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SHOD lamps (fluorescent lamps). Luminous flux utilization factor

For more than 20 years, the Belarusian company Electret LLC has been producing luminescent and LED lamps. Innovative solutions, constant quality control and competitive prices allowed us to bring our products to the markets of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Quality and reliability are the main advantages of Electret LLC lamps. And the unique warranty service eliminates the need for the client to dismantle and deliver a failed lamp - we will come and replace it ourselves.

History of the company's development:

One of the directions is the production of electronic ballasts and energy-saving lamps based on them. The first lamps were based on compact fluorescent lamps 9W (holder 2 G 7), intended for cowsheds, pigsties and poultry houses.

The production of anti-vandal energy-saving lamps based on compact fluorescent lamps for entrances has been mastered. The lamps were made of steel, had a specially designed body, and a diffuser made of impact-resistant polycarbonate. Special screws prevented unauthorized access. Installed lamp withstood a weight of 80...90 kg. A large number of These lamps are still installed.

1999 Development and production of lamps for industrial premises, with electronic ballast and 36 and 58 W lamps. Degree of protection - IP54. With an efficient 58/840 lamp, this luminaire has become a hit with businesses light industry. Lamp luminous efficiency - 100 lm/W, service life - 18,000...24,000 hours.

2001 Production of lamps for schools with automatic adjustment luminous flux. They were installed to replace the standard Soviet-made ShOD 2x65, ShOD2x80. Savings - 70...80%. Subsequently, this decision formed the basis of construction regulations. Since 2004, within the framework of the Modernization of Infrastructure in the Social Sphere program in the Republic of Belarus, more than 600 facilities have been completely modernized.

2004 Search effective solutions leads to the creation of lamps using T5 fluorescent lamps. Another hit is coming out - a luminaire for industrial premises 4*54, where 4 thin fluorescent lamps 54 W each. Light output of lamps is up to 100 lm/W (OSRAM T5 NO 50/840 ES), service life is up to 45,000 hours (OSRAM T5 NO 54/840 XT). The LPP 4x54 lamp (216 W) easily replaces lamps with DRL lamps - 700 W. Taking into account the 4x54 color rendering level, lamps with a 1000 W DRL lamp were replaced. Instant start-up, huge service life - the basis for the mass application of these solutions in industry.

These lamps have also been used to produce recessed luminaires for suspended ceilings such as 4x24, 4x54, etc. Also, linear luminaires for retail premises with 54W lamps went to the masses with a bang.

2005 The problem of maximum efficiency for poultry house lighting has been solved. The use of T5 fluorescent lamps has revolutionized the understanding of energy costs in poultry farming. Instead of 100 and 75 W incandescent lamps, 35 W/840 lamps were introduced into poultry houses. Parameters - more than 100 lm/W, 20,000 hours, smooth adjustment 1...100%. Program control, “sunrise-sunset” is the basis of the legendary Zarya system. The result is that over 4 years, more than 200 poultry houses have been equipped with these solutions.

2008 Output of recessed luminaires using T5 lamps of type 2x14 and 2x24. A 2x14 lamp with a power consumption of 30 W in terms of luminous flux replaced the mass-produced 4x18 (72...90 W).

2009. The production of lamps using ultra-bright LEDs has been mastered.

2011 Cree MX-6 LEDs have already been installed in lamps by Electret specialists.

2012 LED lamps have begun to be installed in poultry houses. The Zarya lighting system from Electret has become a hit in Belarus. 48 Volts in the poultry keeping room, current control, 0...100% regulation, world standard - 1...10V interface - all this ensured and now ensures the leadership of the system.

2011-2013 Production of lamps with both fluorescent lamps and diodes.

2014 The constant search for solutions leads to the launch of luminaires with LED matrices for accent lighting - “Track”, with a power of 36W.

2014 Production of lamps for retail spaces. Linear luminaire 150 W, 3 m long - a godsend for retail chains. An excellent replacement for outdated lamps of the 4x58 form factor (2x58+2x58).

2016 Experience pushes you to make bold decisions that allow you to easily break away from your competitors - the result - FIRST TIME on the market - AUTOMATION for diode lamps in the HYPER 150 type series. By August, 3 large trading floors were already equipped with these lamps and modes 33/66/100% and one - with adjustment 1...100% of the light sensor. Advantages - light output up to 180 lm/W, diode service life - more than 150,000 hours, additional savings of up to 80%.

