home · Measurements · Protection against the Colorado potato beetle with prestige. “Prestige” from the Colorado potato beetle: how to treat potatoes before planting Prestige insecticide instructions for use

Protection against the Colorado potato beetle with prestige. “Prestige” from the Colorado potato beetle: how to treat potatoes before planting Prestige insecticide instructions for use

Kira Stoletova

In order to grow a rich harvest without loss, gardeners have to use chemicals. If not treated with disinfectants, the development of any crop will be accompanied by pest attacks, which will reduce productivity. What is Prestige and how to use it? Let's look at the strong and weak sides facilities.

  • Purpose of the drug "Prestige"

    What is treated with Pretige

    According to the instructions for use of the drug Prestige, the pesticide has the properties of both an insecticide and a fungicide. Unlike more accessible analogues, the poison does not affect the development of plants, increasing resistance to ailments and influences environment.

    The disinfectant is used to treat:

    • potatoes;
    • pepper;
    • tomatoes;
    • eggplant;
    • cabbage;
    • ornamental plants;
    • fruit trees, bushes.

    Protection from pests and diseases

    Throughout the growing season, the product protects against fungal diseases: scab, rhizoctonia and wet rot. Anti-stress effect influences the improvement of product quality and helps to increase the growth of green mass. The chemical penetrates the receptors of pests and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. The insecticide kills:

    Prestige after treatment seed material starts working after a few hours. The drug is completely eliminated from production after 2 months. This feature allows you to use the chemical once a season without repeated procedures.

    Composition of the drug "Prestige"

    The main active components of the dressing are pencycuron and imidacloprid. The Baer Corporation has patented a unique combination, so cheaper analogues do not have the same effectiveness. All substances are poisonous, but after 40 days they begin to decompose, gradually leaving the crop. After 50 days, the product no longer contains any remaining connecting elements.

    The drug is classified as a medium toxic agent (class 3), all work is carried out in protective clothing. Fungicidal components slow down the development of fungi, reduce the supply nutrients mycelium. The insecticidal component of the product blocks the nerve impulses of pests. At correct use, after 40 days no dangerous chemical elements are found in root vegetables and green mass.

    The drug is released in the form of a suspension, which is diluted to the desired concentration with water. Thanks to the patented composition, the poison hardens on the surface of the seed in the form thin film. During the specified time, chemicals are not washed off from plants treated according to the instructions during irrigation and do not decompose under the influence of natural vagaries (frost, heat).

    Packaging options are designed for volumes from 10 ml to 5 liters.

    Strengths and weaknesses of the drug "Prestige"

    Despite high price, Prestige for potato processing is very popular among domestic and foreign farmers. The complex preparation allows not only to protect plants from insects and fungi in one procedure, but also increases stress resistance and immunity. One application per season is sufficient.

    Another advantage of the disinfectant is the effect that makes the chemical look like a fertilizer. Thanks to the activation of metabolic processes, the formation of healthy greenery in crops improves and root crops quickly ripen. The harvest volume increases significantly.

    Treatment against the Colorado potato beetle before planting allows you to create powerful protection for 60 days. The dressing agent breaks down within 50 days, after which it leaves the tubers without a trace. The drug is not suitable for growing young potatoes. In this case, it is better to give preference to less toxic species.

    Insecticidal properties allow you to get rid of homoptera and lepidoptera insects. Fungicidal features will create an ideal shield against fungal diseases. The absence of pests and diseases makes it possible to improve marketable condition tubers and fruits.

    Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle has virtually no downsides. If you use the drug according to the instructions and follow safety rules, there will be no risk. The pesticide has special storage requirements.

    Before use, Prestige potato dressing is diluted in the following proportion: 60 ml of product per 1 liter of water. The components are stirred and poured into the sprayer. It is important to ensure uniformity of the solution, otherwise small particles may clog the equipment. Active substance quickly activates.

    To spray the tops and soak the roots before planting, 50 ml of the suspension is diluted in 5 liters of water. The resulting solution is applied using a special sprayer. The recommended procedure allows you to protect greens for a period of 30 days. The duration of stay in the liquid is at least 10 hours.

    Potatoes are treated with KS Prestige against the Colorado potato beetle before planting. To do this, 150 ml of the substance is diluted in 3 liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed on up to 150 kg of tubers and applied 2 weeks before the start of agricultural work. The germinated material is planted in the ground.

    Large farming enterprises use a disinfectant to protect against pests. In 10 liters of the substance, 1 ton of seeds can be processed. Irrigation is carried out immediately before planting.

    It is not advisable to leave the working solution for a long period without shaking.

    Safety regulations

    The drug Prestige is used for processing potatoes according to the instructions. Before agricultural work, carefully study the rules for spending funds. To avoid poisoning, use:

    • respirator or gauze bandage;
    • protective clothing;
    • tight mittens.

