home · On a note · Is it possible to add color to the bark beetle? Tinting of paints and decorative plasters. Tinting structural plaster

Is it possible to add color to the bark beetle? Tinting of paints and decorative plasters. Tinting structural plaster

Decorative plaster called “bark beetle” is now perhaps the most popular type facade finishing. You can see it on private houses and on public buildings, and in the most various options execution. In general, applying decorative bark beetle plaster has a simple technology, but there are certain nuances without which it will not be possible to obtain the desired texture. What these nuances are, and how to learn this finishing yourself, we will consider in detail in our article.

The material received this name because of the pattern that is obtained during the processing of the coating: the texture resembles wood worn away by bark beetles. When applied correctly, this coating looks very attractive and aesthetically pleasing, but if you make a mistake, all the decorative effect is lost.

The creation of a characteristic pattern is ensured by small hard granules contained in the composition. plaster mixture. Their size varies from 1 to 3.5 millimeters, and the larger the grain, the more expressive the texture of the coating. Bark beetle plaster is made using gypsum, cement and acrylic base, and the filler is marble or mineral chips. Acrylic compositions go on sale ready for use, gypsum - in the form of a dry mixture. As a rule, they are all white, but can be tinted during the mixing process, and can also be painted after being applied to the surface with façade paints.

Structural pattern of bark beetle plaster

Main characteristics of the material:

  • after drying, the coating acquires high strength, due to which it can withstand light impacts, friction and other mechanical influences;
  • plaster does not absorb moisture, tolerates atmospheric influences and temperature changes well;
  • the content of polymer components and mineral fillers makes the finished composition much lighter than conventional plaster, and this reduces the load on the façade structural elements;
  • This plaster contains no substances harmful to human health, so it is considered an environmentally friendly material;
  • when applied correctly standard conditions The coating lasts for years without deterioration external qualities, if necessary, can be easily restored;
  • Bark beetle plaster can be washed with water and soap solutions; it is affected by mold and does not burn.

You can purchase the material at any hardware store, and for a very reasonable price. As for the disadvantages: the application process requires great care and cannot be rushed. It is very easy to smear the pattern with unnecessary movement of the tool, as a result of which, instead of nice grooves, you get ordinary rough scratches on the surface of the plaster.

Example of façade finishing with bark beetle

How to choose plaster

Bark beetle plaster is produced by a huge number of manufacturers, but you need to focus not on brands, but on the type of composition, its grain size, and the pot life of the solution. Grain is the most important parameter, since it is this that sets the texture of the material and affects its consumption. The thickness of the plaster layer should be equal to the size of the filler granules, that is, the larger the grain size, the thicker the layer, and therefore the higher the consumption.

The next criterion is the type of composition. Ready-made plasters save time, are more flexible and easy to apply, thanks to the content special additives, but at the same time they are more expensive than dry mixtures and cannot be stored. If you do not have time to use the entire volume of plaster, the remainder will have to be thrown away - the hardened solution is unsuitable for use.

Dry mixtures are cheaper, they can be prepared in the volume needed, and the remainder of the dry powder is perfectly stored in a closed package. The only difficulty here may be preparing the solution, but if you follow the instructions exactly, the kneading process will not cause any difficulties.

comparison table plaster compositions"bark beetle" from various manufacturers

Brand nameCharacteristicsPrice

Dry mixture based on cement with mineral filler. Available in 2 fractions – 2.5 mm and 3.5 mm. Color palette includes, except white, 7 pastel shades. The consumption rate is 2.5-4 kg/m2. Drying time is 1 day, setting time of the solution is 60 minutes. Packaged in 25 kg bagsFrom 670 RUR/bag

Ready-made composition based on silicone resin. The color palette includes 200 different shades. The grain size of the filler is 2 mm. The consumption rate is 2.7 kg/m2. Packaged in 25 kg bucketsFrom RUB 2,590/bucket

Dry cement mixture with mineral granules of two fractions - 1.5 mm and 2.5 mm, white. The consumption rate is 1.5-3.5 kg/m2. The mixture is available in white and beige colour. The viability of the solution is 3 hours. Packaged in 25 kg bagsFrom 300 rub./bag

Ready-made composition based on acrylic binder. The filler grain size is 2 and 3 mm. The mixture consumption rate is 2.3-3.8 kg/m2. The main color is white, suitable for tinting. Packing – 25 kg bucketsFrom 2850 RUR/bucket

The base is white cement, the filler is dolomite chips. Available in two fractions - 1.5 mm and 2 mm. The viability of the solution is 2 hours, the consumption rate is 2-2.5 kg/m2. Packaged in 25 kg bagsFrom 465 RUR/bag

Composition based white cement, filler – marble flour. Available in 2 fractions – 1.5 mm and 3 mm. Consumption rate from 5 to 6.5 kg/m2. Drying time is from 2 to 3 days, the pot life of the solution is 1 hour. Main color white, packaging – 25 kg bagsFrom 450 RUR/bag

Dry cement mixture with mineral granules is available in 5 fractions - 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 mm. Colors: paintable white, super white and grey. The consumption rate is 1.5-3.3 kg/m2. It takes 2 days to dry, the pot life of the solution is 1 hour. Packaged in 25 kg bagsFrom RUB 395/bag

Ready composition for silicone resins with mineral filler. Available in two fractions - 2 mm and 3 mm. The mixture consumption rate is from 2.8 to 3.9 kg/m2. Packaging – 25 kg bucketFrom RUB 4,630/bucket

Type of plaster – dry mix, filler – marble chips. Available in 3 fractions: 3.5 mm, 2.5 mm, 1.5 mm. The main color is white, suitable for tinting. Drying time is 24 hours, setting time of the solution is 3 hours. Consumption per m2 – from 2 to 4 kg. The service life of the coating is 10 years. Packaged in 25 kg bagsFrom 580 RUR/bag

Plaster application technology

Application process decorative covering“bark beetle” consists of two main stages: distributing the mixture over the surface and forming a pattern using a tool. But before this, it is necessary to carefully prepare the base, because the adhesion strength of the plaster to the base and, as a result, the durability of the finish depends on this.

