home · On a note · The onion grows poorly and turns yellow, what should I do? Onions turn yellow: what to water and feed, chemical and folk remedies to prevent the tips of onion feathers from turning yellow. Yellowing of the plant due to onion fly

The onion grows poorly and turns yellow, what should I do? Onions turn yellow: what to water and feed, chemical and folk remedies to prevent the tips of onion feathers from turning yellow. Yellowing of the plant due to onion fly

Helping onion feathers turn green again!

Can you imagine a kitchen without onions? Even though onions bring tears to our eyes, we cannot live without them. It is for this reason that you will not find summer cottages, which would not have this vegetable. Onions are planted, as a rule, either in winter or in spring. Growing it is not difficult at all. He is practically not capricious and rarely shows dissatisfaction. The main signal of serious problems is yellowing of feathers. In this article we will talk about the causes of yellowing of onion feathers and ways to combat it.

So, what to do if the feathers turn yellow? First of all, we pay attention to when this happens. Onions turn yellow in June - that's bad. This means the plant is missing something or there is a pest in the area. If the onion turns yellow at the end of July, it’s okay. This means our harvest is ripe and we will be harvesting it soon. So, the yellowness of onion feathers can be caused by:

  • pests;
  • lack of nitrogen in the soil;
  • lack of moisture.

Measures to combat feather yellowness will depend on the specific cause.

Onion pests

Most often, onions are affected by the onion fly and the secretive proboscis. When attacked by an onion fly, the onion feathers turn yellow and wither ahead of time, and a larva can be found in the bulb itself. This leads to rotting of the vegetable. The bulbs are easily pulled out of the ground even when weeding.

Measures to protect against onion flies

  • the soil should be dug deeply before planting;
  • early sowing;
  • we plant the onion next to the carrot, its smell will repel the fly;
  • immediate disposal of affected plants;
  • sprinkle the ground around the onion bed with ash;
  • thorough cleaning of plant debris;

Symptoms of damage to the onion secretive proboscis

  • the appearance of whitish spots and longitudinal stripes on the feather;
  • yellowed ends;
  • curled and dried feathers.

Both adult beetles and their larvae pose a danger to young onions.

Measures to protect against the onion secretive proboscis

  • immediate removal of plant debris;
  • we plant the onion away from last year’s beds;
  • do not forget to regularly loosen the row spacing;
  • We remove the affected feathers and be sure to loosen the soil.

Lack of nitrogen in the soil

This problem can occur in both rainy weather and dry weather conditions. Moisture is required for nitrogen absorption. On the other hand, under conditions of heavy rainfall, nitrogen compounds descend too deep into the ground and plant roots are not able to extract them.

What to do? To replenish the lack of nitrogen, onions should be periodically fertilized with saltpeter, urea or manure.

Lack of moisture

While onions are actively growing and developing, they need regular watering.

  • onions should be watered before and after weeding;
  • water should be poured into the prepared grooves between the plants;
  • if the plantings are dense, we use a watering can for watering to avoid washing out the soil around the bulbs;
  • Check the need for watering with your finger. If the soil is dry at the depth of the nail, then the onion should be watered immediately;
  • A month before the expected onion harvest, we stop watering.

Saving onion feathers

We present to your attention several folk ways dealing with several problems at once.

  1. Dissolve 1/2 cup of kitchen salt and 1 ampoule of ammonia in 10 liters of water. Add 3 good handfuls of ash. Water with this solution every ten days. Continue the course until the feathers turn green again.
  2. Seeds for planting should first be soaked in a strong solution of potassium permanganate and planted in rows that are generously sprinkled with salt.
  3. Make a solution. Take 1/2 tablespoon of iodine, 0.5 kilograms of soda, 2 bags of manganese and dissolve in five liters of water. The result is a highly concentrated solution, which must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Now you can water.
  4. Sprinkle the spaces between the rows with sand, which you have previously mixed with mothballs.
  5. Water the onion with salted water with manganese.

It happens that the onion feathers in the garden begin to turn yellow. They may become covered with small yellow spots, only the tips may dry out, or the entire bed may turn yellow at one point. And it becomes a shame, because this misfortune could have been avoided if preventive measures were taken and agrotechnical practices were observed.

