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Advances of modern natural science. Educational and methodological material on the topic: Modern pedagogical technologies as a means of developing pedagogical competence

Article on pedagogy on the topic: “Pedagogical competence in the conditions of modern educational technologies”

Minnekhanova Gulnaz Minnebaevna, teacher Tatar language and literature, MBOU "Secondary School No. 53", Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan
Subject: Pedagogical competence in the conditions of modern educational technologies
Description of work: This article is useful for teachers and educators of schools, colleges, and universities. It describes ways to develop pedagogical competence using modern educational technologies.
Target: to promote the improvement of professional competence of teachers in schools, colleges, schools and universities to achieve more High Quality education in the conditions of modern educational technologies.
- introduce teachers to the concept of competence and promote the assimilation of the basic concepts of a competent approach in education;
- promote the acquisition of knowledge in the field of competence;
- promote the development of creative thinking and competence.
One of the most relevant ones in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard in the Russian education system is pedagogical competencies, among which the use of modern educational technologies is gaining increasing priority.
A significant role in the high efficiency and effectiveness of the educational process is played by the pedagogical competence of the teacher. It is especially important in the context of modernization of the education system, which every day makes more progress and places new demands on the personality of the teacher.
The formation and development of pedagogical competencies is a complex, functional, social process, which is implemented within the framework of a synthesis of cognitive, subject-practical and personal experience. The teacher must be a versatile person, receptive to pedagogical innovations and adapt to new conditions for teaching children. Today, pedagogical competence is inextricably linked with modern educational technologies.
Competence in mastering modern educational technologies is, first of all, a teacher’s mastery of ICT; as an example of modern educational technology, we can choose socialization technology, that is, project technology.
At any stage of the lesson there is a need effective use in the process of teaching active methods training, combining traditional and modern educational technologies, taking into account the age, individual characteristics and potential capabilities of students.
This allows teachers to tackle the next more important and difficult teaching tasks:
- optimization of the selection and presentation of the studied material;
- introduction of new conceptual and methodological approaches and teaching methods (for example, the Singapore teaching method);
- active participation of students in the educational process;
- optimization of knowledge control;
- formation of independent work skills;
- identification of abilities in a given subject.
There are currently and are still being developed a large number of options for using modern information technologies in teaching subjects. For example, computer technologies are used to prepare presentations of lessons with their subsequent demonstration, when students are given oral information accompanied by text, graphic, animation, and illustrative materials; to monitor the knowledge of students acquired in the process of studying a subject during a year, six months or a quarter; for preparing and demonstrating final project work (most often in high school): presentations, reports, abstracts, Internet exams, Unified State Exams; to participate in competitions and other types of educational activities.
Thus, the use of modern educational technologies allows the teacher to organize various shapes educational and cognitive work in the classroom, to make students’ independent work active and purposeful. At the same time, it is important to remember that under any conditions, ICT and other educational technologies cannot and should not replace the teacher, but only complement him.
So, a teacher, in addition to his characteristic properties, must have certain personality qualities, including in particular:
- adapt flexibly to changing life situations, independently acquire knowledge, and skillfully apply it in practice;
- work competently with information using modern educational technologies.
IN modern conditions In pedagogical activity, self-education and professional growth of the teacher is especially important, through the development of new pedagogical technologies, active participation in pedagogical competitions, master classes, forums and festivals, generalization and implementation of one’s own pedagogical experience and through Internet resources. Taking these requests into account, a large number of educational portals, professional communities, and websites have been created to help the modern teacher: HEAD..info, Fount of knowledge, LITOBRAZ, “Methodists” and others.
Of course, the forms of manifestation of competence are quite diverse, since they are associated with various spheres of a person’s life, with his characteristics. All types of competencies are necessary and valuable in themselves; in the process of a person growing up, they are enriched and interact with each other. Pedagogical competence develops and improves with professional growth throughout the teacher’s educational activities.

1. Zainutdinova M. Fundamentals of professional competence in practical activities// Magarif. – 2014. - No. 1. – P.72-74.
2. Chernova A. Teacher as a person and professional // Science and school. – 2006. - No. 7. – P.5-12.

Slide captions:

