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In a dream, a wristwatch is beautiful. What does it mean to see a wristwatch in a dream?

A dream in which a clock is present usually symbolizes time. However, the exact interpretation depends on the remaining circumstances of the dream. A personal wristwatch, as a rule, indicates that the dream foreshadows events that will be directly related to the dreamer.

Vanga's Dream Book?

This dream symbolizes the approach of a very important life stage. If a person tries to find out the time using an accessory without a dial, then in real life he faces great danger. This dream may portend a tragedy, which only higher powers will help to cope with.

Dream InterpretationFreud: why do you dream of a watch on your hand??

If a person fails them in a dream, then in reality he will receive a reward for work that was done a long time ago. However, the reward can also be intangible.

Denise Lynn's dream book: why do you dream about a hand with a clock??

This dream refers to the passage of time. It flows and runs away, and it runs away from the dreamer. Such a dream may also mean that a person needs to pay special attention to the signs around him.

Dream InterpretationWanderer: wristwatch - interpretation

This dream is a symbol of haste, boredom, business meetings, obligations or a new daily activity. Finding a watch or looking at it means rushing events that, in the dreamer’s opinion, will develop extremely slowly. This dream can also mean a serious period in life. A beautiful and expensive accessory is a profitable and successful marriage.

Dream InterpretationNostradamus, interpretation - why you dream about a wristwatch?

This dream is a warning that there will not be enough time to implement all the plans. If the ruler had a dream, then he will not have time to implement the planned reforms and projects.

Tsvetkov's dream book: watch - interpretation of a dream

The dial symbolizes changes in life. Watching arrows running quickly - higher powers warn against haste, which can cause a person to miss a lot of important things in life. If the arrows are creeping extremely slowly, on the contrary, you need to be more active.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation: dial - interpretation

A broken dial in a dream foreshadows rash actions that can greatly affect the dreamer’s life. He should think about what he will leave behind. For a woman, such a dream means that she is wasting her feelings on a person who is not worth it.

Dream interpretation eastern

This dream is a harbinger that very soon a very important event will occur that will affect the course of life. Listening to ticking is a sign that things will not get better for the dreamer very soon. A stopped clock dreams of death.

Dream Interpretationesoteric: wrist watches - what do they mean?

Wearing a working watch on your hand in a dream means well-planned and well-organized coordinated work. The dream means that a person knows how to properly manage his time. A broken watch indicates that the dreamer does not fit into the flow of time and is always late for the “distribution of prizes” from fate. Lose or drop - waste time. A person’s place in public and personal life will be taken by others.

Gypsy dream book: why do you dream about a wristwatch?

Looking at them or wearing them on your hand means the dreamer will be visited by a very important person. Start - to achieve the desired result, you will have to work a lot. A gold accessory means recognition in society.

There are various signs in dreams - some can be completely unclear and blurry, while others are so metaphorically vivid that you just feel, even at the level of intuition, what it might mean.

Many things and objects have strong associations for us with something - with certain phenomena, events, and so on.

One of the most striking, metaphorical, associative symbols is the clock. They are not just an object that is found in every home, in every institution, and on almost every hand.

Gold, plastic, electronic, mechanical, antique, children's, cuckoo or chime - such an incredible variety of watches. And they all seem to have their own soul. A clock is time, the inexorable passage of moments, it is a reminder that the life of each of us is impermanent, seconds flow by, they cannot be returned...

There can be an endless number of thoughts about the transience of our days, the value of moments and the passage of time. But how can one correctly interpret what a watch means in a dream, because it is such a complex, voluminous and multifaceted symbol!

First of all, you should very carefully and scrupulously remember your entire dream - the clock could have been anything, and anything could have happened to it. It is precisely such important nuances that will determine what the watch is meant for in dreams, and believe me, there can be a huge variety of meanings and meanings.

So, such dreams with dials and hands can be like this:

  • You heard a clock strike in a dream.
  • We saw a watch on his hand.
  • The wall clock in your dream is ticking very loudly.
  • You dreamed of a pocket watch.
  • A wall clock or other clock stopped in a dream.
  • You saw a dial without hands.
  • The clock in your dream went back.
  • You saw midnight on them.
  • A wall clock with an insect in it, such as a spider.
  • You dreamed of a cuckoo clock.
  • Sunny.
  • Sand.
  • Gold.
  • Women's watch.
  • Clock on the facade of a building or tower.
  • You look at the time.
  • Repairing watches.
  • The watch was broken - accidentally or on purpose.
  • You lost a watch in your sleep.
  • Turn them on.
  • You are buying.
  • They were given to you.
  • You gave them to someone.

