home · Other · Oleander - cultivation and proper care. Oleander flower: growing and caring at home, photo How to keep an oleander plant

Oleander - cultivation and proper care. Oleander flower: growing and caring at home, photo How to keep an oleander plant

Not everyone knows that even in Siberia, oleander can be successfully grown at home, but care must be special. Due to its size and demanding air temperature, for such an activity there are a number of conditions that must be met.

Breeders have developed many varieties of oleander. Basically, they differ from each other in color, shape, aroma and size of their flowers. But for growing in an apartment there are much fewer options, or rather, only one - indoor ordinary oleander. This ornamental shrub is not large in size and has bright, green leaves with short petioles, similar in appearance to a medical lancet. Flower growers fell in love with oleander because it blooms very beautifully and luxuriously. Its buds have some external resemblance to rosebuds and come in different colors.

The following varieties are distinguished:

  • "Elegance" are quite large plants, with petal colors ranging from pale pink to apricot. The aroma exuded by the buds is sweetish and reminiscent of fruit.
  • “Variegata” - the variety has double petals - not wide and slightly elongated, and the flowers themselves have a very pleasant aroma.
  • "Soleil Levant" is a variety characterized by a persistent aroma and the presence of large, pink inflorescences with a yellow base.
  • “Hardyred” - the flowers of this variety have a deep red color and a not very noticeable fruity aroma. They are relatively small in size, with semi-double petals.
  • "Cardinal" - has a wide range of colors in inflorescences, the petals are smooth, and the aroma is light and fruity.
  • "Mont Blanc" - the plant usually has white, luxurious flowers, of which there are a lot. They have a round bud shape and smell pleasant.
  • “Petite Salmon” is a dwarf variety, distinguished by its modest, compact size (no higher than 40 cm) and beautiful peach-colored inflorescences.
  • "Rigoletto" - This oleander has pinkish double flowers, the petals of which curl towards the center.

If you are going to grow oleander at home, you don’t have to worry at all about the fact that there won’t be enough space for it. Firstly, there are many dwarf plant varieties on sale, and secondly, it can be safely trimmed.

Many are convinced that flowers have a positive effect on the atmosphere in the house. Helps you tolerate negativity more easily and promotes a good mood. Admiring its beautiful flowers and inhaling their pleasant smell, a person copes with stress faster and can even get rid of smoking.

Features of cultivation

This ornamental shrub blooms from June to October. Accordingly, it needs to be pruned in late autumn and winter, as if in advance, setting the necessary shape for the future flowering bush. Oleander loves the sun very much, and if there is not enough light, plants specially designed for this, phytolamps, should be used for illumination.

In low light, the color of the leaves changes, the number of inflorescences decreases and growth slows down. An equally important parameter for normal development is temperature. Its optimal value will be within +20℃ - +25℃.

In the summer months, the plant feels quite comfortable if it is taken out to the balcony or taken to the dacha, but in winter it needs to choose a brighter place and so that the temperature is not lower than +2℃ -+12℃. The same applies to watering: during the growing season, the plant needs to be watered more often, and in winter - less often. But the soil should not be allowed to dry out. The leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle, and to prevent them from falling off prematurely, the water should not be cold.

What are the soil requirements?

This shrub prefers loamy soils. A mixture of turf soil, sand and peat, or acid-neutral soil from stores, is ideal. The main thing is to have good drainage.

Creating the necessary conditions

Oleander is a native of the South. For this reason, gardeners should pay special attention to its illumination and temperature conditions. If you place a flowerpot with a bush in a shady place, this will entail:

  • old leaves will definitely begin to turn pale, and new ones will become smaller;
  • there will be fewer flowers, and they will not be as lush, fragrant and beautiful as they should be;
  • the internodes of young shoots will stretch;
  • the new growth will be inconspicuous and frail.

A lack of sunlight disrupts absolutely all processes and has a very detrimental effect on the plant. Phytolamps help solve this problem, but you should not neglect the help from nature itself. With the arrival of summer, you need not to be lazy and arrange sunbathing for the oleander on the balcony or in the open air. At a temperature of +20℃ - +25℃ the plant will feel comfortable outside, but in no case should it be transplanted from the flowerpot during this period. Firstly, this is not advisable, given the transience of summer days, and secondly, with any, even the most careful transplantation, the root system is damaged and this is unnecessary stress for the plant.

Important! This ornamental plant does not tolerate musty air in the room. Airing should be frequent and should be done periodically. But at the same time, you should beware of cold drafts.

