home · Lighting · Optimal heating system for residential premises. Heating and hygienic requirements for it. Gas heating is the main heating option for any home

Optimal heating system for residential premises. Heating and hygienic requirements for it. Gas heating is the main heating option for any home

The main hygienic task of heating homes is to create an optimal air temperature, constant in time and space,

The standard air temperature in residential premises is 18-20 °C.

The optimal room temperature for a cold climate zone is considered to be 21-22 °C, moderate - 18-20 °C, warm - 18-19 °C, hot - 17-18 °C. Design temperature standards in public buildings are differentiated depending on the purpose of the premises: in doctors’ offices, hospital wards ah, the most favorable air temperature in procedural rooms is 20 °C, in operating rooms - 22 °C, in classrooms - 16 °C, gyms- 15 °C.

To ensure thermal comfort, the air temperature in the rooms vertically and horizontally must be relatively uniform. The difference in air temperature vertically is allowed to be no more than 2-2.5 °C for each meter of height, horizontally - from the outer to the opposite internal wall - up to 2 °C. It is especially important to reduce the temperature difference in the vertical direction, since hypothermia of the legs can cause general cooling of the body. For preschool children, low floor temperatures create a certain risk of colds. The permissible difference between the temperature of the air and the inner surface of the external walls is 3 °C.

Heating should not worsen air quality due to the entry of incomplete combustion products, especially carbon monoxide, and the burning of dust deposited on heating devices. Dry sublimation of organic dust from the surface of the heating system occurs when it is heated to 80 °C. At high temperature surfaces heating devices(more than 80 °C) intensify unpleasant odors and the overall dustiness of the room increases, which is one of the significant sources of air damage. Heating must be fire safe and easy to use.

Local heating. A very old and widespread type of local heating includes brick kilns, designed to heat one or two adjacent rooms. Fuel combustion, mostly wood or coal (rarely natural gas), occurs indoors. The disadvantages of this type of heating include room pollution, difficulty of maintenance, and the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning if the smoke pipe is closed prematurely. Stove heating does not provide a sufficiently constant air temperature throughout the day (differences of up to 5-6 °C are allowed). Less commonly used metal stoves, characterized by even greater hygienic deficiencies. Based on their ability to retain heat, stoves with large, medium and low heat capacity are distinguished.

IN last years For additional heating of rooms, electric fireplaces and reflectors are used.

Central heating. Currently, cities predominantly use central heating, serving one or several buildings from a single heat source. It has significant advantages over local heating: it does not pollute the air, is convenient to use and provides a more even temperature in the rooms. Daily temperature fluctuations at central heating should not exceed 3 °C. With the introduction of central heating, smoke in the atmosphere of cities has significantly decreased. It is also more profitable economically. There are several central heating systems.

Water heating, which is the most common system that meets hygienic requirements, allows you to heat a group of buildings from a central boiler room, and carry out district heating of the city using waste hot water from power plants and some industrial enterprises. Water heating allows you to easily regulate the degree of heating of the room by supplying water heated in accordance with the outside temperature, as well as using regulators located directly on the heating devices in the premises. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain different air temperatures in different rooms in accordance with established differentiated standards.

In Fig. 4.8 shows a diagram of water heating with top wiring for separate building. The water is heated in a boiler installed in the basement to a temperature not exceeding 80-90 °C, depending on the weather. Then, due to the lower relative density, it rises along the ascending riser upward (to the attic) into the distribution main network, from which it is distributed along the descending risers down sequentially along the floors, where it passes through heating devices, gives them part of its heat and returns through the return

risers back into the boiler. To compensate for heat loss, devices with a larger heating surface are installed in the lower floors. There are variations of this system.

Heating devices (batteries) are located near the outer walls in niches under the windows to compensate for the greatest cooling of the rooms in these places. It is recommended to cover niches with removable grilles. The most hygienic batteries are those with smooth surface, composed of individual metal elements (radiators). Compared to finned batteries, they are more accessible to cleaning and allow you to increase the heating surface by adding the number of elements.

Water heating ensures a constant and uniform air temperature and does not cause air pollution, since the heating of the surface of the batteries rarely reaches 80 °C, which prevents the burning of dust.

Steam heating is structurally little different from water heating, but in hygienic terms it is inferior to it, since the steam circulating in the system heats the radiators to 100 ° C, which entails sublimation of dust, the danger of burns and at times creates overheating of the premises. With steam heating, the possibility of central and local adjustment is excluded; when steam is injected, a cracking sound often occurs due to the breakthrough of steam through accumulations of condensation water in pipe bends.

Steam heating is used only in large rooms designed for temporary occupancy of people.

Air heating consists of heating filtered outside air to 45-50 °C in chambers located in the basement of the building, from where it flows through channels into the interior walls to the premises.

The disadvantages of this heating system include the small radius of action of each chamber, the high temperature of the supplied air, which makes it excessively dry, uneven heating of the rooms and the possibility of polluting the supply air with dust. However, air heating is economical, does not require pipes and heating devices, allows you to combine heating with ventilation, is easy to use and is indicated for rooms with high humidity air (auditoriums, indoor swimming pools). In recent years, this heating, combined with ventilation, has been installed in a number of new Moscow schools.

Radiant heating was first used in our country by V.A. Jachimovich in hospitals (1907). Currently, it is widespread in a number of countries and is considered as one of the most promising. The source of heat radiation is the heated internal surfaces of the external walls, under which small pipes of water or, less commonly, steam heating are laid. In this case, it is called panel radiant heating. Sometimes the ceiling or floor is heated. The heating temperature of the wall panels is maintained at 35-40 °C, which eliminates the cooling effect of the walls. This is very important, since heat transfer from the surface of the body occurs mainly through radiation to surrounding cold surfaces and, above all, walls.

Radiant heating ensures uniform air temperature in the room vertically and horizontally; it is beneficial in technical and economic terms. In hot climates, it can be used to cool rooms, for which cold water is passed through pipes.

Microclimate and home heating ">

Microclimate and home heating.

Microclimate (Greek mikros - “small”) is a complex of physical environmental factors in a limited space that influences the body’s heat metabolism. These physical factors are usually called meteorological (meteora - “atmospheric phenomena”). The microclimate of a home is artificially created climatic conditions to protect against adverse (external) influences and create a comfort zone for those dressed in light clothing and located long time in a sitting position for a person. IN cold period these conditions mainly depend on the thermophysical properties of the enclosures (walls, ceiling, floor) and the heating system. During the hot season, optimal conditions can only be created by supplying conditioned air to the room. Housing allows people to live in almost any climate zone of the globe.