It is difficult to find any symbol that could have so many diverse, sometimes completely opposite, meanings and meanings in a dream. Therefore, in order to determine as accurately and correctly as possible what the watch is for in your dreams, be sure to remember everything - what it was like and what happened.

So different, seen in dreams

To begin with, it’s worth analyzing those dreams in which the clock was simply seen by you - from the outside. But you yourself did not touch them, but only looked or accidentally noticed them. What is very important here is what they were like and where they were.

In addition, if you remember exactly what time it was on them, think about it - this time may be important in reality. Perhaps it is at this time that some important event will happen for you in reality.

1.If in your dreams you hear a clock striking a clock, know that an important and significant event is very close. Such a dream is simply a reminder that you should prepare for something and get ready.

2. It’s curious why you dream of a wristwatch – on your or someone else’s hand, or simply lying on a table, in a display case, and so on. This dream foreshadows many small joys, pleasant chores, small events that will fill your days to the brim. You won't have enough time, but it will be pleasantly busy.

3. A wall clock that ticks loudly in a dream indicates that you have to wait for something. This could be the anticipation of a long-awaited meeting, event, decision - anything. Be patient and don't rush things - learning to wait patiently will give you many benefits.

4. If, for example, you dream that you have a pocket watch, or you just saw it on someone, this is a wonderful sign, a symbol of the inevitable quick success that will overtake you in business. Work, personal relationships - everything will go well, and the period of failure will pass.

5. Do you dream about how the clock on the wall or on your hand stops? Know that this is an omen of the end of something. Some kind of protracted matter or process, maybe even a whole life period. What seemed endless will soon end.

6. If you dreamed of a dial without hands, this also promises the end of something. But here the dream book hints that it is time to start something new, that the time of the old is already coming to an end.

7. If you saw how the arrows went backwards, it is not difficult to find in the dream book an interpretation of such a bright symbol. This symbolizes a return to the past, some events or meetings from the past, people, memories, past connections.

8. If you dream that it is exactly midnight on the clock, this means that a very significant event awaits you ahead. It may even change the course of your life, but most likely it will not be in your very near future.

9. But if you happen to find a spider or other insect in a watch in a dream, which is unclear how it got there, this means that you will find an ill-wisher, a hypocrite or an imaginary friend next to you.

10.A dream in which there is a cuckoo clock symbolizes peace and order in the family. You will get great joy from a family life that is calm, peaceful and favorable.

11. The sundial is a hint that you are making too many unsteady and illusory plans. You should be a little more down to earth, look at things soberly.

12. Finding or seeing an hourglass - advice: take care of your loved ones and friends, protect your relationships, your actions can destroy them.

13. But why do you dream of a clock located on the facade of a building? This dream promises you recognition, praise and approval. Your work and actions will be recognized.

14. Gold also promises fame, recognition and honor.

15. Women's watches are a symbol of household chores. Perhaps guests will come.

Time is a precious gift

Let's consider why you dream of a watch that was not just seen in a dream, but with which you did something directly. All the details of the dream are also important here.

1. If you dream about how you look at time, it means that in reality you will correctly distribute your days and manage to do everything.

2. Receiving a watch as a gift in a dream means that in reality you will receive some kind of offer, very rare and desirable. For a girl, this may mean a marriage proposal, and a man may receive a very lucrative offer in the work sphere.

3. Finding them in a dream is a good sign. This means that you can soon count on unexpected and great luck.

4. It’s curious why you dream of a watch that you wind in a dream. This is an indication of your impatience, and advice to be more patient, learn to wait.

5. As the dream book says, a watch that you accidentally broke in a dream promises you a loss. And if you broke it on purpose, you yourself will deliberately get rid of something - and do it confidently.

6. If in a dream you are doing watch repairs, this indicates that you are probably wasting a lot of time and do not know how to plan properly. Try to reconsider your plans and everything on which you spend precious time every day.

7. Losing your walkers in a dream is a warning: you may be late for something. Remember - this can be in an everyday sense, for example, being late for a meeting, or maybe in a global sense - you risk missing something important. Be careful.

8. If you yourself bought a watch in a dream - it doesn’t matter whether it’s a wristwatch, a wall watch or something else, this promises you the start of new, interesting things that will change your life a little. They will bring something bright into it, something will captivate you, and you will be busy with interesting things.

9. But if you gave someone a watch in your dream, it doesn’t matter who exactly – a new romance, a love adventure and a lot of emotions await you!

It turns out that this is such a complex, interesting and multifaceted symbol. Our time passes, it cannot be stopped - and dreams only remind us of this once again.

