home · Networks · Materials for the design of printed circuit boards. What is an electronic printed circuit board? Foil Ceramics for PCBs

Materials for the design of printed circuit boards. What is an electronic printed circuit board? Foil Ceramics for PCBs

Our company produces printed circuit boards from high-quality imported materials, ranging from standard FR4 to microwave materials and polyimide. In this section we define the basic terms and concepts used in the field of design and manufacturing printed circuit boards. The section tells about completely simple things, familiar to every design engineer. However, there are a number of nuances here that many developers do not always take into account.

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Multilayer PCB Design
Let's consider a typical design of a multilayer board (Fig. 1). In the first, most common, option, the internal layers of the board are formed from double-sided copper-laminated fiberglass, which is called the “core”. The outer layers are made of copper foil, pressed with the inner layers using a binder - a resinous material called "prepreg". After pressing at high temperatures, a “pie” of a multilayer printed circuit board is formed, in which holes are then drilled and metallized. The second option is less common, when the outer layers are formed from “cores” held together with prepreg. This is a simplified description; there are many other designs based on these options. However, the basic principle is that prepreg acts as the bonding material between the layers. Obviously, there cannot be a situation where two double-sided "cores" are adjacent without a prepreg spacer, but a foil-prepreg-foil-prepreg...etc structure is possible, and is often used in boards with complex combinations of blind and hidden holes.

Blind and hidden holes
The term "blind holes" refers to vias that connect the outer layer to the nearest inner layers and do not have access to a second outer layer. It comes from English word blind, and is similar to the term "blind holes". Hidden, or buried (from English buried), holes are made in the inner layers and have no exit to the outside. The simplest options for blind and hidden holes are shown in Fig. 2. Their use is justified in the case of very dense wiring or for boards very saturated with planar components on both sides. The presence of these holes leads to an increase in the cost of the board from one and a half to several times, but in many cases, especially when routing microcircuits in BGA package with small steps, you can’t do without them. Eat various ways formation of such vias, they are discussed in more detail in the section, but for now we will consider in more detail the materials from which the multilayer board is constructed.

Table 1. Types and parameters of materials used for multilayer printed circuit boards
View Compound Tg Dk Price
FR4 Fiberglass Epoxy Laminate > 130°C 4.7 1 (basic)
FR4 High Tg, FR5 Cross-linked mesh material, increased temperature resistance (RoHS compliant) > 160°C 4,6 1,2…1,4
RCC Epoxy material without glass woven backing > 130°C 4,0 1,3…1,5
P.D. Polyimide resin with aramid base 260°C 3,5-4,6 5…6,5
PTFE Polytetrafluorethylene with glass or ceramics (microwave) 240-280°C 2,2-10,2 32…70

Tg—glass transition temperature (structure destruction)
Dk - dielectric constant

Basic dielectrics for printed circuit boards
The main types and parameters of materials used for the manufacture of MPPs are given in Table 1. Typical designs of printed circuit boards are based on the use of standard fiberglass laminate type FR4, with an operating temperature, usually from -50 to +110 °C, glass transition (destruction) temperature Tg about 135 °C. Its dielectric constant Dk can be from 3.8 to 4.5, depending on the supplier and type of material. For increased requirements for heat resistance or when mounting boards in an oven using lead-free technology (t up to 260 °C), high-temperature FR4 High Tg or FR5 is used. When required to work permanently high temperatures or when sharp changes temperatures polyimide is used. In addition, polyimide is used for the manufacture of high-reliability circuit boards, for military applications, and also in cases where increased electrical strength is required. For boards with microwave circuits (more than 2 GHz), separate layers of microwave material are used, or the entire board is made of microwave material (Fig. 3). Most famous suppliers special materials- Rogers, Arlon, Taconic, Dupont companies. The cost of these materials is higher than FR4 and is roughly shown in the last column of Table 1 relative to the cost of FR4. Examples of boards with different types dielectrics are shown in Fig. 4, 5.