The microclimate of a home is determined by basic physical parameters: temperature, humidity and air speed, and the temperature of surrounding surfaces. Atmosphere pressure It is significant only in special conditions of human activity, and it is practically impossible to change it in a home.

The impact on humans of certain microclimatic factors creates various conditions heat exchange with the environment and provides a certain state, which is usually called thermal. When assessing the thermal state of the body, a thermal comfort zone is identified. The thermal comfort zone is understood as a complex of meteorological conditions in which the thermoregulation system is at rest, and all physiological functions are carried out at a level most favorable for rest and recuperation of the body after exercise. Under conditions of thermal comfort, thermal balance is observed when, as a result of a metabolic reaction, the formation of heat and the release or receipt of heat from the environment are in equilibrium.

Hygienic standardization divides the microclimate parameters of a home into optimal and acceptable, takes into account age characteristics various groups population, the purpose of the premises, as well as the external climatic conditions of residence.

The most important factor in the microclimate of residential premises is air temperature. Optimal temperature parameters vary from 20 to 22°C in cold climates, from 18 to 20°C in temperate climates and 17-19°C in hot climates. Complaints of discomfort appear only at air temperatures of 24°C and above.

In sleeping areas for better sleep The desired air temperature is 16-18°C. According to existing standards, the heating system must provide the following indoor air temperatures in residential buildings:: corridors, hallways - 18°C, kitchens - 15°C, showers, bathrooms - 25°C, stairs, toilets - 16°C.

The magnitude of air temperature differences horizontally and in height of residential premises is important. When moving around a room, a person does not feel a temperature difference if the horizontal air temperature fluctuations do not exceed 2-3°C.

Thermal comfort conditions are determined taking into account humidity and air speed. The optimal relative humidity is considered to be 40-60%; parameters of 30% and 70% are acceptable. With more low values a person experiences dry skin and mucous membranes respiratory tract In addition, there is a danger of a static charge of electricity appearing on the surface of carpets. Air humidity is determined by the amount of water vapor, which has high heat capacity and thermal conductivity. This means that they are able to absorb heat.

When the relative humidity increases to 80% or more at a temperature of 18-20°C, a person will no longer feel comfortable. It is necessary to increase the air temperature to 22°C to restore the thermal balance.

Air movement speeds of up to 0.1-0.2 m/s are considered optimal during the cold season. Increasing it to 0.3 m/s does not cause an unpleasant sensation (draft) at room temperature.

The problem of regulating the microclimate of residential premises in summer is most relevant for areas with a hot climate. The optimal air temperature in a hot, dry climate with air conditioning is slightly higher than in winter and is 17-19°C with an air humidity of 30-50% and an air speed of 0.2-0.3 m/s. It is impossible to achieve such temperature parameters without air conditioning, therefore, a temperature of 23-25°C is considered acceptable. At high ambient temperatures and high humidity the possibility of heat transfer through sweat evaporation is reduced, so overheating of the body can occur at a lower temperature.

Discomfortable conditions with prolonged exposure can lead to a weakening of the body’s general and specific resistance and decreased immunity. However, this does not mean that creating greenhouse conditions in residential areas is mandatory and best for health. It turns out that a dynamic pulsating microclimate causes a beneficial tension in thermoregulation, a tonic and hardening effect.

The temperature of the fences and floor is of great importance. The difference between the surface temperature of the internal walls and the air near them should not be higher than 5°. An unfavorable microclimate in residential premises may be due to poor thermal insulation qualities of external fences and insufficient sealing of the joints of panels and windows. An increase in glazing area has a negative impact on the microclimate.

An equally important factor in the formation of indoor microclimate are heating systems. Heating is the heating of air and enclosing structures in an enclosed space during the cold season to maintain the temperature at a given level.

Basic hygienic requirements for heating

1. Ensuring stable air temperature parameters in the premises with permissible vertical and horizontal fluctuations.
2. Elimination of indoor air pollution carbon monoxide and products formed during fuel combustion.
3. The indoor air should not be polluted by gases formed during the dry sublimation of organic dust settling on heating devices. These gases irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, causing a feeling of dryness in the throat and headache. Dust burning does not occur if the temperature of the heating devices does not exceed 85°C.
4. Heating devices should not be bulky, eliminate the risk of fires and burns, and not pollute the room with fuel or ash. Be easy to use.

Heating is carried out by a system that includes three main elements: a heat generator, heat pipes and heating devices.

There are two types of heating: local and central. With local heating, heat is produced in the heated room. In local heating systems (wood, coal, gas, electric), the heat generator is combined with heat pipes and heating devices into one unit (furnace).

Most local heating devices require continuous operation due to their low heat capacity. It is difficult to create temperature uniformity in rooms throughout the day. Indoor air can become contaminated with burnt dust and harmful gases. With central heating, the heat generator is installed separately (boiler room) from the heating devices located in the heated rooms. Central heating systems can be water, steam, steam-water, air, or radiant. Most often, with proper operation, central heating meets hygienic requirements, especially air heating, where the coolant is heated in air heaters and humidified. outside air. This system is often combined with an air conditioning system.

Air conditioning - creation and automatic maintenance of specified optimal parameters microclimate that is most favorable for people’s well-being. Depending on the purpose, air conditioners are equipped with appropriate equipment that allows heating, cooling, drying, humidifying the air, cleaning it from dust, harmful odors and gases.

Air conditioners are divided into central and local. Central systems are designed to serve a group of premises in which it is necessary to maintain the same microclimate parameters. Air is supplied to the premises through well-insulated channels. Local air conditioners provide specified microclimate parameters, usually in one relatively small room. Their productivity is 1-10 thousand m 3 of air per hour.

"Kolomna Medical College"


Discipline: Hygiene and human ecology.

Hygienic principles of planning and improvement of populated areas. Hygiene of residential and public buildings



state budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education

Moscow region

"Kolomensky Medical College"

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Considered at the meeting

c) number of floors, layout, dimensions of premises;

d) interior decoration;

e) noise control;

f) prevention of dampness in premises;

i) space heating.

Providing the population with comfortable housing is a social and hygienic problem.

A person spends a significant part of his life in his home, so its role in influencing a person’s health, emotional state and performance is extremely large.


People build homes to protect themselves from the effects of unfavorable climatic factors (heat, cold, wind, precipitation), and the home should be quite spacious, well lit by sunlight, dry, warm in winter and, if possible, cool in summer, quiet, providing peace and rest, equipped with the necessary sanitary - technical devices and beautifully decorated.

