home · Lighting · Freesia is a feminine or masculine name. Language of flowers. Compatibility of a girl named Freesia in relationships

Freesia is a feminine or masculine name. Language of flowers. Compatibility of a girl named Freesia in relationships

Forms of the name Andranik

Derivatives of the name: Nika, Drone.

Name Andranik in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 安德拉尼克 (Ān dé lā níkè). Japanese: アンドルー(Andorū). Punjabi: ਅੰਦ੍ਰਿਯਾਸ (Adriyāsa). Yiddish: אַנדראַניק (andranik). Ukrainian: Andranik. Arabic:أندرانيك. English: Andranik (Andranik).

Origin of the name Andranik

- “winner of husbands.”

The meaning of the name Andranik

A winning man.

Origin of the name Andronik

He has a clear and sober, one might say ironic, mind. Andronik is a multifaceted, impetuous personality who loves to make a bright impression on others. He is one of those who knows how to show off. But they forgive him for this - for his charm, for his talent in almost everything, for his hard work and sincere devotion to family and friends.

A wonderful combination of optimism, determination and strength, as well as common sense and thoroughness, allow Andronik to rise to unprecedented heights. However, life does not spoil chances. And there is a danger that, due to excessive caution or narcissism, the long-awaited chance will be missed and then you will have to start all over again.

Andronik always finishes what he starts. His persistence is akin to stubbornness. Therefore, he achieves results, especially if he directs his efforts to scientific field. Andronik is fair, he will not allow himself unfounded claims against anyone. But if he feels he is right, he can be rude. But he is not vindictive; after letting off steam, he forgives the offender.

Andronik is practical, he knows how to count money, and will not waste it in vain. Diligence and diligence in work allow him to earn a decent income. The main expenses go to loved ones - Andronik is focused on family life. Although not everything is so perfect in her, the reason for which is his capriciousness in relationships.

The totem plant is the freesia, the totem animal is the eagle. The talisman stone is topaz.

Numerology of the name Andronik

Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint actions, in a work team or in a family, come easily to them and reveal all their most strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, doe.

The name Andronik as a phrase

A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
D Welcome
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
To Kako

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Andronik

A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

D - reflection, thinking before starting a task, family orientation, willingness to help, sometimes moodiness. Often - psychic abilities.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. When carried away, a person is capable of taking stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
N - protest sign inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”
And - subtle spirituality, sensitivity, kindness, peacefulness. Outwardly, a person shows practicality as a screen to hide a romantic, soft nature.
K - endurance, which comes from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life credo"all or nothing".

The fate of the name Andron in history

Venerable Andronicus (?–1395) – disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh, founder in Moscow, according to the vow of St. Alexy Metropolitan and at his expense, the Spasov Monastery, named after him - Androniev; was the first abbot of the newly built monastery

Andron is the name of a Roman slave, touching story which is told by the ancient historians Helius and Elian. If you believe this legend, Andron fled from his master, the Roman proconsul in Africa, to the Libyan desert, where he met a limping lion, from whose paw he took a splinter. In gratitude for this, the lion became faithful to him, like a dog, and for three years shared his prey with him. Andron was then captured and brought to Rome; the same fate befell the lion; both had to fight in the arena of the Roman circus, but the lion, instead of rushing at Andron, caressed him, lay down at his feet. Struck by this strange sight, Emperor Tiberius gave the slave both freedom and a lion.

Andronikos I Komnenos - Byzantine Emperor

Andronicus of Livia - Roman poet

Andronik of Moscow - Venerable

Andronik Nevezha - Russian typographer

Andronik Iosifyan - electrical engineer.

Andranik's name day

(January 17, May 30, June 26, August 12, October 22, 25, November 16.) (November 16) - Holy Martyr Andron, suffered with his comrades for the faith of Christ.

Compatibility of the name Andranik, manifestation in love

Andranik, your characteristic qualities are charm, romance and the ability to put your feelings into forms that cannot but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to sort through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present. Energy horoscope named after Andranik

You must pay Special attention First of all, on the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name Freesia, manifestation in love

Freesia, logical conclusion romantic relationships for you is marriage, creating a family. Therefore, you and people like you have been and remain the target of matrimonial aspirations of at least half of the adult representatives of the opposite sex. You are serious, reliable and honest; reticence, uncertainty, and precariousness of the situation are unacceptable to you. You are determined to take care of your loved one, regardless of the circumstances. And although your sensual manifestations are often devoid of sentimentality, external shine and ostentatious “beauty,” there will always be someone who will appreciate them.


The basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to maintain a stable position and existing status. And use every opportunity that presents itself to strengthen your position in life. If you have to work hard for this, well, you are ready for it.

The “ideal” structure of the world appears to you in the form of a heavily armed fortress, capable of withstanding any siege due to the fact that the storerooms are full and the arsenal is maintained in exemplary order. All “military actions” are calculated in advance to the smallest detail, and you are ready to protect yourself and your family from any external attacks.

But what is an “unshakable stronghold” for you can become a prison for others. By imposing your views on life on your loved ones, you limit their freedom of choice, offering to use their own ready-made solution.

Beware! Many impregnable fortresses fell because someone inside wanted to go outside and opened the gates. You should always remember that your choice must be consistent with those for whose sake it is, in essence, being made.

Legend of Freesia

Spring came. After long disputes with Winter, she came into her own. I put things in order: I removed the snow, touched the buds and released green grass. I got tired and lay down to rest.

But Winter was not enough - she wanted to break the agreement concluded between the seasons. And Winter decided to take advantage of the moment. While Spring was sleeping, Winter persuaded Blizzard and Frost to help her. They captured the sleeping Spring, put a spell on her and locked her in the Ice Palace.

Winter has come on Earth again. The snowdrops hid in their houses, the green grass got scared and returned underground. Everything began to fall asleep again, snowfalls began, and frost bound the rivers. And, apparently, now forever.

But Winter rejoiced early. Spring had a reliable assistant, which Winter did not know about.

The Freesia flowers began to ring with their bells. They called louder and louder, informing everyone about Winter's vile act. Their ringing turned out to be not just loud, but also magical - it made Spring come to life and awaken.

Oh, and Winter got it for her insidious plan. Spring quickly corrected what she had done: she again called the green grass and caressed it. Streams ran merrily, buds blossomed, snowdrops trustingly reached out to the sun.

And in gratitude for her services, Spring gave Freesia rainbow colors and a captivating aroma.

Why "flower of aristocrats"?

Freesia owes this to its elegant shape, delicate aroma and history. After all, her procession through to the globe began with the royal flower beds. And at first it was so expensive that only aristocrats could afford it.

What does freesia smell like?

Freesia aroma: floral-woody, refreshing with a delicate note of citrus. It is reminiscent of the nectar scent of jasmine.

Freesia owes its wonderful aroma to the component linalool. It is present in all types of freesia.

Different varieties of freesia smell differently. For example, white freesia has a more spicy aroma. Flowers in other shades of freesia will be dominated by greenery with a subtle aroma of freshly picked leaves or grass.


Freesia is a symbol of trust and youth.

If you are given a bouquet of freesias, in the language of flowers this means that the person trusts you completely.


It got its name - freesia - in honor of a German doctor from the city of Kiel. His name sounded completely like Friedrich Heinrich Theodor Frese. He made a great contribution to its cultivation.

The homeland of freesia is South Africa, Cape region. Nowadays, one of the varieties of this flower is very popular. Its aroma is somewhat reminiscent of lily of the valley. Apparently, this is why freesia received its second name, “Cape lily of the valley.”

Freesia came to Europe during the era geographical discoveries, at the end of the 18th century. And already from the 19th century it began to be bred as an ornamental plant.

In Europe, freesia appeared at the right time and fell into the right hands. These were the hands of royal breeders. They fell in love with her for her delicate, wonderful aroma. And after some time, freesia firmly established itself in aristocratic circles. People of other social classes could not afford such luxury.

If a lady received a bouquet that contained freesias, it was a message. It read: “You have captivated me, I would like to get to know each other better.” Ah, this romantic era!

And since the color scheme of freesias is distinguished by a wide choice, this allowed the gentlemen not to repeat themselves.

At the end of the 19th century, they managed to get the “flower of the aristocrats” and to the Russian state. The price then was truly royal. But after some time, even the middle strata of the population could afford to pamper their beautiful ladies with this flower.

Today, the Netherlands takes first place in the cultivation of freesias.

Freesia influence

Its aroma will help you get rid of depression.