History of Soviet fluorescent lamps SOD, perhaps, can be compared with the Soviet LiAZ-677 buses: once being quite an advanced development in their field, they “stayed on the assembly line” for more than a dozen years, gradually turning from modern model into obsolete, then into archaism and, ultimately, into a special phenomenon that exists regardless of time and space. ShOD lamps (and their clones, such as ShLD, SSh-2 and others) were produced from the late 50s of the last century until the second half of the 80s, and at the end of this period they were already hopelessly outdated. Such a lamp with a design already “freed” of unnecessary parts and especially with optimized nanochokes inside looked creepy. Obviously, the developers also understood this, and back in the early 80s they planned, as they called it then, a “deep modernization” of this series. However, this was achieved, as often happens, only in ~1987/88, when the production of a new series of lamps began LSO05, one of whose representatives I want to present here.

When developing this lamp, we tried to take into account many years of experience in transportation, installation and operation of SODs, which led to the following main differences:

  • Modern design: the lamp has completely lost the smooth lines characteristic of SHODs; The lamp is composed mainly of right angles and smooth planes. Obviously, this is exactly what the “modern” design seemed like for that period of time (remember the body features of the same LiAZ-5256, which replaced the LiAZ-677 on the production line!);
  • Rigid grille design: SHOD lamps were characterized by permanently bent lattice lamellas, since they were attached to the reflector ridge only in the middle, and the edges were “in free flight.” As a result, they were easily damaged during any, even relatively harmless, manipulations with the lamp (for example, when replacing a lamp). And to transport such lamps, a special rigid container made of wood was required. All these shortcomings were eliminated “in one fell swoop” in LSO05, enclosing the grille in a rigid frame. At the same time, due to this, it was possible to get rid of another weak point of the ShODs - the presence of narrow longitudinal frosted glass, which had to be inserted into the slots along the edges of the lamellas (and which almost no one ever did).
  • New principle of attaching the grille to the body: in SHODs, the grille was attached to two central locks located at the ends of the body; eventually, having opened the grille on one side, it had to be “released into free flight,” leaving it hanging on the opposite side of the body in vertical position. This solution, to put it mildly, was not entirely convenient, so the LSO05 now has the entire grille frame hanging on four hooks at the corners of the body. To open the grille, you need to release the two hooks on one of the long sides, and the grille will open slightly while suspended on the other side. In fact, the position of the open diffuser is now no different from conventional LPO lamps with glass.
  • Possibility of passing wires through the housing: It’s hard to believe, but it’s a fact - the ShOD lamps did not provide such an opportunity, because they had absolutely blind ends and provided for a single wire entry only “from the back”! How the electricians on site were not perverted when it was necessary to install such lamps in a continuous row! Most often, this required mercilessly gnawing out entire pieces of the end pieces located inside the row. Now this need has disappeared: the ends of the LSO05 are equipped with special “windows” that can be bent without the use of tools, into which it is quite possible to insert no less than a dozen 2x1.5 cables.

Otherwise, this lamp differs very little from the ShOD; even the ballasts remain exactly the same. In the sample in the photo, one of the ballasts was replaced with another due to excessive noise levels. The surviving original device is shown in photo 4. The fact that this is a product of the late 80s, which was difficult for our economy, is reminiscent of a giant capacitor of a “non-lighting” type (KBG or MBGCH, photo 5). However, there seemed to be no complaints about the operation of such capacitors. In the same photo you can see that the lamp was equipped with two terminal blocks– S-2-2,5-220 (attached to the body with a metal clamp) and S-2-4,0-380, freely hanging on the wires. The solution, by the way, is quite competent - who tried to stick thick wires into a tiny one rigidly fixed at a height? outstretched arms block - he will understand. However, the first thing the electricians did when installing these lamps was to hatefully tear out and throw away these very “tails” with large blocks. They declared the reason for this to be a white noise-suppressing capacitor (K78?) hidden at the beginning of the “tail”; they allegedly burned and exploded. However, I cannot personally confirm this, since in my memory there have been no such cases.