Preparatory stage

Decorative plaster should be applied only to dense and smooth surfaces, not subject to shrinkage. Walls made of brick, concrete, cinder block are best suited for this, but for wooden houses It is preferable to choose other finishing methods. The basis for decorative plaster is usually leveling cement plaster, which is applied to the walls themselves or to the insulation layer. In some cases, bark beetle can be applied over façade paint.

So, first, dust and dirt are cleaned, oil stains are removed with a solvent, and fungus-affected areas are cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. All recesses, cracks and chips are repaired cement mortar. Next, take a rule at least 2 m long and apply it to the wall at different places to check if there are deviations from the plane. If deviations are more than 2 mm, additional leveling with plaster or putty mixture will be required.

A facade painted with oil paint can be thoroughly sanded over the entire area with coarse sandpaper, provided that the paint adheres firmly and has no defects.

After the base is cleaned and leveled, it is primed. Some master plasterers claim that external concrete and cement-sand bases It is not necessary to prime, and before applying the plaster, simply moisten the surface with water. This approach is incorrect and leads to a reduction in the service life of the coating, because it is the primer that strengthens the upper layers of the base and ensures high-quality adhesion of materials. Use primers preferably the same brand as the plaster itself. As a rule, manufacturers indicate on the bark beetle packaging which primer is preferable to use.

Advice. To prime the surface, it is recommended to use strengthening compounds with quartz sand. They penetrate deep into the pores of the base, impart water-repellent properties, and maximize adhesion. If you plan to use tinted plaster, then the primer should also be tinted to match the finish so that after the patterns are formed, the base does not show through.

The primer is applied with a roller or brush, evenly working the walls from top to bottom. This should be done in dry, warm weather, on a dry surface. For a solid base, one layer is sufficient, for a dust-forming base - 2 layers. After this, the walls should be completely dry; on average, drying takes from 4 to 6 hours.

Now you can apply the plaster.

When choosing a dry mixture, you need to pay special attention to preparing the solution. If you don't have experience yet plastering works, mix in small portions, since the plaster dries quickly and cannot be diluted with water. Read the instructions on the package, be sure to remember the proportions of water and dry powder, because the quality of the solution depends on this.

Step 1. Take a mixing container (a regular 10-liter bucket will do), pour in the specified amount of water, the temperature of which should be between 15-20 °C, and gradually introduce the dry mixture. On average, 1 kg of mixture requires 200-250 ml of water.

Step 2. Mixing is carried out with a drill with an attachment, since manually It is difficult to achieve a uniform consistency. You need to mix at low speed, completely immersing the mixer in the solution so that no air bubbles form.

Step 3. After 2-3 minutes, when the solution becomes paste-like and homogeneous, turn off the mixer and let the plaster sit for 5 minutes. Then mix again and begin application.

If you need to give the plaster a certain color, you should purchase the desired shade in advance and add it when mixing the solution. In this case, mix especially carefully so that all the pigment is dissolved and no streaks or individual inclusions remain. Manufacturers recommend tinting only ready-made compositions based on acrylic and silicone, and painting plasters made from dry mixtures with facade paints after drying.

Video - Tinting decorative plaster "Bark beetle"

To apply the solution you will need a metal trowel 30 cm long and a narrow metal spatula 10 cm wide.

Apply the solution to the grater

The solution is applied with a narrow spatula on a trowel, after which the tool is placed against the wall at an angle of 30 degrees and the plaster is distributed in an even thin layer to the thickness of the filler grain. Try to perform a minimum of movements in one area, and maintain the same pressure all the time. It is most convenient to apply the mixture in narrow vertical stripes.

The next strip is applied so as to overlap the edge of the previous one by 5-7 mm. The solution needs to be stirred periodically, as the filler tends to settle to the bottom. During the work, individual areas should not be allowed to dry out, as this will reveal the transitions. If the area is large, it is better to work together with an assistant: one person will apply the plaster, the second will mix new portions of the solution.

Since the pattern is formed on wet plaster, each wall is processed separately from corner to corner. If you decide to first apply the solution to the entire facade and then start grouting, you will not succeed, since the first areas will already be dry.

Formation of texture

The creation of the pattern begins 10-20 minutes after application (depending on the composition of the mixture). The readiness of the plaster for grouting can be determined by the lack of shine on the surface or by touching the hand to the wall - if the mixture does not stick to the palm, it’s time to start grouting.

Take a plastic grater, apply it to the surface, press it a little and perform uniform movements in one direction. As with application, the walls are treated in sections no more than 1.5 meters wide. Movements must be careful, there is no need to rush, and you cannot drive in one place several times. The joints of two strips must be moistened with water.

If you do not have time to complete one plane, take masking tape and stick it along the line where it ends plaster layer. Then apply a little solution onto the tape, form a pattern, and immediately remove the tape along with the remaining plaster. When you can continue working, the first step is to apply masking tape along the edge of the now dry plaster, and then begin to apply the solution. This technique will avoid overlapping layers, as a result of which the transition will be almost invisible.

There are many options for forming texture, the most popular of which are:

Finishing coating

It usually takes about 2 days for the plaster layer to dry (look for exact information on the packaging of the mixture), and before this no work can be done on the surface. After the specified time has elapsed, it is advisable to sand the coating with the finest sandpaper to remove adhering crumbs of the solution and level the surface. If acrylic tinted plaster was used, the finishing work is completed.