Typically, the feathers of the plant turn yellow as a result of onion damage by diseases or pests. Let's look at the forehead option in more detail.

Diseases that cause yellowing

Foliage may turn yellow due to fungal diseases: rust, bottom rot, bacterial rot.

When feathers rust, they become covered with many yellow spots. After some time they turn yellow, blacken and die.

Bottom rot and bacterial rot primarily damage the bulbs, and then the disease manifests itself as yellowing of the feathers.

Fungal diseases can only be cured at a very early stage. For this purpose, the beds are treated weak solution copper oxychloride.

If the disease progresses, then the onion must be dug up and destroyed, and no planting should be done in this place for 5 years.

Onions turn yellow when attacked by pests

Onions have many insect enemies. These are nematodes, onion flies, secretive proboscis, onion moths and thrips.

Onion flies and moths lay eggs on leaves or on the ground next to the planted onion. This happens from the second ten days of May to the first ten days of June. After a week, small caterpillars emerge from the eggs - larvae that make their way to the bulbs, settle in them and feed on their pulp and juice. Because of this, nutrients stop flowing to the green feather, they turn yellow and dry out.

Nematodes live in the ground for many years. They damage the bulb and feed on the pulp, which begins to rot. Nematodes can also settle in the stem, which turns yellow along with the leaves and dries out.

The secretive proboscis likes the onion feather. It gnaws passages in it, which upon careful examination can be seen - they are translucent.

You can tell that the onions have been attacked by thrips if many small black dots are noticed on the greens. The leaf begins to turn yellow at the top, gradually yellowing goes down.

Folk remedies for combating yellowing - what to water against pests

The fight against onion flies and moths consists of scaring them away from the beds so that they do not lay eggs on them.

Rows of onions can be alternated with rows of carrots, marigolds and calendula. Flies and moths cannot stand the smell of these plants.

In addition, at the moment the flies fly, and this usually coincides with the flowering of cherries, lilacs and dandelions, you can sprinkle green feather mixture wood ash, tobacco and ground pepper.

If there is a possibility that the flies have already laid eggs, then you can fight the larvae with a salt solution. Add 100-150 grams of salt to one large bucket of water. Only water the soil with this solution, being careful not to get the liquid on the green shoots. You should know that salt is not washed out of the soil for a long time, so you should not overuse it.

If folk remedies they don’t help, in order to save the plantations, you will have to use karbofos. 50 grams are diluted in 1 liter of water and sprayed. Onion feathers should not be eaten for 30 days from the date of processing.

How to feed onions so they don’t turn yellow

Onions may turn yellow due to a lack of nitrogen in the soil. To prevent this from happening, you need to fill the bed with well-rotted manure before planting. If the manure is fresh, then you need to make a solution: add 5 buckets of water to 0.5 buckets of manure. This solution should ferment for 5-10 days. It will come from him bad smell, so it is better to place a container with such fertilizer in the far corner of the garden.

You can fertilize with mineral fertilizers. In one bucket of water, dilute 50 grams of ammonium nitrate, 20 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium salt. This solution is enough for fertilizer 2 square meters landing Feed twice: immediately after germination, and again a week later.

What to do if onion tips turn yellow

The tips of onions may turn yellow if not watered enough. Onions are a moisture-loving plant, so in dry weather they should be watered 2 times a week.

You cannot use cold water from a well or well. It must be dialed in advance so that it warms up under the sun.

Before harvesting, watering is stopped a week so that the soil can dry out completely.


When plantings are exposed to diseases or attacked by pests, folk remedies do not always help. If you carry out prevention, many problems can be avoided:

  • Check onion sets carefully before planting. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of a disease, discard the onions;
  • Pest larvae can be expelled from the sets by keeping the onions in salt water for half an hour. The solution is prepared as follows: 3 tablespoons of salt are diluted in 3 liters of water;
  • etching in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours helps against diseases;
  • can be kept in hot water (50° C) for 5 minutes;
  • Onions are not grown in one place for 4 years. It is desirable that the predecessors of onions be grain crops;
  • The area allocated for beds is cleared of all plant debris in the fall and dug up with a shovel. The area is not leveled, but left for the winter with clods of earth. This will freeze out more insect pests.


