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A rustling musical instrument, a craft for kindergarten. DIY musical toys. Wind chime bells

How to do musical instruments with your own hands in order to distract the child from the tablet, cartoons and just have fun together.

Homemade children's musical instruments are a great way to engage your child in a never-ending game. It doesn’t matter whether he constructs a musical instrument with his own hands together with you or not. The fantasy that comes into play the moment you start making musical instruments from what you have at hand helps you see the world differently.

What can I say if once upon a time a bowl was a drum? Studying music is very important For intellectual development child, so below is a list of 10 ways to create homemade children's musical instruments.

Children are often in love with music and sounds even before birth. They always react to her and jump from the sound of daddy's kisses while in their tummy.

Parents, in turn, often try to reinforce a love of all things musical, including dancing, songs and sounds. One of the best ways Homemade musical instruments with your own hands can help achieve the goal, so if you are also looking for ways to instill musicality in your child, this is the place for you.

A musical instrument does not have to be cool and expensive, why we can all appreciate homemade options. A thousand ways to recycle what you don't need and use craft supplies for DIY musical instrument crafts for kids takes you one step closer to an instrumental family party!

Whisk - maracas

If you have a couple of extra whisks lying around, you can quickly transform them into maracas. You just need to find a couple of bells and string them on a wire and attach them inside the whisk. You can even make maracas with different sounds by choosing different sized whisks or bells.

Rubber rope - guitar

The craft couldn’t be simpler: an old empty box and rubber bands. The more colorful the gum, the merrier. The thickness of the rubber band changes its sound - so try it out and decide on your own ballad.


What child doesn't love to knock on things?! We certainly don't want broken glass tops or broken appliances. Thus, perfect solution- metal jars for spices. If you hit all the covers at once, the sound is “gorgeous”, but, fortunately, not very deafening.

Rattlers and noisemakers

Again about metal cans. Fill one side with nuts and/or beans, close with the second jar, and tie with an elastic band. You can also use plastic Easter eggs.

You can also make a children's musical instrument, a rattle, using a large oatmeal container. Just secure the lid with rubber bands so that the sound does not deteriorate and the contents do not fall out. If you decorate the box beautifully, it can even be used at some school parade.

Drum set

If you just need to rattle, take an old tin and some kitchen appliance, which can be used to slide along the edges of the can. If the eye fell on a more complex music device, using sticks, cans and brackets, make a complete drum kit (just make sure all the sharp edges are sanded down or capped).


Wooden, metal or water in glasses - xylophones are different, and their sound even more so.

The simplest type of xylophone is glasses filled with water and the technique of sliding your finger along the rim. More complex ones include options for making a wooden xylophone, but the Internet has a million tips for any level of complexity.

Home outdoor play areas

Some people spend a fortune creating a mini orchestra at home, but it doesn't have to be that big or expensive. Stretch several ropes in the yard, hang rattles, noisemakers, maracas on them, and place large “drums” nearby. The neighbors are guaranteed a rock concert.

rattle drum

This homemade musical instrument made from pink striped socks is perfection. This is a rattle drum. For kids - a great introduction to the world of music, and even funny toy for older children. You just need to look around the house for a few things: a piece of hard cardboard and some twine, and you can make your own tool in a fun and easy way.

Clapping sticks

Simple poppers made from sticks for stirring paint. This is not only a tool, but also an art project for your little ones. Plus, funny and easy way reuse paint stir sticks.


Castanets are Carmen's noise musical instrument that creates a clicking sound. This sound is somewhat reminiscent of the clicking sound of a rider when he urges his horse forward.

Castanets made from coconut halves are no worse than the original ones. Plus they are super cute and easy for little ones to use. Great way get to know new sounds and feel like a Spaniard for a minute..

A tambourine is a percussion musical instrument of indefinite pitch.

Your child can easily make this rainbow craft using: a paper plate, paints, cotton balls, glue and clothespins.

An original introduction to musical instruments for kids.

Pipe made from tubes

The flute is a folk musical instrument in the form of a pipe made of wood or reed. Using straws, your child can build such a musical instrument.

For this you will need: tubes different lengths, scissors, tape and thick tape to wrap the tubes. A little effort and the tool is ready.

