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What color is wenge oak? What color is wenge: photos of the most spectacular interiors. Color combinations with wenge

The world is full of different colors and shades. Sometimes it seems that seeing them all is an unrealistic task for each of us. That's probably true. After all, we all quite often claim that we are seeing this or that color for the first time.

And that’s exactly how it is, because Mother Nature often surprises us and will continue to surprise us. And this makes me happy, because you often discover the world around you again and again. Among the abundance of gifts of nature, today we would like to highlight one of those that is often used in interior design. We will talk about wenge, wenge wood.

Note! Wenge is a type of tropical tree that grows in Central Africa. The tree is quite tall, it can grow up to 20 meters in height and up to 1 meter in diameter. This plant is valued throughout the world for its wood. It is widely used in the interior of various rooms.

Wikipedia defines the color of wenge as golden brown or dark brown with black veins.

Why is wenge wood so popular in modern interiors? According to experts, wenge captivates not only with its exquisite color and unique texture, but also with its impact resistance, resistance to bending, pressure and wear. In addition, this tree has very good resistance to fungus and various insects. High humidity is also not a problem for wenge.

The tree is unique in that its wood is rich in shades. Believe me, their diversity will surprise everyone. Among the abundance of shades we find dark brown, yellow-brown, burgundy, chocolate, and dark purple. Sometimes wenge has an almost black tint. We suggest looking at some of the tones in the following figure.

Wenge color, photo

Features of application

Wenge wood is used to make various parts finishing and veneer, parquet and laminate boards. Furniture made from its wood also looks great in the interior.

In addition, wenge can withstand increased loads very well, so it is often used for making stairs, various types basis for sports corners with simulators and equipment.

Important! Before using wenge wood in the interior, make sure that its dust/shavings do not cause allergies to anyone.

The wenge color in the interior goes very well with other colors. First of all, it is combined with the flowers of other trees: bleached oak, ash, maple, olive, zebrawood.

Wenge color in the interior, photo

In classic or modern interiors, wenge flooring and furniture are often used. This wood color can be combined with both light and bright colors. This combination will not be problematic. Combinations with white, milky, raspberry, cream, orange, light plum, turquoise, pistachio, green, and red colors will be successful.

Different shades of gray and brown will also go perfectly with it.

Another feature of wenge wood is that products made from it are expensive. Therefore, not everyone will allow themselves to use it in the interior. But it's worth it.

Do you know what's best in the interior? Harmonious combination with yellow shades - in many photos in the gallery.

A beautiful apartment is what each of us dreams of. See photos of the interiors of small Khrushchev apartments in: even this small apartment can be made stylish and effective.

Living room interior

Considering the high cost of wenge wood, its strength and beautiful appearance, we can say with confidence that it is perfect for the living room. Who wouldn't want to have a living room in their home that literally exudes sophistication? Everyone would like to, if there were opportunities.

The wenge living room will look simply amazing. Wood will not only give the room a special touch of luxury, but will also emphasize its closeness to nature.

Wenge in the interior, photo

Depending on what shade of wenge you have chosen, select the most suitable colors from those listed above. By successfully combining them, you will create an excellent, sophisticated interior.

A bright shade of wood will look best when paired with rich color. If your wood is a dark shade, then dilute it more light colors.

If you are not inclined to bright and saturated colors, then try adding them to the interior with the help of various details of this color, placing appropriate accents in the interior of the living room or bedroom.

Do not use multi-colors under any circumstances: a maximum of three main shades should be used in typical modern apartments.

The following video will introduce you to a selection of spectacular interiors.

Bedroom: design nuances

A wenge bedroom is not for everyone. When decorating it with the help of such wood, you must understand that the interior of the room will always be designed in a simple style, so you will be guaranteed Asian comfort.

If you prefer lush decor, then don't use wenge in your bedroom.

The bedroom very often faces the street. To ensure that the windows blend harmoniously into the interior, paint them to match the main shade in the room.

Bright colors go very well with wenge. Just brighten up the room with accents of bright colors. But we do not recommend using a lot of such parts. Just add a few accents and enjoy the harmony of colors.

Wenge in the interior of the nursery

Many people believe that wenge color is not at all suitable for a children's room. But this is not true at all. Indeed, wenge color can reduce tone and suppress mood, but if it is used in small quantities, then it will affect others like Brown color, that is, to calm and discipline.

If you want something more daring, don't stop yourself. Choose bright colors and decorate the interior in these shades. Don't be afraid to experiment. Wenge color will always help you tone down bright shades and make the room more calm.