There are several reasons why onions in the garden turn yellow. This phenomenon is caused by improper care, lack or excess of moisture. Feathers wither and dry out also due to diseases and pests. To grow a vegetable crop, it is important to know how to plant and water onions and how to treat the crop for treatment and prevention.

Causes of yellowing onions

The culture is unpretentious, but it also requires some attention. First of all, it is important to observe crop rotation. Onions cannot be planted in one place for two years in a row. It is advisable to maintain an interval between plantings of 3–4 years. Onions, family onions and spring onions turn yellow due to insufficient illumination of the area, so for these vegetables they are selected open spaces.

Often the feather tips turn yellow in the spring due to night frosts or early landing. This phenomenon is also caused by a lack nutrients and an incorrectly selected place for the garden bed.

To prevent onions from turning yellow, it is necessary to periodically feed the crop from early spring to June and select optimal time for landing.

Soil acidity

The main reason for the yellowness of the family in the garden is an incorrectly selected area. The culture prefers noble, loose soils with a neutral and alkaline reaction. In acidic soil, onion feathers turn yellow, and turnips stop developing. To avoid this, the area is limed dolomite flour, wood ash or crushed chalk. This measure protects heirloom and onions from yellowing. But it is worth considering that the seedlings are planted in an alkaline area 2 years after the event.

Exposure to frost

The reason that feathers fall may be early autumn planting. Plants, without having time to take root, sprout in the spring. They are caught by frost, which causes the feathers to disappear. A urea solution will help save a planting of bulbous bulbs that are beginning to turn yellow due to frost. But it is better to plant the crop three weeks before the cold weather, then the plant will give maximum yield.

Yellow onions may appear if seedlings are planted on insufficient depth. in winter planting material It freezes slightly, which is why in the spring it does not have enough strength to develop, and the feathers dry out and fall off.

To prevent turnips from rotting (and onions planted shallowly rot quite often), the sets are planted to a depth of 4–6 cm. After planting, the bed is mulched with a layer of peat, sawdust, and humus. This will insulate the bed.

Excess or lack of moisture

To avoid yellowing of onions in the garden, it is important to follow the correct watering regime. The culture does not tolerate drought and excessive moisture. During active growth the plant is watered 2 times a week, and the irrigation should be plentiful. By July, watering is reduced to 1 time every 1-1.5 weeks. Moistening is stopped 7–10 days before harvest.

To provide culture proper watering, you should focus on the weather. Due to excess moisture, especially in spring, onions rot, causing its feathers to turn yellow. This process is accompanied by lodging of green mass. It is difficult to save a rotten bulb, so you should not over-water the beds during the rainy season.

Another reason why the tops dry out is watering with cold water from a well or well, especially hard water. To avoid problems with the crop, use warm water from the tank.

After irrigation, loosening is carried out, otherwise a crust will form on the soil, blocking the access of air to the roots. Due to lack of oxygen, onions dry out and die.

Nutrient deficiencies

The tips of the leaves turn yellow due to a lack of nitrogen in the soil. To prevent this, the bed for green onions is filled with rotted manure or compost before planting. These organic fertilizers It is not recommended to use fresh, as they cause plant burns. If the onion turns yellow and there is no rotted manure, add a nutrient solution. To do this, mix 0.5 buckets of organic matter in 5 buckets of water. The mixture is left for 5–10 days to ferment, and only then the soil is fed.

To prevent the onion from turning yellow, it should be fed with a comprehensive mineral fertilizer. Use store-bought preparations or make the solution yourself. To do this, mix the following components:

  • ammonium nitrate – 50 g;
  • potassium salt – 20 g;
  • superphosphate – 20 g;
  • water – 10 l.

This amount is enough to process 2 square meters. meters of garden. It should be fed in the spring, when the seedlings grow to 3 cm in height. The procedure is repeated after 7 days. With this treatment, yellowed tips do not appear on the crop. The video clearly shows how to properly care for onions so that they do not turn yellow.


