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What days are best to plant vegetables. When to plant vegetables. Why you shouldn't rush


Most often, before planting seeds, experienced gardeners check the lunar calendar. Such calendars usually give recommendations not only about when and what crops to sow, but also about unfavorable days for sowing. Nature is completely unfavorable for sowing any seeds on those days when the Moon passes through the sign of Aquarius. It is believed that on these days it is better to cancel all plantings. Most likely, the seeds will not sprout at all or the seedlings will subsequently all die. In such Not favorable days You can only treat the seeds; you shouldn’t even soak them for subsequent planting. And it’s even better not to perform any manipulations at all these days, waiting for a more favorable time.

For the rest, the following recommendations are followed for planting: everything that will grow upward, above the ground, is planted as seedlings and during the waxing Moon, i.e. from new moon to full moon. The closer to the new moon, the better for the future plant. But on the day of the new moon itself, nothing is recommended. A good harvest of root crops can be obtained by planting them on the waning moon, starting from the full moon. Plants planted during the full moon develop leaves and stems more strongly and, to a lesser extent, fruits and roots.

All signs of the zodiac during the period of the Moon passing through them are divided by astrologers into productive and lean ones. Among the fruitful ones, we can also note the wet ones - during the period of the Moon’s passage through them, plants more actively absorb water and accumulate it fruitfully. Watering during this period is most effective, and this happens during the period the Moon passes through the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, Libra and Pisces.

The time when the Moon passes through the sign of Aries is unproductive and suitable for spraying, weeding, and cultivation. These days you can plant anything that grows quickly - greens, lettuce, spinach. Taurus is suitable for planting root crops, legumes, and bulbs. It is good to plant cabbage, radishes, turnips, and rutabaga during this period. Flowers planted during the Moon in Taurus period will be distinguished by their endurance, this good sign for planting everything that will then be stored for a long time. During the Gemini period, plant something other than climbing plants and strawberries, not recommended. The most productive sign for planting is Cancer. During this period, it is good to engage in both planting and replanting plants and seeds.

Only trees and shrubs are planted under the sign of Leo. During this time, you should handle with caution gardening tools, as injury is likely. Under the sign of Virgo, it is not recommended to plant and replant vegetables, fruits and berries; the period is favorable only for flowers, and is also good for weed control and cultivation. During the period when the Moon passes through the sign of Libra, it is good to plant tuber and leguminous crops, especially on the waning Moon. The Moon in Scorpio is a sign of the second most productive period after Cancer. The Sagittarius sign is considered sterile, but is suitable for planting garlic, peppers, radishes, and potatoes.

The sign of Capricorn in its characteristics during the passage of the Moon through it is similar to Taurus, but even drier. During this period, you can plant root vegetables, currants, gooseberries, and bulbous plants. This period gives endurance to the flowers planted at this time. The sign of Pisces is very productive and resembles Cancer, but anything planted during this period will develop excessively watery and will not store well.

Despite the fact that calendars garden work sold in stores and published on the Internet, it should be noted that the information in them is often contradictory. To be sure of the accuracy of the calendar, find out all the favorable and unfavorable dates for agrotechnical works, try making a gardener’s calendar yourself.

You will need

  • - a calendar indicating the state and position of the Moon.


To draw up a calendar, try to correctly determine the state of the Moon. Look, if the sickle can be mentally drawn to the letter “P”, then the Moon is growing. If you see that the sickle looks like the letter “C,” then feel free to conclude that the Moon is waning. It is not visible, which means that today is the new moon, this is the first day of the moon’s growth. You can find out in advance all the features of the lunar cycle using a regular calendar (for example, a tear-off calendar).

With the waxing moon nutrients They go mainly to the development of the above-ground part of the plant, so try to give the plants foliar (leaf) feeding. When the Moon is waning, pay attention to the accelerated development of the root system.

The day before the full new moon or a day after it begins, plan to clean up dead plants, fallen leaves, and other chores. Under no circumstances should you spend these days planting work.

During the period of growth of the Moon, energy goes up the stem of the plant, be attentive to the plants during this period. During the waning of the Moon, the energy consumption of plants is high. Do not miss this moment - actively water, use root formation stimulants.