These qualities of a home depend on factors:

1. Hygienic conditions in the locality.

2. Land plot and type of residential building.

3. The composition of the premises, their relative placement and size.

4. Applicable building materials and structures of individual parts of the building.

5. Lighting, heating, ventilation, water supply, sewerage.

6. Sanitary maintenance of the home.

The low quality of the internal environment of a building is caused by the following reasons:

1. Underestimation of hygienic and environmental requirements

2. Insufficient quality of building materials and technical equipment

3. Poor quality of construction work

4. Improper use of premises

5. Physical and moral deterioration of the housing stock

Housing provides:

1. Thermal comfort

2. Light comfort

3. Airy comfort

4. Psychological comfort

Man is the only creature on the planet that can create an artificial environment. The artificial environment has an impact on humans:

1. As a positive factor: rest, protection, etc.

2. As a negative factor: in case of violation of design or construction

Complex impact of various factors of the living environment:



According to the degree of harmfulness, home factors can be:

1. Factors that are the direct cause of diseases

2. Factors that are prerequisites for the development of diseases



1.radiation background

2.electromagnetic fields

3.ion mode

4.light environment

5.noise, vibration


3.bacterial contamination


1.chemicals, aerosols


The ecology of the home is affected by:

a) building materials;

b) household environment.

According to American experts, in some apartments the concentration of harmful substances is 100 times higher than the concentration of harmful substances on the street. Up to 30% of housing is considered unfavorable.

According to estimates by the Moscow Institute of Ecology, the excess is 1.4 times. Unfavorable factors are: concrete panels, gas stove, household polymer materials, chemical coatings.

Concrete– highly absorbs moisture, which causes dry skin, brittle hair, and the appearance of static electricity.


At the time of formation of the home.

There are natural and anthropogenic factors that determine the internal environment of a home (agents).


1 gr. Material agents.

The basis is made up of all chemical substances on the periodic table.

2 gr. Energy.

The basis is: sound, vibration, electromagnetic vibrations.

3 gr. Informational.

4 gr. Biotic agents.

Substances of plant and animal origin.

I group– material agents of the environment ( chemical composition air environment of the home):

The main sources that form the chemical composition.

a) compounds released from the soil on which the building is built and from building structures;

b) substances released from polymers used for furniture production;

c) products of incomplete combustion during use gas stoves and other devices;

d) asbestos fibers;

e) water vapor, odors;

f) substances associated with the peculiarities of human life (tobacco smoking, aerosols, detergents);

g) substances coming from atmospheric air(nearby facilities, transport).

Geopathogenic zones– these are really existing geophysical phenomena above formations above formations inside the earth:

Voids– formations in the ground lead to changes in geomagnetic fields and electrical conductivity. Outwardly, they do not appear, which have an effect on a person’s well-being. Different tree species behave similarly in geopathic zones. Cherry grows and blooms well, oak withers.


a) toxic

b) annoying


1. Right choice construction areas, planning and development of populated areas.

2. Environmentally friendly materials.

3. Ventilation of premises.

4. Plants:

a) sansevieria – has a bactericidal effect;

b) chlorophytum – is an air conditioner.


All this is possible provided that in housing construction not only architectural issues are observed, but also hygiene requirements, which include the correct operation of premises and proper care after them.


The area is unsatisfactory in sanitary terms, the unplanned placement on its territory of various elements of urban construction (residential and public buildings, industrial enterprises), insufficient landscaping, separation from nature:

Ø interfere with the normal development of the national economy and

Ø create environmentally unfavorable living conditions.

Determined that:

· insufficient living space and volume of premises

· lack of rational ventilation contributes to the spread of many infectious diseases, helminthic infestations due to the increased possibility of transmission of infection through direct contact with patients and bacteria carriers, as well as through the air, contaminated furnishings, etc.


Makes it difficult to clean living spaces

· leads to untidiness

insect reproduction

The air quality in such premises is usually unsatisfactory, which is a factor predisposing to the development of diseases due to a decrease in the body's resistance.

Damp and cold rooms play a significant role in the etiology of colds, sore throats, and rheumatism.

The role of bad ones has been proven living conditions in the development of pathological phenomena from the central nervous system, which are subjectively expressed in:

· headache

poor general health

· decreased appetite

restless sleep

The reasons for these phenomena may be:

· lack of comfort and peace in apartments

· noise coming from the street or creating in the premises themselves

The harmful effects on health of dark homes with insufficient natural light are widely recognized. Due to lack of sunlight, children often develop rickets.

The basis of modern urban planning is the economic principle:

· use of the natural resources of the area for the development of a particular industry

· use of natural waterways messages

· providing for a planned, relatively uniform distribution of productive forces throughout the country

The basic hygienic requirements for the construction of settlements are set out in SNiP 2.07.0 “Planning and development of urban and rural settlements.”

In urban planning and architecture, so-called urbanization is observed, which is expressed in the consolidation of cities and the densification of their buildings.

In economic, administrative and general cultural terms, urbanization facilitates management functions, carrying out sanitary measures and provides a high level of cultural services.

From an environmental point of view, a large city is characterized by many unfavorable factors, such as:

overcrowding and overcrowding

· difficulties with transport

· often the distance between work and home is significant

· unhealthy environment.


· creates an opportunity occurrence of injuries

Light energy influences many physiological processes. Lighting should be:

· enough intense

· uniform

· don't create harsh shadows

· do not create shine

Intensity natural light indoors depends on:

· light climate

· building orientation in relation to the cardinal directions

· street widths, which should be designed based on at least one and a half height of the opposing one tall building

· window devices and other reasons

· shading windows growing close to home trees

· depth premises

· colors of furniture and fences

The upper edge of the window should approach the ceiling by 15-20 cm, this contributes to deeper penetration of light into the room.

· pier width between windows there should be no more than one and a half window widths

· window sash area– no more than 25% of the window surface

Currently in distribution strip glazing, occupying most of the wall, which is allowed with strict consideration of the light and thermal climate, so that there is no overheating or cooling of the room in the warm and cold seasons.

The famous mother from the Primer, of course, washed not only the frame, but also window glass I also didn’t forget. They get much more dirty!

Did you know:

· that in 5-6 months, up to 70 g of street dust accumulates on the windows of an ordinary two-room apartment, trapping up to 20% sun rays?

· What lack of light makes us lethargic, drowsy and lacking initiative?

