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Creating smart soil for the garden. N. Kurdyumov. Nikolai Kurdyumov - smart garden% - to fight these thirty

Creating smart soil for the garden. N. Kurdyumov


Now I am even more convinced that tillage is the toughest trap for summer residents. There is no work on the site that is more difficult and at the same time more harmful. By digging up the ground, we “kill two birds with one stone”: we hardworkingly destroy fertility and doom ourselves to a further “struggle to care for the plants.”

On the one hand, looking at this, my soul really burns, and I want to write more about restorative, non-tillable methods of maintaining the soil. On the other hand, I don’t want to repeat myself: in “Smart Garden” this problem is considered in detail. A compromise remains: for the sake of order, having mentioned the old, I will tell you something new, which seems to me very important and promising for us.


HAND-HAND - (here) work in the garden, dacha, vegetable garden.

Traditional agricultural technology is a methodical killing of the soil plus a stubborn struggle to restore it. I repeat once again: by cultivating and fertilizing the soil in the most diligent manner, observing horoscopes, walking barefoot, talking to the soil, warming it in our hands and flavoring it with miraculous chemicals, we destroy fertility.

And it is created by soil living organisms - microbes, plant roots, worms and insects. And the only reasonable intervention in the life of the soil will be one that supports the life of soil inhabitants. Thank God, almost the entire civilized world has come to this long ago. A lot of restoration techniques are being used, and as a result of their combination and refinement, agriculture will soon appear that will increase the yield of plants by an order of magnitude. Holland and Japan are already demonstrating this, and many countries are following their path. And no one bothers you and me! Just don’t hope that such a program will become our state program: I think this is completely unthinkable in the next half century. We should introduce this culture because no one else needs it. Moreover, it does not increase, but reduces labor costs: if the soil is not destroyed, then the struggle is reduced to a minimum. Here is a set of rules for regenerative agriculture that I apply without much effort today.

1. NEVER TILL THE SOIL DEEPER THAN 5 cm. Disturbing the natural structure* created by roots and worms means cutting off the soil from the atmosphere and ending life in it. Roots and worms loosen the soil, and a shovel compacts it. Only the surface layer can be weeded and loosened, for which you need flat-cutting tools: razors, weeders, a Fokin flat-cutter (a miracle that performs 20 operations) and tillers that speed up weeding by ten to twelve times.

2. REPLACE SOIL WITH ORGANICS* wherever possible. It is so nutritious, airy and moisture-intensive that it feeds powerful plants without requiring almost any care.

3. COVER THE SOIL WITH A LAYER OF ORGANIC OR MATERIALS - MULCH. Mulch retains moisture, creates structure, and keeps weeds at bay.

4. FEED, GROW AND NURSE SOIL LIVING, and especially microbes. All waste, weeds and organic debris must be placed in the beds at all times. The more food soil organisms receive, the more nutrition will return to the roots in the form of available nutrients and bioactive substances.

5. DO NOT LEAVE THE SOIL WITHOUT PLANTS! Bare soil is dying soil, while soil covered with plants is restored and created. Better a wall of weeds than a dry wasteland. Sow all free beds with green manure* (sunflower, wheat, etc.) - early in the spring and after harvesting, and the soil will become looser and more nutritious. Green manure should not be pulled out, but trimmed with a flat-cut razor.

6. DO NOT TAKE ON FAITH SCIENTIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS THAT REQUIRE INCREASED LABOR COSTS. Let's not forget: work arises when we begin to interfere with nature instead of helping it.

This year we have another opportunity to increase our harvest while at the same time healing ourselves and our environment. With effective beneficial microbes.


Show me your bacteria” and I will tell you who you are.

The idea of ​​saturating the soil and environment with beneficial microbes is a great idea, and the emergence of EM preparations is a real breakthrough in ecology. Japanese preparations, used in many countries, give an excellent effect: water is actively purified, organic matter is quickly composted, soil fertility is improved, the development and fruiting of plants is stimulated, and the health of animals and people is improved. However, the quality of our drugs turned out to be very different, and their mechanism of action is unclear. To understand the work of soil microbes, I had to leaf through serious books and torment all the microbiologists I could find with questions. Now the picture is much clearer.

1. PLANT NUTRITION. Obsessed with soil, we are accustomed to considering plant nutrition to be mineral. And somehow we lost sight of the atmosphere. But plants live in it with all their leaves! Dmitry Ivantsov in his brochure “EM—biotechnology of natural agriculture” (Novosibirsk, 2002) explained with excellent clarity: in order to understand what plants eat, we need to consider what they consist of.

