home · Lighting · Project on the surrounding world on the topic of granite. Granite is the most durable natural stone of all rocks. Even in ancient times, people built fortifications, impregnable walls and castles from granite. Now, - presentation. Construction advantages of granite

Project on the surrounding world on the topic of granite. Granite is the most durable natural stone of all rocks. Even in ancient times, people built fortifications, impregnable walls and castles from granite. Now, - presentation. Construction advantages of granite

Granite is a hard rock that is one of the main materials that form outer part earth's crust. The name “granite” comes from the word “granum”, which means “grain”. We are, however, not talking about wheat or rye grains, as you yourself understand. Grains are crystals of quartz, mica, feldspar, hornblende and other minerals that are components granite The color of granite may vary. Most often it has a grayish or pinkish color, but the presence of impurities in it can change its color. Granite is a volcanic rock. As a rule, it is formed in the depths of the Earth when molten magma cools. Magma is a mixture of various minerals that looks like dough.

COLORS The special pattern of granite varieties is created due to the presence of dark-colored minerals, their special accumulations in the structure of the material against the background of the uniform color of feldspars. The most common natural spotted, mottled color of the stone. Smoky and complex wavy-striped colors of granite are rare. Granite is excellent decorative material which nature sometimes rewards unusual drawings, such as all kinds of ring-shaped chains of black biotite and quartz. Therefore, granite products are always in demand. The structure of granite contains longitudinally located inclusions of bright, iridescent spar crystals, which, with certain types of stone processing, can give an original dotted-banded natural decoration of granite on the surface.

TYPES Plagiogranite is a light gray granite with a sharp predominance of plagioclase with a complete absence or insignificant content of potassium-sodium feldspar, which gives the granites a pinkish-red color. Alaskite is a pink granite with a sharp predominance of potassium-sodium feldspar with a small amount (biotite) or absence of dark-colored minerals.

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In this presentation we will talk about the most common rock in earth's crust, formed as a result of igneous, slow cooling and hardening - granite, about the composition of granite, and also reveal its properties and features. We will tell you about the locations, applications and architectural monuments.

Granite- Beautiful natural stone, which has won recognition in construction and architecture for many centuries. Its name has become a symbol of strength and reliability; it is not for nothing that the expression “Solid as granite” has appeared among the people.

Granite is the most abundant rock. This excellent natural material received its name due to its porous-granular structure (from the Latin granum - “grain”).

This rock is considered one of the strongest, hardest and most durable.

Origin of granite

It is believed that granites were formed over a long period of history on all continents. There are two versions of the origin of the breed in question. First states that granite is formed as a result of the crystallization process of magmatic melt. According to second theory, the stone we are considering was formed under the influence of ultrametamorphism. Under pressure high temperatures and fluids rising from the deep layers of the earth, the process of granitization occurs.

granite locations

Known a large number of deposits of this super-strong rock, including in the USA, China, Brazil, Scandinavian countries and Ukraine. Our country also has rich deposits of this natural material. It is mined in fifty granite quarries, most– in the Urals, as well as in Arkhangelsk and Voronezh regions, as well as in the Caucasus. Various ores are often found near these deposits, including tin, copper, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum and lead.

granite composition

Granite consists not of one component, but of several. One of the main elements that make up granite is feldspar. It is a mineral of the silicate group. As a rule, granite contains at least 50% of it, or even 60%!

Another important component of granite is quartz - a very hard mineral in most igneous rocks. Its share remains no more than 30% of the total volume of the rock. Its inclusions look like small glassy grains. In its natural state, quartz is colorless, but as a rock in the composition of granite it acquires different colors - yellow, pink, red, purple, etc.

properties of granite

This natural material has many remarkable properties, making it indispensable in many areas, especially in construction industry. First, granite durable. It can serve for a long time, maintaining its original appearance. Sometimes it is popularly called the “eternal stone,” and all because absolutely nothing happens to it for centuries.