Glass must be smooth, transparent, and kept clean:

· wavy and dirty glass delayed until 50% Sveta

· frozen – 80%

· tulle absorbs up to 40% light

· dense white fabrics – up to 50-60%

· heavy curtains – up to 80%

Ordinary glass is almost not allowed ultra-violet rays, special (enriched) glasses transmit ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of up to 300 nm, which increases biological effect light penetrating into the premises.

For rate natural light The following indicators are used:

1. KEO– natural light factor

KEO= Ep__ .100%

Ep– indoor lighting

Eo– illumination on a horizontal area under the open sky.

Thus, KEO is defined as the percentage ratio at a given point indoors to the illumination at the same moment at horizontal plane open air.

· for residential premises KEO should be 0,4%,

· for hospital wards 1.0%

· for school classes 1.5%

· for the operating room 2.5%

2. Luminous coefficient(SC) is the ratio of the window area to the floor area.

The larger the value luminous coefficient, the better the lighting.

· for residential premises SC must be at least 1/6 – 1/8

· for operating rooms 1/2 - 1/3

· for school classes 1/5

For good lighting it is necessary that light falls in the room directly from the sky. If you sit on a chair one meter from the wall opposite the window, then a vertical section of the sky of at least 30 cm/degree of darkness should be visible.

In order for light to penetrate into the room to its full depth, the upper edge of the window should be placed closer to the ceiling, and the depth of the room should not exceed twice the height of the upper edge of the window above the floor, 5-6 m.

The ratio of the depth of the room to the height of the upper edge of the window above the floor is called depth. 1:2

The level of natural light depends on:

1. From the paint of the ceiling and walls. Light reflection coefficient from surfaces:

· White paint – 0.8

· Light yellow 0.6 – 0.7

· Green – 0.3

· Dark blue - 0.1

As reflection increases, the illumination of the room increases.

1. Presence of shadowing by opposing buildings and trees.

2. Shapes and sizes of windows.

3. Degree of window cleanliness.

4. Geographical latitude.

5. Time of year and day.

6. Weather.

7. Building orientation.

IN middle latitudes the best orientation for living spaces is southeastern and southern. Acceptable – eastern, southwestern.

Natural lighting can be:

1. lateral

2. top

3. combined.


Most often used incandescent lamps, filled with an inert gas, in which light energy is generated due to incandescence tungsten filament when an electric current passes through it.

Recently, it has become increasingly common fluorescent lamps – frosted glass tubes containing mercury vapor, and their inner surface is covered phosphors- substances that can glow.

Fluorescent lamps have certain advantages over incandescent lamps:

· in your own way spectrum they are approaching sunny,

· give soft diffused light with almost full absence of shadows and highlights on an illuminated surface,

· have less brightness, which allows them to be used without lampshades,

· in terms of energy consumption and service life almost 3 times more economical than incandescent lamps.

Thereby lighting standards when using fluorescent lamps, they increase by approximately 2 times compared to the standards adopted for incandescent lamps.

Disadvantages of fluorescent lamps consider.

· observed sometimes small noise

· strobe effect, expressed in pulsation luminous flux

· installation and replacement of outdated lamps can only be carried out by specialist electricians.

Fluorescent lamps most suitable:

· for lighting large spaces: streets, squares, train stations, theaters;

· they are comfortable for work requiring recognition of color shades.

Fluorescent lamps are rarely used in residential premises due to their not very beautiful aesthetic design.

Used to illuminate the entire room general lighting, for which the lamps are fixed at a distance of 2.6-2.8 m from the floor.

In residential premises with reduced room heights, the hanging height of lamps is close to the building height.

Lamps are:

· direct(universal lucetta)

· absent-minded(SK – 300)

· absorbing(matte and milky balls)

· reflected light(erasing)

In addition to general lighting, local lighting is arranged, using desk lamp, suspended. They create illumination that exceeds the illumination of the surrounding space, facilitating concentration of attention on the illuminated surface and, thereby, facilitating work.


1. IN living rooms The average illumination by incandescent lamps must be at least 75 lux.

2. Lighting in classrooms, workplaces, and reading– no less 150 when illuminated by incandescent lamps, and not less 300 lux- fluorescent lamps.

Illumination is determined LUXMETER. In the absence of a lux meter, you can calculate the illumination approximate.

To do this, calculate the total power of all lamps (watts) illuminating a given room, and relate this value to the floor area (m2) - SPECIFIC POWER. Multiplying the power density by a factor of 3, receive an indicative power when lighting with incandescent lamps and by a factor of 10 – when lighting with fluorescent lamps.

If high illumination is required at work, then use combined lighting, using, in addition to ceiling lighting, local lighting in the workplace.

The illumination created by general lighting should be at least 20 – 30 % illumination created by local lighting. It is impossible to limit yourself to local lighting alone, since the perception of a sharp transition from brightly lit surfaces to darkened ones and vice versa leads to functional vision impairment.

Level artificial lighting premises depends on:

· degree of cleanliness of lamps

· number of lamps

· luminaire suspension heights

· type of lamps

· source spectrum.


Regular ventilation of residential and public buildings ensures:

· timely removal of excess heat

· moisture

· harmful gaseous impurities, accumulating in the air as a result of human presence and various household processes.

Air from poorly ventilated homes and others closed premises, due to changes in the chemical and bacterial composition, physical and other properties, is capable of:

· have a harmful effect on health

· causes worsening of diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys.

The duration of such air inhaled in combination with unfavorable temperature and air ion modes significantly influences:

· on nervous system

general well-being of a person

Amount of required exchange room air with external depends on:

· number of people in the room

· its volume

· nature of the work performed

It can be determined on the basis of various indicators, and one of them, common in sanitary practice when inspecting residential premises, is taken carbon dioxide content.


· must not exceed the content carbon dioxide in the room is above 1%, which is accepted as the permissible concentration and for:

· ordinary premises

· classes

· hospital wards

· indoor air purity is determined by providing each person with the necessary volume of air - the so-called air cube and its regular shift with outside air.

Amount consumed for this ventilation air per person per hour is called ventilation volume.

In residential areas:

· the air cube norm is 25-27.5 m3

· ventilation volume – 37.7 m3

· Hence, it is necessary to ensure a 1.5-fold exchange of indoor air with outdoor air within 1 hour to fully use the air and replace it with clean air.

· Thus, The air exchange rate serves as the main criterion for ventilation intensity.

There are natural and artificial ventilation.

Natural ventilation are called:

· infiltration outside air through cracks and leaks in windows, through the pores of building materials into rooms

· ventilation rooms using open windows, vents and other openings arranged to enhance natural air exchange.