Using cement mixture Painting is done to enhance decorativeness. Water-soluble paints based on silicone and acrylic are best suited here. So, after sanding, the walls are cleaned of dust and treated with a primer deep penetration in one layer. After the surface has dried, begin painting. If you prefer to paint with a roller or brush, choose tools with long bristles - this will allow you to properly paint all the grooves and grooves. Apply the paint in two layers - the first with vertical strokes, the second with horizontal strokes.

Painting bark beetle plaster

Finishing the facade with plaster should be carried out at temperatures from +5°C to +30°C and air humidity not exceeding 60%. Only under such conditions will the quality of the coating meet the specified characteristics. That is why you need to start finishing in dry, warm weather and preferably calm. Strong wind, like direct sunlight, has a negative effect on the plaster and contributes to its cracking. If the façade is exposed to direct sunlight during the day, apply the plaster in the late afternoon so that the coating can harden and dry sufficiently overnight.

For beginners, it’s better to start with the most inconspicuous part of the wall, since not everyone can accurately apply a design right away, and it’s no longer possible to correct flaws on dry plaster. Paint, primer and decorative putty It is advisable to choose from one manufacturer - this guarantees maximum compatibility of materials and quality of coating.

Video - Applying decorative bark beetle plaster

Video - Methods of applying texture

On this moment modern market offers many various types finishing, but the so-called “Bark Beetle” textured finish has broken all records in popularity. A simple design reminiscent of wood eaten away by a bark beetle can be found anywhere in our great homeland. Today we will talk about the reasons for such popular recognition, and also dwell in detail on how decorative bark beetle plaster is made with your own hands.

Photo of a cottage decorated with bark beetle.

Decorative plaster with the texture of bark beetles became widespread about 10–15 years ago. At the moment it is available in two forms, these are universal polymer compositions ready for use and dry mixtures on a mineral basis.

The meaning here is simple: granules of a certain fraction are added to the general plaster mass, which leave such an original pattern on the walls.

The people loved her for a number of advantages.

Dry composition.

  • Let's start with the beautiful. To be honest, this cladding looks quite decent. The aesthetics are not violated, both when viewed from a distance and when viewed closely. For specialists, the secret of this phenomenon is simple - drawings that copy natural motifs on a subconscious level calm the human psyche;
  • But to be honest, any normal owner, after the word “like”, will ask a reasonable question, how much will this beauty cost? And here “Bark Beetle” is at its best again. The price of such cladding is more than affordable, because in essence it is just good finishing plaster, to which mineral granules were added;
  • Another advantage is the fairly low weight of this finish. The thing is that instead of traditional heavy sand, light sand is used here. mineral filler. As a result, Bark Beetle can be applied to almost any surface from concrete wall and to drywall or foam;

Bark beetle in the hall.

  • Environmentalists also have no complaints about this cladding. It can be used with equal success for both façade and interior work;
  • As for temperature conditions, durability and resistance to the vagaries of weather, That this type cladding can be used throughout the entire territory of our great country, from sunny Krasnodar to harsh Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky;
  • Professionals know that most facade plasters there is one unpleasant minus, they can shrink significantly. The Bark Beetle has no problems with this, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the finishing process;

Original decoration of the room.

  • For people with developed artistic taste, this cladding is perfect. After all, the tinting of decorative bark beetle plaster can be done in any color or shade, which is especially important for interior spaces;
  • But during a crisis, perhaps the most important advantage is the ease of arrangement. To make a “Bark Beetle” with your own hands, you don’t need to be a professional plasterer, the main thing is to have a great desire. From our own experience we can say with confidence that any House master is able to independently inflict “Bark Beetle”. In fact, this is what we will discuss further.

Covering technology

Advice: as a rule, it is much easier to work with ready-made polymer compositions, but with “Bark Beetle” the situation is exactly the opposite. For a person who does not have fundamental knowledge and skills in plastering, it is better to take a dry mixture.

Elements of textured finishing of columns.

Preparing the walls

Since this type of composition belongs to the finishing direction, the base for it must be prepared carefully. Smooth concrete or well-leveled concrete will be the least of your worries. cement plaster. Here it is enough just to prime the surface.

Some craftsmen claim that the cement-containing base can simply be moistened with plenty of water. This may be true, but I still prefer to use primer; it’s cheaper than having to redo everything later.

For interior work on drywall, primer alone, even a very good one, will not be enough, because whatever one may say, there is paper on top. After priming, you will need to apply a thin, about 1 - 2 mm, reinforcing layer of putty, and it is better to use putty increased strength, for example, the German Fugenfüller.

Polymer professional composition.

If the bark beetle is applied during damp room or in the kitchen, then you need to take the appropriate putty for arranging the base. Dry mixtures based on cement are cheaper, Ceresit is the leader among them, but a novice master is better off spending money on a ready-made universal one. polymer composition. In dry, heated rooms, you can save money by using regular gypsum putty.

But most often this type of decorative plaster is used for arranging foam plastic. Inexpensive, proven insulation, covered with high-quality bark beetle, can last for several decades. And to maintain the proper appearance, it is enough to renew the paint once every 3-4 years.

Preparing the base here is not much more difficult. When the insulation is installed, fiberglass is attached to the foam. plaster mesh and all this is covered with soil containing quartz dust. Theoretically, you can continue to apply “Bark Beetle,” but the instructions require covering the mesh with a thin layer of starting putty for exterior work and it is better not to disturb it.

Combined finish.

Important: decorative plasters, unlike ordinary ones, are not intended for leveling walls. Their destiny is to protect and decorate the surface. Therefore, no matter what base you have to work with, it must first of all be smooth.

As for the choice of primer, although there are many offers on the market, there is an immutable law of the builder - it is better to take all putties, primers, plasters and other materials from one manufacturer, choose a brand and stick to it. After all, within the same line, products will be 100% compatible.

Scheme with decorative finishing.

