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How old is Leonid Yakubovich’s daughter Varvara. Yakubovich's wife Leonid, family and interesting facts. Work lately

To mark the 70th anniversary of Leonid Yakubovich, Channel One premiered the documentary film “Leonid Yakubovich. Alexander Stirizhenov directed the film “Grandfather of My Dreams” based on the story by Leonid Yakubovich. On July 31, Leonid Arkadyevich will turn 70 years old. Yakubovich told ProZvezd about how he is preparing for the anniversary. For more than 24 years, the TV game capital show “Field of Miracles” has been airing on Channel One, 23 of which with host Leonid Yakubovich.

Taking part in the film: Marina Yakubovich, wife; Varvara Yakubovich, daughter; Alexander Maslyakov, Vladimir Vinokur, Alexander Strizhenov and others. The website www.kp.by is an analogue of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” in Belarus.” © ZAO BelKP-PRESS, 2015. Exclusive rights to works posted on the website www.kp.by belong to ZAO BelKP-PRESS.

The daughter and granddaughter of Leonid Yakubovich play with the same toys!

And also Yakubovich’s housekeeper, fitness trainer, tennis coach and, of course, the staff of the “Field of Miracles” program. And on August 1 at 10:15 in the “SMAC” program, after such a celebration, Yakubovich decided to cook “Hangover Beef” and cook rice with lemongrass.

Leonid Yakubovich. Aerobatics / 2015 / RU / HDTVRip (720p)

Answers to these and other questions, as well as interesting stories from family friends - Leonid Yarmolnik, Alexey Lundin, Irina Gavrilova - are in the program. Among other things, his park is decorated with a large labyrinth planted with shrubs. Cast: Maxim Sukhanov, Efim Shifrin, Leonid Gromov, Zakhar Hungureev, Dmitry Solomykin, Pyotr Fedorov.

Ordinary viewers are accustomed to seeing in Yakubovich a positive wit and jokester, who has been hosting the folk show “Field of Miracles” for 25 years. But Leonid Arkadyevich himself admits that this is just a mask, a role. And that being a TV presenter for him is an ordinary job, like everyone else’s, just public. But, in my opinion, the Unified State Exam is not a mistake, the Unified State Exam is a crime! You can’t say anything, Leonid Arkadyevich is a model for 70-year-olds!

Leonid Yakubovich: With a racket I feel like a man!

Viola Davis (“The Help,” “Eat Pray Love,” “Doubt”) is one of the best modern dramatic actresses (she was twice nominated for an Oscar - for her roles in the films “Doubt” and “The Help”). On July 30 at 20:35 on the Russia K TV channel there will be a premiere of the documentary film “Krzysztof Penderecki.

And the title for the film is “Krzysztof Penderecki. A caring mother is trying to help her not so young son choose a life partner with the help of advertisements in the newspaper. Not all RG materials are published publicly on the website. The text of the article may differ in newspaper editions that differ in the time of signing and region of distribution.

The owner of the website www.kp.by is the Closed Joint Stock Company "BelKP-PRESS". This time he decided to cook "Hangover Beef" and cook rice with lemongrass. The film is about the French squadron "Normandie-Niemen", which fought during the Second World War in the Russian...

The most severe test that awaits her is the Unified State Exam,” he says about his daughter, who will graduate from school this year. - I understand that it so happened that it MUST be passed. I have a beautiful, slender wife and daughter. And with my belly, I was ashamed to go to the beach. I started spending two hours in the gym every morning and playing tennis for an hour and a half.

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Now all his thoughts are occupied with his daughter Varya, who will go to college this summer. For me, 70 years is just a number, nothing more. I'm relaxed about dates. It's more of a celebration of my family and friends.

I do not need it. Over the past year, the TV presenter has changed - he has lost a lot of weight and become prettier. But before that I had never played this sport. Just a year ago I picked up a racket. And I have everything else! As for my dream, I want my daughter to go to college. She wants to study languages. This year Varvara graduated from school and passed the Unified State Exam. I was more worried at that moment than she was! She took the tests herself; we didn’t even hire tutors.