  1. How to decide on a place for an oleander plant?

  2. If such a possibility exists, the flowerpot with oleander should be placed where it will receive the most sunlight during the day. But, if this is not possible, and the windows of the apartment face the north side, and not the south or east, then you cannot do without illuminating the plants. Especially during the winter months. Flowerpots with dwarf varieties of shrubs or young plants are recommended to be placed on a windowsill, stand, or hung on the wall. And mature and fairly tall oleander flowers can be placed on the floor.

  3. Air temperature requirements
  4. Oleander does not need very high temperatures for normal development. He will feel quite comfortable if the temperature on the thermometer in summer fluctuates between +22℃ +25℃ and in winter between +10℃ - +15℃. The transition to winter temperature conditions should be carried out gradually, reducing the temperature by one degree every day. They do this, if there is no thermostat on the radiator, by additional ventilation of the rooms. In winter, indoor oleander is not the best neighbor for plants that are too heat-loving. It is even able to cope with frosts, but prolonged subzero temperatures are fatal for it.

  5. Lighting requirements

This plant is not afraid of direct sunlight. It’s not for nothing that it comes from the southern regions. On the contrary, all concerns are related to how to provide the plant with the required amount of illumination in winter. To do this, they resort to illuminating the oleander with phytolamps.

How to properly water?

The oleander flower does not need frequent and abundant watering, but it does need a certain humidity in the outside air. Therefore, on a hot day, a container of water should be placed next to the indoor plant so that it maintains the necessary humidity during evaporation. Frequent spraying of the bush is also used for the same purpose.

The pot with the plant must have good drainage, which ideally should always be slightly moist, but not allow the water to stagnate. Oleander is better suited to root nutrition, when moisture comes not from above, but from below from the pan. The amount of watering is significantly reduced with the onset of winter. It must be remembered that improper drainage or its absence, as well as excessive watering, lead to inhibition of aeration, rotting of the root system and, ultimately, to the death of the plant.

Fertilizer use

Soils in nature are restored thanks to the tireless activity of microbes. In a flowerpot with a plant, the number of these microbes decreases over time for various reasons. Experienced gardeners know that the soil in pots needs to be changed every few years. For the same reason (lack of nutrients), plants should be fertilized periodically so that they can grow and develop normally without lacking anything.

But we must remember that all fertilizers have their own purpose. The labels usually indicate for which plants the complex is intended: indoor, heat-loving, abundantly flowering, light-loving, bush, etc. Feed the oleander plant once every 14 days (except in autumn and winter), trying to choose a time so that the weather is cloudy and not hot.

How to properly trim oleander bushes

Oleander is a perennial ornamental plant. If you follow all the rules of care, when there is no shortage of anything, the shrub actively grows, blooms and develops.

For this reason, the plant (usually in autumn or winter) needs to be pruned. The bushes tolerate this procedure without problems, and with the arrival of spring, new buds more than compensate for the damage caused to the crown. Moreover, thanks to such manipulations with scissors, the shape of the bush will be even more beautiful.

In spring, bushes are not “trimmed” (except perhaps only infected shoots) since the buds of future flowers have already been formed by this time and are just waiting in the wings to bloom.

Transplanting indoor oleander

Small plants, as they grow (approximately once a year), are recommended to be placed in larger flowerpots by transferring them, while adding additional soil. If this procedure is carried out carefully, the roots are practically not damaged.

Bushes that are already several years old need to be transplanted into larger flowerpots at least once every 4 years. The soil can be purchased at the store or you can prepare the mixture yourself. It will be useful to add a little charcoal to fresh soil to reduce the risk of infectious diseases of the oleander.

How does a plant reproduce?

Often, when replanting a plant, it is “divided”, thus obtaining another one. Although flower growers, for this purpose, prefer to use cuttings.

This is done in this way: a healthy bush is selected, from which cuttings are cut that have a growing point and have several leaves. Their subsequent rooting is done during the growing season by placing the cuttings in a peat-sand mixture with the addition of perlite. The pot with cuttings is covered with polyethylene and placed in a greenhouse. After the cuttings have grown roots of 3-5 cm, they can be moved to separate flowerpots.

Another, similar method looks like this: after dissolving a little charcoal in a transparent container with water, the cuttings are placed in it. With the appearance of roots, young oleanders are moved to pots with soil. And after a year they can be carefully “trimmed”, after which they will begin to bush better and acquire a thick crown.

Growing from seeds

Usually, several seeds are sold in a package, so it is more prudent to buy two or three packages, since germination is not always 100%.

Although the seeds are treated before packaging, it would not be a bad idea to once again treat them with a fungicide and growth stimulant. Having prepared the seeds, they are lightly sprinkled with soil in seedling containers, moistened and covered with polyethylene.

