home · Lighting · Pests of white cabbage. What types of cabbage pests are there? Flea beetles of cruciferous crops

Pests of white cabbage. What types of cabbage pests are there? Flea beetles of cruciferous crops


My cabbage grew well. At one time they appeared on it, so in the photo you can see that the old cabbage leaves have holes. But I sprinkled them with vinegar, and then it started to rain. And these pests don’t like humidity, give them some sun. I didn’t notice them anymore. Heads of cabbage have sprung up, I’ve even cut one of them for salad - tasty and tender cabbage.

Eaten head of cabbage

Yesterday I went out to the garden and I have one question: “Who eats cabbage? What kind of pests? See for yourself, overnight half a head of cabbage is gone! And so on all plants! There is no limit to the outrage.


Cabbage is a wonderful vegetable; not only people love it, but also many pests. Cruciferous flea beetles Your cabbage has already been eaten. Now, apparently, the time has come cabbage scoop. It's a butterfly Brown, small (5 cm), flies at night. Surely, you saw her, you just didn’t know that she was the cabbage pest, and you need to know the enemy by sight - so look at the photo.

Cabbage scoop

Cabbage moth caterpillars appear in mid-June. At first they are small, green and not particularly noticeable. They grow for 2 months, significantly increasing in size (up to 5 cm).

It would seem that you would immediately notice the caterpillars and the question of who eats the cabbage would not arise. But the fact is that the caterpillars feed mainly at night; during the day they wisely hide at the base of the head of cabbage and among the leaves. With age, the caterpillars begin to gnaw tunnels in the cabbage and you can no longer get them out of there. Such heads of cabbage are poorly stored; pests leave their excrement there, which makes the cabbage unsuitable for consumption.

Biological preparations based on bacteria (Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin, Dipel) help against cabbage cutworm caterpillars with a small spread. If the number of caterpillars is large - more than 7 caterpillars on 50 plants, you can spray with chemicals (Aktellik, Bazudin, Aktara, Inta-vir, Karbofos, Kinmiks, Fitoverm). Here you need to take into account that after spraying, for example, with Actellik, the harvest can only be harvested after 20 days. Therefore, on early varieties, when the head of cabbage has already formed, the use of chemicals is highly undesirable.

Slug - cabbage pests

Additionally, damage to your cabbage could cause slugs, which just begin to actively feed in rainy weather. But it’s not difficult to get rid of them; if you scatter the Slug Eater or Thunderstorm preparations around the plants, they help very well. The preparations are granules of blue color with specific smell, active substance- metaldehyde. It attracts snails, they crawl towards the scent of the drug, eat it, lose their mucus and die.

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Antonina Shelestnaya 06/2/2014 | 4615

Numerous pests cause damage to cabbage throughout the growing season. Find out what insects harm cabbage and how to properly deal with them.

At the very early period development of cabbage is harmful cruciferous flea beetles, cabbage fly larvae, cabbage stem fly, cabbage moth. Due to the attack of pests, not only young plants die, but also the cabbage yield is reduced by 40-45%.

These insects emerge from cocoons in late April - early May, when the soil warms up to 12°C. Around this period, cabbage seedlings are planted in open ground. Spring female cabbage fly lays 100-150 eggs on the plant in small piles near the root collar. The hatched larvae actively move to the stem and roots of cabbage and settle there. In addition to cabbage, insects harm rutabaga and radish - insect larvae penetrate inside the root crop.

Most often people suffer from the spring cabbage fly cauliflower, early varieties white cabbage. The greatest damage is caused by flies of the first generation, as they damage seedlings and young, immature plants.

These are the most dangerous pests of young plants; newly planted cabbage seedlings often suffer from them. There are fleas various types: light-legged, wavy, notched, blue, southern, black. Insects damage seedlings both in the greenhouse and in open ground.

The spring awakening of insects begins in March-April. They leave their wintering grounds and settle on weeds. When cabbage plants appear on the site, beetles move onto them, gnawing small holes in the leaves. In addition to leaves, flea beetles also damage stems and inflorescences. Most great harm Cruciferous flea beetles are applied to plant seedlings in the spring.

This is one of the earliest spring butterflies. Its wingspan reaches 40 mm. The front wings are white, with a black smear on top, and in the middle - black spot, below - two black spots. Butterflies lay light yellow single eggs, from which caterpillars appear on the 7-11th day - green, with yellow stripe along the body. Caterpillars eat the pulp of cabbage leaves and often make tunnels in cabbage heads. Due to the mucus secreted by insects, cabbage rots and becomes bad smell and becomes unsuitable for consumption.

The wingspan of this butterfly is 14-17 mm. Cabbage moth pupae overwinter in cocoons on weeds and plant debris. Butterflies appear in the second half of April. Insects feed and lay eggs after sunset; they are not active during the day. Female cabbage moths lay small, pale yellow eggs that can be found on bottom side cabbage leaves. The caterpillars, which emerge from the eggs, bite into the leaf tissue and make holes there in which they live for 2-3 days. The insects then come to the surface of the leaf and live on the underside of the cabbage leaf.

Adult caterpillars have the same color as cabbage leaves, so they are hardly noticeable. They are extremely mobile; after 6-17 days, cabbage moth caterpillars pupate, and on the 7-15th day, a new generation of butterflies emerge.

The most dangerous period for cabbage when damaged by cabbage moths is the growth phase of the apical bud. If at this time the caterpillars destroy the growing point of the cabbage, this makes the formation of a head of cabbage impossible.