When decorating the interior of a children's room, be careful, because the wenge color has different properties. Consult a child psychologist. It would be ideal if your child had several sessions with a specialist and he would help determine how best to decorate his child’s room.

How to best design and the subtleties of interior decoration - in the article at the link.

Kitchens: design features

When decorating the kitchen interior, every owner wants to get not only a pleasant combination of colors, but also the durability of the interior itself. Wenge is perfect for this role.

Wenge color in the kitchen interior, photo

What do we get in return? If your furniture is made of wenge wood, rest assured that it will last a long time. In addition, wenge products are resistant to surface abrasion, stains from tea, coffee and fats. In addition, here it is worth recalling once again the material’s resistance to fungus.

You should also like the wenge kitchen because furniture or furniture made from this wood is resistant to water. Therefore, getting wet and swelling of furniture from water is not a problem.

Wenge is ideal for white background and will go well with other pieces of furniture and accessories in soft pastel beige color scheme. Just arrange the room with taste and skill.

In the kitchen, vanilla goes very well with wenge color. A little bright detail won't hurt. Choose all sorts of shelves and accessories to match.

Watch the video for a few examples of kitchen design.

Bathroom interior

Using wenge in the bathroom is quite possible. The wood will not be damaged by high humidity, will help support hygienic cleanliness, since its surface is completely smooth and easy to clean.

Wenge flooring and furniture in the interior, photo

If there is white sanitary ware everywhere in the bathroom, wenge will look exceptionally beautiful against its background.

Combinations of wenge with delicate floral or ripe green tones will add lightness to the bathroom. Such combinations will encourage you in the morning and give you strength.

Feel free to use wenge doors in any of the rooms. The color of the doors will depend on the shade of wenge wood, the thickness of the treated layer, the pattern and additional decorative methods.

We wish you a pleasant renovation. Look best photos and realize your ideas, dream and strive for the ideal, surrounding yourself only with the best things.

A photo gallery with wenge-colored interiors will tell you The best decision for your interior:

One of the most valuable species African wood gives its name to the dark shades used to make furniture, finishing materials, doors and various elements interior Noble dark shades wenge can not only effectively emphasize the geometry of the room, but also bring luxury and nobility to the image of the interior. African dark wood is known for its technological qualities - strength, durability and wear resistance, but it owes its popularity primarily to its original natural pattern, deep dark shades and original texture. Nowadays, not only residents of Europe and America actively use the wenge brand to decorate their homes, our compatriots have also been able to appreciate the beauty and luxury of African wood. It is difficult to find a manufacturer of cabinet and built-in furniture that does not have wenge-colored models in its lines. But African wood is expensive - not every average citizen can afford to purchase any piece of furniture made from natural material. Imitations of dark wood are performed at a very high level: outwardly it is impossible to distinguish natural material from its analogue. Thanks to this, anyone can decorate the interior of their home with a piece of furniture, parquet flooring, doors, beams or any other architectural or finishing solution of this noble and slightly dramatic color.

Features of wenge color

What is the color wenge associated with, used for decorating residential interiors? First of all – laconicism, severity, drama, conservatism and restraint, luxury and prestige. If you want to create an image of a room in which there will be a clear sense of stability, rigor and respectability, then the color wenge is your choice. You just need to decide exactly how you want to apply this deep and laconic shade - to create flooring or build in furniture, create a contrasting design for the entire room, or highlight just one detail?

Wenge color is often called masculine; it really has a lot of brutality and even toughness. It is hardly suitable for decorating even minor interior elements of a girl’s bedroom or boudoir, but it will look luxurious in the living room, kitchen or dining room, office and even bathroom. When many of us hear the phrase “wenge color,” we most often imagine a dark brown, almost black shade. But African wood is very ambiguous, its structure is quite complex. Depending on the lighting and companion colors, wenge color can appear to us as a shade of dark chocolate, charcoal-ash tone or almost black.

The wenge color palette has a narrow but very “dramatic” range of shades - from chocolate (dark brown) to almost black, with a slight purple tint. Real African wood even has a special light glow - due to the finest golden veins, visible only through a magnifying glass.

But whatever the choice of wenge color shade, one thing is clear - the entire spectrum is represented by rather dark and heavy tones. That is why designers recommend using this noble color in doses and combining it with light tones. For example, if the flooring in the room is made in one of the shades of wenge, then the walls and ceiling should be light. This approach will not only help not to “load” the image of the room, but will also visually increase the height of the room’s ceilings. But also white many shades. If you need to create a warm, albeit emphatically contrasting picture of the room, then you need to choose wenge from the “chocolate palette”, and white from the dairy group. If you need a strict, deliberately dynamic interior, then boiling white tone in combination with dark brown, almost black wenge will be the optimal combination.