  1. At this stage, the temperature should exceed +30℃, so a warmer place is looked for.
  2. As soon as the first shoots become noticeable, the film can be removed. Since the roots are not deep, you should prevent the soil from drying out and control watering.
  3. The movement of plants into separate flowerpots occurs at the phase of 2-3 full leaves. It must be remembered that the diameter and volume of plant pots must correspond to their size.

Diseases and pests of indoor oleander

The plant suffers most from red spider mites. You can determine why the plant is unwell by noticing a thin web. The foliage begins to look like “marble”, gradually shrinking, turning yellow and falling off.

A fairly effective way to combat mites is to remove the affected foliage and treat healthy leaves with an alcohol or soap solution, plus rinsing under a fairly hot shower. It is worth using chemicals, such as Actellik, only in the most advanced cases.

Another, no less dangerous “enemy” is the mealybug. Symptoms indicating its attack look like this: copper dew appears on the flowers, and the foliage becomes covered with a kind of waxy coating, like talc, gradually turns yellow and falls off. The method of control is similar to the previous one - use kerosene or alcohol for disinfection, and pick off infected leaves. You can “add” a ladybug to the oleander, which will destroy the insect. In severe cases, chemicals are used.

Having discovered that the foliage and stems of the plant have begun to “stick” to your fingers, you should take the same steps as already described above. The plant has been attacked by a scale insect and, if the pest is not dealt with, it may die.

Frequently encountered problems for gardeners with indoor oleander

Often, the foliage of the plant withers and falls off. It changes color or almost completely stops growing. Some gardeners manage to identify the cause of such alarming manifestations by carefully looking at the plant.

  • the foliage at the tips turns yellow and dries - watering is necessary;
  • leaves fall from below - the plant lacks light; you need to “highlight” it;
  • modest, inactive flowering - failure to comply with one of the parameters: light level, temperature below necessary, insufficient moisture.

Among the indoor flowers there is a very beautiful plant called the Mediterranean Rose - oleander. Caring for and growing it at home is not an easy task. But it pays off handsomely with abundant flowering and a delicate aroma filling the apartment. In this article you will find everything you need to know about growing oleander.

Oleander is an evergreen shrub. In nature it grows in the subtropics; at home it prefers sunny rooms. Under natural conditions it reaches 2 meters in height. Greek name Nerium. Popularly known as oleander.

The leaves are similar in shape to willow - leathery, narrow, with a distinct vein in the center, up to 15 cm long. They are located in pairs on the stem. They are evenly green or variegated. There are many varieties, but they are usually grown in apartments Common oleander (.

Flowering is abundant and lasts from June to September. The flowers bloom singly or are collected in inflorescences. Characteristic colors are white, pink, orange, yellow and purple. Depending on the variety, the flowers are simple or double. Oleander flowers are valued not only for their decorative value, but also for their pleasant, rather strong smell. It is not recommended to leave the flowering shrub in the bedroom overnight - its smell sometimes causes headaches and malaise.

Important! Oleander is a poisonous plant! When caring for it, be careful - wear gloves, wash your hands after touching it. It is not recommended to keep it in an apartment where there are small children and pets.

Subtleties of care

As a houseplant, oleander is considered capricious. For full growth and flowering, the creation of comfortable conditions is required.

  • Temperature. Optimal values ​​for spring and summer are 20-28 °C. If the temperature is higher, the room is ventilated daily. During the winter dormant period, the temperature is reduced to 8-15 °C. During the heating season, the oleander feels uncomfortable, so it is better to keep it on a glazed, insulated loggia. Maintain a temperature not lower than +5 °C!
  • Lighting. Place on southern windows - the plant loves bright sunlight. Lack of light leads to stretching, loss of decorativeness, and lack of flowering. If possible, in the summer the flower pot is moved to the balcony or outside. The need for light does not decrease even in winter. Dim light causes leaves to drop and no flowering the following year.
  • Watering. In warm weather, water abundantly, not allowing the soil to dry out completely. In hot weather, place the pot on a tray with pebbles and pour water into it. Starting in autumn, the entire dormant period is watered as needed - when the top layer of soil dries. Use warm water for irrigation. It is defended in advance.
  • Air humidity. In summer, a tray with pebbles and water is used to increase humidity. In winter, the plant is periodically sprayed with warm water. Without spraying, the tips of the leaves dry out.
  • Feeding. During the period of rapid growth, fertilizing is carried out twice a month. Use organic fertilizers or mineral complexes for flowering plants. Half an hour before feeding, water the oleander with plain water.
  • Oleander pruning. The abundance of flowering is directly related to pruning. Buds form on annual shoots. The formation of the bush is carried out after flowering, cutting off the branches at mid-length.
  • The soil. Prepare the soil for planting yourself. For 2 parts of turf, take one part each of sand, humus, peat and leaf soil. A prerequisite for harmonious development is drainage. Expanded clay, pebbles or broken bricks are poured into a thick layer at the bottom of the container.
  • Transfer. Until the age of three, young bushes are replanted every year. As you get older, the frequency of transplants decreases. Large adult specimens do without replanting. Instead, the top layer of soil is changed. The optimal period is the beginning of summer. When transplanting, the root system is slightly trimmed. Small pots are used - oleander blooms profusely only when the root system is constrained. The first time after transplantation, increased care of the oleander is required.

