home · Appliances · Options for decorative plaster: structural, textured, marble, Venetian, liquid wallpaper. Decorative plaster Black plaster

Options for decorative plaster: structural, textured, marble, Venetian, liquid wallpaper. Decorative plaster Black plaster


For interior use, wall preparation must be carried out in accordance with SNiP for preparing walls for painting. Minor defects and scratches are not allowed. Please note that pronounced curvature of the walls and frequent deep defects will have a significant impact on consumption decorative material to the greater side.

After priming the walls with a special strengthening impregnation deep penetration PRIMER NORMAL (after 4-6 hours), you can start applying the MARMORINO CARRARA decor itself.

The first layer should be applied 1-2 mm thick, leaving beads that form boundaries resembling veins natural stone. It is this technique that will subsequently serve as the basis for simulating the veins of natural marble, so we recommend that you treat their projection with taste. Drying time for the first layer: 4-8 hours, then you can proceed to the second layer. Before applying the second layer, we recommend lightly (it is necessary to preserve the created sagging and veins) sand the surface using K1500 sandpaper in order to eliminate light defects that formed during the application of the first layer of coating.

If you want to enhance the effect of the veins in a lighter direction, then the first layer of decorative plaster MARMORINO CARRARA does not need to be tinted (use just the base white), and if you want to make the veins brighter, then the material MARMORINO CARRARA, for this (first) layer, should be tinted in a more saturated color than the main one - the color you have chosen. For advice or assistance in tinting, we recommend contacting our authorized representatives or our company. We will be happy to help you!

The second and third layers are applied using the classic Venetian method, using a stainless steel trowel with rounded corners. The material should be applied thinly (almost to the skin) covering the entire surface. The second layer is not polished if there are subsequent ones, since it is necessary to maintain adhesion (adhesion ability) with subsequent coating. Only the finishing (last layer) should be polished. Polishing is done with the same tool (Venetian trowel), after 10-15 minutes. Since the material is mineral, therefore, if there is strong pressure on the trowel during polishing, the material may become ferrous, which will be reflected on the decorated surface in the form of gray streaks or spots. We recommend polishing without pressure and not to a perfectly glossy effect, as this technique is aimed at developing the previous layers, which will reproduce the effect of the depth of texture of natural marble.

Before applying additional finishing coating METALLINE, the finished decorative coating must dry completely - at least 24 hours. METALLINE is applied with a regular cellulose sponge, thin layer, covering the entire surface.

Time for complete drying of the decorative coating: 24 hours.

For more detailed advice or an application master class, we recommend contacting our technical specialists or using the services of our salons.

Please note that decorated walls must stand for at least 24 days before their initial cleaning.

Decorative plaster– this is not quite the one we are used to, ordinary plaster, mortar for leveling walls.

This is a finishing material, a special homogeneous paste, a mixture for finishing and decoration of walls, ceilings, structures. It consists of tiny grains of granite, marble or quartz chips, sand, and even pieces of algae.

In construction stores big choice decorative plasters, both natural and artificial materials.

This wall covering is very practical: it is resistant to grease, is not afraid of water, does not absorb kitchen odors, and is easy to care for; you just need to wipe the wall with a damp cloth.

Types and methods of finishing

Let's take a closer look at the most known species decorative plaster, which is used in the kitchen, as well as photos of finished works.

  • Structural. Surely, you have heard about “bark beetle”, “fur coat”, “lamb” walls... Mineral chips and grains of various sizes are added to the plaster mass, which, when applied to the surface, create a certain pattern: grooves, veins, streaks.

    To achieve a worn effect, colorless granules are added to the plaster mixture. When grouted with a spatula, they burst and leave scuffed marks.

    Antique walls are in great demand, when the entire surface is covered with small cracks. Craquelure technique - a special composition cracks when it dries, and the resulting cracks are tinted and highlighted. This is an imitation of ancient walls.

  • Venetian. The composition of lime and crushed marble flour was used by the ancient Romans and Greeks; they painted frescoes and decorated walls with it.

    Antique “Venetian” decoration today can be seen on the walls and columns of ancient cathedrals, palaces and galleries. "Venetian" is imitated by the most expensive materials: marble, travertine, granite, mahogany, precious metals.

    This decorative coating is suitable for finishing walls and ceilings. Nowadays Venetian marbled plaster is mainly used. And it looks like real stone!

  • Textured. This is space for the designer’s imagination; you can create incredible three-dimensional masterpieces and experiment with different shades. What do walls treated with this coating look like? Like wood, mud, crumpled paper, animal skin, chopped stone.

