home · electrical safety · Protection against the Colorado potato beetle with prestige. The drug "Prestige" for the Colorado potato beetle. The whole truth Prestige from the wireworm instructions for use

Protection against the Colorado potato beetle with prestige. The drug "Prestige" for the Colorado potato beetle. The whole truth Prestige from the wireworm instructions for use

Colorado potato beetles cause enormous damage to potato plantations. Being very voracious, these insects attack young entrances, a little later they get to the inflorescences, and when the tubers ripen, they spoil them too. To protect potatoes, experienced agronomists prefer to use modern insectofungicides and one of the first places among them is “Prestige” from Colorado potato beetle. This drug is good because it helps against soil pests and some diseases.

Composition and mechanism of action

The remedy for the Colorado potato beetle “Prestige” is based on imidacloprid. This substance belongs to chloronicotinyl, characterized as highly effective contact substances. Once in the body of an insect, imidacloprid attacks it nervous system and blocks the transmission of impulses.

The activity of the drug begins immediately after the treated potatoes enter the soil. Under the influence of soil moisture, the active substance is partially released, which creates a kind of “ protective screen" The young sprout gains strength and in the process of growth, using its root system, sucks it out protective agent from soil and mother tuber. Imidacloprid gradually spreads throughout all cells and organs of the plant and performs several functions at once:

  • firstly, it protects against pests during the growing season;
  • secondly, it neutralizes attacks of fungi and bacteria;
  • thirdly, it helps plants tolerate stressful conditions such as heat, lack of light, temperature changes at night and drought.


"Prestige" exhibits an insecticidal effect against:

  • Colorado potato beetles for up to 37 days from the moment of emergence;
  • wireworms throughout the entire growing season;
  • aphids, which are the main vector viral diseases, for a period of up to 39 days from the moment of emergence;
  • scab and rhizoctonia throughout the entire growing season.

Terms of use

According to the instructions, “Prestige” for the Colorado potato beetle can be used to treat tubers before germination, immediately before planting, and also to protect seedlings.

On a note! “Prestige” is a concentrated suspension from which a working solution is prepared. The product is diluted with water in proportions that will depend on the purpose of the drug!

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Pre-planting treatment

Dressing of tubers is an important part of measures aimed at protecting potatoes from pests and diseases. Thanks to this operation, the infection on the tubers is destroyed and the potatoes receive reliable protection from the action of microorganisms throughout the entire germination period.

Important! Dressing tubers does not free the agronomist from the subsequent use of drugs whose action is aimed at protecting against late blight, as well as other diseases and pests!

  1. Prepare a working solution from 50 ml of concentrated suspension and 2.5-3 liters of water. This amount is enough for 50 kg of potatoes.
  2. For treatment, use a canned sprayer. backpack sprayer or a household spray bottle.
  3. Spread the seed material on a film or sheet of roofing felt; its layer should not be higher than 2-3 tubers.
  4. Spray the preparation onto the tubers, with each tuber covered by at least ¾ of the solution. To increase efficiency, after complete drying, each tuber can be turned over and the treatment repeated on the other side.

Important! Do not cut the treated tubers before planting!

Treatment before germination

"Prestige" can be used before sprouting tubers. In this case, processing is carried out in advance - 15-20 days.

  1. The working solution is prepared from 30 ml of suspension and 600 ml of water.
  2. Using a spray bottle, the solution is sprayed onto the tubers and left for some time until completely dry.
  3. The treated potatoes are placed for germination and treated with the same solution again before planting.

On a note! Seed potatoes can be simultaneously treated with growth regulators and biologically active substances! In this case, the surface of the planting material must be processed by at least 90%!

Seedling protection

As you know, the Colorado potato beetle attacks not only potatoes, but also other crops, such as tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage and Bell pepper. The Prestige disinfectant can also be used to protect them.

  1. Prepare a working solution from 10 ml of concentrate and 1 liter of water.
  2. Place the roots of the seedlings in ready-made product and leave for 8 hours.
  3. After the specified time, the seedlings should be immediately planted in the ground.

Features of the product

  1. Until the moment of disintegration, the active substance of the disinfectant reliably protects the planting material from pests and diseases.
  2. If you want to use this product in combination with growth stimulants, microelements or other pesticides, you must first conduct a compatibility test.
  3. “Prestige” from the Colorado potato beetle belongs to toxicity class III, and therefore is harmful to humans. Before performing any manipulations with the concentrated suspension, you should protect the skin, mucous membranes and Airways wearing personal protective equipment.
  4. The effectiveness of the drug will depend on the uniformity of its spraying and the continuity of the spray torch.
  5. The active substance begins to work from the moment of processing.


