home · Tool · How to make patterns on a Leonardo wall. Decorative plaster by Leonardo - do it yourself, photo. Wet working technology

How to make patterns on a Leonardo wall. Decorative plaster by Leonardo - do it yourself, photo. Wet working technology

Decorative plasters are gaining increasing popularity when decorating apartments and country houses. They differ in a huge variety of textures and application technologies, which allows them to fit perfectly into any interior. Decorative plasters give the room a unique flavor and go well with other items interior decoration- be it ancient paintings or modern electronic equipment. One of the most popular varieties today is the so-called " decorative plaster Leonardo."

History of origin

For the first time decorative plaster, like original way design of external and interior walls, became widespread on the Apennine Peninsula. The first information about textured plaster has been known since ancient Rome— noble patricians loved to decorate their villas with it. Decorative plaster experienced a rebirth during the Renaissance, when interest in everything related to ancient culture. These years were marked by the rapid development of all types of arts - from painting to architecture. Medieval Italy with its rich and enlightened cities is rightfully considered the birthplace of Renaissance culture: Florence, Genoa, Rome, Verona and, of course, Venice. The great masters of the Italian Renaissance worked here, among whom Leonardo da Vinci, the author of the famous Mona Lisa (La Gioconda), stood out. The great Italian became famous not only for his paintings, but also for his frescoes of extraordinary beauty. Leonardo's decorative plaster frescoes decorated the temples and homes of wealthy residents of Rome, Florence and Venice. In memory of the outstanding master, one of the varieties was called “Leonardo’s decorative plaster”.

Coating and textured plasters

For finishing both external and internal walls, two types of plaster are used - coating and decorative. Coating, or base, is used for leveling walls, preparing surfaces for applying final finishing elements - ceramic tiles, finishing putty or decorative plaster. Thus, coating plaster serves as a basis, a base for applying a textured layer. Decorative plaster acts as a finishing coating. However, provided there is enough smooth walls it is possible to do without using a base layer and immediately begin applying the decorative one.

Important ! Textured plaster, from an aesthetic point of view, is equally suitable for both exterior and interior use. interior design Houses.

But for exterior work you need to select plaster mixtures based on cement based. And for interior works will fit gypsum mixtures, with the exception of rooms with high humidity.

Preparatory process

Before you begin applying decorative plaster, it is necessary to prepare the wall surface. To do this, it must be thoroughly cleaned of old coatings - plaster, putty, paint. For this you can use any suitable tool- from a metal spatula to a hatchet. In particular difficult cases, say, to remove a layer of paint, it is recommended to use grinder or construction hairdryer. To remove a tightly adherent layer of old plaster, you can use a hammer drill with a special spatula. Also, to increase adhesion plaster mortar with surface, on concrete or brick wall you need to use a construction pick, an old hatchet or a hammer drill to apply notches and indentations.

After this, we apply a leveling layer of plaster mortar, which will become the base for Leonardo decorative plaster. This process needs to be given Special attention, because the relief pattern of the Leonardo plaster may not hide, but rather emphasize the unevenness of the wall. It depends on the lighting angle of the room, the size and geometry of the pattern. After the wall is leveled, you can begin to apply a decorative layer of Leonardo plaster.

Important ! After each stage of the work described above, it is necessary to prime the wall - both before applying the base layer and before applying the decorative layer.

This significantly increases adhesion - the strength of adhesion of the plaster mortar to the load-bearing surface.

Selection of plaster mixture

In principle, when making a solution for Leonardo, it is possible to use any mixtures of both cement and gypsum. It all depends on the area of ​​its application. IN Lately specialized plaster mixtures appeared on the finishing materials market, the best way suitable for making relief surfaces. In particular, plaster mixtures of the “da Vinci” and “Leonardo paste” series have been developed specifically for Leonardo technology. They have specifications, taking into account the features of the manufacturing technology of this plaster coating:

  • Thanks to the presence of special polymers, the finished mixture has a sufficiently viscous consistency necessary to obtain a relief texture.
  • Ready-made plaster mixtures for Leonardo equipment have excellent adhesion (adhesion) to all types of base - be it concrete, brick or wood.
  • Impact resistance external factors: aggressive detergents, physical influences, etc.
  • Ability ready plaster mixture tinted with all water-soluble paints allows you to get a wide range of colors and shades.