Advice! It is better to buy a plant in the summer during the flowering period to choose the color you like. Inspect the plant for pests - oleander is often affected by mealybugs.

Reproduction methods

Oleander is easy to propagate. Two main methods are used.


You can grow oleander from seeds. It's better to buy them in a store. Plants from seeds collected from their flower will differ from the mother bush. It is difficult to guess the appearance of a future plant. Sowing by seeds is resorted to when it is necessary to obtain a plant of a certain variety.

For sowing, prepare a substrate consisting of vermiculite, sand and charcoal. The seeds are laid out over its surface and sprinkled with a layer of up to 3 mm of the same mixture. For seed germination, the temperature is artificially increased to 33-35 °C. Lower temperatures lead to their rotting. After the first shoots appear, additional lighting is provided with fluorescent lamps, and the temperature is reduced to 18-20 °C. At the stage of 4 true leaves, they are planted in pots.


Oleander propagation is most often practiced by cuttings. They are cut in the spring. Sometimes branches left over from pruning are used. The stems are divided into sections up to 14 cm long. Fresh sections are sprinkled with crushed coal and dried. A good rooting substrate is a mixture of sand and charcoal. The cuttings are stuck into the mixture at an angle, maintaining stable humidity and a temperature of at least 20 °C. Do not allow overmoistening - this will lead to rotting of the cuttings.

Another method of rooting is in water. To prevent the roots from rotting, a piece of charcoal is dipped into the water. Cuttings take root in 3-4 weeks. Immediately after the roots appear, the cuttings are planted in small pots with soil for adult plants. With spring cuttings, the first flowers appear this year.

Difficulties of growing

Oleander is a demanding flower to care for. If agricultural practices are violated, it is affected by pests and begins to get sick.

  • The leaves droop and dry. Indicates a lack of moisture. The plant is “cast” - watered often and regularly.
  • Leaves are falling. This happens when the temperature in the apartment is low. The pot with the bush is moved to warmth.
  • The leaves are turning yellow. Violation of the feeding schedule or excessive watering.
  • Lack of flowering. A combination of factors affects it - lack of light, heat, poor air ventilation, large pot.
  • Falling buds. Low room temperature or use of cold water for irrigation.
  • Black spots on leaves. A sign of a fungal disease. Treat with antifungal drugs.
  • White and brown spots on leaves. Damage by pests - scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites. The plant is treated with a solution of insecticides.
  • White spots on the leaves, growths on the stem. A characteristic disease is oleander cancer. It is useless to fight - the flower can only be revived by removing the affected leaves and branches.

Oleander requires more care than many indoor flowers. But the time spent is fully paid off by beautiful and long-lasting flowering.

Common oleander (Latin name Nerium oleander) is a plant of the Kutrov family native to Asia Minor, growing in regions with a subtropical climate. In nature, wild varieties of oleander grow in countries from the Mediterranean coast to China. Oleander is a heat-loving plant that grows in open ground in the floodplains of rivers and streams. The size of a bush growing in the wild can reach 5-6 meters. Oleander has brown branching stems, narrow leaves and large flowers. On the territory of the Russian Federation, oleander can be found in the South, where it is used in the landscape design of parks and gardens. The flowers of this evergreen shrub have a variety of colors and a pleasant aroma.

Types of oleander

There are three known types of oleander - common, Indian and fragrant. In temperate climates, only common oleander is grown, which is kept indoors, since the shrub does not tolerate low temperatures. The common oleander comes in many varieties, varying in size and color of the inflorescences. For example, the oleander variety “Cardinal” has single-double burgundy flowers, and the variety “Variegata” has double yellow inflorescences. Indian oleander, obviously, grows in India and China and is not much different from its counterparts. The fragrant oleander, native to Asia, rarely reaches more than half a meter in height, and it has single inflorescences.