Wenge color for cabinet and built-in furniture

Most often, wenge color is used in the production of cabinet and built-in furniture. Cabinets and cabinets, kitchen units and small tables, storage systems of various modifications, dining tables and desks, chairs and mini-chairs, beds and any other pieces of furniture that have a frame - for a design in a modern style, wenge color suits all parameters. It is most logical to use wenge-colored furniture in an interior with a light finish - this way the dark austerity of African wood can be presented most effectively. Whether to use colored accents in such a contrasting image of the room is your choice.

But wenge color is used as a shade for execution kitchen facades There are also disadvantages - such surfaces will require special care. The fact is that even dried drops of water and fingerprints are visible on dark cabinet doors. Another nuance of using wenge-colored kitchen facades is associated with the use of natural wood. If you are the happy owner of furniture from natural material, then you will have to take care that it does not fall under direct sunlight. Over time, the color may fade in the sun and become significantly lighter.

Furniture ensembles

One of the most popular options for using wenge color in modern production furniture - execution kitchen sets. Whether it is a ready-made furniture solution or an ensemble of custom-made storage systems, one thing is important - your kitchen will be provided with a stylish, respectable and laconic appearance. Brightness can be added through execution kitchen apron in colorful colors or a choice of colors for textiles - curtains for windows, tablecloths for the dining table, upholstery of bar stools.

Wenge color has an incredibly positive effect on the formation of the interior in terms of emphasizing the geometry of the room. Dark shades seem to discipline overall design, give rigor and orderliness to the interior picture. The space looks stylish, laconic, but at the same time elegant and respectable.

If you use wenge color for the lower tier kitchen cabinets, and for the upper level of storage systems choose a light shade, you can achieve visual increase height of the kitchen room.

Even the lightest shades of wenge are dark enough to complete a large kitchen ensemble. If the furniture set will occupy most premises, and even occupy space from floor to ceiling, then it is necessary to “dilute” the dark facades with fittings, glass inserts on the doors upper tier(with absolutely smooth facades, the kitchen will look very strict and even gloomy).

But not only in kitchen spaces, wenge color looks luxurious as the main tone of storage systems. For example, in bathrooms, cabinets under sinks can be made in dark colors, thereby emphasizing the shine of the whiteness of the sanitary ware. To create a harmonious image of a utilitarian room, the dark color can be repeated in the mirror frame or a pair of open shelves next to it.

For modern style When decorating a bathroom, you can choose absolutely smooth facades of storage systems. The interior will only benefit if the cabinets under the sinks are the only dark spots in light design bathroom.

Another type of furniture ensemble that can be made in wenge color is bedroom set. The finished furniture solution usually includes a bed, ara bedside tables and a closet. In some ensembles, a bulky wardrobe is replaced by a compact chest of drawers - the weight depends on the size of the room and its layout. But it is important to understand that such a furniture solution can withstand a fairly spacious bedroom with good natural light. For rooms small sizes It’s better to choose wenge-colored furniture as a dark accent - only the bed, chest of drawers or nightstands will be dark spots against the light background of the bedroom decoration.

If most standard apartments had the ability to allocate separate room to arrange a dressing room or in the bedroom there would be enough space to design such an area; wenge color could be recommended for the execution of numerous storage systems. Furniture ensembles for a dressing room in dark chocolate or ash-black color look respectable, impressive, expensive, but at the same time laconic.

Furniture in wenge color as an accent

Wenge color is noble, strict and at the same time refined. But not every owner will be able to use it in large quantities; most often the size of the rooms is standard apartments do not allow a large number of dark surfaces. There is a way out in the form of using furniture or small structures in dark color as accent elements. For example, in a kitchen this could be the façade kitchen island or peninsula...

IN kitchen space a dark accent can be created by making countertops made of African wood (or its spectacular analogues). Against the backdrop of light-colored facades, such an accent will look especially impressive.

In the dining room or dining area within the combined space, the accent can be dinner table. Any table setting looks great on the dark surface of African wood. From the point of view of choosing chairs for such a table, you can go in two ways. The first is related to the choice of chairs or mini-chairs from a similar material, which will create a harmonious lunch group. The second way involves a contrasting version of the chairs - light (most often snow-white, looking especially dazzling against a dark table) or colored - the weight depends on the design of the entire room.

