home · Measurements · Choosing a pillow for a good sleep: buy or sew it yourself? How to sew a decorative pillow with your own hands: patterns, photos, diagrams Patterns of life-size animal pillows

Choosing a pillow for a good sleep: buy or sew it yourself? How to sew a decorative pillow with your own hands: patterns, photos, diagrams Patterns of life-size animal pillows

Sewing pillows with your own hands means not only saving on bedding, but also decorating your interior, giving it individuality using simple and inexpensive means. Looking at photos of homemade pillows on the Internet, it may seem that this requires a lot of experience or innate talent. But the same problems can be solved much more simply, and certainly, when sewing pillows, it is possible to go from simple to complex, ultimately creating things worthy of prizes at amateur art exhibitions. This article is intended to help readers overcome several stages of this path.

What you need to know right away

It is not always possible to sew original pillows as simple sleeping pillows, in the form of a base and a pillowcase. That's why Special attention You need to pay attention to the choice of fabric and padding. The pillow is conducive to sleep, and someday someone will fall asleep on it. Probably tired, with unwashed and unkempt hair: when your eyes are stuck together, there is no time to look at beauty, it would be a good place to lay your head. That is, the covering fabric should not only accept finishing well, but also be cleanable. And the best thing is that the stuffing can be removed and the cover washed without spoiling its decor. In addition, the filling itself should maintain hygienic qualities, elasticity and be moderately pliable for as long as possible. We will return to materials for pillows that meet these requirements, but for now we will discuss ways to decorate them from simple to complex, keeping in mind the above.

Methods for decorating pillows


The easiest way to sew decorative pillows in the same way as regular sleeping pillows is to choose the color of the fabric. And the simplest of all simple solution– several pillows different colors, forming an ensemble integrated into the interior. In this way, you can not only turn a cocotte’s boudoir into something like a soft fluffy cloud, but also express the individuality of laconic interior styles. This kind of work, I must say, is mentally very difficult, but technologically and financially elementary. For example, on the left in Fig. It’s no wonder that a sofa with a composition of pillows is placed against the backdrop of a window (painting?) with living greenery contrasting with the overall tone, and a flower in a vase is placed to the right of the sofa.

In the center in Fig. a method based on similar aesthetic principles, but not requiring a laconic interior and special organization of the placement of its objects. The point here is that the background of the furniture upholstery and the cushion cover is the same, as is the tone and density of the pattern in both, but the designs of the patterns are slightly different. And the pillow is highlighted wide, the so-called. French, edging, the same as the general background, but of a darker color; The color is slightly lighter on the lower and side parts of the furniture upholstery.

Finally, on the right in Fig. shows a way to give a pillow, by choosing the color of the fabric, what is said to be aesthetic self-sufficiency, i.e. the ability to express the meaning inherent in it by the craftswoman in any environment. Imagine such a pillow in... a garbage dump. Will she look worse there? And the point here is not only and not so much in the choice of 2-3, no more, catchy colors that make up a fairly large pattern, but also in the arrangement of stylized images of flowers on the visible surface of the thing.

Applications and printing

Decorating pillows with appliqués can be just a little more technically difficult, but no less expressive. Here, as before. In this case, the key to success is the artistic taste of the author and, preferably, the combination of at least 2 things into an ensemble, and, unlike the use of colors, its meaning can be absolutely clear to the point of frivolity, as on the left in the photo row, but obscenity is moral healthy man in this composition will see no more than in a normal marital relationship.

An expanded multi-valued composition of pillows with appliqués is technically more difficult to execute, and there is a risk of running into flickering. However, these days, photo printing on fabric is affordable, and the images are durable and of the same quality that the texture of the material allows. So, when considering a multi-pillow group with pictures, first of all it is worth considering the option of photo printing on blanks, in the center in the figure, especially since you can select/create pictures and model the entire ensemble in advance on a computer.

Note: modern technology Photo printing on fabric allows you to create images that are visually equivalent to embroidery. Flaps with printed pictures can also form the basis of an applique, on the right in Fig.

Form and fragment

Majority good designers prefers to work with form, considering it the root cause of the expressiveness of things, and color, texture and design/pattern as factors of the next orders of magnitude. One-two-three tone sofa cushions, the aesthetic significance of which is achieved by form, can also be technologically simple (item 1 in the figure) thanks to the use of modern materials, see below.

Working with form, it becomes possible to apply a new approach to meaningful decoration of a thing: modularity, poses. 2. Technologically, in this case, labor intensity only monotonically increases without the emergence of fundamental difficulties, because All modules assembled into the product are structurally similar and simple. But in such cases, you need to think about how to clean it, unless you want to completely redo it at least once every 1-2 years. A furniture vacuum cleaner and cleaning products for it are understandable, but it is necessary to use them less often.

The modular principle also allows, without a significant increase in labor intensity, to create sewn items of simple shape, in which the form nevertheless works for aesthetics. This is the so-called. patchwork technique; simply patchwork. Patchwork is not necessarily something deliberately rough, rough, or even tacky.

Decorative pillows using the patchwork technique can be sewn gracefully and neatly without agonizing thoughts and looking at samples/sketches until it hurts your eyes, poses. 3 and 4. You only need a key element (mainly in the center), which is in harmony with the overall design of the thing, but also stands out in some way. At pos. 3 this is achieved by a pattern of the same tone, but much larger than that of the elements of one diagonal and at the same time, naturally, smaller than the solid color filling of the squares of the other. And at pos. The 4th key, on the contrary, is distinguished by its shape, small size and relief (convexity).

