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Interior in shabby chic style: features, photos. Shabby chic in the interior (50 photos): the best ideas for decorating rooms DIY shabby chic style accessories

The shabby chic style leaves no one indifferent. Some people don’t like it, while others consider it unworthy for decorating a living room or bedroom in their own apartment. This is a kind of classic style that combines romance, sophistication, sophistication and wealth.

History of the style

The word shabby literally means shabby, but there may be no shabbyness in the design of the room. The essence of the style is that the room should contain antique decor, for example, stucco molding, decorative columns and a large amount of floral textiles.

It appeared relatively recently, in the 80s of the 20th century, and almost instantly became popular throughout the world. He was especially loved by romantic and sophisticated people, since the style involves the use of unobtrusive colors, with special attention to detail. The author of the style is Rachel Ashwell, who is an interior designer. First, she decorated her own room in a certain way, the interior of which contained details from other styles, in particular, Provence and country. She thought it was quite unique, after which the style got its name - shabby chic, or shabby chic.

This girl spent a huge amount of time at various sales and fairs, where she bought things no one needed for next to nothing. She later used them to decorate the room. This is where the name comes from - shabby chic or shabby luxury.

Features of shabby chic style (photo)

Despite the fact that this interior style is quite young, it has its own characteristic features:

  1. Using pastel shades in the interior of the room. First of all, this concerns white, which should be the main one. You can complement it with pink, beige, green, cream. But remember that the colors should be soft and not flashy.
  2. The presence in the room of authentic furniture with appropriate processing. The advantage of the style is that you can decorate old furniture yourself. Furniture must be old and restored.
  3. The basis of the room should be a romantic motive. This means that there should be floral designs, floral patterns on wallpaper and textiles. This applies to various curls, curly cowgirls.
  4. Must be present uniform style in the decoration of walls, ceilings and furniture. It is necessary to correctly combine all the details present in the room into one composition. The interior creation process is as follows. First, the main background is selected, most often it is white. This also applies to the finishing of the surface of the room, textiles, and furniture, which are subsequently decorated accordingly. And you can do all this with your own hands.
  5. Special attention attention to detail, and they must be done entirely by hand. This is the whole point of the shabby style. First of all, this concerns the restoration of old furniture.

Most often, this style is used to decorate a girl’s room, since only pastel shades are used and dark colors are completely absent, including when decorating the floor. Indeed, the style is considered exclusively feminine, due to the presence of floral patterns.

Photo gallery: shabby chic bedrooms

Features of finishing the floor, walls and ceiling

It is recommended to use light colors for wall decoration. White is ideal for a bedroom, since the style implies the presence of a huge number of homemade decorative elements. You can often see a rough finish, but wallpaper with a textured texture that imitates peeling paint or the roughness of plaster is also suitable. You can also use smooth wallpaper, but in this case it should have a floral pattern.

The walls may have stucco elements, moldings, pediments, rosettes, and they can be either plaster or polyurethane.

It is advisable to make the floor wooden, but light. A parquet board is ideal for this, on top of which you can apply an ornament. Alternatively, wooden flooring can be replaced with laminate or ceramic tiles. The second option is not very appropriate in the bedroom. The floor may not be perfect; cracks and scuffs are allowed on it, since it has its own history. Often in a shabby-style bedroom you can see a hand-made carpet.

Such a bedroom should not have white glossy stretch ceiling. It is better to use a muted matte, which looks more like a faded white. You can decorate it wooden beams, but only if the ceiling height allows it.

Color spectrum

The choice of colors is quite limited, since you can only use pastel shades. Most often they prefer white, because against its background any decor will stand out favorably. Other colors are also suitable for the bedroom, such as soft pink, light mint, beige, cream, sand. Most often, they try to give the interior a shade that looks as if the walls or furniture have been faded by the sun.

However, you can't overdo it. An absolutely white bedroom is not the best the best option interior design in shabby style, since the main rule is an abundance of decor and textiles.

What materials can be used

Shabby style involves the exclusive use natural materials. If it is a floor or furniture, then it is desirable that it be wooden; if it is curtains, then cotton is ideal. It is recommended to use plaster to decorate the ceiling or walls, and choose only a crystal chandelier.


