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Flying in a dream with your loved one. Why do you dream about an eagle? Interpretation of various dream books

As children, almost all people hear from their parents that flying in a dream is a good sign. Night dreams with such a plot indicate that the child is growing and developing. Should adults be happy or worried if they saw such a dream? This is easy to understand by remembering the details of the mysterious dream.

Flying in a dream: up and down

When remembering your dream, you should definitely recall the direction of flight in your memory. It is wonderful if in his night dreams a person soars upward; such a plot promises him well-being in business. Flying in a dream may indicate dreams of power, which the dreamer indulges in if he rises to great heights. It is possible that the “owner” of the dream will have to take a worthy position in society.

A dream in which a person flies down does not bode well. It is likely that night dreams with such a plot serve as a kind of warning that something bad and dangerous is about to happen. Flying at low altitude but not descending is a good dream. It is possible that the dreamer is waiting career, success in other areas of life is also possible.


Should flying in a dream be considered a good or bad omen? It is easy to understand this by recalling in memory the emotions that the dreamer experienced in his dreams. It’s bad if it’s uncertainty and fear; such experiences indicate problems in the sexual sphere. Some interpreters believe that anxiety during a flight speaks of the infantilism of the “owner” of the dream, his attempts to shift his problems onto others.

It’s great if flying in a dream is accompanied by joy and fun. If such a dream comes to a patient, he will have a speedy recovery. Also, joyful night dreams promise spiritual development, career advancement, and the conclusion of profitable deals.

Islamic dream book

Should you be worried if in your dreams a person feels like a bird, soaring in the skies? This plot promises that in real life the dreamer will be able to demonstrate his talents to others and restore his damaged reputation. If the “owner” of the dream grows wings, which he uses while soaring, events associated with changes await him: a change of job, a trip to another country, a move.

What does it mean to soar high in a dream without wings? claims that such a dream is a good omen. In the near future, the dreamer will see his cherished dream come true.

Freud's Dream Book

What does Sigmund Freud say about whether a dream associated with flying is a good omen? Flying on an airplane in night dreams, if you trust the interpretation of the famous psychologist, promises the “owner” of the dream sexual satisfaction. However, only if the transport role is an excellent airliner.

Flying on a corn farm is a completely different matter; such a dream suggests that in real life a person suffers from problems related to the intimate sphere. The use of a military aircraft in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer is inclined to exaggerate his own love victories.

A dream inspired by a plane flight that took place in reality is a common occurrence. Most interpreters believe that it should not be taken as a prediction. Rather, it is a reflection of the fears that a person experienced in reality during the flight. If the dreamer in real life never experiences anxiety when boarding an airliner, but in a dream experiences negative emotions during air travel, he should be wary of adventures that could end badly.


Not only airplanes can appear in people’s dreams, but also others. For example, a person can see himself in his night dreams flying on a hang glider or airship, especially if he has a developed imagination. It is possible that the use of such transport in a dream indicates that in reality the dreamer found himself in a crisis situation. He's busy searching non-standard options solutions to the problem, but no actions help him cope with it.

Why do you dream about flying if you are in the role? aircraft is the parachute protruding? Such a dream symbolizes the danger threatening its “owner” and suggests that his future is under threat. It is likely that the dreamer intends to conclude an adventurous deal, to embark on a dubious adventure.

Flying in a helicopter is a disturbing dream, if you go by the opinion of the compilers of the esoteric dream book. It is possible that the dreamer is deceiving close people (friends, relatives), which could end badly for him.

Space adventures

Flying in a dream can also be associated with space. What does it mean on a rocket, if you trust the opinion of the dream book compilers? Many people associate outer space with mystery, romance, and adventure. A dream in which a rocket appears, in most cases promises changes for the better. It is quite possible that the “owner” of the dream will soon see the implementation of his most daring plans and make a dizzying career.