Despite its obvious old-fashionedness even at the start of production and the chaos with product quality that had already begun in those years, this lamp leaves the feeling of a fairly high-quality product of the “old school”. For example, the ballasts are secured with full M4 screws with a nut and washer, the “dangerous” part of the capacitor is carefully covered with a special polyethylene cap (photo 5), the wires are pressed to the body not directly, but through sections of cambric, and the starter cartridges are installed on neat cardboard “mats” (photo 6).

Unfortunately, it was not without “innate” shortcomings. Due to new design grilles, lamps literally “drowned” in it, which is why such lamps ceiling installation practically do not illuminate the ceiling itself and top part walls Such lighting is not very comfortable and is somewhat reminiscent of the current LED lighting: two bright parallel narrow strips, blinding from above, out of the darkness. The main reflector is now the surface of the ceiling, so if it is not white enough (or the lamp is used in a suspended version), the efficiency noticeably suffers. The ballasts are still used, to put it mildly, of the budget series *smile3*, due to which problems with noise and ringing from a working lamp, well amplified by the grille, are the rule rather than the exception. The fastening of the grille is not fully thought out, for example, when installing on a ceiling, the task of putting the edges of the grille on hooks risks being accompanied by scratching all nearby surfaces and a large amount of matting. Finally, just an epic flaw in the design is the fastening of its ends, which, according to the designers’ plan, are fastened with one normal M4 screw and... for some reason, with one ridiculous flat pin! Of course, I understand that saving two screws on a lamp on a national scale should have given an effect of a couple of thousand rubles, but what hemorrhoids this caused! At best, the end caps were always skewed, since the screw, according to Soviet tradition, was not tightened enough, and the pin dangled in the hole completely freely. And at worst, these pins were constantly lost, as a result of which the covers first hung at an angle of 90° to the ceiling, and then were obscenely grabbed by a piece of wire or removed altogether. In general, what the inventors of this miracle were thinking is a mystery.

The production of “modernized SODs”, apparently, was established at the same enterprises that previously produced conventional ones (with “variations” inherent in local production). On lamps like mine, there are no identifying marks as a class; they didn’t even consider it necessary to put an illegible stamp with paint. However, I have accurate information not only about the manufacturer, but also about the release date, which I was able to find out from the label attached to the original packaging. Surprisingly, at the same time as these lamps, others arrived with the same series designation and seemingly even the same version number. Externally, they were significantly different: the middle part of the grille had a triangular cross-section, almost like that of a ShOD, perforations were made along the sides (however, still did not help illuminate the ceiling), the ends were made of hard translucent polyethylene (?) and in general the entire structure was made with emphasis rougher and more careless. It was probably a product from another manufacturer, of which I, for obvious reasons, did not want to acquire samples. It seems that there were many more manufacturers of the LSO05 series, at least I came across samples with spring grille locks, with unusual equipment and in 65-watt versions, completely different from those previously described.

Although already in those years I had a pronounced weakness for lamps with glass and acquired this LSO simply “on occasion,” from today’s heights it already looks completely different. It reminds me of the good old SODs, the slats of which I loved to look at while sitting in class in primary school. And there was something to see - almost every lamp had its own unique shade; in one row of lamps there were pinkish, greenish, yellow, blue areas! The LSO05 lamp also has this effect to the fullest, although I have not yet lost hope of one day getting His Majesty the ShOD himself for the collection.

Artificial lighting of premises must be carried out in accordance with Ch. 7 SNiP 23-05-95. The illumination of industrial premises is set to 200 lux, for domestic premises - 150 lux. The area of ​​the premises is 1296 m² and 432 m², respectively. The calculation of indoor lighting was carried out using the utilization coefficient method. The luminous flux of each lamp is determined by formula (4.4.1):

F=ESKZ/nh (4.4.1)

Where E is the required sanitary standards illumination in lux;

S is the area of ​​the room in m2;

K - safety factor for air opacity, equal to 1.3-2;

Z - lighting unevenness coefficient equal to 1-2.2

n - number of lamps;

h - luminous flux utilization factor equal to 1.4.

F production room =200*1296*1.5**1.5/50*1.4=11664 lm.

F household room =150*432*1.5*1.5/37*1.4=2814 lm.

Lighting calculations are presented in table (4.4.1).

Table 4.4.1 – Lighting calculations.

4.5 Pollutants in the primary furniture processing area at the SRP VOG enterprise. Dust removal system diagram.

The Kirov educational and production enterprise of the All-Russian Society of the Deaf specializes in the production of furniture and sewing products. Solid waste is generated both from the main production and from auxiliary workshops.