Material thickness
Knowing the available material thicknesses is important for an engineer not only for determining the overall thickness of the board. When designing MPP, developers are faced with the following tasks:
- calculation of the wave resistance of conductors on the board;
- calculation of the value of interlayer high-voltage insulation;
- selection of the structure of blind and hidden holes.
Available options and thicknesses various materials are given in tables 2-6. It should be taken into account that the tolerance on the thickness of the material is usually up to ±10%, therefore the tolerance on the thickness of the finished multilayer board cannot be less than ±10%.

Table 2. Double-sided FR4 “cores” for the internal layers of the printed circuit board

Dielectric thickness and copper thickness 5 µm 17 µm 35 µm 70 µm 105 µm
0.050 mm . . . h h
0.075 mm m . . h h
0.100 mm . . . h h
0.150 mm
0.200 mm m . . h h
0.250 mm
0.300 mm
0.350 mm m . . h h
0.400 mm . . . h h
0.450 mm
0.710 mm m . . h h
0.930 mm m . . . h
1,000 mm . . . . h
More than 1 mm . . . . h

Typically in stock;
h - On request (not always available)
m - Can be manufactured;
Note: to ensure the reliability of the finished boards, it is important to know that for foreign internal layers we prefer to use cores with 35 micron foil rather than 18 micron (even with a conductor and gap width of 0.1 mm). This increases the reliability of printed circuit boards.
The dielectric constant FR4 cores can range from 3.8 to 4.4 depending on the brand.

Table 3. Prepreg (“bonding” layer) for multilayer printed circuit boards

Prepreg type Thickness after pressing Possible deviation
1080 0.066 mm -0.005/+0.020 mm
2116 0.105 mm -0.005/+0.020 mm
7628 0.180 mm -0.005/+0.025 mm
106 no flow 0.050 mm -0.005/+0.020 mm
1080 no flow 0.066 mm -0.005/+0.020 mm
2113 0.100 mm -0.005/+0.025 mm

The dielectric constant of FR4 prepreg can range from 3.8 to 4.4 depending on the brand.
Please check this parameter for a specific material with our engineers by email

Table 4. Rogers microwave materials for printed circuit boards

Material Dk* Losses Dielectric thickness, mm Foil thickness, microns
Ro4003 3,38 0,2 18 or 35
0,51 18 or 35
0,81 18 or 35
Ro4350 3,48 0,17 18 or 35
0,25 18 or 35
0,51 18 or 35
0,762 18
1,52 35
Prepreg Ro4403 3,17 0,1 --
Prepreg Ro4450 3,54 0,1 --

* Dk - dielectric constant

Table 5. Arlon microwave materials for MPP

Material Dielectric
permeability (Dk)
dielectric, mm
foil, microns
AR-1000 10 0.61±0.05 18
AD600L 6 0.787±0.08 35
AD255IM 2,55 0.762±0.05 35
AD350A 3,5 0.508±0.05
DICLAD527 2,5 0.508±0.038
25N 3,38 0,508
18 or 35
25N 1080pp
3,38 0,099 --
25N 2112pp
3,38 0,147 --
25FR 3,58 0,508
18 or 35
25FR 1080pp
3,58 0,099 --
25FR 2112pp
3,58 0,147 --

Note: Microwave materials are not always in stock, and their delivery time can take up to 1 month. When choosing a board design, you need to check the stock status of the MPP manufacturer.

