home · electrical safety · What to do with walnut leaves in the fall. Fertilizer from walnut leaves. Walnut leaves as fertilizer: unconventional and useful

What to do with walnut leaves in the fall. Fertilizer from walnut leaves. Walnut leaves as fertilizer: unconventional and useful

Is it possible with leaves walnut Should I fertilize my garden or should I burn them?

    Caring gardeners do not burn fallen leaves, but use them as fertilizer for the site: when they decay, these leaves will return the nutrients obtained during growth to the soil.

    Firstly, fallen leaves form a ground litter - and this will perfectly retain precipitation and improve humidity.

    Secondly, foliage is an excellent fertilizer, as it contains elements such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, and sulfur.

    To use as fertilizer, you need to fill the leaves poured into a pre-dug niche with soil (carefully remove the layer of soil), and add a little chicken droppings (a couple of glasses) and water to the leaves - leave them like that for a couple of days, and then cover them with soil.

    Walnuts especially love their leaves as fertilizer.

    Thirdly, in frosty conditions, a layer of leaves serves as a bedding that prevents the soil and tree roots from freezing.

    Due to my inexperience, I used to burn everything. There are raspberries and cherries in the garden; there are plenty of leaves. But now I put everything mixed with manure and use it for feeding. Just not right away, but next year, I do the same with fox nuts. Over the summer, my pile of homemade fertilizer is used up, and then a new one appears. Since I don’t use fertilizers from the store, this is a completely suitable option.

    Walnut leaves, like all leaves, can be transferred to compost pit, and after they rot, use it as fertilizer.

    Well, other BV-niks write that you can use well-dried walnut leaves as winter protection for strawberries.

    There is no need to burn them if you have a farm. Let it lie on the cattle's bedding. Line the goats' stall and sprinkle leaves in the chicken coop. Chickens will row, insects don’t like them and dry out the floor.

    If you have a bathhouse, then brew the leaves in a container and if someone has a rash, wash yourself with this water, you can steam your feet.

    The leaves dry quickly, curling up, rather than lying like a carpet. Therefore they dry well. Stuff it into a bag and use the dust as mulch on the strawberries. Slugs run away from such powder as from tobacco dust.

    It is advised to sprinkle walnuts between the rows in the nursery, deepening it into the ground. Then the mole cricket will not love your nursery.

    You can burn it, then collect the ash and use it for its intended purpose.

    Any fallen leaves are good organic fertilizer. And walnut leaves are no exception. It is especially good to fertilize the walnut itself and other trees with these leaves. It is enough to dig a small hole around the tree and pour leaves mixed with chicken droppings into it. If to fertilize the garden, then the leaves need to be folded into compost heap and moisten by adding 20 g nitrogen fertilizers on a bucket of water. And in the spring you can fertilize your garden. They are especially good for potatoes.

    I read that leaves can be buried to a depth of 5 centimeters, but only if there are no fungal diseases on the tree. And in the spring, water the leaves with Baikal???, then you will get a good fertilizer.

    Otherwise, the leaves must be burned.

    Well, just don’t burn it under any circumstances! They have so many places of application, taking into account the use of the disinfecting properties of these leaves. After they fall and dry, I collect all the leaves from the nut into bags. I immediately transfer some of the leaves to the strawberry bed, filling both the bushes and the row spaces. I noticed that after such insulation for the winter, in the spring the strawberry bushes are not affected by pests familiar to strawberries, and there is no need to treat them chemicals. I also sprinkle dry nut leaves over the prepared ones. winter storage beets and carrots, and I keep them until April with almost no waste. Another use for nut leaves is in the chicken coop. I sprinkle the leaves on the floor as bedding, and the chickens, sorting through them, disinfect their skin and feathers.

In nature, nothing happens for nothing. And autumn leaf fall can not only clog the lawn, but also be of great benefit by serving as fertilizer.

During the spring-summer period, the foliage accumulates a large number of useful and nutritious microelements for the soil. Such, for example, as: nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and others. During the process of decay of leaves, these microelements enter the soil, contributing to its saturation. In addition, the leaves used cover the soil well, warming it and protecting it from freezing.

Walnut leaves as fertilizer: unconventional and useful

Walnut leaves are most suitable as a fertilizer in this case. In addition to containing large quantities of those useful microelements that were mentioned earlier, they also contain a large amount of organic matter, which the soil also needs.

Walnut leaves should be used very carefully as fertilizer. It must be remembered that in addition to its positive properties, walnut foliage contains the toxic substance juglone, which in large quantities can harm depleted soil.

