home · Networks · A small blue flower grows in the forest. Flowers and plants of the forest: photos and descriptions. Video: autumn flowers

A small blue flower grows in the forest. Flowers and plants of the forest: photos and descriptions. Video: autumn flowers

I continue to practice identifying plants. It's easier for everyone to identify flowers, so I'll start with them.

Opened lumbago, or Dream-grass (lat. Pulsatílla pátens) perennial herbaceous plant

Grows on soddy-podzolic soil in pine, pine-oak, pine-birch forests of heather, lingonberry, bracken, mossy and grass types, on heather heaths, pine forest slopes and in shrubs

Poisonous. Listed in the Red Book. Rarely seen.

Common Crow's Eye (Pāris quadrifōlia)

Grows throughout almost all of Europe (except the southeast), in the Mediterranean and Western Siberia, in deciduous forests and mixed forests on fertile loamy soil. Found in coniferous forests. Prefers damp, shaded places, thickets of bushes, shady ravines. Also widespread in forest-steppe.

The plant is deadly poisonous. Children who are attracted to the shiny, beautiful berries of the crow's eye are especially often poisoned. The leaves act on the central nervous system, the fruits on the heart, and the rhizomes cause vomiting.

Symptoms of poisoning: abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, attacks of dizziness, convulsions, disruption of the heart until it stops. The use of the plant for medicinal purposes is prohibited.

Chickweed (Stellaria holostea)

A perennial herbaceous plant 15-40 cm high, with a creeping branched rhizome.
Blooms in May - July. It grows in forests and shrubs throughout almost the entire territory of the European part of Russia, except for the Far North, the Caucasus and Western Siberia.

Decoction for skin diseases:
4 tbsp. l. Boil chickweed herbs in 1 liter of water for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours, filter. Used for washing and lotions.

Infusion for coughs, aching joints, colds and rheumatism, stomach pain, and heart disease: 1 tsp. leave chickweed herbs in 300 ml of boiling water for 1 hour, filter. Take 1 tsp. 2-4 times a day.

Poultices: 3-4 tbsp. l. chickweed herbs are scalded with boiling water and wrapped in gauze. The pads are used as pain-relieving poultices.

Spring guillemot (Ficaria verna)

Perennial plant 10-30cm high. with branched ascending stems and often with brood nodules in the leaf axils.

Blooms early in spring. Along ravines, damp meadows, on forest edges, lawns, in damp deciduous forests.

Young spring plants contain quite a lot of vitamin C, and therefore can be used as a seasoning for spring salad - before flowering. Later (during flowering) the chistyak acquires a bitter taste and becomes POISONOUS.

A decoction of roots and leaves is used against scurvy, hemorrhoids, warts, scabies, and also as a laxative. The crushed leaves are mixed with butter and the prepared ointment is applied to the hemorrhoids. A decoction of the herbs is used to rinse the mouth for gingivitis, stomatitis and to wash wounds and ulcers.

Yasnotka (Lámium)

An annual or biennial plant with short, ascending or erect tetrahedral stems up to 30 cm tall.

Blooms from spring to autumn.
Distributed in the European part of Russia, Western and Eastern Siberia, and the Caucasus.

An infusion of the plant's flowers is used to improve expectoration; for a blood purifying effect in various internal bleeding, as well as an anti-inflammatory and astringent for tracheitis, pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma.

Spring primrose (lat. Prímula véris) perennial herbaceous plant

The plant is found in forest and forest-steppe zones almost throughout Europe, including in the European part of Russia; It also grows in the Caucasus, Turkey and Iran. Prefers meadows, sparse forests, edges, clearings, and bushes.

In conditions middle zone In the European part of Russia, the plant blooms in April - July.

Spring owl (Lathyrus vernus)

Herbaceous perennial plant of the legume family (Fabaceae).

Grows in sparse coniferous and mixed forests, meadows and shrubs.

The plant has heart-regulating, analgesic and wound-healing properties. Crushed leaves are used to heal wounds and treat scabby nails caused by scabies mites.

Inflammatory processes of the throat and oral cavity, purulent wounds and ulcers:
Pour 1 teaspoon of herb into 500 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. The infusion is used for rinsing and washing.

Ranunculus anemone

Anemone buttercup is common in the European part of Russia.
The plant grows in forests, mainly broad-leaved (beech, oak, hornbeam, linden), sometimes in spruce-broad-leaved forests.