It creates a feeling of peace and happiness.



Wedding bouquets.

Body care products: shampoo, lotions, soaps, etc.

Decorative cultivation.


The freesia flower is very fragile and delicate, so it is difficult to obtain essential oils. There will be too little product, and too much labor.

Therefore, in perfumery they use the aroma of freesia obtained artificially.

Interesting Facts

Do you know that owners who fall in love with their cats buy them perfume?

But not an ordinary perfume. After all, animals have a very delicate sense of smell and strong odors are not for them. However, freesia, as it turned out, charmed them too. Perfume compositions for cats with the aroma of freesia do not irritate the natural sense of smell of pets.

(Freesia), a genus of plants in the iris family. Perennial herbs with a corm, a bunch of narrow basal leaves and a small, for the most part curved at right angles to the stem, spike-shaped inflorescence. The flowers are narrowly funnel-shaped, with a 6-parted perianth, the style is filiform, the stigmas are twice dissected, there are 3 stamens; ovary inferior, 3-locular, polyspermous. 15-20 species, in South Africa. How ornamental plants With fragrant flowers Hybrid forms of freesia obtained from crossing Armstrong's Freesia with broken Freesia (Freesia armstrongii x Freesia refracta) are cultivated in closed ground. Hybrid freesias are grown from corms or seeds. Seedlings bloom in the year of sowing.

What do we know about plant signs? flower horoscope? Freesia

“On behalf and on behalf of” the flower horoscope, November is greeted by the fearless Freesia. The time of this sign is from October 24 to November 2.
Perseverance and perseverance to the point of stubbornness sometimes harm people born under the sign of Freesia. But these same traits help achieve noticeable results. Freesias are real workaholics and are ready to work tirelessly, 25 hours a day without a break for lunch.
The hard work over the years is hard to miss. Others treat Freesia with sympathy, which contributes to career growth. But she herself is in no hurry to show warm feelings. Good chances win the favor of those who do not interfere with work.
Increased intelligibility leads to family relationships tied late. Family members need to take care of this seemingly tireless worker. It is useless to try to limit increased activity at work, so give it a rest with your family.
The beautiful freesia is little known in our area, although last years occurs more often. Freesia is a genus of perennial herbaceous corms of the Iris or Iris family. Its flowers on long stems amazingly combine modesty and bright beauty.
The homeland of freesia is South Africa. They are not found in the wild anywhere else. “Cape lilies of the valley” is the second name of the plants, based on the area where they grow. Botanists call the narrow hundred-kilometer coastal strip in the extreme southwest of Africa the floristic kingdom, so different is the natural ecosystem of the Western Cape, teeming with endemic plants, from the surrounding areas.
Now no one can remember how the African woman got to the Old World, from where she continued her journey around the world. Representatives of the genus were first described at the end of the 18th century, but at that time they were not yet called freesias, but were considered varieties of gladioli. A full hundred years passed before the clan received “sovereign rights,” which was preceded by thirty years of disputes among pundits. The genus was named in honor of Friedrich Friese, a botanist and doctor from Kiel.
The first specimens of overseas plants were of interest only to scientists and collectors. Gardeners became acquainted with freesias thanks to Maximilian Leichtlin, a botanist and explorer of Africa. In 1874 he discovered that in botanical garden In Padua, the plants took root well, and he spoke about this in several gardening magazines. Four years later, freesias went on sale in England, becoming a real sensation.
Today, numerous hybrids bred by gardeners are common in culture. They are better suited for artificial breeding and delight the eye with a variety of colors and shapes of flowers. Freesias are available in all shades of the rainbow.
Gardeners liked the opportunity to obtain flowers in closed ground at the end of winter and the very beginning of spring. Freesia inflorescences cut with one or two flowers in bloom last in a vase for up to two weeks. Perfumers are attracted by the aroma of flowers, slightly reminiscent of the smell of lily of the valley. It became the basis of many famous perfumes.
The freesia flower is a symbol of innocence. An excellent gift for the bride and beloved. To grow a bouquet by the beginning of March, you should hurry. From planting freesia to its flowering, 15-18 weeks pass. It's time to study the literature and search planting material. Good luck.

