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Ready presentation on the theme of flowers. Flower and its structure. Questions about flowers

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Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social and pedagogical technologies and resources. Faculty of Advanced Training. Topic: “Designing a lesson in the Federal State Educational Standard” Performed by biology teacher I qualification category. MAOU "Gymnasium No. 76" Naberezhnye Chelny Republic of Tatarstan Akhmetova Elena Nikolaevna Naberezhnye Chelny 2013

Class: 6th grade Lesson topic: “Flower” The purpose of the lesson is to study the structure and functions of a flower. Lesson objectives - Educational: to develop students’ knowledge about a flower as an organ seed propagation angiosperms; study the structural features and diversity of flowers; form the concepts of “both - and unisexual flowers”, “mono- and dioecious plants”. Developmental: develop practical skills in recognizing flowers various plants; work with a textbook; generalize the knowledge gained, draw independent conclusions. Educational: to cultivate love and respect for nature and flowering plants; develop curiosity and the desire for knowledge. Formed UUD: cognitive - establishing cause-and-effect relationships, generalization, putting forward hypotheses, working with text; regulatory - goal setting, adequate self-assessment of performed actions, self-regulation of emotional state; communicative - formulating one’s own opinion, the ability to listen to the opinions of others, organizing group activities in cooperation, mutual control and mutual assistance.

Equipment: PC, projector, presentations, textbooks, models of flowers: cherry, potato, pea, flowering indoor plants, table “Structure of a flower”, terms on the topic, herbarium material, drawn parts of a flower, test tasks. Lesson type: learning new material. Teaching methods: conversation, problem-search, explanatory-illustrative, research. Lesson type: lesson on learning new knowledge. Educational and methodological literature: UMK line V.V. Pasechnik.

What similarities are visible between a typical shoot and modified shoots? What structure does a potato tuber have? What proves that the onion is a shoot? What plants have modified shoots and rhizomes? How does a person use modified shoots?

2. Who can solve the crossword puzzle faster??? 1. Modified underground escape, formed at the top of the stolon, storing nutrients in the thickened stem part and serving for vegetative propagation. Bears axillary buds 2. A shoot in which the stem, leaves, and buds irreversibly change shape and function, which is a consequence of adaptive changes during evolution 3. A shortened shoot, the stem part of which is represented by a flat thickening - the bottom. Nutrients are stored in succulent scale-like leaves 4. A modified perennial underground shoot with nodes, internodes, scale-like leaves and buds, used for vegetative propagation, renewal and storage nutrients 5. An elongated creeping annual shoot forming a tuber at the top

1. A modified underground shoot formed at the top of the stolon, storing nutrients in the thickened stem part and serving for vegetative propagation. Bears axillary buds 2. A shoot in which the stem, leaves, and buds irreversibly change shape and function, which is a consequence of adaptive changes during evolution 3. A shortened shoot, the stem part of which is represented by a flat thickening - the bottom. Nutrients are stored in succulent scale-like leaves 4. A modified perennial underground shoot with nodes, internodes, scale-like leaves and buds, used for vegetative propagation, renewal and storage of nutrients 5. An elongated creeping annual shoot forming a tuber at the top 2. Who can solve the crossword puzzle faster? ???

3. Test. 1. A potato tuber is: A) a root B) a modified root C) a modified underground shoot. 2. Barberry thorn - plant adaptation: A) to reduce moisture evaporation; B) to preservation from being eaten by animals C) to both. 3. The bottom of the bulb is: A) a shortened stem B) a modified leaf C) a modified root 4. The spines of cacti are: A) modified shoots B) modified leaves C) special outgrowths of stem skin cells. 5. An onion bulb is: A) a stem B) a modified underground shoot C) a modified root. 6. Rhizome is a modified: A) lateral root B) leaf C) shoot Answers: 1 – B 2 – B 3 – A 4 – B 5 – B 6 - C Evaluation criteria “5” - all answers are correct “4” - 5 - 4 correct answers "3" - 3 correct answers "2" - 2 correct answers

“There is a cherry blossom castle on a high hill. The fortress wall of the castle is two-row. In the first row around the castle there are five green battlements, and in the second there are five large white walls. There is a pillar in the center of the castle, and fluffy pillows swing around on thin legs.” What kind of castle is this?