We hope the article was useful to you and now you know how you can give old things a second life.

Your child, having made a musical instrument on his own, will demonstrate strengths creative and intellectual thinking.

A huge contribution to the development of children is made within the walls kindergarten. And an important component of it is music. In music classes, preschoolers learn to recognize sounds, sing and dance, and learn about new musical instruments. Returning to the group, they most often go about their own business: draw, play with dolls or cars, assemble pyramids or construction sets. But why don't you make your own musical instruments for kindergarten? Children will be able to play in a real instrumental ensemble, and at the same time develop their own skills.

A little theory about homemade musical instruments

The process of creating musical instruments with your own hands is quite painstaking and sometimes requires materials that are not quite usual for a kindergarten: plastic bottles, cans, rubber bands for money, buttons and so on. Involve your parents - there are probably similar things in every home that are no longer needed. Explain that the children will develop creatively in the process of needlework and then they will brag about their inventions at the next matinee.

Here are the main points to consider:

  • The sounds produced by homemade musical instruments most often have nothing in common with those produced by real ones. Your task is to show that it is possible to extract different sounds from available means. You will improvise. AND appearance It wouldn’t hurt to hand over real instruments either: decor, shape, accessories like a shoulder strap.
  • Toys made from improvised materials often break. DIY musical instruments for kindergarten are no exception. Immediately tell the children about the fragility of the products, their special value for your group (after all, they will remain as a memory of each of the kindergarten students).
  • All materials must be hypoallergenic and safe.
  • Try to come up with tools that a child could make on his own, especially when it comes to preparatory group. It is also better to define the concept initially: these will be the same products for each child, or preschoolers will make instruments in groups with their own hands - each group will have their own instrument.

Playing music and playing it, even in this form, will benefit children. Perhaps some of them will discover real talent or will awaken a desire to enroll in a school after kindergarten and then seriously pursue their passion there.

DIY musical instruments for kindergarten

Here are several small master classes on creating interesting and unique musical instruments. You'll see, everything ingenious is very simple.


Any metal or plastic can that is hollow inside can become a drum. You are unlikely to find such children in kindergarten. But you can ask your parents to bring old plastic jars for mayonnaise, jam or shish kebab. For a variety of sounds, you can also take cans different sizes and wall thickness.

Absolutely any will also work as sticks. It is important that the tree (if you choose it) cannot injure children’s hands, that is, it should be coated with a special varnish. For example, chopsticks intended for eating Japanese dishes can play this role.

Wooden xylophone

DIY musical instruments for kindergarten are made from the most different materials! If you have extra plinth, you can even make a tool out of it. It is enough to cut it into equal sections 10-15 cm long and screw it loosely to the base daughter with screws. The base must be treated so that children do not get splinters. The plinth pieces are placed in the same position one below the other.

To extract sound from this handmade musical instrument, a child moves any wooden stick from top to bottom. The more solid the stick, the louder and richer the sound will be produced.


The basis can be shoe box, in the lid of which a circle is carefully cut out slightly offset from the center. Rubber bands for money are wrapped around it or screwed so that all the “strings” pass over the hole. To prevent the rubber bands from lying on the surface and making sound, they need to be supported with something.

A pencil can serve as a support. However, if you want to raise the “strings” higher, then it is better to make a triangular structure with your own hands, because, as you know, it is the most reliable. Now you can play.


This wind instrument is made from ordinary straws, which are usually offered to children for drinks. It is better not to take those tubes that are attached to juices, since they are small and have a spring for bending in the most inappropriate place. And so, take several tubes of the same diameter (they can be replaced with anything: “cases” for pens, balloon sticks, etc.).

Then, from one of the edges, the second tube is sawed off from below by 1-1.5 cm. The third tube is sawed off to double the distance. Each subsequent one is sawn off in the same way so that a kind of uniform ladder is obtained. Then take a wide tape and place the tubes on it exactly along the edge, one next to the other. Then you need to tape it on the back side.

If your musical instrument is large, then it is better to first cover 2-3 tubes separately with small tape, and only then all together. The lower holes of the musical instrument with your own hands for kindergarten need to be closed. This can be done with plasticine, cut pieces of eraser, or even chewing gum.

