home · Measurements · Planting days for strawberries are August. The most suitable days for planting strawberries

Planting days for strawberries are August. The most suitable days for planting strawberries

August is the time to harvest and reap the fruits of gardening labor. But sowing work still takes place: it is possible to re-sow radishes, lettuce, head lettuce in greenhouses and dill, summer radish, spinach in open ground. In August it's time to propagate strawberries with tendrils, divide and replant flower perennials, take cuttings berry bushes.

It has long been noted that success in gardening largely depends on the Phase of the Moon and the Zodiac Sign through which it passes. It is difficult to completely verify the work on the site with Lunar calendar. The main recommendation of astrologers: try not to disturb the soil and plants on the days of the New Moon and Full Moon. The Moon in the sign of Aquarius is also considered an unfavorable time for sowing and planting.

On this page you will find information about favorable days for sowing and planting in August 2019, and Moon calendar gardening work in table form 😉

Unfavorable days

  • August 1 and 2,
  • from August 14 to August 16 inclusive,
  • from August 29 to August 31 inclusive.

Favorable days

For sowing, planting and transplanting plants in August 2019:

  • from August 6 to August 10 inclusive,
  • August 17 and 18,
  • August 26 and 27.

Favorable days for harvesting, working with soil, pruning, weeding, pest control:

  • from August 3 to August 5 inclusive,
  • from August 11 to August 13 inclusive,
  • from August 19 to August 25 inclusive,
  • August 28.

Table No. 1: Calendar of favorable days

Table No. 2: Lunar calendar, August 2019

(Moscow time is indicated in the calendar table)

Date and moon phase

Recommendations for sowing and planting

Other works

August 1, Thursday

At 06:12


New moon- unfavorable day for working with plants.
August 2, Friday

From 16:21

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Not recommended sowing seeds, planting and replanting plants. Spraying against diseases. Trimming strawberry tendrils. Cutting out overgrowth and diseased branches. Pinching the tops of tomatoes and peppers. Harvesting for long-term storage.
August 3, Saturday

Waxing Moon in Virgo

After 16:00:

August 4, Sunday

From 16:30

Waxing Moon in Libra

Planting and replanting lilies and strawberries. Dividing and planting peonies and others rhizomatous perennials. Planting cuttings of berry bushes and decorative flower plants. Watering, loosening and mineral fertilizing Preparing the soil for planting raspberries, perennials, planting holes in the garden. Home canning. Collection of dill and parsley for greens, as well as medicinal herbs. Weeding, sanitization, disease and pest control.

Until 16:00:

Harvesting garlic and early potatoes. Trimming strawberry tendrils. Cutting out overgrowth and diseased branches. Pinching the tops of tomatoes and peppers.

August 5, Monday

Waxing Moon in Libra

August 6, Tuesday

From 18:32

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

A favorable day for working with flowers. Dividing, planting and replanting lilies. Processing and planting strawberries. Dividing, planting and replanting rhizomatous perennials. Planting container trees and shrubs. Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and mineral fertilizing (foliar). Harvest, homemade preparations. Harvesting onions and garlic.
August 7, Wednesday

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and mineral fertilizing (foliar). Pest control. A favorable day for pickling and canning. Unfavorable time for harvesting onion sets and garlic.
August 8, Thursday

From 23:35

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Processing and planting strawberries. Sowing green manure in the garden. Summer sowings of spinach, mustard, dill, sorrel. Planting plants with thorns and thorns. Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and mineral fertilizing (foliar). A favorable day for pickling and canning. Unfavorable time for harvesting onion sets and garlic.
August 9, Friday

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Loosening dry soil. Clearing the land of plant residues. Spraying against diseases. Collection of testes and seeds of vegetable and flower plants. Budding of fruit and ornamental flower plants. Summer pruning and formation of tree crowns. Harvesting. Home canning. Favorable time for working with trees and exotic plants.
August 10, Saturday

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Summer sowing of leafy vegetables is not recommended. Loosening dry soil. Clearing the land of plant residues. Spraying against diseases. Collection of testes and seeds of vegetable and flower plants. Budding of fruit and ornamental flower plants. Summer pruning and formation of tree crowns. Harvesting. Home canning. Feeding gladioli. Caring for arrow-shaped plants (onions, garlic).
August 11, Sunday

From 07:50

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and mineral fertilizing (foliar). Summer vaccination fruit crops. Harvesting nigella onions for sets. Home canning.
August 12, Monday

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Dividing, planting and replanting lilies. Planting strawberries and coniferous plants. Sowing salad mustard And Chinese cabbage. Dividing, planting and replanting rhizomatous perennials. Planting container trees and shrubs. Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and mineral fertilizing (foliar). Summer grafting of fruit crops. Harvesting nigella onions for sets. Home canning. Harvesting. You can dig potatoes, harvest root crops.
August 13, Tuesday

From 18:36

Waxing moon in Aquarius

Dividing, planting and replanting lilies. Planting strawberries and conifers. Sowing salad mustard and Chinese cabbage. Dividing, planting and replanting rhizomatous perennials. Planting container trees and shrubs. Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and mineral fertilizing (foliar). Spraying against diseases. Summer grafting of fruit crops. Harvesting nigella onions for sets. Home canning. Harvesting. You can dig potatoes, harvest root crops.
August 14, Wednesday

Waxing moon in Aquarius

Not recommended Pest and disease control. Foliar feeding. Collection of fruits for jam. Preparation of juices and compotes.

During the day before and after the full moon, grafting and pruning of plants is not recommended.

August 15, Thursday

Waxing moon in Aquarius

FULL MOON at 15:29

Full Moon - unfavorable time Drying berries, fruits, vegetables and herbs. Disease and pest control.

Unfavorable time for pickling and pickling. Grafting and pruning of plants is also not recommended.

August 16, Friday

From 06:51

Waning Moon in Pisces

During the day before and after the full moon Not recommended sowing, planting and replanting plants. Unfavorable time for pickling and pickling. Grafting and pruning of plants is also not recommended.
August 17, Saturday

Waning Moon in Pisces

Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and organic fertilizing. A favorable day for pickling and canning.
August 18, Sunday

From 19:33

Waning moon in Aries

Dividing, planting and replanting lilies. Processing and planting strawberries. Dividing, planting and replanting peonies. Planting seedlings of biennials and perennials. Planting daffodils and small bulbs. Planting container trees and shrubs. Sowing green manure in the garden. Sowing radishes. Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Watering, loosening and organic fertilizing. Salting and canning, but not for long-term storage. Collection of greens, berries, mushrooms, vegetables.
August 19, Monday

Waning moon in Aries

August 20, Tuesday

Waning moon in Aries

Planting seedlings, strawberry tendrils. Loosening dry soil and clearing plant debris. Pruning, weeding. Spraying against diseases and pests. Collection of testes and seeds of vegetable and flower plants. Cleaning and post-harvest processing of onions. Drying vegetables. Harvesting for long-term storage. Home canning.
August 21, Wednesday

From 07:37 a.m.