Fill in the diagram Plant organs vegetative generative root shoot flower fruit seed stem leaf bud

Lesson objectives Types of flowers Flower structure Perianth Variety of flowers Flower formula Lesson topic: “Flower”

They are more beautiful than anything that nature gives us on Earth. But her gift is priceless, For all arts the flower is an unchanging example. Jacques Delisle

Draw the structure of the flower and label its parts.

Guess the riddle: There is a cup - not for water There is a wreath - not for a girl Perianth

Types of perianth Double Simple Corolla Calyx All leaves are the same

Types of flowers wrong correct

shoot flower perianth pistil stamen Protection, Attraction of insects Formation of fruits and seeds Formation of pollen with sperm Structure Function Diagram “Fish”

Guess the riddle: Although the flower bloomed in required period But the trouble is, the male flower did not bear fruit

Flowers Unisexual Bisexual Pistillate female ♀ Staminate male ♂ Unisexual and bisexual

Monoecious and dioecious Flowers Monoecious Dioecious

H – calyx, L – petals, T – stamen, P – pistil, O – simple perianth – not the right flower, * - regular flower, - pistillate (female) flowers, - staminate (male) flowers, - bisexual flowers () - fused parts of the flower, numbers - number of flower parts Flower formula Cherry flower * H 5 L 5 T P 1 8

1. A flower is: a) a bright corolla b) a pistil and stamens b) a perianth d) a style and stigma 2. The main parts of a flower: a) petals and sepals b) pistil and stamens 3. Often brightly colored: a) sepals c) petals corolla b) stamens d) pistil 4. Dioecious flowers, which: a) have stamens and a pistil b) have petals and sepals c) have only stamens d) have only a pistil Test Answers: 1-B; 2-B; 3-B; 4-V,G

5.What is a flower? Name its main parts and their functions.

Anagrams “Flower” 1. Knit 7. Ch-sh-l-st-k 2. L-p-st-k 8. Lkinpy 3. Cheklitos 9. T-ch-n-- 4. Ts--t-n --k- 10. Kitpes 5. Kstoibl 11. O-l-tsv-tn-k 6. Zhetotsvloe 12. Kichven

A flower is an organ of seed reproduction. A flower consists of a receptacle, perianth, pistil and stamens. The perianth can be simple or double The petals of a flower form a corolla, and the sepals form a calyx Flowers are unisexual (contain both pistils and stamens) and dioecious (contain only stamens or only pistils) Plants on which both staminate and pistillate flowers develop are called monoecious Plants on which they bloom only pistillate or only staminate flowers, called dioecious 2 Conclusions:

Homework. Study paragraph 28, learn the terms, make a model of a flower (bisexual or unisexual).

Reflection. Have you achieved your lesson goal? In what degree? What did you learn new in the lesson? What surprised you?

http://festival.1september.ru Literature: Biology. Plants. Mushrooms. Lichens. 6th grade: lesson plans based on the textbook by V.V. Beekeeper. Volgograd 2007. Textbook V.V. Beekeeper Biology. Bacteria. Mushrooms. Lichens. 6th grade. - M.: Bustard, 2005. Workbook Biology. Plants. Mushrooms. Lichens. 6th grade: V.V. Pasechnik, T.A. Snisarenko. - M.: Bustard, 2012. Information network resources: http://search.babylon.com http://www.myshared.ru http://edu.of.ru http:/ /www.uchportal.ru/

summary of presentations


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Examination project in biology and ecology Topic: "Floristry." Relevance. Unfortunately, modern people They know the “language of flowers” ​​too poorly. General value floristry as such. Flowers play a huge role in a person’s life... Profession and business. The most famous styles of floristry. Ikebana. English garden. The meaning of specific colors. Easter bouquet. New Year's bouquet. Floristry in Ancient World. Flower exhibitions. Information about modern development floristry. Do you know about the existence of the “language of flowers”? Yes 15% I heard something 63% I don’t know 22% Is a florist profession necessary? The main thing is that it is beautiful 43% Of course 46% No 11%. - Floristry.ppt