    If chem. the product gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, they must be washed immediately clean water until the discomfort disappears. Admission toxic substance into the stomach may be harmful. To save a person from a pesticide, it is necessary to rinse. Absorbent medications are used ( Activated carbon, "Polysorb"), after which they contact medical institution for help.

    Literary sources:


    State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals permitted for use on the territory Russian Federation, year 2012. Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)


    State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2013. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)


    State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2014. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)  


    State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2015. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)  


    State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2016. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)  


    State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2017. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)  


    State catalog of pesticides and agrochemicals approved for use on the territory of the Russian Federation, 2018. Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia)  


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  • Mode of application

    Use in homestead farming

  • Mechanism of action

    Imidacloprid blocks the transmission of nerve impulses at the receptor level of the postsynaptic membrane.

    Pencikuron penetrates the plant cuticle and inhibits the germination of mycelium, affects functional state cells and nuclei, inhibits the biosynthesis of sterol and free fatty acids inside the fungus, significantly reduces the content of transport forms of glucose

    Activity spectrum

    • Insecticidal action: activity in the fight against homoptera (Homoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), thrips (Thysanoptera), lepidoptera (Lepidoptera).
    • Fungicidal effect: activity against rhizoctonia and common scab.

    Period of protective action

    From pests 40-60 days after emergence; from rhizoctonia and scab - throughout the entire growing season.

    Impact speed

    Rapid initial activity from the moment of treatment, the effect against pests is observed a few hours after treatment.

  • Compatibility

    When used in tank mixtures with other pesticides, microelements, growth regulators, it is necessary to check for chemical compatibility.


    The drug has high selectivity in relation to the objects being processed

  • Every year, on the way to a rich potato harvest, gardeners are faced with all sorts of diseases and pests that take a lot of effort and time. Tired of fighting, they turn to chemical exposure. Today, many products have been created that differ in their range of applications and degree of toxicity. One of them is Prestige, a German complex-action preparation for processing potatoes.

    Prestige Properties

    The drug Prestige is released German company Bayer. It acts on potatoes as an insecticide, fungicide and growth stimulant. Range of its application:

    • creating a barrier from harmful insects, including the Colorado potato beetle;
    • protection against diseases such as rot, scab, rust and powdery mildew;
    • acceleration of plant growth and development;
    • improvement appearance tubers.

    Prestige is produced in the form of a suspension with a volume of 15 to 500 ml. It should be stored at a temperature of -5...+30°C out of the reach of children and animals, away from food products. Prepare the solution immediately before use. After treatment, the plant will be protected for 40 days from pests and diseases. Prestige components completely disintegrate within 60 days, so early varieties This drug is not treated for safety reasons.

    When using Prestige, you must carefully follow the instructions.

    Of the advantages of Prestige, gardeners note the following:

    • efficiency;
    • increase in productivity;
    • increasing the immunity of potatoes to unfavorable environmental conditions: temperature changes, high humidity, drought.

    The only drawback of the drug is its toxicity - Prestige belongs to the category of “moderately dangerous”; if the technology of use is violated, it can harm human health. Some gardeners note high cost facilities.

    How to process potatoes with Prestige

    Prestige is intended for pre-planting treatment of tubers and root systems. Combined treatment with the drug Maxim gives a good effect. But before using any other product together with Prestige, you need to check their compatibility. If a precipitate forms when mixing these solutions, it means they cannot be used together.

    Before germination

    Potatoes treated before germination adapt better to the soil, grow faster and bear fruit, which naturally increases the yield.

    Pre-planting treatment of potatoes is carried out 2–3 weeks before planting in open ground. Prestige is dissolved with water in a ratio of 1:10. Moreover, 100 ml of the drug is enough to process 10 kg of tubers. Potatoes are laid out on flat surface and spray with the prepared and thoroughly mixed solution on all sides. After the tubers dry, they are sent for germination.

    Treatment before germination increases potato yield

    Before boarding

    You can treat potatoes after germination 2–3 hours before planting in the ground.

    Potatoes treated before planting will better tolerate temperature changes, lack or excess of moisture. Any vegetable crops can be treated with Prestige

    Tubers treated with Prestige cannot be cut. Otherwise, toxic substances will get into them.

    Processing of seedlings

    Before planting in the ground, you can also treat potato seedlings with Prestige. By soaking its roots for 7–8 hours in a solution prepared in a ratio of 1:100, you will protect the plant from pests and diseases for 30 days.

    Processing of potatoes propagated by sprouts

    If there is not enough seed material, potatoes are propagated by sprouts. Before planting, they can be kept in the Prestige solution for about half an hour. So it will play the role of a growth stimulator and immunomodulator: the sprouts will take root better in the soil, grow faster, and the plant will be protected from diseases and pests throughout the growing season.