Applying textured plaster

You can often hear that Leonardo’s decorative plaster refers to Venetian plasters, but this is completely wrong. The main thing in Venetian plasters is a smooth surface, polished to a glossy shine. "Leonardo" has a clearly defined relief structure. Unlike most other application technologies relief plasters, Leonardo’s decorative plaster provides the master with complete freedom of creativity. Leonardo's technology does not involve applying any geometrically precise patterns. Thanks to this, Leonardo’s technique is as simple as possible even for a person with no experience. finishing works.

A layer of plaster mortar of a fairly viscous consistency several millimeters thick is applied to the base surface. If the base surface is pre-impregnated well with a primer, then the solution will lie fairly evenly and moisture will not be too absorbed into the wall. Before applying the mixture, it is recommended to visually divide the entire wall into separate working areas measuring one meter by one meter. You need to start working from the upper right corner if you are right-handed, or from the upper left corner if you are left-handed. This will prevent drops of the solution from falling onto the finished decorative surface. After applying a layer of plaster to the surface, you need to smooth it with a trowel or trowel, and only then begin to form the relief.

When applying a Leonardo design, there are no strict requirements for its texture, depth, or size - you just need to take a trowel or smoother and start applying random strokes over the entire plastered surface. The more chaotic they are, the better. When forming a pattern, texture in the form of feathers or Christmas tree branches may appear. To obtain such a relief, a continuous wavy line is drawn with the edge of the trowel, around which strokes are applied at different angles. When creating a “sink” pattern, the trowel should move along a wavy, rounded path. The presented video shows one of the options for Leonardo's application technique. The time for complete drying of a layer of decorative plaster ranges from 8 hours to a day, depending on its thickness. After this, you can begin the final stage of finishing - painting.

Attention ! Leonardo's drawing consists of chaotic strokes, so you should avoid applying large quantity unidirectional strokes in one place. Such areas will immediately catch your eye.

Painting decorative plaster Leonardo

The final touch when applying Leonardo decorative plaster is painting the surface. As with painting other varieties relief surfaces, in this case, the blur method is best suited. With its help, it is possible to most fully emphasize the relief texture of Leonardo. To apply the pattern using the wash method, you will need water-based paint, a roller and a sponge.

First we tint the paint to get the color we need. In this case, the color should be quite saturated - this is necessary for a clearer manifestation of the texture. Using a roller, apply paint to the entire surface of the wall. After it dries slightly, we go over the entire surface of the wall with a wet sponge, slightly blurring the layer of paint on the protruding parts. Thus, in the recesses the color will remain saturated, but in the protruding places it will become lighter and blurred. Thanks to this, a chiaroscuro effect will be created, more sharply emphasizing the relief of Leonardo’s plaster.

Attention ! To paint Leonardo plaster using the wash method, you need to take non-moisture resistant paint so that you can remove it with a sponge upper layer.

Finally, the surface will need to be coated with a layer of protective varnish. This will make the design more durable and also protect the layer of decorative plaster from moisture.

The application of decorative plaster plays a very important role. Compound construction mixture just the basics. To get the desired effect, you need to implement this or that technology with your own hands. Only due to this it is possible to obtain visual effects, such as bark beetle, marble surface, sandy beach. The matter is complicated by the great confusion that reigns. For example, there are few places where you can read what Venetian plaster is. Meanwhile, there are almost a dozen of its species alone. And they are all different from each other. What makes me most happy is when Leonardo’s application technology is Venetian, which by definition cannot fall into this category. We do not promise to carry out a clear classification on our own, because it is very difficult, but instead we will consider methods of applying decorative plaster.

Perfectly applied plaster

Venetian plasters

Venetian refers to a class of decorative plasters with relatively smooth surface, which after drying is sanded. For this, a special spatula with a steel blade is usually used. In addition, the surface is often covered with a layer of varnish or wax. Sometimes traditional materials such as drying oil or a little oil are also used. The goal is to create decorative surface thin polymer protective layer.

Venetian plasters in the original gained their popularity for the possibility of a visually indistinguishable replacement for expensive and heavy materials. Of course, Marmorino cannot compete in service life with natural stone. But the raw materials were literally taken from under our feet. Fragments were used as material for manufacturing clinker bricks. And they built quite a lot from it. Moreover, quite widely in Italy there were areas where ruins lay literally underfoot. Europe has a rich history.