Cabbage white (cabbage)

The insect pupa overwinters on a tree trunk and plant debris. The flight of butterflies begins in late April - May. Butterflies are quite large in size - up to 45-60 mm, and have white wings. They lay eggs on cabbage and weeds of the Cruciferous family. After 8-12 days, gray-green caterpillars with dark brown dots hatch, which are grouped in transverse rows. There is a yellow stripe along the sides of the cabbage white's body, and a lighter stripe along the back. In young individuals the head is black, while in adults it is covered with light spots. Adult caterpillars reach up to 40 mm in length. Adult caterpillars eat leaves mainly from the edges. With a heavy infestation, insects destroy all the pulp of the leaf, leaving only thick veins. In 2-3 days, cabbage worm can completely destroy an entire head of cabbage.

Cabbage stem weevil

This beetle damages seedlings of cabbage, radishes, rutabaga, cabbage seeds and other plants of the Cruciferous family. The weevil overwinters in shrubs under the canopy of leaves, as well as in the top layer of soil. When the soil warms up to 8-9°C (in early to mid-May), the beetles leave their wintering grounds. They feed on cabbage leaves, gnawing small holes on the petioles and thick veins of the leaves. In the second half of May, female weevils lay eggs in the midrib of the leaf. The hatched larvae gnaw through the leaf veins, penetrate the stem and make passages in the plant. Weevil larvae are considered the most dangerous. They eat away longitudinal cavities in the stems of seedlings, damaging the plants in the process. As a result, the seedlings look healthy on the outside, but then the lower leaves begin to turn yellow, and the plant gradually withers and dies.

Control measures

  • Maintain crop rotation: do not return cruciferous crops to old place earlier than in 3-5 years.
  • Destroy weeds (especially flowering ones) in areas and paths.
  • After harvesting, carefully collect the plant residues, put them in heaps, and in the spring, after they dry out, burn them.
  • Plant seedlings early and carry out timely feeding of plants: the first - 15-20 days after planting the seedlings, the second - 10-12 days after the first, the third - 20-25 days after the second.
  • Remove weeds and mow grass on roadsides in a timely manner summer cottage and around vegetable plantings.
  • Spray the cabbage with infusions of flowering wormwood (300 g chopped wormwood, 1 tbsp. wood ash pour 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 5-6 hours, cool, strain), potato tops (1.2 kg of fresh tops, pour 10 liters of warm water, leave for 3-4 hours, strain). Spray immediately after the infusion has cooled. Add 50 g of liquid soap or 10 ml of Liposam per 10 liters of infusion.

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Category: cabbage

Cabbage pests and how to deal with them correctly It is not particularly important whether you grow cabbage in a summer garden or in winter greenhouse, you will definitely encounter crop pests that will interfere with getting the desired result. That is why the topic of our conversation today is cabbage pests and methods of combating them.

Each of us dreams of growing good harvest, stable and high quality, which will live up to expectations and give us a lot of environmentally friendly vegetables. To do this, we invest money and effort in developing the soil, building greenhouses, fertilizers and seedlings, but often we are left with the nose, so to speak, and it’s all the fault of the pests. Today we will tell you about cabbage pests and how to deal with them in order to preserve the harvest.

Classic cabbage pests

Cruciferous flea beetles

These insects cause serious damage already at the seedling stage. These are small bugs that overwinter in the soil and survive the winter in plant debris. With the onset of warmth, they leave their wintering grounds and eat cruciferous vegetables on their way. First these are weeds, and then cabbage, which we planted in the ground.

An interesting fact is that cruciferous flea beetles eat cabbage in dry and sunny weather, but are afraid of humidity and during rains they simply go into the ground or under cabbage seedlings, where they wait out adversity.

Insects feed top layers leaf tissues, which can lead to subtle ulcers on the plant. When the seedlings mature, tears appear at the sites of the sores. Massive damage of this kind often leads to withering of seedlings and death of plants. If the attack falls on adult plants, they already have enough strength to survive it and produce a harvest, albeit of worse quality.

Increasing the resistance of cabbage to flea beetles can be achieved by feeding with slurry and saltpeter.

To prevent insects from destroying the crop, it is necessary to pollinate the seedlings with dust. For this, hexachlorane (12%) mixed with DDT is used, treatment is carried out at the rate of 10-15 g per 10 m2. If there is no dust, you can replace it with other preparations, for example, mix road dust, stove ash and sodium fluoride (1:1:1), and treat at the rate of 10 g per 10 m2. The first treatment occurs at the moment the fleas appear, then several more treatments in weekly increments.

Cabbage fly

How to deal with cabbage fly

To prevent the insect from harming the cabbage plantings, we need:

  • Pollination of plantings with dust, no more than 3-5 g per each square meter weekly;
  • If cabbage fly larvae are detected, water the crop special solution thiophos (30%), the concentration of which should not exceed 0.03%. Consumption for each plant is about 250 g;
  • Water the cabbage with chlorophos (65%), solution concentration is about 0.15-0.25%, consumption per plant - no more than 200 g;
  • If there are no such poisons, the soil is sprinkled with naphthalene with sand, 1:7, or lime with tobacco dust (1:1), no more than 300 g per 10 m2.

Cabbage moth

This cabbage pest is a small butterfly that begins laying eggs on cabbage leaves in early June. Each butterfly is capable of producing up to 100 eggs, which are clearly visible on the underside of the leaf in the form of small yellow dots. About a week after laying, a caterpillar emerges from the egg and feeds on the pulp of the cabbage leaf, drilling blind windows into them.