When decorating a bedroom in the shabby style, special attention is paid to the furniture. It must be old and slightly restored. This is the secret of style. The central element of the interior should be the bed. It should be chic, albeit shabby. A metal bed, preferably white with a wrought-iron headboard, is perfect for a shabby-style bedroom. You can also choose wooden bed exclusively from light wood. Remember that the shabby style requires the use of only antique, authentic vintage furniture. Unfortunately, stylize modern furniture in this case it won't work. Furniture in the bedroom does not have to be a single set. In some cases, it is allowed to use items that were not originally pieces of furniture, for example, a chest can be made into a coffee table.

This is the main advantage of the style. Any furniture that can be borrowed from your grandmother or bought at a flea market, after which it can be slightly updated and used to decorate your bedroom.

Furniture for shabby chic can be made in the style of classic Provence, but only be slightly aged and then restored.

Furniture for a shabby bedroom should be distinguished by the presence of smooth lines, abrasions and roughness. This is its main difference. For a bedroom decorated in shabby chic style, it is recommended to find the following pieces of furniture:

  • an old chest of drawers with drawers for storing things, and the more there are, the better;
  • a sideboard, which can be either overly large or miniature, the main thing is that there are aged doors;
  • dressing table, decorated carved patterns, with a large mirror, which is located in a voluminous wooden frame;
  • a fireplace would also be useful, and if you install real fireplace there is no possibility, then you can use its imitation;
  • availability is required upholstered furniture, it can be armchairs or small soft sofa, there may also be wicker chairs, specially aged and decorated with a pillow or textiles with a corresponding print.

Some pieces of furniture can be decorated with covers made by yourself, but they should not look new.

Lighting Features

The lighting system in a shabby-style bedroom needs to be given due attention. The room must have a large chandelier. It is the main decorative element and decorates not only the ceiling, but the entire room as a whole. A large number of hanging elements made of glass or crystal contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of luxury, on which time has left its mark.

Baroque or Rococo style lamps will fit harmoniously, but they need to be aged beforehand.

If at a flea market you saw table floor lamps with textile lampshades, then you have found an essential attribute that will give the shabby interior a finished look. They can be placed near the bed as a light source for evening reading or on a table to give the room a romantic mood.

Bedroom lighting does not require special brightness, since the basis of the design is romance, which is associated with dim light.

Textiles and accessories

The central place in the bedroom is occupied by the bed, which means it needs to be given special attention. To do this, it is recommended to choose themed bed linen, a bedspread and finish the look with pillows different sizes. It is not necessary to choose plain bed linen; the presence of patterns on it will only emphasize the overall design concept of the room. Floral prints and faded patterns will fit harmoniously and will stand out against the general background. Pillows should be placed at the head of the bed in several rows, which will give the sleeping area a special airiness. A multi-layer canopy that flows along the headboard from the ceiling to the floor has a similar effect.

Textiles are a kind of basis for shabby style. The main rule is to maintain diversity. It is not recommended to combine a similar print in different textiles and accessories, for example, on curtains, bedspreads, pillows and lampshades. Remember that this can make the room quite boring. A true shabby chic bedroom is rich, albeit faded.

The ideal fabrics for a bedroom in this style are natural materials, in particular linen, chintz, cotton, but coarse burlap can also fit harmoniously, which can be safely combined with thin lace.

Textiles should be present in everything, from curtains to lampshades for lighting fixtures. Curtains should be light and airy, but the use of thick fabric is not recommended. Sometimes you can refuse curtains.

How to make shabby chic bedroom items with your own hands

The peculiarity of the style is that furniture and any decorative elements You can make the rooms yourself.