From personal experience I can recommend Ceresit ST16 primer. In addition to deep penetration, it also contains quartz sand. The consumption here ranges from 150 g/m², and at normal humidity and an average temperature of 20 - 25ºC it dries within half an hour. By the way, the same composition can be used to preserve surfaces on winter period, if the finishing is not completed.

Important: in view of the fact that decorative layer It is often made quite thin so that the primer does not show through; it is better to tint it to match the final color of the cladding.

Mixing the composition

As already mentioned, the compositions are ready for use, such as Ceresit CT 63 and dry. So we will work with dry ones, it is much simpler and cheaper. Mixing the solution is not difficult, but there is one caveat. The bark beetle sets quite quickly, so the solution needs to be prepared without fanaticism, exactly as much as you can work out in half an hour or use an assistant to constantly knead and add.

Ceresit CT 63 “Bark beetle”.

We will stir with a construction mixer, and if we don’t have one, we will need to buy a mixing attachment for an electric drill, since its price is affordable. The speed is set to low or medium, we are not whipping a cocktail and we don’t need foam.

Traditional technology. Initially, the container is filled required quantity clean water temperature is about 20ºС. After that, a running mixer is immersed in it and the dry mixture is gradually added. The consistency of the finished mixture should resemble thick sour cream.

Mixing the composition.

The solution is considered ready when there are no lumps left in it. But they cannot work yet; the solution must mature. To do this, leave it alone for 10 - 15 minutes and stir it again before using.

Color palette.

Important: there is no need to tint the solution at the preparation stage. The composition is prepared in portions and it is almost impossible to accurately guess the amount of dye in each portion. As a result, at the finish line your wall will resemble a military camouflage suit. Tinting at the start is only permissible in ready-made polymer mixtures and then requires professionalism.

Application of the composition

In theory, the question of how to make decorative bark beetle plaster is extremely simple. Plaster is applied to the wall wide spatula. Next, it is leveled and rubbed using a plastic or wooden trowel; many people prefer to use a trowel, and some professionals even use a plaster trowel for leveling.

Applying the composition with a spatula.

The tool is pressed against the wall and moved in the desired direction, the excess stuck and squeezed out is removed with a spatula. In this case, mineral granules slide over the surface, leaving characteristic grooves.

The whole difficulty is to clearly maintain the thickness of the layer; it should be slightly larger than the diameter of the granules. If the layer is too thick, the texture will not be drawn, and if you overdo it and rub the plaster too thin, the base will be visible, which is also considered a defect. Universal recipe doesn't exist here, you just need to get better at it, so start somewhere in the far corner.

These compounds set fairly quickly and, if you work alone, you will have to build the surface in stages. There's one here important point- overlapping dried and fresh finishes is strictly prohibited. In this case, even after staining, the overlap areas will be visible.

Working with a plastic trowel.

But there is a way out, and it’s quite simple. You need to decide in advance on the size of the square to be processed. After this, you should stick masking tape around the perimeter of the working area and you can start applying. The solution is applied and rubbed with a slight overlap onto the tape and upon completion of the work, while the composition is still wet, the tape is removed.

As a result, you get a clear boundary. While you are preparing the next portion, the plaster on the wall will harden and you will need to cut from the top finishing stick a strip of tape again, it will protect against applying fresh solution to already dried one. As a result, plastering will be carried out clearly end-to-end and if everything is done correctly, these joints will be invisible.

Insulation and decorative finishing of apartments in a high-rise building.

Advice: in general, you should try to finish the wall in one day, so as not to make connections. For this it is better to get a partner. One person will apply and level the mortar with a trowel, while the other will trowel the wall to give it its final look.

Dividing the surface into sectors.

Main types of finishes

In addition to the fact that the mixtures are dry and ready for application, types of decorative bark beetle plaster are also divided according to the method of applying the pattern, or more precisely according to the direction in which the furrows will lie.

  • The simplest and, as a result, widespread is vertical method applying and grouting plaster. Here the trowel moves from top to bottom and back. For a beginner master, this is the best option;
  • The second most popular is the horizontal arrangement of lines. Although these patterns are similar, grouting requires more experience;

Texture “Cork” or “Lamb”.

  • The diagonal grout called “Rain” is considered the most difficult. Technologically, the process itself does not cause much difficulty; the whole problem is to maintain the same direction of the lines throughout the entire plane;
  • The texture called “Cork” or as it is also called “Lamb”, is made with circular movements of the trowel and refers to simple ways arrangement. Moreover, the circular, chaotically applied furrows most closely resemble a natural pattern;

Basic methods of grouting under bark beetle.

  • The “Carpet” finish, as shown in the diagram presented, is applied using parallel-perpendicular movements of the tool. The result is a mixed pattern of horizontal and vertical lines;
  • The so-called “Map of the World” is already closer to design delights. This texture is most often arranged in interior spaces. Its essence lies in the fact that first a background is made from lines in one direction, and when it dries, overlays are applied to the wall using stencils different shapes, colors and textures.

Carpet type finish.

Important little things

Although such cladding ultimately perfectly withstands all the vagaries of the weather, installing it in the July sun is extremely undesirable. The fact is that under straight lines sun rays the solution will dry too quickly and, as a result, crack.

The same applies to excessively windy weather. In general, if work is carried out in the summer, then it is better to carry it out in the afternoon, when the heat has already subsided.

The dyeing process is considered an important point. Although a thin layer of plaster dries in 2–3 days, the wall should be painted no earlier than after 2–3 weeks. Best suited for this purpose acrylic paints for outdoor work.

The glaze lacquered coating interspersed with mica particles looks quite original. True, this is not for everyone, because in sunny weather your house will shine like a Christmas tree.

Vertical texture.

Tip: two-layer painting is popular now. First, a darker layer of paint is applied with a fur roller. And when it dries, apply light paint on top with a smooth roller. This way the textured furrows will be more clearly visible.