Brief description of waste generation in the primary furniture processing area at the SRP VOG enterprise:

1. Wood waste - 52.2 tons.

When cutting and sawing chipboard, fiberboard, lumber, lump-shaped wood waste and sawdust are formed.

Lump-shaped wood waste is generated from cutting, sawing chipboard, fiberboard, and lumber. Lump-shaped waste is collected in containers in workshops and burned in the enterprise’s boiler room as fuel.

Sawdust is formed from sawing chipboard, fiberboard, lumber and is collected in cyclones (a diagram of the dust removal system in the primary furniture processing area at the SRP VOG enterprise is shown in Figure 4.5.1). The sawdust is sold in full to the public to gardening associations.

Justification of waste disposal limits. The value of the waste disposal limit depends on the annual waste generation, its toxicity, physical and chemical properties, methods of transportation, supply contracts to other enterprises, frequency of delivery, possible amount of waste accumulation on sites, tanks, and containers specially equipped for these purposes.

The rationale for the requested limit on the placement of production and consumption waste on the territory of the enterprise is due to the following characteristics:

Wood waste:

Lumpy wood waste is collected in standard containers

- Capacity of one container - 1 m 3

A total of 10 containers installed

Capacity of all containers - 10 m 3

Amount of one-time accumulation on the territory of the enterprise (limit) - 2 m 3

Sales of lump waste - combustion in the boiler room of the enterprise as fuel

Frequency (implementation deadlines): as accumulated.

The sawdust is collected in cyclones.

Number of cyclones - 2 pcs.

Capacity - 2 m 3

The amount of one-time accumulation on the territory of the enterprise is 1 m 3

Sales to gardening associations

Frequency - as accumulation occurs.

The conditions for collection and temporary storage of lump-like waste and sawdust exclude contamination air environment, surface and groundwater, soil. The limit on wood waste is determined by the capacity of containers and cyclones.

Dust removal system diagram.

Dust collection equipment is divided into:

Dry recovery equipment. These include cyclones, vortex cyclones, rotary dust collectors, electrostatic precipitators, filters, etc.

Dust Collection Equipment wet method. These include scrubbers, nozzle scrubbers, foam separators.

1- cyclone bunker; 2 – inlet pipe; 3 – pipe for clean air outlet; 4 – bin for collecting emissions.

Figure 4.5.1 - Cyclone diagram

Cyclones are widely used for dry air purification. various types. The gas flow is introduced into the cyclone through pipe 2 tangentially to the inner surface of housing 1 and performs a rotational-translational movement along the housing to hopper 4 (see Figure 4.5.1).

Under the influence of the centrifugal force F C, the particles form a dust layer on the walls, which, together with part of the air, enters the bunker; the separation of dust particles from the air occurs when the air flow in the bunker is turned by 180 0. Freed from dust, air flow forms a vortex and leaves the hopper, giving rise to a vortex of air leaving the cyclone through the outlet pipe 3.

For normal operation of the cyclone, the hopper must be sealed. If the bunker is not sealed, then due to air leaks, dust is introduced into the air flow through the outlet pipe.

Cyclone brands: cylindrical TsN-11, TsN-15, TsN-24; conical SK-TsN-34, SK-TsN-34M.

Cleaning efficiency of CN90%;

Maximum permissible concentration, mg/m3:

Maximum one-time 0.15-0.5;

Average daily 0.05-0.15.

In woodworking, an installation for air purification from wood dust consists of the following elements (Figure 5): an air flow exciter (fan), which serves to create a pressure difference due to which an air flow occurs in the pipeline, a pipeline in which an air flow is created and wood moves dust and shavings.

The part of the installation from the point where air is taken from the atmosphere to the fan is suction (pressure less than atmospheric). The part of the installation from the fan to the point of exit to the atmosphere is discharge (pressure greater than atmospheric).

1 – inlet pipe; 2 – suction pipeline; 3 – cyclone; 4 – fan; 5 – discharge pipeline; 6 – filter.


Occupational safety and health issues fire safety occupy a paramount place in any organization, regardless of the type of activity. The activities of the organization, and in this case the testing laboratory, require special attention industrial safety, where almost all types of hazardous production factors are present.

