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Powerful runic becoming human protection. How to protect yourself with runes? Damage made on runes

Runes that act as strong and lasting protection will help ward off trouble. Depending on the purpose, the color scheme is selected. The most effective colors are black, gold, and blue. Thanks to runic formulas, it is possible not only to protect oneself from the forces of evil, but also to sense possible attacks from strangers, thereby developing intuition. The main and most powerful runes are Algiz and Eyvaz. The first protects against thieves and is a universal amulet. The second protects envious people and damage from the evil eye.

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    Additional runes for protection

    In addition to those listed above, you can use runes:

    • Feu. Protects finances and any material assets.
    • Turisaz. Actively protects the home. Protects the family from quarrels and gossip, the adverse influence of strangers.
    • Kano. Called to protect traditions and family values.
    • Gebo. A talisman for strengthening partnerships.
    • Hagalaz. Prevents unwanted attack, creates a barrier against negative energy.
    • Nautiz. Acts against magical influences and manifestations of aggression.

      For effective protection, you can use the Isa rune. It neutralizes destructive forces and blocks negativity formed magically. Soulu and Raido ensure safety during travel and any trips. Berkana is designed to protect women and children. She creates peace in the family. It is often used for support during childbirth. To prevent accidents on the water, Laguz is used. Otal prevents ill-wishers from encroaching on other people's property.

      Combinations of runes are used:

      • Eyvaz, Algiz, Isa. Effective against ill-wishers who spread gossip.
      • Perth and Hagalaz. They remove negative forces that have already begun to affect the wearer.

      Algiz is the rune with the strongest protective properties. It helps to gain friendship with influential people, protect against gossip and disputes at work, and freeze negative energy directed at a person.

      Runic formulas for protection, runescripts

      To protect property, they resort to a combination of Algiz and Inguz. To protect from any negativity, in particular gossip and envy, Teyvaz + Algiz + Otal + Algiz + Teyvaz has proven itself well. For family prosperity, the combination of Otal + Feu + Vunyo + Inguz + Dzhera is recommended.

      The Teyvaz rune is used to achieve goals; Jera is well suited for stability in any area. The formula Isa + Kano + Hagalaz + Kano + Isa works like a mirror. That is, the symbols send the negativity sent by a person back to him in full. Protection from psychological influence is provided by the combination of Uruz + Nautiz + Berkana.

      If you use the combination Hagalaz + Dagaz + Algiz, any witchcraft influence will be excluded, both positive and negative. The sender will not be able to cause harm, but no help will come from him either. In the fight against energy vampires, becoming Mannaz + Perth + Kano + Turisaz + Teyvaz in an inverted position will help. Runescripts are used not only as a talisman, but also for preserving one’s own magical actions. Protection will be relevant even after applying the symbol to the body to ensure safety and in the event that the target decides to take retaliatory measures.

      If a person suspects that he is being damaged to death, he needs to apply the “Rune Cross” to his body. It is drawn on the right side of the body if it is a man, and on the left if it is a woman. In the central part is Eyvaz, to the left and right of it is Berkana, and below and above is Turisaz. This type of headwear is worn for a week or more. During this time, a person may experience fatigue and emptiness. This is a variant of the norm, but after cleansing it is advisable to protect yourself with other runes.

      Application order

      For runic formulas to work, they must be applied directly to what needs protection. For apartments and houses, it is necessary to make the appropriate position on the front door, from the inside, or above the threshold of the entrance to the home. A door frame will also work.

      If we are talking about a car, you can write a runescript on a piece of paper and place it in the glove compartment. If it is necessary to save money, savings deposits and accounts, a sheet of paper with the appropriate formula is placed in a safe or applied to a book or certificate. To protect oneself, they apply certain meanings to the body. You can write a runescript on a piece of paper and put it in your bag or pocket. The amulet should always accompany the owner.

      It is possible to protect loved ones by applying the formula to the back of a photo.