Key element

In general, a compact key element(s) can add elegance to a pillow made in any technique. For example, at pos. 1 pic., the key is a simple button combined with a turn of scraps of fabric with a trivial black and white geometric pattern, right down to scraps of an old mattress. In case of using a brighter and more colorful material instead of a button, covered with fabric, Maybe, would be better suited button with round gathered bow, pos. 4.

At pos. 2 tassels and a button elevate pillows made of modestly colored fabric. This approach is attractive because it is possible to use furniture upholstery and even technical fabrics that do not get dirty easily, are easy to clean, but are not bright and shiny. And at pos. 3 is an example of how brushes add aesthetic value to a pillow with a pattern that is too small for this purpose. Perhaps the larger pattern somehow didn’t fit into the overall design, but the pillow still needed decorative self-sufficiency, so the brushes came to the rescue.

Note: a single brush on the corner of the pillow can play, without losing its aesthetic value, a purely utilitarian role, hiding the last seam, see below. In this case, it can be successfully replaced with a pompom. How to make a brush and pompom with your own hands, see next. Fig., but in general, you need to be careful with tassels and pom-poms as numerous elements of the main decoration of pillows, see below.

Lace, knitting and embroidery

All these methods of decorating pillows (see fig.) have in common that things, on the one hand, are labor-intensive and difficult to perform (unless ready-made lace or organdy is used). On the other hand, lace and knitted pillows on the sofa provide not only a magnificent aesthetic effect, but also respect with prestige: complex quality work speaks for itself. Moreover, all such things are cleaned and washed many times: people have been weaving lace and knitting for centuries; Both skills are quite adapted to washing much more harshly than in a modern washing machine with synthetic detergents.

Knitted sofa cushions have another advantage: they mask the last seam without any difficulty, see below. And, by the way, thanks to this same circumstance, knitted decorative pillows can be very simple to make if you sew them from old sweaters, as on the right in Fig.

About knitwear

Knitwear as a material for covering a pillow retains all the advantages of knitted items, incl. the ability to conduct a hidden facial seam. It also has its own special advantages. Firstly, the softness of the surface - wool sometimes “bites” the face, and knitting from mohair or down is more difficult. Secondly, accessibility: who hasn’t had to wonder what to do with the sweaters and blouses of a grown child? Stuff with holofiber (see below), sew up the armholes, embellish a little - and in an hour and a half a good one is ready original pillow from scrap materials, see fig. Will it fit in the living room? general design, but as a pillow for a nursery it will be quite in its place. You can also sleep on it without risking button marks on your cheek: you turn it over, and that’s it.

About embroidery on pillows

For those who know how to embroider, a pillow is a beneficial canvas in all respects, see figure:

If you want to embroider across the entire field, you will need a special frame-shaped hoop; the canvas in it is stretched (unfolded) with harsh threads. Drawing, pattern - everything here is at your discretion and skill, but there are some features compared to embroidery of other things:

  1. There is no need to embroider with beads, it will be unhygienic and inconvenient. Any by known methods When cleaning pillows, it is impossible to completely remove dirt particles from the holes in the beads, and lying down on the beaded surface is also not very pleasant;
  2. Cross stitch: satin stitch embroidery under the head/body quickly gets dirty and slips, and wrinkles when washed;
  3. When embroidering across the entire field, make a continuous wide edging: it is just as easy to hide the last seam in it as in a knitted pillow.


Relief decor: fringe, bows, frills, puffs, intarsia, weaving, voluminous appliqués (stripes), quilting, etc., etc., see fig. – widely used for finishing pillows, because allows you to achieve stunning aesthetic effects. However, when starting your first (or next) masterpiece, keep in mind, firstly, that creating beauty using the “I want a lot of everything!” And more!”, is wrong in principle. You need to understand what you feel, what you want, and express it through the means available to you. Which do not necessarily have to be sophisticated and intricate.

Secondly, remember - you are not the trusted seamstress of the Marquise of Pompadour or the Countess deMoncero. The beauty you created with your own hands is unspeakable and you have to wash it once. And the point is not only whether this thing can withstand washing, but also whether the machine can withstand washing such a thing. Not so, the hour is uneven, you will have to master interesting ones, but not simple ways repairs washing machines. The fringe with tassels can still be torn off and sewn on again, but for a stained, labor-intensive pom-pom pillow, it’s hard to think of anything better than throwing it away and making a new one. If you have enough spirit for it after such an opportunity.

However, dissuading people from striving for beauty is pointless, and even unbecoming. So about every case in Fig. above - 2 ways to make roses from felt or cotton pads. If necessary, such flowers can be easily removed and then sewn on again. Or simply make new ones to replace worn ones.

And in Fig. on the right - advice about bows: take as a basis the same principle of laconicism, it will never let you down, and make simple bows so that you can untie and tie them for caring for the pillow. That pillow is made of burlap, but does it look good?

About buffs

Puffs on a suitable fabric, smooth and glossy, are another matter. When done correctly, they can be vacuumed and hand washed without any problems. And making all this splendor is not as difficult as it seems. First you need to learn how to read the diagrams for assembling puffs (assembling them, as sewing makers say).

As an example, diagrams for assembling simple puffs are shown in Fig. below. All puff patterns are built on an orthogonal-diagonal grid, the module of which (the side of the square) is 2-7 cm, depending on the size of the product and the density of the fabric. The grid in the diagram can be shown explicitly, as on the right in the figure, or its nodes can only be marked with dots, as on the left. The mesh is applied to the back of the workpiece with a textile marker in a mirror image.