Treatment plant.

Found throughout Europe, the Caucasus, Turkey, China, Mongolia, North America. On the territory of Russia it grows in the European part, in the Caucasus, in Western and Eastern Siberia, in the Far East.

Grows in coniferous forests

In spruce forests you can often find a continuous cover of wood sorrel

It is used in the form of herbal infusions and decoctions. Used as a choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, digestive regulating agent, to eliminate bad breath, for metabolic disorders, and skin diseases. The leaves are consumed fresh for spring vitamin deficiency. Fresh sorrel juice has antiseptic and wound-healing properties. Lotions with juice and fresh crushed leaves are applied to purulent wounds and ulcers.

Budra ivy (aka magpie, aka dognip),

Grows in bushes, forests, meadows and as a weed near homes.

Has a pleasant aroma. Can be used in herbal tea. Contains, among other things, ascorbic acid. Used as an expectorant. Treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, etc.

I'll say this as a summary. Knowing the surrounding plants is almost necessary for anyone who spends a lot of time in the forest because... In just a few hours of walking you can find from deadly poisonous to extremely useful species.

That's all. Thank you for your attention!

Names of autumn forest flowers

At the end of summer, many flowers begin to bloom. The process continues until the first frost, delighting lovers of walks in the autumn forest with colorful colors and rich shades. Modest but original look:

  • clover;
  • gentian;
  • cornflower;
  • bloodroot;
  • tsmin.

In September and until the end of October you can rejoice unusual looking oak grove, umbrella hawkweed, meadow greenweed, black cohosh, various violets, goldenrod. No less attractive are autumn kulbaba, twisted bell, and oregano. In the photo below you can see how cute and tender the autumn anemone bloom looks.

Autumn forest flowers

Garden autumn flowers: the most popular varieties

However, it is not only in the forest that various flowers bloom. Various decorative elements decorate the garden in an impressive and original way. autumn flowers.

In September they begin to bloom:

  • lefty;
  • decorative cannas;
  • pansies;
  • geranium;
  • gladioli;
  • some varieties of heather;
  • marigold;
  • calendula;
  • Coleus

On a note! You can decorate your garden at the end of summer with cosmos, ornamental cabbage, echinacea, sweet peas, coreopsis, perennial cornflower, and feathery cloves.

Asters traditionally have a special place in flower beds. They are attractive:

  • variety of varieties;
  • abundant and long flowering;
  • different heights, allowing them to be included in any flower beds;
  • resistant to light frosts.

Asters are perennial and annual. They continue to bloom until cold weather sets in and do not require complex care. It is enough to provide them with adequate watering and periodically loosen the soil.

Asters: garden autumn flowers

The autumn garden is also beautifully decorated with hairy rudbeckia, distinguished by orange and bright yellow petals. The flower looks like a large chamomile. The height of this representative of the world of flora is 45-65 cm. Its leaves are rough and slightly elongated. Rudbeckia blooms until the onset of frost. When grown on summer cottage It is recommended to provide the flower with a sufficient amount of moisture and fertilize.

Note! Rudbeckia will become beautiful element in the design of rockeries and lawns, organically combined even with coniferous shrubs.

Autumn flowers: rudbeckia pilosa

Another great fall garden option is zinnia. This flower is also known as majoriki or majora. The shape of the inflorescences varies, depending on the characteristics of the variety. There are small, terry, large and simple zinnias. Some of the species reach 10 cm in inflorescence diameter.

The flower amazes with its variety of the most juicy, cheerful, bright colors. Zinnias are suitable for decoration:

  • balconies;
  • flower beds;
  • discounts;
  • microborders.

Her successful cultivation involves the formation of protection from strong winds and the choice of a sunny place for growing. Majorica also needs nutritious soil.

Perennial autumn flowers

Perennial autumn flowers - wonderful decoration for garden. There are many types of such plants. However, some of them deserve special attention.

Among prominent representatives This time of year is worth celebrating Helenium. Double flowers look especially attractive. This perennial is distinguished by its richness of colors, which range from red-orange to lemon yellow. Helenium inflorescences are small, and the height can reach 1.5 meters. Growing this representative of the world of flora involves systematic application of fertilizers and abundant watering.