Analogue of a triangle

To recreate the subtle sound of a metal stick touching another metal object suspended in the air, you can take an idea from this musical instrument. To make it, you will need 2 metal tubes, one of which will be suspended from any improvised handle by strong threads. The other child will hit and make a pleasant sound.


To make your own maracas for kindergarten, any hollow oblong container that can be filled with granules, cereals or larger objects can be suitable. The easiest option is to take a simple pencil, pierce it through a plastic egg from Kinder Surprise and secure it. Peas or rice are placed inside, depending on the desired sound output.

Another option is 0.5 ml plastic bottles. You can put unnecessary buttons or the same cereal inside. Of course, to make the musical instrument realistic, the bottles should be painted, it is better acrylic paint to be sure. You can do something different with filled plastic eggs: take small plastic spoons and place them on both sides so that the tips of the base touch. In principle, spoons can be placed on glue, but for beauty, they can be covered with colored tape around the perimeter.

The musical instruments that children make for kindergarten with their own hands will allow them to learn to improvise with sounds and understand the world through play. After all, even in a store, children are more attracted to those toys that can make some sounds, words, or light up. Remember that almost everything that surrounds us can become a musical instrument.

For example, let's take a regular empty cardboard box. It is enough to knock on it with your hands or sticks - and it is already a drum. Anything that can be filled with something and moved from side to side is a potential maracas. DIY musical instruments for kindergarten are a potential source of individual sounds for staging fairy tales. Loud knocking - thunderclap or roar wild beast. The paper rustles - it's the wind blowing or falling autumn leaves. Music is all around us.

DIY musical noise instruments.

Author: Markova Ruslana Pavlovna. Musical director of the Children's Preschool Educational Institution "Skazka" in the village of Trostyanka, Balashovsky district, Saratov region.
Description: This master class will be useful for teachers preschool education and parents. Designed for older children preschool age.
Target: training master class participants in the use of noise musical instruments in working with preschool children.
Introduce master class participants to the methods of making noise musical instruments;
To introduce the methods and techniques of using noise musical instruments in Everyday life;
To increase level professional competence most teachers, as well as parents, their motivation for systematic use in practice.

plastic bottles (I took a bottle from children's champagne and a small bottle from mineral water), cardboard box medicine, colored paper, corrugated paper, scissors, pencil, compass, A4 paper, felt-tip pens, buckwheat, peas, salt, strong-hold PVA glue, silicone gun glue.

Today we will make three musical noise instruments at once - a large “herringbone rattle” maracas from a plastic bottle of children’s champagne, a small “musical daisy” maracas from a small plastic bottle, and a bright rainbow “rustle” from a medicine box.
Let's start making the first musical instrument.
1. Cut long enough strips (the length or number depends on the size plastic bottles) seven centimeters wide in one color and nine centimeters in another color. We make moth-shaped cuts on one side.

2.Glue the strips to each other at the bottom of the base.

3. While our strips are drying, we cut another strip about five centimeters wide for the neck. On one side, make moth-shaped cuts about twenty centimeters long.

4. Having smeared the strips at the base with glue, first glue the neck with a spiral movement, then, starting from the bottom of the bottle, the main part. I ended up with several strips, which made it easier to glue.

And so, while our product is drying, we begin to make the second musical instrument - the “musical daisy”.
5. Cut a long green strip, 4-5 centimeters wide. corrugated paper. Let me explain why corrugated paper - it is much softer than plain paper, and fits better on the topography of the bottle. Apply glue to the strip and cover the bottle.

We send our bottle to dry, and begin making the “hornet”.
6. Cut multi-colored strips of 3-5 centimeters from colored paper and two squares, for the back of the box, the squares should be slightly larger, with small cuts on the corners for folding.

glue on one side back side deafly, without the ability to open, on the other we glue it so that our “hornet” opens in order to pour cereal there.

7. Now we paste over the strips, cutting off the excess along the edges.

Our bottles have already dried up, and we are returning to the “musical daisy”
8. On A4 paper, using a compass, draw a circle with a diameter of 13-14 centimeters.

9. Divide the circle first into four equal parts, then into eight.

10. Draw round petals.

11. Outline the neck of the bottle, making the middle of a chamomile.

12.Cut out the daisy. We don’t cut out the middle, but make cuts along the lines.