Further, areas that are contracted (collected, assembled) into a buffer are marked either with converging arrows (on the left) or red lines (on the right), and those that are not contracted are marked with simple thin lines. The puffs can be assembled either with one thread or separately. The first method is for the lazy, because... a web of threads is formed from the inside. In any case, each puff is assembled with at least 3 stitches 4-5 mm wide, unless otherwise indicated in the notes to the pattern.

Then, the assembly sequence. It is produced in horizontal or vertical rows, again, unless otherwise indicated in the description of the pattern. In the case where the rows are indicated explicitly (on the left), they are displayed in numbering order and the buffs in the row are also assembled by numbers; here – Row 1 1-2, 3-4, etc., then Row 2 and so on. In the absence of an explicit indication of the rows (on the right), the puffs are assembled simply in numerical order; according to the diagram on the right - 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, etc.

Try to collect in buffs according to these, entry level, diagrams, any scrap of fabric, and you will see that it will take little time, even if you put it together one at a time. And then watching a selection of master classes on making pillows with puffs that are much more spectacular and complex won’t seem like a nightmare:

Video: DIY buffalo pillows, master classes

About figurine pillows

The principle “You don’t need a lot of things! And simpler!” It is especially appropriate in relation to decorative pillows, which work aesthetically primarily through form. They are often sewn using patterns for soft toys, forgetting that a sewn cat does not know how to wash its own tail. And he will have to take on not only room dust, but also grease. Perhaps, especially when it comes to children's pillows, there are, so to speak, volley emissions of pollutants of biogenic origin.

In addition, they not only jump and ride on children's pillows; They not only fight and throw them around, they also sleep on them. And sleeping with your head askew, with your head slid to one side, is in no way beneficial to your developing skeleton. This especially needs to be taken into account when sewing a children's toy pillow; For example, we give the patterns in Fig.

On the left is a fish pillow. The shape and execution technique seem to have been chosen correctly: it is quite easy to care for, the last seam can be covered with a tail or fins. But the sleeper’s head may slide to one side, the shoulder will follow it and it will turn out that we are sleeping hunched over. The owl pillow, top right, is free from this drawback: the “ears” will hold. For those who toss and turn a lot in their sleep, it is better to place such a pillow with a deflection between the “ears” towards the neck; This pattern can easily be adapted for a cat pillow, only without the tail. In both versions, it is advisable to make the cut diagonal for better ergonomics as a sleeping accessory, see below.

Note: for children - irrepressible sleepy fidgeters - below right is a pattern of a special pillow on which the child automatically learns to sleep on his back or on his side, stretched out freely.

Pillows in the form of letters (see figure) have moved even closer from pillows to soft toys than pillows-figures: there are a lot of holes in them, where to sleep. It is believed that letter pillows are educational, developing, etc. Well, perhaps to coordinate movements and orientation in space, to climb between them large, like in a maze. As for the speedy learning of literacy, this has not yet been confirmed by science. However, no harm was noted from pillows in the form of letters, and the fun for the child is already a benefit for him.

Large letter pillows must hold their shape well and withstand the appropriate operating conditions, in relation to which small users show amazing ingenuity. One of the design options of this kind is shown in Fig.:

Foam rubber 45 is furniture foam rubber highest density; We’ll talk about what holofiber is below. Of course, other methods of sewing letter pillows are also possible, see for example. next video.

Note: diagram in fig. It is also suitable for stuffing bolster pillows, if it is desirable to have their ends rounded.

Video: do-it-yourself letter pillows, manufacturing option

About puzzle pillows

Pillows in the form of elements of prefabricated Puzzle mosaic paintings are also quite popular. It is believed that, if necessary, they can be assembled into a mattress. It is possible to collect something, yes, then yes. But anyone who has tried to sleep on such a mattress knows: it is impossible, it is crawling under you. Pillows, unlike puzzle pieces, are soft and pliable, otherwise you’ll end up with some kind of bunks instead of pillows.

Materials and technology

We will not expand on the fact that when sewing you need to give cuffs of 20-30 mm, iron them, sew from the inside out and then turn the product inside out, etc., which is well known. In this section we will talk about things that are not always known to beginning seamstresses.


To properly sew a pillow without a pillowcase that is comfortable, hygienic, practical and durable, you need to choose the right fabric. Firstly, dirt particles should not stick to its fibers so that they can be sucked out with a vacuum cleaner without the use of detergents. Secondly, the covering fabric should, as far as possible, prevent dirt from migrating into the padding, which is difficult to clean and change. Silk, satin, crepe-satin and their synthetic analogues satisfy these conditions of light, smooth and bright textile materials. Light but soft - calico, flannel and other linen fabrics. From rough, but very durable - any furniture upholstery materials. Also, depending on the style of execution, it is possible to use any technical fabrics, except, perhaps, propylene matting and the like - too slippery, but at the same time rough and harsh.

Warp and weft

When cutting a pillow, the orientation of the warp and weft threads of the fabric matters. Orthogonal (straight) orientation, when the warp and weft are oriented perpendicularly (along) respectively. sides, allows you to more accurately maintain the shape of the pillow according to the pattern. But, if the pillow is straight cut with sharp corners is filled with fairly dense material, its corners may be empty and sag, pos. 1 in Fig.