In both cases air exchange occurs due to:

· difference in temperature between outside and room air

· wind pressure on the windward and leeward sides of the building

The size of the vents should be at least 1/150 floor area.

IN multi-storey buildings to enhance natural ventilation they arrange in the internal walls exhaust ducts, in the upper part there are receiving holes - ventilation grates.

The channels lead into the attic into an exhaust shaft, from which air flows outside.


Main heating task housing is to:

· create optimal temperature air, constant in time and space

· do not create dust air

· do not cause gas pollution indoor air products of fuel combustion.

As a single air temperature in residential premises, it is accepted 18-20 C

For a cold climate zone, the optimal room temperature is considered 21-22С, moderate – 18-20C, hot – 17-18C.

Heating should not degrade air quality due to:

· receipts products of incomplete combustion, especially carbon monoxide,

· burning dust settled on heating devices.

Dry sublimation of organic dust from the surface of the heating system occurs when it is heated to 80 C.

At high temperatures, the surfaces of heating devices increase:

· unpleasant odors,

· general dustiness of the room, which is one of the significant sources of air damage.

Heating must be fire safe and easy to use.

There are heating local and central.

Local heating as a rule, in most cases it occurs in rural areas:

· dutch ovens

Flaws This type of heating is considered:

· pollution premises

· difficulty service

· possibility of poisoning carbon monoxide about premature closure of smoke work

· stove heating does not provide A constant air temperature throughout the day is sufficient (differences of up to 5-6 C are allowed).

Currently, cities mainly organize central heating, serving several buildings from a single source. Its advantages:

· does not pollute the air

· convenient to use

· provides uniform air temperature in the rooms

Daily temperature fluctuations with central heating should not exceed 3C.

With the introduction of central heating, smoke in the atmosphere of cities has significantly decreased.

Heating is distinguished:

· water

· steam

· air

· radiant.


Artificial microclimate housing must provide conditions, favorable for heat exchange and vital activity of the human body. These conditions depend on the design features of the walls, heating and ventilation. Air temperature in:

· hot climate – 19-20C

· moderate – 21-22C

· cold – 23-24C

Temperature difference in the vertical and horizontal direction should be no more than 2-3C.

Daily fluctuations room air temperature at central heating 2-3C, with stove – 4-6C. Optimal relative air humidity counts 40-60%.

Speed movement air 0.1-0.5 m/c.

The microclimate will depend from the correct, optimally selected heating and ventilation system.

Heating: designed together with the ventilation system.


1. Maintenance internal temperature within hygienic standards.

2. Stability of internal temperature and humidity with minimal fluctuations during the day.

3. Temperature Uniformity air vertically and horizontally (from 1-3C).

4. Moderate temperature on the surface of the heating devices themselves.

5. Heating systems must eliminate air pollution premises.

6. Heating systems must easy to adjust.

7. Safe in terms of fire safety.

Heating can be local or central.

TO local heating applies:

· Furnaces

· Water heating (AGV).

Central heating It happens:

· Conventional

Water heating system



· Radiant(radial panels).

Temperature on surfaces heating and water heating devices must be within 80C. Hot air T-75-80M should be heated and enter the room from the ventilation field only after cleaning. Radiant heating has the property of penetrating the skin, i.e. has a biological effect. Enzymatic processes are activated in the body and metabolism is enhanced. Panels There are wall, window sill, floor, ceiling.


Correct air exchange necessary for prevention many respiratory diseases.

Requirements for the ventilation system:

· Together with the heating system maintain room temperature and humidity;

· Full room coverage;

· Avoid high speeds;

· Prevent the accumulation of odors;

· Work smoothly;

· Work silently;

· Easy to clean.

Ventilation It happens natural- this is with open windows, doors and artificial.

With natural ventilation factors influencing it:

· outside air temperature

· location of apartments and arrangement of rooms in the apartment

· wind speed and direction.

The main elements of natural ventilation are exhaust ducts that are laid in the main walls. Under certain weather conditions, the draft may overturn, so a single channel is not allowed for apartments on different floors. To enhance traction, deflectors are used - these are attachments to pipes.

Artificial ventilation.

The system can be:

· exhaust,

· supply,

· supply and exhaust.

Ventilation May be local and central.

· Local(exhaust hood at the workplace).

· Central(ventilation room).

Indicators for calculating ventilation.

· temperature and humidity

· ionometry.

Ventilation volume (V)– this is the amount of air (m3) that should enter the room for each person per hour (30-35 m3 per 1 person per hour).

Air exchange rate (KV)– this is a number showing how many times within an hour the air in the room is replaced by outside air (no more than 3).

S . hpom.


1. Name functional areas territory of the settlement.

2. What are the requirements for a development site?

3. What does high building density in a populated area lead to?

4. Housing requirements.

5. The role of green spaces in improving living conditions.

6. What is the thermal conductivity of building materials? Remember thermal conductivity.

7. Hygroscopicity, environmental significance.

8. The concept of radial planning.

9. Measures to combat noise.

10. Dampness in the premises leads to......?

11. What is luminous coefficient?

12. The importance of KEO for housing

13. Advantages and disadvantages of fluorescent lighting.

14. Heating tasks.

Practical work

Task No. 1 Sanitary inspection of living quarters (rooms) using instrumental research. A sanitary inspection is carried out by examining the object being inspected, filling out an examination card and interviewing people living in the premises, through measurements and instrumental studies (determining temperature and humidity, lighting).

Conduct a sanitary inspection of the room by filling out the chart below.

Living room sanitary inspection map.

1. Locality, street, house number, number of floors, apartment number (or name of the hostel), floor.

2. Room number, room purpose.

3. The number of people living in the room, including children (indicate age), the health status of the residents (according to the survey).

4. Room size:

Ø length, width, height (m),

Ø area (m2),

Ø cubic capacity (m3).

Ø area per person (m2), air cube (m3).

5. Number of entrances to the room (indicating where from).

Ø their shape,

Ø location,

Ø orientation,

Ø window dimensions,

Ø distance of the top edge from the ceiling,

Ø width of the walls,

Ø darkening (by building, trees),

Ø luminous coefficient,

Ø window depth.

7. Artificial lighting:

Ø type of lighting equipment (incandescent, fluorescent) general,

Ø local or combined lighting,

Ø type of lamps, quantity, placement, suspension height, condition, power of each lamp (W),

Ø illumination (lux) at various points (determined with a lux meter or calculated using the “watt” method).

8. Natural ventilation:

Ø of the window (the ratio of the size of the window to the window area),

Ø transom,

Ø exhaust ducts,

Ø ventilation mode,

Ø possibility of through ventilation.