Decoupage bedside tables

Necessary materials:

  • a bedside table or any other wooden object with a flat surface;
  • sandpaper;
  • several brushes of different sizes;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • decoupage glue;
  • special napkins for decoupage, consisting of three layers, and the design must be chosen to match the shabby chic style (ideally, a pink floral pattern);
  • putty knife;
  • colorless varnish, preferably matte.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First, the bedside table must be carefully inspected for possible breakdowns. If the bedside table has doors, it is recommended to adjust all the fasteners in advance. You can do this yourself or entrust it to your husband.
  2. If the bedside tables are covered with a special polish, then it must be removed. To do this, you can use sandpaper to sand the surface of the bedside table both outside and inside. It is best to use coarse sandpaper.
  3. Clean the surface from dust, as a result of which it should become perfectly smooth and clean.
  4. Now the surface of the bedside table can be painted with white acrylic paint, and it is advisable to take paint that is not boiling white, but with a shade of ivory or milky shade. The paint layer should not be too thick for two reasons. The first reason is thin layer dries much faster, the second reason is that for a good result you will need to apply more than one layer, but before applying the next layer of paint, the previous one must be given time to dry thoroughly.
  5. The next stage is the formation of abrasions, for which we again need sandpaper. And after that you need to brush off the dust.
  6. Now comes the stage of directly decorating the bedside table. It is necessary to mark the place where the pattern will be located. Next, cut out fragments of the design from the napkin; the boundaries may be unclear and it is advisable to make a small allowance.
  7. Separate upper layer napkins are a layer with a pattern. Apply glue to the selected fragment and attach the design to the surface of the bedside table.
  8. Using a spatula, smooth out all the unevenness that formed when gluing the napkin, moving from the center to the edge.
  9. After all the fragments have found their place on the surface of the bedside table, you can give them time to dry. After this time, the surface of the bedside table must be coated with a colorless matte varnish, which serves as a kind of protection for the surface from the influence of external factors. At least five such layers will be required; each subsequent layer can be applied only when the previous one is completely dry.

In a similar way, you can decorate not only pieces of furniture, but also any decorative elements in the room, for example, it could be boxes, chests or a mirror frame.

Master class on making shabby flowers from material

Textiles occupy a special place in a bedroom decorated in shabby chic style, and you can make decorations for pillows yourself.

Necessary materials:

  • two circles of tulle;
  • three circles of thin mulberry paper, which can be replaced with a regular napkin;
  • several white circles with lace;
  • one round napkin of the largest size.

You can choose the size of the parts yourself depending on the size of the flower you want to get.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Crumple the prepared circles, except for the tulle material.
  2. Now they need to be carefully leveled and laid out, alternating with each other. Secure the structure with a pin.
  3. Repeat the first step with a solid structure. It is recommended to start from the top layer towards the center. Let it stand in this state for some time.

For fans of eclectic, romantic and Provence styles, great solution The decor will be in the style of shabby chic, or, as it is also called, shabby chic. The combination of delicate flowers, carved furniture and vintage items will create sophisticated and elegant interior even in an ordinary panel apartment.

Basic elements of style

Like any design, a shabby chic interior requires the implementation of certain elements characteristic of this particular trend. Speaking about this design, associations of glamorous antiquity with shabby furniture and accessories emerge. flea market. To bring shabby chic into your interior with your own hands, it’s worth taking a closer look at its features. Here are the main style elements to pay attention to:

The first thing that catches your eye is the light and soft colors. The color scheme of the interior is based on the smooth flow of shades of the same color. As a rule, all interior items, textiles, walls and floors are painted in the same color or shades close to it. This technique helps to visually push the walls apart, which creates a feeling of air and warm light in the room. Traditional style colors: white, light blue, smoky gray, ash rose.

Shabby style design, suggests the use natural textures wood, linen and leather, which perfectly support the floral pattern. This pattern can be found in the carved doors of the kitchen facade or the graceful legs of the bedside table, in photo wallpapers with delicate roses, or teaware. And of course, textiles. One of the most available ways create a shabby style at home - replace plain drapes with curtains with a floral print. Shabby chic curtains are a small rose or other floral print in soft pastel colors. The effect will be enhanced by the presence of ruffles along the edge of the curtain.

Antique furniture in itself is a decoration of any home. But natural, dark colors natural wood visually “eat up” space. Therefore, furniture in the embodiment of shabby luxury should be painted in light colors or whitened, if the natural texture of the wood allows. There is no need to paint over the entire surface of the furniture until it is perfect. The texture of the wood and its natural color should be visible in protruding places.

Thanks to style creator Rachel Ashwell, items from antique stores and flea markets have become relevant again. Faded book bindings, worn photo frames, paintings that keep the secrets of their past owners, or a vintage lampshade above the dining table. All these things bring incredible comfort, even if the renovation of the room was completed only yesterday. Go through things in your dacha or closet. Perhaps there is your grandfather's suitcase or great-grandmother's basket, which, with minimal restoration, will become a real highlight of the interior.