In the living room such an element can become coffee table or a small storage system...

In an office or in a workplace area within a combined space, a dark spot can be desk or desktop console...

Wenge finish for a modern home

Another popular area for using African wood for decorating living spaces is finishing various surfaces. Obviously, even the most spacious and bright room is not able to withstand wall decoration in such a dark design. Therefore, wenge is most often used to create an accent - highlight beams or supports, install inserts made of laminate coatings, and use dark-colored moldings. For finishing the ceiling, wenge can only be used for installation ceiling beams. But for the flooring you can safely use dark colors parquet board or laminate.


As a finishing material, wenge color is most often used to create flooring. On dark background floors look most impressive when they are light or colored furniture, any decorative elements. In addition, the dark design of the floors, together with light walls and the ceiling gives a visual increase in the height of the room, which is very important for apartments with a standard layout.

Wenge color is used to create spectacular imitations of African wood. This type of flooring can be used in living rooms…

Bedrooms and children's rooms...

In kitchens and dining rooms…

Within the auxiliary premises - hallway, corridors and spaces near the stairs...

Porcelain tiles are used for bathrooms and toilets, imitating not only the color, but also the texture of African wood.

Wenge color is rarely used as a wall decoration, even to create accent surfaces. Not every room can afford such a dark design - not only the scale of the room itself is needed, but also high level illumination (one panoramic or a couple of standard windows, at least). But if such conditions are met, then you can create a truly non-trivial interior of the room, with original finish and some drama in the mood.

Structural elements

One of the most popular options for designing structural elements of the interior in a dark color is interior doors. Obviously, against a light background, wenge-colored doors inevitably become accent elements. Beautiful models with moldings and various inserts add a touch of luxury to even the most neutral room design. Solid door leaves in dark colors they organize the space, make it more strict, geometrically emphasized, and laconic.

An effective, contrasting, dynamic and at the same time non-trivial way of creating original design ceiling - use of wenge-colored ceiling beams. It’s not often that the ceiling decoration can become an accent in the interior, but with the help of deep chocolate or brown-black shades of wenge this design technique easy to apply. But it is important to understand that such a ceiling design is only suitable for spacious rooms with sufficient height, otherwise the dark beams will visually “press” on everyone present.

Another way to introduce contrast and clarity of geometry into the design of rooms is to highlight certain surfaces using skirting boards, moldings, window frames and doorways(cashing), columns and supports using dark shades of wenge.

Wenge color in the interior: laconic luxury

Of course, the color palette is not limited to seven shades of the rainbow. There are hundreds more tones and nuances between them. Modern designers They claim that the color “wenge” is fashionable now. Which one is this? - you are perplexed. In photographs of furniture or other interior details, one can see either coffee, or chocolate, or golden brown, or even violet-eggplant. Let's try to clarify this issue. What color is worthy of the name “wenge”, what does it go with, and how to decorate your home with it.


"Coffee with milk" for everyone ordinary people it is, first and foremost, a drink. And only for designers and textile workers it is color. The same thing happened with wenge. It's just a tree. It grows in equatorial Africa and has about forty species. The color of wenge depends on the variety of varieties, as well as on the age of the wood. This is any kind of coffee (from “mocha” to almost black), chocolate, brown, as well as purple and eggplant shades. Yes, the palette is the widest. But not all of the above colors can be called wenge. It's all about the structure of the wood.

Distinctive feature

The young plant is golden brown when cut. With age it darkens, becoming almost black, but still not to an anthracite hue. The wood has a coarse, coarse-fiber structure. Because it contains a large number of oils, it does not polish well. Furniture makers mainly use the waxing method for wenge wood. This slightly obscures the wonderful black veins. By the way, they are distinctive feature. If you are asked: “What color is wenge?”, feel free to answer: “Brown with black streaks.”

Interior use

In short, it depends on your preferences. Most often this tree is used in modern interiors, where the entire design is based on the contrast of light and dark. If you have wenge furniture, make sure that the walls or parquet are light. Start from the tone of the wood. If she is golden brown, beige tones are suitable, if she is coffee - white and silver. In any case, wenge goes well with turquoise and blue, as well as pink tones. When choosing accessories, pay attention to the color type of wood. Is it warm or cold? If the furniture is burgundy, chocolate, brown (in different shades), then it is not difficult to decide which color suits wenge: orange, bright yellow, pistachio, red or green. But if your tree is purple or has a greenish tint, it will look good with gray, lilac, raspberry and blue.