Oleander care

Oleander is an unpretentious plant and quite viable if you care for it properly. Firstly, oleander needs a lot of light and moisture. Secondly, the bush needs a large amount of well-fertilized soil. Components such as humus, turf and leaf types of soil are suitable as a substrate for oleander. Sometimes it is recommended to add sand and peat. The container where the plant is located must have drainage, and in particularly hot periods the pot can be placed in a tray with water. Weekly fertilizing for oleander should be carried out from spring to autumn. Organic fertilizers such as humus, bird droppings or mullein are better suited for feeding. Thirdly, for normal growth and flowering, oleander needs regular pruning and protection from pests, as well as compliance with temperature and humidity conditions. Pests such as spider mites, mealybugs, aphids and scale insects can damage the health of the oleander. If the plant does not have enough ventilation, the oleander can be affected by fungal and bacterial diseases.

Timing and rules for pruning oleander

The main purpose of pruning oleander is to form a tree with a beautiful crown from a bush. Oleander pruning is carried out
in the fall, around the end of August each year, cutting off branches by half or more. On adult plants, you need to cut off all the long branches so that later in their place several shoots will appear, the ends of which will be overgrown with inflorescences in due time. When pruning oleander, you should not remove faded inflorescences, because they may bloom again in the spring. Oleander buds have been forming since last year, so there is no point in trimming them in the spring. Trimmed branches may be suitable for oleander propagation. Cuttings that have taken root and are growing should also be plucked to speed up the branching process.

Precautions when pruning oleander

In principle, the oleander does not need to be trimmed, but then it will take on its natural shrub shape without a large thick trunk. When the gardener for some reason does not prune the shoots and the branches grow too long, they will have to be tied to supports, which is not very convenient. Therefore, you should always prune the plant on time. The procedure for pruning the plant should be carried out very carefully: oleander is a poisonous plant; it contains oleanine, a deadly poison that can cause colic and heart problems in humans, so the gardener should wear gloves and thoroughly rinse the scissors or pruning shears after pruning the plant. Also, some toxic substances are released into the air, so it is not recommended to keep oleander in the bedroom or in other small and poorly ventilated rooms.

Repeated pruning of shrubs

Many plant growers note that it is necessary to prune oleander not only in the fall, after the shrub has bloomed, but also in the spring. Before the growing season, small shoots are removed at the root, and larger shoots are cut off by approximately 2/3. This procedure will improve the growth of young shoots, so that flower buds will be formed in their place. It is better to carry out spring pruning in March or April, after daylight hours have lengthened. It is also important to remember that an adult plant should be replanted once every two or three years, and young shrubs every year.

In large tubs of oleanders, during transplantation, according to gardeners, fragments of the root system can be removed, which will have a beneficial effect on the plant.

Decorative oleander is an incredibly beautiful and delicate plant in which every stem and leaf is beautiful. It is a perennial shrub with a rich green crown and bright pink clusters of inflorescences. The homeland of oleander is the Mediterranean. However, at the moment it is cultivated by flower lovers from all over the world.

They make sure that caring for oleander at home is comprehensive and complete. It should include taking care of irrigating the plant, adding mineral fertilizers to the substrate, regulating lighting and temperature conditions in the room.

Indoor oleander: plant description

In appearance, oleander does not resemble the usual indoor plants that decorate window sills and terraces. It has a respectable height, strong elastic branches and green narrow leaves. Their colors on the bottom are lighter, making the flower look interesting and unusual.

The plant belongs to the Kutrovaceae family. It has large pink flowers. However, there are also varieties of oleander with yellow, orange and white petals.

Terry forms are also common, which look especially impressive and elegant. During the flowering period, which in temperate regions occurs from June to September, the plant emits a subtle, pleasant aroma. It fills the room with fresh fragrant notes, giving it a special atmosphere.

Oleander: care and cultivation at home

Common oleander requires comprehensive care. Flower growers will learn about what work will need to be carried out on a regular basis from the text of the subsequent sections, which contain information on proper pruning, shaping, feeding and watering the bushes.

Care and formation

In order not to ask questions about why the oleander does not bloom, you need to ensure that the care and formation of the plant is correct. The first step is to study the peculiarities of oleander content, and then learn to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

Watering: how to find the optimal irrigation scheme

It is important to find a watering scheme in which the root system will not be subject to rotting, and the flower itself will be able to receive a sufficient amount of moisture from the substrate. It is believed that the plant tolerates drought well, so you can sometimes “forget” about watering. Excessive enthusiasm for irrigation will lead to illness and death.

In winter, it is enough to water the plant moderately. In this case, the frequency of watering decreases as the ambient temperature decreases. In spring and summer, when the flower is actively developing, irrigation is increased, using soft, settled water to moisten the substrate. Its temperature should be room temperature.