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Flowers. Dating flowers. Plants are divided into two groups - lower and higher. Reproduction of representatives of the first group occurs only in the presence of moisture. Rose. Perennial plant from the Rosaceae family, class Dicotyledons. Pansies. An annual or biennial plant from the Violet family, Dicotyledonous class. The flowering dates are also the same: from early to May autumn. Asters. Annuals or perennials from the Asteraceae family, class Dicotyledons. Asters - decorative, beautiful and long-blooming garden plants. Annual asters are planted every year. Gladiolus. Perennial plant from the Iris family, monocot class. - Flowers.ppt

Lesson Flowers

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Presentation for a biology lesson, grade 6. Lesson topic: Flower. The theme of the lesson is “Flower”. Check: : Plant organs Vegetative Reproductive Root Shoot Flower Stem Leaves Buds Fruit with seeds. Bells. Lenok. Willow (Willow). Crocus. Take care of the flowers! Iris. Nivyannik. Fireweed (Ivan-tea). Objective of the lesson: A flower is a modified shoot. To obtain 1 kg. To obtain honey, a bee must visit 500 white acacia flowers or 6 million clover flowers. The structure of the stamen. The structure of the pistil. Structure of a flower textbook p. 125, fig. 97. notebook – page 40, no. 93. Types of perianths. Simple Double H + HH + HH + HHH. Types of flowers. - Lesson Flowers.ppt

All about flowers

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All about flowers. History of flowers. Bouquet. Flowers. Flowers for making bouquets. How to make a bouquet. How many flowers to give? Colors and feelings. Zodiac signs and flowers. Roses and violets. Gerberas. Floral etiquette. Compatibility of colors with each other. Symbolism of flowers. Pansies. Aster. Begonia. Carnation. Gladiolus. Jasmine. Strawberries. Kalina. Clover. Lily. Magnolia. Daisy. Narcissus. Orchid. Rose. Youth. Elegance. How to tell if a flower is fresh. The bud can also tell your true age. Flowers near ponds. Quiz. Our presentation has come to an end. - All about flowers.ppt

Beautiful flowers

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A fairy tale about garden flowers. In big beautiful garden There were flowers growing in the flowerbed. All the flowers were very loved when they were looked after. Snowdrop. Text. Hosta. Roses. Chamomiles with forget-me-nots. Peonies. The first to appear was the bumblebee. Lemon butterfly. Yes, yes, I'm listening to you. Who do you like the most? The buzzing bee sat on the rose. The gardener came to the garden. Peony and rose invited everyone to make peace. Beautiful flowers. - Beautiful flowers.pptx

Biology of flowers

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Flower. Biology. Flowering plants. Definition of flower. Flowers. V. Soloukhin. The forest turns black, awakened by the warmth, embraced by spring dampness. Rose in history, myths and legends. Lily. Chrysanthemum. Violet. Flower structure. Perianth. Cup. Bisexual flowers. Unisexual flowers. Monoecious and dioecious plants. Most flowers are pollinated by insects. Flowers pollinated by insects are brightly colored. Rafflesia Arnoldi. The miracle flower is pollinated by flies. Some flowers are pollinated bats. Bat-pollinated flowers open and smell at night. The flowers of some tropical plants are pollinated by small birds. - Biology of flowers.pptx