It is definitely worth remembering the emotions experienced by a person during space travel. If he enjoyed himself, felt joy, then such night dreams foreshadow a pleasant journey. A different meaning is traditionally attributed to a dream in which there is a flight into space if the “owner” of the dream experiences anxiety during its occurrence. It is possible that in real life a person is trying to hide from problems.

Negative dream - a trip to the moon. Such a plot predicts catastrophes of global significance, foreshadows wars, epidemics, and natural disasters.

Magic transport

What does flying in a dream mean if a person uses a witch’s vehicle - a broom - as transport. If the “mistress” of night dreams in which a broom appears is a representative of the fair sex, this indicates that in reality she is trying to replenish wasted energy. Men have such a vision if in real life they are not happy with their relationship with their chosen one.

A wonderful dream - traveling on a dragon. This fabulous beast symbolizes will, strength, and perseverance. It is likely that the dreamer will have an influential patron in the near future who will provide him with the necessary support. However, if a person tries to fly into the air on a dragon and is defeated, in reality only unfulfilled ambitions await him.

What's Below

Flying over a forest in a dream indicates that the dreamer will soon discover a secret that worries him. He can also get out of a crisis situation by coming up with a creative solution to the problem. Seeing a city under your feet, in most cases you can rejoice, since the dream promises quick recognition. If the city over which the “owner” of the dream flies is destroyed, such a nightmare promises misfortune in reality.

A person may also see himself floating above water in a dream. It will be easy to understand the meaning of the dream if you remember the state of the reservoir. If it was dirty, in reality the dreamer has a lot of unfinished business, a bad relationship with someone from his inner circle. A clean, transparent body of water, on the contrary, indicates that a person is ready for inner insight, which will not keep you waiting. Flying over the sea portends an aggravation of intuition, this will help you avoid many dangers in real life and defeat your enemies.

In fact, most We dedicate our lives to sleep. After all, sleep is a phenomenon that is familiar to each of us. Since some times, dreams have been looked at as predictions or revelations. Everyone knows that dreams can predict the future and warn against troubles and failures. Therefore, when you wake up, you need to try to remember what exactly you dreamed about that night.

Why, according to the dream book of Fate, does a person have a dream at night where he flies?

  1. The meaning of a dream where you see yourself flying predicts success in business, as well as good luck in love.
  2. If you had a dream that you were flying in the sky - for healthy people means happiness, for the sick - unfortunately, death.
  3. Interpretation of sleep, flying long distances - you should expect love experiences.
  4. What does a dream mean where you fly on wings - the dream promises happiness.
  5. To have a dream where you fall while flying means trouble.
  6. Interpretation according to the best dream book to fly above the ground itself - you might even get sick.
  7. If you have a dream where you are flying over muddy water, expect the machinations of your ill-wishers.
  8. Free dream book, you dream of flying over ruins - sad circumstances are expected, but if you saw flashing trees, then your black streak will not be long.
  9. The meaning of the dream is to fly over the green treetops, as well as to see wings behind your back, white- happy love awaits you, incredible success in business.
  10. A popular dream book, the dream that you are in flight and black wings open behind your back promises you bitter disappointment.
  11. The interpretation of a dream where you see the sun in flight is not something to worry about, because... your worries are in vain.
  12. Modern dream book, falling during a flight means misfortune is expected if you do not wake up in time.
  13. The interpretation of a dream where you are flying in space is that you are too carried away by your fantasies, thereby not noticing what is happening around you.
  14. According to the popular dream book of Fate, if you dreamed that you were flying around the house, you would rise above your circumstances.
  15. Decoding the dream according to the popular dream book of Fate, flying above the clouds are ghostly plans, as well as dreams and your fantasies.

Why do you dream at night that you are flying in the sky?

A dream is a figment of our imagination, also the fulfillment of certain desires, because our mind does not control the body in a dream. Nowadays there is very a large number of interpreters to decipher your dream. Since ancient times, they have recorded their observations in them. But not every one of us listens to interpreters; some of us simply do not believe that dreams have the ability to come true.