9. Walls and ceiling, their material, interior decoration and painting, paneling.

10. Floor, its materials and condition.

11. Heating:

Ø heating system (central - water, stove, what heat capacity),

Ø location of radiators or stoves, surface area of ​​the stove where the fireboxes go, type of fuel, firebox mode,

Ø temperature and humidity conditions in the room,

Ø thermal well-being of persons in the room (according to the survey).

12. Presence of dampness and its causes. Signs of dampness: dark damp spots, mold, discoloration, peeling wallpaper, rotten floors.

13. Presence, intensity of noise and its origin.

15. Basic furniture and its location, the presence of internal cabinets.

16. Sanitary condition:

Ø daily and spring cleaning;

Ø order and cleanliness,

Ø presence of “room smell”;

Ø flies and other insects;

Ø rodents.

17. Residents' complaints.

18. Additional information, including a schematic floor plan.

19. Sanitary and hygienic assessment of the living room according to all points of the sanitary inspection card. Conclusions and proposed measures to improve the hygienic conditions of the facility. Date of compilation of the map and signature of the surveyor.

Determination of temperature and humidity conditions.

Measure the temperature and relative humidity at three points diagonally, in one of the outer corners (at a distance of 0.5 m from the wall) in the center of the room and at internal corner rooms. At each point, measure the temperature at a height of 0.1 and 1.5 m from the floor.

Determination of luminous coefficient and degree of shading of windows.

Luminous coefficient is the ratio of the glazed surface of windows to the floor area. For example, the glazed surface of two windows in the room (without frames and frames) is 21 m2, and the floor area is 13 m2. In order to determine the luminous coefficient, it is necessary to divide the window area by the floor area. IN in this example the light coefficient will be: SC= 2.1:13, to get one in the numerators, divide the numerator and denominator of the fraction by 2.1, then SC= 1:6.2. The depth of the room is the ratio of the depth of the room to the height from the floor to the top edge of the window. For example, room depth 6.4 m, window height 2.3. The laying depth is 0.4:2.3=2.1 (the laying depth should not exceed 2-2.2).

Room darkness level buildings, trees or other objects defined as follows. The examiner sits on a chair near the wall opposite the window and notes the size of the visible area (vertically) of the sky on the window. It is desirable that the projection of the visible portion of the sky on the window be at least 30 cm (from the top edge to the top border of the object covering the sky).

TASK No. 2.1

At the same time, we measured the illumination in the room at 130 lux and outside at 13,000 lux. Calculate the KEO of the premises. Is it sufficient for the class?

TASK No. 2.2

A school classroom with an area of ​​50 m is illuminated by 10 incandescent lamps of 200 W each. Calculate the lighting in the classroom. Give a hygiene assessment.

TASK No. 2.3

The area of ​​the school classroom is 50 m, the height is 3.2 m, the number of students is 45. The study at the end of the 3rd lesson (in winter) showed: T - 25 C, humidity 70%, CO content - 0.21%. Give a hygiene assessment.

TASK No. 2.4

The area of ​​the glazed part of the window is 1.6 m, the floor area is 14 m, calculate the light coefficient, is it sufficient for a living room?

TASK No. 2.6

The depth of the room is 5 m, the length is 6 m. The room has 2 windows. The height of the window above the floor is 2.8 m, the glazed area of ​​the window is 2.7 m. If you sit 1 m from the wall opposite the window, you can see a section of the sky equal to 45 cm.

Give a comprehensive assessment of natural light.

V A R I A N T No.

1. Inadmissible orientations of a residential building for all climatic regions are the following:

2. The most favorable ratios of the length and width of the room are the following ratios:

1. 1:2 , 2. 5:6 , 3. 2:5 , 4. 3:4 , 5. 1:3 , 6. 1:4 .

3. Laying depth is:

Ø projection of the visible part of the sky on glass

Ø ratio of the depth of the room to the height of the upper edge of the window above the floor

Ø ratio of glass area to floor area

Ø the ratio of the illumination of a point inside the room to the simultaneous illumination of a point outside the room, expressed as a percentage.

4. The degree of darkness is 1 meter. Is this favorable?

1. yes. 2. no.

V A R I A N T No.

I. The level of natural light in a room depends on:

1. degree of purity of lamps:

2. time of year and day;

3. number of lamps;

4. building orientation;

5. painting walls, ceilings, furniture;

6. presence of darkening by opposing buildings, trees;

8. shapes and sizes of windows;

9. type of lamp;

10. degree of window cleanliness;

11. height of suspension of lamps;

12. room microclimate parameters;

13. geographical latitudes;

14. weather.

II. Is a luminous coefficient of 1/7 sufficient for residential premises:

1) Yes, 2) No.

III. In a school auditorium, the depth is 2.8. Is this favorable?

IV. With a combined artificial lighting system for good visual work eyes are necessary to:

1. illumination from general lighting was 25% of the local one.

2. local illumination was 25% of general illumination.

3. illumination from general lighting was 5% of local.

V A R I A N T No.

1. Inadmissible orientations of a residential building for climatic regions are the following:

2. Minimum height living space:

1) 2.5 m, 2) 2.0 m, 3) 2.4 m, 4) 2.7 m, 5) 3.0 m.

3. Luminous coefficient is:

Ø ratio of the width of the walls to the width of the window openings;

Ø projection of the visible part of the sky on the wall;

Ø ratio of depth to height of the upper edge of the window above the floor;

Ø ratio of glass area to floor area;

Ø the ratio of the illumination of a point inside the room to the simultaneous illumination of a point outside the room, expressed as a percentage.

4. In the school auditorium, LD lamps/fluorescent lamps/ are used as a light source - is this correct?

1) Yes. 2) No. 3) Doesn't matter.

V A R I A N T No.

1. The most favorable orientations of a residential building for climatic regions are the following:

2. The residential premises of the apartment are:

1) bath; 2) kitchen; 3) bedroom; 4) pantry; 5) office; 6) front; 7) veranda; 8) restroom; 9) loggia; 10) balcony; 11) room for daytime stay.

3. The luminous coefficient of the school auditorium is ¼. Is this favorable?

1) Yes; 2) No.

4. The general lighting system for workplaces is:

Ø workplace lighting ceiling lamps;

Ø combination of lighting from ceiling lamps with lighting in workplaces;

Ø illumination of workplaces with lamps installed directly at workplaces.

Test control


Mark the correct logical endings of the following statements.

