home · Other · Optimal heating system for residential premises. Hygienic requirements for residential premises. The level of natural light depends

Optimal heating system for residential premises. Hygienic requirements for residential premises. The level of natural light depends

When planning the construction of a private house, each of us is faced with a dilemma - which type of heating to give preference to. We are concerned about the question. How to make your home warm, cozy and comfortable, while saving money own funds on heating. Types of heating used in private and apartment building, differ from each other and are very diverse. Systems vary both in efficiency and in the cost of installation and subsequent operation. In each individual case, the choice remains with the home owners, who have to take into account the availability various factors. The main criteria that the types of heating used in a private home must meet are high efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

On domestic market today there are various heating equipment, starting with gas boilers and units running on solid fuel and electricity, ending with alternative technical heating options. The variety of options offered can satisfy any consumer, however, their use has a number of nuances that must be taken into account when choosing.

Important! The heating system must provide living spaces, required quantity kilocalories of heat, creating a comfortable microclimate in a city apartment or in a private house.

The habitual option for many of us for heating a private home is the most common today. Heating systems with autonomous gas boilers, also the most suitable option for apartment building. High technology, compactness and efficiency gas heating for a city apartment is not disputed. Another thing private sector or building a house in an area remote from the main infrastructure facilities. In such a situation, home owners are forced to think about how to heat their house and what energy source to choose: gas, coal, wood or electricity.

When designing a heating system for a residential building, we are guided by the following aspects:

  • the feasibility of this type of heating under these conditions;
  • manufacturability of the system, practicality of maintenance and operation;
  • availability of the main components and assemblies of the system for subsequent repair and maintenance;
  • energy costs required for high-quality heating of residential premises of a certain area and size
  • economy and operational efficiency.

It is necessary to take into account the availability of fuel types, connection methods, climatic conditions in which we live and the very structure of the residential building. Heating will only give the desired effect when the building itself has low heat loss, and the fuel used to heat the boiler is inexpensive and accessible.

Gas heating is the main heating option for any home

City apartments, especially in new buildings, today mostly have autonomous gas heating. Centralized hot water supply and radiators, which begin to heat up only during the heating season, are becoming a thing of the past. Organization of heating apartment buildings using gas is the most practical and technologically advanced way to provide heat to large living spaces, to create conditions for individual use heating devices a large number of consumers.

Other types of heating used in the house are impractical for use in a house with a large number of apartments and in many cases unsafe from the point of view of manufacturability and fire safety.

The main gas pipeline is, as a rule, a common phenomenon in cities and towns. In this situation, there is no question of choosing a fuel for heating apartment buildings. All other options in such a situation are not even considered. The only option that can be used is similar cases, installation of electric heating devices as an auxiliary option.

Gas heating is ideal for use in urban high-rise buildings; this type of heating is also convenient for the private sector. What is important here is the fact that a home gas boiler can always be adjusted to the required operating mode, creating optimal temperature. Operation can be carried out in daily living mode, creating comfortable temperature inside a residential building. If necessary, you can always reduce gas consumption and lower the temperature in the apartment if you are absent or leave your home for a long time.

For country house, in the absence of a centralized gas supply, one should not discount the very idea of ​​gas heating. By installing a gas storage facility - a gas tank - on your site, you will be able to provide yourself with a sufficient amount of blue fuel for the entire cold period.

With this fuel source you will get:

  • complete autonomy of your heating system;
  • environmentally friendly heat source and hot water in the house;
  • high efficiency of an autonomous heating system during the cold period.

Firing a boiler with gas is always the cleanest heating option. The advantages of such a system include clean exhaust, installation and installation of small, compact boilers and chimneys. Today, there are ready-made installation schemes for autonomous gas heating using a gas holder, tested from an engineering and technical point of view, complying with SNiP and other regulatory documents.

For reference: A gas tank installed on the territory of a private household is not a cheap pleasure. Refueling is associated with transportation costs, and installation requires obtaining permits. On top of that, your gas supply and the condition of your heating appliance connections will be constantly inspected by gas service personnel.

In most cases, the choice in favor of gas is explained by the traditional desire of homeowners to protect themselves from unnecessary hassle and concerns about the operation of the heating system in the future. Possibility to install a gas tank or availability main gas pipeline only contributes to making a decision in favor of gas heating. However, the lack of freely available gas forces us to look for other sources of energy and focus on other types of autonomous heating in a private or country house.