This year, professional designers prefer to include wenge furniture in the interior. You can always arm yourself with their advice when you decide to create an interior design with your own hands.

When is done in the home major renovation, it is not limited only finishing works, since often complete or partial replacement of furniture is also carried out. Choosing it takes quite a long time, so recommendations from experts will help us all make right choice. After all, you not only want to get a furniture set that would fit perfectly with everything in the interior and would be convenient and comfortable to use, but it is also advisable to choose the most fashionable furniture - one that long years will remain modern.

Why is wenge, the color of furniture, so popular? What shades it goes with, what rooms it is suitable for and how wenge furniture looks in the interior - today you will get answers to all your questions, and to help you - photos of interiors, the highlight of which is the popular wood. All pictures are enlarged: study the nuances you like in an enlarged form.

What is the fashionable color of wenge in the interior?

The floor and doors of your home can be made in a similar color, but, of course, wenge furniture will look best: it can transform your home beyond recognition. This tree is considered one of the most expensive and most the best varieties wood It is not only hard and resistant to high loads, but also very beautiful.

Take a look at how many different shades this tree has:

It is possible that you did not even suspect that the familiar shades - dark brown, maroon, chocolate, purple, eggplant, coffee - refer to the popular name of the color. Yes, there are a great many shades, but only such a non-uniform surface, where the structure of the wood is clearly visible, can be called it.

Natural material is quite expensive, but Lately Numerous production facilities have been established to imitate it, so wenge-colored furniture elements in the interior of the average Russian families are appearing more and more often. It is important to understand what is being bought so that behind an expensive purchase there is not a fake, even if it is well made.

Furniture in wenge color – only for interiors in a modern style

Wenge is a very difficult wood, but it will definitely suit you if you like furniture with laconic shapes. It seems to imply that calm and seriousness reign in the house.

Wenge-colored furniture is not very suitable for a children's interior, but it will look great in the interiors of adult bedrooms, kitchens, and bathrooms. Below is a selection of photos of interiors from professional designers to see what it might look like.

Wenge living room furniture

Wenge-colored furniture in the bedroom

Wenge bathroom furniture

Wenge oak furniture color for the kitchen

What colors go best together? Let's consider the possible options:

  • all shades of wenge will look great with pink, blue and turquoise tones;
  • warm shades of wenge (for example, burgundy or chocolate) - with orange, bright yellow, pistachio, warm green or red;
  • cold shades of wenge (purple or green) - with blue, gray, lilac and crimson.

All the proposed shades are light; can’t something dark be combined with something similar? This is acceptable, but if you want to have trendy dark walls, then combining them with almost black furniture will require a lot of effort. It is not advisable to experiment, but if you do take a risk, then all you need is light floors (which are not very practical) and a lot of light accessories.

The worst interiors with wenge furniture are dark. When everything in a room is in dark colors, being in it causes depression. Another common mistake: the room is saturated with light and dark colors, but there is a complete absence of bright accents - without them fashionable interior will look uncomfortable, faceless.

Light accessories will add coziness, but there should not be too many of them, so that they do not cover the beauty of natural wood. You should always try to emphasize wenge furniture - in all interiors it is the main one, and everything else is secondary.

If renovations are being done without the involvement of professional designers, it is best to copy a finished interior . We hope that our photos will help you decide whether you are ready to transform your home yourself with the help of fashionable wenge furniture. Buy it only if you are sure of it own strength and the smallest nuances are thought out. Happy renovation!

IN last years Wenge has become an incredibly popular furniture color photo original interiors rooms for different purposes can be seen in the selection. But what colors should it be combined with for a person without much experience in such matters, and in what proportions? We invite you to learn how to combine such a unique shade with room decoration made from different materials.

Wenge is called an African tree, the wood of which is famous for its high strength, sophisticated attractiveness, original deep brown. Due to these qualities, it is actively used for making furniture. for various purposes, size design. Since this material is not very common, interior items made from it are quite expensive. Not all consumers can purchase such goods, but many want to do so.

For this reason, the modern furniture industry has offered customers an alternative to Wenge furniture, which does not have such high price. And an alternative to this was furniture made from chipboard, MDF, plywood coated with Wenge veneer, which is distinguished by its deep color and high operational parameters.

Wenge wood veneer has high performance parameters: practicality, resistance to sunlight, high humidity, scratches and the like. Therefore, furniture sets with a similar coating are often purchased for residential premises: living rooms, bedrooms, children's rooms. They serve long time, do not lose their original attractiveness and retain functionality. It is for these reasons that wenge furniture is so popular and in demand.