Perennial autumn flowers: helenium

Another plant that blooms in the fall is echinacea, which is unpretentious. A unique feature of this flower is its ability to independently cope with pests. Echinacea is not afraid of various diseases. However, it needs complete soil moisture and protection from weeds.

On a note! Slightly alkaline soil is suitable for growing echinacea. She needs well-drained soil. It is optimal to choose a sunny area.

When the flowering of this autumn representative ends, you need to cut the stem short, after which the flower is spudded with compost or fertile substrate.

Echinacea: Perennial Fall Flowers

Perennial dahlias, which do not require complex care, deserve special attention in the design of the autumn garden. However, the cultivation of these flowers must be correct so that the bush is strong, strong, and blooms abundantly. Dahlias need:

  • hilling;
  • moderate watering;
  • weed removal;
  • systematic removal of stepchildren;
  • regular feeding.

Dahlias: perennial autumn flowers

Garden perennial chrysanthemums are another excellent solution for the garden. These flowers are the most various types. That is why they always look beautiful and harmonious on a personal plot. During the growing season, perennials need a lot of moisture. For irrigation, it is recommended to use settled, soft water.

Note! Chrysanthemum soil should not be allowed to dry out. Otherwise, the leaves and buds will fall off.

Garden perennial chrysanthemums

With the onset of cold weather, watering is practically not required for perennials. Chrysanthemums need weekly feeding in the form of complex fertilizers.

Annuals for the autumn garden

Among the annuals that bloom in autumn, there are several of the most popular and sought-after species by summer residents. One of the first on this list will be the immortelle, whose analog name is hylechrysum. Most of varieties of this plant are annual. The flower is orange, yellow, red, pinkish-coral. When planting immortelle, it is recommended to choose a sunny, elevated location. You can include it in the design of alpine slides.

Immortelle: annual autumn flower

Very often, tagetes, better known as marigolds, become decorations for a personal plot in the fall. These common annuals need:

  • summer pruning, which allows you to form attractive lush bushes;
  • systematic loosening of the soil;
  • regular weeding.

It is very important to remember that marigolds need oxygen. That is why dense soil is unacceptable for them. It is recommended to regularly remove all wilted inflorescences. This will allow the tagetes to bloom more actively and more luxuriantly.

When growing these bright garden annuals, it is necessary to take care of actively moistening the soil in the first half of the summer season. The plant requires intensive nutrition. He will also need feeding, for which it is best to use mineral compounds. If you neglect the above rules for caring for marigolds, in the fall there will be plants in the flowerbed with small, inconspicuous inflorescences and weak leaves.

Marigolds: annual autumn flowers

Note! Tagetes also does not like oversaturation of the soil with moisture. Too damp soil leads to the formation of fungal diseases of the root system, from which the flowers die altogether. After wilting, marigolds should be promptly removed from the flowerbed.

Video: autumn flowers

Forests are the main wealth of the people, and they are also called the lungs of the planet. Without them, people would suffocate from harmful emissions that enter the atmosphere in huge quantities every day. In addition, the forest provides wood - environmentally friendly construction material. He is a true breadwinner and healer, providing people with berries, mushrooms, nuts and medicinal raw materials.

Types of forests

Forests occupy a third of the land and grow in both cold and hot countries. Over time, there are fewer and fewer of them. Man destroys the forest, building cities, extracting wood, plowing fields for sowing grain, vegetable gardens and orchards. Forests consist of coniferous, deciduous, mixed and evergreen plants. They have a tiered structure consisting of:

  • canopies are the crowns of the largest trees;
  • undergrowth: low trees and shrubs;
  • herbaceous layer, consisting of grass and very small shrubs;
  • ground level - mosses;
  • forest litter, its composition includes organic residues on the surface layer of soil;
  • underground layer, which consists of the root system of plants, fungi and microorganisms.

What plants grow in the forest (undergrowth)? There are low-growing trees and shrubs that are in the shade upper tier. In mixed and broad-leaved forests, in the undergrowth you can see raspberries, buckthorn, juniper, hazel, rowan, euonymus, and in light coniferous and coniferous forests - dwarf birches, weeping willows and alder.

Growing conditions

Forest litter consists of fallen fruits, leaves, bark, branches, dead insect larvae, pupae and animals. There is a turbulent life in it, there are millions of different inhabitants for each square meter land. These include protozoa, various bacteria, all kinds of insects and rodents.