Shabby living room

There may be an opinion that such a design would only be appropriate in the bedroom of a romantic person. In fact, the glamor of old fashioned shabby can be applied to any room in the home. A shabby chic living room, shrouded in the romance of antiques, will become ideal place for friendly meetings and family gatherings. Let's figure out what and how to implement the style of shabby luxury:

  • Floor. The floor and walls are the largest surfaces of the room, which means they should not overload the interior with their design. When finishing the floor, you should give preference to natural parquet or parquet boards. Moreover, the processing of the board should be minimal, ideally just polished wood. It is important that the natural texture of the wood, with its cracks and roughness, be read. If your budget does not allow you to install parquet, then opt for textured laminate in light shades.
  • Walls. A classic technique for decorating walls in the shabby spirit is designer plaster, which is done in a deliberately careless style in order to support the idea of ​​an aged surface. Often, designers remove all the finishing trim from the wall, leaving bare brick. Brickwork primed and painted white. The heterogeneous texture of the brick, painted white, is considered the ideal background. Wallpaper with a floral print creates a special coziness in the living room. Don't be afraid to combine wall plaster and wallpaper. This will only enhance the effect of glamorous antiquity.
  • Ceiling. The same principle of an aged surface is used, with abrasions and unpainted areas. A banal ceiling chandelier can be decorated with a stucco rosette. Carved ceiling cornices would also be appropriate. The ceiling can be decorated decorative beams from bleached wood. IN color scheme- preferably white, with shades of blue or dusty rose.
  • Furniture- this is the basis for creating a shabby luxury style. Carved legs, elegant fittings, classic shapes - these are what you should be guided by when choosing furniture for the interior of glamorous antiquity. Moreover, you shouldn’t pay crazy amounts of money for antique furniture from the 16th century. You can find a lot of old furniture at sales interesting options. A little work with paint using the decoupage technique and new upholstery will turn your “grandmother’s” suitcase into an intricate one. bedside table. The main idea of ​​the shabby style is to give a second life to old things. The older a thing is, the more history it contains, which means it is more valuable.
  • Textile. When creating the shabby chic trend, a symbiosis of several styles was used, from Baroque to Provence. It is this diversity that gives a complete flight of imagination when choosing textiles for the interior of glamorous antiquity. The entire palette of light shades from blue to pink, floral and plant prints, light patterns or striped textiles. The choice is huge and everything will be appropriate. Perhaps, the only condition is classic shape execution. Curtains are decorated in elegant drapes, sofa cushions can be done with banners and tassels, and don’t forget about the canopy over the bed.

How to decorate a kitchen

At first glance, it may seem that a shabby chic kitchen is an impractical and difficult idea to implement. In fact, the kitchen is the most visited room in the house, which means it should be not only functional, but also cozy. Supports style and creates a special mood wooden furniture V , ceiling beams and a table service with delicate floral patterns.

The main thing we want from a kitchen is functionality. Therefore, you should not use really old furniture as a kitchen unit. Order comfortable and practical cabinets that will meet all your requirements. But the facades can be old, or artificially aged. Glossy surfaces of facades or ceramic tiles do not in any way combine with the spirit of glamorous antiquity. Therefore, you should choose matte tiles with a convex pattern. In the shabby style, tactile sensations are very important. Interior items should not only please the eye, but also be interesting to the touch. You can decorate the kitchen facades yourself by painting them using the decoupage technique.

Perhaps this is the most striking association of style - grandma's buffet. A pot-bellied sideboard with panels and openwork handles will become a real highlight of the kitchen. And if you fill it with a family set that is passed down from generation to generation, such a piece of furniture will become a real family heirloom. Another feature of the style is the abundance of details and accessories. If we talk about the kitchen, it should have a lot of open wooden shelves on which all kitchen utensils are stored. Dishes, spices, saucepans, jars of cereals - decorate these items and put them on the shelves. You can make a rail for frying pans above the stove.