The process of applying fertilizer from foliage

In order for walnut foliage to be used correctly as fertilizer, they should be used as follows:

    Choose a tree that will be fertilized with leaves (best suited for apple, pear, plum, etc.);

    It is necessary to dig up the selected tree;

    Remove a layer of soil approximately equal to 20 cm without damaging the roots of the tree itself;

    Mix the leaves of the selected tree with walnut leaves and two cups of chicken droppings. It is worth remembering that the content of walnut foliage should not exceed 25% of the mixture itself;

    Distribute the prepared fertilizer under the tree;

    Water the soil along with the fertilizer with a small amount of water;

    After 2-3 days, cover with removed soil.

Walnut Leaf Compost Recipe

Walnut foliage rots easily and quickly, so by the time you start planting you will have a certain amount of very dark-colored compost in stock.

If the ways to use walnut leaves in pure form or in the form of compost is still not suitable for you, there is another option - using ash from burning walnut leaves.

Among the positive aspects of using walnut ash are: complete and harmless decomposition of juglone and an increased content of useful microelements:

    15 to 20% potassium;

    From 6 to 9% calcium;

    5% phosphorus;

    Small proportions of zinc, iron, magnesium and sulfur.

What crops can be fertilized with walnut foliage?

Due to the absence of toxic substances, ash from walnut leaves is suitable for fertilizer not only fruit trees, but also more delicate and easy-to-care vegetables. In its effect it is well suited for use on acidic soils. However, it is not recommended to use fertilizers from walnut leaves on alkaline soils, since ash can only increase the alkali content in the soil, thereby oversaturating it.

Fallen and withered leaves are completely natural and almost completely harmless. Properly used, walnut leaves as fertilizer will help preserve the soil during severe frosts, as well as prepare it for the new planting season.

Thus, using fallen walnut leaves as fertilizer, you can immediately solve two problems: big problems: Recycle leaves and help the soil regain its strength.

With the onset of the first autumn days, summer residents begin to actively prepare their plots for wintering. Throughout the fall, gardeners and gardeners harvest crops, dig up the soil and apply fertilizers. Many people are interested in the question, which fertilizers are the best for feeding the soil? Since there is more than one tree on any site, it is useful to fertilize the soil with fallen leaves. The leaves provide particular benefits walnut.

Experienced gardeners They claim that walnut leaves should be used as fertilizer. Particular benefits from the use of this type of fertilizer are observed for fruit bushes and trees.

To improve the health of the plant and increase fruiting, it is recommended to use

nut foliage as follows:

  • First, you need to dig up a bush or tree.
  • Carefully remove upper layer soil without disturbing the integrity of the root system.

  • Mix nut leaves and foliage of the plant you plan to fertilize.
  • Add 2 cups of chicken manure.
  • Pour the mixture with a small amount of settled water.
  • Place fertilizer under the roots around the trunk.
  • After a couple of days, cover with soil.

Not every novice gardener knows how to use walnut leaves as fertilizer for garlic and strawberries? As practice shows, this great option for making compost. But, you need to remember that walnut foliage contains a large amount of juglone - a substance with a high content of toxic components.

In order not to harm crops grown in the garden, you need to add a small amount of walnut leaves to the compost.

To prepare soil fertilizer, it is recommended to use the foliage of cherry, apple, peach and walnut. All components are mixed, moistened and left to rot. For each bucket of compost you should add 20 g of nitrogen fertilizers. In the spring, the pile is mixed, rearranged and slightly moistened.

In the process of digging up the garden, prepared compost is added. Thanks to high content useful substances, walnut foliage increases the productivity of strawberries, garlic and other garden crops.

Ash from leaves

If it is not possible to prepare compost, it is recommended to use walnut leaves as fertilizer in the form of ash. As a result of burning walnut leaves, iron, sulfur, magnesium, calcium, and potassium remain in the ash. But toxic juglone completely disintegrates. Therefore, the ash of walnut leaves is very useful for fertilizing the garden.

Walnut leaves, as fertilizer for the garden where raspberries, strawberries, garlic, and vegetables grow, will play an irreplaceable role. This fertilizing will fill the soil with useful micro- and macroelements.

Covering strawberries for the winter

If you don’t have the opportunity or time to prepare compost or burn fallen nut leaves, and the strawberry beds require care, you can go a different route. Experienced gardeners say that after walnut trees lose their leaves, there is no need to rush to remove them from the area. You need to wait a couple of days until the foliage dries out a little. Then, we lay out natural material between the beds and under the strawberry and raspberry bushes, as shown in the photo.

Practice shows that after such insulation, strawberries and raspberries get sick less and do not require spraying with chemicals. And plants recover from wintering much faster after such insulation.

In conclusion

Nature has wisely managed resources, providing man with the entire range of necessary and useful means. For example, in the garden there are many opportunities to protect plants from pests and freezing. One such remedy is nut leaves. They contain a lot of useful components that allow you to fertilize the soil and protect garlic, raspberries and strawberries from freezing.

With the end of leaf fall, gardeners rush to burn the foliage fruit trees. However, it is more rational to use it for making compost or simply as a fertilizer for the soil. And only the foliage of the walnut stands apart.