      One rune by itself cannot harm. But they use stakes that contain from 2 to 6 characters, and sometimes more. For example, 7 symbols can even lead to the death of the one to whom the damage is directed. To visit her, it is not necessary to contact the victim. Just look at the photo or embody the image in your head.

      The formula Nautiz + Soulu + Nautiz helps to remove negative effects and cleanse itself if applied to the body with a red marker. You need to walk with her for 9 days. The soul and body will return to normal, but this method also has a side effect. The formula increases self-esteem. That is why it is necessary, after a ten-day period, to walk around with the image of the Algiz rune. She will get rid of pride.

      How to activate and deactivate?

      To activate the protection, you must say the name of the runes included in the runescript. Meditation and visualization are used. In this case, the symbol is mentally superimposed on the object in need of protection. The spontaneous method is considered a good method of activation. To do this, stand over the fire, sprinkle the places where the runes are applied with salt, sprinkle with water or fan with an aroma stick.

      There is no need for decontamination, since the runic formula is designed to work over a long period of time. As a rule, it weakens over time. It is only recommended to update, that is, recharge it once every 2 months. You can only deactivate those runescripts that are used to achieve any goal. They are called situational and when activated there is always one or another validity period. As soon as the final result occurs, the amulet can be safely destroyed, not forgetting to say words of gratitude.

      The meaning of single amulets

      Rune Algiz can be used alone, as well as in combination with other formulas. She has several associations:

      • Elk. It is believed that this animal is hypersensitive to any negativity. His character is shrewd and cautious.
      • Sedge. Also symbolizes caution. Always feels negative influences of any kind.

      Algiz quickly reacts to any manifestation of evil and is a very strong amulet. He is able to signal danger and detect attempts to cause damage.

      Teyvaz finds personification in the spear of Thor. This sign indicates courage and determination. It saves you from intrigue and prevents evil-minded people from penetrating a person’s space and encroaching on his material values. The sign gives the bearer insight and gives him the ability to accumulate material wealth.

05.11.2014 09:33

Below are runoscripts and rune ties for talismans, taken from the forum http://annerbe.ucoz.com/forum/3-107-1. Thanks to the authors.

“Thor's Hammer”

Consists of the runes TEIWAZ, OTHEL, RAIDO (the name of Thor, the protector of gods and people, written in runes) and the sign “Thor’s hammer”.


Mighty Thor protect me
With his hammer returned from the sea
The gods are below me and above me.
All troubles will pass me by.
Let it be so!

LAUKAZ - the formula translates as “wild onion” (which was revered as a sacred plant and was considered to have great magical powers, mainly of a protective and protective nature). The talisman has a similar focus of action. The working combination of runes is Laguz, Ansuz, Uruz, Kano, Ansuz and Algiz.

It is believed that Aegishjalm surpasses all other symbols in the quality of protection provided; many modern authors call it the Cross of Invincibility.
The Aegishjalms are one of the most common groups of Galdrastavs. Translated from Icelandic it means “Helmets of Terror (Awe).”
The simplest Helmet is formed from a four-pointed cross by replacing each ray with the Algiz rune (Madr rune according to Korablev); in the same way, from the eight-pointed cross (also known as the “celestial star”), a twenty-four-pointed cross is obtained, also belonging to the group of Helmets. This symbol was very common in medieval Europe; it decorated stone buildings and rustic woodwork, and was often used in church utensils. The content of both of these symbols is protective, or more precisely, security magic. The pinnacle of development of complex multi-pointed crosses was the widespread medieval magical symbol known as Aegishjalm itself.
The “helmet of horror” was painted on the forehead before a battle to intimidate the enemy, hence its name. The power of the “helmet of horror” was associated with the snake’s ability to paralyze its victim. It became a symbol of the serpentine power emanating from the magician's forehead. Today it is used as a talisman of protection by devotees of Asatru.
This symbol is actually a kind of map or diagram, guided by which it is possible to control energy in a special way in magical work.
The Saga of the Volsungs says that the "helmet-scarecrow" is part of the treasures of the Nibelungs. The hero Sigurd returned this treasure to the gods and humanity, killing the monstrous serpent Fafnir.