Fighting cabbage moth

Fighting a cabbage pest like this should be very effective, because during the warm period the moth produces up to several generations that cause very serious harm. To fight cabbage moths, you should:

  • Treat cabbage against pests with calcium arsenate, approximately 12 g for every 100 m2;
  • Spray with chlorophos (65%), solution concentration of about 0.15%, up to 500 mo per 10 m2;
  • You can use entobacterin, which is diluted to a solution of 0.1-0.4% and applied in an amount of 500 ml for every 10 m2.

Cabbage scoop and cabbage white

The white moth is a large moth with black spots on its wings. She goes wild during the day, when she lays eggs on cabbage leaves in fairly large portions, from 30 to 100 pieces at a time. After 1-1.5 weeks, a caterpillar appears and quickly eats the pulp of the leaf, leaving only the veins intact.

The cutworm is a nocturnal representative of pests that acts in much the same way. But caterpillars from moth eggs appear much earlier, after 5-8 days.

Fighting the armyworm and cabbage whites

Cabbage is protected from pests using the same methods as from cabbage moths. You can use the same means, at the same standards, and you will get excellent result and save your cabbage harvest.

Cabbage aphid

Cabbage aphids can quickly destroy cabbage crops

Methods for controlling cabbage aphids

Cabbage is treated against pests as follows:

  • A solution of anabasine sulfate 0.2% is prepared, treatment is carried out in an amount of 500 ml per 10 m2;
  • If chemicals are not available, you can use folk remedies against pests - a decoction of tobacco leaves. To do this, 400 g of tobacco is boiled for 2 hours in 2 liters of water. Next, when the decoction has cooled, the leaves are filtered, and the liquid is poured into a bucket of water, 40-60 g of soap are added and the treatment is carried out.

Now that you know the description of pests and the signs of their attack on the crop, and you 100% understand how to deal with cabbage pests, all that remains is to carefully prepare, choose a quality remedy for cabbage pests and protect your crop.


How to fight cabbage pests with folk remedies?

No gardener can leave his plot without such a wonderful vegetable as cabbage. But not only people love to eat it, but also insect pests, prolonged exposure to which can lead to the death of the root crop. How to deal with cabbage pests so that no one else claims this source of vitamin C, and your efforts in planting and caring for it are not in vain? In this article we will answer this question. From this material you will learn how to fight cabbage pests with folk remedies. Such methods against cabbage “tenants” are the most acceptable in pest control. Because one way or another, chemical preparations contain poisons that pose a danger to human health.

What pests are most dangerous to cabbage?

  • Cruciferous bug.
  • Cruciferous flea beetle.
  • Cabbage aphid.
  • Cabbage cutworm.
  • Cabbage leaf beetle.
  • Cabbage fly.
  • Snails and slugs.
  • Cabbage whites.
  • Dark nutcracker.

Prevention of cabbage pests

Before dealing with cabbage pests active methods should be taken preventive measures. These include:

  • planting plants near cabbage that insect enemies cannot tolerate;
  • planting certain varieties of flowers next to the vegetable crop that attract bees and various bugs that either scare cabbage pests or eat them.

Do you want to know how to deal with cabbage pests in open ground and not contribute to their mass emergence? Here's another tip: avoid plots of land planted with only one single crop.

Cruciferous bug

Bugs are one of the most common pests of cabbage. They overwinter on weeds and in gardens where the vegetation is not completely cleared after harvest. At the end of spring, the insect intensifies its activity and absorbs weeds that belong to the cruciferous genus. Already in June, females lay eggs, from which larvae are formed, and after just one month, adult bugs emerge from the larvae. Both larvae and mature insects are dangerous for cabbage. They damage the integrity of the leaves, cause mechanical damage, and suck out the juice.

To completely destroy the insect, chemotherapy drugs Fosbecid or Actellik are often used. However, before you fight cabbage pests with such means, you can prevent the massive appearance of bedbugs at home and costlessly. To do this, it is enough to support land plot clean, regularly ridding it of various weeds.

Cruciferous flea beetle

There are several types of cruciferous flea beetle: some have dark blue or green underwings, others are striped.

It feeds on weeds, so in order to avoid a massive attack, you should get rid of weeds of the cabbage family (rape grass, shepherd's purse, field lily, alyssum, sverbiga and others).

If fleas do appear, then recipes for special tinctures and solutions will tell you how to combat cabbage pests using folk remedies:

  • Tincture of garlic and potato tops. Ingredients: garlic - 1 cup, potato tops - 1 cup, water - 10 liters, liquid soap - 50 ml. Method of preparation: Chop the garlic and tops, pour into a large saucepan and add a bucket of liquid. Let stand for 2-3 hours. Strain. Add liquid soap.
  • Infusion of celandine. Ingredients: celandine grass - 3-4 kg, water - 10 liters. Method of preparation: chop the celandine and add water. Let it brew for a day.
  • Infusion of chamomile. Ingredients: chamomile - 1 kg, water - 10 liters. Method of preparation: grind chamomile and add water. Let it brew for 12 hours.
  • Garlic infusion. Ingredients: garlic - 50 grams, water - 10 liters. Method of preparation: peel and chop the garlic. To fill with water. Let it brew for a day.

cabbage aphid

The appearance of cabbage aphids is an alarm bell, since this pest is one of the most dangerous for the vegetable crop in question. Under the influence of aphids, the plant stops its development, and its further life does not exist in principle. Cabbage leaves take on a curled, dome-like shape. Aphids grow at an astonishing rate in warm weather conditions.