Dk — Dielectric constant
Tg—glass transition temperature

I would like to note the importance of the following points:
1. In principle, all FR4 core values ​​from 0.1 to 1.0mm are available in 0.1mm increments. However, when designing urgent orders, you should check in advance the availability of materials in the warehouse of the PCB manufacturer.
2. When it comes to the thickness of the material - the materials intended for manufacturing double-sided boards, material thickness is indicated including copper. The “core” thicknesses for the internal layers of the MPP are specified in the documentation without the copper thickness.
Example 1: material FR4, 1.6/35/35 has a dielectric thickness: 1.6-(2x35 µm)=1.53 mm (with a tolerance of ±10%).
Example 2: FR4 core, 0.2/35/35 has dielectric thickness: 200 µm (with tolerance ±10%) and total thickness: 200 µm+(2x35 µm)=270 µm.
3. Ensuring reliability. The permissible number of adjacent layers of prepreg in MPP is no less than 2 and no more than 4. The possibility of using a single layer of prepreg between the “cores” depends on the nature of the pattern and the thickness of the adjacent copper layers. The thicker the copper and the richer the pattern of the conductors, the more difficult it is to fill the space between the conductors with resin. And the reliability of the board depends on the quality of the filling.
Example: copper 17 microns - you can use 1 layer 1080, 2116 or 106; copper 35 microns - you can use 1 layer only for 2116.

PCB pad coatings
Let's look at what types of coatings there are for copper pads. Most often, sites are coated with a tin-lead alloy, or PIC. The method of applying and leveling the surface of solder is called HAL or HASL (from English Hot Air Solder Leveling - leveling solder with hot air). This coating provides the best solderability of the pads. However, it is being replaced by more modern coatings, as a rule, compatible with the requirements of the international RoHS directive. This directive requires the prohibition of the presence harmful substances, including lead, in products. So far, RoHS does not apply to the territory of our country, but it is useful to remember its existence. The problems associated with RoHS will be described in one of the subsequent sections, but for now let's take a look at possible options coverage of MPP sites in Table 7. HASL is applied everywhere, unless there are other requirements. Immersion (chemical) gold plating is used to provide a smoother board surface (this is especially important for BGA pads), but has slightly lower solderability. Soldering in a furnace is performed using approximately the same technology as HASL, but hand soldering requires the use of special fluxes. Organic coating, or OSP, protects the copper surface from oxidation. Its disadvantage is the short shelf life of solderability (less than 6 months). Immersion tin provides flat surface and good solderability, although it also has a limited shelf life for soldering. Lead-free HAL has the same properties as lead-containing HAL, but the composition of the solder is approximately 99.8% tin and 0.2% additives. The contacts of the blade connectors, which are subject to friction during operation of the board, are electroplated with a thicker and more rigid layer of gold. For both types of gilding, a nickel underlayer is used to prevent diffusion of gold.

Table 7. PCB pad coatings

Type Description Thickness
(hot air solder leveling)
POS-61 or POS-63,
melted and leveled with hot air
15-25 microns
Immersion gold, ENIG Immersion gold plating over nickel sublayer Au 0.05-0.1 µm/Ni 5 µm
OSP, Entek organic coating,
protects the copper surface from oxidation before soldering
When soldering
completely dissolves
Immersion tin Immersion tin, flatter surface than HASL 10-15 microns
Lead-free HAL Lead-free tinning 15-25 microns
Hard gold, gold fingers Galvanic gold plating of connector contacts over a nickel sublayer Au 0.2-0.5 µm/Ni 5 µm

Note: All coatings except HASL are RoHS compliant and suitable for lead-free soldering.

Protective and other types of printed circuit board coatings
To complete the picture, consider functional purpose and PCB coating materials.
- Solder mask - applied to the surface of the board to protect conductors from accidental short circuits and dirt, as well as to protect fiberglass laminate from thermal shock during soldering. The mask does not carry any other functional load and cannot serve as protection against moisture, mold, breakdown, etc. (except when used special types masks).
- Marking - applied to the board with paint over the mask to simplify identification of the board itself and the components located on it.
- Peelable mask - applied to specified areas of the board that need to be temporarily protected, for example, from soldering. It is easy to remove in the future, since it is a rubber-like compound and simply peels off.
- Carbon contact coating - applied to certain areas of the board as contact fields for keyboards. The coating has good conductivity, does not oxidize and is wear-resistant.
- Graphite resistive elements - can be applied to the surface of the board to perform the function of resistors. Unfortunately, the accuracy of the denominations is low - no more accurate than ±20% (with laser adjustment - up to 5%).
- Silver contact jumpers - can be applied as additional conductors, creating another conductive layer when there is not enough space for routing. Mainly used for single-layer and double-sided printed circuit boards.