Secondly, this material is extremely different high strength . Products made from it are not subject to wear. Quartz, a mineral in granite, makes this rock so durable that saws with a special diamond coating are used when processing, grinding and cutting it.

Thirdly, one of the most important properties granite is his resistance to any impact external environment . It does not require processing and protection from various physical influences. Only at temperatures above 600 degrees can it change its structure and crack.

Fourth, granite moisture resistant , it is practically waterproof, does not absorb water and is not subject to destruction due to precipitation. For centuries, buildings and monuments made of granite can retain their original appearance.

And finally, it is also important that granite environmentally friendly . It is completely safe for humans. All these properties make the rock in question the most valuable building material.

Applications of granite

Granite is widely used for construction and facing works, as it is characterized by durability and special strength. Granite is often used in the manufacture of railings, stairs, columns, countertops, window sills and bar counters. Fireplaces and fountains are often decorated with granite slabs, because it is resistant to both temperature changes and moisture absorption. Granite is often used as a facing, masonry or building material. Granite paving stones are used to lay sidewalks, roads and bridges; they often decorate piers, embankments, streets and squares. Fences and supporting walls are made from granite, and they decorate the facades and walls of buildings. Moreover, a breed of a wide variety of colors can be used for this. In Russia, the most commonly used varieties are gray, white, red and brown.

Architectural monuments made of granite

Unfortunately, mining and processing granite is difficult and expensive, so this material is rarely used for the construction of conventional buildings. It is mainly used for the design of objects of architectural value.

After proper grinding, the surface of granite becomes like a mirror, simultaneously reflecting and absorbing light rays. Therefore, the stone looks very rich and impressive, which allows it to be used for making sculptures and architectural compositions. An example of the beauty, grace and durability of granite can be architectural monuments, historical Buildings and structures erected in many countries, including Russia. Any granite structure is particularly majestic and monumental, striking the imagination with its power and beauty.

Granites play a huge role in the structure of the crust of the Earth's continents. Granites play a huge role in the structure of the crust of the Earth's continents. Granites are found only on our planet and have not yet been identified among meteorites or on other planets solar system. Among geologists there is an expression “Granite - business card Earth."

Based on experiments and observations of natural objects It was found that granite occurred through the crystallization of basaltic magma. Based on experiments and observations of natural objects, it was established that granite occurred through the crystallization of basaltic magma.

In the interior, granite is also used for finishing walls, stairs, creating flowerpots, cladding fireplaces and fountains. Used for making monuments. In the interior, granite is also used for finishing walls, stairs, creating flowerpots, cladding fireplaces and fountains. Used for making monuments.

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The modern construction industry offers consumers a huge amount of materials that can speed up, facilitate, and embellish the result. repair work or construction of new premises. However a natural stone has not yet given up his positions. It remains still in demand and popular. What can we say about our ancestors, who knew about the virtues natural materials, perhaps, much better than us. It’s not for nothing that they say that granite is a mineral: thanks to it, we have reached modern times architectural masterpieces, and unique sculptures.

How was he educated?

It is thanks to the method of its origin that granite acquired its unique properties. All its varieties are formed by volcanic eruptions: the erupting magma flowed into the earth's cavities located very deep below the surface. The enormous temperatures of these masses decreased gradually, and even under significant pressure, which was exerted on them by the layers of earth located above. As a result, the igneous rocks fully crystallized, forming granite - a mineral.

Appearance and physical properties of the stone

Translated from the language Ancient Greece its name means “grains”, “granularity”. At the same time, the relative porosity of granite is quite low: even in coarse-grained varieties (the “coarsest” among all three structures) it rarely exceeds 6-7 mm. And in fine-grained varieties, the grain diameter does not reach even two. At the same time, the size of the “cells” seriously affects the strength and long-term operation of structures made from this stone - the smaller their diameter, the stronger the granite.