How to control pests Chinese cabbage and all its other species (after all, aphids can damage all varieties of crops) using folk methods? Wood ash will help. To do this, you need to make a tincture of wood ash, tobacco and mustard, which should be sprayed on the underside of the cabbage leaf and the places where aphids accumulate the most.

Ingredients: wood ash - 250 grams, tobacco dust - 250 grams, mustard powder - 1 tbsp. l., liquid soap - 1 tbsp. l., water - 10 liters. Method of preparation: take a bucket of water, add ash, tobacco, mustard and liquid soap. Mix. Leave for 24 hours. Strain.

You don’t already know how to deal with cabbage pests using natural methods, because many of them have been used and none have completely expelled the cabbage pest? Then try to take it by cunning. For example, place sticky traps between plants, turn on the water and take a hose, then point it at the aphids and wash them away.

Cabbage cutworm

It is a nocturnal moth that exhibits its harmful properties at the “caterpillar” stage of development. The color of the cabbage cutworm is green, with stripes on the sides yellow color. The length of this insect is 5 cm.

The following folk recipes will tell you how to deal with pests of cauliflower, savoy and white cabbage, namely these varieties that can be damaged by the cabbage cutworm:

  • Red pepper infusion-concentrate. Ingredients: fresh hot pepper (0.5 kg of dry red pepper can be replaced) - 1 kg, water - 10 liters. Method of preparation: add pepper to the water and put on low heat. Boil for 60 minutes. Let it brew for a day. To make a solution for spraying, you need to take 125 grams of concentrate per bucket of water + 40 grams of laundry soap.

Cabbage leaf beetle

The leaf beetle is a dark green beetle small sizes shaped like an egg. Its length can reach 4.5 mm. You can remove the leaf beetle in the same way as fighting a cabbage pest called cruciferous flea beetle.

cabbage fly

It begins to fly from mid-May and torments plants until the end of June. The fly lays its eggs on the cabbage stem, and within a week the full-fledged larvae of this insect mature. They feed on the root part of a vegetable crop, which in most cases causes the death of the plant.

To find out how to deal with cabbage pests, we again turn to folk methods.

The first recipe is an ash-tobacco mixture. Ingredients: wood ash - 100 grams, tobacco dust - 100 grams, ground pepper (either red or black) - 1 tsp. Method of preparation: take the ash, add pepper to it and mix thoroughly. When the dry mixture becomes homogeneous, pollinate the root crops.

Snails and slugs

They are polyphagous pests that cause damage not only to the aboveground part of the plant, but also to its root system. A mixture of ash and mustard will help destroy them.

Ingredients: wood ash - 1 liter, regular table salt - 2 tbsp. l., ground pepper - 2 tbsp. l., mustard powder - 2 tbsp. l. Method of preparation: mix all ingredients in the order in which they are listed above.

Cabbage whites

The second name is cabbage. This is a pest butterfly with white wings slightly flecked with black.

The cabbage caterpillar is green in color and hallmark There are three stripes, two of which are located on the sides, and one along the body. Such an insect leaves only a skeleton of cabbage leaves.

The following recipes will help you cope with the pest:

  • Mustard solution. Ingredients: dry mustard powder - 10 grams, water - 1 liter. Method of preparation: mix mustard with water and leave for two days. Strain. Before treating plants, bring the 200 ml solution to 1 liter.
  • Wood ash solution. Ingredients: wood ash - 2 cups, liquid soap - 1 tbsp. l. Method of preparation: mix all ingredients and sprinkle on cabbage leaves.

It is worth noting that in the event of a mass appearance of whites, only chemicals can help and save your garden.

Advice: to cabbage whites I didn’t open my mouth at your cabbage, plant several tomato or eggplant bushes nearby. Rest assured: the pest will not like this.

Dark nutcracker

The second name is wireworm. It is an enemy not only of cabbage, but also of a number of other vegetables, including potatoes, carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and celery. Click beetle larvae dine on the part of the plant that is underground.

The beetle itself is brown-black in color, the elytra are red-brown. The length of the insect can reach 1 cm. The population of these pests is reduced by liming and the use of ammonia and potassium fertilizers. Traps are also actively used in the fight against wireworms.

How to deal with cabbage pests using traditional methods? Wireworm trap

To lure a nutcracker into a trap, you need:

  1. Make small holes.
  2. Place almost completely rotted grass, hay, and potato pieces into the recesses.
  3. Bury the holes, marking their locations (for example, place a peg nearby).
  4. Dig out the holes after 4-5 days and destroy the worms that believed in their miracle find.

These traps are made in early May.

Wireworm and barley

You can get rid of the click beetle by planting barley. To do this, you need to sow the land with barley about 15-17 days before the planned planting of the vegetable crop, making nests every 60-70 cm. When the barley sprouts, it should be dug up, and the worm that has collected in the soil should be eliminated.


How to deal with cabbage pests at home and which folk remedy to use is up to you to decide. The possibility of alternating several homemade remedies, if after the first treatment the desired result was not achieved - complete destruction of the cabbage pest.


Cabbage pests and their control

Cabbage is damaged by insect pests throughout the growing season, but pest damage to cabbage is most dangerous during the early period of plant development.