Table 8. PCB Surface Coatings

Type Purpose and features
Solder mask For soldering protection
Color: green, blue, red, yellow, black, white
Marking For identification
Color: white, yellow, black
Peel-off mask For temporary surface protection
Easily removed if necessary
Carbon To create keyboards
Has high wear resistance
Graphite To create resistors
Laser trim required
Silver plating To create jumpers
Used for APP and DPP

The choice of materials is great, but, unfortunately, often when producing small and medium-sized series of printed circuit boards, the stumbling block becomes the availability necessary materials in the warehouse of the plant - manufacturer of MPP. Therefore, before designing an MPP, especially if we are talking about creating a non-standard design and using non-standard materials, it is necessary to agree with the manufacturer on the materials and layer thicknesses used in the MPP, and perhaps order these materials in advance.

Our company produces printed circuit boards from high-quality domestic and imported materials, ranging from standard FR4 to FAF microwave materials.

Typical designs printed circuit boards are based on the use of standard fiberglass laminate type FR4, with an operating temperature from -50 to +110 °C, and a glass transition temperature Tg (softening) of about 135 °C.

For increased requirements for heat resistance or when mounting boards in an oven using lead-free technology (t up to 260 °C), high-temperature FR4 High Tg or FR5 is used.

Basic materials for printed circuit boards:

Copper thickness, microns

Dielectric thickness, mm

5 18 35 50 70
Copper foil
0.0 +/- + +
Single sided FR-4
0.10 +/- +/-
0.15 +/-
1,00 +
1,50 +
2,00 +
SF 2.00 +
Double-sided FR-4
STF 0.20 +/-
0,25 +
0,36 +
0,51 +
0,71 +/- +
1,00 + +
1,50 +/- + + +/- +/-
SF 1.50 +/-
2,00 + +/- +/-
2,50 +/- +/-
3,00 +/- +/-
Double-sided MI 1222
1,50 +/-
2,00 +/-
Double-sided FAF-4D
0,50 +/-
1,00 +/-
1,50 +/-
2,00 +

"+" - Typically in stock

"+/-" - On request (not always available)

Prepreg ("tie" layer) for multilayer printed circuit boards


Foil-coated fiberglass with nominal thickness 1.6 mm, lined with copper foil 35 microns thick on one or both sides. Standard FR-4 is 1.6 mm thick and consists of eight layers (“prepregs”) of fiberglass. The central layer usually contains the manufacturer's logo; its color reflects the flammability class of this material (red - UL94-VO, blue - UL94-HB). Typically, FR-4 is transparent, the standard green color is determined by the color solder mask, applied to the finished printed circuit board

  • volumetric electrical resistance after conditioning and restoration (Ohm x m): 9.2 x 1013;
  • surface electrical resistance (Ohm): 1.4 x1012;
  • peeling strength of foil after exposure to galvanic solution (N/mm): 2.2;
  • flammability (vertical test method): class Vо.

MI 1222

is a layered pressed material based on fiberglass impregnated with an epoxy binder, lined on one or both sides with copper electrolytic foil.

  • surface electrical resistance (Ohm): 7 x 1011;
  • specific volumetric electrical resistance (Ohm): 1 x 1012;
  • dielectric constant (Ohm x m): 4.8;
  • foil peel strength (N/mm): 1.8.


They are glass fiber reinforced fluoroplastic, lined on both sides with copper foil. Application: - as bases printed circuit boards operating in the microwave range; - electrical insulation for printed elements of receiving and transmitting equipment; - capable of long-term operation in the temperature range from +60 to +250° C.