13. We tint our blanks either with felt-tip pens or paints.

14. We put the whisks on the bottle, and you can pour the cereal into our tools.

15.The last stage in the manufacture of musical instruments.
We take a piece of yellow lining material, place a bottle cap on the piece, drip heated gun glue inside the cap and glue the edges of the material inside the cap.

Screw on the lids and our musical noise instruments are READY!

And now you just need to play: the children stand in a circle, take for example the instrument that Vanya made, sing a simple song “play, play, and pass it on to someone else,” we pass the instrument to each other until all the children have played.
"Tsikki-tasy, tsyki-tasy! –
MARACAS have come to life. –
You won't find it now
No one is more mobile than us!
We are not silent for a minute -
We're all banging our heads!
We will play tango for you
About the country where mangoes ripen!
Dance, amigo maracas!
Tsikki-tasy, tsyki-tasy!"

In order to make children's musical instruments, you need to have courage. After all, if such objects fall into children’s hands, they will become a source of sound that is far from harmony. However, no parent will doubt that such toys are very useful for developing a sense of rhythm and hearing. Not to mention the joy that a home orchestra will bring to your child.

Making the “Sound of Rain” instrument

If you decide to make musical instruments with your own hands, then you should start simple. This will be the “sound of rain,” which is also called the “staff of rain.” This percussion instrument was once made by Latin Americans from cactus stems, which were initially very audible. The instrument was used in shamanic rituals that were aimed at causing rain.

Preparation of materials

It is quite easy to make such musical instruments with your own hands; in the end you will be able to obtain a sound that resembles the sound of rain. To carry out the work you should prepare:

  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • cereal;
  • colored tape;
  • foil tube;
  • toothpicks;
  • glue;
  • cardboard.

You can use a baking paper tube instead of a foil tube. Rice or millet are perfect for cereal. To decorate the instrument, you can use not only colored tape, but also other materials.

Features of the work

Musical instruments are often made by loving parents with their own hands. One of the first ones is usually the “sound of rain”, since it is quite simple to make. Holes should be made in the foil tube using an awl, arranging them in a spiral. The more holes you can make, the more the sound of the instrument will resemble the sound of rain.

Toothpicks are inserted into the holes, which can be secured with drops of glue. Using wire cutters or scissors, you can quite easily cut off the excess ends of the toothpicks. One end of the tube should be covered with a cardboard circle, and then secure the structure with tape.

It is very easy to make a musical instrument with your own hands from scrap materials; for this, several spoons of cereal are poured into the tube, only after which you can close the end with your palm to check the sound. You can experiment which sound - buckwheat, rice and millet - you like more. The amount of cereal should be determined empirically, it will depend on the size of the pipe.

Instead of cereals, you can use small beads and seed beads. As soon as a suitable sound can be found, the second end of the tube must be covered with a cardboard circle and secured with tape. When such musical instruments are made with your own hands, final stage It is important to decorate them beautifully. These works are carried out at will. You can stick on an applique, make decoupage, or decorate the ends with cords and ribbons, crocheted. One of the most practical options will become colored tape.

Making drums, tambourines and rattles

DIY musical instruments for children in the form of drums can be made from mayonnaise jars. They are decorated with color pictures. Holes should be made on the sides for threading the rope. You can use any drumsticks made of plastic or wood. The latter should be made independently if the men in the house have skills in working with wood.

To make tambourines, you can use dry cans. Holes are made in the sides, bells are inserted, which can be purchased at sewing accessories departments, and then the product is decorated using decoupage or appliqué. If you need musical instruments, you can make them yourself for kindergarten. The most common are rattles. Plastic or metal bottles for coffee, yogurt, ketchup or other products are suitable for them. The filling can be any cereal, beads, as well as buttons of different sizes.

Making a pipe

The pipe can be made from materials that you can find while relaxing in nature. Reeds, reeds, and birch bark are suitable for this. You can use any other tubular plants, dense leaves or bark. The tube should be left until it dries, then a platform is made in it using a knife and a small rectangle is cut out.