Formation of educational and cognitive competencies in junior schoolchildren based on the use of techniques critical thinking
Competence translated from Latin language means a range of issues in which a person is knowledgeable, has knowledge and experience.
Competence is the subject’s readiness to effectively organize internal and external resources to set and achieve goals. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences German Selevko
Competence is a set of familiar skills, and competence is the quality of mastery of them, this is how competence is manifested in activity.
They are associated with the student’s value guidelines, his ability to see and understand the world around him, to be aware of his role and purpose, to be able to choose goals and meaning for his actions and actions, and to make decisions.
Spiritual and moral foundations of human life and humanity
General cultural competencies
This is a set of student competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity
Information competencies
Skills in relation to information in academic subjects and educational fields, as well as in the surrounding world.
Communication competencies
Knowledge of languages, ways of interacting with surrounding and remote events and people
Performing the role of citizen, observer, voter, representative, consumer, buyer, client, producer, family member.
Aimed at mastering methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support.
Classification of key educational competencies by Andrey Viktorovich Khutorskoy, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences
Value and semantic competencies
General cultural competencies
Educational and cognitive competencies
Information competencies
Communication competencies
Social and labor competencies
Personal improvement competencies
set a goal and organize its achievement; organize planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of one’s educational and cognitive activities; ask questions to observed facts, look for the causes of phenomena, indicate your understanding or misunderstanding in relation to the problem being studied; set cognitive tasks and put forward hypotheses; describe the results, formulate conclusions; speak orally and in writing about the results of your research using computer tools and technologies (text and graphic editors, presentations).
Educational and cognitive competencies
value-oriented level
information-theoretic level
technical and technological level
Some signs of a critical thinker:
Has an open mind. Formulates his point of view based on objective data. Examines the problem in its entirety. Finds out the causes of the problem. Able to put forward an alternative. Able to collect information from various sources and analyze its quality and reliability.
Critical thinking is defined as intelligent, reflective thinking that can come up with new ideas and see new possibilities.
Three-phase lesson structure
Previously existing knowledge is activated, interest in the topic is awakened, and the goals of studying the upcoming educational material are determined.
Generalization and appropriation of information occurs; develop your own attitude towards the material being studied; information is creatively processed.
Thinking (reflection)
Finding a strategy for solving the problem and drawing up a plan for specific activities; theoretical and practical work to implement the developed solution.
Mixed up logical chains
True and false statements, intellectual exercise
Predicting the topic of the lesson
“Yes - no”, “I believe - I don’t believe”
Graphic systematization of material: “Cluster”, tables
Possible techniques and methods
Call stage
"Basket of Ideas"
“Teaching literacy” Lesson topic: “Letters E e” “Do you believe that...” Questions:... there are 10 vowel letters in the Russian language?... the vowel a is an indicator of the softness of the preceding consonant sound?... the letter e can denote one sound in a word , so two?

Before learning new material
After learning new material
The wind can destroy mountains
Fallen leaves in autumn harm the soil
1 cm of soil is formed in 300 years
Plants participate in soil formation

True and false statements
The world around us Topic: “Soil”
"Basket of Ideas"
...the reservoirs froze
An unusual riddle

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade
Topic: Soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants
This... is familiar to us all, Named... it is. The letter is there, but... not. The whole... is hidden in this.
soft sign
separates consonant and vowel
does not indicate sound
denotes softness of consonants in the middle of a word
denotes softness of consonants at the end of a word
Predicting the topic of the lesson
In the sun
in front of the mother
and the baby
Maintaining various records and tables
“Table of “thick” and “thin” questions”
"Reading with stops"
Possible techniques and methods
Conception stage
“Insert” or “Read with notes”
√ already knew + new for me thought differently? I don't understand, I have a question
Reading with stops
Criteria for selecting the text: the text must be completely unknown; dynamic, eventful plot; unexpected outcome, “open problematic ending”; the text is divided in advance into semantic parts; The teacher thinks through questions and tasks for the text in advance, aimed at developing various thinking skills in students.

simple questions
simple questions
clarifying questions
explanatory questions
creative questions
assessment questions
practical questions
clarifying questions
explanatory questions
creative questions
assessment questions
practical questions
Types of Questions that Stimulate Critical Thinking
Quests - traps
Problems that have no solution
Problems with missing data
Creative, research tasks
"Letter to the Teacher"
Organizing various types of discussions
Possible techniques and methods
Creative projects
The first line is a noun, the theme of the syncwine. The second line is two adjectives that describe the topic. The third line is three verbs: the actions that the noun performs. The fourth line is a 4-word phrase that conveys your attitude towards the noun. The fifth line is a synonym for the noun or your associations to this word.
Noun, theme of syncwine. 2 adjectives that describe the topic. 3 verbs: actions that the noun performs. A 4-word phrase that conveys your attitude towards the noun. A synonym for the noun or your associations with this word.
Critical thinking
Familiar and Unfamiliar
I study, analyze, reflect
The skill of the teacher, the creativity of the student
Peer education
“Blackboard and chalk are our main tools, but we want something more...”

Innovative pedagogical technologies

The result of student learning has now been determined - the formation of key competencies. It is impossible and irrational to form them using traditional methods alone. Innovative technologies come to the aid of the teacher.

The result of student learning has now been determined - the formation of key competencies. It is impossible and irrational to form them using traditional methods alone. Innovative technologies come to the aid of the teacher.

Technology is a structure of a teacher’s activity in which all the actions included in it are presented in a certain sequence and integrity, and implementation involves achieving the required result and is predictable. Today there are more than a hundred educational technologies.

Among the main reasons for the emergence of new psychological and pedagogical technologies are the following:

The need for deeper consideration and use of psychophysiological and personal characteristics of students;

Awareness of the urgent need to replace ineffective verbal

(verbal) way of transferring knowledge using a systematic - activity-based approach;

The ability to design the educational process, organizational forms of interaction between teacher and student, ensuring guaranteed learning results.

The same technology can be implemented by different performers more or less conscientiously, exactly according to instructions or creatively. The results will be different, however, close to some average statistical value characteristic of this technology.

Sometimes a master teacher uses elements of several technologies in his work and uses original methodological techniques. In this case, we should talk about the “author’s” technology of this teacher. Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowings. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at the technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state.

Traditional technology.

Positive sides

Negative sides.

The systematic nature of training.

Orderly, logically correct presentation of educational material.

Organizational clarity.

Constant emotional impact of the teacher's personality.

Optimal expenditure of resources during mass training.

Template construction.

Irrational distribution of time in class.

The lesson provides only an initial orientation to the material, and achievement of high levels is transferred to homework.

Students are isolated from communication with each other.

Lack of independence.

Passivity or appearance of activity of students.

Weak speech activity (average speaking time for a student is 2 minutes per day).

Weak feedback.

Lack of individual training.

