home · On a note · Andrey Gubin got married in Thailand. Andrey Gubin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Andrey Gubin nervous system disease - latest news

Andrey Gubin got married in Thailand. Andrey Gubin: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Andrey Gubin nervous system disease - latest news

Andrei Gubin, for whom almost all the girls in Russia and neighboring countries went crazy in the 1990s, remained a lonely and secluded bachelor. At 42 years old, he has not started a family, he lives alone, but he does not regret anything and feels like a completely happy person.

The author of the hits “Tramp Boy”, “Liza”, “Winter Cold” and many others now lives very modestly and even reclusively. Gubin's monthly income is about $250. He receives money from royalties and for writing new songs. The 90s star hardly appears anywhere, communicates with few people and prefers to spend time alone.

As he claims, this is all due to the fact that he has many complexes, he is afraid to impose himself and be inappropriate. This entire arsenal of “tightness” complements the diagnosis that doctors gave him many years ago - he suffers from left-sided prosopalgia. Gubin says that he is constantly tormented by severe pain in the facial muscles. The face becomes numb, droops, and strange stripes form on the neck. The pain does not allow him to sing; he even has difficulty smiling. This illness made him a recluse.

Gubin admitted that health problems began after his parents died. His father was quite an influential person in the world of show business. He supervised the work of many recording studios. It was thanks to his influence that the road to the Russian stage was opened for Gubin. He was always insecure; constant jokes about his height from his colleagues only worsened his complexes. In his words, he does not have that business spirit that would pave the way for him on stage in the future, so after the death of his father, the doors closed in front of him.

Gubin states that much of all this influenced the fact that he never started a family and did not give birth to children. However, despite the fact that his face is distorted by pain, inside he feels like a healthy person. He doesn’t regret anything and everything turned out as it should.

On Valentine's Day, the famous Russian pop singer Andrei Gubin visited our city with a concert. Crowds of female fans literally stormed the Gorhall stage, where Andrei performed. Of course, there were declarations of love for the idol and tears... He literally charmed the entire audience from the very first minutes of his performance. The tramp boy behaved remarkably simply and naturally throughout the two hours the concert lasted. And before the performance, we went backstage, and Andrey gave our newspaper an exclusive interview.

- Andrey, you performed a concert on February 14, Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day...

It just so happened that I was invited. I knew that I would definitely be invited somewhere that day, that I would not be at home. It's good that I ended up with you. And in general, everything is fine. And I'm doing well. I write songs, shoot videos.

I am sure that you have now disappointed some of your fans... After all, I would like to think that this visit is symbolic, that someone is keeping you in Tallinn.

We hit the nail on the head. But now no one is stopping me, I’ll tell you a secret: my ex-girlfriend is from Tallinn. Now we are separated. She is engaged in modeling and works in Helsinki. A very nice Estonian girl, terribly sweet... She came to see me today and congratulated me on the holiday. But let’s better talk about my tastes and preferences, I’ve already babbled a lot, I mean this story about my relationship with an Estonian woman. Journalists like to ask about my breakfast. So let me just say right away that I eat wild rice. It is black in color and looks like seeds... I love steamed fish. I also have a weakness - porridge. Any. I treat them very well.

- So you don’t gravitate towards vegetarianism?

No, I ate, am eating and will eat meat. And about vegetarianism I would like to say the following: for some reason, pop performers claim in their interviews that they are convinced vegetarians. And then, when I find myself with them at some banquet, it turns out that they are sweetly eating some kind of cutlet by both cheeks. This is not good. Why do you say you're a vegetarian? However, I will answer myself: it is fashionable now. But I don't chase fashion. On the day of the concert, by the way, I don’t eat anything at all. Because you need to jump around the stage like a ball, and this is only possible on an empty stomach.

-Are you satisfied with your apartment?

Very. But in general, the material side of life should not dominate. The fact is that I have such a trait... I don’t even know what to call it... Remember my song “Tramp Boy”? That's it, it's from that opera. Only I’m not a boy anymore. But he remained a tramp as he was. I can't live in one place for more than a year. That is, I’ll live somewhere for a year and move... I have an excellent apartment in the center of Moscow, but to be honest, I regret buying it. I rent an apartment and live in a completely different place... But I love Moscow and would not agree to live in another city, another country. In Moscow they sing better. By the way, I don’t like singing for immigrants. All sorts of Madison Square Gardens and so on... No, I can’t say that the audience is bad, there’s just no secret in the concerts. When you perform in Russia or, as they say now, in neighboring countries, you see that people know the songs you sing, they know what you sing about. And there, over the hill, there is some other world and my music “doesn’t work” there. Although no, I’m lying. Albums sell well there. But I like performing there less than, say, Tallinn.

- Do you have enough money? How much do you earn? Sorry for the impudent question.