You will need to cut a rectangle from birch bark, making one end thinner. Afterwards, it is secured to the tube with tape and bent slightly. If you wish, you can make a few more holes. This option is not the only one that can be used to make a pipe. A cocktail straw is perfect for this.

The one that has an accordion can be used as a base. The smaller part should be flattened, and then pieces of the upper part should be cut off with scissors. The result should be an angle. It should not be too small or large, otherwise the pipe will not sound.

Making castanets

Many parents today make their own musical instruments for kindergarten. These could be castanets, which will require coins. For this Spanish tool, you need to cut out 4 rectangles from cardboard, each measuring 6x14 cm. Two rectangles should be 6x3.5 cm.

This type of noise musical instrument is also made with your own hands using glue and four large coins. Large rectangles need to be folded in half and glued in pairs. From small strips you should glue a ring for thumb. Inside the rectangle, for each opposite side, you need to glue a coin, 1 cm away from the edge. When the cardboard castanets are folded, the coins should touch, creating a peculiar sound.

Percussion instruments

You can make another model of a children's drum using:

  • ceramic 14 cm pot;
  • balloons;
  • plasticine;
  • sushi sticks.

You need to cut off the neck of the ball and pull it onto the pot. The hole at the bottom of the pot is closed with plasticine. At this point we can assume that the drum is ready. All that remains is to make the sticks. Sushi sticks are perfect for them; at the end of each of them you should attach a ball of plasticine, which is pre-frozen. From hot air balloon cut off Bottom part, which should be pulled onto a plasticine ball. An elastic band from the top of the ball tightens this structure.

Tools from scrap materials

You can get very unusual sounds if you make a musical instrument with your own hands. It could be a musical slingshot. To do this, select a tree branch of the appropriate shape, which must be well sanded. For safety and long service life, you can coat it with varnish. Holes are drilled in two opposite ends of the slingshot, between which a thread with elements attached to it, borrowed from an old baby rattle, will be stretched. These can also be purchased at a hardware store.

You can make a ratchet from nut shells. To do this, prepare two wooden or plastic sticks, between which a strong thread is stretched in several rows. First, you should put pistachio nut shells on it, which are strengthened with knots.

You can also make a musical instrument with your own hands with unusual sounds from a small water bottle. Dried thin branches and cereals, which can be rice, are placed inside it. As a result, it is possible to achieve versatility in sound. If you design such a bottle, it can be turned into real maracas. For this, you can use containers from Kinder Surprises, which are pre-filled with cereal or other small items.

By making children's musical instruments with your own hands, you can make ringing bracelets. To do this, metal bells are purchased at a hardware store, which should be sewn to a pre-made fabric bracelet. It will be held on your hand with Velcro.

One of the most simple solutions is a noisemaker stick. To do this, you should prepare a wooden blank on which you need to fix ropes with plastic bottle caps fixed at their ends. Additionally, you can use the same bells.


You can also make your own musical instruments for the garden. Lids from plastic cans are quite suitable for this; they are secured with glue to a strip of corrugated cardboard, folded in half at the end. To obtain sound, the covers must be aligned with each other, which will produce impact noise.

Homemade toys for the music corner

When a competition was announced in kindergarten for the best design of a musical area in a group, the need arose to make flat, homemade musical instruments. I thought for a long time about what to make them from, so that they would be durable, light, comfortable for children and easy to make.

I cut the balalaikas out of plywood, covered them with self-adhesive tape and decorated them with appliques made of colored paper. I sealed everything on top with tape for strength.

But I cut out the accordions from thick cardboard. I covered the fur with colored fabric, drew the fold lines with a marker, and the rest was paper appliqué. For strength, I also sealed the entire toy with tape. It’s a pity that I didn’t have a camera with me during production, but I can show you the result of my labors. The regional competition commission really liked the crafts, and the children were delighted too. Take a look too.

5. Musical toys:

These are toys that imitate musical instruments in shape and musical sound: children's balalaikas, metallophones, xylophones, organs, accordions, drums, rattles, pipes, bagpipes, music boxes (including electronic ones), etc.;

story toys with a musical device (piano, grand piano), sets of bells, bells, gaming devices for listening to music recordings;

They differ in their sound characteristics and elegant design.