We rely on electricity

Electricity continues to be the most clean look energy. Given the development of modern infrastructure, today it is difficult to find locality, territories not covered by a centralized energy supply system. The main advantages of electricity are: ecological cleanliness this type of energy and availability.

In the absence of gas, electric autonomous systems heating as the main heating method is a convenient, practical and least troublesome option. Electric boilers have the highest efficiency in comparison with boilers of other types. The ease and simplicity of maintenance of electric heating equipment makes the operation of such a system very convenient for a country house, due to non-permanent residence.

Important to remember! When making calculations, do not forget that low initial costs for the purchase of electrical equipment, new economical boiler models and subsequent installation can be misleading. Today, electricity is not the cheapest form of energy, so the subsequent operation of electric heating will have a significant impact on your budget. Periodic outages of centralized energy supply systems should not be discounted.

For normal operation The electric heating system in the house will have to change the electrical wiring, trying to significantly strengthen it. The best option for the normal functioning of an electric boiler whose power exceeds 9 kW, there will be three-phase wiring with a voltage of 380V. The wire cross-section is calculated separately, taking into account its length, material and current strength. In parallel with the use of electric boilers for heating country houses, convectors are actively used at the household level, infrared emitters, other household electric heating devices.

Heating systems for private houses using electricity can be regarded as alternatives to gas heating or as auxiliary options. Connections to alternative and other heat sources are carried out during the subsequent operation of the housing. In most cases, home owners are already focused on the economic component of heating in the house or are making attempts to improve the heating of their homes due to the worsening climate situation.

New electric convectors and infrared heating devices have a number of advantages, among which it is especially worth noting:

  • minimal initial installation costs;
  • high efficiency;
  • basic operating conditions;
  • operational safety;
  • a minimum of engineering and technical measures to organize a heating system.

Having listed the pros and cons, it is important to remember the disadvantages of such heating systems. The disadvantages are mainly associated with additional costs for strengthening electrical wiring and installing additional distribution and control devices in the home electrical network. During installation, you should use proven electrical wiring diagrams under electric heating.

Alternative options for gas and electric heating systems

Gas and electricity have advantages that are hard to ignore. The advantages of heating systems using gas or electricity are obvious, but in some cases it is necessary to look for alternative sources of energy supply and study the technical conditions of other types of home heating.

In quality and electricity there are the following types heating systems of a private house:

  • heating with liquid fuel;
  • heating system on solid types fuel;
  • combined heating systems for home;
  • autonomous heating system using a heat pump;
  • solar collectors.

The listed types of heating are effective in their own way for organizing heating of residential premises. Each option has both pros and cons. For most residents of city apartments, there are no effective heating systems for an apartment building other than a gas and electric boiler. Connecting other sources of energy supply in a private home is quite acceptable and feasible.

Important! When giving preference to new alternative energy sources, it is necessary to take into account technological features residential premises, size of the house, heating intensity and number of residents. A superficial solution to the heating problem can lead to unnecessary waste of money and will not provide a tangible effect.

Doing comparative analysis efficiency of today's autonomous heating systems, taking into account all the technical nuances and applicability in an apartment or private house, you can choose best option exactly for your specific conditions.

The main emphasis is on the use of certain fuel sources in the long term. Cheap fuel rarely has good calorific value. The autonomy of the system is also an important factor when choosing the type of fuel. Connection into a single complex various types fuel and heating systems can solve the problem at a certain stage. Only an accurate calculation will allow you to determine the efficiency of heating in your home.

The design, equipment and maintenance of residential premises should be aimed at creating comfortable and favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions for people to live.

One of important conditions for this purpose, is to ensure optimal microclimate parameters in residential premises.

Optimal microclimate parameters

Optimal and valid parameters microclimate in the premises of residential buildings are kept in sanitary rules SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards", which are approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation.

During the warm season in living rooms, the air temperature of 22-25 °C at relative humidity air 60-30% and air speed 0.2 m/s.

During the cold season in living rooms, the optimal microclimate parameters are air temperature 20 - 22 °C with a relative air humidity of 45-30% and an air speed of 0.15 m/s.

Sanitary rules SanPiN establish mandatory sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises, which must be observed when placing, designing, reconstructing, constructing and operating residential buildings and premises intended for permanent residence.