I would really not like to name any specific amounts, don’t blame me. Not because I hide my income, but because there are many angry and envious people in the world. Everything I have, I earned myself, and I don’t have the strength to explain to everyone and everyone that Andrei Gubin is not a presumptuous star, crazy with fat, who changes apartment once a year, but an ordinary person, just with wider opportunities. I’ve been working since I was 12 years old, and now I’m already 26. I write songs and music for them myself. I always had enough money. And today is enough. True, as prosperity grows, so do needs. And I almost never have cash: I immediately spend everything I earn. I don't have any money. But at the same time, I never borrow money. But I lend it to others if they ask. The most precious thing I have is freedom. I buy it, spending all my earnings. I said here that I am a star. You understand, I say this with irony. I have no narcissism. I'm a popular performer. But popularity fades quickly. Therefore, you have to work a lot, just put yourself out there for the public. Then you will be loved. It's such a vicious circle...

In what style did you decorate your bedroom? Forgive me, but I can’t help but ask one of the sex symbols of the Russian pop scene about this...

It's modern for me. A kind of modern, but warm. But I want to decorate the bed with a heavy canopy. You know, like in medieval castles. Or like in the film "Countess de Monsoreau". Remember? They have such luxurious beds there! I want the same one for myself. But this is what I want today. And tomorrow, maybe I’ll change my mind. And I will decorate my bedroom in an ultra-modern design. Actually, it doesn’t matter what bed you’re lying on. The most important thing is who you are lying there with. If you have a good, loved one next to you, then it’s so great! I’m ready to even lie on a sagging mattress with my beloved girl!

You don’t smoke, you don’t indulge in drugs, and you haven’t been involved in scandals. I don’t mean relationships with the female sex - here Andrei Gubin has outdone himself. The newspapers write that you change partners almost every day...

This is complete nonsense. I'm not a womanizer. And not a sex maniac. It was the journalists who created this image.

- But then, it turns out that you are a completely positive hero! And this is so unusual...

Why "positive"?! I can drink alcohol too. But recently I was on vacation in Egypt, smoked hookah there, and played dominoes. So, the more I smoked, the more I lost. So this pleasure is not for me, no one in my family smoked - neither my father nor my grandfather. In general, it’s such a funny feeling, your head is noisy and full of sausages... Hookah is something similar to drinking, but its difference is that in the morning you don’t have a headache from a hangover. As for drinks, I prefer vodka. Although I really like liqueurs, they are contraindicated for me - my stomach cannot tolerate them. I love light alcohol and all kinds of cocktails. A hangover is very rare. I try not to overdo it.

I will ask a very banal question, but nevertheless - which of the new, young Russian pop stars could you single out? Who do you listen to while sitting at home?

I listen to everything. A kind of “village team”. I recently became acquainted with the work of the group “Bricks”. Well, they sing like that... And I would like to highlight Zemfira - it’s just super! In a word, everything that is at the top of the charts suits me completely. I like many of the songs from “Hands Up”, my colleagues from Hi-Fi work well, very well, Ivanushki... Even DeTsla likes some songs. That's exactly how it catches you.

-Are you planning to sing a duet with him?

No, let everyone have their own garden, I don’t plan to sing in a duet with him, I plan to get married in the next couple of years.

- Are there any candidates?

I always have candidates. But they change all the time...

- Thanks for the interview.

Photo by the author.

Popular performer of the 90s Andrei Gubin visited Lera Kudryavtseva and openly spoke about all his past relationships, as well as why he is not getting married. Once upon a time, crowds of fans were on duty under the singer’s windows, but now he has to spend his days alone. The musician was not afraid to be frank and answer the presenter’s questions. At 43, he is still single, which surprises those who have known him for a long time.

Andrey Gubin appeared in the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program to answer any questions. His fans are still worried that the once popular performer has not yet married. The man himself makes an excuse by saying that he still has not met his one and only.

House of Andrey Gubin // Photo: Still from the program

Not long ago, Andrey traveled a lot. He admits that he always chose a budget holiday, choosing either the season when prices are cheaper or the simplest place to stay. The host of the program immediately wanted to know who kept the star company during her travels.

“I’m traveling with my girlfriend. But one refused me, the second dumped me, the third kicked me out. Now I’m traveling alone,” Gubin noted.

Lera Kudryavtseva // Photo: Still from the program

In Moscow, the singer lives in a house that was built in the late 1950s. The four-room apartment has not been renovated for a long time. The film crew visited the singer’s apartment and made sure that only statues and awards speak of the popular singer’s residence there.

Now the singer lives exclusively on royalties, so he has to be very economical in his expenses. For example, all the clothes he wore to the program cost up to 10 thousand rubles. Apparently, Gubin is used to loneliness and he is simply afraid to get married. As he assures, he needs to live with the girl for a year and a half, then he will be able to draw conclusions.