Waning moon in Taurus

Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Organic feeding. Harvesting, digging potatoes. A favorable day for canning berries.
August 22, Thursday

Waning moon in Taurus

Dividing and planting primroses and peonies.

In the evening (after 17:00):

August 23, Friday

From 17:34

Waning Moon in Gemini

Dividing and planting primroses and peonies.

Until 17:00:

Processing and planting strawberries. Landing on permanent place perennial seedlings. Planting daffodils and small bulbs. Planting container trees and shrubs.

Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Organic feeding. Harvesting. A favorable day for canning berries.
August 24, Saturday

Waning Moon in Gemini

August 25, Sunday

Waning Moon in Gemini

Loosening dry soil and clearing plant debris. Removing whiskers from strawberries, mowing potato tops. Spraying against diseases and pests. Collection of testes and seeds of vegetable and flower plants. Harvesting for long-term storage.
August 26, Monday

From 00:05

Waning moon in Cancer

Sowing green manure in the garden. Sowing radishes.
August 27, Tuesday

Waning moon in Cancer

A favorable day for any garden work.

Sowing green manure in the garden.

Tillage (digging, hilling, mulching). Preparing soil and planting holes for autumn planting of trees, conifers, shrubs and vines. Organic fertilizing, watering, loosening. A favorable day for pickling and canning. Harvesting and harvesting.
August 28, Wednesday

From 02:54

Waning moon in Leo

Loosening dry soil and clearing plant debris. Spraying against diseases and pests. Harvesting for long-term storage. Drying fruits and berries. Mowing potato tops.
August 29, Thursday

Waning moon in Leo

During the day before and after the new moon Not recommended sowing, planting and replanting plants. Unfavorable time for home canning. It is also not recommended to disturb the ground and plants.
August 30, Friday

From 02:58

Waning Moon in Virgo

NEW MOON at 13:37 minutes

New Moon - unfavorable time for sowing, planting and replanting plants. Treatment against diseases and pests. Unfavorable time for home canning. It is also not recommended to disturb the ground and plants.
August 31, Saturday

Waning Moon in Virgo

During the day before and after the new moon Not recommended sowing, planting and replanting plants. Unfavorable time for home canning. Cleaning up trash and plant debris. Digging potatoes.

This table was compiled on the basis of three Lunar calendars (sources: magazines " Homestead farming" and "Gardener's World", newspaper "Dacha"), which list days favorable for planting and other gardening work in August 2019. We hope you find this generalized sowing calendar informative and useful 😉 Share your opinion in the comments, we will be glad to see you! 😉

August is the time for mass harvesting of vegetables, planting and replanting plants, and caring for garden crops. Each day of the month is under the protection of different phases of the moon.

You need to figure out what can be done on the site, and what is better to postpone for another time. The Lunar calendar for August 2018 will help you choose a favorable period for planting and caring for plants.

The influence of the Earth's satellite on vegetable and horticultural crops depends on the phase in which it is located. The lunar cycle is divided into four stages. In August 2018, the satellite will be located:

  • from the first to the tenth of August in the decreasing phase. These days, the energy of the celestial body is aimed at the development of the root part of plants. It is recommended to plant crops and fruits that develop underground;
  • On the eleventh of August the New Moon begins. The period is unfavorable for planting plants, grafting, and hilling the soil. Engage in the destruction of weeds, pests, pruning dry branches;
  • From the twelfth to the twenty-fifth of August the Moon is in its waxing phase. Plant sap flows from the root system to the fruits and leaves. Engage in replanting crops, pickling vegetables, cultivating the soil;
  • On the twenty-sixth the Full Moon arrives. It is not recommended to carry out any activities with plants. Remove weeds from the garden, or take a break from work;
  • From the twenty-seventh to the thirty-first of August, the period of the waning moon begins again.

Helpful information!

Fertile signs are Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer. During their influence, plants grow as well as possible and are quickly accepted for transplantation.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting vegetable seeds in August 2018

Plant name Days with positive energy Days with negative energy
Tomatoes 8,9,16-18,27,28 2,10,11,26,30
cucumbers 8,9,16-18
Little blue ones 8,9,16-18, 27,28
Pepper 8,9,16-18, 27,28
Potato 1,4,5,8,9,27-31
Radish 1,4,5,8,9,27-31
Garlic 8,9,21,22,23,27,28
Cabbage 1,4,5,8,9,16-18
Onion 4,5,8,9,14,21-23
Greenery 1,8,9,16-18,31
Carrot 1,4,5,8,9,27,28,31
Legumes 16,17,19,20,22,23
Zucchini, pumpkin 15,17,18,21,22,23

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting garden and flower crops in August 2018

Helpful information!

Aquarius and Aries are infertile. And Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra, Virgo, Gemini, Leo are considered unproductive.

Lunar work calendar – August 2018 (by day)

Every lunar day carry a certain energy that affects the conduct agrotechnical activities on suburban area. In addition to the phases of the Earth's satellite, plants come under the auspices of one of the 12 zodiac signs.

First of August

The month begins with the waning Moon under the influence of Pisces. Gardeners are recommended to plant potato tubers, sow carrots, cabbage, and turnips in greenhouse conditions. Flower growers need to start replanting bulbous plants. flower crops. It's time for gardeners to focus their efforts on transplanting strawberry and wild strawberry tendrils and grafting plants. Agronomists should not get rid of pests and diseases.

Second of August

The picked fruits in the garden will lie for a short time. It is recommended to apply organic fertilizing, pruning, and uprooting of trees.

Third of August

Fourth of August

Fifth of August

Equator of the waning phase of the Earth's satellite. The second day of the patronage of Taurus. Root crops are being planted. Cucumber tops are being harvested and trimmed fruit trees. Plants absorb mineral fertilizers well.

Sixth of August

Taurus is replaced by Gemini. Heavenly body enters the final phase of decline. In the garden, you can store potato tubers and pinch the tops of tomatoes so that the fruits ripen faster. The time is right for sowing root crops (carrots, celery, radishes). Collected seeds will be well stored for more than one year.

Lovers of hanging flowers should plant them. Fruits collected in the garden will be well stored for a long time. Gardeners can plant strawberries and pinch shoots on perennial plants.

The first half of August is deadline harvesting garlic. Closer to September, the garlic heads will begin to fall apart and sprout. Long-term storage of vegetables will be impossible.