Use of decorative plaster

The base of Venetian plasters was most often lime or gypsum. Accordingly, the first family primarily served for finishing interior spaces, including bathrooms, and the second was used to create stucco molding. In both cases, the effect of achieving an imitation of marble was pursued. Some advantages depended on the base material. But key point is the addition of various hard crumbs. It could be marble or clinker sand. Terracotta was also used as a filler. It is due to such additives that the plaster can withstand polishing.

After this procedure, the surface acquires a smooth and shiny appearance. A good version of the training video is given here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OZSwt6JX87Y. Don't just listen to the audio track, there's something wrong with the translation. But all the basic operations characteristic of Venetian plaster are carried out:

We have nothing to add to this. The footage demonstrates the application of decorative plaster from start to finish. But the composition is hardly similar to the original. Pointing a finger at the sky, let's assume that most layers are based on polymers (for example, acrylic). Why is this necessary if the raw materials, as we put it, are “lying under your feet?” Polymers improve the quality of plaster. Drying speed increases. Original lime mortars could take days to dry (gypsum is not used in wet areas). There are other reasons as well. Some techniques are quite complex, and application the latest materials It helps simplify the process to the point that anyone can do it.

The wall is decorated with the Venice effect

Moroccan plaster

It is curious that some varieties of Venetian decorative plaster came from Morocco. But there is one type of texture that bears the name of this region. Today they can be seen relatively often on the walls of Russia. To achieve the effect of Moroccan plaster, three options are used to create the initial texture:

  • The trowel is used for tearing. Due to the stickiness of the plaster, the surface is covered with a kind of fur coat. This is also one of the techniques that can be used on any building mixture. Some kind of separate title she doesn't have one. Sometimes this is called a fur coat.
  • The texture roller is a universal tool for working not only with plasters, but also with paints. The main thing is to get the effect of a fur coat.
  • A similar effect is produced by a large sea sponge. In this case, it is irrational to use a regular (kitchen) one.

Moroccan plaster texture

Then you need to wait some time for setting. Its duration depends on the type of building mixture and is usually given in the manufacturer's instructions. After which the fur coat is smoothed with a trowel. The result is a curious texture, reminiscent of jagged islands in the sea.

If necessary, the texture is painted, sometimes two colors are used for this. For example, the main one is applied with a foam roller. It paints the entire surface. Then only the tops are passed with a rubber roller. There is another technique. It involves using a wet sponge immediately after the first painting. It is assumed that the paint is water-based. The color is washed off from the peaks, leaving a curious decorative effect. These techniques can also be applied to any texture, including some wallpaper.

A similar effect can be achieved by applying tinted varnish. And in one go. Usually the instructions directly tell you how to do it yourself. A tool specific to a given manufacturer is used, or the name of a universal one is given. As you can see, it's all in the details.

It is curious that abroad they persistently call Moroccan plaster a variety of Venetian plaster. We are talking about tadelakt. It is based on lime paste, contains marble and is carefully polished after application. The light wavy texture does not resemble islands in any way. Tadelakt is resistant to moisture and is used for finishing baths (samum) and bathrooms. Here you can see how a thick coating is brought to perfection with river pebbles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wU_4tZpDlE4. That is, the technology is completely different. From this we can conclude that the term “Moroccan” is a home-grown invention for the CIS countries. What this technique is actually called (if it is even classified as a separate family according to the world classification), we find it difficult to say.

Be that as it may, the application technology exists, and you can watch it on YouTube.

Decorative coating Leonardo

Many don’t even have a clear name. For example, above we talked about a fur coat created with a sponge, texture roller or tear-off trowel. And Leonardo is applied more to the eye. There are no single holistic recommendations. You just need to take a trowel and start applying strokes in different directions. The more random the pattern, the better. Using similar techniques you can imitate feathers or, as they are also called, Christmas trees. To do this, draw a curved line with the edge of the blade, and then strokes diverge along it at an angle in different directions. When creating shells, the trowel moves in a semicircle. Moreover, the trajectory can be wavy.