Currently, the use of modern educational technologies that provide personal development student by reducing the share of reproductive activity (reproduction of what remains in memory) in the educational process, can be considered as key condition improving the quality of education, reducing the teaching load, more efficient use of study time.

Modern educational technologies include:

Developmental education;

Problem-based learning;

Multi-level training;

Collective education system;

Technology for studying inventive problems (TRIZ);

Research methods in teaching;

Project-based teaching methods;

Technology of using gaming methods in teaching: role-playing, business and other types of educational games;

Collaborative learning (team, group work;

Information and communication technologies;

Health-saving technologies, etc.

Personality-oriented technologies place the student’s personality at the center of the entire educational system. Providing comfortable, conflict-free conditions for its development, implementing it natural potentials. In this technology, the student is not just a subject, but a priority subject; he is the goal of the educational system. And not a means of achieving something abstract.

Features of a personality-oriented lesson.

  1. Design of didactic material different types, type and form, determining the purpose, place and time of its use in the lesson.
  2. The teacher thinks through opportunities for students to express themselves independently. Giving them the opportunity to ask questions, express original ideas and hypotheses.
  3. Organization of exchange of thoughts, opinions, assessments. Encouraging students to supplement and analyze their peers’ answers.
  4. Using subjective experience and relying on the intuition of each student. Application of difficult situations that arise during the lesson as an area of ​​application of knowledge.
  5. Striving to create a situation of success for every student.

Technologies for student-centered learning.

1. Technology of multi-level training. The abilities of students were studied in a situation where time for studying the material was not limited, and the following categories were identified:

Incapable; who are unable to achieve a predetermined level of knowledge and skills even with large amounts of study time;

Talented (about 5%), who are often able to do what everyone else cannot cope with;

About 90% are students whose ability to assimilate knowledge and skills depends on the expenditure of study time.

If each student is given the time he needs, corresponding to his personal abilities and capabilities, then we can ensure guaranteed mastery of the basic core of the curriculum. For this, we need colleges with level differentiation, in which the student flow is divided into groups that are flexible in composition. Those who master the program material at a minimum ( state standard), basic, variable (creative) levels.

Differentiation options.

Formation of groups of homogeneous composition from the first year of study.

Intragroup differentiation carried out through the selection of groups for separate training at different levels.

The technology of collective mutual learning has several names: “organized dialogue”, “work in shift pairs”.

When working with this technology, three types of pairs are used: static, dynamic and variational.

Static pair. In it, at will, two students are united, changing the roles of “teacher” and “student”; Two weak people, two strong people, a strong one and a weak one, can do this, provided they are mutually psychologically compatible.

Dynamic couple. Four students are selected and given a task that has four parts; After preparing his part of the task and self-control, the student discusses the task three times, i.e. with each partner, and each time he needs to change the logic of presentation, emphasis, tempo, etc., and therefore, include a mechanism for adapting to individual characteristics comrades.

Variation pair - in it, each of the four members of the group receives his own task, completes it, analyzes it together with the teacher, carries out mutual training according to the scheme with the other three comrades, as a result, each learns four portions of educational content.

Advantages of collective mutual learning technology:

As a result of regularly repeated exercises, logical thinking and understanding skills are improved;

In the process of mutual communication, memory is activated, mobilization and updating of previous experience and knowledge takes place;

Each student feels relaxed and works at an individual pace;

Responsibility increases not only for one’s own successes, but also for the results of collective work;

There is no need to slow down the pace of classes, which has a positive effect on the microclimate in the team;

An adequate self-esteem of the individual, one’s capabilities and abilities, advantages and limitations is formed;

Discussing the same information with several interchangeable partners increases the number of associative connections, and therefore ensures a stronger assimilation of the material.

Collaboration technology involves training in small groups. The main idea of ​​learning in cooperation is to learn together, and not just help each other, to be aware of your successes and the successes of your comrades.

There are several options for organizing collaborative learning. The main ideas inherent in all options for organizing the work of small groups are common goals and objectives, individual responsibility and equal opportunities for success.

Modular learning technology - the essence is that the student completely independently (or with a certain amount of assistance) achieves specific learning goals in the process of working with the module.

A module is a target functional unit that combines educational content and technology for mastering it. The content of training is “canned” in completed independent information blocks. The didactic goal contains not only indications of the amount of knowledge, but also the level of its assimilation. The modules allow you to individualize work with individual students, dose assistance to each of them, and change forms of communication. The teacher develops a program that consists of a set of modules and progressively more complex didactic tasks, providing for input and intermediate control that allows the student, together with the teacher, to manage learning. The module consists of cycles of lessons. The location and number of cycles in a block can be any. Each cycle in this technology is a kind of mini-block and has a strictly defined structure.

Innovative technologies are pedagogical technologies that have become popular recently:

ICT or MM - technologies,

Interactive technologies,

Project technology, project method

Research technology or technology for conducting educational research,

AMO and moderation technology,

Health-saving technologies,

Innovative technologies are pedagogical technologies of the new generation.

Any pedagogical technology has means that activate and intensify the activities of students; in some technologies these means constitute main idea and the basis for the effectiveness of the results. These include the technology of promising advanced learning (S.N. Lysenkova), game-based, problem-based, programmed, individual, early intensive learning and improving general educational skills (A.A. Zaitsev).

The technology of perspective-advanced learning calls the main conceptual provisions a personal approach (interpersonal cooperation); focus on success as the main condition for student development in learning; preventing mistakes rather than working on mistakes that have already been made; differentiation, i.e. accessibility of tasks for everyone; mediated learning (through knowledgeable person teach the ignorant).