  • Sgraffito. This plaster looks like applique. Using stencils and templates, patterns, drawings, inscriptions and much more are cut out. Agree, clouds on the ceiling or a family coat of arms on the wall in the living room look impressive.
  • Flock. The name comes from the English “flock” - fluff, shred. Know-how of manufacturers of plaster mixtures. Textile, cellulose fibers or fibers are sprayed onto the plastered surface.
  • Smooth plaster. It is applied in just two layers, and the surface is even and smooth. Perhaps the best and most common option for a small kitchen or studio apartment. Although it would be a stretch to call it decorative.

    What kind of walls is it suitable for? decorative plaster, on Which kitchen should I use it in?

    Not only walls, but also ceilings, niches, arches and ledges are suitable for decorative coating in the kitchen!

    And by combining the texture, color and type of plaster you can get stylish design, save square meters and create a cozy home.

    Properties and performance characteristics

    Decorative plaster is a safe, environmentally friendly and non-toxic material.

    Antiseptic additives in the composition prevent the formation of mold and mildew; The coating is fire resistant and has good sound insulation.

    Such coatings withstand daily changes in temperature and humidity, do not absorb kitchen odors, are not afraid of dust, water or grease, and can be easily cleaned with modern detergents.

    Plaster – universal material and is suitable for almost any surface: concrete, brick, drywall, wood, metal. Working with it does not require special skill, ready-made mixtures are sold in convenient containers, jars, and the material is used economically.

    Seamless. This means that all irregularities and defects will be masked, become invisible, and there will be no joints or seams at all.

    Durable and reliable material for the kitchen. Withstand various mechanical damage, wet cleaning, Sun rays, the crumbs do not fall off or peel off, the walls for a long time will not lose their decorative appearance.

    Picturesque plaster mixtures imitate and create all kinds of coatings: from natural stone to soft silky flakes.

    A color palette, original decor and bright fragments! What other finishing material will decorate the kitchen so much?

    In addition, if any fragment of the wall is damaged or you want a small update, it can be easily restored.

    When choosing decorative plaster to decorate your kitchen, take into account the disadvantages of this material.

    Features of working with the material

    Working with decorative plaster is divided into several stages.

    The surface is carefully prepared, leveled, plastered and treated with a primer.

    The final stage is polishing or glazing, the surface is coated with a special varnish or wax.

    Decorative plaster is not painted on the wall; the dye is added to the mixture, in each layer, before application.

    To achieve unusual color solutions , masters use a wash of several colors.

    If you want to give surfaces a relief, use special tool: stamps, textured and toothed rollers, rubbing sponges.

    Elite finishes are rubbed with horny sponges; in hardware stores they are also called “coral”. Many craftsmen use ordinary kitchen sponges instead.

    Small irregularities on the walls can be sanded or rubbed with a fine abrasive mesh after the plaster has completely dried.

    Little tricks

    Separate lunch and work area in the kitchen. Decorate the so-called apron with tiled or ceramic tiles, and the recreation area is covered with decorative plaster along the entire height of the wall.

    In your kitchen many ventilation ducts, niches and all sorts of openings? Decorate the recesses with patterned plaster, highlight them or hide them in the overall interior.

    Does your home have a fireplace or stove? Decorate them with decorative covering.

    Plaster will give a neat look to even the oldest brick stove, besides, plaster layer will seal all chips and cracks.

    Kitchens in a minimalist style, as well as small spaces, will benefit from a smooth type of wall covering.

    But Venetian plaster is appropriate in spacious and bright kitchens, with appropriate furniture set and accessories.

    In cottages and country houses In city apartments and dachas, kitchens and dining rooms decorated with decorative plaster look very original.

    Finished walls are dried only naturally, the room is protected from direct sun and drafts. And after a day or two, your stylish original kitchen You can show it to your guests!

The unusually beautiful texture of marble has been loved by mankind since the days of the Roman Empire. The high price of this breed limited, of course, the circle of its consumers, but admirers have always been in the past, are there today, and are unlikely to disappear tomorrow.

Moreover, in our time, in order to please yourself with any texture, there is no longer a need to use natural material. Applying plaster with a marble effect is great way get an imitation that is almost no different in appearance from the original.

Detailed professional instruction plus the videos in this article will tell you about several ways to finish marbled surfaces using plaster solutions.

Natural marble has quite wide palette. There are more than 40 shades of it, and they depend on the impurities of certain substances in the rock.