In pillows with a diagonal cut (the warp and weft are at 45 degrees to the sides), the corners will always be full, but a “waist” will appear that is larger than provided by the pattern, pos. 2. If the pillow is elongated, the thinnest “waist” will be on the long sides, pos. 3, which is not always desirable. In this case, the use of satin or twill weave fabric, pos. 4.


However, feather/down filling, firstly, is not elastic enough for decorative pillows; they are not fluffed like sleeping pillows, due to the rapid deterioration of the finish from such treatment. Secondly, small soft feathers and natural down for stuffing pillows are difficult to obtain. In the old days, the whole family collected feathers and down for years for the future bride for her wedding feather bed (an indispensable attribute of the dowry).

Nowadays, almost ideal stuffing materials for pillows have been developed - synthetic down and holofiber. In terms of hygiene, they are not inferior to swan's down; however, not for the lifetime of generations, but up to 7-10 years. On the other hand, the decor of the pillow no longer lives. But these materials have undoubted advantage: they are moderately elastic and retain this quality for years.

In essence, synthetic down and holofiber are the same material based on the finest tangled polyester fibers; This is the same polyethylene terephthalate (PET) that food utensils and bottles are made from. Synthetic fluff is produced in the form of fluffy granules (on the left in the figure), and holofiber undergoes additional molding and goes on sale in sheets (plates), on the right there.

Sheet holofiber holds its shape no worse than the best furniture foam rubber. By the way, in letter pillows (see above) you can make the entire base from it, but it will not be cheap: sheet holofiber is much more expensive than foam rubber, and the waste of material in this case is large. But where sheet holofiber is indispensable is in the manufacture of cloud pillows and other complex irregular shape: the workpiece needs to be trimmed with scissors, and then covered with fabric in place without a pattern.

Another filling material that is particularly suitable for baby pillows is rounded silicone beads. They don't get wet, that's it. Two - silicone granules can be poured into the case through an armhole only 2-4 cm wide, which greatly simplifies the problem of the last seam. Three - the cover from them can be emptied through the same armhole, and the granules can be washed manually in a basin. In a car - under no circumstances, it will fail instantly! Washed and dried silicone granules can be put back into the same case; the pillow will be the same as before.

Note: All of the above regarding the sanitary and hygienic properties of silicone granules does not apply to polystyrene foam granules that fill frameless furniture.

The last seam...

...he is the most difficult. You probably already guessed that this is the same seam that needs to be sewn up from the face when the pillow is already turned out and stuffed. It is usually recommended to sew in a zipper in advance for this purpose. In relation to, say, a pear chair or other frameless furniture, this is truly the best option.

But the pillow does not have a bottom or a back, on which people never sit, sleep, or lean on them, and there is no point in waking up with the imprint of a fastener on your cheek under any circumstances. As for the stronger sex, a pillow with a zipper can cling to their mustache, beard and just 3-5 day stubble. The pillow stuck to the person harmonizes perfectly with the rumpled face, but only in a comic sense.

With knitted, knitted and embroidered pillows with piping there is no problem at all if the thread for the last seam is taken to match the material of the face: stitches of only 1-2 mm in this case are completely pulled into it and turn out to be quite durable. Good options are also a solid narrow textile edging in a color that matches the overall color, see picture, lace or ruffled border, trim, etc. However, the universal solution for the last seam is a narrow, 2-4 cm, armhole in the corner. Through it, you can stuff the pillow with synthetic down or silicone granules, and disguise the front seam with a brush or pom-pom. If necessary, synthetic fluff is pulled out in shreds using a crochet hook. At first, the silicone granules are simply squeezed out like paste from a tube, and the remainder is removed from the inside-out case.

About seamless pillows

Representatives of nomadic professions and residents of student dormitories from the pre-Khrushchev era have long been familiar with such things. A beautiful scarf allows you to make decorative seamless pillows in just minutes; the basis could be something like regular pillow, or a piece of foam rubber cut to shape or just a wad of rags. How this magnificent illustration of the saying “The need for invention is cunning” is created is shown in the figure:

You can tie a curly knot or straighten its ends into a socket and grab it with threads; however, this would be a formal violation of the “seamless” principle. In this case, something like the rosette described above will also fit in the center.

In conclusion: form functionality

To bring the interior to perfection, it is important to be able to correctly apply the finishing touches. To do this, you can use decorative details suitable for general style premises. Many stylists consider a worthy element of interior improvement decorative pillows.

Decorative pillows: a variety of ideas

Today, for the interior, it is not difficult to choose many options for such cute little things that will decorate the room in any style. As the embodiment of comfort and coziness, they were very popular not only with the eastern khans and sheikhs, whose sofas and floors were simply covered with pillows. Moreover, in Russia, many believe that the name of this item comes from its location - “under the ear.” But in fact, the pillow got its name from its original filling.

The fact is that initially our ancestors filled pillows not with down, but with hay, herbs, and fragrant flowers, which were like an outlet. The infusion herbs were usually selected with an aroma or spirit that calms, helps to relax and sleep. Today, in any home, you can place a comfortable pillow on an armchair, on a bed, or even on the floor. They are sewn specifically for cars to make it more comfortable for passengers in the seats on the road. They even came up with special hug pillows that allow you not only to rest your head, but also to warm up in a soft embrace. Such a detail will calm a crying child, and give a lonely person its warmth and tranquility. Floor-standing options different sizes help you sit comfortably on the floor to read, listen to music, watch TV or chat with friends.