Their meaning:

intended for the development of musical ear;

used in classes, holidays, entertainment, in independent games, in musical didactic games;

the child subordinates his movements to rhythm;

musical ear and sense of rhythm are improved.


high quality workmanship;

aesthetic design;

When designing and selecting a musical toy, it is especially important to take into account the age capabilities and developed skills of children.

6. Theatrical toys:

bibabo dolls, marionette dolls;

sets of plot figures for acting out scenes based on fairy tales, dramatizations;

costumes and costume elements, attributes, scenery elements, masks, props, etc.;

all types of theaters.

Their meaning:

used in children's theaters when organizing theatrical games, entertainment at holidays, when conducting educational story games and in children's independent play, including elements of theatricalization, when staging performances, and in entertainment;

are not items of everyday use;

preserve for the child an atmosphere of festivity and emotional elation.

make children want to remember and play back their content;

Playing a role with the help of such a toy develops in a preschooler the expressiveness of speech, facial expressions, and pantomimes, and stimulates the development of theatrical and speech abilities.

Basic requirements for a musical toy:

semantic, emotional and sculptural expressiveness;

high artistic performance;

ease of use in children’s independent and joint activities;

completeness of thematic sets and series;

the scale of theatrical devices to the play action and theatrical characters (puppets).

There is no more fun and exciting activity for a child than playing a musical instrument made with his own hands. You can even make an instrument using paper appliqué. It will be interesting for both you and the child.

To create an instrument with bells you will need:

    strap 22 cm long;

    22 cm plain tape;

    4 cm Velcro;

    4 medium bells;

    needles and threads.

Fold the top end of the strap 1.25 cm and stitch it using a sewing machine. Stitches are best done in a zigzag shape.

Then place the ribbon on top and pin it to the strap. Then sew on the ribbon and stitch two pieces of Velcro to the strap so that it can then be fastened around the wrist. To do this, one part of the Velcro should be on outside, and the second - on the inside.

Now sew the bells to the strap. Please note that the edges of the bell may be quite sharp. To prevent them from injuring your child, fold the edges inward.

It is better to make two instruments at once so that playing them is more rhythmic.

Now you need to make sticks to play on your instrument. For this you need:

    wooden sticks;


    acrylic paint;

    polyurethane varnish;

    paper tape.

Cover one pair of sticks with paper tape, and paint the second pair with paint.

Until the paints dry, the sticks should be held vertically. And then you can put the sticks on a horizontal surface and paint them with other colors.

Having armed the kids with such sticks and instruments, you can found a new musical group.

You can add other masterpieces to this collection of musical instruments. The main thing is don’t be afraid to fantasize.

Homemade whistle from a branch


Nowadays, if you want to give a gift to your child, you just need to go to a toy store - and there it is, a huge variety of everything you can imagine, for all ages and tastes.

It was harder for our ancestors. To please a child, one often had to make do with simple homemade toys. But each of these homemade toys was a truly brilliant invention.

Whatever one may say, if you trace the history of the development of any of the most sophisticated modern branded toys, you will certainly be convinced that its origins lie in some ancient “wooden” craft, as simple as it is ingenious.

Like everything ingenious, ancient toys do not age and can always compete with their most successful descendants.

I remember once at the dacha I made my little son a simple wooden whistle, which my father taught me to make in my early childhood. And you should have seen what a line of his friends immediately lined up for me asking me to make the same for them. And my son’s place in the hierarchy of the boys’ pack rose sharply.

So you shouldn’t neglect the rich experience of your ancestors and rely on modern technologies. An unpretentious and simple toy that brought joy to many generations of our ancestors is still capable of bringing happiness to our children. And, believe me, no less happiness than an expensive branded toy from supermarkets.

And to make sure of this, we will now try to make with you the most simple wooden whistle. With your own hands, in the presence of a child. And we’ll even let him take part in the process a little. Believe me, for him to watch the process of the birth of a toy will be a real miracle!

So, we need an even willow twig, 7-10 millimeters thick. Why willow? Because you can very easily remove the bark from a willow twig without damaging it. And this, as we will see later, is very important for us.

In addition, willow is a plant with brittle branches, which means you don’t have to spoil a living plant. It is enough just to take a walk under a willow tree after a fresh breeze to collect a bunch of branches, exactly what we need.