“Prestige” from the Colorado potato beetle has low toxicity, as it belongs to the third class, so it can cause some harm. To avoid health problems, the following is recommended:

  • processed tubers should be packaged in protective film before transportation;
  • When processing and planting, it is necessary to follow safety rules, using preventive protective equipment: gloves and a mask;
  • “Prestige” can be used to treat potato varieties harvested in August, since the active substance will leave the tubers only 2 months after treatment;
  • if you plan to plant potatoes in the third or fourth decade of April and the “Prestige” preparation will be used to process them, then you should choose mid-late or mid-early varieties.

Important! For early varieties of potatoes, which are harvested as early as June or July, it is highly undesirable to use the Prestige dressing agent! For such short term the poison will not have time to leave the treated tubers!

Potatoes take most every person’s diet, so vegetable growers try to grow as much of it as possible. To protect against pests, in particular from the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm, special means are used in large areas.

In the article you will learn about the “Prestige” potato processing product, how to process it and whether it is harmful to do so, as well as for what crops it is still used.

Description of the drug "Prestige"

Treater "Prestige" is a preparation for treating potato tubers, as well as the root system vegetable crops, having the following properties:

  • insecticidal - protects against homoptera and lepidoptera insects, Colorado beetles, thrips, aphids, wireworms, May beetle larvae, psyllids, midges, leafhoppers, sawflies and darts;
  • fungicidal - prevents powdery mildew, brown rust, mold, rot, septoria, different types scab;
  • « anti-stress effect", promoting rapid growth and accelerated development of the planted crop;
  • increases the share of marketable tubers.

It is sold in the form of a concentrated suspension in volumes from 15 to 500 ml. Due to the presence of a special “adhesive” in its composition, the drug is evenly distributed over the surface and allows the active ingredients to be better absorbed.

"Prestige" - principle of operation

The drug “Prestige” for processing potatoes must be dissolved in water in the following proportion: 60 ml of product in 600 ml of water. This solution is enough for 60 kg of tubers. The solution is prepared on the day of use and mixed before the procedure. Processing of potatoes with “Prestige” is carried out immediately before planting. To do this, using a sprayer or other device, the heated and germinated planting material is thoroughly sprayed and gently mixed; after 1-2 hours, the dried tubers can be planted. It is recommended to deliver potatoes to the beds in closed bags.

The active insecticide spreads throughout the plant only from the roots up the tops; this does not happen in the opposite direction, so it does not get into young tubers. “Prestige” protection applies to tops and planted potatoes. Sources indicate that on the 53rd day after use, the drug is no longer detectable in tubers.

An active fungicide is a contact substance that remains only in the planted tuber and the adjacent soil. Decomposes after 40 days.

Thus, this product protects plantings from diseases and pests for 2 months, and then completely decomposes, disappearing from the plant.

Safety precautions when working with Prestige

When using this drug, you must adhere to safety measures, since “Prestige” belongs to hazard class 3. When working with it you must:

  • wear rubber gloves, protective clothing, including a headdress, and necessarily face protection (cotton-gauze bandage or respirator);
  • carry out processing away from fruit trees And food products;
  • do not eat, drink or smoke while spraying;
  • After work, you need to remove the protection, wash your hands with soap, rinse your mouth, preferably take a shower, wash your equipment and wash your clothes.

Prestige should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of -5 - +30°C, away from food, water and out of the reach of children and animals.

PRESTIGE is a drug that has both insecticidal and fungicidal (antifungal) properties. According to the instructions for use, Prestige protects the plant from lepidopteran and homoptera insects, and also helps well in the fight against aphids, thrips, wireworms, sawflies, cereal and bread midges, darts, sawflies and the hated Colorado potato beetle. As an antifungal drug, it has proven itself well in protecting crops from brown rust, mold, various rots, powdery mildew, septoria.

Instructions for use of Prestige

Before treating potatoes, the Prestige insecticide must be diluted, and the ratio and method of treatment for potato tubers and seedlings is excellent. To protect potatoes from pests, it is necessary to treat them with Prestige during or before planting. To do this, you need to prepare a solution using the following ratio of 1:20. This amount should be enough for about 10 kg of potatoes.