To make a planting and work plan for each day, determine the position of the Moon in a certain zodiac sign. She spends two days in each constellation, and a lot depends on this: the ability of plants to heal wounds, fertility, etc.

If the Moon is in the sign of Libra, plan planting and replanting. In the sign of Virgo, it is best to carry out treatment against weeds and pests.

Plants planted during the influence of fertile zodiac signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer will develop well. IN as a last resort, plant when the Moon is in Libra or Capricorn, they will also give good harvest.

Under no circumstances should you land on a day when the Moon is in Aquarius. This is the most unfavorable sign for plants; on this day, carry out weeding, loosening, pinching, and fight pests and weeds.

Pay attention to the time indicated next to with the Zodiac sign, this is the time when the Moon enters this constellation. Indicate in your calendar when the planned event can begin.

Video on the topic

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Tip 3: Lunar calendar for planting in March 2016

To manage everything, not to forget, not to ruin, to grow - the spring worries of summer residents continue in March. The lunar calendar will come to the rescue and plan the main garden planting tasks.

The best landing days in March 2016 (for the middle zone) for sowing seeds, replanting garden plants:

Rosemary, basil, marjoram, lemongrass, as well as all green herbs - March 16, 17.

Onion on turnip(sowing seeds onions For annual cultivation) - March 26...30.

Sowing flower seeds and planting bulbous flowers:

Flowers, growing from seeds- March 16, 17, 21, 22. Flowers that need a seedling run: ever-blooming begonia, kobea, lobelia, lemon monarda, pelargonium, balsam, verbena, vanilla heliotrope, petunia, salvia, tagethis erecta, annual aster for early flowering.

Unlucky days for sowing seeds, planting and replanting plants in March 2016 - March 5, 6, 9.

The best days for carrying out agricultural work in March 2016:

Unfavorable days for planting and replanting trees and shrubs are March 8...10.

Fruits and berries

When to plant


For seedlings with an open root system, the period from mid-April to the end of the first week of May (in the European part of the country) is well suited. The basic rule is to properly dig in the planted trees before the growing season begins.


In the temperate continental climate zone, these berries are planted from April 15 to May 5. Next - from July 25 to September 5. In the southern regions, sowing can begin as early as early March.


It is best to plant raspberry suckers when the weather is consistently warm or even hot and dry. Usually in late May - early June.

How to plant


Pits for seedlings fruit trees It is advisable to dig a few weeks before planting. Under an apple or pear tree, dig a hole 80 cm deep and 60-80 cm in diameter. For cherries and plums - 60 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. The hole is fertilized and left until planting. When it comes, a 1.5 m long peg is installed at the bottom, to which the seedling is tied. The roots of the seedling are straightened and covered with fertile soil.


To plant strawberries, the soil must be dug up and humus added. The soil should be moist, but not wet. It should be planted so that the roots of the seedlings are in the ground and the root collar is at ground level. The distance between rows is 50-60 cm.


For this berry, they dig a trench with a depth of AO-50 cm and a width of up to half a meter. Fertilizers and humus are poured into the bottom of the trench. Raspberry bushes are cut to a height of 35 cm. Then the roots are dipped in a mixture of mullein and clay. Next, they are planted in the ground. The optimal distance between bushes is 50 cm.

Spring planting of vegetables

When to plant?


These crops germinate at soil temperatures of +1...+2, so you can start planting them as soon as the snow melts. IN middle lane- from mid-April.


These plants are more... thermophilic. They should be planted after the soil has warmed to +2...+3°C. In regions that are not southern, this time comes at the end of April - beginning of May. In the south - a month earlier.


In the central European part of the country, carrots should be planted first - in the second half of April. Early carrots - from the end of March. Celery and beans - late May - early June.


Experienced gardeners plant potatoes when birch and bird cherry trees begin to bloom. Most often - at the end of April. In this case, the air should warm up to +15°C. It is necessary to wait until the frosts end, since at -3°C the potatoes die. You can safely start sowing cucumbers at the end of May.


Melons are planted when the air temperature rises to +13°C. Usually - after May 10 (Moscow region, Ufa, Chelyabinsk). In latitudes located to the north and in the Urals (Perm, Yekaterinburg) - after May 15. In the south (Rostov, Krasnodar) - after March 10.