Requirements of these sanitary rules do not apply for living conditions in buildings and premises of hotels, hostels, specialized homes for the disabled, orphanages, rotational camps, and are intended for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, whose activities are related to the design, construction, reconstruction and operation of residential buildings and premises, as well as for bodies authorized to carry out.

Comfortable microclimate conditions and air environment Our living space is provided by the heating and ventilation systems of the building.

Heating systems

Residential heating systems must ensure uniform heating of the air throughout the entire heating period, without creating odors or polluting the air. harmful substances released during operation.

The heating system should not create additional noise and be accessible for routine repairs and maintenance. Heating devices of the heating system (korado and others) must be easily accessible for cleaning, and the surface temperature heating devices for water heating it should not exceed 90 °C, and for devices with a heating surface temperature of more than 75 °C it is already necessary to provide protective barriers.

Sanitary rules and regulations “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises” require the organization of a heating system for uniform heating of the floor surface in the premises of the first floors of residential buildings located in climatic region I.

Subject to hygienic quality requirements atmospheric air populated areas, hygienic standards for noise and vibration, it is allowed to install autonomous boiler houses for heat supply to residential buildings.


Natural ventilation of residential premises is very important and should be carried out by the influx of outside air through vents, transoms, or through special openings in window sashes and ventilation ducts.

Exhaust ducts should be provided in kitchens, bathrooms, toilets and drying cabinets, and the union ventilation ducts kitchens and sanitary facilities with living rooms are not allowed. The design of the residential ventilation system must also prevent the flow of air from one apartment to another.

Concentration of various chemical substances in the air of residential premises should not exceed the average daily maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants established for the atmospheric air of populated areas.

When placing public premises in residential buildings, the ventilation system of the latter must be autonomous, although it is allowed to be connected to the general exhaust system residential building exhaust ventilation of public premises that do not have harmful emissions. The shafts of exhaust ventilation systems must protrude above the ridge of the building's roof to a height of at least 1 m.

During operation, it is not allowed to use the residential premises for purposes not intended project documentation, storage and use in residential premises and in public premises located in a residential building, hazardous chemicals that pollute the air, performance of work that is a source of elevated levels noise, vibration, air pollution or disturbing the living conditions of citizens in neighboring residential premises, as well as littering, pollution and flooding of residential premises, basements and technical undergrounds, staircases and cages, attics.

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Sometimes it happens that there is a need to shout to another person who is on the long distance, A mobile phone not at hand. Or it is outside the network's reach. Usually you have to fold your hands into a megaphone and strain your vocal cords in order to try to shout to a distant interlocutor or even to a whole group of people.

Factoring is a range of financial services for manufacturers and suppliers trading on deferred payment terms. Certain features of factoring can be found back in Ancient Mesopotamia during the era of King Hammurabi - about 2000 BC, and in Ancient Rome when traders used it in their activities. A certain stage in the development of factoring is associated with the emergence of the “House of Factors” in England in the 17th century, when many large European trading houses had their representatives in trading colonies. The rapid development of factoring activity was observed in North America in the second half of the 19th century.

Log houses in Rus' were called wooden structures, the walls of which were assembled from processed logs. This is how huts, temples, wooden Kremlin towers and other structures were built wooden architecture. A log house and various wooden fencing for the terrace are being built from coniferous and hardwood. Such wood must be dry, free from rot, cracks, fungus and not infested with wood beetles.

Gone are the days when in the USSR citizens were allocated plots of land from 4 to 6 acres for vegetable gardens, on which they were allowed to build a one-story house measuring no more than 3 by 5 meters - a kind of country house block for storage gardening tools and another country utensils all year round. But even then to many garden plots electricity was supplied, and water supply in the gardens was ensured by supplying water pipes or digging wells.

Creation effective system heating of large buildings differs significantly from similar autonomous schemes for cottages. The difference lies in the complexity of distribution and control of coolant parameters. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a heating system for buildings: types, types, calculations, surveys. All these nuances are taken into account at the design stage of the structure.

Heating requirements for residential and administrative buildings

It should immediately be noted that the heating project administrative building must be carried out by the relevant bureau. Experts evaluate the parameters of the future building and according to the requirements regulatory documents choose the optimal heat supply scheme.

