home · On a note · Use magic to bewitch good luck and money. Spell good luck! How to bewitch capricious fortune at home

Use magic to bewitch good luck and money. Spell good luck! How to bewitch capricious fortune at home

To attract wealth to oneself, they are used different ways. Reading a love spell for money at home, which will definitely work, will help you find well-being, but only if you follow all the rules of the ritual. For this you may need strong conspiracy, confidence and faith in the actions being performed, as well as several additional things, for example, coins, fabric, threads, candles, paper, etc. The rest is a matter of technique.

Tired of conspiracies that don't work? Try any love spell for money that you can read at home - which will definitely work 100%

To properly implement strong love spell for money, you must follow a few simple rules:

  1. All conspiracies of a financial nature are carried out on the waxing moon.
  2. Faith in action must be strong. There is no room for even the slightest doubt in this matter.
  3. Best before date financial conspiracies- one year. Therefore, after this time, you need to repeat the ritual.
  4. Before starting the ritual, it is necessary to clearly define the purpose for which welfare is needed: if the funds raised are stored and not used, then such material wealth will be of little use. Any finance must work.
  5. After performing a love spell, you need to act, and not lie, relaxed, on the sofa, waiting for the money to fall out of the blue. They only help to attract finance and contribute in every possible way to this. Working instead of a person is not his task.

For a charmed 5 ruble coin

Spelling money on a coin is a very ancient and really effective method that will definitely work!

A love spell on money with a coin is considered the simplest and most accessible. To carry it out you will need a five-kopeck or five-ruble coin. On the waxing Moon, stand by the window, take a coin in your palm, looking at the Moon, say:

I go to trade as a merchant, I return rich and well done, I bring home a golden treasure.

God, give me so much money that there is no place to put it. Amen".

How to make a love spell for money:

  1. Hold the coin with your right hand;
  2. Draw circles around it in a clockwise direction;
  3. Read the plot three times;
  4. Afterwards, wash your hands in the previously prepared salt water;
  5. Go to bed with pure thoughts, don’t think about money anymore.

It is very important not to think about material wealth during the ritual; try to let go of these thoughts. For the entire next month, the charmed coin should be carried with you constantly, and at the end of this time it should be spent on some important or useful thing. On the new moon, you need to charm another coin.

Important: A love spell for money and good luck is performed only on the waxing Moon. If you need to avoid problems of a monetary nature (for example, debts), then the rituals should be performed on the waning moon.

Strong black love spell for money

When making a black love spell for money, you should understand that in such cases all your financial difficulties and misfortunes associated with material wealth can pass on to another person. Yes, you will find luck, money will come to you, but someone will involuntarily become a victim of your manipulations, even if not on purpose. Therefore, it is very important to think about a black love spell for money and its consequences, and if there are more positive aspects, then proceed to perform the ritual.

When you cast a black money love spell, your problems are transferred to another person.

Let's look at a few simple but quite powerful love spells for money that you can read at home from the category of black magic.

Transferring your unhappiness to someone else

The first is that you can give your financial distress to a person, such as a beggar or a homeless person. To do this, you must give alms directly into the hands of the beggar, discreetly pronouncing the following phrase:

Poverty goes to poverty,

The evil ones go to the evil ones,

From me ( given name) go to you.

I give you bad luck, you unfortunate one.

So be it, for so it is.”

Remember that you need to give alms into the person’s hands, and not throw them into his hat or glass - this will not bring the desired result. In this way, you give away some of your financial problems, attracting long-awaited prosperity.

At the crossroads for a handful of change

To cast another black love spell on money, you will need a handful of coins. The conspiracy is made at a crossroads where at least three different roads converge. Standing at a crossroads, you need to whisper your own failures into coins financial plan(this could be, for example, problems with business or the inability to find a well-paid job).

Then you need to throw the coins over your left shoulder at the intersection. After these manipulations, go home, but do not turn around along the way, and do not talk to anyone until you arrive at your destination. The person who picks up your coins will take away some of your problems and failures in your financial plan. Therefore, black magic does not recommend collecting money at crossroads.