Possible shades

The wenge furniture color is very diverse and deep, the photos below will demonstrate this. It goes well with other colors, allowing you to create very attractive interiors.

Wenge-colored furniture is unique because this color is multifaceted. It is impossible to determine exactly what it should be. These are brown shades with golden tints, deep dark chocolate tone, brown with blackish veins and even a light shade of brown with hints of purple. These are respectable color solutions that attract attention.

The warmth of wenge color attracts and enchants, and the clearly defined structure of the wood looks especially natural.

But the beauty of this color scheme needs to be successfully emphasized by choosing a good background for it. Only then will it reveal itself fully, bringing a special charm and positive mood to the room.

Types of wood used

Today, for the production of wenge-colored furniture in the interior of premises for various purposes, it is used special technology. In return natural wood, which is quite expensive, manufacturers use cheaper material, covering it with natural wood veneer. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of furniture several times, making them affordable for most consumers on the domestic market.

Type of material Advantages Flaws
Plywood Low cost, a light weight, practicality. Low resistance to high humidity and high loads.
Chipboard Affordable price, widespread. Average level of resistance to high humidity.
MDF High aesthetics, variety of textures, practicality, high practicality, interesting design. Decent price, average resistance to high humidity.
Natural wood Natural aesthetics, naturalness, environmental friendliness, natural smell. High cost, impressive weight.

When choosing furniture with Wenge veneer, it is important to pay attention to the fact which of the described materials was used in the manufacturing process of the products. This will allow you to understand whether the seller quoted an adequate price.

How to combine with other colors

Wenge furniture, original in design and color scheme, is important to successfully combine with the decoration of the walls and ceiling surfaces in the room. Then the attractiveness and deep charm of the color will be fully revealed and sparkle with bright colors.

The most universal combination, which suits almost any room in style and purpose, is wenge and milky white. Interiors with such a design look solemn, fresh, and not boring, as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to add bright accents into the decor of the room. It is worth using pillows, carpets, textiles on the windows of one bright color. Then the room will look holistic and harmonious.

Wenge also looks very attractive in contrast with beige. Such interiors look calm and cozy, and living in them is always comfortable.

And if you add a few golden shades to the design, it will sparkle with luxury and solidity. The combination of wenge + olive or grassy green also exudes calm. It looks very natural, as it is often found in nature.

If you want to give your home dynamism and brightness, you should add red or red-orange tones to furniture set wenge. The expression of red is successfully combined with the depth of dark brown shades. They can also be combined with blue.

For fans of ultra-modern high-tech interiors, the designers have prepared an original color composition: wenge, white, gray. And an excessively dark shade should not be used to decorate the walls of a room in which dark chocolate-colored furniture was selected.

Which rooms is it suitable for?

Residential building decor – not an easy task, the implementation of which must be approached with full responsibility. The interior should be comfortable, cozy and attractive in appearance. The color schemes used should not distract, irritate or depress. They should fill the space with positive notes. These are the properties that distinguish furniture in dark brown tones.

Milky oak color for furniture is universal: it is suitable for rooms for different purposes. Namely:

  • living room - this room should promote relaxation and rest, which can be achieved by products of a deep dark chocolate shade. Comfort and coziness fill a room with this design. The golden trim on the curtains and sofa cushions will add special sophistication to the living room, which will highlight the gold veins on the Wenge. And if the living room is very small, then it’s worth decorating light shades wallpaper or decorative plaster;
  • bedroom - when selecting dark brown furniture, it is important to decide in advance style decision decor. A strict interior of the minimalist style harmonizes perfectly with brown furniture, but Provence with its romanticism and sophistication will not be able to advantageously set off such interior items. An original solution there will be preference Japanese style in the decor of a bedroom with wenge furniture. The result will be a laconic interior, in which living will be very comfortable. If you want to create a romantic interior in the bedroom, you should shade the dark brown tones of the furniture designs with blue and light green. Cream shades of wallpaper or decorative plaster;
  • children's room - often light-colored furniture or sets are selected for such rooms bright colors. Dark brown shades are more suitable for a teenager’s room than a preschool child’s;
  • kitchen - similar interior items are more suitable for large-sized kitchen premises, since dark shades can visually make a small kitchen even smaller. But if there is enough space, it will be filled with elegance and exclusivity if you combine dark brown tones with olive, light green, and beige shades. Such design solutions They will awaken the appetite, but will not excite the human psyche.