Seventh of August

Located under the energy of Gemini. Fertilization with mineral fertilizers is carried out throughout the day. Treatment of plants against ailments is recommended. Agronomists are advised to collect, dry onions, and send them for long-term storage.

Eighth of August

The celestial body is entering the final stage of decline. Cancer, a fertile sign for all living organisms, takes over its patronage. It is recommended to plant and sow vegetable crops (tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, radishes, herbs) in beds and under film covers. Watering and applying organic fertilizers will bring maximum effect. Annuals will do well in the front garden. It is not worth harvesting for winter planting. Better start replanting berry bushes.

Ninth of August

The predominance of waning under the influence of Cancer continues. Garden crops are to be planted. Start replanting plants that reproduce with tendrils. Loosen the areas around the trunk of shrubs and fruit trees and water them.

Tenth of August

Eleventh of August

New Moon under the auspices of Leo. Eliminate any work on a suburban area.


Start new phase- Waxing Crescent. The celestial body will be under the influence of Virgo. Dry and diseased branches on bushes and trees are pruned. Weeds and green tops of plants are collected from the garden, which are used to prepare compost. Feeding is carried out vegetable crops organic substances.

Thirteenth of August

The charge with the energy of the Zodiac sign - Virgo - continues. In the garden beds, start pinching peppers and tomatoes and sowing herbs. The harvest of vegetables and fruits will retain their appearance and structure long time, if you collect them on the thirteenth. Fertilizing and watering have an excellent effect on plant development. Annuals should be sown in the flowerbed, as well as perennials should be planted. Do not soak seed material for planting.

Fourteenth of August

August fifteenth

The second day of Libra's dominance. Digging of potatoes, planting of strawberries and fruit crops in containers continues. The bushes are hilled up and the beds are weeded.

Sixteenth of August

The Moon is under the influence of Scorpio. Cauliflower and greens are being sown. Plants respond well to watering and fertilizers. It is not recommended to plant root crops. Harvest The tubers will not last long, so harvesting the potatoes should be postponed until another day. Flower growers can plant all varieties of flowers in a flower bed.

Seventeenth of August

The celestial body is still under the influence of Scorpio. Produced: loosening the soil, planting perennial flowers. The period is suitable for sowing nightshade, pumpkin and legume crops. It is not recommended to divide the roots.

August eighteenth

The final phase of Scorpio's influence on the Earth's satellite. Work is carried out with the soil (weeding, hilling, loosening). The energy of the celestial body has a positive effect on planting onions, zucchini, pumpkins, cucumbers, as well as replanting medicinal herbs.

Helpful information!

Medicinal plants should be collected in certain days, then they will be charged with positive energy. Favorable days for collecting medicinal roots, flowers and leaves in August 2018 include: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13-18, 28-31.

Nineteenth of August

Twentieth of August

Second day of Sagittarius influence. It is recommended to sow onions, nightshade crops, and legumes. Weeds are losing their energy, so weeding will have a positive effect. The green plant mass of plants is placed in a heap (pit) for re-rotation.

Twenty first of August

The Moon comes under the energetic influence of Capricorn. Gardeners can start planting onions, transplanting seedlings into a greenhouse, and sowing seeds for seedlings. Mineral fertilizing and watering have an excellent effect on the development of root crops. In the flowerbed you need to start replanting and planting perennial plants.

Twenty second of August

Second day of Capricorn influence. During the day, it is worth treating plants against pests and diseases, planting strawberries, strawberries, container bushes and trees. Pinching the tops will allow the trees to mature well.

Twenty third of August

The third day of Capricorn's influence on the Moon and all living things. The energy of the day is suitable for planting: cucumbers, herbs, zucchini, beans, peas, soybeans, eggplant, sweet peppers. It is recommended to weed the garden beds and gardens. You should not transplant plants from one place to another.

Twenty fourth of August

The final phase of the waxing Moon comes under the influence of infertile Aquarius. Sowing and planting plants is not recommended. All efforts should be concentrated on caring for vegetables and fruit crops. The day is favorable for collecting potato tubers and fruits for long-term storage. Watering and fertilizing should also not be carried out.

Twenty fifth of August

The second day of the influence of Aquarius energy. Harvesting and plant care activities continue. It is recommended to apply organic matter to trees and shrubs.

Twenty sixth of August

Full moon. The celestial body is under the protection of Pisces. Doing work in the garden is not recommended.

Helpful information!

During the Full Moon, plants are stagnant. Life forces are in the root system, but they are dormant. Any action will become a depressing factor for the growth and development of plants.

Twenty seventh of August

The waning of the Moon occurs under the influence of Pisces. In the garden you can plant vegetables. Plants respond well to watering and fertilizing mineral fertilizers. It's time to plant bulbous flowers in the flowerbed. You should not prune fruit trees and bushes, or treat them against diseases and pests.

August twenty-eighth

The third day of exposure to Pisces energy. Gardeners are recommended to plant legumes and radishes. Transplanted seedlings of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants will grow well. The day is suitable for fertilizing and watering.

August twenty-ninth

The Earth's satellite comes under the influence of infertile Aries. Planting vegetables, flowers and garden crops worth canceling. The time is right for digging and loosening the row. The harvest of potato tubers, apples and pears will not be stored for long. It is not recommended to perform pruning, pinching and cuttings.

Thirtieth of August

Aries continues to charge with its energy. Treatment is carried out against diseases and harmful insects. You can collect seed material, mow the grass personal plot.

Thirty first of August

The last calendar day of summer is under the influence of fertile Taurus. The garden is prepared for winter: it is dug up and fertilized. Perennials and flowers propagated by bulbs are planted in flower beds. On the plot they are planting strawberries and trees from containers.

Favorable days for carrying out agrotechnical measures to care for garden and vegetable crops in August 2018

Planting in August

In August, you can plant all vegetable crops, but it is recommended to plant them in a greenhouse. In the garden you can plant cucumbers, radishes, Chinese cabbage, kohlrabi, onions, and zucchini. Before the first serious cold snap, the fruits will have time to ripen. If cold weather comes earlier, vegetable crops are covered with agrofibre at night. Early ripening vegetable crops are selected for planting in open ground. Presumably, they should produce a harvest before October.

August – time to plant:

  • hyacinths;
  • white flower;
  • astilbe;
  • hyacinthoides;
  • iridodictium;
  • iris;
  • lilies;
  • tulips;
  • hellebore;
  • narcissus and other bulbous flower crops;
  • all perennial flowers.

Legumes are planted as green manure. They will not have time to ripen until October. They are planted to saturate the soil with nitrogen.

Follow the Lunar calendar. Let the positive energy of the heavenly body charge all grown plants for vigorous growth and fertile development.