S. N. Lysenkova discovered a remarkable phenomenon: in order to reduce the objective difficulty of some questions in the program, it is necessary to anticipate their introduction into the educational process. Thus, a difficult topic can be addressed in advance in some connection with the material currently being studied. A promising topic (following the one being studied) is given in small doses at each lesson. The topic is revealed slowly, sequentially, with all the necessary logical transitions.

First, strong, then average, and only then weak students are involved in the discussion of new material (a promising topic).

Another feature of this technology is commented control. It combines three student actions: thinking, speaking, writing. The third “whale” of S. N. Lysenkova’s system is supporting diagrams, or simply supports, conclusions that are born before the eyes of students in the process of explanation and presentation in the form of tables, cards, drawings, drawings. Stiffness and fear of mistakes are removed, the scheme becomes an algorithm for reasoning and proof, and all attention is directed not to memorizing or reproducing a given task, but to the essence, reflection, and awareness of cause-and-effect dependencies.

Gaming technologies. The game recreates the conditions of situations, some type of activity, social experience, and as a result, self-government of one’s behavior is developed and improved. Gaming activities are used in the following cases:

As an independent technology;

As an element of pedagogical technology;

As a form of a lesson or part of it;

His extracurricular activities.

The place and role of gaming technology and its elements in the educational process largely depend on the teacher’s understanding of the function of the game. The effectiveness of didactic games depends, firstly, on their systematic use, and secondly, on the purposeful construction of their programs, combining them with ordinary didactic exercises. Gaming activities include games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main characteristic features objects, compare, contrast them; games that develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena, cultivating the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction, ingenuity, etc.

Business games are used to solve complex problems of mastering new material, developing creative abilities, and developing general educational skills. The game allows you to understand and study educational material from different positions. Such games are divided into simulation, operational, role-playing, etc.

In simulation, the activities of any organization, enterprise or its division are imitated. Events and specific types of activities can be simulated.

Operating rooms help to practice the performance of specific specific operations; they are carried out in conditions that simulate real ones.

In role-playing, tactics of behavior, actions, performance of functions and responsibilities of a particular person are worked out. For such games, a situation scenario is developed, and the roles of the actors are distributed among the students.

Unlike games in general, a pedagogical game has an essential feature - a clearly defined learning goal and a corresponding pedagogical result. The functions of the game in the educational process are to provide an emotionally uplifting environment for the reproduction of knowledge, facilitating the assimilation of the material. During the learning process, the game simulates life situations or conditional interactions between people.

The technology of all business games consists of several stages.

  1. Preparatory. Includes the development of a scenario - a conditional display of the situation and the object. The scenario includes: the educational purpose of the lesson, characteristics of the problem, justification for the task, plan business games, description of the procedure, situations, characteristics of the characters.
  2. Entering the game. Participants, game conditions, experts, the main goal are announced, the formulation of the problem and the choice of situation are justified. Packages of materials, instructions, rules, and guidelines are issued.
  3. Game process. Once it begins, no one has the right to interfere or change the course. Only the leader can correct the actions of the participants if they leave main goal games.
  4. Analysis and evaluation of game results. Speeches by experts, exchange of opinions, students defending their decisions and conclusions. In conclusion, the teacher states the results achieved, notes the mistakes made, and formulates the final outcome of the lesson.

Technologies of problem-based learning based on students acquiring new knowledge when solving theoretical and practical problems in problem situations created for this purpose. In each of them, they are forced to look for a solution on their own, and the teacher only helps the student, explains the problem, formulates it and solves it.

Problem-based learning includes the following stages:

  • awareness of the general problem situation;
  • its analysis, formulation of a specific problem;
  • decision (putting forward, substantiating hypotheses, consistently testing them);
  • checking the correctness of the solution.

The “unit” of the educational process is a problem - a hidden or obvious contradiction inherent in things, phenomena of the material and ideal world.

These are the rules for creating problematic situations.

  1. Students are given a practical or theoretical task, the completion of which will require the discovery of knowledge and the acquisition of new skills.
  2. The task must correspond to the student’s intellectual capabilities.
  3. The problem task is given before the new material is explained.
  4. Such tasks can be: assimilation, formulation of a question, practical actions.

The same problem situation can be caused by various types tasks.

There are four levels of problems in learning:

  1. The teacher himself poses the problem (task) and solves it himself with the active attention and discussion of students (traditional system).
  2. The teacher poses a problem, students independently or under his guidance find a solution; he also directs an independent search for solutions (partial search method).
  3. The student poses a problem, the teacher helps to solve it. The student develops the ability to independently formulate a problem (research method).
  4. The student poses the problem himself and solves it himself (research method).

In problem-based learning, the main thing is the research method - such an organization of educational work in which students get acquainted with scientific methods of obtaining knowledge, master the elements of scientific methods, master the ability to independently obtain new knowledge, plan a search and discover new things for themselves dependence or pattern.

In the process of such training, students learn to think logically, scientifically, dialectically, creatively; their pre-existing knowledge turns into beliefs; they experience a feeling of deep satisfaction, confidence in their capabilities and strengths; Self-acquired knowledge is more durable.

However, problem-based learning is always associated with difficulties for the student; it takes much more time to comprehend and search for solutions than with traditional learning. High pedagogical skills are required from the teacher.

The methodology of developmental education is a fundamentally different structure of educational activity, which has nothing in common with reproductive education, based on drilling and rote learning. The essence of its concepts is to create conditions when student development becomes the main task for both the teacher and the student himself, and the method of organization, content, methods and forms of developmental education are focused on his comprehensive development.