Pictures of flowers

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Flowers. Varieties of flowers. Wildflowers. Images. Home flowers. Pictures of flowers. The Red Book of Flowers. Pictures of flowers. Medicinal plants. Images. Some flowers are considered medicinal. Images. Garden flowers. Images. The world of flowers is mysterious and wonderful. - Pictures of flowers.ppt

Flowers at school

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Winter garden at our school. The world of flowers around us is diverse and amazing. I enter a house filled with flowers. At our school No. 364 there is a botanical club “Winter Garden”. What kind of flower is this? One eccentric gave 24 quarters of wheat for a rare onion. In love with Cupid, the goddess of the hunt Diana was jealous of him. Cupid hurried to the crime scene. At our school we have winter Garden. Spurge. Oxalis. Hibiscus. Sansevieria. Chinese rose. Ficus rubber plant. Decembrist. Fan palm. We say thank you very much. - Flowers at school.pptx

Types of flowers

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In the kingdom of flowers. Folk wisdom. Holidays in honor of hyacinths. Proverbs and sayings. Puzzles. Wreaths. The word "flower". Small flowers. Evil and good herbs. Medicinal flowers. Application in medicine. Flowers. Favorite flower. Legends about flowers. Fierce lion. Diminutive version male name. Gladiolus. The legend of the chamomile. Blue call. Cuckoo's tears. Rafflesia Arnoldi. Edelweiss. Flower clock. Symbols of the city. City of Shelekhov. Fairytale flowers. Red Book. Take care of the flowers. - Types of flowers.ppt

Variety of colors

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Journey to the city of flowers. Wildflowers. Dandelion - perennial herbaceous plant. Cornflower. Lily of the valley. Forget-me-not. Burdock. Poppy. Chamomile. Bell. Mouse peas. Clover. Plantain. Garden flowers. Admiring flowers is a great pleasure. Tulip. Rose. Narcissus. Sunflower. Calendula. Aster. Flower structure. - Variety of colors.pptx

Language of flowers

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Language of flowers. Relevance of the problem: Purpose of the work: The purpose of this work was to study the symbolism of flowers. Problems that we had to solve: Practical significance of the work: Use collected material on extracurricular activities. Color + flower =……………….. We conducted a survey of residents of the village of Obukhovo. Thus, we have proven that each person has his own taste. Myths about roses: Did you know that roses have been cultivated for 5000 years? Every person has their own zodiac sign. Each sign has its own flower - a talisman of happiness. History of flowers! Floristics. Question to our flower stall sellers: Do you make bouquets taking into account floristry or does the buyer make the choice himself? - Language of Flowers.ppt

Legends of flowers

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Club lesson on the topic “Legends about flowers.” Beautiful legend talks about the aster, which means “star” in Greek. The aster, with its sharp petals-rays, looks like a star. Aster. And he would have remained the royal captive if not for the gardener George... But the royal flower had already broken free and became a favorite among the people. Dahlias. The grief-stricken mother of the countess went to the shore of the swamp every day. Water lily. Lily of the valley. A few drops fell to the ground and turned into lilies. Lily. The red moss rose arose from drops of Christ's blood flowing along the Cross. Rose. Lilac. - Legends of flowers.pps


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Let's save the primroses Research. Head-teacher of biology, first category Buzmakova Tamara Alekseevna. To save rare species nature reserves and sanctuaries are being created. Sold illegally every year in April-May a large number of early flowering plants. If each of us refuses to buy primroses. Don't pick flowers, don't pick them. Purpose of the study. Research objectives. Methodology for performing the work. Study of literary sources. Observation. Taking photographs. Description of the research object. Description of habitats and populations of primroses, Interview with old residents - herbalists. - Primroses.ppt

First flowers

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Primroses. Vasilyevo. I live in a village. Flowering plants. Coltsfoot. The shot is drooping. Marsh marigold. Lungwort officinalis. Violet is amazing. Forest anemone. Adonis in spring. Let's save the primroses. Recommendations. What can I do to save primroses? Take care of the beauty of our forests. - First flowers.pptx