  1. According to the interpretation of the free dream book of Fate, you dreamed that in a dream you were flying naked - this speaks of loneliness.
  2. Why dream of flying in clothes in a dream - a reflection of your love desires.
  3. Value by free dream book Destiny, if you dreamed that you were flying with an umbrella in the rain, it means an aggravation of your intuition.
  4. Decoding a dream where you fly on a broom in a dream promises weakness, as well as powerlessness.
  5. See the dream book that you fly on a dragon in a dream - expect glory and honor.
  6. Online dream book, flying in a car in a dream means a long trip or some kind of trip is expected.
  7. Interpretation of dreams where you see yourself flying over the city means that you crave fame or recognition.
  8. Why did you dream that you were flying over the trees of a forest - comprehend some secret.
  9. Decoding a dream where you are flying with a guy or girl in a dream means the absence of like-minded people.
  10. Free dream book of a flying kite, or a flying snake – magic; Inner insights are expected.
  11. The best dream book, if you dream of flying insects, problems will overtake you.
  12. What does it mean to see a flying elephant in a dream - soon luck and money will leave you.
  13. If you dreamed of a flying dog, a surprise will befall you unexpectedly and concern your friend.
  14. If you dreamed of flying objects in a dream, it could also be a flying saucer - events will fly by unnoticed.
  15. Interpretation of a dream where you fly on an airplane - you want to hide from problems.

Flying in a dream - meaning according to the largest dream book

The world of sleep, in fact, only seems to be a world of illusions. Because a dream is the highest reality. After all, first of all, it is our consciousness, our emotions. These are the actions we have experienced throughout the day. And many are interested in the fact, does a dream have the advantage of coming true? No one can give an exact answer.

  1. A popular dream book dreams that you are flying and experiencing lightness like a bird - this means that you strong man, and your spirit is free. Waiting for a beautiful future.
  2. To dream that you are flying and then fall is a warning, because it is a sign of danger. You will experience a great misfortune, perhaps even a collapse in your affairs.
  3. The meaning of a dream where a woman dreams that she is flying from one city to another - you will protect your world from hypocrisy and lies. Such a struggle will lead to poor health.
  4. What does a dream where you fly in a dark starry sky mean - a warning of great disasters.
  5. A big dream book of flying from roof to roof means that you are not happy with your present and want to change everything.
  6. The interpreter of dreams, where in a dream you fly over your house, warns that your family will be judged for your crazy plans, and as a result, a scandal will brew in your house.
  7. Why fly over a foreign country in a dream - travel is expected, the return from which is not immediate. Also, such a dream may mean that you will take on a new business.
  8. If in a dream you dreamed that you were flying very high - alas, according to the best dream book, but your desire is impossible to fulfill.
  9. Flying over a dead forest in a dream, a popular dream book of Fate - all trials will be overcome by you, thereby you will achieve success.
  10. The meaning of the dream, to see flying pigeons - receive news from a friend about his unpleasant situation.
  11. Interpretation according to the free dream book, you dreamed of a flying lark that eventually falls on you - good luck accompanies you.
  12. Decoding the dream the bats dreamed of death

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Flying in a dream is a sign of good luck or great ambitions. If you dream that you have flown too far, then the dream warns you that the person for whom you are suffering so much does not deserve this. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a long wait for something or someone. Flying and falling is a sign of danger, trouble and collapse in business. Flying over a familiar country or area in a dream means participating in important matters and respect from others. In general, the nature of the landscape below will help you discover the meaning of the dream. Therefore, you should look at the characteristics of the area by name (ruins, fire, etc.)

Flying and seeing the sun in a dream portends good changes. Flying in a dark starry sky in a dream is a sign of great disasters. Flying from roof to roof in a dream means that you are dissatisfied with the present and are still trying to improve your affairs, doing one thing and then doing another. Flying over your house in a dream means that your family will condemn your crazy plans and because of this, a scandal will break out in the house.

Flying over a foreign country in a dream is a harbinger of a long journey from which you will not return soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take on a completely new business. Flying with wings in a dream is better than flying without them. In this case, wings mean support or outside help. As you know, without support and help it is more difficult to cope with some matter. Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of danger and risk.