    Before planting, potato sprouts can be kept in Prestige for about half an hour.

    Use of the drug during the growing season

    During the growing season, potatoes are not treated with Prestige, because until the tubers are fully ripened, its chemical components will not disintegrate. Accordingly, such a product should not be eaten.

    Video: processing potatoes with Prestige

    Precautionary measures

    To avoid chemical poisoning, when processing potatoes with Prestige, you must follow the following safety precautions:

    1. Use rubber gloves, a respirator and special clothing for protection.
    2. Carry out processing away from fruit and berry trees and bushes.
    3. After treatment, wash your hands well, rinse your mouth, take a shower, and rinse your equipment and protective equipment.

    Analogues of the product

    Prestige has analogue drugs with similar properties, including those made in Russia.

    Table: analogue drugs of Prestige

    Drug name Manufacturer country Action Protection period Peculiarity
    MospilanJapanProtection from most insects.2–3 weeks
    ConfidorGermanyPest protection.15–30 daysResistance to adverse factors: drought, heat, temperature changes.
    AktaraSwitzerlandProtection from most pests.24–60 daysWell compatible with most pesticides.
    AktellikSwitzerlandProtection from all types of insects.2–3 weeksDoes not harm plants.
    TanrekRussiaProtection from insects.up to 20 daysCheap. Half-life 50–100 days. Toxins practically do not enter the tubers.

    PRESTIGE is a drug that has both insecticidal and fungicidal (antifungal) properties. According to the instructions for use, Prestige protects the plant from lepidopteran and homoptera insects, and also helps well in the fight against aphids, thrips, wireworms, sawflies, cereal and bread midges, darts, sawflies and the hated Colorado potato beetle. As an antifungal drug, it has proven itself well in protecting crops from brown rust, mold, various rots, powdery mildew, septoria.

    Instructions for use of Prestige

    Before treating potatoes, the Prestige insecticide must be diluted, and the ratio and method of treatment for potato tubers and seedlings is excellent. To protect potatoes from pests, it is necessary to treat them with Prestige during or before planting. To do this, you need to prepare a solution using the following ratio of 1:20. This amount should be enough for about 10 kg of potatoes.

    • The tubers should be sprayed evenly.
    • After spraying, it is better to let the potatoes dry.
    • After which you can safely plant the tubers in the ground.

    Action of the Drug quite long, so for about 40 days it will protect not only the potato tuber, but also the emerging tops.

    At the same time, the penetration of any component into young tubers is completely excluded, since after this time after treatment the drug completely disintegrates.

    The use of Prestige for protecting seedlings is slightly different. Rhizomes of pepper, tomato, cabbage or eggplant seedlings must be soaked for 7-8 hours in a Prestige disinfectant solution diluted in the following proportion: 1 ml of the drug per 100 ml of water. After which the seedlings must be immediately planted in the soil. If everything is done according to the instructions, then within 30 days you can rest assured about the treated seedlings.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Negative qualities .

    • Of course, it is no secret that the use of a disinfectant, although to a small extent, still leaves its “traces” in any treated crop, so it is better to use such preparations as a last resort, when they have been tried conditionally chemicals. But there are situations when pest control is very difficult - or the area is too contaminated big amount insects (or severely affected by the disease), or maybe the area of ​​the site is huge. It is then that various chemicals have to be used.
    • Quite an expensive drug

    To the positive properties it can be attributed to the fact that the insecticide:

    • Effective and meets all the indicators described in the instructions;
    • Plants do not experience stress after treatment;
    • At the same time it kills a number of pests and counteracts numerous fungal diseases.
    • Stimulates the growth and development of the treated crop.

    Compatibility test

    To find out whether the drugs are compatible with each other, you need to do a test. To do this, mix equal amounts of one and the other and dissolve them in water. If a precipitate occurs, it is better not to use the drugs at the same time.

    Security measures

    Insecticide Prestige– a moderately dangerous drug, has a hazard class of 3. Work with the drug as with any chemicals, should wear rubber gloves, a gauze bandage, a work coat, and a hat. At the end of the work, all this must be removed and washed, and you yourself need to wash your hands with soap, take a shower, and ideally rinse your mouth. While working with Prestige, you cannot drink or eat, or anything else. The tubers must be transported to the planting site in closed plastic bags without damage. Children and animals should not be allowed into both the dry composition and the solution of the drug. Do not store Prestige near food or drinking water.


    In order for the drug to preserve all its properties, it is necessary to follow storage precautions.

    • Store at temperatures from -5 to +30 degrees in a dry place.
    • It is important to use the diluted product on the same day, and stir well before use.