Cruciferous flea beetle (cabbage)

Cruciferous cabbage flea beetleThe main and most dangerous pest sprouts of cabbage and other cabbage crops - radishes, turnips, turnips, mustard, rapeseed. Very small jumping beetles, 2-3 mm long. The wavy, notched and light-footed (pictured) cruciferous flea beetles have two yellow longitudinal narrow stripes on the elytra (“on the back”). The blue cruciferous flea beetle has dark blue or green elytra.

After overwintering in the surface layer of soil, under fallen leaves, crevices of greenhouses, greenhouses, and other places, the beetles awaken in early spring, as soon as the soil thaws. At first, adult individuals feed on cabbage weeds (shepherd's purse, field grass, rapeseed, etc.), then they move on to cabbage vegetable seedlings and planted seedlings. They damage young leaves (especially the first ones - cotyledons), gnawing out small holes in them, which leads to drying of the leaves and death of the plants. The larvae of the light-footed cruciferous flea also cause damage by gnawing into leaves and mining them (making tunnels of various shapes).

Rice. Cabbage pests

Massive outbreaks of flea beetles occur in sunny, hot weather in the spring. In such weather, flea beetles are capable of destroying all seedlings and planted cabbage seedlings over large areas in a few days.

Fighting cruciferous flea beetle. To prevent the mass appearance of fleas on garden plots and gardens, you need to regularly weed out weeds from the Brassica family: shepherd's purse, field grass, rapeseed, sverbiga (which is loved by the people for its tasty young stems), alyssum, fireweed, etc.

In sunny weather, you can cover the beds with seedlings or seedlings with a transparent, air-permeable non-woven material(agril, agrotex, etc.).

If fleas do appear, then you can save the vegetables by using folk remedies and chemicals. A folk remedy is to repel fleas by daily dusting cabbage plants with tobacco dust or a mixture of it with ash, or slaked lime(1:1, 20-30 g per m2) in the morning after dew. You can use glue traps placed between plants.

Of course, a more reliable, but also less harmless method is chemicals. In private farms, they use Actellik (20 ml per 10 liters of water, solution consumption 1 liter per spraying 10 m2) or Bankol (in fact, it is a biological product, since it is based on a substance obtained from marine annelids).

IN production conditions plants are sprayed when pests reach the economic threshold of harmfulness (more than 4 beetles per plant with 10% infestation) with Karate, Bi-58, Decis.

Cabbage aphid

Dangerous pest of cabbage. The body of wingless females, parthenogenetically (without fertilization) spawning larvae, is ovoid, 1.9-2.3 mm long, covered with gray-whitish waxy dust. Winged parthenogenetic females have transparent wings with a characteristic dark spot at the top, the head and chest are brown, the abdomen is yellow-green, and the body length is up to 2.3 mm. Oviparous females are wingless, 1.7 mm long. The egg is elongated-oval, initially creamy, later black, shiny, 0.5 mm long. The larvae are similar to adult wingless aphids, but are much smaller.

Aphids overwinter in the egg stage on stumps, cabbage seeds and weeds. In the spring, the eggs hatch into larvae that develop into wingless aphids, which give birth to larvae. Later, winged females appear, usually flying in mid-summer from weeds to cabbage, where they reproduce, hatching up to 40 larvae each.

When the pest appears en masse, the leaves are completely covered with aphids, which, sucking the juice from the plants, cause the leaves to discolor; sometimes the leaves acquire a bluish-pink tint and curl. The plant is stunted in growth, the development of heads of cabbage is suspended. On the testes, shoots with buds and flowers become bluish-pink; seeds are not formed.

Fighting cabbage aphids. To prevent the spread of aphids and other pests, it is recommended to remove and burn plant residues (stalks) after harvesting cabbage, thoroughly dig up the soil in the fall followed by leveling (in production conditions - deep fall plowing and spring cultivation), as well as regular weeding of weeds from the Brassica family: shepherd's weed bag, field grass, rapeseed, sverbiga, alyssum, zherushnik, etc.

When the first colonies of aphids are found on cabbage, wipe the leaves with aphids with a cloth soaked in a soap solution. Folk remedies - the use of infusions and decoctions of potato and tomato tops, tobacco, henbane, onions, garlic, etc.

Rice. Cabbage pests

Apply chemicals(Antio, Bi-58 new, Decis extra, Karbofos, Rovikurt) in production conditions are recommended only when the economic threshold of harmfulness is reached: when 5-10% of plants are infested with aphids. To determine the EPV, cabbage plants are examined in the phase of head formation and compaction, examining the field in a checkerboard pattern of 5 plants in 20 places.

Cruciferous bugs

Common pests of cabbage. Adults have a body length from 5 to 10 mm, 3-segmented tarsi, 5-segmented antennae attached to the lower surface of the head. The body of bedbugs is variegated, with colors that differ depending on the type of bedbugs. The rapeseed cruciferous bug has distinct spots and stripes of whitish, orange or red color (pictured, click to enlarge).

Adult bedbugs overwinter in vegetable gardens, ravines, weed thickets, and forest floors. At the end of April - beginning of May, bugs begin to feed on cabbage weeds and early cabbage vegetables- radishes, cabbage seedlings, etc. At the beginning of summer, females lay eggs, from which larvae emerge after 1-2 weeks. After a month, adult bedbugs appear. IN middle lane In Russia, cruciferous bugs give one generation per year; in the south, one of the species - the painted bug - can give two generations.