The meaning of litter is as follows:

  • in the formation of humus, which nourishes the soil;
  • in protecting the earth from the influence of the external environment;
  • in coordinating the amount of oxygen in the soil.

Dead wood is branches, limbs and trunks of trees of the upper tier that have fallen to the ground. On the one hand, it is useful because it fertilizes the soil, but on the other hand, it is dangerous, since pests that are dangerous to the health of the forest multiply in the fallen living remains of trees, and it can also cause a fire. Usually it is partially destroyed.

The underground layer is also important. Different depths the occurrence of roots of grasses, various shrubs, short and tall trees forms several steps underground. The roots of the upper underground tier take rain moisture from those below. And more deeply located root system receives groundwater much earlier.

Understory plants

What plants grow in the forest? Large canopy trees provide shade to the undergrowth, so shade-loving vegetation prefers to be located there. In such places, evaporation and temperature of the surface layer of the earth are significantly lower. These conditions are favorable for fungal growth. It seems strange, but the rowan tree that grows in the forest is a relative of the magnificent rose, which is extolled for its most magnificent flowers. And rowan is popular for its clusters of bright red berries, bark and leaves, which have healing properties. In Rus', it has long been believed that the rowan spirit helps to ward off diseases. It occupies significant areas of undergrowth.

Honeysuckle, a shrub that grows in the forest, blooms for a whole month, attracting insects with its fragrance. It is part of the undergrowth. Plants with edible berries are represented in the Far East and eastern Siberia. The taste of the berries is reminiscent of blueberries. Euonymus is a typical undergrowth shrub; it has poisonous but very beautiful fruits that are used in medicine. On personal plots it is used as ornamental plant. Not all small trees represent undergrowth. It does not include young canopy trees called juveniles.

Mixed forest vegetation

A forest receives this name if only five percent of its total number are deciduous trees, the rest are coniferous trees. Trees growing in a mixed forest include poplars, maples, lindens, oaks, willows, mountain ash, alder, spruce and pine. The herbaceous vegetation of forests is quite diverse. Here you can find lungwort, violet, honeydew, and spring grass. They contain a large concentration of birds, which have enough food and the opportunity to hide from enemies.

Edible berries in the forest

Gather berries possible in summer and autumn.

  • Lingonberries grow on small bushes in dry pine forests. The fruits are bright scarlet in color and dark coral when ripe. Collection time: end of August - September. The berries are steamed, soaked, and made into jam and jams.
  • You can often find a low, creeping plant that grows in the forest called stoneweed. Its fruits appearance They resemble raspberries with seeds inside. They are used to make homemade wine.
  • Blueberries grow on tall bushes, the berries are large, the color is dark blue, the flesh is watery with a greenish tint. They make jam from it, eat it raw, and make wine.
  • Blueberries are one of the most healthy berries having a blue-black color. The fruits contain dye. Grows on small bushes, in moist, shaded places. Berries contain a lot useful substances. It is used fresh, dried and frozen.
  • Elderberry, which grows in the forest on trees or shrubs, contains toxic substances in unripe red berries. Ripe, medium-sized black fruits are similar to black currants. Collection time is August-September. Some plant species are cultivated in summer cottages.
  • Cranberries grow in marshy areas. Of all the wild berries, it is considered the most healing. A creeping plant with small leaves. The fruits are red and burgundy in color, have a sour taste, contain many useful substances, and store well. Cranberries have been used in alternative medicine since ancient times.

Berries growing in the forest are more beneficial for human health than those grown in the garden.

How to distinguish edible from poisonous?

Wild berries can be poisonous and should never be consumed by humans. It is worth noting some plants whose fruits should not be consumed:

  • belladonna (belladonna), the berries are spherical in black color, reminiscent of cherry fruits;
  • speckled hemlock has small ovoid-spherical fruits, the sides of which are flattened;
  • wolf bast, berries the size of a pea, juicy, bright red in color, burning in taste, lethal dose from 3 to 5 pieces;
  • crow's eye, shiny, bluish-black fruits;
  • nightshade is bittersweet, the berries are elongated, sweet, shiny, bright red in color.

Birds feed on edible berries, so if you notice droppings on the bushes and the ground underneath them, as well as seeds or peels, you can conclude that the fruits are not poisonous. Although this fact does not provide a 100% guarantee, it happens that birds can peck berries that pose a danger to humans.

What flowers grow in the forest?