This creation is called “boyfriend pillow”

But decorative pillows on the sofa have two specific purposes. Firstly, these are soft objects, leaning on which you can take a position that is comfortable for your back on the sofa. Secondly, it is a decoration that matches the overall style of the interior.

Usually pillows are made bright, cheerful, and classic interiors– more restrained. Ruffles, frills, decorative cords, beads, ribbons, muslin and other cute little things are used for decoration. But at the same time, the pillow should remain comfortable, so the decorations are placed at the ends, which will not end up under the cheek or shoulder of the resting person. The shape of these objects also varies: from traditional rectangular or square to round and triangular.

Samples in the form of hearts, flowers, leaves and even full-fledged soft toys are also fashionable. But no design or shape will make a pillow comfortable if it is filled with non-plastic material, has a scratchy lining, or is oversaturated with voluminous decorations that can rest against the body during sleep or rest. Therefore, when purchasing or making this yourself decorative item It is important to pay attention to all these points. Well, if this item is purchased only as a decoration, then you can allow the placement of hard objects on flat surfaces.

We do it ourselves

You can make decorative pillows with your own hands without any special technical skills, you just need to use your imagination. But to create these seemingly simple objects, you will have to put in a lot of effort, painstaking work, as, indeed, with any other creativity. You will also have to prepare materials and tools for work in advance. So, the first thing you will need is fabric as the main material, the choice of which has no restrictions. Especially if the item will serve a purely decorative function. Therefore, for this option, the fabric is selected based on the principle of ease of working with it and the spectacular appearance of the product; it is only important to use your imagination. You can choose the material used for upholstery. Linen and cotton, as well as knitted, canvas, denim, felt and fleece fabrics are often used.

This picture shows how to sew a gathered pillowcase. As you can see, nothing complicated

You can make a pillowcase from an old sweater

Regardless of the use of the pillow, fur trim with long or short pile is used in its manufacture. pillow with my own hands You can even sew it from materials left over from old clothes. You can knit or crochet it, which will look simply amazing and very stylish.

Fabric for pillowcases is often combined, resulting in an original exclusive item. In this case, it is better to use fabric that is similar in texture. It is important to ensure that fabric that does not stretch does not meet stretch fabric. This is due to the fact that such a combination may result in a shapeless monster rather than an elegant interior decoration. Any person who owns a needle and thread can make original ones that can be found on the Internet.

Decorating a pillow without sewing. Take a pillow and a suitable piece of fabric

Wrap the pillow in fabric

Fold the raw edge over and glue it to the pillow

But skin alone is not enough: you need to fill it suitable material. Oddly enough, cotton wool is not suitable for stuffing, as it clumps very quickly, which can result in an uncomfortable bun from the pillow. Sintepon is more suitable for filling. Of course, it also tends to lose a little volume, especially when the pillow is used not just as decoration, but also for its intended purpose. A ideal option filling can be synthetic fluff and fibertek. They are unique in the sense that they are not prone to caking, bunching, or causing an allergic reaction, so they can be used for stuffing baby pillows. These materials regain their original fluffiness and volume even after several washes. You can buy them in the fabric department or faux fur. You can also use foam rubber, which will be especially convenient when filling the roller.

This pillow is also made quickly and without special effort

Just sew a pillowcase bigger size, than necessary, and pull the fabric into bundles

Like this. Just pull it off and tie it tightly. You can even flash it

Foam rubber of any thickness can be selected at a building materials store. As an exception, pillowcases can be stuffed with fur and even scraps of fabric. True, a thing with such padding may turn out to be sloppy. But during production floor pillow from rough material it can become quite suitable option. You can also sew an original, comfortable cover for the finished pillow.

But it's not enough just sew a decorative pillow: it needs to be properly decorated. This stage completely depends on the imagination of the master. And there are so many examples of decoration that it’s impossible to even just list them all.

For such beautiful decor you will need several meters of fabric and a couple of hours of time, but the result is worth the cost

So, take a long strip of fabric (10 centimeters wide) and fold it in half

Sew the fabric as shown in the photo

Now pass a strong thread along the entire length and tighten it

Sew the ribbon onto the pillowcase in a spiral

This way you can decorate a pillow of any shape - round, square or elongated.

  1. The most popular are elements from accessories: ribbons, braid, cords, buttons, sequins, buckles, zippers, lace and other cute elements.
  2. Separate elements the decor can also be fabric from which you can make an applique, voluminous flowers or bows.
  3. Can be used acrylic paints for textiles, embroidery, decorative stitches as various types seams and many other techniques.

When making any decorative item from fabric, it is important to use high-quality threads. They must match the color and thickness of the fabric. Knitting threads and floss can be used, especially when making decorative seams by hand. The same threads are suitable for making tassels during decoration. The tools you will have to stock up on are needles, scissors, crayons, which can be replaced with soap, markers, pencils, and pens for transferring the pattern onto the fabric.

Beautiful pillow with felt butterflies

First we make the pillowcase blank

We cut out a butterfly template from cardboard and use this template to cut out felt butterflies for the future pillowcase

We pin them to the places where they will “sit”. It can be in a row, or it can be in random order.

Sew butterflies to fabric

Sew a pillowcase

In addition, to perform complex models you need paper with which to model these patterns, as well as other sewing tools that are usually used in such cases. If the pillowcase is knitted, you will need to prepare hooks or knitting needles of the appropriate size. And if embroidery is used, you will need tools for this needlework.