Occupational safety – a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process labor activity, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

Occupational health and safety management in the laboratory is carried out by the manager, and to organize labor protection work, a “Occupational Health and Safety Department” is created.

5.1. Calculation of artificial lighting and placement of lamps

To save high performance, reducing fatigue, injuries and increasing efficiency and safety, it is necessary to correctly design and rationally implement the lighting of industrial premises.

When calculating artificial lighting, the main task is to determine the required power of electrical lighting installations in order to create the desired illumination in the room.

Having calculated artificial lighting, the issues of choosing a lighting system, light source, lamps and their placement, standardized illumination and calculation of lighting using the luminous flux method must be resolved.

Selecting a lighting system

General or combined lighting systems are used in industrial premises for all purposes. System general lighting divided into uniform and localized lighting, the choice between them is made taking into account the type of activity and location production equipment. If production requires precise visual works, then it is recommended to use a combined (general and local) lighting system.

Selecting light sources

Currently, the following light sources are used for artificial lighting:

Incandescent lamps;

Gas discharge lamps.

As a rule, gas-discharge lamps are used for general lighting. They have a longer service life and are more energy efficient. Fluorescent lamps, which are distinguished by the spectral composition of visible light, are widely used and used:

White (LB);

Cool white (LCB);

Warm white (LTB);


Natural light(LE).

If the letter “C” is added at the end, this means that “de-luxe” phosphor is used, which has improved color rendition, and the addition of “TsTs” means “super deluxe” phosphor, which has high-quality color rendition.

Lamps of the LB type, compared to other types, are used most often; lamps of the LHB, LD and LDTs ​​types are used when there are increased requirements for color reproduction, and lamps of the LTB type are used when correct color rendering is necessary human face. The main characteristics of fluorescent lamps are given in Table 5.1.1.

Also in industrial lighting, in addition to fluorescent gas-discharge lamps (low pressure), gas-discharge lamps are used high pressure, such as DRL type lamps (mercury arc fluorescent), which are used to illuminate rooms with a height of 7 to 12 meters.

Table 5.1.1 . Main characteristics of fluorescent lamps.

Incandescent lamps are used in cases where it is impossible or impractical to use gas-discharge lamps.

Selection of lamps and their placement

In order to select the type of luminaires, the conditions of the production environment, economic indicators and lighting requirements should be taken into account.

To reduce glare, luminaires with a protective angle or with light-diffusing glass are selected. If it is necessary to reduce the reflection of glare, lamps with diffusers are used, and in special cases, lamps are made in the form of large diffuse surfaces that shine with reflected or transmitted light.

If it is necessary to illuminate high-lying surfaces, lamps are used that have sufficient luminous intensity in directions adjacent to the horizontal, and sometimes above the latter.
Of exceptional importance is the creation of sufficient brightness of the ceilings and walls of the illuminated room. Therefore, if these surfaces have a good reflectance coefficient, it is advisable to use lamps with predominantly direct or diffused light, and when special requirements to the quality of lighting - also predominantly reflected or reflected light.

For fluorescent lamps, lamps of the following types are more common:

Open two-lamp lamps (OD, ODO, ODOR, OOD);

Dust- and moisture-proof lamps (PVL);

Ceiling lamps.

Open two-lamp lamps are used in rooms with normal conditions, with good light reflection from the ceiling and walls. But it can also be used in cases of moderate humidity and dust.

PVL lamps are used in some fire hazardous areas; the lamp power is 2x40 W.

Ceiling lamps are used for general lighting of closed, dry rooms, with a lamp power of 10x30 W (L71B03) and 8x40 W (L71B04).

The main characteristics of luminaires with fluorescent lamps are given in Table 5.1.2.

Table 5.1.2. Characteristics of some lamps with fluorescent lamps.

To place lamps in a room, you need to know the following indicators:

H – room height;

h c – distance of luminaires from the ceiling;

h n = H - h c – height of the lamp above the floor, height of the suspension;

h p – height work surface above the floor;

h =h n – h p – design height, the height of the lamp above the working surface.

To combat glare and ensure favorable visual conditions in the workplace, requirements are being introduced that limit the minimum height of luminaires above the floor. These requirements are given in Table 5.1.3.

L is the distance between adjacent lamps or rows. If the distances along the length (A) and width (B) are different, then they are designated L A and L B.

l – distance from the outer lamps or rows to the wall.