Plant pruning

Growing oleander involves periodic pruning. They are needed not only for forming the correct outlines of the bush. After pruning, the plant bushes better, gains vegetative volume faster, becomes voluminous and fluffy. Using secateurs and garden shears, gardeners adjust the dimensions of the bush, making its size acceptable for the current growing conditions.

Pruning is carried out in compliance with certain safety rules. The plant is toxic, so trim it with gloves, using a high-quality sharp tool that ensures precise and neat cuts. Pruning is carried out after flowering - in September. You shouldn’t do this in the spring, since the oleander lays all its flower buds on last year’s shoots.

During the work, the branches are shortened by 50%, in some cases the length is adjusted even more. If you do not comply with this requirement, the bush may not bloom, become very sick and have problems with further development and formation of greenery.

Lighting requirements

In its natural habitat - hot subtropics, oleander grows in open ground, however, in northern and temperate climate zones, caring for and growing the plant has its own nuances. To provide the sprout with the necessary amount of sunlight, especially in the winter season, a well-lit place in the apartment is selected for it.

Containers with sprouts are installed on window sills, or shelves with artificial light sources in the form of lamps are equipped for them. Lights are turned on in cloudy and gray weather, when the flow of natural sunlight into the room is minimized. This will support the process of photosynthesis, and the leaves on the plant will be green, fresh and elastic.

Fertilizing: the key to lush and abundant flowering of shrubs

Indoor flowers must receive all the necessary microelements and nutrients from the substrate. Therefore, when growing oleander, you need to make sure that the soil contains a lot of useful organic matter.

If there is a deficiency, regular feeding is needed. Store-bought potassium fertilizers are ideal for the plant, as they will ensure rapid growth of vegetative mass and lush, long-lasting flowering throughout the season. Fertilizers must be applied according to the instructions, observing not only the concentration of fertilizing, but also the frequency of its application.

Protection from pests and diseases

Flower growers do not want to encounter trouble in the form of diseases and pests that threaten the beauty of well-groomed indoor oleanders. Therefore, they take preventive measures in advance to prevent shoots from being affected by common ailments. Most often, a set of measures is developed to protect the flower in a container from the following pests:

  • aphid;
  • scale insect;
  • spider mite;
  • worm.

Problems may also arise if the recommendations for watering the substrate and ventilating the room are not followed. The plant may rot and become susceptible to the harmful effects of fungi and bacteria.

Oleander propagation: how to achieve success from the first attempts

Lovers of indoor plants can choose the method of propagating this bush to their liking. They may like growing from cuttings, forming air layering, and planting seeds. Each technique has its own nuances:

  • Rooting cuttings

The easiest method of propagation available to every gardener is rooting cuttings. It is necessary to prepare the branches remaining after the planned pruning of the bush, shape them to a length of 10-15 centimeters, and coat the cut points with charcoal shavings or ash so that they do not dry out.

Next, choose a convenient rooting method - the cuttings are placed in a vessel with water, embedded in a substrate prepared from equal parts of peat and garden soil. After the roots appear and the first leaves develop at the top of the cutting, the shoot is transplanted into a pot or container. It is cared for like regular adult plants.

  • Seed method

The main secret to successfully breeding oleander using this method is the competent choice of seed material. It is better to prepare it yourself or buy it from trusted garden centers.

The fact is that in improper storage conditions, delicate seeds quickly deteriorate and exhibit poor germination.

  • Layerings

Air layering will also have to be worked on. It is necessary to bend individual shoots of the plant to the ground and “pin” them with special staples to the substrate for rooting. When this happens, they are cut off and removed from the “mother” plant into a separate container. The substrate in it should consist of the following ingredients:

  1. garden soil;
  2. peat;
  3. ash;
  4. humus soil.

All components are mixed in equal proportions.

Oleander: general care tips for amateur gardeners

In order to enjoy the pleasant aroma and bright color of oleander throughout the season, when growing the plant you should follow these tips:

  1. It is better to use purchased soil for the plant, since ordinary turf soil from the garden is poor in nutrients and macroelements. If you wish and have free time, you can prepare the substrate yourself. To do this, you need to mix only four components in equal proportions in a container - garden soil, peat, ash and sand. You can also add humus, which is needed to increase the percentage of organic matter in the substrate.
  2. Replanting plants has fewer negative consequences for the bush if done in the spring. The optimal period for this event is May. When replanting, the plant is removed from the container with a lump of earth, all the roots are shortened slightly and placed in a pot with a larger capacity. Large bushes are more difficult to replant, so flower growers resort to tricks. They simply replace the top layer of soil in the pot, and do not damage the roots of the plant and leave them in place.
  3. Young plants will develop better if they are handled every year. To do this you need to spend a minimum of time, but the result can be seen quite soon.
  4. Air humidity should be moderate, since in a dry or excessively humid environment the flower will grow poorly and be attacked by fungi and other pests.