The onion feathers turn yellow due to insect activity. The crop is attacked by pests such as thrips, onion moth, nematode, onion fly, and secretive proboscis. Each type of pest is dealt with differently:

The first thing to do if there are pests in the garden is to remove the insects. After this, the plantings are treated with insecticides. If there are few pests, folk remedies can cope with them. The main thing is to process the crop as soon as the onion begins to turn yellow.


Onion feathers dry out and turn yellow due to diseases such as bacterial rot, bottom rot, or fusarium, rust. Each disease has different symptoms and course:

  • Bacterial rot. First, the disease affects the bulb, then quickly spreads to the feathers - they turn yellow, lie down and die. If the feathers have fallen due to bacterial rot, it will not be possible to save the affected bulbs, because the disease is incurable. If it is detected, parts of the plant are destroyed, and the area is treated with a strong fungicide such as Hom. The drug is also used for prevention; it is used to treat the soil before planting.
  • Fusarium. The disease is manifested by the appearance of yellowish stripes on the feathers. Over time, the lesions increase in size, merge and turn into a drying spot. The bulb rots and dies. To prevent the disease, gardeners observe crop rotation and carry out pre-planting preparation of sets. The fungicide Quadris is used for treatment.
  • Rust. The disease manifests itself in May–June. First, pinpoint lesions form on the leaves, later they turn into convex pads. Gradually, the leaves begin to wither, dry out and die. To prevent rust, the bulbs are heated before winter storage and landing. For prevention, the bed is treated with a solution of copper oxychloride.

Fighting diseases is more difficult than preventing them. Therefore it is important to take preventive measures.

Folk remedies to combat yellowing

First, you should find out the reason why the onion tips dry out, and only then think about what to water or treat the garden bed with. If this occurs due to insufficient soil moisture, irrigation should be increased.

Tincture of mint, wild rosemary, pine needles and valerian will help repel pests. It is advisable to alternate onion beds with carrots, marigolds and calendula. Pests cannot tolerate the aroma of these crops.

Folk remedies used if onions turn yellow:

  • To prepare the drug, heat 10 liters of water, add 100 g of salt, an ampoule of ammonia and 2 cups of wood ash. The solution is used to treat the bed no more than once every 10 days.
  • If an onion turns yellow, the first thing to water and treat the garden bed with is a solution of potassium permanganate and iodine. The product will protect the crop from fungal diseases and reduce soil acidity. To prepare it, mix 2 packets of potassium permanganate with 10 ml of iodine and 0.5 kg of soda. The substances are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Ready product diluted in a ratio of 1 to 10 and watered the garden bed with it.
  • From onion fly dissolve 200 g of salt and 1-2 tablespoons in a bucket of water ammonia. Carry out a one-time irrigation of the bed, trying not to get it on the leaves.
  • To protect plants from nematodes, the seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in salt water, and then kept for 10 minutes in water at a temperature of 45°C. To combat existing insects, use marigold tincture. To prepare the product, pour half the volume of fresh or dried flowers into a bucket and add water to the brim. Infuse the mixture for two days in a dark place. Strain the infusion, add 40 g liquid soap and 10 liters of water. Spray the soil with the solution, being careful not to get on the green mass.

Grow healthy onions personal plot not difficult. The main thing is to adhere to the rules of crop rotation, watering, weeding and fertilizing. It is important to prevent diseases and pests and be sure to treat the seedlings before storing and planting. Then the onions will not turn yellow and will bring a harvest of juicy, green feathers and large turnips.

Why do the onions in the garden turn yellow? What to do and how to treat onions if they turn yellow?

If the calendar shows August-September, then summer residents should not worry about the question of why the onions in the garden turn yellow. This is a natural process, the crop is ripe and will soon need to be harvested.

But if it’s the beginning of summer and the onions are turning yellow, then you need to decide what to water in order to cope with this problem. After all, such a process - serious problem, which can leave gardeners without a harvest.

How to treat onions if they turn yellow due to pests?

First you need to decide who got into it. It could be:

  • onion fly;
  • onion proboscis and thrips;
  • stem nematode;
  • onion moth.