Regardless of the selected types of building heating systems, they are subject to strict requirements. They are based on ensuring the safety of heat supply operation, as well as the efficiency of the system:

  • Sanitary and hygienic. These include uniform temperature distribution in all areas of the house. To do this, a heat calculation for heating the building is first performed;
  • Construction. The operation of heating devices should not deteriorate due to the characteristics of the structural elements of the building, both inside and outside it;
  • Assembly. When choosing technological schemes installation, it is recommended to choose standardized units that can be quickly replaced with similar ones in case of failure;
  • Operational. Maximum automation of heat supply operation. This is the primary task along with the thermotechnical calculation of the heating of the building.

In practice, proven design schemes are used, the choice of which depends on the type of heating. This is the determining factor for all subsequent stages of work on arranging the heating of an administrative or residential building.

When putting a new house into operation, residents have the right to demand copies of all technical documentation, including heating systems.

Types of building heating systems

How to choose the right type of heat supply for a building? First of all, the type of energy carrier is taken into account. Based on this, you can plan subsequent design stages.

There are certain types of building heating systems that differ in both operating principles and performance characteristics. The most common is water heating, since it has unique qualities and can be relatively easily adapted to any type of building. After calculating the amount of heat for heating the building, you can choose following types heating supply:

  • Autonomous water. Characterized by high inertia of air heating. However, along with this, it is the most popular type of building heating systems due to the wide variety of components and low maintenance costs;
  • Central Water. In this case, the water is optimal type coolant for its transportation over long distances - from the boiler room to consumers;
  • Air. IN Lately it is used as common system climate control in homes. It is one of the most expensive, which affects the inspection of the building’s heating system;
  • Electrical. Despite the low costs of the initial purchase of equipment, electric heating is the most expensive to maintain. If it is installed, heating calculations based on the volume of the building should be performed as accurately as possible in order to reduce planned costs.

What is recommended to choose as a home heating supply - electric, water or air heating? First of all, you need to calculate the thermal energy for heating the building and other types design work. Based on the data obtained, the optimal heating scheme is selected.

For a private home The best way heating supply - installation gas equipment in conjunction with a water heating system.

Types of heat supply calculations for buildings

At the first stage, it is necessary to calculate the thermal energy for heating the building. The essence of these calculations is to determine the heat losses of the house, select the power of the equipment and thermal regime heating operation.

To perform these calculations correctly, you should know the building parameters and take into account climatic features region. Before the advent of specialized software systems, all calculations of the amount of heat for heating a building were performed manually. In this case, there was a high probability of error. Now, using modern methods calculations, you can obtain the following characteristics for drawing up a heating project for an administrative building:

  • Optimal heat supply load depending on external factors– outside temperature and the required degree of air heating in each room of the house;
  • Correct selection of components for heating equipment, minimizing the cost of its acquisition;
  • Possibility to upgrade the heating supply in the future. Reconstruction of the building's heating system is carried out only after coordination of the old and new schemes.

When making a heating project for an administrative or residential building, you need to be guided by a certain calculation algorithm.

The characteristics of the heat supply system must comply with current regulations. A list of them can be obtained from the state architectural organization.

Calculation of heat losses of buildings

The defining indicator of a heating system is optimal quantity generated energy. It is also determined by heat losses in the building. Those. in fact, the work of the heat supply is designed to compensate for this phenomenon and maintain the temperature at a comfortable level.

To correctly calculate the heat needed to heat a building, you need to know the material used to make the outer walls. It is through them that it happens most of losses. The main characteristic is the thermal conductivity coefficient building materials– the amount of energy passing through 1 m² of wall.

The technology for calculating thermal energy for heating a building consists of the following steps:

  1. Determination of material of manufacture and thermal conductivity coefficient.
  2. Knowing the thickness of the wall, you can calculate the heat transfer resistance. This is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity.
  3. Then several heating operating modes are selected. This is the difference between the temperature in the supply and return pipes.
  4. Dividing the resulting value by the heat transfer resistance we get heat losses per 1 m² of wall.

For this technique, you need to know that the wall consists not only of bricks or reinforced concrete blocks. When calculating the power of a heating boiler and the heat loss of a building, thermal insulation and other materials must be taken into account. The total transmission resistance coefficient of the wall should not be less than the normalized value.

Only after this can you begin to calculate the power of heating devices.

For all data obtained for calculating heating by building volume, it is recommended to add a correction factor of 1.1.

Calculation of the power of equipment for heating buildings

To calculate the optimal heating power, you should first decide on its type. Most often, difficulties arise when calculating water heating. To correctly calculate the power of a heating boiler and heat losses in a house, not only its area, but also its volume is taken into account.

