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How to protect your apartment from thieves. Tips from law enforcement agencies on how to protect your dacha from thieves How to discourage thieves from your dacha

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Strengthening the front door

Record all calls!

If you have in your apartment home phone, equip it with a device that records conversations and also records the phone number of an incoming call. In addition, uninterrupted communication with the security service must be established. Hidden video and audio systems can be installed in the house. It is advisable to record everything that happens inside. Then it will be possible to analyze the events if your home is nevertheless subject to an invasion by intruders.

It is worth installing an alarm system in the house, and a combined one. The signal from such specialized devices goes not only to the private security console, but also sounds in the apartment itself.

Quite inexpensive, but, as it turned out, very effective method deter thieves - placing mock-ups of CCTV cameras on the house or staircase. They look very impressive, are equipped with light indicators and can even move from side to side, as if scanning the viewing area.

There should be no foreign objects on staircases or in common apartment corridors that intruders could hide behind.

Be sure to make sure that landing was well lit in the evening and at night: anything can happen in the dark.

Basements and attics of apartment buildings should always be kept locked. The keys to them should be held by one person who is trusted by all residents.

Sometimes it happens that one of the owners loses the key to the front door. This problem, of course, can be solved. However, in such a situation, in no case should you leave everything as it is - the lock needs to be changed urgently! You shouldn’t even think about the fact that the probability of finding a key to match your door is very low. The key could have been stolen and used later.

If you live in a private or country house, security has its own peculiarities. First of all, it is necessary to take care of good lighting adjacent area. All paths and paths leading to the house must be illuminated. In addition to lighting, special mechanical or magnetic sensors that respond to vibration or shock will also be useful. These sensors can be located not only on the walls of the house, but also on trees and shrubs growing nearby, and on electrical poles.

There are also special radars and devices that provide a three-dimensional image when detecting any moving objects. The monitors of these devices are usually installed inside the house or at the post of private security guards, who will monitor what is happening around the house. Listening devices can be installed in the yard. In this case, any extraneous or unusual sound can be a signal of danger.

We should also talk about the fence that encloses the site. It must be very reliable. The height and strength of the fence are of paramount importance.

We are, of course, not talking about fences made of old, dilapidated boards. It’s good if the gate can be opened remotely, that is, from the control panel, and the fence itself will be equipped with a device with a stun gun. It is recommended that the fence be provided with a warning sign so that anyone who plans to enter the yard by jumping over the fence understands that this is a bad idea.

If it suddenly happens that you live in own home in a crime-ridden area, make sure that the house is equipped with a reliable underground exit - this will help in case of blocking the entrance or setting it on fire. No matter how strange it may sound, such an underground exit often becomes the only opportunity to leave the home in case of serious danger.

Service dogs have been and remain one of the most effective means of protecting suburban housing. These animals can be not only pets - dogs were originally intended just for protection. A properly trained dog will always protect not only the owner, but also his home from uninvited guests. At the same time, there are often cases when an animal quietly waits for a robber to enter the house, but does not let him back out until the owner arrives. If the area around the house is large, you can get several dogs at once. During the day, these four-legged guards, as a rule, sit on a leash, and at night they are released into the area.

Of course, these tips do not exhaust the entire topic of home safety. Fortunately, now in our country there are many professionals who can give you comprehensive information in this area and select optimal system security to suit your family's needs.

Correct locks

How to secure your home is not an idle question and is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. A strong steel door turns out to be not 100% secure. For complete peace of mind, it is important to choose the right locking devices – reliable locks.

According to their structure, locks are divided into two main types: lever and cylindrical. The first ones are usually used as main ones, the second ones act as auxiliary ones. It is considered optimal to have at least two locks of different types on one door. You can install a two-key as the main one, preferably with secret parts different types- for example, lever + cylinder or pump + lever. The latter are resistant to knocking out, and that is why their other name is power. In addition, you can further enhance protection by disguising the lock in the door leaf so that its location is not clear. In accordance with GOST 5089-2003, all locking devices are divided into four burglary resistance classes. It is recommended to equip entrance doors with devices of at least third class.