Most gardeners consider walnut foliage to be harmful to the soil and plants. Supposedly it has a depressing effect on all plants.

In fact, walnut foliage has enormous benefits for soil fertility. It contains a lot of nutrients. Including magnesium, calcium, iron, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium... In addition, it contains a large amount of organic matter necessary for the soil.

When adding nut leaves to trunk circle The soil is dug up to a depth of 20 cm, placing a shovel along the trunk so as not to cut the roots. After this, the soil is watered with a small amount of water.

If you don’t dare to add clean nut leaves, make compost from them. Walnut leaves are very good in compost, as they rot quickly. You just need to moisten the compost and add 20-30 g of nitrogen fertilizers per 10 liters of water.

Advice from the "Household"

Just be careful. The content of walnut leaves should not exceed more than 25% of the total mass of the compost, since they contain juglone, a toxic substance.

But juglone quickly disintegrates if you place the leaves in a fire. Ash from nut leaves and branches is very useful as mineral fertilizer. But the ash almost does not improve the soil structure.

Walnut ash is especially useful for acidic soils. But on alkaline soils it is better to refrain from such fertilizing, since the alkalinity increases when applied.

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Any amateur gardener tries to get as much yield as possible from grown plants, while spending as much as possible. less funds. Plants that grow in more depleted areas nutritional composition soil, begin to develop slowly and produce little yield, which is why the land needs to be well fertilized. The most economical method is to use walnut leaves as fertilizer.

Features of the fertilizer

For many summer residents, this fertilization technology seems quite unusual. Many people wonder where to find walnut leaves in the right quantity to use as fertilizer. With the onset of cold weather, the nut, like most other crops, begins to gradually shed its leaves. Acting on old methods, many summer residents do not think about where to put the foliage, but burn it and apply it to the soil, but there are more effective ways.

Valuable Components

During development, leaves accumulate a large amount of valuable mineral components, which include phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium and others.

In addition, the tree leaves themselves, with gradual decomposition, begin to release high-quality organic fertilizer, which helps not only nourish the soil, but also protects the crop from severe frosts.

Compost for fruit and berry crops

First of all, you need to fertilize the nut leaves fruit crops, as well as berry bushes. To do this, the plant is chopped off near the table at a general depth of about the bayonet of a shovel, while trying not to damage the rhizomes located near the surface of the earth. Fallen leaves from the fruit tree or bush itself are mixed with nut leaves and a small amount of chicken droppings. This mixture is placed in the holes near the trunk (not to the very top, but leaving a gap of 6-7 centimeters), after which they are watered with the necessary amount of water.

Also very often with a moistened nitrogen solution - 20 grams of nitrogen fertilizers are diluted per 10 liters of water. Autumn leaves are placed in compost, where they continue to lie throughout the winter. With coming spring season and an increase in outside temperature, the mass of leaves is shaken off well and, if necessary, additionally moistened (with plain water).

Due to the large number of microelements and vitamins in its composition, this type of compost is irreplaceable. Fallen leaves as fertilizer are effective for feeding different cultures plants.

Harm of nut leaves

At the same time, you need to know that the compost should contain no more than 25% of walnut leaves, otherwise the compost may not be beneficial. This is due to the fact that the leaves of the walnut tree contain a toxic substance, juglone, which most often can negatively affect crops.

Ash for fertilizer

There is another method that allows you to use walnut leaves as fertilizer for the garden. To do this, they are burned and the ashes are stored. In this case, all nutritional components disappear, but mineral components are preserved. The main thing is that in this case juglone completely decomposes. This fertilizer is well suited for soils with high acidity.

There is no need to throw away the nut leaves - they should be used for the benefit of the garden.

The leaves contain many different components, which are necessary to feed the crop:

  • sulfur;
  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • potassium.

Application of foliage

One of the more common methods of using leaves is to use them in the form of fertilizers and fertilizers for the garden. To obtain a high-quality harvest from fruit trees, garden plot, you need to do the following:

  1. Choose a crop that will be fertilized with leaves (plums, apple trees, and pears are best suited for this).
  2. You need to dig up the selected crop.
  3. Remove the top layer of soil, approximately 20 cm, without damaging the roots of the plant itself.
  4. Mix the leaves of the selected tree along with walnut leaves and two cups of chicken manure.
  5. The resulting fertilizer must be evenly distributed under the tree.
  6. Next, the soil with fertilizer is watered with a small amount of water.
  7. After two to three days, it is necessary to fill the plant with light-density soil.

In this way, all cultures feed themselves with useful components. In addition to its nutritional function, fertilizer helps warm the soil and prevents it from freezing in the cold season.

How to compost

Walnut foliage rots very quickly and efficiently, so that by the time the planting process begins, the gardener will have a certain amount of dark compost in stock.