The simplest option is to accept the ratio that heating 1 m³ of space will require 41 W of energy. However, such a calculation of the amount of heat for heating a building will not be entirely correct. It does not take into account heat losses, as well as the climatic features of a particular region. Therefore, it is best to use the method described above.

To calculate the heat supply by volume of the building, it is important to know the rated power of the boiler. To do this you need to know the following formula:

Where W– boiler power, S– area of ​​the house, TO- correction factor.

The latter is a reference value and depends on the region of residence. Data about it can be taken from the table.

This technology makes it possible to perform accurate thermotechnical calculations of the heating of a building. At the same time, the heat supply power is checked in relation to the heat losses in the building. In addition, the purpose of the premises is taken into account. For living rooms, the temperature level should be from +18°C to +22°C. The minimum heating level for areas and utility rooms is +16°C.

The choice of heating operating mode is practically independent of these parameters. It will determine the future load on the system depending on weather conditions. For apartment buildings, the calculation of thermal energy for heating is done taking into account all the nuances and in accordance with regulatory technology. In autonomous heat supply, such actions do not need to be performed. It is important that the total thermal energy compensated for all heat losses in the house.

To reduce the cost of autonomous heating, it is recommended to use a low-temperature mode when calculating by building volume. But then the total area of ​​the radiators should be increased in order to increase thermal output.

Building heating system maintenance

After a correct thermotechnical calculation of the building’s heat supply, it is necessary to know the mandatory list of regulatory documents for its maintenance. You need to know this in order to timely monitor the operation of the system, as well as minimize the occurrence of emergency situations.

Drawing up an inspection report for the heating system of the building is carried out only by representatives of the responsible company. This takes into account the specifics of heat supply, its type and Current state. During the inspection of the heating system of the building, the following document items must be completed:

  1. Location of the house, its exact address.
  2. Link to the heat supply agreement.
  3. Number and location of heat supply devices - radiators and batteries.
  4. Measuring the temperature in the premises.
  5. Load change factor depending on current weather conditions.

To initiate an inspection of the heating system of your home, you must submit an application to the management company. It must indicate the reason - bad job heat supply, emergency situation or non-compliance of the current system parameters with standards.

According to current standards, during an accident, representatives of the management company must eliminate its consequences within a maximum of 6 hours. Also after this, a document is drawn up about the damage caused to the apartment owners due to the accident. If the reason is unsatisfactory condition, the management company must restore the apartments at its own expense or pay compensation.

Often, during the reconstruction of a building's heating system, it is necessary to replace some of its elements with more modern ones. Costs are determined by the fact of whose balance sheet the heating system is based on. The restoration of pipelines and other components not located in the apartments should be handled by the management company.

If the owner of the premises wanted to change the old cast iron batteries for modern ones, the following actions should be taken:

  1. IN management company a statement is drawn up indicating the apartment plan and the characteristics of future heating devices.
  2. After 6 days, the management company is obliged to provide technical specifications.
  3. According to them, equipment is selected.
  4. Installation is carried out at the expense of the apartment owner. But representatives of the Criminal Code must be present.

For autonomous heat supply In a private home, you don’t need to do any of this. Responsibilities for arranging and maintaining heating at the proper level rest entirely with the owner of the house. Exceptions include technical projects for electric and gas heating of premises. For them, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the management company, as well as select and install equipment in accordance with the terms of the technical specifications.

The video describes the features of radiator heating:

There are local or stove heating and central. The main difference is that in the first case, fuel combustion is carried out in heated rooms in the heating device itself (furnace), and in the second case, this process is carried out beyond their boundaries - the coolant (water, steam, air) is heated, entering through pipes into the heating appliances (water, steam) or through channels directly into the room (heated air).