Cemetery love spell for money

The next conspiracy is very strong, but therefore quite dangerous, since it involves appealing to the forces of darkness. It should be held in the cemetery, at midnight, during the waxing Moon. You will need to find a grave with the same name as yours in advance. Place the coin on the grave and say:

“Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Astaroth.

Open the gates of darkness,

Give me a lot of gold and wealth.

Gold, pour down at my feet,

Gold, stick to my hands! Let it be so!".

After finishing your speech, return home without looking back.

Lunar money love spell

To cast a love spell on the moon, you will need a transparent glass with plain water. Actions are performed at home, on a clear night, with full moon. The glass is placed on the windowsill so that moonlight is reflected in the water - it will charge the water with powerful energy.

After this, you need to wash your face with charged water while reading the following speech:

How are you, month?

I was thin and became fat,

So I will be full of all sorts of good things.”

IN ideal According to the conspiracy, water is placed to charge on the waxing Moon, and they wash themselves with it when the Moon becomes full.

At the crossroads of three roads

The love spell for money on a moonlit night is familiar to everyone from childhood from the fairy tale about Pinocchio!

Can be used ancient ritual to attract material wealth. To do it at home you need:

  • Take coins by quantity full years conspirator, go out on a moonlit night to a crossroads;
  • Place the coins on your palm and expose it to the moonlight;
  • Try to imagine at this moment how the money in your palm attracts energy, how its quantity increases, and the amount becomes larger;
  • Ask the Great Mother Moon to bless you and give you prosperity;
  • If you feel the effect of her presence, express your gratitude.

After this, you can go home, however, feel gratitude and appreciation for the care of the Great Mother.

Love spell for money on the new moon

Exactly at midnight on the new moon you need to take twelve coins and go to the crossroads with them. Open your palms with coins and cast a love spell on the growing moon using coins:

Every living thing needs the sun's rays to live and grow.

And money needs moonlight.

Increase, money.

Multiply, money.

Enrich me (your name),

Come to me and stay with me.

Let it be so!

Then squeeze your palms with the coins and go home. At home, put the coins in your wallet and carry them with you for a whole month.

Love spell on the moon and aspen

A ritual performed using coins and a young aspen tree is considered quite effective. The love spell is as follows. On the new moon, at midnight, take 12 coins and go to the crossroads. Place your palms with coins in the light of the Moon and whisper 7 times:

“For the full moon for you, for my money”

Then, with the same hand that held the coins, immerse them in the ground under the aspen tree.

White money love spell

White money love spells are often harmless. However, they only work if a person sincerely believes in their effectiveness. As a rule, they are very

Simple love spells

Easy to perform, these love spells will bring you small but very easy money.

Every time you go to a store (market), before taking change from the seller, recite a simple money plot:

In my wallet - your money,

Your treasury is now mine,

At the end add: “Amen!”

Many money conspiracies use candles. Let's look at a few of these rituals.

For example, grease a white candle with oil and roll it in dry basil. On the candle, write your initials and a number indicating the amount you need. As you light the candle, say:

Money grows and comes

They find their way into my wallet!

Money love spell on your wallet

A love spell for money on a wallet is effective and simple. It is advisable that the wallet be large, with many compartments. The color is better than scarlet, but another color will do warm shade– orange, yellow. Every time you pay from your wallet, say to yourself:

Your money is in my wallet,

From your treasury to my treasury.

Let it be so

Udmurt magical ritual

Udmurt magical ritual is a white love spell on

Every nation has its own signs and beliefs related to money.

money, which has been used since ancient times. To complete it, you will need a coin that you got the easy way (this condition is the main thing). When the sun sets below the horizon, place a coin in a glass of water. In this case, you need to pronounce the words:

Rest your money.

Come back in the morning not alone.

I will call you until you return.

The money that remains is counted several times. When it begins to get light, remove the coin from the water and place it in a dark corner. Those who used this ritual claim that their well-being improved within a week. If this does not happen, the love spell should be repeated.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary for money

This method involves saying a prayer to the Virgin Mary. The prayer is repeated five times over burning candles:

“The Virgin Mary walked on the clouds,

She carried coins, opened her purse, and showered them with coins.