Photo of a wall with plaster

Leonardo's texture can then be painted different colors according to the two methods given above. To do this, you can use rollers (foam and rubber) or one tone water-based paint combined with a wet sponge. This allows the texture to come through.

Texture rollers

This powerful tool was barely mentioned throughout the review, yet most citizens prefer application with a roller. Because the process itself is extremely simple. You just need to take a texture roller and roll it over a layer of plaster of the desired thickness. A notched trowel can be used for calibration. Here's how it's done:

  • A layer of plaster is applied that is obviously larger than necessary.
  • Using a notched trowel, orderly movements are carried out (for example, from bottom to top), gradually covering the entire surface. The excess is scraped off.
  • The teeth touch the base, and between them there are even rows of plaster. Due to the same parameters, the layer of the building mixture is homogeneous.

The teeth can then be smoothed out with a trowel or immediately treated with a texture roller. No one forbids the use of sponges and other tools and techniques to create the desired decorative effect.

This concludes our review. Decorative plasters are traditionally applied to stone and brick bases. In order for the mixture to adhere to wood, a special glue is added to the composition. Plaster is applied to drywall thanks to similar tricks.

Venetian plaster is a reliable way to finish the ceilings or walls of a house, which will help you forget about it for a long time. cosmetic repairs. To be more precise, it is a type of decorative plaster, with which you can imitate the texture and color scheme onyx, marble, granite and other natural stones.

Venetian plaster has recently gained particular popularity in construction market. No wonder it is called “the queen of all decorative plasters.” The thing is that it is not only environmentally friendly, but also easy to clean, has an excellent appearance and can turn any home into a luxurious palace. But there are two disadvantages that should be paid special attention to: firstly, its application is a rather labor-intensive process; Secondly, square meter This type of plaster costs from $5, which is relatively expensive for the average consumer. That's why Venetian plaster Most often used for finishing offices, restaurants, expensive hotels and private homes.

Decorative plaster made according to this recipe first appeared during the Renaissance in Italy. Of course, over time, the composition changed, technology improved, as a result of which the Venetian (as builders affectionately call it) became even more spectacular, reliable and diverse.

Venetian plaster comes in several varieties. Each of them has its own composition, particle size and uniformity. Venetian High Quality must be plastic, durable and adhesive, which is obtained by adding acrylic or other components. It is applied in several layers, and it is the top layer that is processed with a special spatula, which gives the material the desired texture. In addition, the plaster is coated with natural wax on top, which makes it waterproof and wear-resistant.

Another feature of Venetian decorative plaster is that only a professional can apply it properly. Of course, even without preliminary preparation you can cope with this task, but the final pattern is visible only after applying the top layer, and, when malfunction with a spatula, you can ruin the whole job even in the initial stages.

Properly selected paints are also of considerable importance. Good to buy now acrylic paints for walls can be found both in online stores and in regular construction stores. The main thing is to choose the right color so that the drawing looks as impressive as possible.

A few years ago, a Venetian style appeared, which was intended not for interior use, but for façade decoration. They are more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, fluctuations in temperature and humidity. You should consult a professional before purchasing. You should purchase this decorative miracle only in a specialized store, since a fake can not only be short-lived, but also dangerous to health.

Decorative plaster video:
Preparatory work

Decorative plaster “Splashes”

Decorative plaster "Silk"

Decorative plaster “Reed”

Decorative plaster “Rock”

Decorative plaster “Cracks”

Decorative plaster “Shells”

Decorative plaster “Fields”

Decorative plaster “Moss”

Decorative plaster "Mineral"

Decorative plaster "Leonardo"

Leonardo decorative plaster: photo in the interior

If you are planning a renovation at home and want to decorate your walls with something unusual, but not very labor-intensive, then choose the Leonardo pattern in decorative plaster. This is the view facade finishing, resembling a type quartz chips, looks great in photos of any interior and is suitable for an antique interior.

It was invented by designers for finishing facades, but today they are happy to use it in decorating residential premises. The composition of the mixture is a breathable coating, waterproof and universal. Appearance The wall with Leonardo's pattern resembles a rough surface with numerous marble granules. Such a coating can successfully replace stone wall, as it visually creates the effect of untreated stone in nature.