Listen to the advice of the dream book, do not forget to listen to your heart and mind, and do not waste time - after all, the most interesting and important things are happening now, in these moments! Author: Vasilina Serova

One of the undeniable values human life- time. And if in a dream you saw a watch on your hand, then this is a reminder from the Higher Powers of how quickly precious hours, minutes and seconds fly by.

A hand-held chronometer can serve as a good omen, demonstrating the dedication and high performance of the sleeper. But sometimes this is a sign that the dreamer needs rest or, on the contrary, he is wasting time aimlessly, not caring about the consequences. So what could a wrist accessory mean? The answers will be found in dream books, but it is also important to remember the details of night vision.

Various manipulations

Soon after waking up, you will receive a valuable present - this is what you dreamed about trying on a wristwatch. And if you put them on while you were sleeping, then according to the dream book, it is hard work, perseverance, patience and moral principles that will help you achieve a lot.

A dream about removing a brace from your wrist is an indication that you are tired of hard work and a kaleidoscope of events. The loss of a watch foreshadows family feuds. And if you break your watch in a night dream, then get ready for a series of troubles in reality.

Word to Miller

The author of the popular dream book, American Gustav Miller, explains why a woman can have it on her hand. In his opinion, such a plot precedes an extremely difficult situation or even a disaster, the cause of which will be the domestic problems of the sleeping lady.

Reason for pride

If you notice in a night dream, then this promises good luck in work and business. This is also an indicator that peace, harmony and prosperity reign in the sleeping person’s family.

There is a chance to receive a decent bonus or other reward for conscientious work - this is what you dreamed of turning the wheel, winding up your wrist brace.

The interpretation of a dream about putting a watch on your hand should also please you - this is a sign that the dreamer is an extremely organized character. He correctly assesses and makes the most of his own capabilities, is careful with time, plans things brilliantly, but, following the rule, he always finds “an hour for fun.”

Everything's under control!

For anyone who puts several watches on their hand at once in a night vision, the dream book reminds of the sad outcome of chasing two hares at the same time. Why do you dream about such a plot? Moreover, the sleeper will need a lot of strength and energy in order to cope with all the obligations assumed.

However, some dream interpreters have a different interpretation, according to which the dreamer will be obliged to live by strict rules, follow a strict daily routine, meet high standards, and strictly observe moral principles.

The interpretation of a dream about wearing an electronic wristwatch says that you have long needed rest. The habit of living exactly according to a schedule takes a lot of strength and energy and does not give you the opportunity to do your favorite things or hobbies, and this, sooner or later, can cause depression.

Sign of trouble

Something serious and important for you will happen - that’s what you dreamed about when a wristwatch stopped. And in the morning you need to remember exactly the hour at which the hands froze, because this will be the exact time of the upcoming event in reality.

Unfortunately, the dream book predicts that this moment will leave an unpleasant mark on your memory, as it will be associated with some kind of trouble, misfortune, or problem in business.

Great gift

Did you receive a watch as a gift in the midnight phantasmagoria? This is an omen of an upcoming acquaintance. If you liked the present, then the person with whom fate will bring you together will turn out to be pleasant and sweet. But an ugly watch suggests that a new character in your environment will turn out to be boring and harmful.

Dream interpretation wrist watch

People have long come to the conclusion that symbols appear in dreams for a reason. The same symbols lead, in principle, to the same consequences.

Sometimes we dream about something out of the ordinary, sometimes about completely ordinary things. It cannot be said unequivocally that the former will lead to large-scale, unique events in life, and the latter to small ones. At times, between what happens in dreams and reality, everything happens the other way around.

Keepers of Time

A wristwatch in a dream symbolizes time, the past, present and future, our life.

This observation made it possible to systematize information from dreams and create a dream book. But many people in different countries have dealt with this issue, and for centuries, many dream books have accumulated.

Dream Interpreters

If you dreamed of a wristwatch

Of course, the main interpretation is time, but each author brings his own unique interpretation, highlighting certain points.

Dream book of noblewoman Grishina

Grishina examined the wristwatch from the perspective of the dreamer’s actions:

  • looking at it on your hand means wasting your life;
  • break - to quarrels, family troubles, divorce;
  • start - you are overly impatient;
  • broken - lose a thing, moment or person;
  • lose - you will literally lose a person, a meeting, an event;
  • to see a watch on your hand without hands - your time has already passed, retire, let people go.

Miller's Dream Book

The appearance of a wristwatch in a dream means good luck on the stock exchange. You dreamed of a watch that you carefully examine, Miller’s opinion is a pointless waste of time, and at this time your enemies are taking concrete steps.