I walked the earth, found coins, and brought them home.

The candles are burning out - my money is coming."

At the end of the ceremony, the wax from the candles is collected and carried in a wallet.

Love spell for money

Sometimes everything ingenious is simple. The same applies to money conspiracies. It is not at all necessary to resort to complex rituals. You can use simple love spells - this does not make them any less effective.

Before you begin to carry out this plot, put things in order - rid the house of old and broken things, free the corners of your home from excess furniture and other items. All these accumulations are an obstacle to the path of positive energy. By getting rid of clutter, you allow energy to circulate freely in the room.

Next, sew a small bag from plain red fabric and prepare a gold-colored braid. From coins yellow color(they will symbolize gold) lay out a circle on the floor, sit in its center, say 9 times:

Gold is not around me, but with me,

How many coins are there?

I have so many thousands.”

Then collect all the coins towards you, put them in the prepared bag and tie it with gold braid. Hide the talisman in the closet; coins cannot be spent.

Advice: To enhance the effect of a money love spell, hide the bag in the southern part of the room - according to Feng Shui, this side is responsible for material wealth.

Love spell of easy money

There is another simple love spell for easy money. Its essence is as follows: you need to take a large denomination bill of the currency in which you want to make a profit. Before going to bed, you need to carefully take the bill with both hands and bring it to your eyes, and then read the following plot:

Get some money under your pillow, get some money out in the morning with your girlfriend!

Then place the bill under the pillow and, closing your eyes, try to imagine everything that money will give you: joy, pleasure, new things and opportunities.

The next morning you need to put the bill in your wallet. However, this must be done very carefully, carefully straightening and leveling it. The enchanted bill cannot be spent - it must remain in its place, attracting new finances. Of course, money won’t miraculously appear there, not at all. You’ll just start earning more, which means you’ll put it in your wallet more often.

Note: Money loves order, so it should be placed in a wallet from the lowest denomination, front side to yourself. Money cannot be bent or folded - it must lie flat.

Is it worth turning to sorcerers and fortune tellers for help in solving financial problems?

Love spell for money yourself

White money love spells are easy to perform. Therefore, there is no need to turn to sorcerers, magicians or fortune-tellers. Everything can be done independently at home.

The only condition is that it is important to follow all the rules of love spells and follow the instructions. White love spell It is unlikely to cause any harm, so there is no need to fear serious consequences. However, if you do something wrong, you can turn away your luck and material well-being.

Why is it not recommended to turn to magicians and fortune tellers? Today there are a lot of such “experts”. However, it is not a fact that you will come to the right place - most of them are ordinary charlatans who take advantage of people’s trust for the sake of profit. Whether to turn to fortune tellers is everyone’s business.

If you decide to use a black money love spell, then you cannot do without the fate of a professional magician - independent witchcraft can turn into irreparable evil. In other cases, the decision is yours.


We must not forget that after the ceremony, we must continue to work, and not just wait. when untold wealth will fall. The ritual of casting a money spell will be more effective if you believe as strongly as possible in the desired result.

A love spell on money, like any magical ritual, will certainly require payment from the person performing it. After all, the performer of the ritual wastes energy that needs to be replenished. To do this, do yoga, meditation, spend the day in nature, or relax at home alone.

In this article, I, a magician, Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to make a love spell for money and good luck, for beginner magicians. Witchcraft rituals are simple, tested many times, and work. You can attract luck in business and money on your own, bewitch it in a different way. Those who know how to make real love spells with money solve their problems and live happily, safely avoiding poverty and all sorts of disasters. And the first on the list of useful practical material is a ritual for mowed grass. And here’s how to make a love spell for money on grass.

DIY home love spell for good luck and money

The mown grass falls in waves. So, approach such a wave, take one of the bunches, and cast a strong love spell on it for money. You need to read it 7 times, after which you wipe your face with grass from bottom to top.