The fact that oleander is so popular throughout Europe is due to the ease of its cultivation. To see delicate pink inflorescences on this wonderful shrub, gardeners only need to find the optimal balance in several components of care. You need to adjust watering, develop a fertilizing plan, and choose the best place to place the container in your apartment or house.

The mysterious Nerium oleander is a beautiful plant that has always grown in nature in Italy (in the south), Morocco, Portugal, and China. The presented genus is a flowering plant belonging to the Kutrov family (Apocynaceae).

This is a shrub with leathery narrow leaves. The plant is evergreen. Its stems are brown, and its flowers are large, bright and fragrant. The plant has another name - “pink laurel”. The bush blooms very luxuriantly, subtle floral aroma delights. The bush itself also looks impressive. Seeing such a plant makes your heart happy.

The leaves look like willow. And there are from 12 to 16 flowers on each branch. Lush flowering with pink, red, yellow, and white flowers continues until the end of autumn.

How to understand what oleander is?

oleander bush

Under natural conditions, oleander grows near water. There is one legend that tells about ancient times. It so happened that the volcano awakened and began to erupt near the beautiful city. People began to run away. However, a lake stood in their way. The young man, who was the son of the gods, named Oleander, hastened to help people. He drained the lake by drinking the water from it. Thanks to this, people were able to escape and be saved. Oleandro could not follow their example; he could not move from the large amount of water he drank and died from the hot lava. The plant was given the name of a wonderful young man, because the oleander flower is very similar to him. He has strength, beauty and nobility.

There are three varieties of the plant:

  1. Ordinary.
  2. Fragrant.
  3. Indian.

Common oleander is represented by a large number of varieties, differing in flower color (yellow, pink, red, white). They can be variegated and plain, crimson and snow-white.

White oleander

They often decorate office spaces and are easy to care for. The greatest height it reaches is two meters. To prevent the plant from stretching upward and to make the bush more luxuriant, it is formed by pruning.

Oleander blooms for quite a long time - from summer to frost. The lush white flowers give off a wonderful, and most importantly, lasting aroma.

The smell of flowers is pleasant, but in small rooms, and even with poor ventilation, it is still not worth planting the plant.

Double oleander pink

A photo of a luxurious flowering plant is pleasing to the eye. It is a compact shrub with green leaves similar to willow leaves. An excellent option for growing in relatively small spaces.

Under conditions of good care, which this creature likes, the delicate buds gradually bloom. From the first days of summer until the end of autumn, the beautiful bush pleases with its lush flowering.

The plant has large double inflorescences with pink flower corollas of a very delicate shade. This variety is called pink laurel.

Oleander yellow

Raceme inflorescences consist of flowers similar in shape to bells. From the early days of summer until the end of autumn, the process of active, bright flowering continues.

Oleander seeds are similar to chestnut seeds. Just one tiny seed gives rise to several plants at once.

Fragrant and Indian oleander do not have such a variety of varieties. However, they also have their own interesting features.

Indian has bright flowers (pink, red, white), consisting of five petals and exuding a sweet aroma. Fragrant oleander is a small bush (up to 50 cm) and has a delightful floral aroma.

How to care and grow

The plant is not difficult to grow, as it is not fussy. It grows well in the garden and at home. But there are some nuances regarding care. In natural conditions, oleander is a large tree, reaching a height of four meters. The indoor oleander flower can be up to two meters tall. It is recommended to grow it in fairly large rooms. This shrub requires sufficient lighting.

It is impossible for the plant to be in the bedroom, because, no matter how you look at it, oleander is a poisonous plant. In addition, if there are small children, cats, dogs in the house, then you should not grow such a tree. The sap of the plant is toxic. All actions to care for the plant must be performed with caution. When pruning, be sure to use gloves. It is also advisable to cover your face.

Under natural conditions, bushes grow well where there is a lot of light and good ventilation. The home oleander wants the same thing. When the bush is in poor lighting for a long time, it does not look very beautiful:

  • The leaves become small and faded.
  • On fresh shoots, internodes lengthen.
  • The inflorescences are spaced more sparsely and are not as lush.
  • New branches grow weak.

If the bush is kept in poor light for a long time, the formed buds begin to fall off, and flowering may stop altogether.

A pot of indoor oleander can be placed in the garden in the summer. Just don’t plant it in the ground so that when transplanting it back into the pot, the young roots won’t be damaged.