The price of goods and the cost of work is a separate sore subject. As for the price of the material, it naturally depends on the brand of the manufacturer. In economy class, Monolit and SWISS are leaders. The average price niche is occupied by IN-TECK FASADE and Brozex. The elite segment of the market is currently represented by the Ceresit and Bergauf brands.

Wall primer.

Average table of work costs for some regions.

When choosing a mixture, the consumption of decorative bark beetle plaster per 1 m2 plays an important role in the decision making. Here everything depends, first of all, on the size of the mineral granules:

  • Among domestic producers in economy class it is believed that if the grain diameter is about 2 mm, then the solution will take about 2 kg/m²;
  • At 2.5 mm, the mixture will need 3 kg;
  • And for large granules, more than 3 mm, the consumption ranges from 3.5 to 5 kg.

In the elite segment of the market, not only prices and quality differ, but also the consumption of the material itself. Here, mixtures with fine grains under the “XS” brand use about 700 g/m². For medium size grain “XL” you will need about 1700g/m². A layer with coarse grain “XXL” will require 2 kg/m².

Work in pairs.


Facade insulated with foam plastic and finished to look like bark beetle.

Anyone can master the technology of applying bark beetle facade plaster. The main thing in this matter is to understand the sequence of work, take into account important nuances, and, of course, get better. We will talk in detail about how to choose and apply plaster correctly in today’s review.

What you need to know about bark beetle plaster

"Bark beetle" has earned its popularity with a very impressive list positive qualities. It is quite light and plastic, resistant to atmospheric loads, fungus and mold. With proper application and selection good stuff durable and appearance truly unique.

It is impossible not to note the disadvantages of such coverage:

  1. If damage occurs, it will be difficult to cover it with the same color.
  2. Plaster is applied only under certain temperature and humidity conditions.
  3. Requires competent preparation surfaces.
  4. If the application technology is violated, there is a risk of swelling and cracks.
  5. In addition, the “bark beetle” really likes to collect dust on itself and after a couple of seasons it will have to be cleaned.

Attention! The consumption of plaster depends on the size of the granules: the larger the diameter of the fraction, the correspondingly greater the consumption.

How to choose material

“Bark beetle” is available in two forms: universal polymer and dry mixture on a mineral basis.

Dry mixtures are packed in multilayer paper bags. They are diluted with water.

Ready mixtures are packaged in plastic buckets. The composition contains synthetic fillers that give the plaster additional plasticity and resistance to cracking.

When choosing a material, a number of characteristics are also taken into account:

  1. The composition must be intended for exterior finishing and existing surfaces.
  2. The possibility of tinting will allow you to save on coloring.
  3. The grain size (from 1 mm to 3.5 mm) affects the thickness of the applied layer, consumption and drying time.

Required Tools

To apply and paint plaster you will need the following tools:

  1. Primer/paint tray.
  2. A container for mixing the solution, if it is a dry mixture.
  3. Drill with whisk attachment for kneading.
  4. Painting spatulas (30 and 10 cm).
  5. Spray bottle with plain water.
  6. Plastic trowel for bark beetle grout.
  7. Roller and brush for applying paint/primer.

Do-it-yourself bark beetle

The work process has its own nuances, but in general, anyone can master it with a set of all the tools.

Facade surface preparation

Textured façade plaster “bark beetle” is applied only to smooth putty surfaces. In this case, height differences on the plane within 2 mm should not exceed the size of the fractions in the mixture. Before applying the bark beetle, the surface is cleaned, then primed in 2 layers. When applying covering acrylic compositions or primers with quartz, they are limited to one layer.

Preparation of the solution

Invent and experiment in this issue no need. If it is a dry mixture diluted with water, there must be instructions on the packaging that should be strictly followed. If this is ready-made facade plaster, then it is already ready and there is no need to add anything to it. Just stir before use.

The packaging also indicates how long the solution is suitable for use. For beginners, it’s best not to knead too much at once.

Tinting bark beetle plaster

Any bark beetle plaster (with rare exceptions) can be given the chosen shade and a colored composition can be applied to the façade. When preparing dry mixtures, the color is added to the water before mixing. Ready-made mixtures are often sold with a tint.

The first thing you need is to experimentally achieve the desired shade. Mix a small amount of the mixture with the color, apply it to the wall, create a pattern and let it dry. If the shade is suitable, you can mix a larger batch.

Advice! To plaster one plane (from corner to corner), it is advisable to make one portion of the solution to avoid visible differences in shades.

Technology for applying bark beetle plaster

The plaster is applied in horizontal or vertical stripes covering the entire width or height of the wall. After applying the whole strip, the plaster is allowed to “set”. But usually this happens during its application. That is, having finished the strip, they return to its beginning, where the mixture has already dried and begin to rub it in the chosen method to the end.

The adjacent two rows of plaster are overlapped. Beforehand, the edge of the dried layer is well sprayed with water from a spray bottle to make the transition smooth and less noticeable.

Technique for applying plaster with a spatula:

  1. Using a small spatula, apply the mixture onto a large one, and from it onto the wall.
  2. The residue is removed from the large spatula with a smaller one, placed in a bucket and mixed. This point is important: in these residues there are practically no pebbles left on the instrument and a characteristic pattern at the place where they were applied will not be created.
  3. Then again take a new portion of the mixture onto a large spatula and so on.

After applying the plaster to the area, use a clean trowel, which is held at an angle, to remove uneven areas - “cream”. They are thrown into the trash bin. The surplus does not contain any pebbles needed for the design.

Grout: creating a decorative pattern

The creation of a particular pattern depends only on the direction in which the grater moves:

  1. Rain (vertical) is done by rubbing the surface vertically, up and down.
  2. Non-standard rain can be diagonal or horizontal. Accordingly, grouting is done horizontally or diagonally.
  3. The lamb or cork is created by circular movements of the grater, alternately, then clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  4. Geometric grout, also known as “carpet,” is produced by alternating even vertical and horizontal (cruciform) movements of the trowel in one area.