“Mother of the ancestors, earthly Goddess, your children were taken away, cut with a scythe, the scythe walked, rolled in fornication, marred the grass, clinged to the dawn, lay down in a bed, snuggled into sleep. Night is a walker, and day is a leash, the grass is dressed up, the child is meyarna, and that child is earthly, ready with gold ore, ringing coins in my pocket, but to me everything is prosperous, and gilded. I should walk around in the lordly rows, counting my money. Everything is noted and said, if something is not said, but is disguised as a thought, then everything is known by the godmother. For my fate we ask for gold. Amen".

After you have read a strong love spell for good luck and money 7 times, and you have wiped your face with that bunch of grass, do not throw it under your feet, but sleep the night on it. You can dry the grass and make a pad. Sleeping on it periodically, as they did in the old days, feather pillows were rare.

A magical ritual based on personal power, an appeal to mother earth in a conspiracy. There is no dark energy in the ritual, and therefore such home love spell for money negative consequences will not have. The following ritual is also for magicians who have recently begun their practice. Read on to learn how to make a love spell for money on an inverted icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

Black love spell to attract money on an inverted icon

To perform this ritual, you must be outside the Christian egregor, so that instead of money you do not receive the most difficult kickback. To bewitch money into your home yourself you will need:

  • icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant
  • sharp knife
  • your own blood
  • a piece of black natural fabric

The black ritual to cast money into your family should be done on the first day of the new moon, which coincides with Monday, and provided that in the morning the first person to contact you will be a man. If the condition is met, then in the evening place the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant upside down, and read the words of the money plot through the church icon:

“As soon as I turn Nikola over, I will open the door to the demons. Demons fly to my house, send people with silver and gold. You need a sip of my blood, but I have a mouthful of money. Amen".

Having said self-made love spell for money, made by the power of black magic, you need to drip your blood onto the back surface of the icon. Orthodox icon wrap it in cloth and keep it in a secret place. Through this influence, you can change circumstances and activate the flow of money from different sources.

The money ritual works well to attract clients if you are engaged in trade or work from home. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will not say that this is the most powerful love spell for money, but it works well. There is no need for additional ransom here; your blood is used to pay off the demons.

Free money spell - Witch's Broom

A simple ritual to attract money with a new broom can significantly increase and stabilize your income. It is especially good if the work involves direct communication with people, i.e. if the money comes through clients. The proven ritual by practicing magicians is recognized as working; reviews from those who have done a love spell for big money on their own at home are positive.
And this is how they independently charm money into their lives. First you need to fast for seven days. You should not eat anything meat, you should also give up all dairy products. You can't drink alcohol this week, you can't smoke. In general, magicians should stop smoking altogether. At the beginning of the eighth day, before dawn, stand facing west. IN right hand hold a new broom, and read the text of the plot 43 times to bewitch good luck in business and money into your life:

“There is no place for any bitter grief, not a single sadness. I’ll sweep it with a broom, swirl it around, and turn it around like the wind, the autumn leaves. I’ll collect a hundred coins from a hundred huts, and more from others. Just as trees and twigs bend and break, so do people grovel before me. I wish I could live, live, and make good money. I conjure not for the glory of God’s angels, but in the name of demons. Alatyr".

Attract money using your own love spell - get rich through bird feeding

Here is another simple and really effective way to bewitch good luck in money matters. How to multiply money through a bird. They do it on the waxing moon. Needed for a magical ritual:
  • your own T-shirt
  • good piece of bread

You need to notice where the birds gather. Wrap a piece of bread in a T-shirt, put it under your head, and sleep on it. In the morning, in order to make a strong love spell for good luck, financial and monetary gain, you need to go to the place where the birds gather. Crumble bread into your palm and read the words white conspiracy to attract money:

“The bad will be given, and my money will grow according to its measure. So it was said to the bird of heaven, but reinforcements were arranged. Amen".

Throw crumbs to the birds. As soon as the birds fly onto the bread, read the following text:

“It came from the sky, but it came to me. Then the money flies to me, but the money takes root with me. The birds are fed, and my wallets are full of money. It will grow in size and gather in a flock. Amen".