The core idea of ​​developmental education is the rapid development of thinking, which ensures the student’s readiness to independently use his creative potential.

Thinking can be productive and reproductive, creative and primitive. A characteristic feature of productive thinking in comparison with reproductive thinking is the ability to independently discover knowledge. Creative thinking characterizes highest level human development. It aims to achieve a result that has never been achieved before; the ability to act in different ways in a situation where it is unknown which of them can lead to the desired outcome; allows you to solve problems in the absence of sufficient experience.

Mastery of techniques for assimilating knowledge lays the foundation for a person’s activity and awareness of himself as a cognizing subject. The emphasis should be on ensuring the transition from unconscious to conscious activity.

A distinctive feature of developmental education is the absence of traditional grades. The teacher evaluates the work of students according to individual standards, which creates situations of success for each of them. A meaningful self-assessment of the achieved result is introduced, carried out using clear criteria. The student’s self-assessment precedes the teacher’s assessment; if there is a large discrepancy, it agrees with him.

Having mastered the self-assessment technique, the student himself determines whether the result of his educational actions corresponds to the ultimate goal. Sometimes test work specifically includes material that has not yet been studied in class.

Educational activities are initially organized in an atmosphere of collective reflection, discussion and joint search for solutions to the problem. The basis of teaching is actually dialogue communication both between the teacher and students, and between them.

Interaction between parties to the educational process

The following recommendations can be given regarding the methods of interaction between participants in the educational process in the developmental education mode.

  1. The traditional version of didactic communication is used only to pose a problem.
  2. Working in a “student-student” pair is especially important in the area of ​​self-control and self-esteem.
  3. Group work promotes individual solution of educational problems.
  4. Intergroup interaction promotes generalization, the derivation of general patterns, and the formulation of fundamental provisions necessary for the subsequent stage of work.
  5. Discussion of a particular problem promotes students' point of view on the problem.
  6. Individual work of the student, including mastery of techniques for independent search for knowledge, solving problematic creative problems.

In a developmental school, the emphasis shifts to the actual educational activities of students, and the main task of the teacher becomes a kind of “service” for teaching.

Functions of the teacher in developmental education

  1. The function of ensuring individual goal setting, i.e. ensuring the student understands why this should be done and what expected result to focus on. The purpose of the teacher’s activities must be consistent with the purpose of the students’ activities.
  2. Support function. In order to guide students’ learning from the inside, the teacher must become a direct participant in the general educational action.

The function of ensuring students' reflective actions. The goals of reflection are to remember, identify and understand the main components of activity, its meaning, methods, problems, ways to solve them, anticipate the results obtained, etc.

As we see, the focus of the teacher’s attention is not on explaining new material, but on searching for methods for effectively organizing students’ educational and cognitive activities in obtaining it. For a teacher, it is not the result itself that is of great value, but the student’s attitude to the material, the desire not only to study it, to learn something new, but to realize oneself in cognitive activity, to achieve the desired.

The basis of the structure of the educational process in the system of developmental education is a block of lessons - a system of tasks that guide the activities of students, starting from goal setting to modeling theoretical generalizations and their application in solving particular practical issues.

A typical scheme of the educational cycle consists of indicative-motivational, search-research, practical (application of activity results at previous stages) and reflective-evaluative acts.

The indicative and motivational act includes the joint formulation of an educational task, motivating students for the upcoming activity. At this stage, it is necessary to achieve in them a feeling of conflict between knowledge and ignorance. This conflict is understood as another educational task or problem.

In the search and research act, the teacher leads students to independently comprehend new material (missing knowledge), formulate the necessary conclusions, and record them in a model form convenient for memorization.

The reflective-evaluative act involves creating conditions when the student makes demands on himself. The result of reflection is his awareness of the insufficiency of the available methods of mental action or knowledge.

Innovative technologies are pedagogical technologies of the new generation. They represent a pedagogical technology that contains a certain set of methods and stages of implementation.

Thus, we can distinguish following signs innovative technologies:

Focused on obtaining a specific result;

The purpose of the lesson using them is to acquire knowledge in the process of activity;

Individualization of the learning process; - promotes the socialization of children during the learning process and after graduation;

Uses other innovative technologies;

Requires the teacher to organize the educational space of the lesson;

Establishes a qualitatively new relationship between teacher and student in the classroom;

Promotes the creative and intellectual development of the child's personality.

Like any pedagogical technology, innovative technologies have their own implementation algorithm, their own stages. Missing even one violates the integrity of the educational technology system and destroys it.

A learning task in developmental learning technology is similar to a problem situation. This is ignorance, a collision with something new, unknown, and the solution to a learning task consists in finding a general method of action, a principle for solving a whole class of similar problems.

In developmental education, as already noted, the quality and volume of work performed by the student are assessed not from the point of view of its compliance with the teacher’s subjective idea of ​​the feasibility and accessibility of knowledge to the student, but from the point of view of his subjective capabilities. The assessment should reflect his personal development and the perfection of educational activities. Therefore, if a student works to the limit of his capabilities, he certainly deserves highest rating, even if from the point of view of the other student’s capabilities this is a very mediocre result. The pace of personality development is deeply individual, and the task of the teacher is not to bring everyone to a certain, given level of knowledge, skills, abilities, but to bring the personality of each student into the development mode.


  1. Salnikova T.P. Pedagogical technologies: Textbook / M.: TC Sfera, 2005.
  2. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. M., 1998.