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This article gives full interpretation the name of the woman Freesia, which is best suited, and what to fear for people wearing it. You always hear the sounds of your name; from childhood they adapt you to your destiny. Understanding what will attract happiness to you, knowing the special aspects of your character, you will achieve a lot.

    Decoding the woman's name Freesia

  • How to spell - in English - Freziya
  • The element of water belongs to the girl bearing this name.
  • Color that brings good luck and success – Purple-blue, Pink
  • The most suitable metal for a person named Freesia is Titanium
  • Lucky for the girl bearing this name, the tree is Sea Buckthorn
  • The planet that brings happiness is the Sun
  • Constellation of success and luck – Sagittarius (Sagittarius)
  • According to numerology named Freesia, numbers bringing good luck – Six
  • You better eat food - meat and grains
  • Animal totems for the name Freesia- turtle
  • Stones - symbols for women with the name Freesia - Pearl

To attract financial success and happiness, girls named Freesia need a strong Money Amulet , the main thing is that it is encoded for you personally, for your full name and your date of birth. I can only recommend This is a verified site! The Luck Talisman really works to create an aura of well-being, it is important to wear it constantly and not tell anyone about its purpose. Activate it on yourself or the person you are buying it for, according to the instructions.

What suits people in life starting with the letter F - Freesia

  1. It is better if a woman named Freesia was born under the horoscope sign - Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02)
  2. It will be most successful if a woman named Freesia was born eastern horoscope per year - Snake - years 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037
  3. It’s better to start things on Sunday
  4. The most favorable days year, these are December 16, March 17, August 6 and October 27
  5. Favorable time of day for you is morning
  6. The dangerous age at which you need to be careful is in childhood and adolescence - five years; in youth - twenty-one years old; in and maturity - forty-one years, in old age - seventy-seven years
  7. A name starting with F - Freesia leaves an imprint on the health of these people, especially dangerous diseases - fractures and infectious nature
  8. Professions related to repair and repair are best suited for you

Character aspects of those named by the female name Freesia

Jealousy will only be caused by going beyond acceptable limits. A girl named Freesia is capable of brightening up the lives of those around her with inexhaustible optimism and will conquer you with her understanding and affection. They often make you want to take care of them, and this is natural, because she is a very bright and charming girl.

You will fall into the trap of her charm again and again. Nobody can do it better than me - thought typical woman named Freesia, there are also those with a difficult character, but they always retain a passionate soul, a clear mind and excellent taste. Her family will always return to a cozy, immaculate home; her temperament does not weaken until old age. A man who wants to compete for the attention of a girl named Freesia, who seems to have no idea what emancipation is, must be prepared to have many fans. She does not have the slightest desire to dominate her husband.

They have a hard time dealing with breakups, they are very shy and old-fashioned. A woman named Freesia prefers the company of men and is admired by all males, you will have to feel jealous. It’s useless to argue with her, because she gets into an argument when she’s really right, so you can’t argue with her anyway.

Table of the main character traits of a woman named Freesia

Character traits were calculated based on the name and month of birth; for a more accurate calculation you need to know full date birth and first name, patronymic and last name, if you need this, VISIT THIS PAGE.

The vertical column of the table (above), select your (or a girl’s name - Freesia) month of birth, the horizontal (side) row is aspects of character. Their intersection will show a coefficient from 1 to 100, than more value, all the better.