In August, gardeners and vegetable gardeners begin to actively harvest and prepare crops, and often do not have time to plan other work. The Lunar Sowing Calendar comes to their aid. It describes in detail the work being carried out and warnings on which days it is better to refuse it.

Sowing, planting and transplanting must be carried out based on favorable periods for certain crops.

Favorable days for sowing seeds:

  • Cucumbers - 8-9, 16-18;
  • tomatoes, eggplants - 8-9, 16-18, 27-28;
  • bell pepper - 8-9, 16-18, 27-28;
  • hot pepper - 16-18, 27-28 onion;
  • cabbage - 1, 4-5, 8-9, 16-18;
  • radish, radish - 1, 4-5, 8-9, 27-28, 31;
  • onions, garlic - 4-5, 8-9, 14, 21-23, 27-28;
  • carrots - 1, 4-5, 8-9, 27-28, 31;
  • greens - 1, 8-9, 16-18, 31.
  • strawberries, strawberries: 1, 6-7, 13-18, 21-23, 31.

Favorable days for planting and sowing flowers:

  • Annuals - 6-9, 13, 16-18;
  • biennials, perennials - 4-5, 16-18, 21-23, 31;
  • tuberous and bulbous flowers - 1, 4-5, 14-18, 27-28, 31.

Favorable days for planting trees and bushes with a closed root system: 18, 21-23, 31.

Not favorable days for planting, sowing in August: 10-12, 24-26.

All work carried out in the garden depends on the location of the Moon.

  1. The moon wanes: August 1-10, 27-31.
  2. The new moon occurs on the 11th.
  3. The moon is waxing: August 12-25.
  4. The full moon occurs on the 26th.

Lunar sowing calendar by day for August 2018 (table)

Date, day of week

Moon Phases in Zodiac Signs Lunar day Work carried out in the garden and vegetable garden
Moon Waning in Pisces

19, 20 lunar day

Leaf days

Radishes, radishes, daikon, cauliflower, greens, kohlrabi, cucumbers are being sown, and potatoes are being planted for growing in greenhouse conditions. Grafting trees, planting strawberries, wild strawberries. Cutting raspberry shoots, dry tree branches and young growth. Planting tuberous and bulbous flowers. Various preparations from vegetables, berries, fruits for the winter.

Moon Waning in Aries

20.21 lunar days

Fruit Days

Planting, sowing, replanting, and watering are carried out. Collection of garlic, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, fruits and berries. Loosening the soil, laying compost, thinning out seedlings, hilling. Harvesting for processing, cutting raspberry shoots, trees and bushes. Preparations for the winter.

Moon Waning in Aries

21, 22 lunar day

Fruit Days

No fertilizing or watering of plants is carried out.

Planting, sowing, and replanting are carried out. Preparing storage facilities. Harvesting garlic, potatoes, fruits, berries. Loosening the soil, thinning out the seedlings, pinching the tops, hilling. Harvesting for processing, cutting raspberry shoots, dry branches, undergrowth of trees, bushes. Preparations for the winter.

Third quarter

Moon in Taurus

22, 23 lunar day

Root Days


23, 24 lunar day

Root Days

You can't sow or plant seeds today! Root crops are being sown. Preparations for the winter.

Weeding, digging the soil, fertilizing, laying compost, watering, fertilizing. Forming and pinching plants, picking seedlings. Planting and sowing perennials and tuberous, bulbous flowers.


24 lunar day

Flower Days

The harvesting of potatoes, carrots, sowing of root crops, hilling, loosening, digging of soil, watering, pest and disease control are carried out. Picking fruits and berries, planting strawberries, pinching young shoots of trees and bushes. Preparations for the winter.

Moon Waning in Gemini

24, 25 lunar day

Flower Days

The harvesting of potatoes, carrots, sowing of root crops, loosening, hilling, digging of soil, pest and disease control are carried out. Collection of fruits and berries. Planting strawberries, strawberries. Mowing the lawn, trimming ornamental shrubs. Pinching young shoots of trees and bushes.

Preparations for the winter.

Moon Waning in Cancer

25, 26 lunar day

Leaf days

Tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants are being planted and transplanted into the greenhouse. Sowing root crops and green crops. Watering, disease control, pest control, fertilizing.

Preparing vegetables, fruits, berries for the winter.

Planting annuals. Cleaning flower beds with faded flowers.

Moon Waning in Cancer

26, 27 lunar day

Leaf days

Tomatoes, cucumbers, and eggplants are being planted and transplanted into the greenhouse. Sowing root crops and green crops. Watering, fertilizing, disease and pest control. Planting annuals. Preparing vegetables, fruits, berries for the winter.

Moon Waning in Leo

27, 28 lunar day

Planting, replanting strawberries, wild strawberries. Mustache trimming. Fertilizers are added.

New moon

Moon in Leo

28, 29, 1 lunar day

You can make various preparations for the winter from vegetables, berries and fruits.


Moon waxing in Virgo

1st, 2nd lunar day

No work is carried out with plants.

Preparations are being made for the winter.


Moon waxing in Virgo

2, 3 lunar day

Root Days

The tops of tomatoes and peppers are pinched. Harvesting for long-term storage and for preparations for the winter. Sowing greens and green manure. Thinning of seedlings, picking, watering, fertilizing plants. Planting annuals, dividing and replanting perennial flowers. Planting strawberries, strawberries.

Moon waxing in Libra

3, 4 lunar day

Flower Days

Root crops and greens are being sown. Soil treatment. Pinching tomatoes, peppers, eggplants to inhibit growth. Potato collection. Watering, loosening, fertilizing plants. Planting roses, climbing plants, tuberous and bulbous flowers. Cutting and rooting cuttings. Planting strawberries, wild strawberries, bushes and trees in closed ground. Formative pruning.

Moon waxing in Libra

4, 5 lunar day

Flower Days

Root crops and greens are being sown. Soil treatment. Pinching tomatoes, peppers, eggplants to inhibit growth. Potato collection. Watering, loosening, fertilizing plants. Planting roses, climbing plants, tuberous and bulbous flowers. Rooting cuttings. Planting strawberries and trees in closed ground. Formative pruning.No grafting or spraying of trees or bushes is carried out.

Moon waxing in Scorpio

5.6 lunar day

Leaf days

Lettuce, onions, parsley, dill are being sown, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and cucumbers are being sown for seedlings for the greenhouse.

Moon waxing in Scorpio

6, 7 lunar day

Leaf days

Potatoes are not harvested.

Lettuce, onions, parsley, dill are being sown, cauliflower, kohlrabi, and cucumbers are being sown for seedlings for the greenhouse..

Planting flowers. Tillage, watering, fertilizing. Planting strawberries, wild strawberries.

Grafting of pome trees. Pruning, dividing tubers, roots for propagation.