Plants are 50% carbon, which is obtained in the form of carbon dioxide through the leaves. Where does it come from? It is exhaled by microbes, decomposing organic matter. Plants take 20% oxygen and 8% hydrogen from water and air. Plants find 15% of their nitrogen in the soil solely through microbial activity. And only 7% of mineral elements is all that they deigned to take from the Earth’s crust itself, although for this they had to work hard to create the soil. Therefore, plant nutrition in the strict sense is nitrogen-carbohydrate. And since we garden not in flasks, but on the ground, we cannot escape microbes in this matter.

2. SOIL MICROBES. The main thing: there are 4% hundreds of species of soil microbes. We are interested in very specific ones: protectors and soil improvers. They are found and studied constantly. Therefore, let us take into account that known microbes are only a small part of the overall picture, which is hardly possible to fully establish.

Microbes don't die. Once in poor conditions, they either pupate into spores or are immediately eaten by other microbes. Once in the good ones, they multiply. Therefore, it is impossible to overdose the microbiological preparation. Another thing is that there is no point in increasing the dose if the effect does not increase.

Where do scientists look for and find beneficial microbes? In soils rich in organic matter, well structured, moist, and therefore teeming with microbes. If you have such soil, it already contains all the biological products.

And if not, they are unlikely to take root well. The effect and survival rate of the microbe depend on environmental conditions. Soil microbes need organic matter, mulch and moisture. Strains*, enhanced by selection, work harder, but are also demanding on the environment. In general, beneficial microbes are easy to breed at home.

N.N. Naplekova, Doctor of Microbiology from Novosibirsk, in the brochure “Biological basis for increasing soil fertility” (Novosibirsk, 2002) provides methods for home cultivation of beneficial microbes. They are amazingly simple.

NITRAGIN - nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in legume nodules, from the genus Rhizobium. The moist soil is slightly alkalized with chalk (a spoonful of chalk per 1 kg of soil) and watered with a decoction of peas or beans, mixed with ripe nodules crushed in a mortar, taken from the roots of 4-5 flowering leguminous plants of the same species (each crop has its own type of bacteria). It is covered with a film with a couple of holes, supplied with a label and placed in warm darkness. In a week - ready. Can be dried and stored. Used to coat raw legume seeds before sowing to infect them with the symbiont.

AZOTOBACTERIN is a free-living nitrogen fixer Azotobacter. In addition to nitrogen, it produces stimulants and vitamins, and inhibits the growth of several pathogenic fungi. It is applied with seeds or as a supplement to the soil.

The soil is prepared in the same way, but 5 g of superphosphate is added. Place in a wide cup with a layer of 5-7 cm, level with a spoon until shiny, cover with film and place in warm darkness. After a week, the surface of the soil will be covered with mucus - this is azotobacter. Can be dried in the shade and used in spring.

SUBTILLIN - Bacillus subtilin. Produces more than 70 antibiotics, a number of enzymes for breaking down various organic matter, and a number of vitamins for plants. A powerful antagonist of pathogenic fungi, especially root rot and powdery mildew. “Fitosporin-M”, “Baktofit”, “Rizoplus” were prepared on its basis.

Most of the sticks are in the rotted hay of cereal grasses, not covered with mold. 150 g of rotted hay is boiled for 10 minutes in a liter of water with the addition of a teaspoon of chalk. The debate remains alive. In the dark, within three days the bacillus forms a film on the surface. This is a mother culture.

On the plot, 1.5-2 kg of hay is poured into a bucket with hot water, the mother culture is poured into it and sheltered from the sun. After three days, you can spray cucumbers, tomatoes, berries and grapes with the strained infusion. If you do this once a week, the plants will get sick several times less. You can combine microbial preparations with microfertilizers and stimulants to create smart tank mixtures.

There is also a useful protective mushroom, Trichoderma, and a very nice soil microbe, Pseudomonas. I think it’s also not difficult to breed them at home: the preparation of these microbes is very reminiscent of the conditions in moist soil under organic mulch! A huge mass of beneficial microbes multiply in a barrel with organic matter, with the addition of ash, and something sweet (more about this in “Smart Garden in Details”).

2. NEWS ABOUT EM. Finally, there were scientists who answered all my questions about EM and microbes honestly and in detail. And these are Novosibirsk residents - the scientific corporation EM-Biotech and the consumer association Siyanie.