It is convenient to perform these processes with a sewing or knitting machine. But you shouldn’t be upset without them, because a hand-sewn pillow with a simple needle will make the item not only beautiful, but also exclusive; it will just take a little longer to complete. And our needlewomen have the patience to sew even entire blankets and rugs by hand using various techniques, including patchwork, which requires an investment of no less colossal labor than when sewing a pillow.

This pillow requires a little time and the ability to sew on a machine.

You need to take fabric blanks for the pillowcase itself...

...and a ribbon of the color you want for the frills

We attach the ruffles at one end to the front side of the pillowcase...

...and sew the ribbons lengthwise to the fabric, gathering them into folds

Try to make folds of the same width

When making decorative pillows with your own hands, you should carefully consider the design of the product. One of the most popular options is a tender heart. This thing looks incredibly sophisticated thanks to its original shape and decor. The model is quite simple, sewn from ordinary two squares, but the main thing in it is the selection of worthy jewelry.

  • First you need to cut circles from the fabric, for which a fabric that will not fray without finishing the edge is suitable. Moreover, these circles should not have perfect shape and absolutely identical sizes.
  • You need to fold the circles, wrapping them around each other to get a kind of flower.
  • The folds are secured with thread near the base of the resulting flower.
  • Ready-made flowers a heart shape is laid out on the pillow.
  • The formation of the image begins with a contour, and then gradually fills it inner part.
  • The flowers are sewn on quite tightly, which will make the heart quite lush. After finishing laying out the heart, all that remains is to fluff it up a little, rubbing all the petals with your hands.

You can sew not the entire item from scratch, but only decorative pillowcases on the pillows. In this case, you can use any decorative techniques. But just as it is better to build a house than to rebuild it, it is better to make a pillow from A to Z. This will allow you not to be limited in choosing the shape. An example of such a product would be a hexagonal pillow with tassels.

For such unusual pillow you will need burlap and a narrow red ribbon

Sew a regular pillowcase from burlap

Attach the heart template and outline it with ribbon, threading it straight through the fabric

Unusual shape It is performed using the patchwork technique - sewing scraps of fabric into one pattern or a whole product. You can take fabric in only two colors, but such a thing looks much more interesting if it is made of sectors different colors. The main condition for a successful craft is correct selection harmonious colors. They will help you in making one, which can be found on the Internet. Using this video, you can also duplicate the implementation of a hexagonal pillow. To sew it you will need exactly 12 triangles of the same size. First you need to build a pattern on paper, and then redraw it on fabric. After cutting out, the triangles are sewn together on the wrong side of the product. Thus, two canvases are made, which are folded facing inward and stitched. Be sure to leave an unstitched area, which is subsequently filled with stuffing and sewn up after turning the pillowcase inside out. And if you try to make such a pillow once, the excitement of needlework will never let you go.


Every woman is a craftswoman at heart, striving to create comfort and beauty in the family nest with her own hands. A good way to refresh the interior and give it originality is to make your own sofa cushions, which will not only serve as decoration, but also make your stay in the living room more comfortable. Or maybe they will even become the subject of fun pillow fights? In any case, creating a sofa cushion will not take much effort from you, but it will give you joy from the final result and admiration that your household and guests will reward you with. In this article you will learn best ways, how you can make decorative pillows for a sofa with your own hands, and see photos that inspire creativity.

How to make sofa cushions with your own hands

You can spend hours shopping, but still cannot find pillows of the right color, shape and size. But handmade sofa cushions are guaranteed to fit into the interior and will only emphasize the individuality and style inherent in your home. Handicraft allows us to experiment with design as much as we like, using independently selected and available materials. Among the ways to make beautiful pillows for a sofa, the following are especially interesting:

  • Painting old pillowcases and hand painting with various effects;
  • Sewing sofa cushions (from new fabric, from old clothes, creating appliqués, etc.);
  • Knitting a pillow for a sofa using a hook or knitting needles;
  • Decorating pillows using embroidery, buttons, pieces of fabric, etc.

We tried to collect for you here photos of the most stylish ideas which were brought to life with their own hands. Take note of the best ones!

We create decorative pillows for the sofa with painting

We sew pillowcases for sofa cushions with our own hands

The last part of the photos in this article will clearly show you how you can sew pillows on a sofa. Make sure that if you have a sewing machine, a lot of imagination or a ready-made pattern, you can also create stunning decorative sofa pillows that cannot be found in regular store. This method is also suitable for those who do not want to spend money on new pillows, but only want to replace old pillowcases or disguise a stain. Look at the photo!

Also read:

Also read: Finally, useful patterns to sew beautiful pillowcases for sofa cushions:

We hope that our article gave you at least a little inspiration for creativity. Create something beautiful with your own hands, it’s very interesting and exciting!

35 ideas to make your own sofa cushions updated: November 25, 2016 by: Evgenia Elkina

It's hard to imagine modern life without such a wonderful thing as a pillow. It's no secret that a properly selected pillow will give you good and bright dreams.

In stores you can find a huge number of different pillows, including toy pillows. Let's figure out together what they are and how you can make them yourself.

What is a toy pillow

Based on the name, a toy pillow is a pillow made in the form soft toy(most often some kind of animal). You can play with such a pillow, take it with you to bed, sit on it or lie on the floor. Such a pillow can be an excellent decoration for an interior made in a certain style.

The pillow is a boat.

The advantage of handmade toy pillows is that you can use leftover scraps or leftover wool to make them. In this case, the pillow will also perform a developmental function: the child will develop sensitivity, and the variety of colors will help him learn the names of colors.