Venetian plaster in the interior

Leonardo technology

As with any renovation, you need to prepare the room, the wall surface for finishing and purchase special solution for applying the Leonardo pattern. You can find out how this is done by looking at any section on preparatory work.

  1. Before the main coating, the surface must be primed to limit absorption.
  2. After the primer has dried, you can easily apply a special structural mixture to the primed surface with metallic grout. To create a design with simple strokes in different directions, you need to rub the flat side of the metal grout over the surface. The result is beautiful small strokes, diverging in different directions, but forming unpredictable combinations of original patterns, outlandish fantastic lines from Leonardo da Vinci.
  3. After the plaster has dried, we begin applying the glaze. But in order for our surface to look like Leonardo, we need to give it volume. So before the paint has had time to dry, use a damp sponge to remove some of it from the protruding reliefs. After the sponge has absorbed the paint, rinse it with water and again remove some of the paint from the painted surface. The result is a wall with a luxurious surface, reminiscent of the walls of the times of the great Leonardo.
  4. Today you can most often find a different version decorative option Leonardo textures with delicate special glaze paint with a pearlescent tint.
  5. Apply to a painted plain surface with a crumpled cloth. gold paint, leaving behind a variety of prints. By pressing you can adjust the print.

This method is used to decorate walls that have already been painted with your own hands. With its small particles, the dye ennobles any coating; the surface of an already dried wall with such a coating shimmers in the rays of light with different, delicate shades.

When decorating a wall with a Leonardo relief, unusual patterns are created with the wave-like movements of a spatula. But it is important to ensure that the finishing layer is uniform, the patterns look uniform, and everything obeys your intended concept.

Interior with decorative finishing by Leonardo

Leonardo's decorative plaster will be interesting in the style of classicism, which sometimes amazes with its grace and luxury, even in catalog photographs. Finishing with Leonardo texture is always a variety of decorative textures, born unexpectedly, because there is no standard relief for such finishing, each time the texture turns out different.

That's why decorative finishing a la Leonardo is considered unique, impressive for its expressiveness in any room interior. Of course, such wall decoration will fit perfectly into the interior of the living room, where you can expand on the choice of antique furniture.

The most important thing with such wall decoration is to achieve proper lighting, relief patterns should stand out against the background of iridescent mother-of-pearl, the finish should create a feeling of luxury and superiority.

And you can complement this style with beautiful accessories and furniture, the main thing is that the style of the room emphasizes the decoration of the walls.


Of particular interest to those who wish to renovate their home is decorative plaster application technology. Indeed, in our time this method has become quite widespread and fashionable. Therefore, it is worth considering ways to apply decorative plaster with your own hands to make your home even more beautiful.

The materials used for plastering are water, polymers and fillers, which we will discuss later. Thanks to plaster, you can perfectly level the surface, including brick, plasterboard, wood and others.

Tool for applying decorative plaster:

  • in the first stages it is necessary to use a spatula, sandpaper and a building level;
  • on the second, add a grater and smoother;
  • then you will need a lint roller;
  • Now take a flexible spatula, trowel, suede mitten.

Different ways to apply decorative plaster with your own hands

Travertino application technology - procedure and stages of work

Let's look at the application technique for decorative travertine plaster. It can be divided into the preparation and finishing stages. The first applies exclusively base. But for the second one it is important to devote enough time. First, prepare the surface well, so the finish should adhere firmly to the walls. For this:

  • level the walls. We are especially talking about depressions of 1-1.5 cm;
  • do not correct the clay-sand finish using gypsum putties;
  • remove cracks. After all, they are unsuitable for installing plaster.

How to remove cracks? The following steps will be required:

  • clean out and increase the width of the crack;
  • cut off the edges;
  • make reinforcement.

Let's move on to the primer. Without it, a fresh Travetrino solution will immediately be absorbed into old plaster. Use either a branded primer or acrylic. Apply it in two layers to nourish and prime. About primer consumption deep penetration per 1 m2, find out at.

When the walls are dry, you can apply plaster. Stages of applying decorative plaster:

  • take the solution. Do not place the grater directly into the bucket. After all, then the work will not look neat. Use a narrow spatula to press the mortar onto the trowel;
  • apply. Layer size – grain size. So the thickness should be minimal, as thin as possible. After all, this way the composition will dry faster;
  • We wait until it dries. It's worth dedicating enough time to this. It all depends on what features in plaster composition, as well as the features of the room in which the renovation is being carried out;
  • We do grinding. Use fine sandpaper for leveling. If this is not done, then there will be no problem, but during painting the wall will lose color and shine;
  • We do the finishing. Thanks to it, relief appears.