It could be various shapes iron: silicates, sulfides, oxides, each of which provides its own color (greenish, black-blue or red). Different concentrations of graphite give variations in gray and blue tones.

This stone does not only have rich green and blue shades:

  • In addition, the body of marble has beautiful veins that are formed as a result of crystallization of carbon compounds in microcracks. It is their imitation that poses the greatest difficulty when performing decorative marble plaster, and doing it with your own hands without the skill is not so easy.

There are several technologies that can be used to recreate the texture of a stone of any shade. All of them consist of several rather labor-intensive operations and take a lot of time. But for the sake of beauty you always have to sacrifice something.

Marble plaster stylization

What you need to do first is decide on the color of marble that you would like to imitate. You don’t need to invent anything: just look at a photo of a real stone and choose the sample that you like best as a basis.

  • To recreate it, it is necessary to identify three dominant colors in the original. Only one should be the main one, and the other two will be used as additional ones. As a rule, they are from one color range and differ only in tones. If you are trying to get dark marble, then the most saturated color should be the base color. To create light marble, everything is done exactly the opposite.

  • Before applying decorative plaster marble, the surface of the walls must be properly leveled, and the screed must be allowed to harden well. They do not have to be plastered: you can also cover them with plasterboard, having previously puttyed the joints between the sheets (see. How to putty drywall joints according to technology). We will not go into these details now, since we will talk about the technique of making and fixing the drawing on the surface.

Attention: Imitation of marble can be done either with the help of decorative paint or by using plasters with the appropriate effect. For independent work It is easier for a non-professional person to use paints.

Creating a drawing

IN general outline The drawing technology looks like this. First, apply the base (primary) color and after this layer has dried, proceed to further work. The texture of the stone is created using paints of two additional colors, which, as you remember, should be close in color, but different in saturation.

  • They are applied with a brush in chaotic strokes, and then, until the paint has dried, they are shaded with a sponge so that the boundaries of the transition from one shade to another are not noticeable. After it all dries, move on to the next stage.

  • Now you need to draw the veins and this is done simply, with a thin painting brush. To do this, use the same paint that was used to make the strokes, only mixed with a light glaze or, as shown in the example above, a contrasting color is taken.

With a brush, draw short strokes and broken lines, shading the thicker ones. On final stage the dried drawing is covered with transparent varnish or special wax. This allows you to give the surface the shine of polished stone, and, of course, protect the decorative layer.

Ready-made, factory-made formulations

When working with plaster compositions everything happens the same way. The difference is that paint is applied with a roller or brush, and plaster, since it has a thicker consistency, is applied with a spatula.

The degree of surface preparation can also vary. It definitely needs to be well leveled and sanded for paint.


  • When using plaster, minor imperfections in the surface can be hidden during the process of decorating it. It is even applied to old screed, as long as she holds up well. It is important to use the correct primer (see Types of construction primers and their scope of application). Typically, plastering manufacturers offer special insulating fixatives that perform this role and are applied to the surface before the base layer of plaster.

  • It makes no sense to describe this technology; it is much easier to watch the video “do-it-yourself decorative marble plaster” and look for exactly the option where the master works with the same composition that you purchased. The fact is that each manufacturer of plasters has their own recommendations in this regard, and they should be followed in their work.
  • Using a factory-made composition is much easier, but for most people it is expensive. Marble plasters purchased as a set: as a rule, these are: basic composition– a 25kg package costs on average 7500-8000 rubles. Its consumption is 630-650 g/m2, which is enough for about 40 m2.
  • In addition, the kit also includes two finishing compositions. One with the same weight, but a higher price (approximately 10,800 rubles), the second weighs 5 kg, costing 2400-2500 rubles. There are, of course, smaller packages - they cost less, but in terms of the square footage of the decorated surface, the price will be the same.

  • Thanks to the finest marble flour, which is part of Venetian plasters, the decorated surface shimmers with mother-of-pearl and this splendor looks simply gorgeous in the interior. So high price plasters are due to the complexity of manufacturing the material.
  • Lime, which is the main binder, is kept for a long time in underground bunkers. This is necessary for it to achieve a certain degree of plasticity and saturation with microelements.

Please note: In addition, modern plasters There are also polymer resins that ensure the coating’s resistance to external influences and its service life. This is what allows them to be applied to almost any surface, with least amount and layer thickness.

Glossy marble

There is another interesting technology, which cannot be ignored, is an imitation of polished marble, which is called “iron”. This term appeared due to the fact that the emulsion-coated lime plaster is glossed using hot irons (special ones, not household ones).