Broken - you behave inappropriately, you don’t think about the consequences, while your environment is not very favorable to you.

Male, for a woman, female for a man - put your loved one under attack, and wonder how this could happen.

Freud's Dream Book

I dream about constantly wearing a watch on my hand - a reward for work and labor.

You dream for many hours - you want to do absolutely everything, you grab onto any job, thereby wasting both your energy and your time.

If you dreamed about broken ones - be softer, straightforwardness repels people.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Women's or men's watches

According to this dream book, seeing a clock in a dream is a reminder that time is running out, use it rationally.

Dream Interpretation Maya

If you dream of a clock, you are doing everything right, and most importantly, on time.

A broken watch has a negative interpretation; if you try to fix it, it means you are busy with the wrong thing.

Russian dream book

If you dream of a watch, no matter how simple or gold it is, you spend too much time creating. You keep track of time, which is passing without a trace.

Family dream book

Seeing a watch is good luck in business. You dream that you are checking the time for a long time; luck will slip out of your hands because of enterprising enemies.

If you dream of a watch that you are going to give to someone, or if it is broken, start preparing for obstacles in your way.

If you dream of a watch that was stolen, your reputation is at risk; your enemies will try to denigrate you.

Losing a woman's watch means disappointment in the family circle.

Aesop's Dream Book

If the clock was broken

Aesop believed that seeing a wristwatch in a dream reminds you that regardless of your actions, the passage of time cannot be stopped, everything has its ending.

  • Seeing a broken, stopped clock is a bad event that will affect all household members.
  • Buy - your carelessness will lead to collapse.
  • Repair - in reality you are making attempts to make amends for past mistakes.

Esoteric dream book

Wearing a watch on your hand means you are using your time and opportunities very wisely. If they are broken, you can’t make it on time, you’re always late, and don’t finish things.

If you dream that you have lost your watch, you are wasting your time on little things, missing out on the most important thing.

Seeing an expensive watch but not paying much attention to it means your life is stable, but this is temporary.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Gold wristwatch - beware of your family and friends, they can rob you.
  • To see a watch being received as a gift - don’t lie to yourself.
  • Find a watch - try to learn to be punctual; your tardiness makes others very angry. This is bad for your reputation.
  • I just dreamed of a wrist watch - a measured life, peace in the family.

Where is the watch from?

An important point - how did you get a watch in a dream? Was it given to you, did you buy it, did you steal it, did you find it? To solve such dreams, every detail that you manage to remember is important.


If you gave a watch

If you dream of receiving a watch as a gift, you will meet a new person. The watch is beautiful, which means the person you meet will be pleasant. Not pleasant, ugly - the person will only cause you trouble, you will suffer from his tediousness.

Receiving an expensive watch with a precious bracelet means a successful marriage. But if you dream that you have lost them, it means that all your hopes will collapse like a house of cards.

The interpretation of the dream is that if a stranger gives you a watch, it means that you will connect your life with some person. If you’re an acquaintance, it’s likely to lead to separation. It is also important to remember the emotions from the dream; positive ones will mean that separation or acquaintance will benefit you. Negative coloring of the dream - you will be very burdened and worry about this.

Buy time

Why did you dream that you were going to buy a watch - you have never learned to take control of a difficult situation, you are too careless, too trusting.

Why dream of buying a wristwatch - take life more seriously, don’t waste it, it’s already short.

Buying a wristwatch is often the dream of insecure people. At the same time, the more expensive the accessory, for example gold, the more self-doubt.

Sometimes the dream book gives such an interpretation of such dreams. Why choose to try on a watch in a store - you will soon receive a valuable gift.

Perhaps such a dream reflects your too high demands, despite the fact that you make a minimum of effort.

Nice find

  • Why did you dream about a wristwatch that you first lost and then found - complete understanding with your spouse.
  • Why find a gold watch in a dream - means deception by loved ones.
  • Why find ordinary ones - mutual understanding in marriage.
  • Why see how someone you know managed to find a watch - to a good relationship with this person.
  • Why find many watches - luck in everything. But some dream books give a slightly different interpretation. This may be evidence that you want to be good to absolutely everyone, but that doesn’t happen.

All that glitters is not gold

If it was a gold watch

It would seem that finding a gold watch in a dream is a symbol of good luck and wealth. Unfortunately, after such dreams, where golden things appeared, you face the threat of being deceived or abandoned by your closest and dearest people. The symbolism is that you believe that they are your gold, your wealth.


There are many dreams about clock mechanisms, and accordingly there are also dream scenarios. You can see broken ones, gold ones, white ones, green ones, too big ones. You can also see how they were stolen.