A general tip to reduce exposure to all pests is that it should not be planted in the same bed every year. The minimum time it is advisable to keep a bed without onions is 4 years. Then it is more likely that it will not turn yellow due to pests remaining in the soil.

What can I do to prevent onions from turning yellow due to onion fly reproduction? Here are some recommendations:

  • plant it as early as possible so that by the time it appears the plants have time to gain strength;
  • choose a bed close to carrots;
  • During dandelion flowering, feed the onions with a mixture of wood ash, pepper and tobacco dust.

If this pest is infested and the onions turn yellow, then when asked what to water with, there are some folk remedies. For example, watering saline solution. Salt requires 200 g per 10 liters of water. To improve the effect, you can add a little ammonia (2 tablespoons) to this mixture. You need to water the garden bed with this solution so that the water gets only on the bulb. It should not be spent on the free soil of the bed and should not fall on the feather. You can also water the beds with a urea solution.

Thorough cleaning of feather residues will help rid your garden of onion moths and moths. Plus, this requires deep digging of the beds just before frost.

Before planting, soaking in hot water for 6-10 minutes will help prevent yellowing of onions due to stem nematodes and thrips. Only the temperature should be about 45 degrees. Calendula and marigolds sown between the rows of the onion bed will repel pests.

How to water onions so that the feathers do not turn yellow due to disease?

One of the reasons - fungal diseases. To prevent the onion sets from turning yellow, you need to warm them up before planting. It will be enough to spend 12 hours in the hot sun or create a temperature of 30 degrees C artificially.

Another tip on how to feed onions so that they do not turn yellow is to water them with a solution of copper oxychloride. You will need to add a tablespoon of the drug and the same amount of liquid soap to a bucket of water.

To prevent feather yellowing due to bottom rot, a choice will be required. right place for landing. It should not be located in a low area.

The tips of onions in the garden turn yellow due to improper care. What to do?

Follow simple rules:

  • It is worth watering the onions with water that was collected in advance and has had time to warm up to the air temperature;
  • water should flow under the root; if you need to water the plants from above, then use a watering can with a mesh so as not to expose the bulbs;
  • During watering, it is recommended to feed the onions with mineral supplements;
  • stop watering 30-45 days before harvest.

Onion feathers turn yellow due to weather conditions

If the summer turns out to be hot, then you need to water the plants as soon as the bed begins to dry out. The soil with growing onions should be moist to a depth of one centimeter. This can be checked by sticking your finger into the ground.

What if the climate is such that it rains all the time? Only a greenhouse will help. It will protect the onion from rainwater.

The last reason for yellowing onions: lack of nitrogen

There are situations when there are no pests or diseases, watering is regular, but for some reason the onions in the garden turn yellow. What to do in such a situation? Check nitrogen content. You can only save onions if you feed them with nitrogen-containing fertilizer. This can be manure or droppings, as well as specially developed fertilizer complexes.

What to do if onions do not grow and increase onion yield - perhaps this is a lack of watering


Gardeners and vegetable gardeners consider onions to be a crop that is not demanding in terms of growing conditions. Often they even forget to water or weed it. But sometimes this plant begins to get sick and wither, forcing the owner to look for the reasons why the onions in the beds are turning yellow and what to do to protect the harvest.

Ground part onions in everyday life they are called feathers, and the underground one is called a turnip. The leaves help the plant accumulate nutrients. They begin to turn yellow and dry out by the end of July - beginning of August, signaling the gardener to prepare for harvest.

If the above-ground part begins to fall, turns yellow, the onion “lays down”, and it is too early to pull it out of the ground, you need to figure out what could cause the change in color of the leaves.

The feather turns yellow for the following reasons:

  • plant diseases;
  • pests;
  • insufficient nutrient content in the soil;
  • improper care of onions;
  • unfavorable weather conditions.

Diseases and how to cope with them

Onion culture is susceptible various diseases, which can only be recognized by carefully examining the affected plants. Fungi or viruses settle not only on the “tops”, but also on the “roots”. If the onion in the garden begins to turn yellow, the withering plant should be pulled out and the condition of the leaves and turnips examined.