Now in Russia several analogues of EO are produced, the basis of which is yeast, lactic acid bacteria and several types of beneficial soil microbes. Each one praises their drug. But the reviews are very contradictory, and there are ambiguities in the instructions. The deeper you dig, the greater the doubt: are they selling us our own compost heaps?.. Moist organic matter breeds its own microbes. Why are they worse than EM?.. And where is the guarantee of the quality of the drug? Communication with Dmitry Ivantsov, the creator of the Novosibirsk software “Siyanie”, clarified a lot.

Firstly, what comes out in the barrel is good, but it is not an EO at all.

EM is animal husbandry, sanitation, medicine, and cooking. A barrel infusion is only suitable for fertilizing the soil and composting.

In addition, in areas with harsh winters, the soil freezes, the number of microbes decreases several times and is restored only by July. With the help of EM, microbes can be introduced in the spring, but you cannot save an infusion of organic matter at home.

Finally, not everyone has the opportunity and desire to infuse organic matter and compost. Ready-made EO is convenient, hygienic and easy to use. Therefore, everyone is free to choose whether to breed microbes themselves or buy ready-made preparations.

But the main problem is quality. To create a truly effective drug, you need to manage to combine a very serious scientific base, vast experience and strong intention. I realized this precisely after communicating with Novosibirsk residents.

The project is led by Doctor of Microbiology, the most experienced microbiologist N.N. Naplekova. A lot has been achieved in four years. An ingenious way has been found to maintain the stability of a microbial culture for years: using dry bran. Effective microbial complexes of targeted action have been created: to improve soil biocenoses (“EM Agro-Ob”, “Bak-Sib EM-2”), for accelerated processing of organic matter (“Enzyme EM-3”), to normalize digestion in animals and poultry ( "Kormobacteria - Agro-Ob"), for the prevention of dysbacteriosis ("Eiterosorbevt EM-6").

The effectiveness of soil complexes "EM-Biotech" is no longer inferior to the Japanese "Kyusei EM-1", and the guys believe that they are only at the beginning of the journey, and are determined to develop microbial complexes in many directions. Now their preparations are registered as “APM” - agronomically useful microorganisms. Thanks to their reliably high quality, they are quickly conquering our market. The coordinates of Novosibirsk residents are in the “communicative afterword.”

Nikolay Kurdyumov

From the book: Smart garden in detail. N. Kurdyumov. Rostov-on-Don. ID Vladis. 2006.

Find the meaning of words marked with an asterisk (*) on the page:

Other works by Nikolai Ivanovich on the page


N. Kurdyumov - Smart garden and cunning vegetable garden (N. Kurdyumov)

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Sergey Shershnev


14-03-2018 19:45:38


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Year of manufacture: 2010
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Russian language
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but I

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N. Kurdyumov


Garden successology for summer residents and summer residents


Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip grew big, very big...

Wow! Where is this grandfather? How did you plant it? How did you grow it?!


This book is about how to outwit everything that turns the garden into a problem.

Let's face it: we're too busy and too tired to have a model garden. Just like the neighbor's. It’s good for him - he doesn’t leave the dacha... But we have work and a lot of other problems! Let's admit that the garden has become a curse for most of us (especially for the husband, there's nothing to say about the children...). We admit that with all our love for the earth, we would gladly spend most of our time doing something more pleasant than digging, digging and carrying buckets of water. Let’s admit it: deep down we want everything to grow beautifully on its own, without our participation. If you can admit this, I will say that this is your most reasonable desire.

In fact, a good harvest is a rare occurrence. Most summer residents, spending quite a lot of effort, still lose their harvest. Many become disappointed and give up - in some partnerships, a third of the plots are abandoned. I found out why this happens. Not because of bad agricultural policy, and in no case because the owners are lazy and irresponsible. The reason is that the traditional gardening system requires too much, an absurd amount of work– several times more than a normal working city dweller can and should afford, but what’s more – just a normal person.

10% – actions are aimed at results,

30% – specifically against the result and

60% - to fight these thirty.

It’s not about us: this is essentially the culture of arable farming. If you, dear reader, regularly grow rich harvests, then you are unique, a genius of hard work and accuracy. There are only a few of them. The earth loves work, yes, but more mental than physical.

The solution is not to work hard - we are already too hard working. It is enough to simply eliminate ineffective actions. Stop creating problems for yourself that you then have to deal with. And add some productive actions.