[Fafnir] said:

"Oskopnir is an island,
the gods are destined there
amuse yourself with spears;
Billröst will collapse,
horses will swim
carry them away.

Scarecrow helmet
I always wore
lying on gold;
stronger than everyone else
I considered myself
no matter who you meet."

[Sigurd] said:

won't protect
in the fight of the brave;
make sure of that
beat frequently
that there are also the strongest."

To protect and attract good luck, you can use the following ligature:

Front: Tiwaz - Wunjo - Algiz
Second shot: Gebo - Inguz- Gebo

Ethical bindruna of the Hafskjold family for protection and fight

The basis of the bindruna is the Heil rune (the protective hypostasis of the Hagalaz rune), the rest of the runes are located at its ends.

The meaning of runes in ligature:

Thor – For protection as well as self-defense
Mannaz - Protection of the man himself and his associates
Berkana - Family protection
Tyr - Defends someone's beliefs, country, religion, etc.
Uruz – Even if you die in battle, your Hamingja remains. If you don't fight and accept the shame, your Hamingja will be destroyed.
Raido - In some cases it is necessary to fight, even if protection is impossible and you, your family, your faith and even your Hamingja will be completely destroyed. Usually this is not necessary, but in some cases it is the only choice.

Elm for the protection of real estate, consists of 4 Algiz, 4 Teiwaz, 4 Thurisaz and the Othel rune in the middle. This sign can be applied to the inside of the front door or carved on an oak plank, spoken and hidden above or below the entrance to the house.

This ligature provides protection and ensures the successful achievement of goals.
The formula is: Soulo-Eyvaz-Algiz-Eyvaz-Soulo
The essence: "victory brings security, protection brings victory"

A powerful amulet against witchcraft

On Sunday, during the waxing Moon, carefully burn the runic signs shown in the figure onto an aspen blank (of any shape).
After the consecration ceremony, paint the symbolism with your own blood, taken from the right index finger, then fumigate it with dry powdered wild rosemary leaves with the words: “I call on the power of Thor and Tyr! Great gods of antiquity, I turn my gaze and prayer to you! Direct your power through the Algiz and Teyvaz runes at me, (say your name), so that they protect me from all evil and danger, wherever I go (went), wherever I am, I remain intact (oh ) and unharmed (oops)! As I pray, I ask, do it!”
Wrap the finished amulet in a black cloth and always carry it with you so that no one can touch it, much less pick up this sacred object.
After initiating the ritual at sunset that day, leave three uncorked bottles of wine at any intersection.
In this case, they must be placed in one line and immediately leave silently, without turning around.
Keep quiet about the true purpose of the rune amulet, otherwise it will lose its power.

Talisman of protection and longevity

Effectively protects a person from damage by negative energy, neutralizes various witchcraft effects (damage, evil eye, curses). Strengthens health and against this background - promotes longevity.
On Sunday before noon during the waxing moon, burn (cut) the symbolism of the amulet on a cut of the willow tree.
Then perform the consecration ritual. At the final stage of the ritual, fumigate the amulet with incense and camphor (taken in equal parts), and then say: “Daga Perta, Daga Perta - Da Inga-Da Inga - great powers, direct your power into this amulet. So that I can live to be a hundred years old, live and not worry, gain wealth, love and a home, children and food, so that everything will be, so that everything will come true. The Forces of Freyr, the Forces of Freya - I call you to me, I call you from heaven. Lay your hands, revive my talisman, so that your protection will be embroidered on it, on it and on me. In the name of Odin, Vili and Ve!
Carry the amulet with you at all times.