You can do this more than once during the waxing moon. There will only be reinforcements. Helps well independent love spell clients if you are engaged in private trade, provide services or conduct other private business. The magic ritual works better if you bake the bread yourself.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Forgery in such a ritual of white magic is necessary, as, indeed, for other similar plans for bringing money into your home. Absolutely no negative consequences of a love spell for luck and money will not be. Bird feeding is done on a white ritual that is extremely positive.

If you successfully work on the energy of the dead, it will be useful for you to find out what kind of cemetery love spell you can make with money. Here, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is a good option for a ritual for money and financial success through the power of graves.

A strong love spell for money and good luck - to help in business through a cemetery intersection

On Friday, on the waxing moon, you can bewitch money and good luck in business. But you need to prepare for it in advance. Dry the birch log that you will use in the magical ritual; raw logs are not suitable for the job.

So, what do you need to independently bewitch someone’s luck:

  • axe
  • dry birch log
  • nickel
  • linen bag

Chop 33 splinters from a birch log. The poleshka should be taken from a female birch tree; a male tree will not work. You should choose a tree like this: if it is clean, without black inclusions, it is a female tree, it is just what you need. And if there are a lot of black spots, it means the tree is male and unsuitable for the ceremony. The splinters should be elbow-length.

Place a nickel on the ground, put splinters on top, and set them on fire.

As soon as the fire flares up, read the plot of a strong love spell for money 9 times:

“Nightwoman, woman in labor, you gave birth to thirty-three sons, fed them, taught them about life. Yes, the sons became strong, they walked merchant roads, but they did not measure money in their wallets. That’s how you start gold with chests, so send your sons to help me with everything, to break down barriers, to drag my affairs up the mountain. And at the mercy of the fiery nickel it was found. Forever and ever. Amen".

How to read effective 9 times love spell for good luck, strong words have been spoken, wait until the splinters burn to ash. Collect the ashes in a bag, take them to the cemetery and bury them there at the crossroads. The ax is left at the cemetery gate, on the ground. Carry the nickel with you until things go well. Then take it to the same intersection and bury it. A ransom to the owner of the cemetery is obligatory.

All people strive for material well-being, so the question of how to bewitch money comes up very often. And indeed, with the help of magic, you can attract financial flows to yourself and achieve prosperity in life.

All magical rituals, aimed at attracting money should be carried out in the waxing moon phase. Most suitable days For such ceremonies, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday are considered. If you are interested in the question of how to bewitch money, you should first of all understand that you definitely need to believe in magic and not doubt positive result. It is also necessary to know that money rituals They have a validity period of approximately one year.

The peculiarity of any ritual is that magic provides opportunities in life to earn money. You should not expect that after performing a magical act, money will not come from anywhere.

The most successful rituals

There are a huge number of different rituals with which you can bewitch money.

Conventionally, they can be divided into the following categories:

  • Rituals that contribute to the return of a large debt if the debtor is in no hurry to repay it.
  • Rituals that open paths to financial flows. Such influences are suitable for cases when all family members work hard, but money does not linger in the house.
  • Rituals that help you urgently receive a large amount of money for unexpected and very important expenses.

If you urgently need a large amount of money, then you can use the following ritual.

For it you will need to use the following items:

  • A piece of brightly patterned fabric.
  • Two candles.
  • Green sheet of paper.
  • Seven grains sprouted in the ground.
  • Crystal vase.
  • A piece of rough canvas fabric.

An important condition that ensures the effectiveness of the ritual is that you need to clearly understand what amount Money you require. In addition, you need to understand what you will spend the money on and how you will feel after you have the money.

After this, you need to write on a green piece of paper how you feel about your closest relatives and friends. Also describe your physical and emotional well-being. After you have described everything in detail, lay a bright piece of patterned fabric on a small table.

In the center of a small table you need to place a sheet of paper with written text, and place a crystal vase on top of it. The sprouted seeds should be placed in it and mixed thoroughly. Then you need to light the candles. Next, placing your hand on the vase, you need to walk around the table three times.

After this, you need to pour out the grains. They need to be divided into two parts, one of which should be placed in a wallet with money, and the other should be wrapped in canvas along with a note on a green sheet. Such a package must be hidden with right side home and no one should ever discover it. In about a month you should expect the money to arrive.