- Internet portal of the “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”

The film also stars Michael Gaston (The Leftovers, Escape, Jericho, Total Recall), Alfred Enock (Broadchurch, Sherlock), Jack Falahee (The Sociopath), Katie Findlay (The Killing) ", "Fringe"). The host of the talk show “My Hero” Tatyana Ustinova called People’s Artist Joseph Kobzon a link between eras.

On Saturday morning, viewers will see a special episode of the show “SMAK”, the hero of which will be Leonid Yakubovich. In the eyes of ordinary TV viewers, Leonid Yakubovich is a positive wit and joker, who has been hosting the popular show “Field of Miracles” for 25 years. And also about what made Yakubovich move forward again and again. For the sake of his wife and daughter, Yakubovich has recently lost 32 kilograms.

Leonid Yakubovich is a People's Artist of Russia, actor and TV presenter. His popularity came from the capital show “Field of Miracles,” which he has been hosting for more than 25 years. Fans of the game and fans of this famous man have always been interested in his personal life.

Leonid Yakubovich – news today

News about the life of Leonid Yakubovich often appears online and in print media. However, over the past couple of years, you can see headlines related to the presenter's health problems or tragic incidents that allegedly happened to him. The most common version is a stroke.

You can also find alarming information that the artist has noticeably weakened and lost weight after a heart attack, and he was sent for long-term treatment to an elite German clinic. Rumors about car accidents in which Leonid Arkadyevich was seriously injured should also not be believed.

The presenter himself has repeatedly stated that he did not get into any accidents, and he did not have any serious health problems.

Since 2016, fans may have noticed that frightening information about the death of the host of “Field of Miracles” regularly appears in the media. In 2017 alone, this news was announced more than 5 times. The artist treats such rumors with humor and asks not to pay attention to such nonsense. In a joking manner, he says that he is not going to die anytime soon.

Family of Leonid Yakubovich

The famous TV presenter was married three times. The first marriage took place during my student years and did not last long. The second wife gave birth to Leonid’s son Artem, and he has been living with his third wife for more than 20 years.

  • Name: Leonid
  • Surname: Arkadyevich
  • Surname: Yakubovich
  • Date of Birth: 31.07.1945
  • Place of Birth: Moscow
  • Zodiac sign: a lion
  • Eastern horoscope: Rooster
  • Occupation: actor, screenwriter, TV presenter
  • Height: 168 cm

The name of Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is known to everyone in the vastness of the Russian film and television industry. Most TV viewers love him as the host of the “Field of Miracles” show. But his creativity, of course, is not limited to one program. This person is very talented and multifaceted.

Photo by Leonid Yakubovich


Leonid Yakubovich was born a few months after the victory in the Great Patriotic War. His parents were directly related to her: his father served at the front, and his mother sent parcels there, trying to somehow support Soviet soldiers. One day, such a package fell into the hands of Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich, and its contents could not leave him indifferent: two mittens for one hand. The impressed captain replied to the sender. This is how his correspondence acquaintance with Rimma Semyonovna took place. And on July 31, 1945, they became the parents of the boy Leonid.

His parents were quite loyal to his upbringing, trying to develop independence in him. They were not particularly interested in school grades in the diary; my father believed that Leonid himself should understand how much knowledge he needed. At school, the boy participated in amateur performances, and in the eighth grade he was expelled from the institution. The reason was not poor academic performance. Leonid went to Siberia on an expedition and the trip dragged on so much that the school management could no longer tolerate absenteeism and was forced to suspend the student from attending.

Study and work

Cheerful Leonid went to work at an aircraft factory. At the same time, he received his education at evening school. When the time came to think about getting a profession, the future showman, at the insistence of his father, chose the Institute of Electronic Engineering. Arkady Solomonovich believed that his son should first get a profession with which he will not be lost throughout life, and then he can think about self-realization. At a technical university, the guy still found an outlet for himself: Yakubovich became a participant in student productions. Then he became a member of the KVN team of the Moscow Civil Engineering Institute, graduating from it in 1971.