Onion rust is a fungal disease. The spores overwinter on plant debris and spread to new plants, causing leaves to turn yellow and die. Up close, the lesions appear round yellow spots with ring-shaped raised spores of orange-brown color in the middle. Factors that facilitate the spread of the fungus include:

  • high crowding of planting;
  • lack of nitrogen and excess potassium in the soil;
  • high air humidity.

In this case, the bulbs do not receive enough nutrients and develop worse, and during storage they are susceptible to damage by other fungi and bacteria.

Methods of control and prevention include:

  • processing of tools;
  • destruction of plant residues at the end of the season;
  • growing hybrid resistant varieties;
  • use of cyclical crop rotation;
  • the infected plant is removed from the soil and burned outside the site.

Bottom Rot

With fusarium, onion feathers begin to turn yellow and curl, starting from the tips, leading to the death of the entire plant. The roots rot, their color changes to brown, and the bottom of the bulb when cut looks grayish and watery. The bottom becomes soft to the touch. Saprophytic mushrooms, causing disease, can persist in the soil for a long time; onion infection occurs through plant debris or other bulbs, both in the garden bed and in storage areas.

To prevent or cope with the disease, you must:

  • use crop rotation;
  • plant fusarium-resistant varieties;
  • treat onions in the beds with fungicides (using preparations “Switch”, “Maxim”);
  • store onions at temperatures below 4 degrees.

Alternaria blight

This is a fungal disease that causes the leaves of the plant to turn yellow. Watery oval lesions appear, with brownish-burgundy edges and a yellowish border. The lesion spreads over the entire leaf, destroying it, after which it spreads further through the air. Signs of onion disease appear 1-4 days after infection. The pathogen is found wherever crops are grown, but more often affects shoots in conditions of high temperature and humidity.

If onion feathers turn yellow, control methods are:

  • crop rotation;
  • prevention of excessive humidity and crowding in the garden;
  • timely cleaning, destruction of infected onion tops.

Onion yellow virus dwarfism

This is an onion disease of a viral nature. Spread by aphids and tools. At the initial stage, attention is drawn to the fact that the leaves begin to turn yellow in stripes along the conducting vessels. Then they become hard, wavy and lie down. But with this disease, not only the feathers turn yellow, the onion lags behind in growth, the arrows look shorter, and few seeds are formed.

To help cope with the virus:

  • aphid control;
  • processing of tools;
  • separation of onion plantings from other representatives of the subfamily.
  • removal of infected plants.

Pests and their control

Garden pests can also cause leaves to turn yellow and dry out. Insects on onion bed have small in size, but can easily deprive the owner of the harvest.

Onion moth

Onion moth butterflies reach 0.7 cm in length and are gray-brown in color. They lay eggs at night, remaining undetected for a long time. The larvae of these insects hatch from May to September. They feed on onion leaves. Transparent spots form and the feather turns yellow. The second generation of moths eats the turnips, causing neck rot.

The following will help you cope with insects:

  • use of crop rotation;
  • weeding out diseased plants, loosening;
  • destroying weeds, plowing the land at the end of the season;
  • alternating planting of onions with carrots and mustard.
  • treatment with the “Iskra” insecticide or the “Dachnik” biological product.


If the tips of the onions turn yellow, it is necessary to inspect the plants for thrips damage. In the axils of the leaves you can notice lesions resembling silver specks and a little later black dots, and sometimes small light brown elongated insects themselves.

A damaged feather becomes more susceptible to other infections and dries out. Thrips not only suck the juice from the leaves, but also cause cosmetic damage to the neck and scales of the bulb. Favorable conditions for reproduction:

  1. lack of weeding;
  2. dry air and soil in the garden.

Thrips overwinter in the surface layer of soil, on abandoned tops and bulbs, so the fight against them consists of:

  • deep plowing of the land;
  • ensuring crop rotation;
  • placing sticky traps between rows;
  • alternating planting of onions with repellent plants - calendula, tagetes;
  • treating the bulbs before planting by immersing them in hot and cold water for several minutes;
  • regular watering and weeding of beds.