    Construction materials must have:

a) low thermal conductivity and high air conductivity;

b) high thermal conductivity and low air conductivity;

c) high thermal conductivity and high air conductivity.

    Optimal microclimate standards for dwellings, in contrast to acceptable ones:

a) do not depend on age and climatic region;

b) do not depend on age and depend on the climatic region;

c) depend on age and do not depend on the climatic region.

    The indicator for assessing the effectiveness of ventilation is:

a) oxidability; b) dust;

c) nitrogen oxides; d) carbon dioxide.

    From a hygienic point of view, the optimal heating system for residential premises is:

a) air; b) panel;

c) water; d) steam.

    To ensure the thermal comfort of a person’s home, the following indicators are important:

a) air temperature and the magnitude of temperature differences horizontally and in the height of the room, the temperature of the internal surfaces of the walls;

b) air temperature and the magnitude of temperature differences in altitude;

c) air humidity in the living room.

    The microclimate of the premises is characterized by the following indicators:

a) air temperature;

b) air humidity;

c) the chemical composition of the air;

d) air speed.

a) southwest; b) southeast;

c) northwest; d) northeast.

a) southern; b) northern;

c) eastern; d) western.

    In hospital wards, heating systems of the following types are appropriate:

a) water; b) steam;

c) panel; d) air.

Section 6


    Elements healthy image life:

a) rational nutrition;

b) absence of bad habits;

c) physical education classes;

d) a rational regime of work and rest.

    Basic hygienic requirements for clothing:

a) maintaining thermal comfort;

b) do not impede human movement;

c) be fashionable and beautiful;

d) easy to clean from dirt.

    For the hygienic assessment of physical education activities with children, the following indicators are used:

a) the total duration and structure of the lesson;

b) general and motor density of the lesson;

c) indicators of the body’s response to physical activity;

    Manifestations of physical inactivity in children and adolescents are:

a) reduction in the number of locomotions;

b) decreased functionality of organs and systems;

c) reducing the body’s resistance;

d) change in the qualitative composition of locomotion.

    The basic principles of hardening include:

a) taking into account the state of health and the degree of hardening;

b) gradualism;

c) completeness;

d) accessibility.

Section 7


    Composition of the premises of a group cell of a kindergarten:

a) game-dining room; b) group with a pantry;

c) bedroom; d) locker room.

    Duration of active attention in children 7-10 years old:

a) 10 minutes; b) 15-20 minutes; c) 30 min.

    Features of lesson design in elementary school:

a) variety of activities;

b) visibility;

c) emotionality;

d) conducting physical education.

    General requirements for school furniture:

a) correspondence to the growth of students; b) painting in light colors;

c) lightness; d) painting in dark colors.

    Conditions that contribute to the development of myopia in children and adolescents:

a) insufficient lighting of the workplace;

b) uneven lighting;

c) blinding brightness;

d) incorrect landing.

    Basic hygiene requirements for workshops:

a) sufficient area;

b) isolated placement;

c) sufficient lighting;

d) correct placement of equipment.

151. Basic hygienic requirements for the classroom:

a) orientation: south, southeast, east;

b) orientation: west, southwest;

c) sufficiency of natural lighting;

d) sufficient area.

    Components of a kindergarten site:

a) group sites;

b) garden-vegetable garden-berry garden;

c) recreation area;

d) green area.

    Sanitary and epidemiological supervision of children’s learning conditions includes:

a) hygienic assessment of the condition of school buildings (adequacy of space, degree of improvement);

b) assessment of compliance with study load standards;

c) assessment of the school day regime;

d) control over the organization of medical support for schools.

    Lighter on schedule training sessions at school, when teaching students on a 5-day work week, there should be:

a) Monday; b) Tuesday;

c) environment; d) Thursday;

d) Friday.

    The hygienic rationality of lesson organization is determined by the following indicators:

a) lesson density;

b) the amount of duration and alternation of activities;

c) application of TSO;

d) availability of physical education minutes.


The right choice, competent design and high-quality installation heating systems are the key to warmth and comfort in the house throughout the entire heating season. Heating must be of high quality, reliable, safe, and economical. To choose the right heating system, you need to familiarize yourself with their types, installation features and operation of heating devices. It is also important to consider the availability and cost of fuel.

Types of modern heating systems

A heating system is a complex of elements used to heat a room: a heat source, pipelines, heating devices. Heat is transferred using a coolant - a liquid or gaseous medium: water, air, steam, fuel combustion products, antifreeze.

Heating systems for buildings must be selected in such a way as to achieve the highest quality heating while maintaining air humidity that is comfortable for humans. Depending on the type of coolant, the following systems are distinguished:

  • air;
  • water;
  • steam;
  • electrical;
  • combined (mixed).

Heating devices for heating systems are:

  • convective;
  • radiant;
  • combined (convective-radiant).

Two-pipe scheme heating system With forced circulation

The following can be used as a heat source:

  • coal;
  • firewood;
  • electricity;
  • briquettes – peat or wood;
  • energy from the sun or other alternative sources.

The air is heated directly from the heat source without the use of an intermediate liquid or gaseous coolant. The systems are used for heating small private houses (up to 100 sq. m.). Installation of heating of this type is possible both during the construction of a building and during the reconstruction of an existing one. The heat source is a boiler, heating element or gas-burner. The peculiarity of the system is that it is not only heating, but also ventilation, since the internal air in the room and fresh air coming from outside are heated. Air flows enter through a special intake grille, are filtered, heated in a heat exchanger, after which they pass through air ducts and are distributed in the room.

Temperature and ventilation levels are controlled using thermostats. Modern thermostats allow you to pre-set a program of temperature changes depending on the time of day. The systems also operate in air conditioning mode. In this case, air flows are directed through coolers. If there is no need to heat or cool the room, the system operates as a ventilation system.

Diagram of air heating device in a private house

Installing air heating is relatively expensive, but its advantage is that there is no need to warm up the intermediate coolant and radiators, resulting in fuel savings of at least 15%.

The system does not freeze, quickly responds to changes temperature regime and warms up the rooms. Thanks to filters, air enters the premises already purified, which reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria and helps create optimal conditions for maintaining the health of people living in the house.

The disadvantage of air heating is drying out the air and burning out oxygen. The problem can be easily solved by installing a special humidifier. The system can be improved to save money and create a more comfortable microclimate. Thus, the recuperator heats the incoming air at the expense of the air exhausted outside. This allows you to reduce energy costs for heating it.

Additional air cleaning and disinfection is possible. To do this, in addition to the mechanical filter included in the package, electrostatic fine filters and ultraviolet lamps.