In modern construction practice, central systems are used water heating. Their advantage is that from one heat generator, heated water can be supplied to apartments of any size, building, group of buildings, all buildings in a block, or the entire city. The second is the ability to easily regulate the degree of water heating in the generator and, in addition, the availability of individual temperature control of heating devices directly in the apartment, in the room. It is possible to maintain a uniform temperature of the devices, regardless of the duration of heating and in full accordance with the outside temperatures and set parameters. Steam Heating of residential buildings, health care facilities, schools and kindergartens is prohibited for hygienic reasons. High heating temperatures of devices are always above 100C and threaten burns, burning of dust and create discomfort. The heating temperature cannot be changed depending on outside temperatures. Steam heating It is characterized by the speed of warming up the system (low thermal inertia) and cooling after stopping the steam supply. Thanks to this, it is used in large rooms where operation requires short-term heating and then turning off the system, for example in theaters. Air heating is based on heating the air in a heater located in the basement of the building, which then flows through ducts into the heating of the room. In multi-apartment buildings, air recirculation is unacceptable for general sanitary reasons, as well as the threat of airborne pathogens spreading through the ducts. The temperature of the supplied air should not exceed 50C. The advantage of air heating is economic in nature due to the absence of metal pipes and heating devices, as well as due to the rapidity of the thermal effect and the comparative ease of operation of the system. The air supply must, in addition to heating, be accompanied by filtration and humidification. Radiant heating. Distinctive feature Radiant heating serves to heat the enclosing surfaces of the room: walls, floors or ceilings. This is achieved due to the fact that heating pipes are laid under the fences or channels are included in the design of concrete wall panels and fences. This type of heating is suitable for health care facilities of pre-school children. The advantage is that due to the large heated enclosures, heat loss by radiation from the surface of the body is noticeably reduced. Thanks to this, the comfortable feeling that occurs when conventional heating at an air temperature of 20 C, here it can be achieved at a temperature of 17 - 18 C.

77 Hygienic requirements for the heating system of residential and public buildings

The main task of heating is to create optimal microclimate in the apartment.

Heating in the home is organized both local and central.

Local heating is a heating system in which heat is produced where it is used. In local heating systems, the heat generator is combined into one unit with heat pipes and heating devices

Disadvantages of local heating:

1. uneven air temperature in rooms during the day

2. the presence of negative radiation in the room (from windows and external walls);

3. relatively heat on certain areas of the surface of heating devices (stoves), causing burning of dust and deterioration of the indoor air composition;

4. contamination of premises with fuel, ash, smoke;

5. difficulty in regulating heat transfer from heating surfaces;

6. danger of releasing harmful gases.

Central heating is devoid of these disadvantages - it provides a more uniform thermal regime in the room, there is no pollution by combustion products and fuel, and more convenient and reliable control.

In apartments, water is used as a coolant. This allows you to avoid overheating the surface of heating devices. Depending on the coolant, heating systems are divided into water, steam-water, air, etc. The most common are central water heating systems, since the water temperature in them does not exceed the regulated

Based on the method of heat transfer, a distinction is made between convective and radiation (radiant) heating devices, and hence heating systems. With a convection system, convective, that is, heat transferred by convection, predominates (70-80%), and with radiation, radiation (radiant heat) predominates.

Examples of convective type heating devices are radiators and convectors. An example of radiant heating is the so-called panel heating, when the heating device is a panel (wall, ceiling or floor of the room). With such a heating system, heat transfer by radiation predominates, and negative radiation cooling from the outer walls of the room is reduced in the room. Concrete heating panel - heating pipes are laid under the surface of the enclosing structures (floor, ceiling, walls) or they can be included in the design of concrete panels. As a result, the enclosing surfaces heat up: walls, ceiling or floor. When heated, heat spreads almost entirely by radiation. Radiant heat has a more beneficial effect on the human body, since heat loss due to radiation (from the human thermal body to the cold surface of the walls - this is the phenomenon of negative radiation) creates the most unpleasant thermal sensations. With radiant heating, the heated surface area increases, therefore, heat loss by radiation decreases. Radiant heating prevents uneven cooling on different sides of the surface of the human body and reduces the possibility of cooling during ventilation. A person’s feeling of thermal comfort occurs at an ambient temperature of 170 C (when using radiators and convectors, the air temperature should be 200 C).

The most favorable physiological reactions and thermal sensations in people are observed at temperatures of wall panels of 40 - 450, ceilings of 28 -300C, floors of 25 - 270C - this prevents the occurrence of thermal discomfort associated with the high temperature of enclosing structures. In this case, the air temperature in the room can be reduced to 17.50C.

Various communications play an important role in the lives of modern people, but home heating must be provided without fail. If we are talking about the northern regions, then to create an optimal microclimate you will need high-quality devices. You also need to find out what types of heating there are in general. The main indicator of system performance is the ability to maintain a comfortable temperature in the premises.

Main types

Artificial heating of houses and apartments is carried out to compensate for heat losses that occur when the ambient temperature drops. For a comfortable stay, you will need special devices that can perform this task. However, the final configuration of the equipment will depend on the chosen method of heat production, as well as on the thermal insulation of the living space.