As the People’s Artist himself now recalls, his student days were the most fun and vibrant period of his life. As part of the KVN team, students traveled around cities and enjoyed visiting audiences. In addition, he met Galina Antonova, and in 1973 Artem, their son, was born.


After graduating from MISS, Leonid Arkadyevich went to implement his education at the Likhachev plant. From 1977 to 1980 he was an employee of the ZIL commissioning department.

But such technical and well-functioning work does not allow Yakubovich to develop creatively. Even during KVN, he wrote humorous scripts and texts, now he needed to realize his potential somewhere. In 1979, his light and sparkling scripts became the basis of the “Come on guys!” programs. and “Come on girls!”

  • In 1980, Yakubovich was invited to the committee of Moscow playwrights;
  • filming in the film “Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later” (1980);
  • in 1988, the first beauty contest took place in Moscow, Leonid Arkadyevich became the screenwriter and presenter.
  • worked as an auctioneer for several years.

Hundreds of works for performances by artists of the humorous genre have come out of the hand of a talented master. Evgeny Petrosyan, Vladimir Vinokur appeared on stage with his texts; he is the author of stage productions “Wider Circle”, “Tutti”, and many others. He was also the author of a story for the humorous film magazine “Yeralash”.

“Field of Miracles” by Yakubovich

For more than a quarter of a century, Leonid Arkadyevich has been unrivaled in hosting the capital show “Field of Miracles.” In 1991, Yakubovich instantly won the love of television viewers. He communicates with the quiz players simply and naturally, no script, only improvisation. People from all over the country came to the “Field of Miracles” not only for victory. It became a popular act to convey greetings, treat Leonid Arkadyevich and give him gifts. Over time, several sites and museums even had to be opened in order to accommodate the countless number of donated exhibits.

Charming, with a good sense of humor, with incredible love for his viewers, Leonid Arkadyevich still attracts millions of viewers in front of the screen on Friday evenings. “Field of Miracles” still remains one of the most beloved and popular programs.

Cinema and television

Theater and film directors could not ignore the talented artist. Throughout his career, viewers have watched Yakubovich play more than once, however, he also delighted fans with his own works. The audience especially remembered his performance in the film “Moscow Holidays” (1995), participation in “Old Songs about the Main Thing” (1996, 1997), and in the television series “Russian Amazons” (2002, 2003).

In 2014, his work “Grandfather of My Dreams” received awards at the “Smile, Russia!” festival. Yakubovich was awarded for best actor, another victory took place in the category “the kindest, funniest and wisest film.”

The talented screenwriter has repeatedly become the host and author of various television programs:

  • "Wheel of History";
  • "Guessing Game";
  • “Dikanka” on the Ukrainian channel;
  • "Wash for a Million"
  • "The last 24 hours."

Yakubovich also holds the position of producer and director of special projects at the VID television company. Repeatedly sat on the KVN jury. In 2016, he co-hosted the program “Star on Star” (in tandem with A. Strizhenov).

Personal life, hobbies, social activities

In his first marriage to his wife Galina, Leonid Yakubovich lived an impressive period of life. They got married while still students. Their son Artem was educated at the same university as his dad, then became a television worker. In 1995, the couple divorced.

The popular presenter met Marina Vido on duty; she was an employee of the VID company. In 1998, Yakubovich became a dad again, and the couple had a daughter, Varvara. By that time, he had already held the title of grandfather for 2 years: the family of his son Artem rejoiced at the birth of Sophia.

Leonid Arkadyevich turned out to be a very versatile person. In addition to television, he completely fell in love with the sky and flying. He mastered the profession of a pilot so much that he even took part in the World Aerospace Olympic Games in 1997. His hobbies also include billiards, skiing, and collecting.