Primroses flowers

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Study of primrose herbaceous plants. Primroses flowers. Primroses flowers. Primroses flowers. Siberian scilla. Ranunculus anemone. Small goose onion. Forest anemone. Haller's corydalis. Adonis in spring. Spring primrose. Russian hazel grouse. Checkered hazel grouse. Bieberstein Tulip. Periwinkle. May lily of the valley. Spring clear. Forest violet. Common coltsfoot. Peony thin-leaved. Kupena broadleaf. Meadow lumbago. Clematis wholeleaf. Systematic analysis of primroses. Primrose flowering schedule. Quantitative accounting of the Russian hazel grouse. Quantitative accounting of the Bieberstein tulip. - Primroses flowers.ppt

Early flowering plants

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Primroses. 1.Wind pollinated. 2.Insect-pollinated. Early flowering, wind pollinated. Insect-pollinated low growing plants. Attracts the first insects bright flowers. All ephemeroids are perennial plants. Chistyak is a perennial. Blooms in April – May. The flowers are regular, golden-yellow; the petals and sepals close at night and in rainy weather. Closed flowers are faintly visible. The guillemot reproduces mainly with the help of brood buds and tuberous cones. Spring guillemot (Ficaria verna Huds.). Yellow goose onion (Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl. Yellow goose onion (Gagea lutea (L.) Ker-Gawl). - Early flowering plants.ppt

Features of early flowering plants

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Primroses. Biological features early flowering plants. The flowers are usually large in size. The danger of remaining unpollinated. Wolf's bast. Noble liverwort. The shot is open. The spleen is alternate-leaved. Spring clear. Anemone buttercup. Common coltsfoot. Field violet. False butterbur. Common goose onion. Sedge is hairy. Ozhika is hairy. - Features of early flowering plants.ppt

Questions about flowers

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Evening of flowers. Flowers are like people. Green cosmetics. Antiseptic properties. Unique set essential oils. Herb for 99 diseases. Contains carotene. Legend. Flower. An ancient legend. Goddess Flora. Holiday. Festival. In honor of what flowers Ancient Greece there were holidays. In which country is the flower festival especially beautiful? Bibliography. - Questions about flowers.ppt

Quiz about flowers

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Quiz about flowers. Ancient legend. Lakshmi. Young Pan. Quiz about flowers. Goddess Diana. Vanka is wet. An ancient belief. Revered flower. Quiz about flowers. Flower. Tulipa. Birch. Ancient Greeks. Indians. Sword. Plant. Form. Indoor plant. Traviata. - Quiz about flowers.ppt

Smart garden

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Smart garden. Automatic lawn mowing. Watering. Lighting. Automatic ice melting. The smart garden is part of the project " Smart House" Even decorative stones can serve as sound sources in smart garden. www.alpha-house.ru/.../ymnuidom/ www.housecontrol.ru/ www.cleverhome.com.au/. Sources. Lighting is an important part of the landscape. All functions smart light, which are in the house, are also sold on the street. Almost silent and absolutely without annoying exhaust. Has “collision sensors”. Equipped with a theft prevention system. Proper watering. - important thing for greenery. Intelligent automation will water the lawn strictly according to schedule. - Smart garden.ppt

Garden styles

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Goal: To get acquainted with the main styles of gardens in landscape design. GARDEN STYLES: 1. Regular 2. Landscape 3. Italian 4. Japanese 5. Minimalism 6. Modern modern 7. Rural 8. High-tech. Regular style. Strict symmetry in the layout; Having a perfectly trimmed lawn; Straight paths; Reservoirs correct geometric shape; Garden sculptures in antique style; Presence of trimmed hedges. Landscape style. Symmetry – absent; The lawn is not cut or is missing; The paths are winding; Reservoirs - pond natural form; Hedge absent, or a variety of plants are used without pruning. - Garden styles.ppt