Onion fly

The onion fly appears in May and lays its eggs close to the ground. The hatched larvae of this insect begin to chew through the bulb, causing the leaves to turn yellow. Having destroyed one plant, the fly moves on to the next, destroying the crops. Surviving plantings are weakened and susceptible to other diseases.

Stem nematode

A stem nematode is a small worm that enters the garden bed along with the seed or remains in the ground on plant debris. The pest penetrates through the bottom of the turnip or the pores on bottom side leaves. If it affects seedlings, the plants turn yellow and die. With later reproduction of worms in the tissues of the crop, the leaves turn yellow and bend at the base, underground part begins to lag in growth, becomes covered with a waxy coating. Such crops are poorly stored and more often than healthy ones are damaged by other pests.

Contaminated material is destroyed. Carry out pre-sowing treatment of bulbs and seeds before planting: black onion is first soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours, after which they are immersed in hot water with a temperature of about 40 degrees for 10 minutes. The sets are kept in water at a temperature of 45 degrees for 15 minutes.


The weevil is a small, dark-colored bug. It overwinters in the soil and begins its meal from the bulbs left in the fall, gradually moving on to young plants. Traces of this insect look like round whitish spots located in rows on the leaves. The pest causes the greatest damage to nigella seedlings - onion plantings turn yellow and die in the spring. Adults lay eggs in leaf cavities. The beetle larvae hatch and begin to gnaw out passages, which up close look like longitudinal stripes. The feather begins to turn yellow at the top and dries out. Mass plant death rarely occurs; new leaves grow over the summer, and the yield may be reduced.

If the onion feathers begin to turn yellow at the tips, it is necessary to inspect the plantings; When a weevil is detected, use:

  • deep plowing of the land before winter;
  • spraying with infusions of garlic, red pepper, mustard;
  • treatment with a solution of “Karbofos” (not acceptable when growing onions), “Agravertina”, “Fitoverma”.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

Onions begin to deteriorate due to lack of nutrients. Considered particularly sensitive to soil composition family bow, which begins to turn yellow when planted on a poor substrate.

Having carefully examined the beds, excluding possible diseases or a pest infestation, the gardener may remember that he did not apply fertilizer in the spring, or planting for the first time revealed a lack of micro- or macronutrients. It is necessary to list which substances, in deficiency or excess, cause onions to turn yellow:

  1. Manganese deficiency. This trace element helps in the formation of the chlorophyll pigment, which gives leaves their green color. With its deficiency, yellow stripes form on the leaves, and turnip development slows down. To adjust the manganese content, manganese superphosphate, ash, and manganese sulfate solution are used.
  2. Nitrogen deficiency. A lack of nitrogen in the soil can be assumed if no other visible reasons for the deterioration of the leaves can be found. In this case, you definitely need to feed the onions so that the onion feathers do not turn yellow. To do this, ammonium nitrate is dissolved in water at the rate of 20 g per 6 liters per 1 m2.
  3. Excess nitrogen. In this case, the bulbs will rot. To save the crop, treat with a solution of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, 1 tsp each. 12 liters per 2 m2, and after a few days the soil is loosened and ash is added.
  4. Magnesium deficiency also causes a change in the color of the ground part - old leaves begin to turn yellow, the tops turn brown, the feathers dry out and die. In this case it is necessary foliar feeding, which is carried out by spraying a solution of magnesium sulfate (1 tablespoon of substance per 10 liters of water).

If family onions turn yellow, add ash or a solution of 7 g of potassium salt, 5 g of ammonium nitrate per 6 liters of water per 1 m2 to the soil.

Failure to comply with care rules

Onions in the garden are sensitive to care. It is enough to disrupt the watering regime, and the plant will begin to signal that conditions are deteriorating. To prevent the onion feathers from turning yellow, you should adhere to the following rules:

  1. Water the onion with water at room temperature.
  2. When the plants begin to produce roots, they should be watered generously at least 2 times a week.
  3. Mulching will help save the soil from drying out.
  4. The best time to water is morning or evening.
  5. Hard water for irrigation is softened by adding a little acetic acid.
  6. From June onions are watered once a week, in July once every 1.5 weeks.