In addition to its strength and density, granite is also characterized by decorative properties. It increases with polishing. The most common black variety is also the least valuable. Colored options are pink (even red), green, and yellow. Such rocks are widely used in architecture and construction.

Construction advantages of granite

This stone, especially its fine-grained varieties, is amazingly resistant to the effects of time: even after five hundred years, destruction is only just beginning to appear. At the same time, it very successfully resists friction, is difficult to compress and is resistant to abrasion. Atmospheric influences also have little effect on granite. This type of mineral is resistant to acids and practically does not absorb water, which makes it an ideal material for finishing embankments, including the coastal sea strip.

Equally important is that this natural stone is virtually resistant to frost (very important in our latitudes!) and gets dirty very easily.

Granite is also ideal for finishing, as it harmonizes with metal parts, and with wood, and with ceramic parts, and with the most modern materials. And despite all our fastidiousness, it is worth admitting that natural stone perfectly keeps the house cool in summer and warm in the winter.

Granite aesthetics

In addition to purely utilitarian advantages, this stone has good polishing, which reveals its unique structure and richness of colors. But many designers are happy to use the unpolished structure of granite, which perfectly absorbs light and creates wild and unusual interiors.

The variety of color tones can satisfy even the most picky esthete: among the wealth of tones there will certainly be something that he needs. After all, perhaps, among all the facing and building materials there is no other stone as attractive as granite - the photos fully reflect its beauty.

What was wrong with granite?

As it should be, this huge “barrel of honey” necessarily has a “fly in the ointment”. One of the disadvantages of this natural stone is the residual radiation inherent in some types of granite. Therefore, it is mainly used for outdoor work. And those blocks that are intended for internal use must undergo a scrupulous check so as not to subsequently harm people’s health.

Besides increased strength stone, which is already considered one of its undoubted advantages, is also its disadvantage. The extraction of granite is complicated by its hardness and combined fragility. You have to resort to expensive tricks to get a large enough piece of stone intact, and then put a lot of work into finishing it. That's why granite work is so expensive.

Development Features

For most solid minerals, it is not so important in what form they are extracted from the vein, because they are expected to be further processed (smelting, burning, etc.). Therefore, crushing the surrounding rocks does not harm the extracted substance; the main thing here is the convenience of extraction itself. It's a completely different matter - facing materials, which includes granite. For him, it is important to obtain a monolithic block without cracks and chips, since these defects cannot be hidden by any subsequent tricks. Moreover, such restrictions apply both during storage and during transportation, which significantly complicates the entire process. And if there is a message about minerals (granite among them), it is necessary to carry out a whole range of additional measures aimed at preserving the integrity of what was extracted.

The most common method

Exist different ways granite mining, and the quality of the resulting stone directly depends on which one was used. On this moment There are three known methods, and, unfortunately, the most barbaric one is most often used - explosive. It consists of drilling a hole for the charge, which explodes. The fragments are sorted, and blocks are cut out of the largest ones. For most miners, this method is attractive because it is cheap. However, the quality of granite is very low: the blast wave creates a lot of defects in the blocks, as a result of which their strength decreases. And there are not so many large fragments at the output - at least a third of the granite crumbles and is only suitable for processing into gravel.

Air mining

This is a more gentle way. The beginning is similar to the first option: a well is drilled in the desired direction, a reservoir is placed in it, into which air is pumped under pressure. This method makes it possible to more fully use the granite deposit, calculate the locations of faults and avoid damage to the block, including even microscopic cracks. The result is much more monoliths, and much less waste. However, the mining company will require preliminary investments in equipment, and the method itself takes longer than explosive.

The most modern option

It is also the most expensive. It is called the “stone cutter method” and requires the purchase of very expensive equipment and personnel training. But granite (like any other natural stone) is of ideal quality, without the slightest defects (both external and hidden). And the field is being developed almost 100%.