Siberian Botanical Garden

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Siberian Botanical Garden of Tomsk University. The botanical garden was founded in 1885. In the greenhouse we got acquainted with a unique plant exposition - “Siberian tropics”. Howea Forster of Lord Howe Island. Araucaria Bidwill is the pride of the botanical garden. Livistona southern - fan palm. Unusual root system, similar to a “fan”, caught our attention. Another miracle of the botanical garden! Banana heaven. Indian azalea. Tour of botanical garden continues. Our attention was attracted decoratively - deciduous plants"tropics". Aucuba – golden tree Homeland of the plant - East Asia The fruits are very poisonous. - Siberian Botanical Garden.ppt

Plants for the garden

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Blooming garden. K. Janet. Cozy garden. Garden flowers. Flowers. How to make garden flowers your friends. Here you will find joy, cheerfulness, and everything that your heart loves! For others, it is a way to distract, relax and relieve stress. The garden provides food for all the senses. Rose. Stagnation of cold air, as well as irrigation and melt water, and high water is unacceptable. Care: in the year of planting, only the formation of the bush occurs. Tulip. Tulip is a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the Liliaceae family. Tulip flower formula: . The flowers of species tulips are often red, yellow, less often white. Tulip flowers open wide in the sun and close at night and in cloudy weather. - Plants for the garden.ppt

Decorative plants for the garden

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Ornamental plants. Plant varieties. Combinations. Description of plants. Pansies. Decorative plants for the garden. Marigold. Decorative plants for the garden. Dahlia. Rudbeckia. Decorative plants for the garden. Asters. Decorative plants for the garden. Gladiolus. Decorative plants for the garden. Iris. Roses. Decorative plants for the garden. Tulip. Lily. Decorative plants for the garden. Petunia. Decorative plants for the garden. Fern. Decorative plants for the garden. Types used. -

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Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Municipal Educational Institution "Syasstroy Secondary School No. 2" Compiled by: teacher of biology and chemistry of the highest qualification category Bochkova Irina Anatolyevna

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A flower is a modified shortened shoot. It is a generative organ, i.e. organ of sexual reproduction in plants A flower ends in the main or lateral shoot

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There are plants in which the flower in the process of development has turned into a bud, which falls off and sprouts Garlic Knotweed Viviparous Poa viviparous Multi-tiered onion

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Stem part of the flower Perianth (O) Main parts Pedicel Receptacle Calyx of sepals (H) Corolla of petals (B) Pistil (P) Stamen (T) Stigma Column Ovary with ovules Stamen filament Anther 7 d d c b a 6 2 4 3 1 5

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- petals are free - petals grow together at the bottom into a tube 1 2 3 4 Poppy Crocus Sweet tobacco Petunia

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- sepals are free (in free-petaled flowers) - Sepals fused at the bottom into a tube (in fused-petaled flowers) 1 2 Fuchsia Apple tree

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- consists of a calyx and corolla - all tepals are the same - flowers do not have a perianth 1 2 3 Rosehip Ash Dream - grass

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- the tepals (single or double) are arranged so that several axes of symmetry can be drawn through it - one axis of symmetry can be drawn through the perianth Amaryllis Orchid

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- a flower has stamens and pistils - a flower has only one main part - there are only pistils ♂ - there are only stamens ♀

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2 1 4 3 Bell Lily 3. Pistillate (♀) corn flowers 4. Staminate (♂) corn flowers

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- plants in which pistillate and staminate flowers develop on the same plant - plants in which pistillate and staminate flowers are located on different plants 1 2 4 3 Cucumber Corn 3. Willow – male plant 4. Willow – female plant