In 1997, Yakubovich was awarded the title of Honored Artist, and in 2002 he became a “people’s artist.” His collection of awards also includes two TEFI statuettes, an Order of Friendship and a medal from the Ministry of Emergency Situations “For the Commonwealth in the Name of Salvation.”

The presenter did not ignore social and political activities. In 1995 he ran for parliament, in 2012 he acted as a confidant of presidential candidate Vladimir Putin.

Popular popularity made him the presenter and hero of commercials. Well, a side effect of fame, of course, is the rumors surrounding Yakubovich’s person. Despite everything, the talented artist continues his activities and every Friday on Channel One you can hear his famous “Prize to the studio!”

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is a famous Russian and Soviet TV presenter, as well as a screenwriter for many theatrical productions and plays, an actor and producer, and holder of the title People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and parents

Leonid Yakubovich came into this world in the glorious capital of Russia on July 31, 1945, almost immediately after the end of the Great Patriotic War. According to the zodiac sign - Leo, and according to the eastern horoscope - Rooster.

In childhood

The parents of the future leader in raising their son were quite loyal, giving relative freedom of action to little Leonid. Arkady Solomonovich and Rimma Semenovna were of the opinion that the development in a child of independence and responsibility for actions, as well as decisions made, should begin from a very early age.

Once, while still a schoolboy, Leonid approached his father with a request to check his diary, but the parent firmly explained that studying was solely the son’s business and that he should turn to his father only when serious problems arose.

Studying was easy for the open-minded Leonid; history, literature and, of course, participation in amateur performances were especially interesting. But in the 8th grade, the future TV presenter was expelled from school for 3 months of absenteeism, which he spent as a member of an expedition to Eastern Siberia - Leonid’s innate curiosity did not allow him to ignore the advertisement for the recruitment of those wishing to go to the taiga.

That evening, the parents were notified, and the next morning a group of children safely set off to conduct scientific research. The trip turned out to be quite unusual.

The participants' responsibilities included spending daily time in the forest with virtually no clothing and taking notes on the moments of insect bites with an accurate description of what happened. In other words, during the so-called expedition, various anti-mosquito agents were tested.

The end of the short trip dragged on for several months and the arrival in Moscow occurred after the end of the summer holidays, for which reason Leonid Arkadyevich was expelled from school for severe absenteeism.

Of course, secondary education was still received at evening school, and in parallel, young Leonid acquired his first labor skills, working as an electrician at the Tupolev plant.


Completing his studies at evening school becomes the first step towards the alluring novelty of student life, and Yakubovich simultaneously enters 3 theater institutes, trying to determine his future path in a similar way. But at this moment, the father takes everything into his own hands and asks Leonid to first obtain a specialty suitable for life and only then continue the creative search for his essence.

The obedient son immediately collects documents from all three universities and enrolls to study at the Institute of Electronic Engineering in Moscow, where he enjoys playing in a small miniature theater. A little later, Yakubovich was transferred to the Kuibyshev Institute of Civil Engineering, from which he graduated in 1971.

Later, Leonid Arkadyevich will remember his student years with their bright play in the KVN team and fun trips around the country as the happiest and most eventful in his life.

Creative path

After college, following his chosen specialty, Leonid Yakubovich begins work at the Likhachev plant, where he works from 1971 to 1977. But his vigorous creative nature does not give him rest and, remembering the quite successful humorous scenarios created during the games in KVN, Leonid Arkadyevich decides to continue this path.

He succeeds quite well in this, and since 1979 he began actively writing script texts for several television programs.

In 1980, Yakubovich was elected a member of the professional committee of playwrights in Moscow, and from that moment to the present, he has written at least 300 pop, theatrical and stage works, for example, “The Foreman’s Monologue,” talentedly performed by Vladimir Vinokur, the plays “Tutti,” “Kuku, Man", "Haunted Hotel" and others.