  • Adhesion strength of foil to base per 10 mm strip, N (kgf), not less than 17.6(1.8)
  • Tangent of the angle dielectric losses at a frequency of 106 Hz, no more than 7 x 10-4
  • Dielectric constant at frequency 1 MHz 2.5 ± 0.1
  • Available sheet sizes, mm ( maximum deviation along the width and length of the sheet 10 mm.) 500x500


material made from a thermally conductive polymer based on ceramics with an aluminum base, are used in cases where it is intended to use components that emit significant thermal power(for example, ultra-bright LEDs, laser emitters, etc.). The main properties of the material are excellent heat dissipation and increased dielectric strength when exposed to high voltages:

  • Aluminum base thickness - 1.5 mm
  • Dielectric thickness - 100 microns
  • Copper foil thickness - 35 microns
  • Thermal conductivity of the dielectric - 2.2 W/mK
  • Dielectric thermal resistance - 0.7°C/W
  • Thermal conductivity of aluminum substrate (5052 - analogue of AMg2.5) - 138 W/mK
  • Breakdown voltage - 3 KV
  • Glass transition temperature (Tg) - 130
  • Volume resistance - 108 MΩ×cm
  • Surface resistance - 106 MΩ
  • Highest operating voltage (CTI) - 600V

Protective solder masks used in the production of printed circuit boards

Solder mask (also known as brilliant green) - layer durable material, designed to protect conductors from ingress of solder and flux during soldering, as well as from overheating. The mask covers the conductors and leaves the pads and blade connectors exposed. The method of applying a solder mask is similar to applying photoresist - using a photomask with a pattern of pads, the mask material applied to the PCB is illuminated and polymerized, the areas with soldering pads are unexposed and the mask is washed off from them after development. Most often, the solder mask is applied to the copper layer. Therefore, before its formation protective layer the tin is removed - otherwise the tin under the mask will swell from the heating of the board during soldering.

PSR-4000 H85

Green color, liquid photosensitive heat-hardening, 15-30 microns thick, TAIYO INK (Japan).

Has approval for use by the following organizations and end product manufacturers: NASA, IBM, Compaq, Lucent, Apple, AT&T, General Electric, Honeywell, General Motors, Ford, Daimler-Chrysler, Motorola, Intel, Micron, Ericsson, Thomson, Visteon, Alcatel , Sony, ABB, Nokia, Bosch, Epson, Airbus, Philips, Siemens, HP, Samsung, LG, NEC, Matsushita(Panasonic), Toshiba, Fujitsu, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Toyota, Honda, Nissan and many, many others;


Colored (red, black, blue, white), liquid two-component solder mask, Coates Electrografics Ltd (England), thickness 15-30 microns;


Dry film mask from DUNACHEM (Germany), thickness 75 microns, provides tenting of vias and has high adhesion.

To make the base of a printed circuit board, foil and non-foil dielectrics are used - getinax, fiberglass, fluoroplastic, polystyrene, ceramic and metal (with a surface insulating layer) materials.

Foil materials- These are multilayer pressed plastics made of electrically insulating paper or fiberglass impregnated with artificial resin. They are covered on one or both sides with electrolytic foil with a thickness of 18; 35 and 50 microns.

Foil-coated fiberglass laminate of the SF grade is produced in sheets with dimensions of 400×600 mm and a sheet thickness of up to 1 mm and 600×700 mm with a larger sheet thickness; it is recommended for boards that are operated at temperatures up to 120°C.

Higher physical and mechanical properties and heat resistance are provided by fiberglass laminates of SFPN grades.

The dielectric slofodite has a copper foil 5 microns thick, which is obtained by evaporating copper in a vacuum.

For multilayer and flexible boards use heat-resistant fiberglass laminates of the STF and FTS brands; they are operated in the temperature range from minus 60 to plus 150°C.

Non-foil STEF dielectric is metallized with a layer of copper during the manufacturing process of a printed circuit board.

The foil is made from high-purity copper, the impurity content does not exceed 0.05%. Copper has high electrical conductivity and is relatively resistant to corrosion, although it requires protective coating.

For printed circuit assembly the permissible current value is selected: for foil 100–250 A/mm2, for galvanic copper 60–100 A/mm2.

For the production of printed cables, reinforced fluoroplastic foil films are used.

Ceramic boards can operate in the temperature range of 20...700ºС. They are made from mineral raw materials (for example, quartz sand) by pressing, injection molding or film casting.