January February March
Strength of will 76 6 80
Energy 85 84 54
Learning ability 26 20 39
Hard work 48 25 63
Kindness 75 2 4
Patience 96 25 45
Creation 35 21 41
Intuition 31 93 32
Sociability 73 80 52
Self-esteem 33 42 100
Money 9 64 62
Talent 84 8 20
Spirituality 15 11 94
Determination 89 25 86
Stability 73 44 63
Love 84 18
Duty 73 88 69
Mentality 90 42 20
Prudence 1 61 76
Emotionality 100 43 47
April May June
Strength of will 11 25 1
Energy 25 46 80
Learning ability 3 86 74
Hard work 75 2 34
Kindness 73 54 100
Patience 71 23 50
Creation 93 6 85
Intuition 28 97 16
Sociability 87 70 49
Self-esteem 80 64 77
Money 91 15 28
Talent 99 13 92
Spirituality 67 55 38
Determination 78 6 32
Stability 76 3 47
Love 88 24 81
Duty 5 89
Mentality 47 64 64
Prudence 53 31 56
Emotionality 9 11 86
July August September
Strength of will 43 78 57
Energy 94 91
Learning ability 50 65 9
Hard work 92 76 17
Kindness 30 49 29
Patience 18 50 1
Creation 52 82 64
Intuition 1 21 56
Sociability 28 98 69
Self-esteem 10 30 77
Money 92 68 78
Talent 29 97 2
Spirituality 61 75 80
Determination 81 99 76
Stability 26 29
Love 63 98 95
Duty 44 27 38
Mentality 96 46
Prudence 37 26 36
Emotionality 65 53 87
October November December
Strength of will 85 27 21
Energy 98 88 87
Learning ability 49 39 90
Hard work 63 41
Kindness 4 16 15
Patience 87 15 86
Creation 89 74 84
Intuition 64 86
Sociability 58 80
Self-esteem 8 86 5
Money 83 41 94
Talent 65 79
Spirituality 93 23 95
Determination 51 52 68
Stability 29 51 14
Love 73 20 15
Duty 63 67 38
Mentality 20 38 43
Prudence 63 13 2
Emotionality 10 93 17

The main character traits that are present in people named Freesia are unceremonious, unreasonable, and misanthropic.

Compatibility of a girl named Freesia in relationships

This table shows the love compatibility of women with the name Freesia, depending on their birthday. The vertical column (on top) is your zodiac sign, the horizontal (on the side) line is the horoscope sign of your beloved man. Their intersection will put the extent and aspects of the relationship into perspective.

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Fish Aries Taurus
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) bad feelings money will separate you Everything will be fine
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) empty worries bad parting
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) well-being and prosperity emotionality common dreams
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) explosion of feelings disappointment hassle for both
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) Everything will be fine passion and jealousy excellent
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) hatred and quarrels vain dreams peace in the house
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) hatred and quarrels love and happiness vain dreams
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) long relationship contempt contempt
Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) contempt melancholy and routine peace in the house
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) disappointment hassle for both love and happiness
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) hatred and quarrels vain dreams troubles and troubles
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) peace in the house emotionality wasted worries
Twins Cancer a lion
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) peace in the house you shouldn't start a relationship calm home
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) long life common dreams be together for a long time
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) emotionality long life together short-lived love
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) well-being and prosperity explosion of feelings financial difficulties
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) acrimonious relationship nervousness for you contempt
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) happiness, but not for long be together for a long time excellent
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) difficulties melancholy and routine good family
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) calm home vain dreams long life together
Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) passion and jealousy Not recommended Not recommended
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) vain dreams calm home excellent
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) hatred and quarrels not a boring life together bad
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) melancholy and routine difficult relationships not a boring life together
Virgo Scales Scorpion
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) partnerships Everything will be fine often misunderstandings
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) calm home parting vain dreams
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) bad love and happiness family happiness
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) troubles and troubles bad peace in the house
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) Everything will be fine Not recommended good
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) emotionality short-lived love common dreams
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) melancholy and routine hatred and quarrels Everything will be fine
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) nervousness for you emotionality parting
Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) you shouldn't start a relationship it will be better acrimonious relationship
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) Everything will be fine be together for a long time parting
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) calm home empty worries emotionality
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) troubles and troubles family happiness you shouldn't start a relationship
Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
Pisces (19.02 - 20.03) long relationship acrimonious relationship long life
Aries (21.03 - 20.04) melancholy and routine peace in the house hatred and quarrels
Taurus (21.04 - 20.05) often misunderstandings melancholy and routine common dreams
Gemini (21.05 - 20.06) be together for a long time bad feelings short-lived love
Cancer (21.06 - 22.07) vain dreams you shouldn't start a relationship vain dreams
Leo (23.07 - 22.08) you shouldn't start a relationship well-being and prosperity Everything will be fine
Virgo (23.08 - 23.09) joyful experiences financial difficulties good together
Libra (24.09 – 23.10) explosion of feelings peace in the house you shouldn't start a relationship
Scorpio (24.10 – 21.11) troubles and troubles money will separate you Not recommended
Sagittarius (11/22 – 12/21) peace in the house adoration and love contempt
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) Not recommended acrimonious relationship partnerships
Aquarius (22.01 - 18.02) bad feelings joyful experiences acrimonious relationship