If there is a pond on the site, it would be good to bury a plant next to it. Humidity allows the plant to tolerate the hot sun normally. If there is no pond, it is recommended to place water in a bucket nearby.

In a house or apartment, you can place a flower pot in a tray filled with expanded clay or moss soaked in water.

Oleander: care at home

A light-loving pet likes the air around it to be moist and warm, without sudden temperature changes. The plant also loves good nutritious soil. When caring for a pink laurel at home, you must try to create the most comfortable conditions for it.

About transplanting and pruning

bush pruning

In flower shops, young oleandrics are usually sold in pots with peat. From there it must be immediately replanted so that the bush develops in fertile soil.

You should take turf soil and mix it with leaf humus, the volume of which should be twice as large; you can also mix humus with sand. It is good to add charcoal; it helps prevent infections and improves soil structure. A little coal is added and first crushed.

If the bushes are young, then they need to be replanted every year. Then this should be done once every two to three years. Plants need to be replanted in the spring. Young bushes must be placed in larger containers. For adult samples, you can simply replace the top soil layer; moving to another container is not necessary.

Regular pruning of oleander at home promotes more lush and abundant flowering. It is best to prune the plant in the fall after the flowering process has completed. With proper pruning, new flower buds will form. Then in the summer it will bloom magnificently, filling the room with a magical aroma. For this reason, there is no need to prune in the spring. Perhaps only for the purpose of removing shoots that have died or weak and diseased branches.

Reproduction at home

In room conditions, three options for propagating oleander are possible:

  1. sowing seeds
  2. using air layering
  3. rooting cuttings

Method of propagation by layering

The side branch is cut and the skin on it is removed. Then it is bent to place it in a bowl with wet sand and sprinkle the cut area. You can put a twig in a vessel with water. At the site of the notch, roots grow after a certain period of time. When this happens, the branch must be cut off and planted in the ground.

Propagation method by rooting cuttings

If you want to plant and quickly grow a young oleander, propagation by cuttings is an excellent option. This procedure can be performed both in spring and autumn. The branches that remain after pruning can be used to cut cuttings from them. Also, cuttings are cut from any side branches.

  1. The length of the cutting is 15 cm.
  2. It is necessary to treat the sections with coal powder and place them in a bowl filled with a mixture of coal, perlite and sand for rooting.
  3. The dishes with cuttings must be placed where it is warm and, without fail, there must be good lighting.
  4. Now they need to be watered regularly and moderately so that they do not dry out and rot.
  5. Rooting will occur after approximately one month. Then they can be transplanted into a separate pot.

Propagation by sowing seeds

Oleander seeds have a low germination rate. For this reason, the method is unpopular for plant propagation. The seed method is used mainly only by professional breeders.

Is oleander poisonous or not?

Although all parts of the plant are poisonous, oleander leaves are used to make pharmacological drugs. Some patients use them for a number of cardiovascular diseases.

However, the floral aroma is so strong that it can cause headaches if inhaled for a long time. For the reason described, the plant should not be planted in rooms with poor ventilation. It is also forbidden to plant the plant in kindergartens. At home, if the children are small, you should not have such a flower. After all, kids insistently put everything in their mouths to taste it. And large and bright flowers are sure to attract their insatiable attention.

If you really really want to plant it, then you need to place it in such a way that children can’t get it. Regular ventilation of the room is also required.

What are the superstitions and signs regarding pink laurel?

People believe that oleander helps its owners in life and endows it with wonderful properties, like a scarlet flower from a fairy tale.

Despite its toxicity, the bush does not poison the air with toxic fumes. On the contrary, it absorbs harmful impurities from the surrounding air. It turns out that a flowering shrub cleanses the space around it, absorbing all toxins from the air. Another plant in some miraculous way cleanses the human body, even in the absence of contact with it.

  • If oleander grows in a room or office space, the content of harmful components in people's bodies decreases.
  • Positive influence in psychological terms: eliminates negative emotions, frees a person from bad thoughts.
  • It is quite capable of pulling all negative thoughts and desires out of a person.
  • A growing bush absorbs all negative energy so that positive energy comes into the house.
  • A desire to love and give joy to others appears, and creative potential begins to unfold.

When Nerium grows in office space, employees are always in a great mood, their performance increases. This is exactly what you should give to your boss. The plant teaches people determination and friendliness.

There have been cases when a person completely lost the desire to drink and smoke.

To summarize, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Oleander prefers simple care and cultivation.
  2. The positive signs accompanying the maintenance of the house outweigh some negative features.
  3. The beauty of an indoor flower in decorative terms is beyond any doubt.
  4. Access of children and animals to your pet should be completely excluded.
  5. The magical aroma inherent in a blooming creature should be inhaled sparingly.