  • This type of finishing can be equally well called marbled plaster or artificial marble. In this case, no factory compounds are used: the glossy coating is created using special technology using mineral binder pigments and fillers. Moreover, using this technology it is possible to imitate not only marble, but also any other stone.

  • In this case, craftsmen can work either from a stencil or create an original composition. In general, surface finishing with iron marble occurs like this. At first it is similar to ordinary plastering: the surface is primed, beacons are installed, applied and smoothed base layer lime mortar.
  • Powder and marble chips are added only to the covering layers, and they are tinted by adding appropriate pigments to the composition, by analogy with emulsion paints. And, by the way, each master uses his own recipe. For example, some of them work only on lime-marble mortars, without the use of polishing mastics.

  • Others apply a soap emulsion to the uncured plaster and then polish it with a steel iron with a polished soleplate. In the third case, lime soap is added to the composition for applying the covering layer, after which the layer is smoothed and covered with wax mastic. After two coating layers, a pattern is created using colored emulsions.
  • This is done in a similar way to the patterning technology discussed above. The end result is a similar effect. The only significant difference in the ironing technique decorative surface iron - this is the gloss inherent in polished marble. This finishing method is most often used for finishing columns, ceilings, and individual wall fragments.

If you are interested in this method, you can watch a master class from professionals. And we will further tell you how another option, so beloved by many, is made: marble coarse-grained plaster.

Plaster with marble chips

A variant of plastering, when the decorative layer is not painted, but natural marble, has been used for a long time and mainly for finishing facades. If Venetian plasters use powder and fine marble sand, in this case it is stone chips with a larger fraction.

  • It is introduced into the solution as a filler, and the structure of the covering layer is granular. Decorative effects can be different and depend on the amount and fraction of the filler. The monochromatic or multi-colored surface is determined by the color of the stone. How to apply plaster with marble chips, we'll talk further.

The advantage of this type of plaster is that it is not necessary, although it can be tinted, and the surface is durable. After all, marble does not fade in the sun and does not absorb water. This perfect option not only for external walls, but for interiors public buildings: covered markets, lobbies office centers, train stations, etc. Although, now such plaster is not uncommon in home interiors.

Primer for marble plaster

Traditionally, plastering begins with leveling the walls when necessary, or cleaning the surface from dust and dirt if it is relatively flat. Minor roughness under the layer structural plaster will be invisible.

Before applying it, the wall must be primed. The primer should be quartz, and manufacturers usually offer it in the kit.

  • You may have to apply two types of primer: first a regular acrylic primer, and then a quartz primer - this depends on how porous the surface will be plastered. For example, concrete or brick always has to be primed additionally. As for the quartz primer, it does not so much play the role of impregnation, but should provide maximum adhesion to a fairly heavy filler.

Besides, primer composition, offered by the manufacturer, also tints the base surface to the desired shade. If the wall is very different in color from the marble chips, it looks ugly.

The buyer is offered quartz soil in a white version and the desired color is selected for it. After tinting, the result is a composition very similar in appearance to emulsion paint.

Applying crumbs

This type of plaster is available both ready-made and dry - when water is added just before application. We will talk briefly about how the plastering process is carried out, but if you need more detailed information, look at "plaster marble chips video".

There are always a few good videos that, watching them, will help you do your own work much better.

  • So, according to the manufacturer's instructions, mix the solution. The volume should be such that it can be quickly processed. If the mixture is ready for use, then it also needs to be stirred, as the crumbs will settle to the bottom. Application plaster mixture It is performed traditionally, using a spatula with a wide blade.

  • Thanks to the polymer binder, the solution is quite elastic. It applies and smoothes out much easier than, for example, gypsum putty. The main thing is not to take too much mixture onto the spatula and spread the material over the surface with a certain force. The thickness of the screed should not exceed the size of the filler fraction. Practice first in a place that is not in plain sight, or use a piece of drywall for this purpose.

20 minutes after applying the layer, it must be smoothed with a float. The tool is held at an angle, slightly pressing against the surface, and pointed in one direction.

As a result, each pebble will fall into its own niche, the surface will become smooth, but the color will fully appear after it dries. Finally, the screed is coated with a protective varnish, which must be purchased along with the plaster.