We select a branch with intact and even bark (this is very important condition), if possible, without knots. Now we need to find a flat section 4-7 centimeters long on this branch. There may be buds in this area (this is common for willow), but in no case should there be any knots.

Now we cut the branch along the border of a flat area. At the other end of the section we make a circular cut, as shown in Figure 1. The cut should be deep enough and lightly (just lightly) cling to the wood. To make sure that the entire layer of bark is really cut through, you can remove a ring 1-2 millimeters thick.

After this, we begin to lightly “tap” the bark with a small hammer in a circle in all places. Instead of a hammer, you can use the handle of a knife (Figure 2). Instead of tapping, you can also “roll” the twig. This is done so that the bark subsequently peels off from the wood more easily.

We make a cutout on the branch, of the same shape as shown in Figure 3. After this, carefully, using rotational movements, we try to remove the bark from the branch without damaging it. There is no need to rush; if the bark does not come off, you need to knock on it again and try again. In the end, it will definitely come off (Figure 4).

Don’t try to cut it absolutely straight, it won’t work anyway. Yes, we actually don’t need this. If the cut turns out to be wedge-shaped, as in our figure - this is only for the better - it will be easier to regulate the sound.

We insert the cut round piece into its original place, cut side up. If our cut is oblique, then we place it at the bottleneck to the hole.

Attention! Our whistle makes a pretty loud whistle. Therefore the most the best place for exercise - a dacha or a country house, but not a city apartment.

And finally, one piece of advice. If you manage to find a willow twig with a sufficiently long section of smooth bark, 10-15 centimeters, then instead of a whistle you can make a simple homemade pipe. It is made in exactly the same way as a whistle, but instead of selecting the timbre of the sound, simply plug the open end with a wooden stopper, and in the remaining space, make 3-4 holes in the bark, so that they can be plugged with your fingers at the same time. By opening one or another hole one by one, we can reproduce the simplest melodies. Of course, our notes will not correspond to the natural scale, but we don’t need it. The main thing is that the melody is pleasant.

And nails can sing...
Carnations become musical if you drive them into a 10 x 20 cm board in a semicircle at a distance of 1 cm from each other.
The sound is produced using another large nail: they need to be drawn along the legs of the driven nails or knocked on their heads. To prevent the nail stick from getting lost, it is tied to a cord, and the cord is attached to the board.

Plastic yoghurt bottles are used to make rattles. One rattle will require four to six bottles. you need to pierce the bottom of each bottle with a needle and pull it through strong thread. The bottle is hung on a wooden stick by one end of the thread. Buttons (wooden or metal), persimmon pits (with pre-made holes), apricot pits, etc. are attached to the inside of the thread. play with a rattle, alternately shaking one or the other end of the stick

wooden ratchet

The ratchet is made from the remains of a plinth, sawn into equal parts. the blanks are screwed onto a solid piece of wood with screws, but not tightly, so that the sound produced is louder. The sound can be produced with a wooden stick (loud, ringing) or a cocktail broom (rustling, light), passing it along the ratchet from top to bottom.


the knocker is made of two wooden blocks connected window hinge. On the outer sides, wooden handles from the bedside table are screwed to the bars to make it more convenient to hold the tool. the sound is produced when the bars hit each other. the dynamics of sound depends on the force of the impact.

metal tubes

one metal tube is suspended from an object that functions as a handle. The handle should be comfortable to hold with your fingers. The sound is produced by lightly striking the tube with another metal tube.

mini maracas
To make the tool, use a plastic egg from Kinder Surprise, metal lids, a pencil, and screws. The filler is coarse cereal. four metal bottle caps are pre-pierced with a nail. (The edges of the punched hole should be directed inward so as not to cut the player.) Then the covers are placed in pairs next to each other and put on the screws so that they can move freely. Holes are made in the sides of the plastic egg using a hot awl, and screws with caps are screwed into them. At the bottom of the egg, a larger hole is made in the same way, into which a pencil is inserted. This is the handle that the child will hold the instrument while playing. The two halves of the egg are connected, first filled with cereal. The sound is produced when the toy is shaken.