  • The tubers should be sprayed evenly.
  • After spraying, it is better to let the potatoes dry.
  • After which you can safely plant the tubers in the ground.

Action of the Drug quite long, so for about 40 days it will protect not only the potato tuber, but also the emerging tops.

At the same time, the penetration of any component into young tubers is completely excluded, since after this time after treatment the drug completely disintegrates.

The use of Prestige for protecting seedlings is slightly different. Rhizomes of seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, cabbage or eggplants must be soaked for 7-8 hours in a Prestige disinfectant solution diluted in the following proportion: 1 ml of the drug per 100 ml of water. After which the seedlings must be immediately planted in the soil. If everything is done according to the instructions, then within 30 days you can rest assured about the treated seedlings.

Advantages and disadvantages

Negative qualities .

  • Of course, it is no secret that the use of a disinfectant, although to a small extent, still leaves its “traces” in any treated crop, so it is better to use such preparations as a last resort, when they have been tried conditionally chemicals. But there are situations when pest control is very difficult - or the area is too contaminated big amount insects (or severely affected by the disease), or maybe the area of ​​the site is huge. It is then that various chemicals have to be used.
  • Quite an expensive drug

To the positive properties it can be attributed to the fact that the insecticide:

  • Effective and meets all the indicators described in the instructions;
  • Plants do not experience stress after treatment;
  • At the same time it kills a number of pests and counteracts numerous fungal diseases.
  • Stimulates the growth and development of the treated crop.

Compatibility test

To find out whether the drugs are compatible with each other, you need to do a test. To do this, mix equal amounts of one and the other and dissolve them in water. If a precipitate occurs, it is better not to use the drugs at the same time.

Security measures

Insecticide Prestige– a moderately dangerous drug, has a hazard class of 3. Work with the drug as with any chemicals, should wear rubber gloves, a gauze bandage, a work coat, and a hat. At the end of the work, all this must be removed and washed, and you yourself need to wash your hands with soap, take a shower, and ideally rinse your mouth. While working with Prestige, you cannot drink or eat, or anything else. The tubers must be transported to the planting site in closed plastic bags without damage. Children and animals should not be allowed into both the dry composition and the solution of the drug. Do not store Prestige near food or drinking water.


In order for the drug to preserve all its properties, it is necessary to follow storage precautions.

  • Store at temperatures from -5 to +30 degrees in a dry place.
  • It is important to use the diluted product on the same day, and stir well before use.

Insecto-fungicidal protectant for treating potatoes against gnawing and sucking pests (including soil-dwelling ones), as well as against some diseases. This is the only drug that combines the protection of potatoes and vegetables from pests and diseases simultaneously with the “anti-stress” effect of plant stimulation.

Composition of the drug. Active ingredient: Imidacloprid + pencycuron. Active ingredient content: 140 + 150 g/l.

Manufacturer: Bayer (Germany).

Prestige for processing potatoes, instructions for use

Prestige, KS (preparative form: suspension concentrate) effectively protects potatoes not only from the Colorado potato beetle, but also from soil pests such as mole crickets, wireworms, cutworms, and May beetle larvae.

The fungicidal effect of the drug is observed against rhizoctonia and common scab.

Prestige also has an anti-stress effect; treatment with it increases the resistance of potatoes to adverse weather conditions (temperature changes, cold, heat, drought), improves shoot formation and growth of vegetative mass.

That is, in one treatment with this drug you protect potatoes from both pests and diseases, which is very convenient.

It is not advisable to use Prestige on early varieties potatoes, since the effect of the chemical is neutralized only after 50-60 days from the date of application.

Treatment of potatoes before planting with Prestige

60-100 ml of the drug is diluted in 600 ml - 1 liter of water, respectively. The tubers are sprayed with this solution immediately before planting. The tubers are placed on film in 1 row and sprayed. For maximum effect, it is necessary that at least 3/4 of the surface of the tuber be treated with the solution. 1 liter of Prestige working solution is enough to process 100 kg of potatoes. During processing, planting with cut potatoes (eyes) is not allowed.

How it works. After the treated tubers have been planted, soil moisture partially releases the active substance, which diffuses into the soil, forming a protective area around the tuber. The growing plant absorbs the active substance both from the mother tuber and from the soil through the roots. Due to its pronounced systemic properties, imidacloprid is evenly distributed throughout the vegetative organs of the plant, providing them with reliable protection from sucking and gnawing pests during the growing season.