Some people believe that only trees and shrubs grow in the forest. In fact, you can see meadows with different flowers, of which there is a great variety, of enchanting beauty. In spring, the first snowdrops appear, which are admired by many who visit the forest at this time. After all, this delicate, fragile flower managed to break through the frozen ground and crust of snow. It is worth noting that the luxurious rose also comes from the forest.

In dry places, on the edges, among the bushes, the tricolor violet blooms, growing in the forest, pleasing the eye with its multi-colored petals. In May you can see a white carpet of oxalis flowers, the leaves of which have a sour taste and contain a large number of vitamin C. She prefers coniferous forests. But forest geranium grows everywhere in Russia. Purple flowers with palmate leaves adorn forest lawns and grow near bushes and ravines, emitting the scent of essential oils. Many forest flowers have medicinal properties and are listed in the Red Book.

Autumn in the forest

September has arrived, after sunny warm days a fabulous autumn has arrived. The whole forest was covered with bright colors: green, yellow, orange, red. Dried grass and fallen leaves rustle comfortingly underfoot. Sometimes there are colorful autumn flowers that delight the eye. There are also mushrooms: multi-colored russula, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms. Autumn in the forest is a great time for amateur mushroom pickers. Sunny forest glades are decorated with clusters of red rowan berries, and burgundy cranberries lie scattered on the hummocks of the swamps.

The aromas of autumn are felt in the air: it smells of dampness, fallen leaves, dried grass. Feels cool and fresh. Swift-winged swifts and swallows have already flown to warmer countries, while other birds are still preparing for departure - partridges, black grouse and hazel grouse are settling in for the winter. Traveling through the forest, it is pleasant to enjoy the beauty of autumn nature.


It is not easy to imagine our planet without forest expanses. This wonderful creation of nature appears as a mysterious wizard in a person’s life from the first years of life. The forest is always present in Russians folk tales, stories, epics and is a participant in the rich history of mankind. It is always wonderful - in any weather and at all times of the year.

Despite the fact that in almost every garden beautiful, bright varietal flowers and shrubs delight the eye, we cannot pass indifferently past their modest forest relatives. Surrounding ourselves with lush floral splendor, we lose the thread natural harmony. And simple forest flowers give it to us again. This is probably why many of us want to move a “piece of forest” to our site. And it is quite possible to do this, because wild plants, for the most part, are unpretentious. They are well adapted to their natural habitat. They do not need weeding, additional watering, or artificial pollination.

However, when planting forest flowers, one very important thing to consider is important factor- their compatibility with new conditions. For example, if a tall bell, accustomed to shady, damp places, is planted in a sunny flowerbed, then in the first year it will become small, and after a year it may not bloom at all. And its neighbors marigold, wintergreen and whitewing can die immediately in such conditions. Also, not everyone tolerates loosening the soil well. Weeds around Lyuba bifolia should not be weeded out, but periodically cut short. But wild-growing bulbous plants are ok with weeding. Some flowers may not have enough space in a cramped flower bed, while others may become very large and difficult to get rid of. Therefore, before planting wild plants on your site, you need to study how they grow in their natural habitat.

Forest plants prefer wet soil with a large share leaf soil. It is necessary to plan their planting so that the chosen place is as close as possible to their natural conditions growth. If the plant becomes larger every year, grows and blooms profusely, then these conditions are suitable for it.

Let's take a closer look at some of the green inhabitants of the forest.

In spring, there is still snow in the forest, and the first leaves and flowers can already be seen in the thawed patches. There is no need to introduce such inhabitants of the spring forest as snowdrops, scilla, muscari, crocuses, lilies of the valley, violets, and anemones. They are well known to everyone; breeders have developed many ornamental varieties of these plants. In spring you can also find such forest flowers as dream grass, lungwort, marigold, ivy-shaped budra, fragrant violet, spring primrose, fragrant woodruff and many others. Let's get acquainted with some of the rarer guests of garden plots.


Noble liverwort (Hepatica nobilis)- Ranunculaceae family, small herbaceous perennial(5-15 cm). Flowering occurs in April, the color of the flowers varies from whitish to blue-violet. One flower does not fade for almost a week. The diameter of the corolla is 2-4 cm. The three-lobed leaves, in their shape, vaguely resemble the human liver (hence the name). The leaves remain under the snow all winter (they only fade a little). Helps keep you warm and survive spring frosts numerous fluffy hairs on the lower part of the leaves and on the petioles. After flowering, a fruit with seeds about 8 mm in diameter is formed. It is odorless and attracts insects with its pollen. Most often this flower can be found in spruce forests. Therefore, the noble liverwort is suitable for an open place with sun from early morning until 14:00. The soil needs to be loose, rich in humus. Is medicinal. This plant is often confused with snowdrop and blueberry.