Final work: drying and painting

Complete drying of the bark beetle depends on different conditions and lasts from 8 to 48 hours. It is better, of course, to let the finish stand as long as possible.

Any façade paint is suitable for painting. Before moving on final stage, the surface of the dried “bark beetle” is primed, and after the soil dries, they begin to paint.

You can paint the “bark beetle” in several ways:

  1. Regular coloring. The paint is poured into a tray and painted using a roller so that each new pass covers the previous one by several centimeters. Use a brush to distribute the remaining paint in the recesses. So paint the entire surface in 2 layers. You can also apply paint from a spray bottle.
  2. Coloring tinted bark beetle. Painting tinted plaster a lighter or dark shade. Use a roller with short bristles and do not press it too hard onto the surface. After painting, the recesses will be darker or lighter, which will highlight them against the general background and create an interesting visual effect.
  3. Coloring in two tones. The method is suitable if you can add color to the selected primer. Its layer will qualitatively fill all the recesses. After drying, the surface is painted using a roller and brush without strong pressure. You will get a two-tone coloring effect.

Advice! Whatever method is chosen, you first need to experiment and get your hands on a small test area.

The only sure way to increase the service life of facade finishing is to choose quality material and apply it correctly, according to all the rules.

Among all finishing materials, decorative finishing occupies one of the leading places, since application is a fairly simple task, after which you can get a spectacular wall surface.

In its structure, this material is a paste-like mass, which has various ways application to walls or ceilings. It found its application as a basis or as self-finishing. But in order to understand the principles of application, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the advantages and methods of installation, and consider the main methods of applying decorative plaster.

Structural plaster: features

This type has a heterogeneous granular composition, which includes additives in the form of granules or fine-grained pebbles, as well as pieces of quartz. This finish is made on a cement-lime base from a special synthetic latex. It is also diluted with water or organic solvents.

For plastering inside the building the most suitable option are mixtures prepared on a water basis. They do not contain foreign impurities with a smell, which means that when finishing the apartment there is no need to remove all residents from it.

Main advantage structural plaster- plasticity, which allows you to work with it very easily. The work is simplified due to the fact that the solutions are already sold ready-made and are not required before use. special training. It goes on sale in iron containers or buckets weighing 15-25 kg.

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Laying structural decorative plaster

Before starting to apply the mixture, preparatory measures are carried out. It is fundamentally not important to achieve evenness, since the composition allows you to hide small defects. A cleaned and dried surface is required. After cleaning, the working area is strengthened with a primer. It is necessary to create an intermediate layer that performs a protective function and prevents the entry of dampness, thereby protecting the walls and the laid mixture from moisture. The plaster can be applied after the primer layer has completely dried.

The solution must be applied with a trowel or wide spatula. It is laid in one layer, while making circular or straight movements. The ridges protruding from under the spatula form a pattern. The texture of the pattern depends on the installation methods and additives in the mixture. Structural decorative plaster sets and gains strength after 3 hours, and complete hardening occurs in almost a week. After this, the coating must be sanded and the dust must be removed with a damp cloth or sponge. A similar mixture and application method are used for plaster made from mineral, latex or silicate solutions.

This decorative plaster is considered durable and is not subject to mechanical damage and moisture, has an aesthetic appearance and is made from safe components. In this regard, it uses in great demand for finishing both inside and outside.

The texture of the pattern will depend on the size of the grains. To give the walls a sandy effect, grains with a fraction of about 0.3 mm are used, and to create raw stone, grains of 1.5 mm are used. The most popular “bark beetle” is achieved with a grain size of 2.0 mm. When using a fraction of 3 mm, the walls take on the appearance of the bark of a centuries-old tree.

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Tinting structural plaster

The initial color of this plaster is white. You can give the coating a variety of shades in several ways:

  1. Add pigment to the finished composition, but with this method there is a possibility of not achieving the desired color.
  2. When purchasing plaster, you can contact a specialist who will carry out professional tinting.
  3. This type of decorative plaster can be coated with color after the composition has completely dried.

To give the surface different shades, color is applied and rubbed with a rubber sponge, and if there is a desire to create abrasions, then go over it with a damp foam sponge. After the color has dried, the walls are treated with wax.

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Textured decorative plaster

Types of decorative plaster: smooth, textured, embossed.

Using a textured finish, you can create a surface with an extraordinary relief texture. If we compare structural and textured plasters, the difference between them is relative, but there is one factor that adds complexity to the design, the components of the composition and the tools used. Carrying out textured plaster, you can give it a look that imitates wood, crumpled paper, hewn or chopped stone, natural wood. This coating gives the surface originality and style.

The advantage of such plaster is that it suits any interior and design solutions you can choose installation methods. This helps give it a finished and harmonious look. The texture mixture includes lime flour. And the special qualities depend on additives consisting of granite or marble chips, as well as from various fibers. The basis can be polymer compounds that give the surface a more textured texture and do not crack when drying.

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Technological process of application

Unlike other plasters, textured finishing does not require special preparation of the base, since its relief well hides defects on the walls where the material is laid. In this regard, the following preparatory work is being carried out:

  1. Clean the wall surface from paint coatings or other residues finishing material. If the surface requires this, it must be treated with a solvent to remove oil stains, after which the treated areas must be washed with soapy water.
  2. Next, the wall structure is covered with a primer.
  3. If necessary, the cracks are expanded and filled with gypsum or cement mortar.
  4. Stacked base layer, which is used as acrylic primer. But it is not applicable for all types of plasters. For certain types of textured composition, other options are sometimes used, for example, deep penetration putty-primer.