You can apply the mixture using this method of plastering different ways. It depends on them what character the texture will have and how rich the coloring will be. Find out about penoplex plaster.

For more information about Travertino decorative plaster, watch the video:

Bayramix wall application technique

The next option is decorative plaster Bayramix, the application technique of which we will consider. Since this polymer mixture, then the basis for it must be suitable. Almost any of its options will do. For example, concrete, expanded clay concrete, gypsum, plasterboard, chipboard, DVB and others.

In addition, it is allowed to apply a similar mixture to whitewash or a layer of oil paint. At the same time there is one thing important condition– smooth and stable surface. About textured plaster from plaster will tell.

There are special primers from the manufacturer that differ in quality. At the same time, it is a good idea to use an acrylic primer.

If the surface is thoroughly primed before plastering, the plaster will adhere well to it.

The peculiarity of the work is that no need for beacons. After all, the solution does not serve as a leveler, but only as a finishing one. Basically, they undertake to plaster all the walls at once. However, if the volumes are large, then you will have to resort to joints. At the same time, it is important to make them as even as possible so that the whole look is beautiful.

A little tip for this is to use masking tape in the place where the joint will be. Remove it when finished. Another secret is to place the joint near windows and doors. In such places they are less noticeable.

Now apply the solution no thicker than 2 grains. You can level it using a grater or trowel. This way the surface will be free of streaks and tool marks. About plaster solution home oven find out .

Alpina - sequence of work for interior decoration of rooms

Let's consider the application method for Alpina decorative plaster. Prepare a substrate in the place where Alpina is applied. Plaster can only be joined in dry, clean, level and durable places. Their It is important to thoroughly remove fat.

Stages of applying the mixture:

  • prepare the solution. Due to the fact that the plaster itself is not a dry mortar, it is already ready to be used. If you want to make changes to the structure, then add water, but only a little.
  • use primer before application;
  • apply finishing material at temperatures from + 5°C to +30°C;
  • use a stainless steel trowel for application;
  • take away excess weight You can also use a trowel.

Wet silk method - roller application option

There is one more interesting way, different from others - applying decorative plaster wet silk. Silk plaster is unique and you can apply it more than one way.

There can be many effects from this. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • We prime the surface. This will require two coats;
  • wait 4 hours for the walls to dry;
  • We use the initial coating for plaster. To do this, apply decorative plaster with a velor roller or trowel;
  • Allow three hours for drying;
  • Apply the plaster loosely. When doing this, use a sponge;
  • after 20 minutes, smooth the surface using a plastic spatula;
  • if you press the walls a little in different directions, you will get a beautiful pattern.

Type of application Fur coat

Decorative plaster the fur coat is applied roller and is quite simple to make. For this purpose, wrapped fur is used.

For a good result, carefully ensure that the solution is not too liquid or too thick. Here is a short sequence of actions:

  • Using a spatula, the mixture is applied to the surface;
  • using a roller it rolls out onto the wall;
  • When the surface dries, start smoothing it a little using a dampened trowel (you get a cork effect).

There is an option dip the roller into solution and paint the surface. But then the coating will be rougher.

It is possible to produce different variations with the surface structure. The longer the pile of the roller, the larger the texture will be. If there are holes in the roller, you will get an original design.

An interesting option is to apply this decorative plaster in two layers. First we level the entire surface. Then apply a roller directly over the mixture that has not yet dried. When the solution begins to set, a more liquid mixture is applied to the surface.

Thanks to this approach, you can get different types invoices

Another variety of methods for applying Lamb

The technology for applying decorative lamb plaster is something that requires a special approach. In this case it is important buy plaster and primer paint, which have quartz sand. Thanks to the use of a grater, spatula and trowel, the surface will be embossed.

As soon as you apply the mixture, immediately remove all excess. To do this, take a spatula and place it at an angle. Collect all the plaster. If the residue has not yet hardened, use a wet cloth to remove it. If frozen, a mechanical method will do.