Adult bedbugs and their larvae are harmful. They apply to the leaves of cabbage and other cabbage plants mechanical damage, piercing their skin and sucking out the juice. A wound remains on the leaves, which soon turns into a yellow spot due to the saliva secreted by the bug. This saliva contains enzymes that kill leaf cells. Therefore, cruciferous bugs can cause significant damage to plants, especially seedlings and seedlings, which then wither, curl, and sometimes die. In mature plants, productivity decreases. The damage inflicted increases in drought conditions.

Fighting cruciferous bugs. To prevent the mass appearance of flea beetles in garden plots and vegetable gardens, you need to regularly weed weeds from the Brassica family: shepherd's purse, field grass, rapeseed, sverbiga (which is loved by the people for its tasty young stems), alyssum, zherushnik, etc. After harvesting, cabbage crops need to be collected and destroy plant residues (dry and burn them). Great importance has early planting of cabbage seedlings.

The use of chemicals (Actellic, Phosbecid) in production conditions is advisable when the economic threshold of harmfulness is exceeded: more than 2 bugs on the plant during the period of head formation. To do this, 20 samples of 5 plants each are examined in a checkerboard pattern in the field and pests are counted.

Cabbage leaf beetle

A widespread pest of cabbage crops. Small beetle 3-4.5 mm long, ovoid, metallic dark green. Beetles damage leaves by eating large holes through them or grooves along the edges.

The beetles overwinter in the soil, under plant debris and lumps of manure, etc., and leave the wintering site in May. In May, females lay eggs in holes gnawed into the pulp of leaves and filled with secretion, which protects them from drying out. After 10-12 days, the eggs hatch into larvae that feed by scraping the skin of the leaf. After another three weeks, the larvae go into the soil and pupate. After 8-12 days, a new generation of beetles emerge from the pupa. The cabbage leaf beetle produces one generation per year.

Fighting cabbage leaf beetle. To prevent mass occurrence cabbage leaf beetle You need to regularly weed out weeds from the Brassica family: shepherd's purse, field grass, rapeseed, sverbiga, alyssum, fireweed, etc.

A folk remedy is to repel beetles by daily dusting cabbage plants with tobacco dust or a mixture of it with ash, or slaked lime (1:1, 20-30 g per m2) in the morning after dew. You can use sticky traps placed between plants.

Of course, a more reliable, but also less harmless method is chemicals. In private farms, they use Actellik (20 ml per 10 liters of water, solution consumption 1 liter per spraying 10 m2) or Bankol (in fact, it is a biological product, since it is based on a substance obtained from marine annelids). In production conditions, plants are sprayed with Karate, Bi-58, Decis.

Cabbage cutworm

A widespread and very dangerous pest. An adult is a brown-gray moth with a wingspan of up to 5 cm. Females lay eggs in late spring - early summer on the underside of leaves (pictured, enlarged). After two to three weeks, caterpillars appear, the development of which lasts about two months. It is the caterpillar stage that is harmful.

The caterpillar of the cabbage moth is almost cylindrical, thick, naked, 16-legged, up to 5 cm long. The caterpillar is green in color, greenish or brownish-brown as it matures, has a yellow stripe along the sides, and a herringbone pattern on the dorsal side.

First, the caterpillars scrape out the leaf tissue from the underside, then spread out and gnaw holes on the cabbage leaves. irregular shape. They feed mainly at night, and during the day they hide at the base of the head of cabbage. Closer to autumn, they penetrate inside the head of cabbage, gnawing passages in it and polluting it with excrement. At the same time, the heads of cabbage become unsuitable for food and storage.

In cauliflower, caterpillars damage the leaves and head; in onions, caterpillars gnaw out large elongated holes on internal parts leaves.

Fighting cabbage cutworm. To prevent the mass appearance of cabbage cutworms, it is recommended to carefully dig up the soil in autumn followed by leveling (in production conditions - deep fall plowing and spring cultivation), which allows you to destroy a significant part of the wintering cutworms in the pupal stage.

In small areas, you can manually collect laid eggs and young caterpillars before they climb deep into the heads of cabbage. This collection is carried out early in the morning or afternoon at cloudy weather. If the caterpillars have penetrated inside the head of cabbage, you can pull them out using a wire hook, although it is better not to let this happen.

Cutworm butterflies can be caught on molasses or fires lit at night (they are attracted to light).

A biological way to combat cabbage cutworm is to release Trichogramma onto the plants, which destroys cutworm eggs.

The use of microbiological preparations (Lepidocid, Bitoxibacillin, Dipel) is carried out when the number of caterpillars is from 2 to 7 on 50 plants. Chemicals(Actellik, Bazudin, Biorin, Diazinon, Zeta, Intavir, Karbofos, Kinmiks, Fitoverm, Fosbecid) are used when the economic threshold of harmfulness is reached - more than 7 caterpillars on 50 plants.

Stem cabbage stalker

The cabbage stalk beetle is a black beetle with a long and thin rostrum, body length 3 mm. The beetles overwinter under leaf litter, plant debris and in the soil. They appear in the spring, in central Russia - usually in early May, feeding first on cabbage weeds, then on cultivated plants. Damage caused by adult individuals does not have a significant effect on the growth and development of plants.