Before laying the textured composition, a test is carried out on a small piece of the wall to select the appropriate consistency of the composition. If the composition is prepared according to technology, then it should not be liquid and flow from the surface, but thickness is also not welcome.

To apply the solution and create texture, these will be useful (any application method requires tools):

  • set of spatulas;
  • metal iron;
  • large porous sponge;
  • unnecessary solution container;
  • bucket with water.

When performing textured finishing, you need the help of a partner: one applies the solution, the other needs to quickly form the decorative texture.

The mixture should be applied using a spatula in a uniform layer, the thickness of which should be about 2-3 mm, and for a coarse-grained composition it should be equal to the cross-section of the grain.

At the moment, the modern market offers many different types of finishes, but the so-called “Bark Beetle” textured finish has broken all records for popularity. A simple design reminiscent of wood eaten away by a bark beetle can be found anywhere in our great homeland. Today we will talk about the reasons for such popular recognition, and also dwell in detail on how decorative bark beetle plaster is made with your own hands.

What is the bark beetle and why they love it

Decorative plaster with the texture of bark beetles became widespread about 10–15 years ago. At the moment it is available in two forms, these are universal polymer compositions ready for use and dry mixtures on a mineral basis.

The meaning here is simple: granules of a certain fraction are added to the general plaster mass, which leave such an original pattern on the walls.

The people loved her for a number of advantages.

  • Let's start with the beautiful. To be honest, this cladding looks quite decent. The aesthetics are not violated, both when viewed from a distance and when viewed closely. For specialists, the secret of this phenomenon is simple - drawings that copy natural motifs on a subconscious level calm the human psyche;
  • But to be honest, any normal owner, after the word “like”, will ask a reasonable question, how much will this beauty cost? And here “Bark Beetle” is at its best again. The price of such cladding is more than affordable, because in essence it is just a good finishing plaster to which mineral granules have been added;
  • Another advantage is the fairly low weight of this finish. The thing is that instead of traditional heavy sand, a light mineral filler is used here. As a result, “Bark Beetle” can be applied to almost any surface from a concrete wall to drywall or foam plastic;

  • Environmentalists also have no complaints about this cladding. It can be used with equal success for both façade and;
  • As for temperature conditions, durability and resistance to weather vagaries, then this type of cladding can be used throughout the entire territory of our great country, from sunny Krasnodar to harsh Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky;
  • Professionals know that most facade plasters have one unpleasant drawback, they can shrink significantly. The Bark Beetle has no problems with this, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the finishing process;

  • For people with developed artistic taste, this cladding is perfect. After all, the tinting of decorative bark beetle plaster can be done in any color or shade, which is especially important for interior spaces;
  • But during a crisis, perhaps the most important advantage is the ease of arrangement. To make a “Bark Beetle” with your own hands, you don’t need to be a professional plasterer, the main thing is to have a great desire. From our own experience, we can confidently say that any home craftsman is capable of applying the “Bark Beetle” on his own. In fact, this is what we will discuss further.

Covering technology

Advice: as a rule, it is much easier to work with ready-made polymer compositions, but with “Bark Beetle” the situation is exactly the opposite. For a person who does not have fundamental knowledge and skills in plastering, it is better to take a dry mixture.

Preparing the walls

Since this type of composition belongs to the finishing direction, the base for it must be prepared carefully. The least worries will be with smooth concrete or well-leveled cement. Here it is enough just to prime the surface.

Some craftsmen claim that the cement-containing base can simply be moistened with plenty of water. This may be true, but I still prefer to use primer; it’s cheaper than having to redo everything later.

For interior work on drywall, primer alone, even a very good one, will not be enough, because whatever one may say, there is paper on top. After priming, you will need to apply a thin, about 1 - 2 mm, reinforcing layer of putty, and it is better to take putty with increased strength, for example, German Fugenfüller.

If the bark beetle is applied in a damp room or in the kitchen, then you need to use the appropriate putty for arranging the base. Dry mixtures based on cement are cheaper, among them Ceresit is the leader, but a novice master is better off spending money on a ready-made universal polymer composition. In dry, heated rooms, you can save money by using regular gypsum putty.

But most often this type of decorative plaster is used for arranging foam plastic. Inexpensive, proven insulation, covered with high-quality bark beetle, can last for several decades. And to maintain the proper appearance, it is enough to renew the paint once every 3-4 years.

Preparing the base here is not much more difficult. When the insulation is installed, a fiberglass plaster mesh is attached to the foam plastic and the whole thing is covered with soil containing quartz dust. Theoretically, you can continue to apply “Bark Beetle,” but the instructions require covering the mesh with a thin layer of starting putty for exterior work and it is better not to disturb it.

Important: decorative plasters, unlike ordinary ones, are not intended for leveling walls. Their destiny is to protect and decorate the surface. Therefore, no matter what base you have to work with, it must first of all be smooth.

As for the choice of primer, although there are many offers on the market, there is an immutable law of the builder - it is better to take all putties, primers, plasters and other materials from one manufacturer, choose a brand and stick to it. After all, within the same line, products will be 100% compatible.

From personal experience, I can recommend Ceresit ST16 primer. In addition to deep penetration, it also contains quartz sand. The consumption here ranges from 150 g/m², and at normal humidity and an average temperature of 20 - 25ºC it dries within half an hour. By the way, the same composition can be used to preserve surfaces for the winter, if the finishing is not completed.

Important: in view of the fact that the decorative layer is often made quite thin so that the primer does not show through, it is better to tint it to match the final color of the cladding.

Mixing the composition

As already mentioned, the compositions are ready for use, such as Ceresit CT 63 and dry. So we will work with dry ones, it is much simpler and cheaper. Mixing the solution is not difficult, but there is one caveat. The bark beetle sets quite quickly, so the solution needs to be prepared without fanaticism, exactly as much as you can work out in half an hour or use an assistant to constantly knead and add.