In this application technology, it is important to consider some recommendations:

  • Make sure that the composition does not stick to the walls, but at the same time does not get absorbed into them. To do this, a primer is applied to the walls;
  • when your surfaces are all smooth, then use primer paints as a treatment;
  • The plastering process can only begin when the primer is completely dry;
  • the width of the layer to be applied must be equal in size to the granules contained in the primer;
  • structuring of the mixture occurs during the first 15 minutes, so it is important to calculate the surface to be treated at the very beginning before work;
  • Apply the plaster using continuous movements.


The technique of applying pebble decorative plaster is very similar to lamb plaster. Below you can familiarize yourself with the technology of its application.

Burlap effect - applying wax to plaster

Similar to this is the technology of applying decorative plaster, the effect of burlap, which produced from ordinary putty. How is wax applied to decorative plaster? Application occurs in certain stages.

In this case, they start from the corners of the walls and make movements without stopping. It is important that there are no layers. A cloth with solvent will help reduce where the layer has become too large and has begun to darken the surfaces.

The time it takes for the wax to dry varies depending on which manufacturer's product you use. Basically, 3-6 hours are allocated for this.

During the drying time, you can correct possible shortcomings and notice shortcomings. Allow about 3 weeks for the surface to dry completely.

Then you can wipe the walls with a damp cloth. If over time you develop more skills in this matter, then wax can be use as a relief for walls, and make from it beautiful flowers and patterns. What is the difference gypsum plaster, from puttying the walls will tell.

Decorative plaster manna, the application methods of which we will consider, is very attractive. Such decorative plaster applied with a trowel. The thickness of the first layer should be uniform. To create a “fur coat” effect, use a fur roller, which is used to roll the surface after applying the mixture.

The walls dry out within 4 hours. Further actions:

  • To remove all irregularities, the surface is sanded a little. To do this, use a grater;
  • using a trowel, apply the mixture in the form of islands;
  • smooth everything carefully using the edge of a trowel;
  • Using a brush, remove all possible dust.

A popular type of decorative plaster among builders is the world map, the application technique of which is quite simple.

For this:

  • some unpainted areas are protected with mounting tape and film;
  • the surface is treated with a roller and brush thoroughly soaked with primer;
  • when everything is dry, then applied primer-paint using a roller. This will create a rough surface.
  • apply a second coat of paint (if necessary);
  • Mix the plaster thoroughly and start applying from the top left corner. Move to the bottom right.


A very popular type of interior decorative plaster is the Parade method. Here is a video showing the application technique of this type.

In addition, you can use decorative caparol plaster, the application technology of which is known to many.

The layer to be applied must be continuous. Use a trowel or a special sprayer for this.
Use a plastic or polyurethane spatula to structure the entire mixture evenly over the entire circle.

If the plaster is grooved, then it is structured selectively. Either circular or horizontal-vertical movements will do. If you constantly change tools, the surface topography may suffer. After all, when you change tools, it changes. The diameter of the nozzle should be the same as the size of the grains.

Do not exceed pressure more than 0.4 MPa. The material must be applied extremely evenly. There should be no overlaps or sharp transitions. This application of decorative plaster Zhitomir is quite affordable.

And here is Leonardo decorative plaster, the application technology of which is also known to us. For work we will need the following work order:

  • base surface covered with a layer viscous solution(a couple of millimeters thick);
  • before this, saturate it with a primer;
  • for simplicity, divide the walls into sections for work;

  • Start applying the solution from the top right corner. Thanks to this, the solution will not contaminate the treated surface;
  • at the end, smooth everything out using a grater;
  • start forming the relief.


Grotto decorative plaster is an environmentally friendly coating. It is based on mineral natural fillers and natural lime. Plaster creates a look rocks. It was its similarity with the relief of karst grotto caves that gave the name to this plaster Grotto.

Below is a video with the technique of applying it:

Decorative sand plaster is applied using the same method. Its application method is the same as Leonardo's.

As you can see, there are many types of plaster application for finishing work.

Glazing with acrylic varnish using a roller

Glazing is the final operation when performing decorative plaster. It is designed to give surface strength to a painting or relief. Currently, glazing is carried out using a special glazing composition or acrylic varnish.

The varnish quickly penetrates the surface of the plaster; it is simply applied with a brush or roller.