A modern kitchen cannot do without household appliances. It is better to use built-in equipment that will hide behind the facades and will not catch the eye. If this is not possible, give preference to stylized hob surfaces and microwaves in a classic style. Small Appliances better to remove it from work surface kitchens. Electric kettle notice on enamel teapot with a floral pattern. Surely parents or grandmothers still have a crocheted tablecloth, which will not only fit perfectly into the style, but will also add a special festive touch to the table setting.

DIY glamorous antique

The undoubted advantage of the style is the ease of its implementation. Traditional technique Shabby style is artificial aging items. To do this, the object is painted with a base background, rubbed with paraffin, then a layer of primer and a layer of final paint. Using soft sandpaper, abrasions are created on convex areas, since the paint is easily erased from the paraffin. In worn areas, the bottom layer of paint and primer are visible. This creates the effect of an antique item that has been repainted several times.

Another popular technique is decoupage. The essence of the technique is to transfer a drawing from paper to any surface. The surface chosen for decoration is degreased. PVA glue and water are diluted in a 1:1 ratio. Glue water is applied to the selected surface. Next, a drawing is attached (usual ones are often used paper napkins), which is smoothed with a sponge so as to expel all air bubbles. It is important that the napkin is well moistened with glue and fits tightly to the surface to be decorated, without air bubbles.

After complete drying, the surface is coated with acrylic varnish so that the decor remains in place. After the varnish has dried, the surface can be washed, but without using abrasive cleaners.

An old-style interior always looks very advantageous and unusual. And in order to create it, it is not at all necessary to have a lot of money and purchase expensive antique furniture. You can create interesting things in the shabby chic style with your own hands from grandma’s old cupboards, stools, whatnots and chests of drawers. Fortunately, such furniture will always be found nearby.

This style originated in England. And, unlike all other trends, it even has its own real creator - designer Rachel Ashwell. She loved antique furniture, but even more - to give the furniture a touch of even greater antiquity.

The main feature of furniture in the shabby chic style is the artificial aging of the surface. And not to the point of classic antiques, but slightly so that the furniture looks like an item from the 50s of the last century. Furniture in this style has worn surfaces through which the design supposedly shines through.

Furniture in the shabby chic style is also distinguished by:

  • ease,
  • pastel colors,
  • presence of antique elements,
  • convex ornament.

Important: do not confuse shabby chic and Provence. Shabby chic is elegant furniture. Also, to create it yourself, expensive materials are used, especially when it comes to fabric. For Provence, on the contrary, materials are used that are inexpensive and outwardly simple. You won't see roses and angels in Provence. But for shabby chic these are the favorite decor options.

What is shabby chic (video)

What colors to choose for furniture

If you decide to do something in this style, then you need to choose the right color.

Shabby chic furniture can be safely painted in:

  • bluish color,
  • All pastel shades of pink,
  • All pastel and delicate shades of green,
  • All shades of white - boiling, creamy, creamy.

Important: pastel colors must be complemented bright accents, otherwise your DIY decor will be boring. The use of gilding, bronze paint, and decoupage is encouraged. If you choose pictures with roses and angels, then it’s impossible to miss.

The main thing is not to cover furniture in this style with glossy varnish. Only matte varnish should be used.

Necessary materials

In order to make shabby chic with your own hands from an ordinary stool, bedside table or chair, you will need:

  • oil or acrylic paints of suitable colors,
  • ammonia,
  • matte varnish,
  • stain,
  • brushes,
  • foam sponges,
  • sandpaper,
  • brush with metal bristles.

How to age a surface

There are three simple but effective ways:

  • chemical,
  • mechanical,
  • thermal.

During chemical treatment, furniture is treated with ammonia, stain or special craquelure paints. Ammonia gives a grayish coating that appears on old wood.

Important: The stain is easy to use. It gives the base tone. To get an aged surface, before the stain has dried in some places, you just need to wash it off with a wet sponge, creating scuffed, worn areas. Then varnish and do-it-yourself shabby chic takes place.

It is extremely easy to achieve the effect of an old surface using paint and craquelure varnish. To do this, the product is painted in the desired tone and then covered with white paint. After drying, the product is brushed with a metal brush in order to obtain paint transitions from one to another - as if the furniture was repainted several times and the old layers of paint are visible through the new ones. Apply craquelure varnish and re-paint - cracks will appear that look like peeling paint.