First quarter

Moon in Scorpio

7, 8 lunar day

Leaf days

Potatoes are not harvested.

Sowing lettuce, onions, parsley, dill. Cauliflower, kohlrabi, and cucumbers are being sown as seedlings for the greenhouse.

Planting flowers.

Grafting of pome trees. Planting strawberries. Pruning, dividing tubers and roots. Planting trees and bushes with closed roots.


8, 9 lunar day

Fruit Days

Cauliflower and kohlrabi are being sown for seedlings for the greenhouse. Harvesting, seeds. Preparations for the winter. Trimming overgrowth and dry branches. Planting climbing plants, wild strawberries, strawberries, removing mustaches.


Moon waxing in Sagittarius

9, 10 lunar day

Fruit Days

Cauliflower and kohlrabi are being sown for seedlings for the greenhouse. Harvesting, seeds. Ventilation of storage facilities.

Preparations for the winter. Trimming overgrowth and dry branches. Planting climbing plants, wild strawberries, strawberries, removing mustaches.

There is no pruning, watering or weeding of plants.

Moon waxing in Capricorn

10, 11 lunar day

Root Days

Bulbs, root crops, and cucumber seedlings are being planted in a greenhouse. Sowing greens and onions.

Preparations for the winter.

Watering, fertilizing, protection from diseases and pests. Pinching the tops of the shoots. Planting perennials, strawberries, strawberries, trees and bushes with closed roots. Cutting down dead trees.

11, 12 lunar day

Root Days

Sowing of greens, onions, bulbs, root crops, and cucumber seedlings is being planted in the greenhouse. Watering, protection from diseases, pests, fertilizing. Pinching shoots. Planting perennial flowers, strawberries, trees and bushes with closed roots. Preparations for the winter.

Moon waxing in Capricorn

12, 13 lunar day

Root Days

Bulbs, root crops, and cucumber seedlings are being planted in a greenhouse. Sowing greens and onions. Watering, fertilizing, protection from diseases and pests. Pinching the tops of the shoots. Planting perennials. Planting strawberries, strawberries, trees and bushes with closed roots. Preparations for the winter.

Moon waxing in Aquarius

13, 14 lunar day

Flower Days

Thinning of seedlings, loosening, and plowing of the soil are carried out. Pinching, pinching. Collection of potatoes, onions, fruits, seeds. Trimming the mustache of strawberries and wild strawberries. Preparations for the winter.

Moon Waxing in Aquarius

14, 15 lunar day

Flower Days

Sowing, planting, spraying and watering are not carried out.

Thinning of seedlings, loosening, and plowing of the soil are carried out. Pinching, pinching. Collection of potatoes, onions, fruits. Trimming the mustache of strawberries and wild strawberries. Preparations for the winter.


Full moon

Moon in Pisces

15, 16 lunar day

Flower Days

The day is not suitable for working with any crops. Foliar feeding is carried out.


Moon Waning in Pisces

16, 17 lunar day

Leaf days

Vegetable crops are being planted and sowed. Rooting cuttings.

Planting bulbous flowers. Preparations for the winter.

There is no pruning or treatment of plants against diseases and pests.

Moon Waning in Pisces

17.18 lunar day

Leaf days

Planting and sowing in progress vegetable plants. Watering, mineral fertilizing. Rooting cuttings. Planting bulbous flowers. Preparations for the winter.

There is no pruning or treatment of plants against diseases and pests.

Moon Waning in Aries

18.19 lunar day

Fruit Days

Preparations for the winter.

Weeding, hilling, digging up vacant beds. Pest and disease control. Tenderloin overgrown. Feeding trees and bushes.

Moon Waning in Aries

19, 20 lunar day

Fruit Days

Sowing, planting, replanting, pinching, and watering are not carried out.

Seeds and root crops are collected for processing.

Preparations for the winter.

Digging empty beds, weeding, loosening, hilling, mowing the lawn. Fight with harmful insects and diseases. Feeding trees, bushes, cutting out shoots.

Moon Waning in Taurus

20, 21 lunar days

Root Days

The beds are being prepared for planting and sowing. Fertilizing, digging, watering, fertilizing, composting. Planting perennials and bulbous flowers, strawberries, trees and bushes with closed roots, removing shoots. Preparations for the winter.

August is the time for active harvesting and preparation of crops for the winter. The walls are whitened and the shelves are cleaned.

Potatoes, carrots, zucchini, beets, beans, garlic and onions are harvested in the garden. To preserve the seeds of garlic and onions, the arrows are cut, tied and left to ripen under a canopy.

Tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, and cucumbers are collected in the beds. Vegetables should be stored in a cool, dark place.

  • Within a month, crops are sown and planted for further cultivation in the greenhouse.
  • Thinning of seedlings and hilling of plants is carried out.
  • Watering is carried out as the soil under the plants dries.
  • When watering, mineral and organic fertilizers are applied.
  • The beds where the harvest has already been harvested are cleared of debris.

In the garden, apples, pears, and plums are picked as they ripen. Carrion is collected, rotten fruits are removed from the branches.

  • Ripe berries and seeds are collected.
  • Overgrowth of trees and bushes is removed.
  • Root shoots intended for propagation are dug up in early August. Stronger young shoots are selected for cuttings.
  • Trees and bushes with a closed root system are planted in prepared holes.

After collecting raspberries, currants, and gooseberries, the bushes are processed. Dried berries, damaged leaves, fruit-bearing shoots, and spider nests are removed.

Throughout the month, the lawn is trimmed as needed and flower beds with faded plants are cultivated.

Roses are being planted ornamental shrubs and flowers.

The lunar calendar allows you to organize your work, which is important even for experienced gardeners and gardeners. In addition, relying on his advice, you can increase crop yields and reduce the likelihood of failures.

To succeed in any business that a person is involved in, several components are necessary: ​​experience, hard work, luck and accuracy of the information received in this type of activity.

Of course, the lesson is a labor-intensive and painstaking process. Without knowledge and experience in cultivating and growing certain crops, not a single summer resident or gardener will achieve the desired results. Luck is a variable component in this process.

You may be unlucky with the weather on the day when gardeners and gardeners planned to work on their land plots. But any summer resident and gardener can reliably determine favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

Knowing the favorable days for planting certain plants, applying experience and their own hard work, garden lovers will definitely be rewarded with a good harvest.

Lunar calendar - the basis of organic farming

Historically, our country has become simply a paradise for summer residents and gardeners. Thanks to the vast territory from Caucasus Mountains to the Barents Sea, from Kaliningrad to the Russians became the owners of a wide variety of climatic conditions.

That is why we begin to plant and sow at very different times, from the first months of winter to late autumn. For example, planting work V Krasnodar region start from the end of January and end in November. And work in greenhouses in some regions of Russia is carried out all year round.