Metal boards used in products with high current load.

Aluminum or alloys of iron and nickel are used as a base. An insulating layer on the surface of aluminum is obtained by anodic oxidation with a thickness of tens to hundreds of micrometers and an insulation resistance of 109–1010 Ohms.

The thickness of the conductor is 18; 35 and 50 microns. Based on the density of the conductive pattern, printed circuit boards are divided into five classes:

– the first class is characterized by the lowest density of the conductive pattern and the width of the conductor and spaces more than 0.75 mm;

- fifth grade has highest density pattern and the width of the conductor and spaces within 0.1 mm.

Since the printed conductor has a low mass, the force of its adhesion to the base is sufficient to withstand alternating mechanical overloads acting on the conductor up to 40 q in the frequency range 4–200Hz.

Standards for printed circuit board materials are presented below in the corresponding section “Standardization of Printed Circuit Board Manufacturing”.

The quality of supplied materials complies with the IPC4101B standard, and the manufacturers' quality management system is confirmed by international certificates ISO 9001:2000.

FR4 – fiberglass laminate with fire resistance class 94V-0 is the most common material for the production of printed circuit boards. Our company supplies the following types materials for the production of single- and double-sided printed circuit boards:

  • Fiberglass laminate FR4 with a glass transition temperature of 135ºС, 140ºС and 170ºС for the production of single-sided and double-sided printed circuit boards. Thickness 0.5 - 3.0 mm with foil 12, 18, 35, 70, 105 microns.
  • Basic FR4 for internal layers of MPP with glass transition temperatures of 135ºС, 140ºС and 170ºС
  • FR4 prepregs with glass transition temperatures of 135ºС, 140ºС and 170ºС for pressing MPP
  • Materials XPC, FR1, FR2, CEM-1, CEM-3, HA-50
  • Materials for boards with controlled heat dissipation:
    • (aluminum, copper, stainless steel) with a dielectric with thermal conductivity from 1 W/m*K to 3 W/m*K produced by Totking and Zhejiang Huazheng New Material Co.
    • Material HA-30 CEM-3 with thermal conductivity 1 W/m*K for the production of single- and double-sided printed circuit boards.

For some purposes, a high-quality non-foil dielectric is required that has all the advantages of FR4 (good dielectric properties, stability of characteristics and dimensions, high resistance to adverse influences). climatic conditions). For these applications we can offer non-foil FR4 fiberglass laminate.

In many cases where fairly simple printed circuit boards are required (in the production of household equipment, various sensors, some components for automobiles, etc.), the excellent properties of fiberglass are redundant, and indicators of manufacturability and cost come to the fore. Here we can offer the following materials:

  • XPC, FR1, FR2 - foil getinaks (base made of cellulose paper impregnated with phenolic resin), widely used in the manufacture of printed circuit boards for consumer electronics, audio and video equipment, in the automotive industry (arranged in ascending order of properties, and, accordingly, price ). Excellent stamping.
  • CEM-1 is a laminate based on a composition of cellulose paper and fiberglass with epoxy resin. Stamps beautifully.

Our assortment also includes electrodeposited copper foil for pressing MPP produced by Kingboard. Foil is supplied in rolls of various widths, foil thicknesses are 12, 18, 35, 70, 105 microns, foil thicknesses of 18 and 35 microns are almost always available from our warehouse in Russia.

All materials are produced in accordance with the RoHS directive, the content of harmful substances is confirmed by relevant certificates and RoHS test reports. Also, all materials, many items have certificates, etc.

Laminate FR4

The most widely used PCB base material is FR4 material. The thickness range of these laminates is standardized. We mainly use grade A (highest) laminates from ILM.

You can find a detailed description of the laminate.

Laminates in TePro warehouse

Dielectric thickness, mmFoil thickness, microns
0,2 18/18
0,2 35/35
0,3 18/18
0,3 35/35
0,5 18/18
0,5 35/35
0,7 35/35
0,8 18/18
1,0 18/18
1,0 35/00
1,0 35/35
1,5 18/18
1,5 35/00
1,5 35/35
1,5 50/50
1,5 70/70
1,55 18/18
2,0 18/18
2,0 35/35
2,0 70/00

Microwave material ROGERS

A technical description of the ROGERS material used in our production is available (English).