Period protective action drug Prestige.

  • From pests 40-60 days after emergence;
  • from rhizoctonia and scab - throughout the entire growing season.

If Prestige is used in tank mixtures with other pesticides, microelements, and growth regulators, it is necessary to check for chemical compatibility.

This drug can be purchased in 20 ml, 60 ml, 150 ml, 1 liter packaging.

The cost of the drug Prestige currently (2017) is about 380-400 rubles per 60 ml package. With this amount you can process 60 kg seed potatoes before planting, thereby saving yourself from using other drugs to control pests and diseases on potatoes.

“Prestige” KS is an insecticidal-fungicidal preparation that is used for treating potato tubers. German company Bayer Crop-Science produces this product in the form of a suspension concentrate (CS).

Description of the drug. Prestige contains two active ingredients:

  • imidacloprid (140 g per liter) - an insecticide that causes paralysis and death of insect pests;
  • Pencycuron (150 g per liter) is a contact fungicide.

"Prestige" protects potatoes from gnawing and sucking insects:

  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • wireworm;
  • mole crickets;
  • aphids that carry viral diseases;
  • potato moth larvae (the product also reduces the ability to reproduce females);
  • flea beetles;
  • cicadas.

The fungicidal effect of "Prestige" is directed against pathogens:

  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • scab;
  • wet rot.

The product increases the germination of tubers, strengthens the immunity of potato bushes, in particular, makes them more resistant to late blight. Thanks to the treatment of planting material with “Prestige”, plants can more easily withstand the vagaries of the weather.

Using the drug allows you to save time by combining 2 operations and avoid spraying the tops with more toxic insecticides and fungicides. The product combines well with complex microfertilizer "Mikom", fungicide "Maxim", growth stimulants "Poteitin" and "Biolan".

Features of use and dosage of the drug

To process 10 kg of seed tubers, 10 ml of “Prestige” is required. Before use, the drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 (per 10 ml of product - 100 ml of water). In order to accurately measure the amount of product, a plastic measuring cup is included with the bottle.

The working solution must be used immediately after preparation. It colors the tubers bright red, so treated potatoes can be easily distinguished from untreated ones.

Some gardeners prefer to spray potatoes before sprouting. In this case, the sprouts will be stronger and healthier. But then the period of action of the drug after emergence will be shortened, and young potatoes will be left without protection. Therefore, it is best to process already sprouted tubers 2–3 hours before planting. You need to lay out the potatoes in one row and spray them, then turn them over, repeat the procedure and leave the planting material in the air to dry.

At least ¾ of the tuber must be covered with the Prestige working solution. It is not recommended to treat freshly cut potatoes with the preparation, since the peel prevents the penetration of toxic substances into the pulp. In the soil, the drug reacts with moisture, and a protective “sphere” is formed around the tuber.

If the potatoes still need to be cut, this is done before germination, dusting the cut area with ash. By the time of planting, the wound is covered with a crust, and pieces of tubers can safely withstand spraying with the product.

When planting with eyes, a piece of pulp at the base of the sprout must be dipped in the “Prestige” solution. If potatoes are planted as seedlings from sprouts, the roots are moistened with the preparation.

Plants become toxic as they develop active ingredients“Prestige” rises up through the vessels, saturating the tops and making them inedible for insects. Toxins do not enter young tubers.

Duration of validity of the drug (from the moment of germination):

  • from the Colorado potato beetle - at least 37 days;
  • from aphids – at least 39 days;
  • from wireworm - until the end of the growing season;
  • fungicidal protection - throughout the entire growing season.

2 months after using “Prestige” it completely decomposes. No traces of the drug were found in potatoes harvested in late summer - early autumn.

Restrictions on use of the product:

  • It is forbidden to treat seed tubers of very early varieties with “Prestige”: the drug will not have time to decompose before the potatoes ripen;
  • Do not spray rotten tubers with the product: their germination rate will be significantly reduced;
  • To avoid burning your hands, you need to wear gloves when working with the product, and when spraying, wear a respirator.

Possible harm to "Prestige"

The product belongs to the 3rd hazard class (moderate dangerous substance). If you follow the recommended standards for its use, the soil microflora will not be affected. In case of overdose, earthworms die.

No allergic reactions have been identified among those who work with Prestige.

If it comes into contact with unprotected skin, it should be washed off with plenty of water.