Bewitchment with three coins

To bewitch money, you can perform a ritual with three coins. In this case, for you real life Opportunities will open up for you to make money.

For the ceremony you should first prepare:

  • Three white coins.
  • One church candle.
  • Bread crumbs that need to be collected from the table.

Having all the components at hand, you should retire to separate room and light a candle. You need to place coins on the table in front of you, and bread crumbs next to them.

Looking at the attributes, you should say the following spell seven times:

“I, Slave (s) of God (my name), attract money magic into my life, and create magical effects. I appeal to the strong moon. I’ll ask her to help me - and everything will come true. As I say, everything will come true. Amen".

During this you need to say the following words:

“I pour out the bread crumbs I collected from the table. With this action I drive poverty and financial problems out of my home. There will be no place for them next to me from now on. I open the doors of my house wide to wealth, I invite wealth into my home. Amen!"

At this point, the ritual for this day is considered completed; the coins must be removed, but not put in the wallet. The next day in the morning you need to go to the temple and give them as alms to the people sitting on the porch.

Mentally during this you should say the following spell:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), give magic coins to the poor, I want to help them get rid of poverty. And the strong moon will help me solve my financial problems. She will share her strength and give me wealth. Amen!"

After this, you do not need to enter the temple, but you should immediately and very quickly go home. You can't talk to anyone on the road. The first results will appear very quickly. For example, just a few days after the ceremony you may be offered a high-paying, promising job.

There is a ritual that has come down to modern world from ancient times. It has been tested by time, which is why it is still very popular today. Its difficulty lies in the fact that you first need to get a silver coin and make a ring out of it.

After this, you need to take the ring you made and go to church at the moment when the wedding ceremony will take place there. First you need to go to the temple and purchase two candles. You need to light one of them and quietly stand among the guests.

During the wedding ceremony, you should mentally recite the following plot twelve times:

“I, the Servant of God (my name), was born to the earthly mother, I doused myself with water in the holy font in the temple, the holy church baptized me, and forgave me all my sins. Here I am getting married, the Servant of God (my name) with a lot of money, silver and gold. I am getting married forever with prosperity and wealth. My well-being will be endless and immeasurable. From this moment on, I, the Servant of God (my name), are forever married to money. Amen".

After each mental recitation of magic words, you need to be baptized. The moment the bride and groom begin to exchange wedding rings, puts your silver ring on your finger.

“I, the Servant of God (my name), am forever betrothed to wealth. No one can change this and no one can separate us. Amen".

After this you can go home. This should be done discreetly, without attracting the attention of other guests. When you come home, you should light the second candle. You need to sit in silence and silence for some time, and when it burns down to the middle, you should simply put it out and store it in a secluded place. From now on you will be able to earn money. But to receive a large amount of money in a short period of time, you will need to put a magic silver ring on your finger. But you shouldn’t use this too often, so as not to scare away your luck.

It is important not to tell anyone about the ceremony. Let the people close to you think that you were just lucky in life.

In order to bewitch money, you can use very simple conspiracies. They are usually very effective in cases where you are not a lazy person and really want to get rich.

Every time you go shopping, use a conspiracy aimed at preventing money from being transferred in your wallet.

When receiving change or payment for something, mentally say the following words:

“I put your money in my wallet, which means your treasury is my treasury. Amen".

It also helps stabilize very well. financial condition a spell that should be carried out on every new moon, when the thin month of the moon is visible in the sky. You need to go out into the street at midnight and go onto the road, taking with you twelve coins of various denominations.

Placing your palm on them, you must recite the following spell seven times:

“Every living thing on earth grows and multiplies under sun rays. Only money multiplies from moonlight. Add my money, come to me. Enrich me, Servant of God (your name). Amen".

After pronouncing the words, you need to hold the coins tightly in your fist and head home. You should not talk to anyone on the way, and when you arrive home you should put the charmed coins in your wallet.

Find out how to make a love spell with money. After all, material well-being has always worried a person. Only people who have achieved enlightenment can feed exclusively on spiritual energy.