This knitted rune was inlaid with silver on steel on a Merovingian "ring sword" found in a tomb and dated to the second half of the 6th century. It represents the typical prestigious sword of the Merovingian elite, which leaders and kings awarded to their loyal warriors.
Bindruna consists of a cross-shaped rune GEBO and four runes - ANSUZ, BERKANA, ANSUZ, RAIDO, attached to the ends of the cross. The total sum of the numerical values ​​of the runes is equal to the number 38 or 2 x 19, the number of runes in the elm is 5 (the number of ordered time and space, in practice this is an effective summoning formula). The number 2 in practical magic is used to give strength, especially physical.
Taufr turns to Odin (2 runes ANSUZ) so that he grants (GEBO) victory and invulnerability in battle. The protective runes BERKANA and RAIDO correspond to the fifth and thirteenth spells of Odin, i.e. neither swords nor arrows will touch the war. The inscription on the sword "gabar" can also be interpreted as "gift to war".

Shown here is a script composed of runes of a protective sacred word. It brings success and ensures victory in difficult matters.

This protective ligature, called “Comfort,” brings a sense of peace, relieves pain, and also helps in the treatment of certain psychosomatic diseases. It is composed of an ancient protective formula and the Gebo rune, taken as a basis.

Merlin composed runes for Arthur. Together they formed a spell of power, each carrying its own spell. The first rune is the rune of Rad, the Charioteer of the Cart, the Chariot of Esus. The next rune is the Os rune, or Esus, the one at the beginning of every Celtic language. Os (Esus) - this was the name of the Lord of the Runes, who for nine evil nights hung in torment on the World Tree, where, screaming in pain, he comprehended the runes. Then came the Hagl rune, an elven arrow. These were battle runes that could protect Arthur and bring death to his enemies.

Shown here is a script made up of Merlin’s protective runes, and a caveat to it:

Glad - may I be in the right place at the right time and achieve victory.
Os – Odin – Lord of the Runes, let us help me with this.
Hagle - let all the evil be reflected from the ice crystal and return back to my enemies threefold, destroying their lives.

I propose the following runescript:
Here Evaz symbolizes the car itself, and the protective runes Teyvaz and Algiz ensure its safety. You can make an amulet from rowan and place it inside the car.

Amulet from troubles

Pre-Christian Norwegian inscription on a fibula from Strand, dating to around 800 AD. AD, reads:

This runic inscription means “decoration-amulet from troubles” (also interpreted as a talisman against doubles). The magical formula "hle" at the end of the text is intended to protect the owner of the amulet.

An ancient formula for mirror runic protection against magical influences and astral attacks. Any malicious message is reflected with the help of the Hagalaz rune and sent back (Evaz) to its sender.

Ata pebble amulet against the evil eye

This picture shows a Danish amulet stone from Valby, intended to protect its owner from the evil eye. Here we see two conceptual runes - the powerful protective rune Ir(tis) and the rune Ar. In Havamala, verse 137, Odin advises using the ear of grain, also known as the “harvest in the bins” from the Icelandic rune song, against witchcraft (“wisdom”). He uses Ar to tame witches, creatures that live between this world and the other world, usually causing harm. In verse 155 Odin says the following about this rune:

From all the forces of Darkness and all kinds of corruption.
Evil will not pass, evil will not slip through,
Tyr will stand up for me,
The enemy will not escape his mighty sword!
The power of my gods works through me!
All hostile forces will disappear!
Let it be so!

Carve a simple helmet of horror on the inside of your fence, consisting of four Algiz runes. This magical sign will protect your territory from the influence of evil people. In addition, make yourself a runic amulet with the mirror protection formula - Hagalaz, Laguz, Evaz.


Laguz – Algiz-Laguz
(water shield)
Protection covers you from any magical attack or targeted negative message (envy, a word spoken after...)