Flying too high in a dream means that your desire cannot be fulfilled. Soaring in the skies in a dream is a sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with great ambitions. For patients, such a dream predicts death. See airplane.

Why do you dream of flying according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

Flying in a dream is a symbolic separation from the physical body, astral travel; characterize high spirits and the ability to escape from one’s problems. Flying outside indicates a surge of vitality and sexuality. Trying to fly under the ceiling is an awakening of spiritual powers. Fly long distances - love experiences await you. Flying in the sky: for healthy people - happiness; for the sick - death. Soaring up like a bird means a dream come true, success in business and love. Falling from heaven to earth - you will cause a family quarrel. Flying through the air low above the ground is a long journey. Flying on an airplane is happiness in your personal life. Fly in a helicopter - you will get into an accident. Flying on an airship - perform a brave act. Fly to hot-air balloon- you will regret the missed opportunity. Fly on a hang glider - have fun.

Why do you dream of flying according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed that you were flying, you will have success in love; fly long distances in a dream - you will have love experiences; fall during a flight - you will have big troubles at work; flying on wings in a dream means happiness in the family; to see yourself flying into the sky - to a good meeting, an expected pleasant event; for the patient - to early death.

Probably every person has had the opportunity to fly in a dream. We are accustomed to the fact that children and adolescents often fly in their sleep, explaining this by their physiological growth or hormonal changes during puberty. However, there are often cases when an adult dreams that he is soaring in the air like a bird. Let's turn to the dream books for a detailed interpretation of the “winged” dream.

According to one fairly widespread theory, flying in a dream is performed by people free from illusions. They know exactly what they want from life, and their brain is not overloaded with unnecessary information generated by daily problems, doubts and various difficulties. Therefore, in dreams they acquire wings and soar upward, enjoying weightlessness. And here is what popular dream books say about this:

  • In Miller's dream book Gaining the ability to float above the ground is considered a harbinger of trouble. In order to find out how serious they will be, you should pay attention to the details of night vision.
  • If you were flying over a stormy sea or a body of muddy water, in real life beware of the machinations of your enemies: keep all your intentions secret even from those whom you consider your friends. A dream in which you look at the ruins of buildings or structures from above promises major losses. They will not necessarily be of a material nature: perhaps a strong, long-standing friendship or passionate love will collapse. If your air voyage passed over a forest, wheat field, physalis thickets or other “islands” of nature, in reality you will easily get out of a difficult situation.
  • Vanga's Dream Book interprets flying in a dream more “favorably.” According to the Bulgarian clairvoyant, such dreams predict a quick trip or relocation. And also dreams with hovering above the ground are veiled answers to the question that worries you long time. For example, if in a dream you fly a plane, it means that in real life your desire to take responsibility is completely justified. And a feeling of fear during a night adventure may indicate that in order to solve a serious problem you need to involve relatives or close friends.
  • According to Universal dream book flying in a dream without wings or additional devices is a kind of symbol of your spiritual growth. If you believe this theory, your life should soon be transformed under the influence of a new “enlightened” worldview. But difficulties may also arise that will become a kind of test of one’s strength of spirit. If in a dream you have grown wings, with the help of which you fly higher and higher, in real life you will be able to on our own resolve long-standing serious problem. Flying into an abyss or abyss in a dream means your immaturity, your tendency to follow your weaknesses and desires.
  • In the Wanderer's dream book night air travel, made alone, promises significant achievements in professional field or personal life. Flying too high reflects your pretentiousness and ambition - perhaps you should “slow down” a little to improve relationships with others. Flying on a broom or any animal - such a dream “speaks” of your passion for demonic theories and occult teachings, and this may mean the beginning of a spiritual fall. Air travel on a bed symbolizes amazing, incredible events that will soon fill your life; on a chair - to loss of position or, conversely, to promotion.
  • According to Esoteric dream book flying in the air with the help of wings or a propeller means purchasing an expensive technical device: a car, yacht, boat, and so on. A night voyage on a magic carpet promises an amazing journey to distant lands. If you fly without additional equipment, in reality you should rely only on your own strength, but your efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold.

