, but if you only have quicklime, you can slak it yourself.


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6796 07/27/2019 4 min.

To determine the quality of a mortar, it is necessary to comply with such parameters as strength, type of binder, proportions and purpose. Taking into account the density, cement and lime mortar are divided into heavy and light. If it is necessary to obtain a heavy mixture, then porous sands made from pumice, tuff and slag are used as filler. To prepare a light solution you will need to use foaming additives.

Masonry mortar grade M 50

This mixture is presented to the technical characteristics of M-50 Pk F50. Brand M50 is a simple mixture with a strength class of B3.5. This product contains water, binder and filler.

M75 may have the following technical characteristics:

  • moisture resistance W6-W8,
  • frost resistance F50-F200,
  • mobility Pk1-Pk4.

For the betterment of all quality characteristics The product in question must be supplemented with auxiliary ingredients and plasticizers. They can increase ductility and density concrete mortar. In addition, it is possible to slow down the setting process when delivering it over long distances.

M100 is characterized by strength class B7.5, and strength is 100 kg/m3. All components included in the product are thoroughly mixed using a special technological equipment, especially .

The strength properties of the mortar are influenced by temperature regime ambient air. If the air temperature has decreased, then the hardening time of the composition has also decreased, which sharply reduces its strength. Elevated temperatures are also undesirable, since in this case moisture from upper layers the solution evaporates and the strength decreases.

If it is necessary to give the solution in question the necessary strength, it is worth adding 1/10 of the resulting volume of cement.

The presented solution has a hardening time of at least 2-1.5 days. If you want to receive a composition with for a short time hardening, then during manufacturing it is necessary to add gypsum. Thanks to this ingredient, it is possible to achieve hardening of the solution within 6 minutes, and complete hardening is observed after 30 minutes. But using such a solution is not always convenient; special skills will be required here, however, the plaster will have high strength indicators.

You can prepare limestone with the addition of clay. These ingredients are taken in a 1:1 ratio. After this, be sure to add sand in an amount of 5 parts. The resulting mixture will be much stronger than just lime and clay.

One of the most popular mortars based on cement, additives and sand is M50. It is used in almost all construction work ah associated with the construction of walls, the preparation of horizontal foundations (screeds), the sealing of cracks, irregularities and other defects. Produced at the Sorzha plant in accordance with GOST 28013-98 and delivered to consumers completely ready for use in special machines(automatic mixers).

Technical characteristics of the M50 solution

The M50 solution has the following average characteristics:

  • strength M50;
  • frost resistance F50;
  • workability PC4;
  • density up to 1500 kg/m3.

Depending on the conditions of use and purpose, its characteristics may change in the direction of improving all or some parameters by adding various additives, plasticizers and other components to the composition. Changes in the composition of the solution are made in agreement with the customer.

Produced building mixture cement-lime M50 based on cements M300 or M400, additives and washed river sand without inclusions of clay substances, gravel or pebbles. The size of sand fractions is up to 2 – 2.5 mm.

The ratio of components by weight in the solution is standardized and depends on the brand of cement.

Cement (grade) cement lime sand
M300 1 0,6 6
M400 1 0,9 8

For external masonry, in places high humidity or in structures located below ground level can be carried out cement-sand mortar M50 without adding additives. It consists only of sand and cement in specified proportions.

Cement (grade) cement sand
M200 1 3,5
M300 1 5
M400 1 6

Ready masonry mortar cement grade 50, as well as cement-lime, can be purchased at the Sorzha plant in any volume with delivery, both on the day of order and at any required time. The plant serves customers in St. Petersburg And Leningrad region regardless of distance from the plant.

Our own fleet of special vehicles allows us to deliver the solution to the site in working condition. By technical specifications It is advisable to use the ready-mixed construction mixture M50 within 1.5 hours after unloading. The peculiarities of the company's vehicle fleet make it possible to deliver 7 or 10 m 3 of solution in one trip. For larger orders, the quantity of solution must be a multiple of these figures.

You can order M50 solution in several ways:

  • adding required item on the website and using the “Basket” button to order online;
  • write by email;
  • make a phone call;
  • order a call back.

All details regarding price, payment, delivery conditions and solution formulation are agreed upon in a working manner. The company office is open from 10.00 to 18.00. The plant's mortar-concrete units make it possible to fulfill orders of any volume. They operate under automatic control and all products comply with the specified parameters. We work with enterprises of all forms of ownership and individuals.

Cement – sand mixture used as a dry component for cooking mortar mixture, intended for carrying out work during the installation of foundations from prefabricated elements, construction of buildings and structures from piece material(brick, concrete blocks, etc.), as well as for the primary leveling of floors (cement screeds).


The mortar mixture is prepared at the construction site by mixing the dry mixture clean water room temperature(for 30 kg of dry mixture you need 4.0 - 5.0 liters of water, for 50 kg you need 6.5-7.0 liters of water). Mix the mixture with water until a homogeneous mass is obtained throughout the entire volume of the batch, manually or using a low-speed mixer. The mortar mixture after mixing should be kept for 5 - 7 minutes, and then mixed again for 30 seconds. The mortar mixture is ready for use if it is homogeneous and plastic. Usage time: 2 hours.


The mortar mixture is applied to building element and is leveled over the entire surface with a trowel, then the next element is placed on the freshly laid mortar and pressed tightly. The solution is applied to the surface in a layer of 0.8 - 2 cm.


Cement-sand mixture M 50 produced by Magma LLC has the following certification test results for

TU 5745-00186214064-2008

The name of indicators Normative value Actual value
1. Average density mortar mixture, kg/m 3 Not less than 1500 2140
2. Mobility of the mortar mixture, P k (cm) Not less than P to 2 (4-8) P k 2(4.6)
3. Water holding capacity, % Not less than 90.0 95,6
4. Delamination of the mortar mixture, % No more than 10 7,5
5. Average density of the hardened mixture, kg/m3 Not less than 1500 1980
6. Compressive strength, MPa (kgf/cm2) Not less than 5.0 (50.0) 7,5 (75,0)
7. Frost resistance Not less than F 10 F 35
8. Water consumption per 1 kg of dry mixture 0.13-0.14 l.
9. Vitality 2 hours.
10. Consumption of dry mixture per 1m2 with an application thickness of 1mm. 1.9 kg
11. Layer thickness 5 – 20 mm.
12. Work temperature Not lower than +5°C
no higher than + 30°C.
13. Guarantee period storage in original packaging and in a dry place, one month 6 months
14. Bag weight 30 kg; 50kg