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1) At the beginning of the formula, the sign of the sex of the flower can be indicated: ♂ - male flower (contains only stamens); ♀ - female flower (contains only pistils); ♀- bisexual flower 2) The following indicates the sign of the symmetry of the flower: * - the flower has several planes of symmetry (correct); - the flower has only one plane of symmetry (irregular); 3) The signs are followed by letter expressions characterizing the perianth, stamens, pistil: Ch - calyx; B - corolla; T - stamens; P - pistil, 4) Next to the letter expressions of the parts of the flower, the number of elements is indicated in numbers, and if their number is more than 12, then the number is indicated by the symbol ∞ 5) If the elements of the flower are fused, then their number is in brackets 6) If the elements of the flower are arranged in circles, then a “+” sign is placed between the number of elements in each circle

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Common arum - a plant up to 90 cm tall, leaves reach 20 cm in length. Leaf petioles and fleshy stems - with brown spots, which makes them look like snake skin. An inflorescence appears at the top of each stem in early summer. A spathe with a wavy edge reaches a length of 45 cm. It is pale green on the outside, purple-crimson on the inside. A dark purple spadix is ​​the same length as the spathe.

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The largest inflorescence in the world, not a flower, Amorphophallus belongs to the lily family. Its flowers are huge leaves dissected in the middle, from which a large cob emerges. The aroma of amorphophallus is usually compared to the smell of rotten eggs, spoiled fish or meat, but it attracts insects that pollinate the Amorphophallus plant was discovered by a Florentine scientist in 1878 in Sumatra. The plant lives for about 40 years and during this time it blooms only a couple of times. Reaches a height of 2.6 m and above; It is a short-lived plant ( most years is in a state of rest). It forms a tuber in the soil; its tuber diameter is half a meter or more; tuber weight – up to 23 kg.

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FLOWERS Create comfort, green on the windows, All year round bloom State budgetary educational institution"School Perspective" DO "Znayka" Moscow Prepared by: teacher Skorokhodova E.N.

chamomile There is a curl in the garden - a white shirt, a golden heart. What it is?

poppy The sun is burning the top of my head, Wants to make a rattle.

The cactus grew under the burning sun, thick, juicy and prickly.

sunflower Golden sieve, full of black houses. So many black houses, so many white residents.

lily of the valley White peas On a green stem.

bells Oh, bells, Blue colour, With a tongue, but no ringing.

dandelion I am a fluffy ball, turning white in a clean field, And the breeze blew - A stalk remained

snowdrop sprouts, amazing flower. It grows from under the snow, the sun shines - it blooms

rose Although I am neither a beast nor a bird, I can defend myself! I’ll spread my claws - Just touch my flowers!

water lilies cups and saucers do not sink or break

The tulip grew from a bulb, but is not suitable for food. It looks like a bright glass. It looks like a flower.

carnations Everyone is familiar with us: Bright as a flame, We are namesakes With small nails.

cornflower Bright blue, fluffy It will be born in bread, Not suitable for food.

rosehip It does not hiss, although it bites painfully. Then why is it called that?

Peony The lush bush in the garden has blossomed, attracting wasps and bees. All covered in large double flowers - White, pink, burgundy!

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Red summer has come, Flowers are growing in the fields, Children are bringing berries and mushrooms home from the forest.

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Rose. Rose is one of the oldest and most magnificent flowers known since ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans admired the rose, and medieval minstrels sang its beauty. The monks grew it in monastery gardens and tried to develop new varieties. For many centuries, the rose has been a symbol of beauty; it was with this flower that the beauty of a woman was compared. Grow and select the most best views roses began in the Ancient East, in China, India, Asia Minor. But the actual breeding work on breeding rose hybrids began widely in European countries only in the 18th century.

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Tulip The flower got its name from the Persian word “turban”. And indeed, in shape it resembles a kind of headdress. His homeland is Türkiye. The quality of wild species has been significantly improved here. In 1558, plants were brought to Austria, and then to Germany and England. At the beginning of the 17th century, they spread to Holland, where the passion for this flower assumed extraordinary proportions.