The danger comes from the larvae of the secretive proboscis, which appear by the end of May from eggs laid in the stem or veins of the leaf. The larvae are white, legless, with a large yellow head, body length up to 5 mm. The larvae gnaw passages in the leaf petiole and penetrate the stem of young plants, where they also make passages, descending to the root. In this case, the plant’s conducting system is damaged and the leaves turn yellow. Depending on the degree of damage, plants are stunted or die.

Measures to combat the cabbage stalk borer. To prevent the spread of the secretive proboscis and other pests, it is recommended to remove plant debris in the fall, thoroughly dig up the soil in the fall, followed by leveling (in production conditions - deep autumn plowing and spring cultivation), as well as regular weeding of weeds from the Brassica family: shepherd's purse, field grass, rapeseed, sverbigu, alyssum, zherushnik, etc. (on which the pest feeds in the spring after wintering). Seedlings and seedlings damaged by pest larvae must be discarded and destroyed.

When growing seedlings in greenhouses, they can be covered on top with non-woven material (agrotex, agril, etc.), which will protect the seedlings not only from the secretive proboscis, but also from damage by cabbage flea beetles and flies. Among chemical agents, treatment with Actellik and Fosbecid is effective.


What are the diseases and pests of cabbage?

And how to fight?


Cabbage pests

Cabbage whites. This is a fairly large butterfly with white wings; the front wings have a black crescent-shaped border. Yellow eggs are laid on the underside of the leaf. The newly born caterpillars are yellow-green in color. The control measure is the destruction of weeds and plant residues, using folk remedies and chemicals. Marigolds and saffrons will help scare away the whiteweed.

Slugs. They eat holes in the cabbage. It is recommended to collect slugs by hand.

Cabbage moth. This is a small butterfly about 1.5 centimeters in size. Its front wings are brownish-brown along the rear edge with a white stripe, and the hind wings have a white fringe. The caterpillars are greenish-gray or green, very voracious and mobile.

Cabbage fly. This is a gray fly about half a centimeter in size. Cabbage fly larvae have White color. They damage the root crop by making tunnels in it. The roots of the cabbage are damaged and the cabbage rots as a result. Prevention is done by digging up the soil in the fall and hilling in the spring and June. The preparations “Bazudin”, “Pochin” are used, and they are sprayed with the preparation “Fufanon”, “Tsitkar”.

Cabbage scoop. This is a brown-gray moth. Adult caterpillars are brown in color, while young ones are green. The fight against the armyworm involves the use of chemical and biological agents.

Thrips. Control measures for cabbage: spraying with Kemifos and Fufanon.

Aphid. If speak about folk ways struggle, then use spraying with ash-soap or just a soap solution.

Cabbage diseases

Kila. When planting, sprinkle the soil with colloidal sulfur.

Bacteriosis. Spray with Planriz when the first symptoms of this disease appear. After 20 days it is recommended to repeat the treatment.


Cabbage diseases usually occur on the outer leaves.

Most common blackleg, from which cabbage dies forever, and for this you need to scatter powder from egg shells next to the cabbage bushes.

And ring spot, this disease appears due to high humidity and damp weather, the causative agents of this disease are carried by aphids.

And cabbage pests are cabbage moth, aphid, white butterfly, slugs, cabbage fly larvae, flea beetles.

The pest must be controlled by pollinating tobacco dust, slaked lime, superphosphate, pollinating wood ash, spraying laundry soap, chemicals; you need to be careful with chemicals, because you want to eat organic vegetables.

Also, plant in the cabbage bed as many fragrant and herbs, and flowers of marigolds, petunias, blackbrows, nasturtiums.

A k s i n y a

A good harvest of cabbage is probably the dream of every gardener, but as you know, it is not always possible to grow cabbage well; at times, cabbage is affected by pests and diseases, and only for this reason the yield of cabbage drops.

And in order to achieve a good harvest, you need to feed the cabbage with fertilizers from time to time and spray the cabbage against pests.

The most common pests that attack cabbage are cabbage moths, aphids, caterpillars, white butterflies, cabbage scoops, flea beetles, in this case you need to spray against pests; in general, you can read how to deal with pests and diseases of cabbage here.

Marina Galkina

Of the most serious threats, I saw with my own eyes only the skitthorn. It eats both seedlings and roots of almost ripe cabbage. We have to poison him. But still, every year it becomes more and more and the appetite does not weaken. He eats a lot of things in the garden.


Haven't named it yet nematodes- these are round transparent worms, about 10-13 mm long. If they get started, they eat cabbage just like that. Eggs are laid on plant roots. Unfortunately, the only control methods are prevention.

Yaroslava Leshchinskaya

The pests of white cabbage are the white cabbage butterfly, how to fight it - collect caterpillars in the morning, and chemistry naturally, how could we live without it.

The most common pests that cause trouble for cabbage are aphids, cruciferous flea beetles, butterfly caterpillars, cabbage fly larvae, leaf beetles, slugs and thrips.


You can protect cabbage and other vegetables from slugs by pouring narrow paths of wood along the edges of the bed along the surface of the ground. mineral fertilizers. Lime (quicklime or chlorine) is even better at killing slugs, but it must be used carefully for cabbage so as not to disturb the acidity of the soil. But most often, slugs are destroyed by setting simple traps for them - wet rags and large cabbage leaves(including spoiled ones and therefore unsuitable for food), and during the day they turn them over and get rid of the slugs that have accumulated under them. You can also place shallow containers (for example, cans of cans buried in the ground) with sour diluted beer or sour jam around the bed that needs to be protected.