​The Eastern theory of the origin of flight in dreams is interesting. The ancient sages believed that before the age of 20, a person flying in a dream grows physically, and after 20, spiritually.

Meanings of the details and plot of the dream

There can be a lot of options for traveling by air in dreams.

Flying in a dream can be both pleasant and frightening. Why do you dream of flying in a dream?

Flying in a dream: why do you dream?

Universal dream book

You dreamed that you were flying without additional equipment - in spiritual sense you came to some new level. These changes will entail life changes. But at the same time you need to be prepared for some difficulties.

If wings have grown, giving the opportunity to fly, then the person who saw such a dream has acquired inner freedom and undoubtedly made the right decision.

You fly using a balloon, airplane, etc. - it is worth paying attention to the direction and meaning of the dreamed means of flight. When there are some internal obstacles, you dream that it is impossible to take off - analyze your life to free yourself from them.

Flight into the abyss is a fall, you give up something, follow the lead of your weaknesses. Stability - flight in a straight line.

Esoteric dream book

According to the dream book, flying in a dream without extraneous devices means you are using your abilities correctly.

Dream about flying on wings or with a propeller for purchase technical means: boats, TV, car, etc.

Are you flying on a magic carpet, or maybe on a bird? Get ready, there's a long journey ahead.

Eastern dream book

Flying in a dream - why do you dream? Planning in the endless and cloudless sky- dreams will come true.

Take falling in flight literally. If you manage to wake up in the process of falling, you will certainly overcome problems.

Disappointment awaits you if you fly on black wings.

Flying by a person under the age of 20 indicates his physical growth. For older people, spiritual and mental growth occurs.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

According to the dream book, flying in a dream means success awaiting you in business. Good dream. It promises wealth, joy, recovery for the sick, and a harvest.

Flying high means changes or delusions. Flying low in a dream - towards the road.

Flying up means good luck and joy. Flying down is a danger of failure. Are you flying very far? This is a harbinger of love or long expectations.

The Wanderer (Terenty Smirnova)

Flying alone in the air - achievements are occurring or awaiting in your personal or professional life, in creativity, in the spiritual world.

Flying too high - pay attention to your claims and ambitions. They may turn out to be unfounded. The collapse of some plans is not excluded.

If you are interested in demonic teachings, you may dream of flying on an animal or on a broom. This indicates loss of soul. It may be the beginning of spiritual temptation.

If you fly on a bed, some unexpected and original twist is possible. Flight takes place in the skies - the dream reports self-knowledge, spiritual revelation. But such difficult events as illness and death are also possible.

For some reason you fly very often. This means progress in spiritual practice.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

To soar very high in the clouds - have a tendency to fantasize, disregard for reality.

The flight ended in a fall - you will have to accept defeat. Increase your efforts for the next flight.

Your spiritual powers awaken if you had to fly under the ceiling.

Act according to the dictates of your heart, ignore the advice of others if you were flying low above the ground in a dream.

Evidence of increased sexuality and increased vitality is flying outside the premises.

According to the dream book, flying in a hot air balloon in a dream is a warning not to miss someone who shows you increased attention. Go along the right way, if you are flying on an airplane.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Did you see the sun while flying? Don't be afraid of anything, you're worrying in vain. Everything will be fine.

Take it as a warning if you fly over dirty water. Be sure to pay as much attention to yourself as possible, do not let people around you take advantage of you.

Your wishes will come true if you often see yourself flying on snow-white wings over green thickets.

Did you dream that you were shot in flight? Be prepared that obstacles created by enemies will appear on your path to prosperity and well-being.

Do you fly between cities and for some reason end up on a church dome? You will have to fight for your principles and views. Why do you dream that you are flying over ruins? This is a sign of some kind of failure associated with others, or boredom.