  1. If you do not want to damage the soil with juglone, you can create special compost from the walnut leaves.
  2. To do this, the leaves of the plant are placed in a hole.
  3. IN spring time it is shifted.
  4. Afterwards it is well moistened by adding fertilizer to the leaves at the rate of 20-30 grams per 10 liters of water.

If you still can’t use compost from fallen nut leaves due to any problems, then you can use the ash from burnt nut leaves.

Among the advantages of using walnut ash are the harmless decomposition of juglone, as well as an increase in the amount of useful microelements in the fertilizer:

  • 15 to 20% potassium;
  • about 5% phosphorus;
  • 6 to 9% calcium;
  • small amounts of iron, magnesium, zinc and sulfur.

What plants are allowed to be fertilized?

Due to the absence of toxins, ash from walnut leaves is well used to fertilize not only fruit crops, but also more demanding and delicate vegetables. In terms of its action, it is well suited for fermented milk soil mixtures. But there is no need to use fertilizer from walnut foliage. alkaline soil, since ash can provoke an increase in the alkali level in the soil, thereby significantly oversaturating it.

Dried and fallen leaves are considered an absolutely natural, almost completely harmless organic fertilizer. Properly used nut (or cabbage) leaves when feeding plants will help preserve the soil during severe frosts, and also prepare it for the process of new planting.

So, if you use compost from walnut leaves, you can immediately eliminate two difficulties: to dispose of the leaves, and also help culture recover quickly.

Are fallen leaves beneficial?

Many people believe that humus from leaves different trees does not contain any useful components. But this is not true at all. Such fertilizers include many nutrients and microelements, which are very important for plants and soil. In addition, leaf litter begins to loosen the soil, retains moisture during the hot season, and also helps saturate the soil layer with oxygen. In addition, humus is the best place for living earthworms, which provide great help to the gardener.

Solar energy is accumulated by the green crown of trees, and in autumn, falling leaves fertilize the earth well. Many summer residents have come to the conclusion that since everything grows in the forest without introducing any different chemical substances and artificial fertilizers, why not apply the same principle to your garden. That is why leaf mulch began to be used for many gardens and summer cottages.

Cherry, oak, ash and walnut leaves give new life organisms living in the soil, which, in turn, process the substances that reach them over time. These relationships help nourish the earth. useful substances, and harmful components are destroyed for more simple elements. As a result, such collaboration the culture receives all the elements it needs without causing harm to the environment.

The experience of many gardeners proves that creating fertilizer for a plant in the fall means getting a large amount of yield and healthy plant already in next year. All the advantages of such natural humus are immediately noticeable:

  • saving money for the gardener (this has a good effect on the family budget);
  • moderate exercise stress for summer residents (helps maintain health, especially for older people);
  • nutrition of the soil mixture (good effect not only on the crop, but also on insects and surrounding animals);
  • preventing the development of weeds and normalization general temperature land cover in different seasons (useful for productivity).

Harm from burning

For many, such an activity seems simple and completely harmless. In autumn, every resident in the private sector collects fallen leaves and burns them. Environmentalists began to prove to people that burning leaves causes certain harm to the environment and human health.

Smoldering masses of leaves are sources of carbon monoxide, which negatively affects the mucous membranes, inflaming them, causing headache, as well as severe fatigue. Garbage that gets into the carpet along with leaves becomes dangerous due to a mixture of toxic gases, which ultimately lead to an allergic reaction, affect the human immune system and, with regular exposure, can cause cancer.

Environmentalists confirm that when comparing the process of burning leaves and the substances that enter the air with industrial emissions, they are not exaggerating. When burning one ton of dry leaves, about 30 kg of harmful elements are released into the air. They contain toxic substances- dioxins.

In the process of burning a crop, pesticides that could have been treated with it are released into the air; carbon monoxide, dust and nitrogen oxide, some types of carcinogens - all of them negatively affect the functioning of the lungs, liver and reduce immunity. Also to harmful substances also include benzopyrene, which occurs in leaves that smolder without access to oxygen. It is a factor in the development of cancer cells.

Some tips from gardeners:

With the help of fallen leaves, you can attract hedgehogs to your site; it is these creatures that help rid the site of various larvae and harmful insects.

To attract hedgehogs to your plot, you just need to avoid removing leaves along fences and around trees that are located in the garden. Soon one or more hedgehogs will definitely live in them.

Use for raised beds

In the event that you have in your garden raised beds, boxes and containers for growing berry crops and vegetable plants, then fallen leaves can be used as bulk material, which can improve the overall structure and quality of the soil.

For this purpose, immediately after emptying the bed, you need to pour a small amount of well-shredded leaves into the boxes, and then mix the collected leaves with green remains, compost or other material used to fill higher containers of the beds. They are filled with crushed fallen leaves.

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