Table 5.1.3. The minimum permissible height for hanging luminaires with fluorescent lamps.

It is recommended to consider L/3 as the optimal distance l from the outermost row of lamps to the wall.

The most effective way is to evenly place the lamps in a checkerboard pattern and along the sides of the square (the distances between all lamps are equal both between the rows and in the row)

Fluorescent luminaires, when evenly spaced, are usually arranged in rows parallel to the rows of equipment. If the level of standardized illumination is high, then the rows are arranged continuously, with the lamps connected to each other at their ends.

The optimal location of lamps is determined by the value l = L/h. If this value is excessively reduced, this will lead to an increase in the cost of lighting installation and maintenance, and an increase will lead to sharply uneven lighting. Table 5.1.4 shows the values ​​of l for various types of luminaires.

Table 5.1.4. Optimal location lamps.

5.1.4. Selection of standardized illumination

SNiP 23-05 – 95 “Natural and artificial lighting” normalizes the illumination values ​​of working surfaces; the choice is made depending on the characteristics of visual work. These requirements are given in Table 5.1.5.

Table 5.1.5. Illumination standards in industrial workplaces with artificial lighting

Visual work category Visual work subcategory Contrast of subject with background Background characteristics Artificial lighting
Illumination, lux
With general lighting system
Total including from the total
Highest precision Less than 0.15 I A Small Dark 5000 4500 - -
b Small Medium Medium Dark
V Small Medium Large Light Medium Dark
G Medium Large " Light « Medium
Very high precision From 0.15 to 0.30 II A Small Dark - -
b Small Medium Medium Dark
V Small Medium Large Light Medium Dark
G Medium Large " Light Light Medium
High precision St. 0.30 to 0.50 III A Small Dark
b Small Medium Medium Dark
V Small Medium Large Light Medium Dark
G Medium Large " Light « Medium

Continuation of table 5.1.4.

Characteristics of visual work Smallest size of discrimination object, mm Visual work category Visual work subcategory Contrast of subject with background Background characteristics Artificial lighting
Illumination, lux
With a combined lighting system with general lighting system
Total including from the total
Medium accuracy St. 0.5 to 1.0 IV A Small Dark
b Small Medium Medium Dark
V Small Medium Large Light Medium Dark
G Medium Large " Light « Medium - -
Low accuracy St. 1 to 5 V A Small Dark
b Small Medium Medium Dark - -
V Small Medium Large Light Medium Dark - -
G Medium Large " Light « Medium - -
Rough (very low precision) More than 5 VI Regardless of the characteristics of the background and the contrast of the object with the background - -

5.1.5. Calculation of total uniform lighting

The calculation of general uniform artificial lighting is carried out using the luminous flux coefficient method, which takes into account the luminous flux reflected from the ceiling and walls.

The luminous flux is determined by the formula:

F = E n ×S×K z ×Z / (n×h),

E n – standardized minimum illumination, lux;

S – area of ​​the illuminated room, m2;

K z – safety factor (according to table 5.1.6);

Z – coefficient of minimum illumination (ratio E avg / E min);

n – number of lamps;

h - luminous flux utilization factor, %.

Table 5.1.6. Safety factor for luminaires using fluorescent lamps.

The luminous flux utilization coefficient h depends on the height of the luminaire h, the type of luminaire, the reflection coefficients of the walls r c and the ceiling r n. Luminous flux coefficient shows what fraction of the lamp flux hits the illuminated surface.

Reflection coefficients are assessed subjectively (see Table 5.1.7), and the room index is determined using the formula:

Table 5.1.7 . The value of the reflection coefficients of the ceiling and walls.

Table 5.1.8 shows the values ​​of the luminous flux utilization factor h of luminaires with fluorescent lamps, where the combination of reflectance coefficient and room index is most common.

Table 5.1.8. Utilization rates luminous flux of lamps with fluorescent lamps.

Lamp type OD and ODL ODR ODO ODOR L71BOZ OL1B68 AOD and SOD PVL - I
rn, %
r s,%
i Utilization rates, %
0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2,0 2,25 2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 5,0

Thus, having calculated the luminous flux Ф and knowing the type of lamp, using Table 5.1.1 you should select a standard lamp that is close in calculated values, then you can determine electrical power the entire lighting system.