Corydalis (Corydalis)- family Dymyanaceae, herbaceous plant 10-20 cm high. Leaves are dissected. Inflorescences are a dense brush. The flowers are sometimes white, but more often red-lilac or light purple. Flowering continues from April to June. Tuberous plant. Grows in mixed forests. Very resistant to frost, as well as pests and diseases. Prefers slightly acidic humus soils. It multiplies quickly and does not like stagnant water. Has many types.

Chistyak spring

Spring guillemot (Ficaria)- Ranunculaceae family, low perennial (10-30 cm). The hoof-shaped lacquer leaves are emerald green. The flowers are small bright yellow glossy stars. One of the first to bloom together with snowdrops. Looks like a small bouquet. It looks bright and delightful against the backdrop of the still bare earth. But it multiplies very quickly and can become a weed. By the time the seeds ripen, it becomes poisonous. Medicinal plant.

Summer flowers

In summer, flowers in the forest surprise with their diversity. These are gentian, cornflower, wild bergenia, Veronica officinalis, bluebells, forget-me-nots, cornflowers, lunaria, common sorrel, wild poppy and many others. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Fireweed or fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium L.)- Onagricaceae family. The stem of fireweed is erect with lanceolate leaves, growing from 50 cm to 2 m. The inflorescence is a brush of large pinkish-crimson flowers that bloom gradually from bottom to top. Flowering occurs in the second half of summer and lasts approximately 30 days. Grows in forests, on the edges, fires, clearings, and slopes of ravines. Unpretentious, frost-resistant. The rhizome grows very strongly, so it needs to be thinned out before the seeds ripen. Amazing honey plant. It has a lot of useful medicinal properties.

Kupena or Solomon's seal (Polygonatum multiflorum)- Liliaceae family, a herbaceous plant with a curved stem 60-70 cm. Oval leaves (10-12 cm) are located on the stem in symmetrical pairs. The axillary flowers are whitish-cream in shape and resemble elongated bells up to 1.5 cm. They have practically no smell. Kupena vaguely resembles a large lily of the valley. Blooms in early June. Then, in place of the flowers, black berries are formed. Every year the shoot dies. Kupena is unpretentious, but does not like dry places. The wild plant can be propagated locally by dividing the rhizome. Poisonous. Possesses medicinal properties. Grows in deciduous-spruce forests.

Blue or azure cyanosis (Polemónium caeruleum)- family Sinyukhova. The stem is erect, from 40 cm to 1 m. The leaves are oblong, imparipinnate. Blooms in June-July. The inflorescence is a panicle of beautiful blue flowers. After flowering, the plant does not look decorative; it is recommended to cut it off immediately. After cutting, it quickly recovers and becomes attractive again. Blueberry is winter-hardy and unpretentious, but loves low-lying areas where it is close groundwater. In nature it grows in forest-steppe zones in damp places. Has medicinal properties.


Meadowsweet or meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)- family Rosaceae, has an erect stem reaching two meters. The large, dark green, three-lobed leaves are pubescent underneath. When rubbed, they emit a characteristic cucumber smell. The inflorescence is an erect panicle of many small white-pink or pale yellow flowers. Blooms in mid-summer. Has a very strong aroma. The thick, creeping rhizome forms new shoots by August. Meadowsweet is a cold-resistant and moisture-loving plant. Distributed in forests and forest-steppes, in damp places. Excellent honey plant. It is a medicinal plant.

Among spring primroses, the leading position is occupied, without a doubt, by bulbous flowers. And this is well deserved. After all…

Autumn flowers

IN autumn forest, which is replete with bright colors, the flowers become less flashy and not so noticeable; they also bloom in the fall, but in a special, more modest way. What flowers can be found in the forest in autumn? These are mainly summer autumn flowers that continue to bloom, gentian, meadow greenweed, cornflower, clover, cinquefoil, oak grass, tsmin, umbrella hawkweed, autumn kulbab, black cohosh and others.