The singer spoke frankly about his romantic interests. According to the star, he has a girlfriend with whom he can’t decide to legalize the relationship. In the program “Secret for a Million” Gubin remembered all his girlfriends.

Andrei Gubin, remembered by the public for the hits “Tramp Boy” and “Liza,” openly spoke about all his novels. The artist, who was once popular with girls, lives alone in the center of Moscow. Now there are no longer crowds of fans standing outside the windows of his entrance.

Andrey came to the studio of the “Secret to a Million” program to answer the most intimate questions. Many fans are concerned about the fact that at 43 years old, Gubin is still not married. According to the 90s star, he has not yet found his one and only. Some time ago he traveled to several countries. As the artist admits, he chooses a fairly economical vacation: in Egypt he lived in the mountains, and went to Krasnaya Polyana in November, when tourists don’t fly there. The host of the program, Lera Kudryavtseva, asked who Gubin goes on vacation with.

Andrey Gubin: “Women are draining me”

“I’m traveling with my girlfriend. But one refused me, the second dumped me, the third kicked me out. Now I’m traveling alone,” Gubin noted.

In Moscow, the artist lives in a house built in the late 1950s. He had been renovating the four-room apartment for a long time. The film crew of the program “The Secret to a Million” came to visit him. Only figurines and awards on the shelf tell guests that the owner of the property is a once popular singer.

“For a comfortable existence, I need other things,” Gubin noted.

The piano and synthesizer that are in the artist’s apartment are almost never used. Recently, the star spent a lot of money: he had to change the toilet. Andrei's kitchen is in order. As he admitted, he does not like to cook; he buys dishes at the nearest gastronomy.

Andrei Gubin admitted that he never apologized to women. According to the artist, it is not his fault that he once spent the night with one of his fans and then forgot about their existence.

“I had romantic relationships with all the women, even with you,” Andrei turned to Kudryavtseva.

For many years, Gubin worked with Vladimir Levin’s ex-wife, Oksana Oleshko. The girl worked as a backup dancer for Andrey. However, Andrei insists that they never had any connection.

“I am attracted to all women in the world,” Gubin said.

Lera Kudryavtseva tried to find out if Gubin has a chosen one.

“Is your heart free now?” - asked the TV presenter.

"Rather yes than no. But it seems not quite. I don't have a girlfriend, I live alone. We have a complicated relationship. I'm kind of trying to get a consensus. But she is swayed: sometimes she behaves like a fool, sometimes like a wise old aksakal. We have known each other for 7 years. She's younger, not much. We call each other once a year. When he behaves normally, then we’ll do it according to my plan: we’ll live for a year and then we’ll see,” Gubin said chaotically.

According to Andrey, one day a girl who lives in Samara invited him to visit. They didn't see each other for about a month. When they met, they kissed for a very long time, and then she offered him a drink. He refused. As it turned out later, a traffic police car was parked around the bend; Andrei believed that she wanted to “sicce the cops on him.”

The girl was very persistent. After a month of communicating with Andrei Gubin, she said: “Marry me.” The artist refused, explaining that he knew nothing about her.

“My nerves are constantly on edge. The last time I came with a suitcase. As a farewell, I left the splattered microwave. She did this on purpose. The women are trying to set me up for either a monastery or something else,” Andrei said.

Gubin is afraid to get married; he needs to live with a person for about a year and a half. The program also recalled Andrei’s other hobbies.

His first love was a girl named Lisa, who did not reciprocate him properly. Gubin was also credited with an affair with Yulia Beretta from the Strelki group. However, in reality they are connected only by friendship. However, they really had a relationship with Tanya Tereshina, who starred in his video. The couple dated for four months. According to the singer, Andrei turned out to be an unbearable person in everyday life. The performer himself hinted that they had problems with intimacy and sexual incompatibility.

Gubin had long-term relationships twice: with Lisa and Lyusya Kobevko. Gubin recalled that they met in the dance hall. Andrey was amazed at her flexibility.

“We had a difficult relationship. Lisa had many reasons to be offended by me. After all, I was constantly touring,” said Gubin, refusing to answer the question about betrayal.

According to the artist, their relationship was very difficult. After breaking up with her, Andrei fell into depression. 15 years later they met in the studio of the TV show “Secret to a Million”. Both admitted that they loved each other.

“It was very difficult to come to terms with betrayal. Of course, I don't consider them cheating. They called me very often, every second girl was supposedly pregnant from him. He opened up such a range of feelings in me. I didn’t even think that I was a jealous person,” noted Lucy.

Andrei stated that the girl also cheated on him. During the broadcast, they clarified all the controversial issues. “Why didn’t you call me? We would get together in a week,” Gubin noted.