NOTE: To use ROGERS material in the production of circuit boards, please indicate this in the order form

Since Rogers material is significantly more expensive than standard FR4, we are forced to introduce an additional markup for boards manufactured using Rogers material. Working fields of used workpieces: 170 × 130; 270 × 180; 370 × 280; 570 × 380.

Metal based laminates

Visual representation of the material

Aluminum laminate ACCL 1060-1 with dielectric thermal conductivity 1 W/(m K)


ACCL 1060-1 is a single-sided laminate based on 1060 grade aluminum. The dielectric consists of a special thermally conductive prepreg. Top conductive layer made of refined copper. You can find a detailed description of the laminate.

Aluminum laminate CS-AL88-AD2(AD5) with dielectric thermal conductivity 2(5) W/(m K)


Material CS-AL88-AD2(AD5) is a one-sided laminate based on aluminum grade 5052 - an approximate analogue of AMg2.5; thermal conductivity 138 W/(m K). The thermally conductive dielectric consists of an epoxy resin with a thermally conductive ceramic filler. Top conductive layer made of refined copper. You can find a detailed description of the laminate.


In production we use prepregs 2116, 7628 and 1080 grade A (highest) from ILM.

You can find a detailed description of prepregs.

Solder mask

In the production of printed circuit boards, we use RS2000 liquid photodeveloped solder mask in various colors.


The RS2000 solder mask has excellent physical and chemical properties. Material shows excellent characteristics when applied through a mesh, and adheres perfectly to both laminate and copper conductors. The mask has high resistance to thermal shock. Due to all these characteristics, RS-2000 solder mask is recommended as a universal liquid photodevelopable solder mask used in the production of all types of double-layer and multi-layer printed circuit boards.

You can find a detailed description of the solder mask.

Frequently asked questions and answers on laminates and prepregs

What is XPC?

XPC is a phenolic-filled paper backing material. This material has a flammability rating of UL94-HB.

What's the difference between FR1 and FR2?

Basically it's the same thing. FR1 has a higher glass transition temperature of 130°C instead of 105°C for FR2. Some manufacturers who produce FR1 will not produce FR2 because the cost of production and application are the same and there is no advantage to producing both materials.

What is FR2?

Material with a paper base with phenolic filler. This material has a flammability rating of UL94-V0.

What is FR3?

FR3 is mainly a European product. It is basically FR2, but uses epoxy resin as a filler instead of phenolic resin. The main layer is paper.

What is FR4?

FR4 is fiberglass. This is the most common material for printed circuit boards. FR4 is 1.6mm thick and consists of 8 layers of #7628 fiberglass fabric. The manufacturer's logo/flammability class designation in red is located in the middle (layer 4). The temperature of use of this material is 120 - 130°C.

What is FR5?

FR5 is a fiberglass laminate similar to FR4, but the temperature of use of this material is 140 - 170°C.

What is CEM-1?

CEM-1 is a paper-based laminate with one layer of #7628 fiberglass. This material is not suitable for metallization of through holes.

What is CEM-3?

CEM-3 is most similar to FR4. Construction: fiberglass mat between two outer layers of #7628 fiberglass. CEM-3 is milky white and very smooth. The price of this material is 10 - 15% lower than that of FR4. The material is easy to drill and stamp. This is a complete replacement for FR4 and this material has a very large market in Japan.

What is G10?

G10 is currently an unfashionable material for standard printed circuit boards. This is fiberglass, but with a different filler than FR4. G10 only comes in flammability rating UL94-HB. Today the main area of ​​application is boards for wristwatch, since this material is easily stamped.

How can laminates be replaced?

XPC >>> FR2 >>> FR1 >>> FR3 >>> CEM-1 >>> CEM-3 or FR4 >>> FR5.

What are "prepregs"?