Cruciferous bugs

Sometimes they move onto cabbage from weeds and cruciferous bugs that feed on leaf sap. These are large, conspicuous insects (green with red spots on the wing covers) that can be collected by hand. Eliminating weeds in the vicinity of the garden bed will also help.

Flea beetles of cruciferous crops

Flea beetles of cruciferous crops- small jumping bugs that feed on the pulp of leaves and especially love young shoots. If there are too many of them, they are able to eat all the seedlings (however, this rarely happens, only if they are taken care of very poorly). They can affect any plants of the cruciferous family, including not only vegetables, but also flowers. These bugs overwinter in the soil or under the remains of plants and lay eggs there, and therefore, in order to protect themselves from them, it is often enough to dig up the soil well both in the fall (with turning the layer over) and in the spring. If they have already appeared, a good way to get rid of them is to spray the plants with a regular soap solution (and also better with a mixture tobacco infusion and soap solution).


- These are very small sucking insects that cannot be seen with the naked eye. You can understand that a plant is infected with them by the fact that in the place where they feed and live, the tissues first become discolored, and then turn brown and die. Infusions of onion or garlic, as well as regular liquid soap, can protect against them. Stronger chemicals such as Aktara, Arrivo, Taran, Decis and others cannot be used on cabbage (but can be used on many other vegetables, except leafy ones).

In addition to these pests, they can also prevent you from getting a good cabbage harvest. rapeseed beetle, wireworms,, and with the seedless growing method sometimes long-legged mosquitoes.

, Brussels sprouts, Savoy sprouts also harm other plants of the cabbage family, such as radishes, radishes, turnips, rutabaga and other representatives of this family.

Cabbage fly affects the stems and roots of cabbage. She can give three generations over the summer. Cabbage fly larvae feed on stem and root tissues. Cauliflower is especially affected. Young plants suddenly begin to wither, and inside the root crop (radish, radish) there are passages eaten by larvae.

Plant seedlings as early as possible or vice versa, later and never bury them. Useful mixed plantings cabbage with tomatoes. Cover the plantings with a protective net. Treat with biological products, such as lepidocide or deprobacillin.

- a light gray aphid with a waxy “fluff” - is located in dense colonies on the underside of the leaves, which begin to curl and curl.

Gluttonouscabbage butterfly larvaefeed on cabbage leaves. Plant cabbage interspersed with tomatoes and celery. When removing side shoots (extra side shoots) from tomatoes, place them between the cabbage plants.

Crush the eggs of cabbage butterflies on the lower surface of the leaves. Collect caterpillars by hand. In case of severe damage, spray the plant with a biological product, for example, lepidocide), dipel or any remedy for leaf-eating caterpillars. Timely covering of plantings with a protective net will prevent butterflies from laying eggs.

Medvedka cannot stand the smell of marigolds. You can plant marigolds among cabbage. They protect cabbage from both ground pests and mole crickets underground.

Cabbage root plant: rarely, but it happens. Round, hazelnut-sized, hollow galls appear on the root collar, the insides of which are eaten away by the larvae of this beetle.

They are found not only on kale, but also on kohlrabi, radish, and rutabaga. Do not confuse it with cabbage clubroot, a fungal disease whose galls are not hollow.

In areas where this pest is widespread, cabbage and radish plantings are recommended to be covered with a protective net. When purchasing seedlings, check to see if they are already affected by these gall-forming insects. Use crop rotation and mixed plantings with repellent plants in your garden.

Cabbage bugs with a metallic sheen feed on plant juices. At the injection sites, yellow spots, the leaves wither and dry out. Cauliflower inflorescences are deformed. Insects reproduce especially actively in hot weather at the beginning of summer. To get rid of cabbage bugs, treat the plants with some pyrethroid insecticide or sprinkle them with ash, tobacco dust, or a mixture of both.

By the way, ash helps in the fight against slugs. They cannot crawl with their tender bellies over the ash crystals.

In the north and in the middle zone, whiteflies live in winter on indoor flowers. They move from them to seedlings of vegetable crops and to a greenhouse at their summer cottage.

In the southern regions greenhouse whitefly It also destroys plants in open ground: it reduces the yield of potato tubers, spoils the leaves of tomatoes, squash, and other vegetable and ornamental crops. It comes from whiteflies and cabbage.

The female whitefly lays eggs on the underside of young leaves. The larvae hatch in 2-3 days, 10-14 days after three molts they turn into a nymph, and after 10-12 days into an adult insect. Thus, several generations develop over the summer.

Larvae and adult insects live on the underside of the leaf. They suck out the cell sap of plants, and part of the incoming food is not digested and is released in the form of small drops that pollute the plant, and this is a nutrient medium for saprophytic fungi. The plant, oppressed by the loss of cell sap, contaminated with sugary secretions and a black coating of sooty fungi, gradually turns brown and dies.

The whitefly usually overwinters in the imago (adult insect) stage in various shelters, including cracks in greenhouses and window sills, on plant debris in heated greenhouses. At negative temperature the pest freezes out.

Measures to combat greenhouse whitefly

Spraying plants during the growth period with Rovikurt (25% emulsion); 10 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water and treated at least three times. After treatment, you cannot work in the greenhouse with plants for a week and collect fruits for four days;

Using yellow glue traps (ZhKL on Lipofix glue). They are hung in a greenhouse with vegetable crops one per square meter parallel to the plants 7-10 cm below the top;

destruction of plant residues after harvesting, deep digging of the soil (for freezing).