Soulu – Algiz – Soulu (solar shield)

Protection from intrigue and psychological pressure


This amulet protects me from intrigues, intrigues, deception, fraud directed at me, from psychological pressure on me, from physical attacks on me, from voluntary or involuntary attempts to cause me physical, moral, property, or any other damage from living beings, people , groups of people, creatures and entities in the guise of people, organizations, law enforcement agencies, criminal elements, the state itself, as well as from others, including sources unknown to me.

This amulet freely allows me, according to my will, to make absolutely any impact on any objects.


Today, in order to protect ourselves from various troubles and misfortunes, we use modern protection systems. These include various alarms for cars or houses, special equipment for extreme sports, and much more. However, in ancient times, in order to protect a person, runes were used - symbols that not only have a secret meaning, but also have special energy.

They were applied to objects, made into decorations, or simply drawn in the air during a ritual. People with secret knowledge knew how to correctly use ancient symbols for the benefit of man. This knowledge in the modern world is most often used to create special protective amulets, amulets, and talismans. And the availability of information allows you to understand the system of runic symbols and choose a sign or combination of signs that corresponds to your goal.

Creation of amulets and talismans

The rules for making such protective instruments as an amulet or talisman must be sought in runic magic. After all, observing them guarantees you the magical effect that symbols can have on your life. In this case, the main assistant will not be the amulet itself, but your power concentrated in it. A talisman created for protection will constantly attract your attention. And this will help develop the spiritual connection between the depicted symbol and its power. This special energy will further contribute to the changes you seek in your life.

Before you start creating an amulet, check your knowledge about runes. Indeed, in addition to the main meaning, each symbol has its own characteristics that should definitely be taken into account. After creating the amulet, it will begin to execute the program embedded in it. And if everything was done according to the rules, then soon you will get the desired result. But if you make a mistake, it may take a lot of time and effort to correct the situation.

Start with simple amulets for your own needs. This will allow you to practice spiritual concentration and imaginative thinking. After you gain this experience, you can move on to creating amulets for other people. But remember that such activity comes with a lot of responsibility.

When creating an amulet, you need to remember the aesthetic component. Its appearance, as well as the image of each rune, should not cause you a feeling of discomfort or rejection. To create the right effect, for example, protection, positive thoughts and human energy that fill the talisman with power are simply necessary. In addition, magic does not tolerate chaos and disorder; the neatness and correctness of its tools are directly related to the strength of their influence.

Materials used

To make an amulet or talisman according to the rules, it is important to choose natural material. Runic magic is closely related to nature, and therefore it can be strengthened by using natural gifts.

The most commonly used materials are:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • paper;
  • metal;
  • bone.

If you are making a talisman for yourself, then choose the material that you like best. Your choice may be influenced by your skills. So, if your hobby is wood carving, then a small piece of wood on which you can independently apply the required symbols would be ideal for you. For an artist, a good choice would be stone or paper, on which runes can be applied using paint (always natural).

Ordinary household objects or images decorating the interior can also become amulets for you. For example, symbols painted on a door frame or car, as well as wooden signs with beautiful symbols on them, will have power. This piece of furniture will look good both in the home and in the office.

There are many ways to protect yourself from negative influences. Runic symbols are one of the most powerful talismans that protect against misfortune and envious people.

There is an opinion that the best defense is your own energy. By working on ourselves and strengthening our biofield, we are able to create an invisible shield that protects us from any negativity, be it damage, the evil eye, or simply envy. But what should a person do if his energy is not yet strong enough and he cannot independently repel the energy attacks of ill-wishers?

In such cases, various conspiracies and rituals are used. However, they have a short-term effect, since long-term protection requires a high level of energy. This is where ancient runic knowledge finds application. After all, runes have their own power, and it is enough to simply activate them for these signs to begin to help you.

Unlike other methods, runes must be treated with respect and not used for simple entertainment. Because such a frivolous attitude can harm both you and others.

Rune for protection against negativity

Algiz is one of the most powerful runes, which can not only protect you from troubles, but also destroy all obstacles that stand in your way. Using it as a talisman or amulet, you will strengthen the work of intuition. Therefore, if a feeling of anxiety arises when using it, listen to it: maybe you have gained a sixth sense.