Prepreg is fiberglass coated with epoxy resin. Applications include: as a dielectric in multilayer printed circuit boards and as a starting material for FR4. 8 layers of #7628 prepreg are used in one 1.6mm thick FR4 sheet. The center layer (No. 4) usually contains a red company logo.

What does FR or CEM stand for?

CEM material consisting of epoxy resin (Composite Epoxy Material); FR fire-resistant (Fire Retardent).

Is FR4 really green?

No, it's usually transparent. Green color, characteristic of printed circuit boards this is the color of the solder mask.

Does the color of the logo mean anything?

Yes, there are red and blue logos. Red indicates flammability rating UL94-V0 and blue indicates flammability rating UL94-HB. If you have a material with a blue logo, then it is either XPC (phenolic paper) or G10 (fiberglass). The FR4 is 1.5/1.6mm thick and the logo is in the middle layer (No. 4) in an 8-layer construction.

Does logo orientation mean anything?

Yes, the direction of the logo shows the direction of the material base. The long side of the board must be oriented in the direction of the base. This is especially important for thin materials.

What is UV blocking laminate?

This is the stuff that doesn't let through ultra-violet rays. This property is necessary to prevent false exposure of the photoresist from the side opposite the light source.

What laminates are suitable for plating through holes?

CEM-3 and FR4 are the best. FR3 and CEM-1 are not recommended. For others, metallization is impossible. (Of course, you can use "silver paste plating").

Is there an alternative for plating through holes?

For hobby / self-made you can use rivets that can be purchased at stores that sell radio parts. There are several other methods for low density boards, such as jumper wire connections and the like. A more professional way is to obtain connections between layers using the “silver paste metallization” method. Silver paste is applied to the board using silk-screen printing, creating metallization of through holes. This method is suitable for all types of laminates, including phenolic paper, etc.

What is "material thickness"?

Material thickness is the thickness of the laminate base excluding the thickness of the copper foil. This is important for manufacturers multilayer boards. This concept is mainly used for thin FR4 laminates.

What is: PF-CP-Cu? IEC-249? GFN?

Here is the table common standards for laminates:
ANSI-LI-1 DIN-IEC-249 part 2 MIL 13949 BS 4584 JIS
XPC - - PF-CP-Cu-4 PP7
FR1 2 — 1 - PF-CP-Cu-6 PP7F
FR2 2 - 7-FVO - PF-CP-Cu-8 PP3F
FR3 2 - 3-FVO PX - PE1F
CEM-1 2 - 9-FVO - - CGE1F
CEM-3 - - - CGE3F
G10 - G.E. EP-GC-Cu-3 GE4
FR4 2 - 5-FVO GFN EP-GC-Cu-2 GE4F

Attention! This data may not be complete. Many manufacturers also produce laminates that do not fully meet ANSI specifications. This means that the current DIN/JIS/BS specifications etc. may vary. Please check that the specific laminate manufacturer's standard best suits your requirements.

What is CTI?

CTI - Comparative Tracking Index. Shows the highest operating voltage for a given laminate. This becomes important in products operating in environments high humidity, as for example in dishwashers or cars. A higher index means better protection. The index is similar to PTI and KC.

What does #7628 mean? What other numbers are there?

Here is the answer...
Type Weight (g/m2) Thickness (mm) Warp/Weave
106 25 0,050 22×22
1080 49 0,065 24×18.5
2112 70 0,090 16×15
2113 83 0,100 24×23
2125 88 0,100 16×15
2116 108 0,115 24×23
7628 200 0,190 17×12

What is 94V-0, 94V-1, 94-HB?

94 UL is a set of standards developed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) to determine the fire resistance and combustibility of materials.
- Specification 94-HB (Horizontal burning, the sample is placed horizontally in the flame)
The burning rate does not exceed 38 mm per minute for material with a thickness greater than or equal to 3 mm.
The burning rate does not exceed 76 mm per minute for material thicker than 3 mm.
— Specification 94V-0 (Vertical burning, the sample is placed vertically in the flame)
The material is capable of self-extinguishing.