At the beginning of autumn in the forest we are pleased with the flowers of oregano, goldenrod, bellflower, and violets saying goodbye to summer.

Oregano or oregano (Origanum vulgaris L.)- Lamiaceae family, small perennial (30 to 80 cm). Small two-lipped flowers are collected in oval spikelets, which are collected into panicles at the end of the branches. The color of the flowers is pinkish-purple, less often white. Blooms all summer and early autumn. In August the seeds begin to ripen. The plant is cold-resistant, undemanding, but does not grow well in heavy soils. acidic soils. Light-loving. Very widespread. It grows in the steppes, in clearings and forest edges, on the slopes of ravines. Loves pine and aspen forest areas. It has a strong pleasant aroma and bitter-spicy taste. It is a medicinal plant and is used in cooking as a spice. It is used in the design of mixborders, rockeries, and ridges.


Common goldenrod or goldenrod (Compositae)- family Asteraceae, perennial with reddish stems from 40 cm to 1 m. Oblong-oval leaves with small teeth along the edge. Paniculate inflorescences are collected from baskets, which, in turn, consist of small yellow flowers. From the second half of summer until the end of September they bloom. It grows in forests, on the slopes of ravines, on forest edges, clearings, and clearings. Unpretentious. Sometimes requires a garter. If you want to avoid self-seeding, you should cut it off immediately after flowering. Goldenrod is also suitable for flower beds and mixed borders.

Twisted bell

Twisted or assembled bell (Campanula glomerata L.)- family Campanulaceae, perennial up to half a meter high. It has lanceolate wide leaves. The capitate inflorescences resemble small bouquets consisting of small blue-violet bells (sometimes white). Blooms all summer and early autumn. Unpretentious. It grows on the edges and clearings in the forest, as well as among bushes. Medicinal plant. IN landscape design used for planting under trees, in ridges, natural gardens and for cutting.

Violet tricolor

Tricolor violet or pansy (Viola tricolor L.) and field violet (V. arvensis Murr.)- Violet family, annual and biennial herbaceous plants with an erect, slightly ribbed stem 10-45 cm. The leaves, jagged along the edges, are ovoid in shape. The flowers are single, irregular, consisting of 5 petals, located on a long stalk. The tricolor violet has a long corolla. The upper two petals are purple or dark blue, the two lateral ones are the same color, only lighter, and the lower large petal with a spur is light yellow (maybe with a purple edge). But the field violet has a short corolla and smaller flowers. They also differ in color. The field violet has white upper petals, and the middle and lower petals are bright yellow. Violets bloom from May to early October. It is found everywhere on the edges and clearings of the forest, in forest belts, and also along roads. Violet is undemanding and frost-resistant. Prefers neutral soils. Doesn't like fertilizers fresh manure! Caring for wild violets is the same as caring for its decorative varieties. It is a medicinal plant.

But there are flowers in the forest that bloom in autumn, these are autumn colchicums. The name itself suggests that it blooms at the wrong time, unlike all its bulbous counterparts. He confused spring with autumn.

Autumn colchicum

Colchicum autumnale (Colhicum autumnale)- Liliaceae family, bulbous plant about 10 cm. The aboveground stem is erect, rounded. Three or four wide-lanceolate leaves are collected in a rosette around the fruit; in mid-summer they die, and with the onset of cold weather large flowers up to 25 cm, similar to crocuses, appear. Flower color ranges from white to purple. Blooms in the first half of autumn. In nature, it is found in wet flooded meadows, along rivers and streams. Colchicum is an unpretentious plant. In the fall, it will be able to decorate the area, and it will stand in a vase for about 5 days. You just need to remember that the entire plant is poisonous. You need to wear gloves and take precautions when working with it.

Non-flowering forest plants

Walking through the forest, you suddenly catch your eye on a plant that doesn’t stand out for its flowering, but still has some special appeal. After all, not only the delicate charm of forest flowers, but also beautiful or unusual leaves make wild plants very decorative.

Cuff (Alchemilla)- family Rosaceae, creeping perennial (15-60 cm). The cuff has unremarkable flowers, they are small, collected in inflorescences, false umbrellas, of an inexpressive greenish-yellow hue. Blooms from May to late summer. But the main advantage of this plant is its leaves. They are light green, rounded, fan-shaped, pubescent, with slightly concave lobes. Thanks to the pubescence, dew droplets linger on the leaves. In the light of the first rays of the morning sun it looks simply amazing! The plant is unpretentious, but loves moist soil. It self-sows well, so it is necessary to immediately cut off dry flower stalks. It successfully coexists with tall plants (bells, delphiniums, etc.). Small ones should not be planted near the cuff. low growing plants(more about which you can find out), growing, it can simply close them. The cuff is good on alpine slides and as a curb. In the wild it is found in ravines, forest edges, banks of reservoirs and wet meadows.