Drum on the handle

make the frame of the drum by bending thick cardboard into a ring. Glue thinner cardboard on both sides. Double tape will help connect all the parts. Don't forget to attach a pen; you can make one from an old felt-tip pen. Color the drum with your child.

Water scale

Tool from glass jars and bottles of various sizes sounds pleasant and loud. To tune, add water until the tone produced by the bottle or can is accurate to the overall sound of the instrument.

Ratchet made of plates

take old records and thread a cord with a bead into each one.

Curler-noise maker

Attach iron curlers to the hanger (in the photo this was done using old iron clothespins from curtains and an iron ring). You can play with an iron stick by moving all the curlers or hitting one. Musical education of children must begin with knowledge of elementary musical improvisation, accessible to every person. To improvise sounds, you don’t need to know or be able to do anything special.

noise bracelets can be made from hair bands and bells

Maracas can be made from Kinder Surprise boxes. Pour in the cereal, decorate with stickers - and the tool is ready!

These beautiful shakers can be made from cans of chips: pour small grains inside,

Paint the top or cover it with colored self-adhesive paper.
To make these castanets you will need chestnuts. drill through hole,

insert the lace and secure it. the lace is put on the middle and index fingers, the chestnuts are placed

on the palm. By squeezing your fingers you will get a very pleasant sound. this tool is very useful for

development of fine motor skills, massage. These are noise candies - kinders with cereal inside.

They are wrapped in shiny paper, tied on both sides - and there you have it - sweets. Kids love them very much.


Making castanets is very simple. Take the shell halves from walnuts, cardboard, glue.

Glue the shells onto an oblong base, cutting it out of cardboard. Bend in half - castanets

ready. When squeezing the castanet, the nuts hit each other - a wonderful sound is obtained!

You will need an old CD, fishing bells, and stationery pins.
glue the disc on both sides, fasten the bells on clothespins and attach them to the edges of the disc.

Make a rattle for your child's hand.
You will need Coca-Cola corks, wooden blocks, nails, and insulating wire.

For those who know how to knit! Knitted rattle.

for such a rattle you need multi-colored cotton cellophane threads to fill the ring handle (it is good

keeps its shape) a Kinder Surprise case with cereal, colored soutache, a small piece of fringe

Rattle - dog made from a sock

note: in order for the dog to be a sounding rattle toy, when stuffing it, insert

Kinder container filled with rice.

Ratchet "fun clothespin"
Even a child can make such a ratchet on his own. Easy, interesting, useful!

To make a drum we will need:
metal box for cookies or tea;
satin ribbon (can be replaced with any wide braid);
body from two used gel pens;
capsule from shoe covers (or plastic egg from Kinder Surprise);
filler for sticks - rattles (beads, small buttons, beads or any cereal).

Drum body
Take metal box- this will be the drum body. Using an awl, punch 2 holes opposite each other closer to the top edge of the wall and two holes in the lid.
Inside the box, pour a 1 cm layer of semolina (to slightly muffle the sound of the drum).
Connect pairs of holes with the end of the tape
Close the lid tightly, tighten the tape in a knot and wrap tape around the junction of the lid and the box to prevent the semolina from spilling out.

Making rattle sticks

Take 2 cases from used gel pens:
unscrew the tip from the body;
open the shoe cover capsule;
Using a knife, cut a hole in the cap of the capsule with a diameter slightly smaller than the thread of the pen body.
Place the handle housing in the hole and screw the tip tightly to it.
Now the capsule can be closed. This capsule, by the way, can be filled with small buttons, cereals, beads and then the drumsticks will turn into funny rattles.

The drum is ready for use.

After some time, the drum can be updated. Just decorate it with colored self-adhesive paper. Not only the appearance of the instrument will change, but also its sound.

Another one new year idea- a snowman with the “steps in the snow” sound effect.

Sew a snowman for your child. There can be a great many options for its execution, but to make our snowman musical, we’ll add the “steps on the snow” effect. The trick is that you need to put... starch inside the snowman! Don't forget to put the starch in a plastic bag. When you click on such a snowman, the child will hear a kind of creaking sound, very similar to footsteps in the snow.

Snowman maracas

Look how simple and original it is! We combine white and red yogurt jars and pour cereal inside. Let's decorate - the maraca snowman is ready!

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