home · Appliances · On the occasion of Housing and Public Utilities Day, capital repair operators will hold an “Open Doors Day. The Tula Region Capital Repair Fund held an open day. The Tula Region Capital Repair Fund held an Open Day.

On the occasion of Housing and Public Utilities Day, capital repair operators will hold an “Open Doors Day. The Tula Region Capital Repair Fund held an open day. The Tula Region Capital Repair Fund held an Open Day.

On the eve of the Day of Housing and Communal Services Workers regional operators overhaul will hold a “Day open doors" During the event, relocation operators will answer questions from residents regarding major repairs and, using the example of renovated houses, will talk about the implementation of the program

In most regions of Russia, on March 17, as part of the Open Day, regional operators of major repairs apartment buildings They will tell the owners about the procedure and timing of repairs, the possibilities of carrying out energy-efficient overhauls, new materials and technologies when carrying out work, and will also answer citizens’ questions.

So, in Grozny, in a number of cities of Karachay-Cherkessia, Kostroma, Kursk, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Chita and Perm, a tour program is planned for apartment buildings where major renovations took place in 2016, as well as houses where work is still underway. Residents of Yekaterinburg will be invited to visit the “secret corners” of the house, for example, in the attic and in the labyrinth basement, and will be told about the features of the work carried out there, as well as important rules acceptance of major repairs.

In Yakutsk and Murmansk, representatives of the funds will communicate with citizens in live regional radio stations. The Stavropol Territory Capital Repair Fund also provided a program for construction students educational institutions as part of the Open Day.

A detailed program of events and addresses of houses where excursions will take place can be found on the websites of regional operators of major renovations.


The Capital Repair Fund of the Tula Region held an Open Day

March 17 Overhaul Fund Tula region conducted an inspection of houses No. 19 and No. 21 on the street. Mira, Tula, where the overhaul of the roof, facade and power supply system was completed under the short-term program in 2016, and told the event participants the features of the overhaul program. The head of the Center for Public Control of Housing and Communal Services, the coordinator of the United Russia party project "People's Control. Housing and Communal Services" Anastasia Dementyeva and the Center specialist and chairman took part in the Open Day Public Council Fund for Overhaul of the Tula Region Alexander Muzlanov.
Leading specialists of the Overhaul Fund of the Tula Region Tatyana Tikhonovna Komarova and Sergey Valerievich Mitin told the inspection participants about the progress of the implementation of short-term programs for MKD overhaul in the Tula region, about the collection of funds for contributions for major repairs by owners of apartment buildings, about methods of accumulating funds for major renovations of a house, about the condition of apartment buildings No. 19 and No. 21 on the street. Mira, Tula before the start of major repairs, and about the progress of major repairs of the roof, facade, and electrical supply system in these houses.
Anastasia Dementyeva spoke about the work of the project "People's Control. Housing and Public Utilities" to monitor the implementation of the program in the Tula region and about conducting educational seminars on the topic of major repairs and monitoring residents over the progress of work.

March 19, 2017 Citizens whose activities involve colossal work in the field of housing and communal services will rightfully celebrate their professional holiday! - Day of workers of consumer services and housing and communal services!

For this reason, in most regions of Russia March 17 within "Open Day", regional operators of capital repairs of apartment buildings held information and explanatory conversations with participants in a comprehensive “flash mob project”, where they discussed the procedure and timing of repairs, new materials and technologies when carrying out work, possibilities for energy-efficient capital repairs, as well as answers to citizens’ questions .

The Capital Repair Fund of the Stavropol Territory was no exception, and as part of this large-scale event, it also held an “Open Day” in Stavropol with an excursion program for 4th year students of the Stavropol Construction College at the following addresses: st. Moskovskaya, 47, st. Moskovskaya, 55.

In addition to the students, the guests of the excursion were representatives of the contracting organization, the media, and the owners of the apartment buildings themselves.

The first “excursion point” was apartment house at the address st. Moskovskaya, 47.

For reference.

Apartment building on the street. Moskovskaya, 47 in Stavropol was built in 1953. Condition is not only appearance, but also the internal building communication systems, before major repairs were carried out, according to the residents themselves, were in a very depressing situation. As part of the implementation of the regional program and short-term plans, major repairs apartment building was completed in 2016. Were completed the following types works: repair of the in-house utility gas supply system, heat supply, repair of the in-house utility power supply system, roof repair, repair of basements, facade.

The choice of this apartment building for participation in the excursion event was determined, first of all, by the nature and scope of the major repairs performed. After all, the main goal was to clearly show students of specialized specialties of the institution how major repair work is carried out, what difficulties arise not only in the process of carrying out repairs, but also on initial stages design and approval of design and estimate documentation.

What the leading specialist of the technology and training department spoke about in detail in his interview with journalists and students technical documentation NO IC "Capital Repair Fund", - Svetlana Vladimirovna.