In the article:

How to make a love spell for money - general information about the type of witchcraft

Love spells for wealth appeared along with man. Yes, even in those times when there was no money. But even then, when barter trade and commodity exchange reigned around, the first love spells of this kind appeared. After all, even then there was such a thing as prosperity. He expressed himself in how well the relatives were dressed and whether they starved in winter. That is, people thought about how to increase their well-being even when they were sitting in caves.

Wealth is beneficial because it saves time. C. Lam

Initially, this matter did not move quickly - love spells require a lot of experience. But over time, such practices became more and more complex and more effective. Everyone used similar spells influential people of antiquity - from those whose life was inextricably linked with material well-being. Rulers, leaders, high-level politicians.

But what dangers face a person who decides to cast such a love spell? As with any magical act, there are downsides that await the careless. The first one - personality change. A love spell for good luck and wealth can make strong changes in your character, which can then negatively affect your life. One of them is greed. Seeing how wealth itself falls into your hands, you can fall into the sin of love of gold. So you need to be very careful. Moderate your craving for material things and use such love spells extremely rarely. To repeat the words - the difference between medicine and poison is the dosage.

And yet, you must remember that the most important thing is your own efforts. All kinds of love spells, spells and artifacts only show the doors of opportunity. It is up to you and no one else to open them. Take action to achieve your goal, and a money love spell will help you. He will indicate Right way, will tell you when there will be an opportunity to earn a penny or two. He will do everything to bring you closer to the material well-being you need. And a strong love spell for wealth can do a lot.

Money love spell with grains and candles

Money is a very useful thing. They allow you to avoid doing things that you don't like to do, and I don't like to do almost anything. G. Marx

This is a simple love spell for money, and it won’t be difficult to implement at home. Suitable for those moments when you have a clear idea of ​​exactly how much you may need. There are a great many such situations, from paying off a loan to paying for education. True, you should not count on acquiring a huge amount - this small formula is not capable of that. Some people prefer to use it before paying utilities. It can be called a household love spell. So, how to make a money love spell of this kind?

What will you need for this? Unlike many other formulas, this one does not require compliance with the lunar cycle or weather conditions. Everything you need can be found without leaving your home. This is what makes him attractive. First, you will need a piece of bright, patterned fabric. The pattern itself is not particularly important; even the lining of an old jacket will do. The main thing is to carefully cut it and hem it so that the threads do not stick out.

Then - a few sheets of paper Green colour. It is best to cut it to the size of real banknotes. Absolute accuracy is not required here, but the closer to the original, the better. Seven grains sprouted in the ground. Their number is extremely important, not six or eight - seven. This number has a profound sacred meaning. Then prepare a crystal vase. The material of the vase can, in principle, be glass, but crystal resonates much better with such rituals. And also take a small piece of rough canvas fabric and seven candles.

Having collected everything necessary ingredients Let's start with the love spell for wealth. To begin with, you need to completely calm down. Many people choose to meditate for a few minutes before starting. This is a great help to pacify the tossing spirit. Having finished calming down, turn to your imagination. You must clearly imagine the amount you need. Before last digit. But we’ll warn you right away - don’t imagine an obviously unrealistic pile of money. Then the love spell won't work. Imagine what you will look like when you have this amount. How will you feel?

Grandmas are the height of vulgarity, because everyone wants them.

Lay out sheets of paper in front of you and write on each of them how you feel about your family. Praise them for their successes, or for their good attitude towards you. Then spread a patterned cloth on the table. Fold the sheets of paper you wrote on several times and carefully place them on top. Then it was the vase’s turn. Place it in the center of the tablecloth so that each of the sheets falls under its bottom at least with the edge. Place the seeds in a vase and mix them well.

Place candles around the vase and light. After this, place your hands on the neck of the vase and walk around the table three times. Important - do not move the vase from its place, so it is better not to hold onto the vessel itself with your hands. Having finished this, put some of the grains in your wallet, and wrap some in a coarse cloth. This is your treasure. It needs to be hidden in the right corner of the house. That's all, the money love spell is ready!