Why did you dream about a stolen watch? Such accessories mean that your enemies are not asleep, they at least form a plan for your collapse.

Seeing the loss of hours means that you are not striving for your goal, scattering yourself around everything around, you are losing the most important thing.

To summarize the plot of your dreams, you can derive several formulas.

In such a dream, about a clock mechanism, it doesn’t matter what it was, manual, wall-mounted, cheap, expensive. The message of such dreams is to show you that time is not eternal, it is running out.

Details of the dream, for example, where you managed to lose or find your watch. The appearance, for example, gold, iron and rubber, already indicates the very essence of your wrong actions in life.

The main thing in a dream is to be attentive, try to get all the possible information.

If in a dream you got rid of your watch, threw it away, you got rid of internal taboos that constantly held you back and did not allow you to develop normally.

The clock symbolizes time. Therefore, when they appear in a dream, the soul becomes very anxious. Therefore, the question of why watches are dreamed of interests many.

Deciphering a dream in which there was a watch is not always easy. To do this, you need to remember all the details of the plot you saw. An important factor for the correct interpretation of sleep is the type of watch, as well as what actions were performed with time measuring instruments.

The most revealing are dreams in which the watch was seen from the outside and no actions were carried out with it.

Wall Clock

If you see a wall clock in a dream, then this indicates that an event will happen in life that you have been waiting for for a very long time. This could be, for example, a long-awaited meeting. Moreover, it is impossible to bring this moment closer by any actions, since in this case the event may not occur. You just need to be patient and wait.

Why do you dream of a wristwatch?

A wristwatch, seen on a hand or lying on a table, foreshadows the small joys of life, without which life turns into existence and becomes very boring. After such a dream, your life will be filled with pleasant chores and worries that will make it complete.

Pocket watch - dream book

If you saw a pocket watch in a dream, this indicates that good luck will accompany you in the near future, so you can safely take on any projects and endeavors. During this period of life, you will not be haunted by failures in any area of ​​life.

Type of clock - interpretation of sleep

To understand what different watches mean in dreams, remember their appearance. Such dreams can be interpreted as follows:
    A cuckoo clock portends peace and order in the family; A sundial indicates that you often make illusory plans that simply cannot be realized; An hourglass warns that during this period of life you need to take care of friends and family; Clock on the facade buildings promise you recognition of your achievements.

Gold watch

Very often the question arises, why do you dream of a gold watch? In this case, the interpretation of dreams depends on your feelings in a dream and actions. If you try on a gold watch in a dream, this portends that they will do you a favor in real life, and you will have to pay for it. And it may very well be that the reckoning will be heavy for you. If you don’t like the watch you try on, then this is simply a statement of the fact that in real life it is impossible to surprise you with anything. And if such a watch was stolen from you, it means that in reality you will have to endure humiliation. A huge gold wall clock seen in a dream is a bad sign. It indicates that soon the world around you will be painted in dark colors and this may be associated with the loss of a loved one.

Buying a watch

Buying a watch in old dream books is associated with thoughtless spending in the real world or frivolous actions. Modern dream books interpret this action as a recommendation for starting a new life. In addition, when you buy a watch yourself in a dream, you will soon begin to engage in a new activity that will change your life and bring something bright and exciting into it.

Receive a watch as a gift

If you dream that you are receiving a watch as a gift, this means that in reality you will receive a rare and profitable offer. For a girl, such a dream can be a harbinger of a marriage proposal from a loved one. And a man, having seen such a dream, can count on promotion.

Another interpretation has a dream in which you give a watch. After such nightly dreams in real life, you can expect a new romantic adventure that will fill your soul with wonderful feelings of love.

Find a clock - interpretation of dreams

Finding a watch in a dream is a very good sign. It means that in life you can count on unexpected luck that will allow you to get closer to your goal.

Break the clock

If in a dream you broke a watch:
    By accident, this portends losses; On purpose, then you are trying to get rid of something.

I dreamed about losing my watch

If you lost a watch in a dream, then there is a high probability that in reality you will be late for an important meeting. Try to prevent this from happening in real life. But such a dream can also be a harbinger of the fact that you may globally miss something in your life, which will lead to not very good life changes.

Why do you dream of winding a watch?

When you dream that you are winding a watch in a dream, this indicates that you are a very impatient person by nature. This makes it very difficult for you to cope with life’s problems, since you always rush things. If you change and learn to be more patient, you will become a more successful person. A watch is a very complex and multifaceted symbol in a dream. They remind us in our nightly dreams that time passes and cannot be stopped. Therefore, you need to enjoy life and accept it in all its manifestations.