Russian deposits

Granite mining in Russia, sadly enough, is carried out mainly by artisanal, explosive methods. This is despite the fact that there are many deposits here. Such natural stone is mined in the Urals, Primorye, Khabarovsk Territory, Transbaikalia, and the Sayan Mountains. There are deposits in the Moscow region. Mining is carried out mainly by small private companies, whose volumes are steadily increasing, despite the fact that the main deposits are located in the Urals. They are developed with great difficulty due to climatic difficulties, which increases the required investment and increases the cost of granite. However, the increase in the number of people with high incomes increases the demand for natural stone and stimulates the development of this industrial sector.

Savchenko Olga

Can granite be used in construction? Granite is one of the most common minerals on earth and often forms entire mountains. Granite is not a Russian word (Italian) and is translated as “grainy”.



  • 1 Project name
  • 2 Project participant
  • 3 Research topic
  • 4 Problematic question (research question)
  • 5 Research hypothesis
  • 6 Research objectives
  • 7 Research results
  • 8 Conclusions
  • 9 Useful resources
  • 10 List of references

1 . Project name: Granite

4th grade student: Olga Savchenko.

3. Research topic: Minerals – granite.

4. Problematic question (research question)

Can granite be used in construction?

5 . Research hypothesis

I assume that granite can be used in construction. (everywhere)

6 . Objectives of the study

A) By visiting the construction site of our village, find out how granite is used in construction.

B) Based on your conclusions, make a presentation on the topic “Granite”.

7. Research results

I was given the task of conducting a study “Can granite be used in construction?”

Granite is one of the most common minerals on earth and often forms entire mountains. Granite is not a Russian word (Italian) and is translated as “grainy”. The grains that make up granite are quartz, feldspar and mica - they different color. When granite breaks down, sand is formed from quartz, and feldspar and mica turn into clay, which is abundant on earth. Sand and clay are the remains of destroyed mountains. Granite is very strong and therefore is widely used in the construction of bridges, buildings, roads, and monuments. IN modern construction granite is used so widely that, without exaggeration, it can be called a universal material.

Floors, stairs. Granite is a material with a very low level of abrasion. Various parts interior Window sills, cornices, baseboards, railings, furniture tabletops, coffee tables, columns - the high strength of granite will allow these objects long years remain unharmed, avoid mechanical damage exposure to temperature and humidity;

Curbs, steps, paving stones. Granite is successfully used in places where greater “endurance” is required. It is resistant to mechanical stress, chemical pollution and temperature changes - does not change its properties over hundreds of freezing and thawing cycles.

Facing embankments. Granite practically does not absorb moisture - accordingly, when the temperature drops, additional internal pressure from frozen water does not form in the pores of the stone, which can lead to the formation of cracks and destruction of the rock.

Granite paving stones. The use of granite paving stones dates back thousands of years. The famous ancient Roman cobbled roads can still be walked today; you will find streets lined with paving stones in the old part of any of the European capitals; In modern cities, stone roads are gradually replacing asphalt and concrete.

We don't think about the fact that modern buildings are entire museums of mineral resources. Rocks are widely used in construction (granite and marble slabs, gravel, sand, clay).

8 . conclusions

There are a lot of minerals on Earth. There is nothing useless in nature. And without granite it is difficult to build a good, strong building, a beautiful pavement... Geologists still continue to discover new mineral deposits. Unfortunately, minerals are such riches that cannot be restored. After all, they were formed in the bowels of the Earth over many millions of years! That is why it is necessary to use underground wealth very sparingly.

9. List of used literature

Planet Earth. Encyclopedia. – M.: Publishing house “ROSMEN”, 1997.

Riley P., Oliver K. Earth and Oceans. – ZAO Publishing House ROSMEN-PRESS, 2005.

Minerals. Treasures of the Earth. – De Agostini LLC, 2009.

Children's Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius. Multimedia encyclopedia. – Cyril and Methodius LLC, 2007.