However climatic zones do not always become the key to success in planting and harvesting certain crops. A real summer resident and gardener knows that when growing plants, it is necessary to take into account the four phases of the moon: full moon, new moon, waxing moon and waning moon.

The moon has a huge influence on all living organisms on our earth. Depending on the phase of the moon, it is recommended to carry out certain planting and sowing operations.

Such data will be provided to us by the lunar sowing calendar, which can be called the basis of organic farming. The calendar helps summer residents and gardeners grow various crops in harmony with nature, based on the four phases of the moon. The lunar calendar gives recommendations for caring for plants, shows the most favorable days for planting and sowing, watering and fertilizing, propagation and harvesting, and pest control.

The lunar calendar is universal, it is not tied to geographical coordinates specific agricultural plot. Therefore, you can use his tables both in Krasnodar and Novosibirsk.

Favorable days for planting in August 2018

August is the hottest time for summer residents and gardeners. The main crops, planted at the end of winter at the beginning of spring, are already ready to reward gardeners for their work with a generous harvest. If in the south in August the weather is still favorable for growing plants in the ground, then in the northern regions of Russia it is already cool, so planting in the garden ends and begins in greenhouses.

Based on the number of favorable days for planting, the year will be very successful. Most days this month according to the lunar calendar will help summer residents and gardeners productively carry out planting and sowing work on their plots.

Using the table of the universal lunar calendar, every lover of gardening anywhere in our country will determine favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar.

Table of favorable days for planting plants in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar

Based on the table of favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar, August is not the time for planting or replanting the following plants:

  • different varieties of cabbage;
  • legumes (peas, beans, beans);
  • pumpkin crops (cucumbers, zucchini, squash, watermelon, melon);
  • annual flowers;
  • tomatoes;
  • peppers and eggplants;
  • berry bushes (strawberries, currants, gooseberries).

    Do you know what work to do in the garden in August?

For these crops, August is a hot time for harvesting. Reaching impressive sizes and greatest maturity by the end of summer, pumpkin, legumes, cabbage crops ready to move from the beds to their storage areas. And the berry bushes, having pleased the gardener with tasty and ripe fruits, are ready for pruning and thinning.

The waning moon has a good effect on root system plants, so these days it is recommended to plant root crops, tubers and flower bulbs. Favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar, from the 1st to the 10th there will be the following periods:

  • from August 1 to 6 - for planting potatoes and all onion plants(shallots, onions, garlic);
  • from August 3 to 6 - for planting all root crops (beets, carrots, turnips) and green plants (spinach, lettuce, dill);
  • from August 8 to 10 are favorable days for planting fruit trees;
  • from August 3 to 8 - for planting biennial and perennial flowers;
  • from August 6 to 8 - for planting greenhouse and indoor flowers, bulbous flowers, tubers and corms of flowers.
  • There will be a new moon on August 11, 2018 according to the lunar calendar. On this day, sowing and planting any plants is not recommended. The activity of all living things during the new moon is reduced to a minimum. Therefore, plants planted on this day will not please their cultivator with a good harvest.
  • From August 12 to August 25 according to the lunar calendar, the moon will be in its waxing phase. The waxing moon has good influence on aboveground part plants. During this period, the lunar calendar recommends that summer residents start sowing, planting and replanting plants, whose main development is concentrated above the surface of the earth. Favorable days for planting in August 2018 according to the lunar calendar from the 12th to the 25th will be:
  • from August 12 to 14 - for planting all root crops (beets, carrots, turnips) and green plants (lettuce, dill);
  • August 16-18, August 21-23 are favorable days for planting fruit trees;
  • August 12-14, from August 21 to 23 - for planting biennial and perennial flowers;
  • August 14-16, from 21 to 23 - for planting greenhouse and indoor flowers, bulbous flowers.
  • August 26, 2018 - full moon. On this day it is not recommended to carry out any work on garden plot. During the full moon, the vitality of plants is minimal, and the survival rate is low. The plants are in the waiting stage. Therefore, it is not recommended to carry out planting and sowing work during the full moon.
  • from August 27 to 31, the Moon will enter a waning phase, which can also negatively affect the growth of newly planted crops. Therefore, garden lovers can these days start harvesting, hilling, watering, and fertilizing plants.

The influence of the Moon, which is in one phase or another, on living organisms has been proven since ancient times. When the Moon is waning, plant juices go into the roots, and when the Moon is growing, into the above-ground part of the crops.

That is why using knowledge of the lunar calendar can significantly affect final result work done on sowing and planting plants. Not all summer residents and gardeners listen to the lunar calendar, but in vain.

The lunar calendar can be a good assistant in growing plants. Knowing favorable days for planting different cultures By following the laws of agriculture, you can grow a good harvest.

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the Zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants, including indoor plants.

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers (table)

In August, all efforts are aimed at collecting and processing the harvest, but we must not forget about garden plants. They often need your help at this time. It will help you plan your work effectively Lunar sowing calendar for August 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers .

Moon phases in August 2018

Favorable landing days in August 2018

The table shows the most favorable days for sowing seeds:

Favorable days for sowing and planting flowers:

Most suitable days for planting strawberries:

Unfavorable days for planting and sowing seeds:

Attention! The table shows the most favorable There are days for planting and sowing seeds, but this does not mean at all that you cannot plant on other days. You should not plant anything only on prohibited days.

Lunar sowing calendar for August 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, flower growers (table)

The table shows the phases of the Moon, its position in the signs of the Zodiac and recommended work for gardeners - gardeners - flower growers for each day of the month:

date Moon in Zodiac signs Recommended works
August 1, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Pisces
  • Fish- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The lunar calendar of gardeners recommends:
  • In the garden- planting potatoes, sowing radishes, daikon, cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse. Sowing kohlrabi and cauliflower in a bed for growing in the fall. Re-seeding of leafy vegetable crops.
  • Flower garden- a favorable day for planting tuberous and bulbous flowers.
  • In the garden- grafting by budding, cutting out fruit-bearing raspberry shoots, planting strawberry tendrils. Organic feeding and watering in very moderate quantities.
  • Not recommended- trim plants and treat them against diseases and pests.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, jam, pickling, but not canning. Leaves medicinal plants.
August 2, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Aries
  • Aries
  • In the garden- unfavorable day for planting and sowing. Harvesting garlic and early potatoes. Loosening dry soil, hilling, thinning seedlings. Treatment against pests and diseases
  • In the garden- picking fruits not for storage, mowing the lawn, cutting out fruit-bearing raspberries and tree shoots.
  • Not recommended- replant, water and feed plants. Trim, pruning, rooting.
  • Blanks- drying, freezing. Collection of seeds and fruits of medicinal plants.
August 3, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Aries
August 4, 2018 Saturday Third Quarter Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- fertile sign of the Zodiac (Days of the Root) The calendar of gardeners, gardeners, florists recommends:
  • In the garden- sowing radishes, daikon, radishes and other root crops. Do not sow or plant seeds. Organic fertilizing, digging the soil, laying compost. Pinching, shaping, picking seedlings, watering. Weeding.
  • Flower garden- a favorable day for planting perennial and bulbous flowers.
  • In the garden- pest and disease control. You can trim trees: pinch the tops of annual shoots to slow down growth. Fertilizer application.
  • Not recommended- replant plants.
  • Blanks- digging up the roots of medicinal herbs, canning vegetables and fruits, freezing, sauerkraut.
August 5, 2018 Sunday Waning Moon in Taurus
August 6, 2018 Monday Waning Moon in Gemini
  • Twins- unproductive zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the garden- harvesting potatoes, pinching vegetable plants to inhibit growth. Sowing root parsley, celery, carrots, radishes and other root vegetables. Hilling up, digging up the soil, loosening dry soil. Procurement of fertilizers. Pest and disease control. Collection of seeds and testes.
  • Flower garden- planting ampelous flowers.
  • In the garden- harvesting (well stored), planting strawberries, mowing lawns, pinching annual shoots of trees and shrubs for better ripening of wood.
  • Blanks- drying, canning, pickling cabbage, preparing juices and wine. Collection of seeds of medicinal plants.
August 7, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Gemini
August 8, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Cancer
  • Cancer- the most fertile sign of the Zodiac (Leaf Days) The Lunar sowing calendar advises:
  • In the garden- planting and transplanting tomato and cucumber seedlings into the greenhouse. Sowing root parsley, radishes, radishes, lettuce, spinach. Watering, organic fertilizing, pest and disease control.
  • Flower garden - good days for planting annual flowers.
  • In the garden- budding, preparing holes for planting trees. Do not store fruits. Laying compost, mineral and organic fertilizing
  • Not recommended- trim trees and shrubs, apply pesticides, and store potatoes.
  • Blanks- pickling, wine, juices, soaking apples, sauerkraut. Preparation of leaves of medicinal plants
August 9, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Cancer
August 10, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Leo

The lunar sowing calendar for August 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, and flower growers does not recommend working with plants during the new moon.

August 11, 2018 Saturday New moon Moon in Leo
August 12, 2018 Sunday Waxing Moon in Virgo
August 13, 2018 Monday Waxing Moon in Virgo
  • Virgo
  • In the garden- pinching the tops of tomatoes, peppers). Harvesting for storage. Sowing dill, fennel, valerian. Thinning of seedlings. Mineral feeding, watering.
  • Flower garden- a favorable day for planting annual flowers, dividing and replanting perennials.
  • In the garden- planting strawberries; fruit should not be collected for storage. You can cut off excess branches of trees and bushes.
  • Not recommended- soak the seeds.
  • Blanks- freezing, it is not recommended to cook jam, preserve it with an airtight seal. Harvesting roots of medicinal plants.
August 14, 2018 Tuesday Waxing Moon in Libra
  • Scales- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Flower Days)
  • In the garden- sowing radishes, daikon, lettuce, dill. Tillage, preparation of beds for winter crops. Pinching tomatoes, peppers, eggplants to inhibit growth. Harvesting potatoes for storage. Plant feeding, watering, loosening
  • Flower garden- good days for planting corms and roses. Rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden- planting strawberries, sowing green manure, formative pruning, planting container trees. Preparing a site for planting raspberries. It is not recommended to graft or spray trees.
  • Blanks- flowers of medicinal plants.
August 15, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Libra
August 16, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Scorpio
  • Scorpion- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days) The planting calendar for gardeners recommends:
  • In the garden- sowing cucumbers, kohlrabi, cauliflower into seedlings for growing in a greenhouse. Sowing leaf lettuce, planting onions, leaf parsley, dill. Watering, loosening. It is not recommended to grow root vegetables. Sowing green manure in vacant beds.
  • Flower garden- favorable days for planting any flowers: annuals, perennials, corms, roses.
  • In the garden- phosphorus-potassium fertilizing. Grafting pome trees, mowing the lawn, planting strawberries.
  • Not recommended- dividing roots and tubers, pruning, digging up potatoes.
  • Blanks- freezing, collecting and drying medicinal herbs. Wine, juices.
August 17, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Scorpio
August 18, 2018 Saturday First Quarter Moon in Scorpio
August 19, 2018 Sunday Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
  • Sagittarius- unproductive zodiac sign (Days of Fruition)
  • In the garden- harvesting. Sowing kohlrabi and cauliflower seedlings for the greenhouse. Lettuces should not be sown. Collection of seeds. Do not treat plants with damaged aerial parts: wounds do not heal. Put off weeding (weeds will grow) and hilling.
  • Flower garden- good days for planting climbing plants.
  • In the garden- planting strawberries, collecting fruits for freezing, pruning dry branches, shoots, strawberry tendrils.
  • Not recommended- trim plants. Watering is not effective.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, freezing, canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, collecting fruits and seeds of medicinal plants.
Monday August 20, 2018 Waxing Moon in Sagittarius
August 21, 2018 Tuesday Waxing Moon in Capricorn
  • Capricorn- Zodiac sign of average fertility (Days of the Root)
  • In the garden- planting root crops and onions, planting cucumber seedlings in a greenhouse, sowing seedlings for growing in an autumn greenhouse. Sowing green onions and onions. Mineral nutrition of root crops. Watering, protection from diseases and pests
  • Flower garden- planting and replanting perennial flowers.
  • In the garden- pinching the tips of the shoots for better ripening. Planting strawberries, container trees, shrubs. Budding of pome trees. Treatments for diseases and pests.
  • Not recommended
  • Blanks- juices, jam, jam, freezing. Salting, sauerkraut, drying. Roots of medicinal plants.
August 22, 2018 Wednesday Waxing Moon in Capricorn
August 23, 2018 Thursday Waxing Moon in Capricorn
August 24, 2018 Friday Waxing Moon in Aquarius
  • Aquarius- infertile zodiac sign (Flower Days)
  • In the garden - unfavorable days for sowing and planting. Weeding and thinning of seedlings, plowing, loosening. You can pinch, step-son. Digging up onions and chives for forcing greens. Harvesting potatoes.
  • In the garden- collection of fruits for storage. Spraying against pests and diseases, trimming strawberries.
  • Not recommended- plant and replant plants, water and feed.
  • Blanks- collecting flowers of medicinal herbs, preparing juices, jams, preserves, canning vegetables and fruits.
August 25, 2018 Saturday Waxing Moon in Aquarius
August 26, 2018 Sunday Full moon Moon in Pisces

The lunar sowing calendar for August 2018 for gardeners, gardeners, and flower growers does not recommend working with plants during the full moon.