Texts by Leonid Arkadyevich and works written by him are performed by V. Vainarovsky, E. Petrosyan and many other famous pop artists. And some of his works, still performed on stage, are more than 20 years old.

The year 1988 is marked by the experience of hosting the first beauty contest in Moscow, as well as the execution of my own script, written specifically for the event. During the same period, Leonid Arkadyevich will begin 2 years of activity as an auctioneer.

Television career

The year 1991 becomes the most important milestone in Yakubovich’s life. On November 1, Leonid Arkadyevich takes the baton from the first host of the TV show “Field of Miracles” Vladislav Listyev and this moment determines his further popularity.

Yakubovich’s natural charm, kind humor and pure improvisation in communicating with the players bring the program tremendous success, and Leonid himself incredible love from the audience. Until now, the famous mustache of the capital show host is his calling card and the absolute symbol of the program.

In 1995, Leonid Yakubovich became the manager of the “Analysis of the Week” program and conducted it throughout the year. After which he tries on the role of the host of the game program “Wheel of History”.

Film career

The creative side of the legendary presenter, gushing with ideas, of course, did not allow him to stay away from modern cinema. Yakubovich the actor has more than 20 films and TV series to his credit:

"Moscow Holidays" (1995);
“Shouldn’t we send a messenger” (1998);
"Russian Amazons" (2002);
"They Don't Kill Clowns" (2005);
“Both Fathers and Sons” (2012);
“Grandfather of my dreams” (2015) and others.

On the set of "Jumble"

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich

The first experience of married life was gained by Leonid Yakubovich during his student years. Galina Antonova, who became the first wife, gave the famous presenter a son, Artem, in 1973. But in 1995, on the initiative of Leonid Arkadyevich, the marriage was dissolved.

Soon Yakubovich married again to his colleague Marina Vido. In 1996, there was an addition to the presenter’s family - a daughter, Varvara, was born, and two years earlier, the wife of his son Artem gave birth to a daughter and Leonid’s granddaughter, Sophia.

With Marina Vido

A happy father goes out with his daughter. So Leonid and his daughter attend film premieres and other events, where the two of them are never bored. Leonid can wear his favorite pilot jacket to the cinema, and Varya can go to the film premiere in a cosplay costume, as she did at the premiere of the Harry Potter film.

For the sake of his wife and daughter, Leonid Yakubovich even transformed himself. By the summer of 2018, he lost 20 kg of excess weight so that they would not be embarrassed about him.

Hobbies and other achievements

In addition to a successful career as a TV presenter, as well as a screenwriter and actor, in 2002 Leonid Yakubovich accepted the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and in 2005 he received the Order of Friendship. In addition, the presenter is a member of the Union of Journalists of Russia and is a member of the Television Academy.

One of Leonid Arkadyevich’s favorite hobbies, of course, can be called driving sports aircraft. Having accidentally found himself in a specialized flying club, Yakubovich instantly became interested in the idea of ​​personal control of air transport. Gradually, the pilot's skills were acquired and the famous personality was included in the Russian team, which was allowed to participate in the World Aerospace Olympic Games, which were held in Turkey in 1997.

The famous pilot is invited to the opening of various events within the country. So Leonid Yakubovich became an honorary guest at the Krasnodar flight school at the beginning of September 2018, where the first 15 girls were accepted to train as military-civil pilots. Yakubovich gave a speech to the cadets and noted that “the first flight is never forgotten.”

Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich is a popular Russian showman, the permanent host of the capital show “Field of Miracles”, co-host of Alexander Strizhenov in the program “Star on Star”.

The childhood of Leonid Yakubovich

Amazing events have accompanied Leonid Arkadyevich Yakubovich literally since childhood. Why, take at least the story of how his parents met!