Love spell on blood

Unlike the previous love spell, this one is the most powerful love spell for money. Because the main ingredient in it - human blood. But you shouldn’t imagine a sacrificial altar and bloody rivers. Of course not. You only need a couple of drops, no more. But the great power of such a formula will not become less. Because in truth, human blood is one of the strongest ingredients. She always receives a lot of attention in magical research, both ancient and modern. And each such text only confirms the truth that has long been known to everyone - blood is not water. So a love spell on blood can be a dangerous thing.

More than love, the only thing that excites us is money.

From here another appears, important point. Consequences. The stronger the formula or spell, the more severe the consequences. And the greater the chance that they will appear. So when starting the ritual, make sure that you do not experience fear or bad thoughts. You should start this only when you have completely calmed down. Let go of the worries of the day, let nothing cloud your thoughts. As with the above, many people turn to meditation when they need that level of calm.

What do we need for the ritual? Just a few things. Needle - gypsy needle is best. And don’t use the old ones, for this kind of thing you definitely need a new one. There are no energy traces and no memory on it yet. Then, you need a bill or coin. There are two opposite options here - it can either be a completely new piece of money, or a memorable one, or even a lucky one. But in no case is it just a crumpled bill that you took out of your pants. If you use a coin that is dear to you, then such a love spell will bring not only wealth, but also good luck. And yes, if you use a coin, then you will also need a piece of cloth - clean, new.

Having collected everything you need, put it on the table. Calm down, banish daytime squabbles and failures from your soul. Carefully place the bill in the center of the table and fold your hands on it. Stand there for a few minutes so that she warms up with your warmth. Then take the needle and carefully prick it into your ring finger. You only need a few drops. Drop some blood onto the money, or apply it to the injection site. Let the paper soak.

After this, wait for the stain to dry - and walk around the house 7 times with the bill in your pocket. If you live in an apartment, then lean your shoulder against the wall to your right and walk around your home 7 times. It is not necessary that your shoulder always touches the wall - you don’t need to move things away, just walk around. If you do this ritual with coins, then the procedure is the same, just place the coins on the cloth. And drip blood on her. Then wrap everything in a piece of fabric and walk around the house a set number of times. The enchanted item must always be carried with you.

Spell love spells for money and luck

Remember that money has the ability to multiply.

There are a huge number of spells of this kind. Above we talked about the two most effective ones. But there are also those that absolutely anyone can produce. Many people use them every time the opportunity arises. They do not have the same power as the previous ones, but they can provide a little help - the kind that is needed every day. Perhaps you will find small change in a minibus or something similar. Below is a list of the most common love spells for money and good luck.

The first such love spell is with a wallet. Who else can be called the best assistant in making money? But this has its limitations. It is best to use a new wallet. It will become, as it were, the basis for future wealth and material well-being. The second frame is the time of the event. You must wait for the waxing moon. Then take the wallet in both hands and whisper:

Like there are many stars in the sky, like the water in the sea is endless, so that my wallet doesn’t run out of money. Amen.

The second ritual is lunar. He is known to many, mainly thanks to the stories of the older generation. To do this, take a glass and fill it waist-deep with water. Wait for a moonlit night - a full moon is best. In the morning, wash your face not from the tap, but from a glass that has been charged with lunar energy all night. At the same time, sentence.

Sometimes simple luck is not enough to be happy in life. Luck is a capricious lady: today she is with you, and tomorrow she smiles at someone else. Most likely, you have wondered more than once why some people are lucky in everything, while others have to fight for happiness. In fact, luck is a gainable thing; you can lure it and tie it to yourself forever.

Love spell for good luck: how it works

For those who really want to bewitch good luck, it is important to understand a few simple things. Rituals do work, but they cannot change your worldview. All restrictions - fears, complexes, doubts - are in our heads. You need to fight this on your own. Therefore, after the ritual, you will still have to watch what you think, what you say and, most importantly, how you say it.

Capricious fortune loves brave, as well as honest and sincere people. Besides, if you are kind, troubles will automatically bypass you. Being kind is hard, but anything truly valuable in life never comes easy. Therefore, before attracting good luck by everyone accessible ways, you must first understand yourself, and only then say that nothing works. Review your thoughts, eliminating all the negativity that works like a funnel, drawing you deeper and deeper.