Decorative plaster for Lately gained incredible popularity thanks to a large number its advantages compared to banal wallpaper and other boring wall finishing materials. Using decorative plaster, you can create an incredible number of designer decorative effects, create original textured designs and ornaments. The ancestor of all decorative plasters - Venetian plaster intended for decoration classic interiors, recreate the atmosphere of Ancient Italy or imitate the surface of natural polished marble.
Decorative plaster, which can be purchased at modern market this is a huge number of “descendants” of the famous Venetian, often surpassing their ancestor not only in the beauty and breadth of textures and designs created, but also in performance, thanks to their innovative composition. Decorative plaster Moscow.

Master of decorative plaster application

Naturally, how high-quality the created decorative coating will be depends on the qualifications, experience, creativity, and individuality of the person who creates it. An experienced specialist in applying decorative plaster (applicator) has not only extensive knowledge about the material used and the nuances of its application. He may also have his own unique application technology, which results in absolutely unique masterpieces. Artistic plaster, made by the hand of a true master, is always individual and original. Appearance the decorated wall depends on the structure of the material used, as well as on what tools were used during the work. And the promised durability and strength of the decorative wall covering is guaranteed only if the application technology has not been violated.

Types of decorative plaster

Decorative plaster for walls can be quite varied. Depending on the composition, one can distinguish the following types: lime, acrylic, vinyl, silicone, gypsum and silicate.
It primarily depends on the composition performance characteristics coatings: possibility wet cleaning and the possibility of use in rooms with high humidity, resistance to abrasion and mechanical stress.

We will try to help you with your choice...

Mineral decorative plaster

has high breathability, antibacterial properties (resists mold formation), and is resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress. Minus - it allows water to pass through unhindered even when exposed to moisture, without additional protection, may be destroyed. However, when protecting lime base With a decorative glaze coating based on Velature siloxane, the mineral plaster of the walls acquires water-repellent properties and becomes especially durable, suitable for use on facades and in areas with increased operational load. It should be especially noted that for unheated rooms with changes in humidity and temperature, prone to the formation of fungus and mold, mineral base wall coverings are an ideal option.
Such especially durable decorative plasters include Marmo Antico, Marmo Fragile, Shamotte, Petra Marmorino Intonacino Minerale, Teodorico, Mappa.
Mineral plasters are most vulnerable in the first four weeks after application, until carbonization (complete drying) has occurred. It should be noted that thanks to modern technologies production and special additives, some of the “mineral waters” (such as Marmorino Classico, Grassello di calce) after complete drying become quite durable, wash well and serve long years without additional protection.

Acrylic decorative paint and plaster

has water-repellent properties, forms a dense “impenetrable” protection of painted walls, is usually elastic, and can quite often be restored in fragments. However, if the integrity of the coating is violated, “impermeability” loses its relevance. Consequently, in rooms where the walls are “not stable” or are subject to dynamics for some reason, only restoreable acrylic plasters should be used.
Finishing with decorative plaster of this type is most popular among modern buyers due to the wide variety of decorative effects that can be achieved with its help. Depending on all kinds of structural additives, acrylic-based decorative plasters in in capable hands masters can:
· become voluminous, acquire elasticity - Rilievo;
· shimmer with delicate shades like silk - Cadoro or silk velvet - Cadoro velvet;
· turn into suede - Celestia;
· remind of a sunny desert or fit into strict hi-tech - Marcopolo, Africa;
· imitate the pattern of polished marble - Grasselo di Calce, etc.
Quite often, acrylic decorative plaster forms thin film on the surface to be painted with a delicate light pattern, which is why it is often called " decorative paints for walls."

Vinyl decorative plaster

based on vinyl polymers, such as Tamstucco, Wallstucco has excellent ductility and clearly conveys the finest details “imprinted” into it textured rollers, tampons and even fern or maple leaves. With the help of these compositions the finest decorative coverings with a complex texture, but only in the skillful hands of an applicator.

Silicone decorative plaster

Particularly noteworthy is decorative plaster based on siloxane or silicone, which combines all best qualities decorative plaster: moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical stress, temperature and humidity changes. Wall decoration with this type of paint is often used in combination with mineral plaster in order to give it additional decorative effect and moisture resistance. Today, silicone decorative plaster and paint is the best finishing material this group Classic, Velature, Acrysil decora. Acrylic-siloxane series of facade plasters Acrysil certainly The best decision for facades in climatic zones with changes in temperature and humidity.
The high cost of silicone plaster and paint is a misconception, for example, silicone decorative plaster, the price of which will pleasantly surprise you - Classic, silicone decorative paintVelature is available to everyone.
Decorative plaster, photo samples of which you will find in the catalog on our website, is very diverse. The cost is low when high quality since the largest production facility in Italy can bring high-tech products to the market at a reasonable price.