We will stir with a construction mixer, and if we don’t have one, we will need to buy a mixing attachment for an electric drill, since its price is affordable. The speed is set to low or medium, we are not whipping a cocktail and we don’t need foam.

Traditional technology. Initially, the required amount of clean water with a temperature of about 20ºC is collected in the container. After that, a running mixer is immersed in it and the dry mixture is gradually added. The consistency of the finished mixture should resemble thick sour cream.

The solution is considered ready when there are no lumps left in it. But they cannot work yet; the solution must mature. To do this, leave it alone for 10 - 15 minutes and stir it again before using.

Important: there is no need to tint the solution at the preparation stage. The composition is prepared in portions and it is almost impossible to accurately guess the amount of dye in each portion. As a result, at the finish line your wall will resemble a military camouflage suit. Tinting at the start is only permissible in ready-made polymer mixtures and then requires professionalism.

Application of the composition

In theory, the question of how to make decorative bark beetle plaster is extremely simple. The plaster is applied to the wall with a wide spatula. Next, it is leveled and rubbed using a plastic or wooden trowel; many people prefer to use a trowel, and some professionals even use a plaster trowel for leveling.

The tool is pressed against the wall and moved in the desired direction, the excess stuck and squeezed out is removed with a spatula. In this case, mineral granules slide over the surface, leaving characteristic grooves.

The whole difficulty is to clearly maintain the thickness of the layer; it should be slightly larger than the diameter of the granules. If the layer is too thick, the texture will not be drawn, and if you overdo it and rub the plaster too thin, the base will be visible, which is also considered a defect. There is no universal recipe here, you just need to fill your hand, so start somewhere from the far corner.

These compounds set fairly quickly and, if you work alone, you will have to build the surface in stages. There is one important point here - combining dried and fresh finishes with an overlap is strictly prohibited. In this case, even after staining, the overlap areas will be visible.

But there is a way out, and it’s quite simple. You need to decide in advance on the size of the square to be processed. After this, you should stick masking tape around the perimeter of the working area and you can start applying. The solution is applied and rubbed with a slight overlap onto the tape and upon completion of the work, while the composition is still wet, the tape is removed.

As a result, you get a clear boundary. While you are preparing the next portion, the plaster on the wall will harden and you will need to again stick a strip of tape on top of the cut of the finishing finish; it will protect you from applying fresh mortar to the already dried one. As a result, plastering will be carried out clearly end-to-end and if everything is done correctly, these joints will be invisible.

Advice: in general, you should try to finish the wall in one day, so as not to make connections. For this it is better to get a partner. One person will apply and level the mortar with a trowel, while the other will trowel the wall to give it its final look.

Main types of finishes

In addition to the fact that the mixtures are dry and ready for application, types of decorative bark beetle plaster are also divided according to the method of applying the pattern, or more precisely according to the direction in which the furrows will lie.

  • The simplest and, as a result, most common is the vertical method of applying and grouting plaster. Here the trowel moves from top to bottom and back. For a beginner master, this is the best option;
  • The second most popular is the horizontal arrangement of lines. Although these patterns are similar, horizontal grouting requires more experience;
  • The diagonal grout called “Rain” is considered the most difficult. Technologically, the process itself does not cause much difficulty; the whole problem is to maintain the same direction of the lines throughout the entire plane;
  • The texture called “Cork” or, as it is also called “Lamb”, is made with circular movements of a trowel and is one of the simplest methods of arrangement. Moreover, the circular, chaotically applied furrows most closely resemble a natural pattern;

  • The “Carpet” finish, as shown in the diagram presented, is applied using parallel-perpendicular movements of the tool. The result is a mixed pattern of horizontal and vertical lines;
  • The so-called “Map of the World” is already closer to design delights. This texture is most often installed in interior spaces. Its essence lies in the fact that first a background is made from lines in one direction, and when it dries, overlays of different shapes, colors and textures are applied to the wall using stencils.

Important little things

Although such cladding ultimately perfectly withstands all the vagaries of the weather, installing it in the July sun is extremely undesirable. The fact is that in direct sunlight the solution will dry too quickly and, as a result, crack.

The same applies to excessively windy weather. In general, if work is carried out in the summer, then it is better to carry it out in the afternoon, when the heat has already subsided.

The dyeing process is considered an important point. Although a thin layer of plaster dries in 2–3 days, the wall should be painted no earlier than after 2–3 weeks. Acrylic exterior paints are best suited for this purpose.

The glaze lacquered coating interspersed with mica particles looks quite original. True, this is not for everyone, because in sunny weather your house will shine like a Christmas tree.

Tip: two-layer painting is popular now. First, a darker layer of paint is applied with a fur roller. And when it dries, apply light paint on top with a smooth roller. This way the textured furrows will be more clearly visible.

The price of goods and the cost of work is a separate sore subject. As for the price of the material, it naturally depends on the brand of the manufacturer. In economy class, Monolit and SWISS are leaders. The average price niche is occupied by IN-TECK FASADE and Brozex. The elite segment of the market is currently represented by the Ceresit and Bergauf brands.

Average table of work costs for some regions.

When choosing a mixture, the consumption of decorative bark beetle plaster per 1 m2 plays an important role in the decision making. Here everything depends, first of all, on the size of the mineral granules:

  • Among domestic manufacturers in economy class, it is believed that if the grain diameter is about 2 mm, then the solution will take about 2 kg/m²;
  • At 2.5 mm, the mixture will need 3 kg;
  • And for large granules, more than 3 mm, the consumption ranges from 3.5 to 5 kg.

In the elite segment of the market, not only prices and quality differ, but also the consumption of the material itself. Here, mixtures with fine grains under the “XS” brand use about 700 g/m². For medium size grain “XL” you will need about 1700g/m². A layer with coarse grain “XXL” will require 2 kg/m².