During the Great Patriotic War, Rimma Semyonovna Shenker was engaged in sending parcels to the front. The girl collected warm clothes, knitted something herself, and sometimes got sweets and canned food. All parcels with gifts were sent in random order, that is, no addresses were indicated on them. One of them went to captain Arkady Solomonovich Yakubovich. The bundle contained knitted mittens, both for one hand. The officer was moved and wrote a response to the needlewoman, and a correspondence began. A little later, Rimma Semyonovna became his wife.

Immediately after the war, Leonid Yakubovich was born. Parents began to teach their son to be independent from early childhood. Once Lenya asked his dad to check the diary, to which his father sternly replied: “I don’t need it, it’s up to you how to study. If there are problems, then contact me.”

However, Leonid did not have any special problems; the young man especially liked the lessons of history and literature. True, in the eighth grade he was expelled from school because he was absent for three whole months. Then, during the summer holidays, Yakubovich and a friend saw an advertisement on the street: young people were needed for an expedition to Eastern Siberia. I didn't have to think long. On the same day, Leonid told his parents that he was leaving for Siberia.

The work turned out to be quite strange - the guys worked as live bait. They sat on a stump in the taiga, wearing only shorts and a padded jacket, and wrote down at what time, who bit them and where: “10.50 – bite on the right leg. 10.55 – bite on the left leg.” The teenagers' feet were smeared with various mosquito repellents - their effectiveness was precisely tested during the expedition. Summer holidays have come to an end, but the expedition has not. Leonid had to stay in the taiga forests, and upon returning to Moscow he learned that he had been expelled. Young Yakubovich had to go to evening school, and at the same time work part-time at the Tupolev plant as an electrician.

Having successfully completed evening school, Leonid Yakubovich unexpectedly passed a competition into three theater universities at once. But his father asked him to first get a “livable” specialty, and then go anywhere. Therefore, Leonid Arkadyevich decided to enter the capital’s Institute of Electronic Engineering. But he did not bury his talent and soon made his debut at the Theater of Student Miniatures. A little later, he transferred to the Kuibyshev Institute of Civil Engineering (modern MGSU), because there was an excellent KVN team there.

Vivid performances, true friends, traveling around the country, meeting with the soloist of the ensemble “Gorozhanki” Galina Antonova - Yakubovich always noted that these years were the happiest in his life.

The creative path of Leonid Yakubovich

In 1971, Yakubovich graduated from the institute, becoming a certified ventilation and air conditioning engineer. Until 1977, he worked at the Likhachev plant, after which until 1980 he was listed as an employee of the commissioning department.

Leonid Yakubovich in the program “Alone with Everyone”

But the soul of the future artist did not lie in “technical” work. Since his student days, Leonid has been interested in writing scripts with an emphasis on the humorous genre. In 1980, he was even accepted into the professional committee of Moscow playwrights. Since then, Yakubovich has written more than 300 works for pop performers. Vladimir Vinokur brilliantly performed “The Sergeant Major’s Monologue,” written with the participation of Leonid Arkadyevich (according to many, it was this humorous sketch that made him famous). The works of Leonid Arkadyevich were performed by many masters of domestic humor, in particular, Evgeny Petrosyan.

He also wrote several plays for stage production (“The Gravity of the Earth”, “Wider Circle”, “Parade of Parodists”, “We need victory like air”, “Hotel with Haunted”, “Peek-a-boo, man!”, “ Tutti").

Also in 1980, he played a minor role in Yuri Egorov’s thoughtful drama “Once Upon a Time Twenty Years Later,” starring Natalya Gundareva and Viktor Proskurin. According to the plot of the film, former classmates gather for a graduation party. Yakubovich played one of his former school friends.

Leonid Yakubovich at the "Field of Miracles"

Real audience popularity came to Yakubovich after he began hosting the “Field of Miracles” program in 1991, replacing the first presenter, Vladislav Listyev.

The simple rules of the gambling program are known, perhaps, to every Russian viewer: three stages, three winners and a fight in the super final. And at the end, the winner had a choice - to lose everything or choose a super prize. Yakubovich's charisma and charm helped the program win people's love. All of his lines and actions were purely improvised without the help of writers or editors.