For example, a pillow made in the shape of a car or a house with windows will help not only learn the names of colors, but also the names of geometric shapes.

Knitting pattern for a machine pillow

Sewing a toy pillow with your own hands is not at all difficult. You will need a pattern (which you can draw yourself or use our ideas), fabric, threads with a needle, if available, a sewing machine, knitting threads (if you want to make a knitted toy) and filler.

Pillow-toy “Cat” made of fabric

Pattern of a toy pillow in the shape of a cat

Crochet "Pigguin" pillow

Knitted horse pillows

When choosing materials for a toy, do not forget that they should not cause allergies and should not fade.

Choosing an idea for a pillow

Its shape will also depend on the purpose of the pillow.

Cushion cushion

Do you want to make a tight roll under your back? The ideas of a dachshund dog, a snake or a train will suit you.

Pattern of a toy pillow in the shape of a dog

Want to make a pillow for the road? Choose semicircular shapes: such a pillow can be placed under the child’s neck:

Pattern of the toy pillow “Giraffe”

How to make a pillow in the shape of a sweet donut, watch the video master class:

Sleep pillow

If the pillow is intended for sleeping, then you should not make hard, noticeably prominent eyes and nose. It is difficult to press your face against such a pillow and fall asleep. It's better to give preference soft tissues: fleece or flannel.

Pattern of a toy pillow in the shape of a sheep

Scops owl pillow

Seat cushion

Do you want your pillow to be able to sit on? Try to make it flatter.

Floor pillow

A long pillow can be placed on a window or on the floor to protect from drafts.

Pillow patterns in the shape of a cat and a dog

Pillow filler

When choosing filling for a toy pillow, there are several important things to remember.

Firstly, the toy should be quite light so that the child can carry it from place to place.

Secondly, such a pillow will have to be washed often. This means that the filler should wring out well and dry quickly. It is best to use synthetic fluff or holofiber for stuffing.

Another interesting option filler - special polystyrene ball filler (the same one that is used in muffin pillows).

And remember that handmade toy pillows are a unique product that will add comfort to your home and will undoubtedly please your child!

Expectant mothers are painfully familiar with the problems of having to purchase certain products for pregnant women. For some it is difficult to find this or that item in their city, for others the cost is too high. Today we will talk about how to sew a pillow for pregnant women with your own hands, so as not to incur unnecessary financial costs.

Why do you need a pregnancy pillow?

No matter what they say about the delights of pregnancy, we should not forget that it is also associated with certain problems. The longer the period, the more difficult it is for a woman to fall asleep due to her expanding belly. It is difficult to find a comfortable position, lying on your back for a long time is uncomfortable and dangerous, as a result - lack of sleep, swelling of the legs, headache, back pain, fatigue.

A pregnancy pillow will provide you with a sound sleep and help avoid health problems.

As a rule, pregnant women try to sleep on their side, and for greater comfort, place folded blankets or towels under their stomach. There are special pillows for pregnant women on sale. large assortment- can choose suitable size, color, texture. But, unfortunately, many people cannot afford them. The solution is simple: you can sew such a pillow yourself. It will cost much less, and you can easily customize this product to suit you.

In addition to its intended purpose, this pillow will serve you after childbirth.. There are at least 2 use cases.

  1. During the breastfeeding period, you can use pillows as soft seat. Wrap it around your waist and tie the pre-sewn ribbons at the back. This way you won't have to constantly hold your baby in your arms while feeding.
  2. Tie the pillow in the same way and place it on the floor or sofa. You will get a kind of playpen, in the center of which you can put the baby.

Babies love to lie in a large soft playpen pillow

Different shapes

A classic pregnancy pillow looks like this: english letter U. This feature ensures the most comfortable position of the body: the head is located on a rounded area, and the arms and legs are on the sides.


  • the stomach and back are evenly supported, the load is distributed correctly;
  • a good option for those who like to turn from side to side, because such a pillow will not need to be shifted, unlike products of other shapes.


  • The pillow size is large, the bed must be appropriate;
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to hug your husband with such a pillow.

Most often, such pillows are available in 2 sizes: for tall girls and for average height.

U-shaped pillow is equally comfortable on both sides

G-shaped pillows have recently appeared on the market, but have already become popular. Among their advantages is that they are well suited not only for sleep, but also for daytime rest. This pillow can easily be tucked under your head, stomach, wrapped around your legs, or leaned against your back. This form of the product helps relieve muscle tension.

The G-shaped pillow is universal: it supports the back, stomach and relieves heaviness from the hips and legs

In a bagel pillow you will comfortably spend not only your sleep time, but also your evening watching TV. It is especially convenient because it allows you to relieve not only your back and stomach, but also your legs.

Some people compare a bagel pillow to a hug.

True, in some cases this accessory will have to be turned over: when you turn on the other side, your stomach will rest against the back of the pillow, and your back will be without proper support.

Banana pillow is simple and mobile. It will provide good support for either the stomach or the back; will not take up much space; ideal for sleeping on your side (on later this is especially important). In addition, you can take this pillow on a trip to rest on it in a half-sitting or half-lying position.

The banana pillow is comfortable, easy to use and mobile.

An L-shaped pillow is a simple long cushion that is curved on one side.. It will not take up much space and will be convenient in almost any situation. True, when turning from side to side, you will have to shift it every time.

The L-shaped pillow is not universal, but it is very comfortable in many ways.