At the present stage of economic, political and social development Russian Federation, the country increasingly requires qualified specialists, the quality of whose training remains an urgent problem of modern professional education. The policy of our state to introduce a new generation of federal government is also aimed at training such specialists. educational standards(hereinafter referred to as GEF). Constantly changing requirements of employers caused by the emergence of new production technologies, require changes in the content of training in secondary vocational institutions.

In this regard educational institutions Together with employers, a set of required professional competencies for training future specialists is being developed and adjusted, new disciplines and student training programs are being introduced. All this has an impact on the system of practical training of students, and the introduction of modern educational and information technologies makes it possible to train competitive and in-demand specialists in the labor market. Thus, secondary vocational educational institutions must take into account changes in the characteristics of life, work and the role of a person in a new, technically and information-rich reality, and instill in the future specialist general and professional competencies.

In addition to knowledge in the discipline, it is necessary to develop competencies such as:

  1. General cultural competence is a range of issues in which a student must be well informed, have knowledge and experience.
  2. Social and labor competence means possession of knowledge and experience in civil and social activities. This competence includes, for example, the ability to analyze the situation on the labor market, act in accordance with personal and public benefit, and possess the ethics of labor and civil relations. The student masters the minimum necessary for life in modern society skills of social activity and functional literacy.
  3. Information competence. With the help of real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, computer, printer) and information technologies (audio and video recording, e-mail, media, Internet), the ability to independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit is formed. her. This competence provides the student with the skills to interact with information contained in academic subjects and educational areas, as well as in the surrounding world.
  4. Communicative competence includes knowledge of the necessary languages, ways of interacting with surrounding and distant people and events, and skills of working in a group. Mastery of various social roles in a team. The student must be able to introduce himself, write a letter, questionnaire, application, ask a question, lead a discussion, etc. In order to master this competence in the educational process, the necessary and sufficient number of communication objects and ways of working with them are recorded for a student at each level of education within each subject or educational field being studied.
  5. Value-semantic competence. This is a competence in the field of worldview associated with the student’s value ideas, his ability to see and understand the world around him, navigate it, realize his role and purpose, be able to choose goals and meaning for his actions and actions, and make decisions. This competence provides a mechanism for student self-determination in situations of educational and other activities. The individual educational trajectory of the student and the program of his life as a whole depend on it.
  6. Educational and cognitive competence is a set of student competencies in the field of independent cognitive activity, including elements of logical, methodological, general educational activity, correlated with real cognizable objects. This includes knowledge and skills of goal setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities. The student masters creative skills of productive activity: obtaining knowledge directly from reality, mastering methods of action in non-standard situations, heuristic methods of solving problems. Within the framework of this competence, the requirements of appropriate functional literacy are determined: the ability to distinguish facts from speculation, mastery of measurement skills, the use of probabilistic, statistical and other methods of cognition.
  7. Personal self-determination - knowledge about a person, his inner world, relationships, about one’s own mental qualities, capabilities, abilities, values, goals, ideals.

The basis and guarantee of the formation of the above-mentioned competencies of students is the process of intensifying educational and cognitive activity in history and social studies classes. In a technological sense cognitive activity is ensured through:

  • introduction of effective pedagogical technologies;
  • constant use of interdisciplinary connections that increase the scientific level of education;
  • use of information and communication technologies;
  • organizing the process of personal understanding of historical experience.

One of the conditions is the introduction of modern pedagogical technologies, including interactive ones. Interactive technologies have a number of features that make it possible to use them quite effectively in the learning process: they organize the process of acquiring new experience and sharing existing ones, make the most of the personal experience of each participant, use social modeling, are based on an atmosphere of cooperation, respect for everyone’s opinion, free choice of personal decisions .

SVE students need to not only be given information, but also taught how to obtain it themselves. This can be achieved with the help of modern technologies. The use of these technologies makes it possible to expand the educational process, develop personal qualities students and switch to more effective learning. At its core, pedagogical technologies are a set of methods, methods, techniques, operations under the interaction of participants creating conditions for development pedagogical process and presupposing a certain development result. Modern technologies are aimed at the individual’s abilities for research and educational activities, motivation for the educational process, and its holistic development.

To implement modern tasks you need to have a variety of techniques and methods. In pedagogy, there are many classifications of pedagogical technologies (G.K. Selevko, V.T. Fomenko, T.M. Davydenko). The most interesting techniques from the point of view of teaching history can be identified:

  • problem-based learning (using facts that cause surprise, situations that do not correspond to scientific facts, etc.);
  • information and communication technologies (use of presentations, texts, maps, portraits, video clips);
  • technology for the development of “critical thinking” (three stages: challenge, comprehension, reflection);
  • collaborative learning (work in groups);
  • design and research methods.

The use of these methods in teaching allows us to train students to think critically and meet the requirements modern world, express and defend your own point of view.

Let me give you one of the technologies that I used in the lesson, for example, collaborative learning (Group work):

Topic: “Political portrait of M.S. Gorbachev"

Perestroika is an urgent need that has grown out of the deep processes of development of our society

  • consider some directions of reforms of M. S. Gorbachev;
  • assess the political activities of M.S. Gorbachev;
  • develop oral speech, promote the formation of a culture of controversy;
  • contribute to the formation of citizenship.

Educational task: What is the historical significance of the reforms and transformations of M.S. Gorbachev?

Lesson type: lesson - discussion.

Lesson preparation: Preparatory work - students are divided into three conditional groups:
supporters, opponents, experts.

Tasks for working groups:

Gorbachev's supporters: using media materials, textbooks, discussions with parents, select facts that positively characterize M. S. Gorbachev as a politician and reformer.