Air heating with additional appliances

Water heating

This is a closed heating system; it uses water or antifreeze as a coolant. Water is supplied through pipes from the heat source to the heating radiators. In centralized systems, the temperature is controlled by heating point, and in individual ones - automatically (using thermostats) or manually (with taps).

Types of water systems

Depending on the type of connection of heating devices, systems are divided into:

  • single-pipe,
  • two-pipe,
  • bifilar (two-furnace).

According to the wiring method, they are distinguished:

  • top;
  • lower;
  • vertical;
  • horizontal heating system.

In single-pipe systems, the heating devices are connected in series. To compensate for the heat loss that occurs when water sequentially passes from one radiator to another, heating devices with different heat transfer surfaces are used. For example, cast iron batteries with a large number of sections can be used. In two-pipe systems, the scheme is used parallel connection, which allows you to install identical radiators.

The hydraulic mode can be constant or variable. In bifilar systems, heating devices are connected in series, as in single-pipe ones, but the conditions for heat transfer of radiators are the same as in two-pipe systems. Convectors, steel or cast iron radiators.

Scheme of two-pipe water heating of a country house

Advantages and disadvantages

Water heating is widespread due to the availability of coolant. Another advantage is the ability to install a heating system with your own hands, which is important for our compatriots who are accustomed to relying only on their own strength. However, if the budget does not allow saving, it is better to entrust the design and installation of heating to specialists.

This will save you from many problems in the future - leaks, breakthroughs, etc. Disadvantages - freezing of the system when switched off, long time to warm up the premises. Special requirements are placed on the coolant. The water in the systems must be free of foreign impurities, with a minimum content of salts.

To heat the coolant, any type of boiler can be used: solid, liquid fuel, gas or electricity. Most often used gas boilers, which involves connecting to the main line. If this is not possible, then they usually install solid fuel boilers. They are more economical than designs that run on electricity or liquid fuel.

Note! Experts recommend selecting a boiler based on a power of 1 kW per 10 square meters. These figures are indicative. If the ceiling height is more than 3 m, the house has large windows, there are additional consumers, or the rooms are not well insulated, all these nuances must be taken into account in the calculations.

Closed system home heating

In accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”, the use of steam systems is prohibited in residential and public buildings. The reason is the unsafety of this type of space heating. Heating appliances reach temperatures of almost 100°C, which can cause burns.

Installation is complex, requires skills and special knowledge; during operation, difficulties arise with regulating heat transfer; when filling the system with steam, noise is possible. Today, steam heating is used to a limited extent: in industrial and non-residential premises, V pedestrian crossings, heating points. Its advantages are relative low cost, low inertia, compact heating elements, high heat transfer, and no heat loss. All this led to the popularity of steam heating until the mid-twentieth century; later it was replaced by water heating. However, in enterprises where steam is used for production needs, it is still widely used for heating premises.

Steam heating boiler

Electric heating

This is the most reliable and easiest-to-use type of heating. If the house area is no more than 100 m2, electricity is a good option, but heating a larger area is not economically viable.

Electric heating can be used as additional heating in case of shutdown or repair of the main system. This is also a good solution for country houses in which the owners live only periodically. Electric fan heaters, infrared and oil heaters are used as additional heat sources.

Convectors, electric fireplaces, electric boilers, and heated floor power cables are used as heating devices. Each type has its own limitations. Thus, convectors heat rooms unevenly. Electric fireplaces are more suitable as decorative element, and the operation of electric boilers requires significant energy consumption. Warm floors are installed taking into account the furniture arrangement plan in advance, because moving it may damage the power cable.

Scheme of traditional and electric heating of buildings

Innovative heating systems

Separate mention should be made of innovative heating systems, which are becoming increasingly popular. The most common:

  • infrared floors;
  • heat pumps;
  • solar collectors.

Infrared floors

These heating systems have only recently appeared on the market, but have already become quite popular due to their efficiency and greater cost-effectiveness than conventional heating systems. electric heating. Heated floors are powered by electricity and are installed in screed or tile adhesive. Heating elements (carbon, graphite) emit infrared waves that pass through flooring, heat up people’s bodies and objects, which in turn heats up the air.

Self-regulating carbon mats and film can be installed under furniture legs without fear of damage. Smart floors regulate temperature thanks to a special property heating elements: when overheated, the distance between particles increases, resistance increases - and the temperature decreases. Energy consumption is relatively low. When the infrared floors are turned on, the power consumption is about 116 watts per linear meter, after warming up it decreases to 87 watts. Temperature control is ensured by thermostats, which reduces energy costs by 15-30%.

Infrared carbon mats are convenient, reliable, economical, and easy to install

Heat pumps

These are devices for transferring thermal energy from a source to a coolant. The idea of ​​a heat pump system itself is not new; it was proposed by Lord Kelvin back in 1852.

How it works: A geothermal heat pump takes heat from the environment and transfers it to the heating system. The systems can also work to cool buildings.

Working principle of a heat pump

There are open and closed cycle pumps. In the first case, the installations take water from an underground stream, transfer it to the heating system, and select thermal energy and return to the collection point. In the second, a coolant is pumped through special pipes in the reservoir, which transfers/takes heat from the water. The pump can use the thermal energy of water, earth, air.

The advantage of the systems is that they can be installed in houses not connected to gas supply. Heat pumps are complex and expensive to install, but they allow you to save on energy costs during operation.

The heat pump is designed to use environmental heat in heating systems

Solar collectors

Solar installations are systems for collecting thermal energy from the Sun and transferring it to a coolant

Water, oil or antifreeze can be used as a coolant. The design includes additional electric heaters that turn on if the efficiency of the solar installation decreases. There are two main types of collectors - flat and vacuum. The flat ones have an absorber with a transparent coating and thermal insulation. In vacuum systems, this coating is multi-layered; a vacuum is created in hermetically sealed collectors. This allows you to heat the coolant up to 250-300 degrees, while flat installations can only heat it up to 200 degrees. The advantages of the installations include ease of installation, low weight, potentially high efficiency.

However, there is one “but”: the efficiency of the solar collector depends too much on the temperature difference.

Solar collector in the hot water supply and heating system of the house Comparison of heating systems shows that there is no ideal heating method

Our compatriots still most often prefer water heating. Usually, doubts arise only about which specific heat source to choose, how best to connect the boiler to the heating system, etc. And yet there are no ready-made recipes that suit absolutely everyone. It is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons and take into account the characteristics of the building for which the system is selected. If in doubt, you should consult a specialist.

Video: types of heating systems