At thermal method Do-it-yourself furniture is treated with a blowtorch to create a textured pattern.

Important: you should use it when you are confident in your skill. Otherwise, the furniture can be easily damaged.

When mechanically applied, the surface of the furniture must be treated with a wire brush in order to create the illusion of unevenness and age. After this, treat it with sandpaper and sand it so that there are no protruding torn fibers or unpleasant texture that leaves splinters - after all, antique furniture is made with your own hands, and not really things to throw away.

You can use one of the methods or combine mechanical and chemical.

How to age an item in shabby chic style (video)


To decorate pieces of furniture in this style with your own hands, it is best to use decoupage technique.

The most important thing here is to choose the right scenes for the pictures. Ideal for shabby chic are images of angels in different forms, all kinds of roses and others. delicate flowers. Where can I get them? - craft stores now sell ready-made pictures for decoupage, among which you can find roses and angels in abundance.

Important: Ready-made pictures for decoupage can be easily replaced with available materials - you can safely use labels from wine, perfume packaging, pictures from magazines, napkins with pictures.

Decoupage is applied to things after the main background has been prepared. That is, furniture in the shabby chic style should already be painted, and its surface should already be aged to the stage desired by the author. And only then does it come time to choose a place for decorative elements.

Operating procedure:

  • You need to glue pictures to the selected places. For this purpose, use PVA glue diluted with water. Glue the picture itself and attach it in its place. The picture is carefully ironed with a piece of fabric so that no wrinkles or bubbles form. You can go over the picture with diluted glue,
  • Allow the pictures to dry completely.
  • Coat the surface with varnish to make the decoupage decor resistant to environmental influences.

You can use craquelure varnish, which will give a cracking effect and effectively age the decoupage design. You can emphasize the effect of an old surface by applying a special aging wax after all manipulations and drying of the varnish. It will highlight all the cracks, making them more visible. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of dark paint to the wax.

Other effects

Furniture in this style can be made more impressive by covering the legs or ends with bronze paint or gilding. Using the same techniques, gilding can be aged, achieving the appearance that it has already begun to peel off in some places, exposing the main background.

In this case, they follow exactly the same scheme: first, furniture parts are painted with base paint, and then gilding or bronze is applied on top of the dried layer. Without allowing the paint to completely dry in some places, it is lightly wiped off with a wet sponge, achieving a translucent effect. It is important to do everything carefully, without rushing, so as not to erase too much paint.

By sewing a couple of fabric pillows with roses and casually throwing them on stools and sofas, you can finally create the right atmosphere in the room.

Shabby kitchen - chic (video)

Creating a shabby chic environment is not difficult at all. Even a beginner can make furniture with his own hands, since you can master decoupage and painting of products very quickly. And this does not require any special skills or knowledge.

Examples of kitchen design in the shabby chic style (photo)

The furniture is then thoroughly inspected. All deficiencies must be eliminated ( the hinges were changed and the cracks were filled with putty). If the furniture has been varnished, it will need to be removed using a sanding machine.

Then the surface is primed And coated with the required paint. This creates the background. Afterwards, you can use any of the above decorative methods. Check out the shabby chic interior, photos of the best examples are presented below.

Bedroom interior in shabby chic style

This the style is perfect for a cozy and romantic bedrooms where you can enjoy peace and serenity. In the center of the composition is always there bed, which should be large and at the same time elegant. The best thing give preference to a forged back, as well as strong and stable legs. Pay special attention to textiles, there should be a lot of it in the bedroom. are arranged in several rows, and a blanket must be placed on top of the bed linen. Delicate floral motifs and pastel shades will perfectly complement the interior of a shabby chic bedroom.

Kitchen interior in shabby chic style

The kitchen is a must should be bright and sunny. Not only will help to visually increase the volume, but also. They perform two roles at once: decorative and functional. It is best to store tableware for entertaining guests on them.

must be made of natural wood, this is the only way you can achieve the ideal warm and cozy atmosphere. It is also worth taking care of. If the size of the kitchen allows, then it is best to place a large dining table with a beautiful tablecloth. On, but you can get by with small pads. Kitchen interior in shabby chic style is combination of simplicity and luxury.

Shabby chic in the interior: photos