In cases where the required luminaire flux is outside the range (-10 ¸ + 20%), then it is necessary to either adjust the number of luminaires n, or change the height of the luminaires.

Counting fluorescent lighting, instead of the number of lamps n, the number of rows N is substituted into the formula, and F should be understood as the luminous flux of lamps in one row.

The number of lamps in a row N is determined as

where Ф 1 is the luminous flux of one lamp.

5.2. Calculation of artificial lighting and placement of lamps in the premises of the industrial safety testing laboratory in the construction of IKBS MGSU.

Calculations of artificial lighting will be made according to the method described above.

Selecting a lighting system.

It was decided that the production premises of the testing laboratory will be equipped with a system of general uniform lighting. This decision was taken taking into account the characteristics of the type of activity of the laboratory and the types of testing equipment located in the premises. The operating principle of the testing equipment is based on remote control processes, which minimizes human participation in testing and does not require increased visual attention during testing.

Selecting a light source.

The production premises of the testing laboratory have dimensions: H = 6 m; A= 36 m; H=18 m.

Taking into account the size of the production premises, service life and for reasons of energy saving, fluorescent gas-discharge lamps of the LD-40 type were chosen as the light source. Since the test methodology does not require increased requirements for color rendering, lamps of the LD-40 type in this case are able to fully ensure the preservation of high staff performance. Lamps of type LD - 40 have high luminous efficiency, long service life (up to 10,000 hours), good color rendering and low temperature.

According to SNiP 23-05-95 “Natural and artificial lighting”, the work carried out can be classified as category IV, "V" subcategory works (medium contrast on a light background). In accordance with the selected category of visual work, the lowest illumination of the working surface E min is taken to be 200 lux.

It is proposed to use lamps of the ODR type, since the room is intended for direct testing, which means that normal conditions must be maintained.

  1. Determination of the safety factor.

The safety factor KZ takes into account the dustiness of the room and the decrease in the luminous flux of lamps during operation. For production premises testing laboratory with gas discharge lamps selected KZ =1.8 (rooms with average dust emission)

  1. Determination of the minimum illumination coefficient Z.

The minimum illumination coefficient Z characterizes the unevenness of illumination. It is a function of many variables and is most dependent on the ratio of the distance between luminaires to the design height (L / h).

When placing luminaires in a line (row), if the most favorable L/h ratio is maintained, it is recommended to take Z = 1.1 for LD type lamps.

  1. Determination of luminous flux coefficient η.

To determine the luminous flux utilization factor h, find the room index i and expected reflection coefficients of room surfaces: ceiling r p and walls r with.

According to table 5.1.8 for this room we accept: r p = 50%, r c = 30%,

  1. Calculation of room index i.

The room index is determined by the formula:

A, B, h – length, width and estimated height (height of the lamp hanging above the working surface) of the room, m.


H– geometric height of the room;

h sv– overhang of the lamp, we accept h St = 0.5 m;

h p– height of the working surface. h p = 1.0 m.

We get h= 4.5 m. and room index i= 2.7.

The luminous flux utilization coefficient is a complex function that depends on the type of lamp, room index, reflectance of the ceiling, walls and floor.

Using Table 5.1.8, we find by interpolation h = 61%.

The illuminated area is accepted equal area premises:

S = AB = 1296 m2.

Distance between lamps L defined as:

L=1.1×4.5=4.95 m.

The value of l was determined from Table 5.1.4 and was taken equal to 1.1 for types of ODR lamps. Thus, we calculate the number of rows of lamps in the room:

N b =18/4.95=3.64.

Number of lamps in a row:

N a =36/4.95=7.27.

We round these numbers to the nearest larger N a =7 and N b =4.

Total number of lamps:

N= N a × N b =7 × 4=28.

Along the width of the room, the distance between the rows is L b = 4.5 m, and the distance from the outer row to the wall is taken to be 0.5 L = 2.25 m. In each row, the distance between the lamps is also taken to be L a = 4.95 m, and the distance from the extreme lamp to the wall will be equal to 0.5L = 2.48 m.

Luminous flux utilization factor in fractions of a unit.

We finally accept N = 28, a multiple of 4 lines of 7 lamps.

Thus, when using lamps of type LD - 40, four in each lamp, the number of lamps required to ensure normal illumination is N = 28

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