How to plant


Sorrel seeds are planted in rows to a depth of 2 cm. The space between the rows should be 25 cm wide. Before sowing, it is recommended to wrap the seeds in a damp cloth and leave for 2-3 days. Radishes are planted in the same way: in rows and at the same depth. Between rows - 8-10 cm.


First, cabbage is planted in closed ground to obtain seedlings. After 2 months, the sprouts are transferred to open ground. Lettuce is also grown as seedlings, which are planted at intervals of 20 cm when the first true leaves appear.


Carrot seeds are placed in water for 2 days. After this, they are kept in a damp cloth for a week. When sprouts appear, carrots are transplanted into the ground. Bean seeds are also soaked, but only overnight. Planted in rows to a depth of 2-5 cm. Celery is planted as seedlings with a distance between rows of 60 cm.


Potatoes are planted with sprouted tubers. Depth—10-12 cm. Cucumber seeds are soaked for 12 hours. Next, plant in rows to a depth of 2-2.5 cm.


Zucchini seeds are soaked for 3 days, after which they are planted in pots with peat and humus. In a month the seedlings will be ready. The depth of planting in the ground is 3-6 cm. Pumpkins are planted in the same way.

Spring planting flowers

When to plant


In order to admire blooming petunia at the beginning of summer, it must be planted on the 20th of March. This should be done on nutritious and loose soil that retains moisture well.


Seedlings or seeds are planted after the last spring frosts- late May or early June. Seedlings are planted in a trench, and seeds are planted in holes. It is recommended to cover sowing seeds with garden film.


Slightly grown dahlias are planted June 1-10. Tubers can be planted earlier - May 15-20 (for temperate latitudes). When there is a threat of frost, plants must be covered.

How to plant


To obtain seedlings, seeds are placed in soaked peat tablet. After the emergence of seedlings, the plant is transplanted into pots, and after 2 months, when the seedlings have grown stronger, into open ground. Another way is to plant seeds rather than seedlings. In this case, the seeds are scattered on the ground without covering them with soil.


Cuttings of this flower are planted in previously loosened soil. If the soil is clay, you need to add compost. Planting depth is 20-25 cm. It is recommended to water chrysanthemums only in the morning. Due to evening or night watering, the plant may get sick. The best place for planting - the one that receives the best light during the day.


The depth of the holes for dahlias is 30 cm. When planting, the sprouted flowers are tied to a wooden peg, then watered abundantly. The distance between planted plants should be at least 50 cm. Manure is a good fertilizer.


Tomatoes will be stronger if the seeds for seedlings are wrapped in damp gauze, placed in a saucer and poured special solution: 2 drops of “Gumi” per 10 drops of “Fitosporin”. The first drug will increase immunity and accelerate growth, and the second will protect plants

To fertilize the garden, it is very useful to use the water with which you washed food - meat, cereals, beans. It also makes sense to water the area with water left over from washing dishes. It contains fat that is so necessary for plant nutrition. A decoction of beets or potatoes can be used as a nitrogen fertilizer.

Fruit tree seedlings will take root faster if: - they are local and not imported varieties;

  • seedling age - no more than 2 years;
  • the root system has 4-5 branches about 25 cm long;
  • there are no signs of disease or mechanical damage on the seedlings;
  • The roots of the tree are flexible, but not brittle or shriveled.

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For the vast majority of my friends, the idea of ​​“not digging” sounds completely outlandish. But to be honest, my husband (also of the old agrotechnical variety) looks with pain at the undug beds. Although everything grows and bears fruit beautifully on them. Therefore, in the spring, I allow him to dig up something, so as not to radically change his worldview. We are gradually learning: sudden changes in habits are not for everyone. I will share my experience of farming “without a shovel”.

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As a child, I was delighted with the fairy tale where main character deftly escaped pursuit. He stuck branches from a bush into the ground, and a dense, impenetrable green forest immediately grew behind him. I have been experimenting with twigs since I was four years old. So, summer cuttings are a great opportunity to get a young seedling of the desired variety. The procedure is simple, quick, and almost always even beginners succeed. Unsuccessful cuttings are associated with obvious neglect of its basic principles.

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No matter how modest the dacha or personal plot, and there is always room for cucumbers. Experienced housewives They will definitely find the time to wrap up a few jars of their cucumbers for the winter. Moreover, with minimal care and compliance with agricultural technology, you can grow excellent harvest. In this case, only organic fertilizers. What they are, how to prepare them at home and use them correctly, you will learn from this article.