The action of this rune occurs from within. After activating it, you will be able to see the situation from a different angle, and also foresee some events. This symbol also helps you understand your true desires and promotes further spiritual development.

All negativity directed towards you will be suppressed and sent back to the sender. In addition, you will begin to attract the right people and events that will change your life for the better. The main thing is to trust yourself and everything that begins to happen in your life.

Activating such an amulet is very simple. You can put this mark on your favorite thing that you wear most often. So Algiz will have a long-lasting effect. Plain paper will also serve as excellent protection, but in this case, the drawn symbol must be carried with you at all times and updated if necessary.

Of course, you cannot predict all situations, and it is impossible to completely protect yourself from negativity. But if you trust the Universe, it will send clues in the form of signs and the right people. Strengthen your biofield, use the help of runes and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2016 00:40

Salt is considered a symbol of hospitality and prosperity, but it is also used to effectively protect against evil. ...

Even in the modern world, many people resort to using curses and evil eyes when they want to annoy...


Its color is Gold

Deity - Heimdall.

Heimdall is a guardian god. Patronizes qualities such as clairvoyance and vigilance.

Faithful guardian of the rainbow bridge. He sees day and night at a distance of a hundred miles and hears the grass growing in the field and the wool on the sheep. His sleep is light, like that of birds. At his belt hangs a golden horn, the sounds of which are heard in all countries of the world.

So the Algiz rune is the rune of attentiveness and caution. It is symbolized by the sedge grass, which reacts to the slightest breath of wind. This is a rune of protection; it will not allow anyone to take you by surprise. It will protect not only from harmful actions, but also from harmful thoughts. It protects the body, mind and soul. The power of Algiz serves as a shield against any attack, on all levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Algiz symbolizes the survival instinct and protects our vulnerabilities. Awakens our hidden powers when faced with any challenge. Helps you maintain balance during stress, find strength, and cope with any situation.

Algiz is a connecting bridge between gods and people, helps to enter the collective unconscious. An energy channel through which energy exchange occurs between the gods and humans.

If you are afraid of something, draw Algiz, and she will not let anyone take you by surprise.

Algiz - one of the most powerful protective runes. Pictured Algiz on amulet and properly activated, will become a serious invisible obstacle from the adverse effects of the outside world.
Going back to the original source, Algiz can be interpreted as follows:
Elk sedge usually lives in swamps,
Grows in water. Hurts greatly
Bleeds every man,
Who will grab her?
The rune symbolizes the powerful animal kingdom of the horned and brave.
In this rune, its location matters.
“Horns” pointing upward are life. Down is a symbol of death.
Algiz is an amazing rune. Along with its apparent simplicity, it is very deep and serious.
To some, it resembles not the antlers of an elk, but an open palm and is associated with the hand of Tyr, which he was forced to sacrifice so that the evil and dark essence of Fenrir would be isolated.
Undoubtedly, Algiz is the rune of magicians and healers, since it is associated with Heimdall (Guardian of the Gods), who protects all living things from the invasion of EVIL. It significantly increases the magician's power and does not allow him to cross dangerous boundaries. Anyone who wears the Agiz rune can always count on help from above. The owner of a talisman with the image of this rune sharpens his intuition, instinct of self-preservation and the gift of foresight. Let's remember the reeds, which will inevitably make noise when the enemy approaches...

Elm of four Algiz runes, a powerful protective symbol! Galdrastaf from 4 runes - greatly enhances the properties of this rune!

ALGIS or Care.

The night passed peacefully. The young people slept soundly, feeling safe in the valley, cut off from the rest of the world and protected by nature on all sides. In the morning, quickly packing their things and removing traces of their presence, they set off on their way back. We had breakfast on the go.

The only thing they devoted a little time to was asking a question to the runes.