Leonid Yakubovich in the “Evening Urgant” program

A real legend of “Field of Miracles” has become the museum, which over the years of broadcasting has collected a truly countless number of exhibits donated to Yakubovich by the show’s players. Part of the collection was exhibited at VDNKh in Moscow, part - in Ostankino, and another part - in Tver.

Yakubovich’s mustache, following its owner, became a kind of symbol of the “Field of Miracles”. They were so inseparable from the image of Leonid Arkadyevich that even in his contract with Channel One there was a clause - not to shave off his mustache. However, the showman wore a mustache from the very beginning of his working career; he shaved it off only once, in 1971. Then he worked as an administrator at the Moscow Comedy Theater and, out of duty, went on tour with the troupe. Before an important meeting, he decided to clean up the mess and started shaving in the hotel room, but something didn’t work out: first one mustache was shorter, then another. “In the end, he turned into Hitler and shaved everything off,” the presenter joked. They almost kicked him out of the meeting - they simply didn’t recognize him.

Leonid Yakubovich's gushing energy knew no bounds. Therefore, the artist could not ignore the cinema, already being the star of the most popular entertainment show on Russian television. He showed his brilliant comedic talent in a number of significant films. Thus, the actor appeared as a policeman in the film “Moscow Holidays”, played himself in the series “They Don’t Kill Clowns”, revealing the other side of the alluring show business, and repeatedly appeared on camera in “Jumble”. But it is worth noting that the presenter received offers regularly and in large quantities, but Leonid Arkadyevich never accepted them if he did not like the role, although he liked the process of “acting” itself.

Leonid Yakubovich in "Jumble"

Leonid Arkadyevich was also the producer and screenwriter of the comedy “Grandfather of My Dreams,” which was released in 2014. He also appeared in the cast, playing a magical grandfather and host of the show “Field of Miracles.” The film was awarded two awards at the festival “Smile, Russia!”; one went to Yakubovich himself for best actor, the second recognized the film as “the kindest, funniest and wisest film.”

In 2016, the Zvezda TV channel aired the talk show Zvezda on Zvezda with Yakubovich and Alexander Strizhenov as hosts. Each episode they invited famous personalities to the studio: artists, painters, athletes, and had intimate conversations with them.

Personal life of Leonid Yakubovich. Hobbies and interests

Leonid Arkadyevich met his first wife, Galina Antonova, during his student years. He performed in KVN, and she was a soloist in the ensemble “Gorozhanki”. The first meeting of the future spouses took place at an outdoor concert near Issyk-Kul. The wedding took place in the fifth year, and in 1973 Galina gave Leonid a son, Artem.

The son of Leonid Yakubovich graduated from the same Kuibyshev Institute as his father, received a higher degree in economics at the Academy of Foreign Trade, and then got a job in television.

Alas, the marriage of Leonid and Galina broke up in 1995, and it was the TV presenter who initiated the divorce. He had an affair brewing with Marina Vido, who worked with him at the VID television company. Soon they got married.

Among the artist’s other hobbies was billiards (he was also a member of the presidium of the Russian Billiard Sports Federation for a long time). Other hobbies include alpine skiing, preference, cooking, numismatics, collecting reference books, car racing on safari.

Leonid Yakubovich now

In 2016, Leonid Yakubovich still greeted guests of the Fields of Miracles studio and captivated the audience with a wide smile and his signature charm. However, in August 2016, alarming rumors appeared in the media: the press claimed that Yakubovich was seriously ill and was undergoing treatment in Germany. He had to refuse to participate in the play “The Last Aztec,” where the artist was invited to replace the deceased Albert Filozov. However, it turned out that everything was fine with the artist’s health, and information about his illness was nothing more than rumors from ill-wishers.

In 2017, Yakubovich became the host of the new show “I Can!”, in which anyone could demonstrate their unique talent in the studio and receive a cash prize for it if they beat their own record.