And the picture will change beyond recognition. Receiving a harvest at the cost of enormous, constant labor is not yet success in gardening. Improving life in general by getting a harvest is the success of a gardener. This is what the book is about. Still, as you can see, it is about success.


Greetings to everyone who has read “Smart Garden”! This was my experience, confirmed by the experience of old gardeners. I described what I do myself.

“Smart vegetable garden” is rather the experience of gardeners in Russia, Europe and the USA - both old and modern. I haven’t experienced everything I’m talking about here myself—it’s impossible to grasp the immensity. But I considered it my duty to tell you everything I know about this and leave you to work out the technical intricacies yourself. I think in a couple of years we will be able to discuss the finer details of smart gardening.

Many thanks to everyone who read “Smart Garden” and responded - you inspired me to new “feats.” And for those who don’t know me yet, let me introduce myself.

I am Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov. For friends - Nick (but Nick is not an abbreviation, rather a generalization, for ease of communication...). I am already 38. In 1982 I graduated from the fruit and vegetable department of the TSHA. He didn’t let his wife, Tatyana Mikhailovna, finish her fruit school; she took her to Komsomolsk-on-Amur. We have been living in Kuban for ten years. Three children - Ivan, finishing school, Yulia and Anastasia, approaching the same milestone. We live amicably, and the children’s adolescence never became hooligan. Tanya is a musician by vocation and first profession, but she loves plants very much, grows flowers and is engaged in the formation of young gardens. My career aptitude test was all average. I love tourism, photography, music, original songs, teaching (6 years of teaching experience, which is nice to remember). Now I am looking for and developing productive technologies for maintaining a small private garden. I am interested in form gardening and garden design. I am convinced that each of us can turn our five acres into a source of beauty, harvest and pleasure. To do this, you need, firstly, to understand that, in fact, pleasure is the purpose of giving, and secondly, to learn more from nature than from books. I see how dacha difficulties become problems in the lives of dacha residents, and I try to solve them as a whole. I'm trying to become gardener– this used to be the name given to masters who knew how to grow absolutely anything. I love to talk about all the good things. I try to write simply and clearly. It is important that the text of the book is completely clear to you and that we speak the same language. That's why:

1. Read it in the garden. Touch and look at everything you read about. Even if it’s a single copy or just a little bit.

Do at least in micro volume, on one meter, what needs to be seen, and watch. By reading a book only in a chair, you can understand everything or be entertained, but you won’t be able to apply what you read.

2. If you suddenly lost the thread of reasoning and do not quite understand what it is about, it means that you missed (did not understand or misinterpreted) one word. It is located where everything seemed to be clear to you. Go back there, find the word you can't clearly imagine, and clarify it in our context. All disagreements occur due to different interpretations of words! To avoid misunderstanding, I marked all “suspicious” words with a “” icon and put them in an explanatory dictionary. Look there more often, and we will have a common language: you will understand exactly what I wanted to say.


Brief - sisters. Tal.

You know, there is no fear in nature. No worries. Only a person has such concepts as “sinful”, “should”, “obliged”, “guilty” and “nobody needs me”. Plants are simple live- prosper or not prosper. They don’t understand that they can grow a garden “to be like everyone else,” out of obsessive concern for children or out of the belief that “it’s necessary.” Watching summer residents, I see a general “garden necessity.” I very rarely meet those who maintain a dacha for myself, For his pleasures - as a friend. This is where the main reason for the poor harvest and abandonment of our gardens lies! We try to treat the garden as a piece of land on which food grows. And this is a mistake.

In his book, agronomist scientist, graduate of the Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, expert and master of rational use of gardens and vegetable gardens N.I. Kurdyumov shares with readers his experience acquired over years of practical activity.

The author's interests are related to the development of the most effective methods of dacha management, which make it possible to guarantee the harvest and at the same time reduce labor and time costs. The author's focus is a private garden and its owner. The author is convinced that the garden should be a place of relaxation, and the harvest should be a product of mental rather than physical labor.

This book is the most complete publication - it includes not only data based on a wealth of personal experience, but also the secrets of old master gardeners, techniques and methods of foreign agronomists, as well as materials from the books "Smart Garden" previously published by N.I. Kurdyumov , `Smart garden`,

`Smart garden in detail`, supplemented by new data and observations of the author. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers.

On our website you can download the book “Smart Garden and Cunning Vegetable Garden” by Nikolai Ivanovich Kurdyumov for free and without registration in epub, fb2, pdf format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.