This time, Wulf took out the rune himself, and in his hand was a circle with the Algis rune.
When they crossed the thickets of thorns guarding the exit from the ravine, Orsana asked:

What does this rune mean? Tell me a little about her.

It is precisely because this rune fell that we need to hurry. She will provide us with care and protection, so it is better for us to cover as much of the journey as possible while we are under her protection. This is the rune of the element of Water. It is very suitable for our situation, since it talks about the art of wise retreat, and that is what we are doing now. But I’m a little afraid that no one will notice us near the valley….

Because someone himself can occupy it before he arrives.is our tribe coming here? - Orsana guessed.

- Exactly. But I hope that the spirits of Nature who patronize this rune will protect not only us, but also access to this valley. We must gather all our strength to spend less time on the way back than on the way here.

Then they walked in silence, moving quickly and with concentration. The road was familiar. They didn't even stop for lunch. SuThe cooked meat was eaten on the go. The sun was quite high when they passed the hut above the lake where they spent the night.

The girl was very tired, but tried not to show it. She understood well that they needed to hurry. There was also no time to stop and ask the runes for advice. Dusk had fallen when they reached a clearing above the river where they had once stopped for a snack.

We’ll spend the night here,” Wulf decided.

Where? — Orsana looked around in confusion. - Maybe we can at least buildsome kind of hut?

I think we can do without him. Absolute will come soonIt’s dark, and here in the forest there may be wild animals. Besides, we there is no need to waste energy, since tomorrow we will set off at dawn, and we should have a good rest. Moreover, it is important to remember that the Algis rune protects us.

But I’m afraid to sleep on bare ground,” Orsana became worried.

Who told you that we will sleep on bare ground?


On the tree.

I don't understand!

Look, there is a powerful oak tree growing. In its crown we will find a safe haven. Not a single predator will climb there, and birds do not threaten us. We’ll climb onto it, sit comfortably, and in order not to fall at night, we’ll tie ourselves with straps to the thick branches. This way we will be completely safe and have a good rest.

Orsana listened to Wulf with disbelief at first, but when he described everything in detail, she became interested. I just asked again:

Are there any birds of prey here?

There are none that could threaten us.

Okay, we’ll do that,” she agreed.

Wulf hooked the rope to a thick oak branch, climbed up it and helped the girl climb up. Dense branches made the further task easier. For the night, the travelers chose a fork in two thick branches. We settled there quite comfortably and tied ourselves to them with a rope. The travelers were so exhausted that as soon as they closed their eyelids, they immediately fell asleep.


algis, algiz, algiz, elkh


moose, moose antlers


Harmonizes and balances the psyche. Improves mood, calms emotions, gives inner balance. Acts as an antidepressant.

Rune potential:

Uniting and strengthening force, anchor, guardianship.

Basic properties:

Natural protection, decision-making ability, aura cleansing.

Message of the rune:

Don't forget about your vulnerability and the harmful influences that can push you away from your chosen path.

Predictive value:

Security, the art of wise retreat and defense, nobility, healing abilities. Well-being, new perspectives, intellectual work, the ability to fix something (“anchor”) in reality, openness to new things. Recovery, successful restoration of strength, strengthening of mental strength.

Magical uses:

The rune attracts energy from the Cosmic Source and facilitates its practical use. Protects against injuries, stimulates intellectual abilities. Protects property, protects from hostile forces of all kinds. Favors success, strengthens well-being, adds vitality, calms emotions, balances the psyche.

Runa Algis can help you:

- develop resourcefulness;

— cope with the challenges of Fate;

- get rid of negative influences;

— fix (“anchor”) your plans and aspirations in real life.

Rune Algis should be meditated, when it is desirable to obtain answers to the following questions:

- What does well-being mean to me?

- when do I feel defenseless?

— Do I know how to use the energy of the Universe?

— how do I restore my mental strength?

- what hurts me?

— Do I know how to be open to everything new?

— Do I know how to get in touch with my Spiritual patrons?