The watering schedule should be adjusted to weather conditions: if the summer is dry and hot, then the plants need to be “watered” more often so that the succulent leaves do not begin to turn yellow. If they go frequent rains, it is better to abandon mulching and periodically loosen the soil.


Unfavorable weather conditions can cause the onion to begin to turn yellow and “lay down”, even if all other conditions for its growth are met. In case of heavy rains, the beds are covered with film, and the soil is sprinkled with a mixture of ash and sand. In case of drought, precious moisture can be saved by watering them in the morning and mulching the ground.

If the tips of the onion turn yellow because they have been “walked over” return frosts, no measures should be taken; the feather will grow back over time.

Folk remedies to combat yellowing

The use of folk remedies is based on many years of observation of cultivated plants and pests. Creation comfortable conditions By planting beneficial “neighbors” and safely destroying voracious insects, it will help preserve the crop without the use of pesticides. In the case of onions, this means that the use of folk remedies allows you to tear them “by the feather” while the bulbs are being poured.

  1. “Salting” will protect the seed from nematodes if, before planting, you soak the seed and nigella for 20 minutes in a solution of table salt at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.
  2. Dusting plants with a mixture of ash and tobacco will help prevent the feast of onion flies. And so that the plantings do not begin to turn yellow from the invasion of its larvae, gardeners water the onions with the following solution: pour 200 g of tobacco with 2 liters of boiling water, leave for several days, then add 1 tbsp. l. ground red pepper and laundry soap, then add water to a whole bucket.
  3. To prevent the bed from turning yellow from onion moths, when the seedlings grow 5 cm, the soil on it is watered with a strong solution of table salt (100 g of sodium chloride per 1 liter of water).
  4. It is recommended to alternate rows of onions with carrots and marigolds. They do not like harmful insects and the pungent smell of currants, so planting sets next to berry bushes is also justified. Legumes “raise” nitrogen to the surface and share it with onions
  5. Treating the seedlings in a solution of potassium permanganate before planting will help save the crop from bottom rot. And if the summer turns out to be rainy, arranging drainage in the garden bed will help.
  6. For thrips, you should water the onions with a solution of celandine at the rate of 1 part of dry grass per 10 liters of water.
  7. The weevil also does not like the salty or bitter taste of onions, so spraying with saturated solutions of salt, pepper, mustard or garlic will drive away the harmful bug before it settles in the garden bed and the leaves begin to turn yellow.
  8. When leaves suffer from nitrogen deficiency, they can also be helped without resorting to chemicals. To saturate the plants, prepare fertilizer next line-up: plants are collected in a barrel food waste, weeds, hay, mown grass, add a little sour jam or sugar, add water, stir. After a few days, active fermentation will make itself known with a characteristic unpleasant odor. This product should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 and poured over the onions.

Preventive measures

Preventative measures will help protect onion beds before the leaves begin to turn yellow.

  1. Compliance with 4-year crop rotation.
  2. Thorough cleaning, burning plant residues after the end of the season.
  3. Deep digging of the soil with the application of fertilizers suitable for this type of soil.
  4. Preventing the transfer of the pathogen with equipment and tools to other beds.
  5. Destruction of diseased plants.
  6. Planting onions with spacing between plants to avoid crowding.
  7. Timely weeding.
  8. Planting plants between rows that repel pests.
  9. Using healthy planting material.
  10. Planting hybrid, early-ripening varieties that are disease-resistant.

To prevent the leaves from turning yellow, onion planting material is treated as follows:

  • alternating placement in hot and cold water;
  • soaking in a solution of potassium permanganate - 1 liter of water per 1 g of substance;
  • treatment with Fitosporin solution to prevent fungal diseases of onions. For nigella you will need 0.5 tsp. product per 100 g of water, the seedlings are sprayed with a solution of 10 g of the substance per 0.5 liter of water.

Expert opinion

Maria Vlasova


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Contrary to popular belief, onions in the garden are demanding on the composition of the soil, the amount of moisture and are sensitive to a number of diseases and pests. Compliance with the rules of cultivation and inspection of the plants in the garden will help prevent onion troubles, prevent it from turning yellow, and allow it to grow both “tops” and “roots”.