Students were given the opportunity to ask questions that interested them, regarding the preparation of accompanying documentation for major repairs, after which the children were invited to see with their own eyes the results of the roof replacement work, namely, to go up to the roof for inspection. Indeed, this is "Open Day"! which gave all project participants the opportunity to get acquainted not only with methodological material Fund - “Brochure to help the owner of premises”, but also in practice to see the concrete result of the activities of the Capital Repair Fund. The representative of the contracting organization explained in detail all the “subtleties” and difficulties that construction specialists encounter in the process of their work, and also spoke in detail about the types of work that were performed in the house on the street. Moskovskaya, 47.

Summing up of this event, the students of the construction college expressed their deep gratitude to the Capital Repair Fund, and that they were given such an incredible opportunity to visit "Open Day" , get expert advice, communicate with representatives contractors and find out what stages, in practice, the process of performing a major overhaul includes common property apartment buildings!


The residents of our building are convinced that the capital repair program really works!

The Foundation continues to receive Thanksgiving letters for high-quality work on major repairs of common property in apartment buildings...

The Moscow training and production complex for capital repairs opened its doors to the regions

On August 24, the All-Russian Forum ended in Moscow “ Professional education and housing education. New methods and approaches." Moscow, as a recognized leader in training owners to monitor the implementation of the regional capital improvement program, provided a platform for the event.

The organizers of the Forum, held on the basis of the Training and Production Complex for Major Repairs of the City of Moscow, were the Housing and Communal Services Reform Assistance Fund, the Housing and Communal Services, Construction and Roads Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the NP “National Center for Public Control in the Sphere of Housing and Communal Services “Housing and Communal Services Control”.

Representatives from more than 60 regions came to Moscow to exchange positive practices. As part of the exchange of experience in training owners to monitor the implementation of the capital repair program, the Chairman of the City Commission for Ensuring Public Control over the implementation of the capital repair program in Moscow, Valery Semenov, spoke. Semenov spoke about the system of public control implemented in the city, and also shared the experience of public commissions, which have become an effective mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the capital's capital repair program.

The site where the event took place - the training and production complex for capital repairs in Moscow - also deserves special attention. This overhauled educational and exhibition facility is unique of its kind and the only one in Russia. At 350 meters in life size A model of an apartment building with an entrance, an elevator hall, an apartment, a roof, a garbage chute, a basement, an elevator shaft and even a construction camp was implemented. The exhibition presents all the materials and technologies used in the Moscow capital renovation program. According to Svetlana Razvorotneva, executive director of the NP Housing and Utilities Control: “Moscow has become a recognized leader in training public activists who monitor the overhaul of apartment buildings. This was largely made possible through the creation of a unique training center for capital repair technologies.”

Forum participants saw operating elevators, working elevator winches in the engine room, and a stand demonstrating repairs different types facades and roofs, utility networks, water and heat supply systems. All fourteen types of work are presented in the context of design and estimate documentation for an apartment building. The exhibition is presented in a “what was then” format, which adds visibility and understanding of aspects of the work being carried out.

Please note that the showroom has an educational function. At its base, authorized owners are trained, that is, residents who are ready to control the implementation of major repairs in their home. Classes that can accommodate up to 150 people are allocated for training. The training is conducted by the City Public Control Commission. For owners, training is free and is provided through grants allocated by the city.

The hall was created by the City Commission for Public Control over the implementation of the Regional Capital Repair Program in Moscow at the capital's Public Chamber, as well as with the information and methodological support of the capital's Capital Repair Fund and the Moscow City Municipal Services Complex. To date, the number of trained owners exceeds 2 thousand people.

For information

The Moscow training and production complex for capital repairs was created on the basis of OJSC Santekhprom byCity Commission for Public Control over the implementation of the Regional Program for the Overhaul of Common Property of Apartment Buildings on the Territory of the City of Moscow under the Public Chamber of the City of Moscow with the information and methodological assistance of the Fund for the Overhaul of Apartment Buildings of the City of Moscow and the Municipal Services Complex of the City of Moscow.

An objectis intended to conduct master classes for Muscovites on practical mechanisms for monitoring technology and the execution of major repairs of apartment buildings with the opportunity to demonstrate repair technologies, materials and equipment used.

The decision on the need to create a Demonstration Hall was made during the Civil Forum with the participation of Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin.

In the Moscow training and production complex for capital repairs, a model of an apartment building has been assembled, in which all the main residential ( living rooms, kitchen, toilet and bathroom) and non-residential premises(first floor hall, basement), as well as the main engineering systems and structural elements of the building (roof, elevators, facade, water supply, heating systems, gas supply, sewerage, garbage chute).

For each element, the main directions and technologies of capital repairs that are carried out during the implementation of the regional program are reflected.

A mock-up of the construction camp has been installed, as well as mechanization equipment used for major repairs.

Separately equipped access points for familiarization with the operation of electronic services related to control and information during the implementation of the regional program.

There are training rooms in which training is conducted for authorized owners involved in the acceptance of major repairs.

The Moscow training and production complex overhaul was officially opened by the Mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin on June 9, 2017.