Monday August 27, 2018 Waning Moon in Pisces
  • Fish- fertile zodiac sign (Leaf Days)
  • In the garden- a favorable day for planting most vegetable plants. Sowing radishes, transplanting asparagus seedlings to a permanent place. Mineral feeding. Watering and sowing green manure in the vacant beds.
  • Flower garden- planting bulbs
  • In the garden- phosphorus-potassium fertilizing, inspection of buddings. Harvesting and rooting cuttings, preparing planting holes for planting trees.
  • Not recommended- engage in pruning and treat plants against diseases and pests.
  • Blanks- juices, jam, jam, drying, but not canning with hermetically sealed. It is not recommended to collect medicinal herbs and fruits, seeds.
August 28, 2018 Tuesday Waning Moon in Pisces
August 29, 2018 Wednesday Waning Moon in Aries
  • Aries- infertile zodiac sign (Days of Fruit)
  • In the garden- collection of testes and seeds. Planting and transplanting are not recommended. Digging up vacant beds, loosening dry soil, hilling, weeding. Collecting root crops is not for storage. Pest and disease control. Thinning of seedlings.
  • In the garden- fertilizing trees and shrubs. Lawn mowing, overgrowth cutting, sanitary pruning. Treatment against pests and diseases
  • Not recommended- pinching, picking, transplanting, rooting and watering.
  • Blanks- collection of fruits and seeds of medicinal plants, drying, freezing.
August 30, 2018 Thursday Waning Moon in Aries
August 31, 2018 Friday Waning Moon in Taurus
  • Taurus- fertile zodiac sign (Root Days) Lunar landing calendar recommends:
  • In the garden- preparing beds for winter crops. Transplanting root greens into pots for growing on a windowsill. Application organic fertilizers on vacant beds, digging, watering, loosening, laying compost
  • Flower garden- a favorable day for planting perennial and bulbous flowers.
  • In the garden- planting strawberries, container plants, pest and disease control, lawn mowing, removing overgrowth and excess branches.
  • Not recommended- damage plant roots.
  • Blanks- canning, pickling, pickling cabbage, drying, collecting juices, roots of medicinal plants.

What crops can be planted in August

To select crops for re-sowing, you need to take into account for which potatoes and carrots are considered good predecessors, and among them choose those that will have time to form a harvest before the end of the season, i.e. in 2-2.5 months.

So, potatoes are considered a good predecessor peas, cabbage, onions, root vegetables, cucumbers, pumpkin, dill, beans, garlic. Pumpkin in this area can be sown in next year, plant garlic in mid-October, onions, root vegetables - in November or early spring.

But early ripe cucumbers can be sown, if it is possible to cover them already in September non-woven material or film to protect against low night temperatures and frosts that can occur at the end of September. But you shouldn’t rely on a big harvest: cucumbers sown in late summer are quickly affected by powdery mildew.

It is quite possible to get a cabbage harvest- Beijing, kohlrabi, pak choi, especially since these crops continue to grow after the first frost: a drop in temperature to minus 4 is not scary for them.

Beijing and Chinese cabbage are early ripening crops. Being sown directly into the ground in mid-August, early varieties are able to form a harvest in one and a half to two months, that is, at the end of September to mid-October you will have juicy pak choy petioles, loose heads of cabbage or leaves of Chinese cabbage on the table.

Of course, provided that the plants are provided with good care.

Late summer sowing for cabbage is even preferable to early spring sowing: Plants will develop in cooler conditions that are more favorable to them. And a short day is only beneficial - it inhibits premature flowering.

  • The soil under the cabbage is dug up using the spade of a shovel, having first added up to a bucket of organic matter - compost or humus.
  • Seed furrows are made in the garden bed every 30-35 cm and watered thoroughly (preferably in several steps, allowing the water to be well absorbed after each watering).
  • The seeds are placed in grooves every 8-10 cm.
  • After sowing, it is advisable to cover the bed with thin non-woven material.

If you lay it on arches, you won’t have to remove it after germination. Such a simple shelter - good protection and from the sun, which is still aggressive in August, and from the cruciferous flea beetle, which adores the young leaves of all cruciferous crops. If covering the bed is not possible, immediately powder the seedlings wood ash(all from the same cruciferous flea beetle).

But if slugs have multiplied and fattened up on your site by autumn, it is better to refuse sowing both Chinese and Chinese cabbage. Slugs do not leave the loose heads of Chinese cabbage even for a day: between the leaves they are both moist and nourishing. Kohlrabi shellfish are less harmful. You just need to sow early varieties. The middle and late ones will not have time to form stem fruits.

The beds vacated after potatoes should be enough to plant other crops.

You can, for example, sow early varieties of sugar peas. He will still have time to produce a harvest of pods. In addition, peas are an excellent predecessor for most garden crops. Before sowing, the peas are soaked for 12 hours, changing the water several times during this time. Sow in well-moistened grooves to a depth of 4 cm. Rows from rows are spaced every 20 cm, peas are laid out in grooves every 5 cm.

Peas do not require much care. After the emergence of seedlings, it is watered once a week, loosened after each watering. In autumn, rain and cool weather will correct this minimum. At the end of the season, the pea stems are cut and placed in compost, and the roots are dug up.

Beans can also be sown in mid-August, but as a green manure, since it will not have time to form a harvest.

If you love leafy vegetables, it’s worth sowing lettuce, rukula and (required!) dill. Sowing spinach can be delayed for a month. You won’t get a harvest in the fall, but in the spring the spinach, after overwintering, will produce a very early harvest.

A former carrot bed can be given over to radishes or early varieties daikon. In fact, the daikon should have been sown a little earlier, but if the autumn is long, the root crops will have time to grow to the average size characteristic of the variety before November. But the cruciferous flea beetle is less of a nuisance to the daikon of late-summer crops. And you have to water the daikon much less often than when sowing in mid-July or early August.

Before sowing daikon, add up to a bucket of organic matter per square meter to the garden bed. m (compost, humus) and dig it onto the bayonet of a shovel. Make furrows 60 cm apart from each other, water them well and sow the seeds. The seedlings are thinned out, leaving 5 plants per linear meter. In dense crops, root crops differ sharply in size, and more flowering plants are formed.

The lunar sowing calendar for gardeners and gardeners for August 2018 will be able to assist you in planning work in the garden and vegetable garden and will be able to help you determine favorable and unfavorable days of the month for planting and caring for plants.

Continuing the topic:

Calendar of work in the garden, vegetable garden and flower beds for August