Pelargonium "Pinto Scarlet Star F1" is distinguished by its early and abundant flowering, has large flowers with a gradient color from coral along the edges to white in the center, which look very beautiful against the background of emerald-colored leaves. Pelargonium pleases the eye for a very long time: plant growers note that flowering continues until the coldest weather. Tall (up to 40 cm) bushes are suitable for planting in flower beds, flowerpots and balcony boxes.

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Of the soil fertilizers, the highest content of calcium, but inaccessible, is found in lime fertilizers - limestone and dolomite flour(natural origin), conversion calcium carbonate, production waste nitrogen fertilizers, but purer in composition than previous products. The action of these fertilizers is very slow. Typically, liming is carried out in the fall so that part of the applied fertilizer dissolves in the soil and becomes available to plants in the spring.

It seems like just yesterday it was spring. But now summer is already at its zenith, mid-July has arrived. At this time, all plants spend a lot of energy, micro- and macroelements to maintain complex processes, passing inside them. And to provide them wild bloom To improve the taste of fruits and help to overwinter better, it is necessary to apply fertilizers in a timely and correct manner, that is, carry out multi-purpose fertilizing. At the same time, nitrogen in them should be kept to a minimum.

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Summer is not only summer season, sun, vacation, warm sea, but also fresh vegetables, berries and fruits. However, today, when looking at market stalls, the question increasingly arises: is it possible to eat such early watermelons, melons, cucumbers, corn, tomatoes, etc., that have not yet been able to ripen in the open ground? Aren't they dangerous? early vegetables and fruits? Do early watermelons and melons fall into the category of nitrate products that can cause poisoning?

Minced pies in a frying pan - delicious pies-rolls made from delicate curd dough with homemade minced meat and spicy seasonings. Such pies can be prepared in half an hour, quickly fried in a frying pan and immediately served piping hot. The perfect dish for a situation when guests are already on the doorstep. Fried pies according to this recipe turn out very juicy, are simple to prepare, and look festive, so I advise you to add the recipe to your piggy bank holiday snacks- you will find it useful and loved!

Tulips are one of the earliest spring flowers, which appear in abundance in retail sales for the holiday of the Eighth of March, and after the snow melts they begin to appear from the warmed ground in private flower beds, to soon bloom with fragrant delicate flowers. If you have finally decided to place lovely tulips in your garden, you will most likely have a logical question: when to plant tulips?

Nature will tell you the correct answer

It would be logical to start planting bulbs in the spring, along with other flowers and vegetable crops. But it was not there! Most experienced flower growers unanimously claim that autumn is the only suitable time when it is better to plant tulips. Although there are also supporters spring planting, which can give many reasons why it is preferable to plant tulip bulbs in the ground in the spring. So, when should you plant tulips, and who is right?

Autumn is the only suitable time when it is better to plant tulips

To come to the right conclusion when is the best time to plant tulips, you should pay attention to how these flowers grow in nature. Having understood the natural rhythm of life of wild tulips, you can easily understand what the more delicate varietal flowers growing in flower beds want.

Video about correct landing tulips

Most types of tulips are native to Central Asia. Here, wild tulips are found in rocky and sandy deserts, in arid mountainous areas, foothills, on scree, in rock crevices, and also in steppes. In early spring The mountain slopes and deserts of Central Asia present a truly picturesque picture - blooming tulips play with bright colors in the sun, covering the ground with flowering carpets.

As soon as spring warmth turns into hot heat, the tulips quickly fade, dry out, and all the life in them is concentrated in the bulbs. The bulbs go deeper into the ground, and with the arrival of cool autumn weather, they form new roots in order to bloom again in the spring immediately after awakening.

Thus, the tulips bloom in natural environment occurs only after a period of winter cooling, which is necessary for the formation in the bulbs of substances that affect the germination and flowering of the plant.

Tulips bloom in their natural environment only after a period of winter cooling.

The optimal time to plant tulips

The life cycle of cultivated tulips is the same as that of wild ones, so the most suitable period when you need to plant tulips is autumn. Once in the ground, the bulbs have time to grow roots before frost, after which life in them freezes with the onset of winter. In spring, the stem quickly emerges from under the snow and delicate buds form in a short time. At the end of flowering, the tulips are dug up and the bulbs are sent for storage until autumn planting.