Water heating systems

This option involves the use of a coolant liquid as the main heat source. It heats up to desired temperature and circulates through pipelines, which can be made according to different schemes. Heat transfer is ensured by radiators, registers and convectors.

The types of heating pipes with this option may differ depending on the material of manufacture.

  • Steel pipes connect heat storage devices in many apartments and private houses. High-quality steel is the main raw material for production. Consumers are attracted by the low price, as well as the low coefficient of thermal expansion.
  • Cast iron products have always been famous for their low cost and good mechanical stability. They are connected by shaped parts, so they require the use of good tow, which will not have foreign impurities. The training video usually highlights these points.
  • are new on construction market, but in a short period of time they became popular. Even when the liquid inside freezes, the integrity of the product is maintained, since the material is able to expand and contract with temperature changes.
  • They are connected to each other using special fittings that you can fix with your own hands. Reliability individual elements is ensured thanks to a five-layer structure. The fasteners themselves at the joints can be permanent, compression or threaded.
  • Copper products mainly used when it is necessary to achieve a long service life. In this regard, such elements are unlikely to be superior to any other material. However, when purchasing, you will have to say goodbye to a serious amount of money.

Note! All of the listed types are quite suitable for ensuring fluid circulation: heating in such a closed circuit will still be reliable. Only the main options are mentioned.

Heating with steam

This method of heating buildings involves using water vapor instead of a liquid coolant. However, in our state such systems are not allowed to be installed in public and residential buildings, which is confirmed by building codes and rules. As a rule, as heating devices a steam boiler or a reduction-cooling unit acts.

List of main advantages:

  • Compact dimensions of the devices and relatively low cost.
  • Low inertia allows for quick warm-up.
  • There are no heat losses in the heat exchangers.

List of significant shortcomings:

  • Quite high thermometer readings on the instrument plane.
  • Lack of ability to smoothly lower and lower the temperature.
  • High sound vibrations when filling coolant.
  • There are difficulties when installing bends.

Attention! Other types of heating systems are considered the safest in contrast to the presented option. In addition, steam equipment components wear out quickly as they have to withstand high temperatures.

Air heating

IN modern world This method of heat accumulation is actively used to create comfortable conditions in trade and warehouses, which have a large volume. The source of heated air can be a heater or a heat generator. These devices maintain the user-specified temperature while consuming a minimum amount of power.

Advantages of climate control equipment:

  • Economical, because there is the possibility of dual use (for heating in winter and air conditioning in summer).
  • Long service life, which in most cases is at least twenty years.
  • During operation, direct heating of the air occurs. In other words, there are no intermediate coolants.
  • During use, much less fuel is consumed than in the case of water systems.

Note! Other types heating systems cannot boast of such versatile capabilities. If necessary, it will even be possible to cool the air in the room, which is important in the summer.

Infrared radiation

Heating is carried out thanks to special radiators. Infrared heating can be used as a main or additional heat source. Other types of heating systems will not be able to provide high-quality heating open spaces, how such an emitter is capable of doing this.

What is the advantage of these products?

  • Firstly, they do not dry the air and do not burn oxygen, and also do not form any combustion products.
  • Secondly, these heat sources usually operate for only 5-20 minutes per hour, providing quick and uniform heating.
  • And thirdly, devices of this type allow you to save about fifty percent of electrical energy.

Addition! Receiving heat with the help of rays is the most natural, since our planet warms up precisely according to this principle. About one-second of the sun's power is in the infrared.

Dynamic heating

Over time, new types of heating appear. One of these can be considered a method when one part of the heat is transferred into the room, and the other is spent on the operation of a special pump, which is located between the room and the external environment.

Classification of heat engines is made based on the source of heat extraction.

  1. Geothermal equipment closed type It takes the heat of the earth or groundwater as a basis.
  • The collector is placed horizontally at a distance below the soil freezing depth.
  • The vertical location of the collector is carried out in wells having a depth of up to two hundred meters.
  • The water structure is installed in any body of water below the freezing depth.
  1. Equipment open type requires the use of a heat exchange fluid circulating through a heat pump system.

Fire-air heating

Before this, modern types of autonomous heating were presented, but a separate type of heat generation for premises includes the fire-air method of maintaining the desired temperature in the home. The source is a pneumatic furnace, consisting of a chamber for heating air, a firebox and a crucible.