Opponents of Gorbachev: find facts reflecting the negative features and consequences of M.S.’s activities. Gorbachev.

For experts: After listening to different points of view, draw conclusions and make a conclusion.

Students' opinions following the discussion.

I think that it is really necessary to have a very strong character to reconsider their views and try to move away from the socialist orientation. On his initiative, Article 6 of the USSR Constitution on the leading and guiding role of the CPSU was repealed and a course was taken towards a multi-party system

I believe that Gorbachev’s actions were facilitated by the situation in the world. It was impossible to remain in confrontation throughout the world. And in economic terms, it was possible to get out of the crisis only through integration with the West. The result of the foreign policy course of the Soviet leadership was the elimination of the bipolar system of international relations.

In my opinion, Gorbachev mistakenly thought that the West would help us overcome the crisis. Will help with finances. Therefore, many unilateral agreements were adopted. Withdrew troops from Western Europe, from Afghanistan. I can’t say that I’m right, but I believe that it was Gorbachev’s steps in foreign policy that led to the fact that the West stopped taking our country into account. Gorbachev put forward the idea of ​​“bringing worlds closer together.” Today we see that the USA and the West are ready to do anything to expand their sphere of influence (Bombings in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Serbia, etc.)

Gorbachev is a great politician of the twentieth century. The rapprochement of two worlds is his main merit. In 1991 Gorbachev was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. I consider him the most powerful reformer of the twentieth century, since only a strong personality can destroy a system that has developed over decades. His opinion was taken into account in world politics.


During the discussion, we examined some areas of M. S. Gorbachev’s reforms. The historical achievement of his policy is the beginnings of glasnost and democracy, without which we were simply suffocating. This is not only a more or less clear recognition of the social impasse where we have reached by the end of the century.

Today, a lot depends on ourselves, no matter what words we brand our state. The most positive things that Gorbachev brought were openness, democracy, and the principle of the priority of universal human values. Of course, this did not require the collapse of the economy, new suffering, humiliation and even blood, but it also excluded real threat return to the old order. During the period of perestroika, our country stood at a fork in the road: to the left - a decisive but smart deepening of democratization in all spheres of public life, to the right - a return to the old authoritarian-administrative order.

Then students are asked homework- Essays: (at the student’s choice)

  1. “Is Gorbachev a great reformer?” (Assessment of the activities of M.S. Gorbachev. 2-3 pages).
  2. “National policy and its consequences” (1-2 pp.),
  3. The policy of “new thinking”: results, consequences, evaluation. This work is the result of understanding and comprehension of the proposed topic and is convenient in that students free form express their thoughts and opinions.

Thus, working with modern educational technologies significantly increases the motivation of the educational and cognitive process, significantly expands the possibilities of presenting educational information, allows you to create the necessary conditions for students to implement various types of educational activities, develops their creative activity. Innovative technologies occupy a special place in education reform; they play a decisive role in the formation of a competitive specialist, a professional who is able to adapt flexibly in the changing conditions of market relations.


  1. Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. M., Pedagogy 1989
  2. Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies. Yaroslavl, 1998.
  3. Semushina L.G. Yaroshenko N.G. Contents and technologies of training in secondary special education educational institutions M., 2001
  4. Shchepotin A.F., Fedorov V.D.. Modern teaching technologies in vocational education. M., 2005.

Formation of key competencies through use

modern educational technologies

Davydova O.F.

primary school teacher

KSU "Verkh-Ubinskaya comprehensive educational

high school"

N. Nazarbayev in his Address to the people of Kazakhstan “Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of development of Kazakhstan” set a specific task for the adoption of a five-year National Action Plan for the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren.

The foundations of functional literacy are laid in primary school where intensive training takes place various types speech activity- writing and reading, speaking and listening. The main features of a functionally literate person are: he is an independent person, knowledgeable and able to live among people, possessing certain qualities, which are called general educational skills or key competencies.

If we are guided by the theory of the key competencies of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences A.V. Khutorskoy, then the main ones that a teacher develops in elementary school are educational-cognitive, informational, communication and self-management.

    Educational and cognitive competencies :
    set a goal and organize its achievement, be able to explain your goal;
    organize planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of one’s educational and cognitive activities;
    ask questions to observed facts, look for the causes of phenomena, indicate your understanding or misunderstanding in relation to the problem being studied;
    set cognitive tasks and put forward hypotheses; choose the conditions for conducting an observation or experiment, describe the results, formulate conclusions;
    speak orally and in writing about the results of your research;
    have experience in perceiving the picture of the world.

    Information competencies :
    have the skills to work with various sources information: books, textbooks, reference books, Internet;
    independently search, extract, systematize, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, transform, save and transmit it;
    navigate information flows, be able to highlight the main and necessary things in them;
    master the skills of using information devices;
    apply information and telecommunication technologies to solve educational problems: audio and video recording, e-mail, Internet.

    Communication competencies :
    be able to introduce yourself orally and in writing, write a questionnaire, letter, congratulation;
    be able to represent your class, school, country;
    own ways of interacting with people around you; give an oral presentation, be able to ask a question, conduct correctly educational dialogue;
    own different types speech activity (monologue, dialogue, reading, writing);
    master the ways joint activities in a group, methods of action in communication situations; skills to seek and find compromises;
    have positive communication skills in society, based on knowledge of the historical roots and traditions of various national communities and social groups.

    Self-management :

      ability to manage oneself;

      problem solving skills;

      have knowledge and experience in fulfilling typical social roles: student, citizen;

      be able to act in everyday situations in the family and everyday sphere; possess effective ways of organizing study and free time;

To develop key competencies I use modern technologies organization of the educational process: technology of project-based learning; development of critical thinking.