Ferns and horsetails will give your garden a unique, pristine atmosphere. These ancient representatives flora They have interesting and lush foliage. There are many species of them growing in our forests.

Kochedyzhnik (Athyrium)- This genus includes approximately 200 species of ferns. There are 12 species found in our area. These are large ferns up to 1 m, growing mainly in forests. Leaves with short petioles, pinnately dissected, covered with brownish scales. Very widespread in humid forests and can form entire thickets. Reproduces intensively by spores. Considered poisonous. He likes it wet shady places, it is often planted near artificial reservoirs.

Common bracken (Pteridium oquilinum)- a perennial fern plant up to 1 meter high, branch width with leaves up to 70 cm. Cirrus or pinnately cut, lanceolate leaves are blunt at the ends, located on long petioles, dense. They have a peculiar smell. It does not grow as a bush, the leaves are arranged singly and are connected underground by a rhizome. Reproduces by spores. It grows most often in oak and pine forests. Unpretentious. It is considered poisonous, although it is used as food by the peoples of the Far East.

Horsetail- a herbaceous perennial spore plant that has an interesting texture. It has hard branched green segmented shoots 30-60 cm and cone-like spore-bearing spikelets. Often found in forests and swampy areas. Some types of horsetails are used in landscape design.

Forest shrubs

There are many beautiful shrubs in our forests, you just have to look closely. Here are beautiful long hazel earrings dangling, wild species of willow are greeting spring with fluffy “seals”, delighting with flowering and decorative fruits wolf's bast, euonymus, honeysuckle, dogwood, brittle buckthorn, privet. Beautiful and useful black elderberry, hawthorn and blackthorn. You can't count them all.

Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra)- This shrub is found everywhere in the wild. Its height is 6-10 m, the leaves are large and slightly shiny. In May it is covered with fragrant whitish-cream umbels of inflorescences. And as autumn approaches, the flower umbrellas turn into clusters of black berries. This unpretentious shrub on the site causes trouble due to active reproduction. However, this is not a reason to refuse this nice and very useful medicinal plant.


Hawthorn (Crataegus)- tall bush, Rosaceae family. Has many types. This plant remains decorative for almost the entire warm season. At first, the bush pleases the eye with beautiful white flowers, and in the fall it bursts with red-orange clusters of very healthy berries. The color of the fruit can range from light orange to black. A very undemanding and strong plant. Beautiful in hedges, thorny branches will make such a barrier impassable. It also looks decorative alone on the edges.

Thorn or blackthorn (Prunus spinosa L.)- branched thorny shrub from 1.5 to 4 m, from the Rosaceae family. Oblong-oval leaves with toothed edges. In the spring it is covered with small white five-petaled flowers, and in the fall in their place black and bluish fruits appear, reminiscent of small cream. Sweet and sour in taste, they have a slight tartness. Medicinal plant. In the wild it grows in the forest-steppe zone. Unpretentious.

Forest plants in landscape design

We can “invite” many forest guests to our garden plot. Growing in harsh wild conditions, in well-kept garden they can reveal all their potential. It is best, of course, to use plants from your area.

Some forest flowers are suitable for a Moorish lawn: cornflower, bluebells, wild poppy, forget-me-nots. In a shady area you can plant ferns, horsetail, and rosemary; they will give this part of the garden a touch of mystery and peace.

Liverworts will decorate rocky hills in a group with small-bulbous primroses. Marigold, fireweed, and meadowsweet will look great on the shore of an artificial reservoir. Blueberry will decorate any flower bed. Oregano can be used for mixborders and borders.

Most shrubs are suitable for creating hedges and perform well in single landing. The cuff will make a wonderful border.

Nowadays, such a trend in landscape design as “natural garden” or “eco-style garden” is coming into fashion. The basis of this style is the recreation of garden plot corner of wild nature. Of course, everything should be done as naturally as possible. For this purpose they are used wonderful plants our forests, which are in perfect harmony with inner world person.