Featured tulip planting dates– from the second ten days of September until the last days of October. The right time to plant tulips depends on the region and the local climate. So, in central Russia, bulbs are planted starting from the twentieth of September, and in southern regions– since October.

The life cycle of cultivated tulips is the same as that of wild ones

You can determine when to plant tulips by looking at the soil temperature:

  • as soon as at a depth of ten centimeters the soil temperature dropped to +7+9 degrees, it was time to start planting the bulbs;
  • if the temperature is higher, the bulbs will sprout, which will die at the first frost, and rooting will be worse;
  • at a lower soil temperature, the bulbs simply will not have time to take root well before the onset of frost, which will lead to stunted growth of tulips in the spring and unsuccessful flowering.

Sufficient time for rooting of planted bulbs is about 20-30 days at optimal humidity soil and temperature in its upper layers up to +7 degrees.

Tulip shoots

But if for some reason the recommended dates were missed, when can you plant tulips in this case? According to experienced gardeners, it is possible to plant bulbs until the first days of December - this is still better than postponing planting until spring. And so that the bulbs do not freeze and the tulips do not lag behind in development in the spring, it is recommended to cover the flowerbed with spruce branches, dry leaves or straw and sprinkle snow on top.

Features of spring planting

It also happens that flower growers remember the need to plant tulips only on the eve of spring. Although the time is not the best, don’t completely give up on these elegant flowers now. Tulips planted in spring also grow, but begin to bloom much later. You can speed up their flowering using a simple technique:

  • Place tulip bulbs that have been recently purchased in the refrigerator overnight (not in the freezer!);
  • the next day, rinse with a pink solution of potassium permanganate;
  • plant the bulbs in the ground.

Video about methods of planting tulips

You need to plant tulips in open ground before April, but if frost is still possible in your region at this time, first plant the bulbs in a container suitable size, and only then carefully transplant it into a flowerbed.

The main thing is to remember: regardless of what time to plant tulips, agricultural technology must be followed carefully, otherwise due to improper care the plant bulb shreds, and after it the stems and flowers become smaller.

Every gardener associates the beginning of spring with the start of work on plot of land. Experienced summer resident knows that a prerequisite for a rich harvest is adherence to planting dates for various crops. Most people pay attention to weather conditions, as well as the lunar calendar. However, what to do if the landing time falls within days church holidays such as Easter.

Since Easter does not have one fixed date and is celebrated annually on different days, it can fall either at the beginning of April or at the beginning of May. Despite all this, garden crops have their own planting time. And for each plant, according to lunar calendar, there are favorable days for planting seeds and plants.

Approximate landing time in April:

In May they plant:

  • in the initial numbers - melons, cucumbers and pumpkins;
  • until the 10th – potatoes and beets.

When can you plant a vegetable garden, according to signs?

For recent years the weather is unstable, so for experienced gardeners you have to rely on folk signs:

  • when snowdrops begin to bloom, it is allowed to plant seeds of cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse;
  • when the aspen tree is decorated with catkins, it is recommended to boldly plant carrots, parsley and parsnips;
  • when catkins appear on the birch tree, start planting potatoes;
  • with the flowering of chestnuts, corn, beets and beans are planted;
  • The flowering of viburnum allows pumpkin planting.

It is important to remember that Easter is one of the great Christian holidays and, according to church canons, any work is prohibited for the next 7 days. IN Easter week It’s better to think about the soul, the Savior, attend church and constantly pray.

It is also necessary to remember folk signs, according to which our ancestors did not plant a vegetable garden in the period between Easter and Radonitsa. Moreover, the first Wednesday after Easter was popularly called “dry”. On this day, the owners walked around their gardens with a loud candle, which helped protect crops from hail, rain and other bad weather.

In contrast to the above, the opinion of people accustomed to work, who recall the proverb “One spring day feeds the whole year,” has a right to exist. In this case, you can start planting garden crops 3 days after the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

IN this year a quick planting after the Resurrection of Christ should not be undertaken, since the earth has not warmed up enough.

Church and folk traditions must be observed and listened to, however, if you have no other time to plant a garden, you can start working.