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Chamomile Little sun or the queen of meadows and fields - this is the name of the ancestor of the chrysanthemum - chamomile. This is such an unusual and significant plant that, perhaps, there is no person on Earth who does not know what chamomile is. The history of the name “chamomile” suggests that this flower was previously called “romana grass”, and “romana”, translated from Polish language, means "Roman". This is how the name “chamomile” came into use in Russian.

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Cornflower If poppy decorates the grain fields of our south, then their beauty in the north is cornflower. Lovely blue, like the southern sky, this flower serves as a necessary accessory and faithful companion of the rye field and is almost never found in the wild anywhere else; and even if it were found, it could serve as a sure indication that where it now grows there was once a grain field or a road that led to it.

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Iris Snow-white and almost black, these flowers have absorbed all the colors of the rainbow. Translated from Latin, Iris means rainbow. And it is not surprising that the flower received such a name: the petals, or rather, the perianth lobes, are arranged in such a way that every detail is open to view. And in the rays sunlight and under bright electric lighting, the iris flower seems to shine from within, emitting a glow.

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Narcissus These are herbs equipped with dense bulbs and ribbon-shaped leaves of varying widths. Flowers sit on the tops of leafless stems, covered with a filmy sheath, one or several at a time. The perianth is petal-shaped, in the shape of a tubular funnel, turning at the top into a horizontally straightened or bent downward limb, consisting of 6 equal parts. In the vent there is a crown in the form of a bell or a more or less deep saucer. The ovules sit in several rows in each nest, attaching to internal corners. The fruit is a three-lobed capsule, bursting along the valves into 3 parts. There are several or many seeds, they are spherical and contain protein.

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Marigolds come from America, where they grow wild from New Mexico and Arizona to Argentina. More than 30 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants are known. The stems are erect, strong, forming compact or spreading bushes from 20 to 120 cm in height, with a pungent, peculiar odor. The marginal flowers are ligulate, with wide, horizontally spaced corollas; the middle ones are tubular. They bloom profusely from June until frost.

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coltsfoot 1. Both the dear mother and the evil stepmother, Live side by side - through the wall 2. On the slope in the meadow, Barefoot in the snow The first flowers are Yellow little eyes. Bright yellow the flower is unsightly: There is a cold surface on top of the leaves. Below is a gentle velvety layer, as if it would touch a mother warmly. Coltsfoot flowers are very similar to dandelion flowers. They are just as yellow. Dandelion leaves grow first, and only then flowers appear. But with coltsfoot it’s the other way around. She can sometimes meet spring under the snow. You dig up a snowdrift, and underneath it a yellow peephole peeks out.

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forget-me-not Forget-me-not is the most small flower, but how many poems the poets wrote about him, how many legends and folk tales! Here's one of them. One day, the goddess of flowers, Flora, descended to earth and began to bestow names on flowers. She gave everyone gifts and wanted to leave, but heard a weak voice: “You forgot me, Flora, please give me a name.” Flora barely saw a small flower among the forbs. “Okay,” said Flora, “here’s your name. And I will also give you a miraculous power: you will restore the memory of those people who begin to forget their loved ones or their homeland.”

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dandelion Dandelion is a herbaceous plant with a bitter milky sap. It feels before dawn what the coming day will be like. If it’s gloomy and rainy, then the flower – the sun – will never open. And if the weather promises to be good, the dandelion flowers will open by 6 o'clock in the morning. People say: “A golden eye looks at the sun. In nature, you can find dandelion everywhere, and in gardens it is a frequent uninvited guest. Because its seeds, equipped with a fluffy flying tuft, are easily dispersed by the wind, the dandelion quickly conquers territory both near and far around the mother plant. Active reproduction, adaptability to any soil and unpretentiousness, which is so valued by cultivated plants, have given the dandelion a bad name - it is considered a malicious weed...