Project technologies are based on the project method, which is aimed at developing students’ cognitive skills. Working on a project allows you to independently obtain knowledge, exchange, and develop information and communication skills. The development of the project takes place in several stages.

Stage I: “Immersion” in the problem.

Stage II: Collection and processing of information.

Stage III: Development of your own solution to the problem:

    the relevance and importance of this problem;

    analysis of various information;

    action program;

    development of an implementation option for your program.

Stage IV: Implementation of the action plan.

Stage V: Preparation for project defense:

    present the project at a conference;

    draw up a portfolio;

    prepare defense;

    develop an electronic presentation.

Stage VI: Presentation of the project. Most often, my students present their project defense in the form of a defense report, dramatization, or electronic presentation.

Stage VII: Reflection (self-analysis and self-assessment of the work done, your impressions).

In the 2013-14 school year, my students took part in a regional project defense competition. The following topics were presented: “My Family”, “Dinosaurs”, “Encyclopedia of the Word “Friendship””, “Dusya the Guinea Pig”.

The goal of critical thinking technology is the development of students’ intellectual skills, which are necessary not only in school, but also in everyday life - the ability to make informed decisions, work with information, and analyze various aspects of phenomena.

The development of critical thinking skills allows you to find your own educational route both when studying individual topics, solving individual issues, and for solving the problems of education in general: developing the ability for self-realization and further self-education.

This technology solves the issue of developing a communicative culture. In the process of work, the student understands the value of his work, feels his unity with others and the significance of his work. During communication it goes constant process self-esteem, the need for correct argumentation of one’s opinion is realized, and motivation for learning increases.

Critical thinking begins with asking questions and understanding the problems that need to be solved.

It is structured as follows: statement – ​​proof – conclusion.

Critical thinking is a step towards active, creative methods.
In this regard, I set the following goals for students:
1. Think critically.

2. Take responsibility for your own learning.

3. Work together.

The technology is based on a basic model consisting of three phases:

Phase I - Challenge (awakening existing knowledge and interest in obtaining new information)

Phase II - Understanding the content (obtaining new information)

Phase III - Reflection (comprehension, birth of new knowledge).

In the course of studying and applying critical thinking strategies and techniques in elementary school lessons, I identified the most appropriate ones for each phase of the lesson.

I.Call stage:

"Mystery". The topic of the lesson is encrypted in the form of a riddle or rebus.

"Brainstorm". Students can express any opinion that will help find a way out of a difficult situation. All proposals put forward are recorded

“Table of “thick” and “thin” questions.”

On the left side of the table are simple (“fine”) questions,

on the right are questions that require a more complex, detailed answer.

“Yes - no.” The teacher will read statements related to the topic of the lesson, students will write down answers in the form: “yes” or “no”.

"Problematic issue." The lesson begins with a question written on the board. Students receive the answer to this question during the lesson.

"Confused logical chains"

The teacher offers students a series of statements, some of which are true and some of which are false. Students work individually, read the text, mark the mixed up chains. Discuss their results, clarify, correct.

"Basket of Ideas"

II.Comprehension stage: marking table, mutual questioning and mutual teaching, “Reading with notes” technique.

"Cluster". The information of any concept, phenomenon, event described in the text is systematized in the form of clusters (bunches). In the center is the key concept. Students logically connect subsequent associations with the key concept. The result is something like a reference summary on the topic being studied.

III. Reflection stage:

“Cinquain,” translated from French, is a five-line poem that requires a synthesis of information and material in concise terms.

Sinkwine can be offered as an individual independent task; for working in pairs; less often as collective creativity. Experience shows that Sinkwine can be useful as:
1) a tool for synthesizing complex information;
2) a method for assessing students’ conceptual knowledge;
3) means of developing creative expressiveness.

Advantages of this technology:

1. Work in pairs and in a small group activates the intellectual potential of students, significantly expanding their lexicon;

2. Collaboration promotes better understanding difficult, information-rich text;

3. There is the possibility of repetition and assimilation of the material;

4. A greater depth of understanding appears, a new, even more interesting thought arises;

5. Curiosity and observation are heightened;

6. Students learn to listen to each other, are responsible for a joint way of knowing;

7. During the discussion, several interpretations of the same content are revealed, and this once again works for understanding;

8. The fear of the white sheet of paper and the audience disappears;

9. An opportunity is provided to grow in the eyes of classmates and teachers, to dispel stereotypes of perception of a particular child, and to increase self-esteem.

10. Develops a positive attitude towards tasks of a creative and problem-search nature.
11. Students learn to reflect on their activities and develop a communicative culture.

So, key competencies are being formed, If:

· teaching technologies are used that are based on activity;

· the educational process is oriented towards the development of independence and responsibility of the student for the results of his activities;

· conditions are created for gaining experience and achieving goals;

· The teacher skillfully manages the learning and activities of students.


1. Pedagogical technologies: tutorial for students of pedagogical specialties / edited by V. S. Kukunin. – M.: ICC “Mart”: – Rostov n/D, 2006.
2. Shchurkova N. E.. Classroom management: game techniques. – M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2002, – 224 p.
3. Khutorskoy A.V. Article “Technology for designing key competencies and subject competencies.” // Internet magazine "Eidos".
4. Ivanov D. A., Mitrofanov K. G., Sokolova O. V. Competence-based approach in education. Problems, concepts, tools. Educational and methodological manual. – M.: APK and PRO, 2003. – 101