The I-shaped pillow is the simplest option. Compact, inexpensive and very easy to make if you decide to sew it yourself. The shape of this pillow relieves the spine and neck joints, relaxes the muscles, and allows the body to rest. Yes, and turning over with her in an embrace is not difficult.

This pillow is the most compact and simple, but very comfortable

As you can see, a pillow for pregnant women is not a luxury, but very useful and convenient thing, which any expectant mother will be delighted with. Are you ready to start crafting? Then let's talk about the progress of the work.

We sew a pillow for pregnant women with our own hands

What you will need

You will need what any woman probably has:

  • sewing machine;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • paper for patterns (any - newspapers, magazine pages, old notebooks);
  • fabric for pillow;
  • pillowcase fabric;
  • filler.

And if everything is clear with tools, then we need to talk in more detail about fabrics, and especially fillers.

Choose high-quality and natural fabrics for the pillow

Naturally, the fabric for such a pillow should be natural, not cause allergic reactions and pleasant to the touch. Therefore, choose cotton, linen or calico.

For a pillowcase you can take fleece, plush, velor, knitwear and even fur - it all depends on your imagination. if you have free time and knitting or crocheting skills, a pillowcase can be knitted. But do not forget that the threads must be of high quality and hypoallergenic.

About the filler

The comfort of a pillow for pregnant women depends on the quality of the filler. It should be soft enough, but at the same time retain its shape well. In addition, other important criteria: hypoallergenic, easy to care for (after all, even such a large pillow will have to be washed), as well as your personal preferences for hardness and elasticity.

First of all, go to a store that sells products for pregnant women and ask the seller about how much the pillow weighs and what it is filled with. At the same time, you can choose the appropriate style. This will help you figure out how much filling you need to buy for your homemade pillow. The filler itself can be of several types:

  • polystyrene foam balls;
  • buckwheat husk.

The most popular type of filler is polystyrene foam in balls (foam). It holds the shape of the product perfectly and does not sag due to its elasticity. Hypoallergenic, easy to clean, environmentally friendly, repels odors. It is very important that this material does not attract bacteria, mold and mites. There is one drawback: over time, the foam decreases in volume by about 20% due to air loss. In addition, some women complain that the rustling of the balls in the pillow makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Expanded polystyrene is the most popular filling for pregnant pillows

Holofiber is soft and elastic

Synthetic down (synthetic down) is similar in almost all qualities to holofiber.

Synthetic fluff is cheaper than holofiber

Buckwheat husk is an absolutely environmentally friendly product with which you should not be afraid of allergies.. True, the pillow will turn out to be a little heavy, and such a filler is not cheap.

Buckwheat husks have long been used as a filler for mattresses and pillows.

Now that you have everything you need, you can start making the pillow.

Step-by-step instructions with photos

Classic U Shape Pillow

Its main advantage self-made is that you can determine the size of the pillow for your height. The provided pattern shows standard indicators. You will need two identical pieces of fabric. So, let's start our master class.

Pattern classic pillow for pregnant women, on the right - fold or middle of the fabric

  1. Place the pattern on paper and cut out. Fold the fabric in half front side inside. Connect the center of the pattern to the fold of the fabric.

    Transfer the pattern to the fabric

  2. Pin the pattern to the material, outline with a pencil or chalk.
  3. When cutting off a pattern, immediately fasten the fabric back, otherwise it will move to the side.

    Secure the fabric with pins

  4. If you felt more comfortable laying out the fabric in one layer, turn the pattern and align the center on top. Pin and trace the pattern again.
  5. Make the second fabric piece in the same way.
  6. Put away the pattern until you sew the pillowcase. Place two pieces of fabric facing each other (the one on which the pattern is transferred lies on top) and fasten with pins.

    Fold the pieces of fabric to make 2 parts of the product

  7. Carefully cut along the drawn line, leaving a 1.5 cm seam allowance.

    Carefully cut out the pieces with seam allowances

  8. On top, along the fold, mark a section about 20 cm long. You cannot sew it yet: through this hole you will turn the pillow inside out and place the filling.

    Leave the area at the top of the product unsewn

  9. Baste the parts along the outline line and stitch on a sewing machine. Be sure to leave an open area at the top of the piece unstitched.

    Sew the cover with a straight stitch along the entire outline, except for the hole for stuffing.

  10. Finish the edges with an overlock, zigzag or overlock stitch.

    Finish the edges

  11. Now you can turn the cover inside out front side. These are the “pants” you get.

    Turn the pillowcase right side out

  12. Insert the filling through the hole left at the top. Distribute it evenly. Adjust the density according to your own preferences.

    Fill the case with filler

  13. Sew the hole by hand or machine stitch.

    Sew the cover all the way

  14. As a result, you will get a pillow like this.

    Ready-made pregnancy pillow

  15. Using the same pattern, adding 1 cm on each side, sew the pillowcase in the same way. Allowances are needed to make it easier to place the pillow inside. Leave a 50 cm long section at the top unstitched and sew a zipper there.

    Pillow in a pillowcase

Note! A pregnancy pillow should be clean - this is the main rule of hygiene. It’s better to sew 2-3 pillowcases at once so that you can change and wash them as needed.

Is it really very easy and simple? Rest assured, you can easily cope with other shapes of pillows. They are sewn in the same way.


This product is no more difficult to sew than the previous one. In fact, the difference is only in form. For this pillow you will need a piece of fabric 1 m X 2.20 m and the same amount for the pillowcase. Select the amount of filler according to the same principle as in the first option. In addition, you will need a zipper 40 cm long.