Operation of the lock system

Lever locks are sometimes called safe locks because of the similarity of their mechanisms: they are activated by a set of plates that are aligned in a certain way under the influence of the grooves of the key.

More modern, cylinder locks are no less popular. They are more convenient to use, since when replacing it is enough to buy only its “secret part” (cylinder, or the so-called cylinder). The cylinder lock mechanism is activated by pins - small elements similar to needles.

Locks also differ in the installation method. They can be inserted, embedded, applied. Some are more attractive, others are more convenient, others are more reliable. The locking device is given significant reliability by secret mechanisms that cannot be reduced to a common denominator. Average secrecy requires wear-resistant materials, difficult location pins, normal manufacturing accuracy of the lock, and the number of possible declared key combinations is in the range from 5,000 to 50,000. And finally, the highest secrecy provides for the number of declared key combinations from 100,000.

Which lock is better to choose?

The leading positions in the lock market still remain with imported manufacturers, although castles of Chinese and Italian origin are sometimes inferior in secrecy to domestic ones. The price of such products - mini-mui - is about 500 rubles. Manufacturers included in the second group - with average security secrecy, at domestic market are represented by cylindrical locks Kale (Turkey), Superlock, Gard (Israel), as well as relatively simple models from Mul-T-Lock (Israel) and Cisa (Italy).

I would like to draw attention to the new direction of locking devices using electronics, and here domestic manufacturers are not in last place. For example, locks from the Mo-skod company (Russia) have this feature - they are equipped with magnetic cylinders that allow you to interact with the key without direct contact. In addition, the locks are equipped with armor plates that read the code. Another interesting invention is the Master Key system, which allows several residents to open the entrance door, the door on the site and to their own apartment with one key. At the same time, not a single key will fit the neighbor’s door, which became possible thanks to the use of a double code. Such locks are produced by the company "Stal" (Russia) based on Ewa, Cisa and Mottura cylinders. The cylinders of these companies are also equipped with a “Traffic Light” system, which allows you to reprogram the lock for a new key.

High security lock

Few manufacturers equip their products with additional protective devices, but you shouldn’t skimp on them. Do not neglect protective cups and armor plates, magnetic dies and “pin pads”. But don’t discount protection methods such as alarms and video surveillance.

Don't skimp on the lock and door!

  • Try to familiarize yourself with the products of several manufacturers and compare the capabilities and quality of locking devices. Optimal quantity there are two locks. The third one will most likely be superfluous.
  • It is advisable to use locks with different devices, this combination increases reliability. The door and lock must match each other in quality - and there is no need to skimp here. So, an option for 4,000 rubles. It is unlikely to provide reliable security for your home. Focus on the price of 30,000-35,000 rubles.
  • It is better to make a door to order for the selected lock than to cut it into a ready-made one.

Where to hide money in the house from thieves?

Every person and every family who keeps money in an apartment runs the risk of being robbed. And all of them, of course, are sure that they are hiding their valuables securely and that not a single thief will ever guess where exactly. But is this really so?

In order to answer this question, let's try to do the opposite and name the places where money and jewelry cannot be hidden, because that is where thieves look first. So, here are the 10 worst places to keep money.

1. Drawers in desks, bedside tables, wardrobes and chests of drawers. Rest assured: if a thief breaks into your home, he will begin his search with them. If all sorts of boxes, purses, or just envelopes with money are stored there, then he will definitely look there and take their contents.

2. Stacks of bedding and clothes. If you think thieves won't want to rummage through your laundry, you're wrong. Even novice thieves know this “hidden place”. They will also check the pockets of coats and suits hanging in the closet.

3. Books and CD cases. According to statistics, every fifth person chooses this option to hide their money. Thieves know this statistic well, so rest assured that they will shake up your library and movie collection.

4.Under the mattress. No matter how banal and even ridiculous it may sound, practice shows that many people really keep their money there, they are just ashamed to admit it. And this is no secret for thieves.

5. Jars for storing cereals, sugar and other bulk substances. This classic method has been especially preferred by older women for centuries. In the list of places to inspect the object, cans of cereal are among the thieves in the top five.

6. Objects hanging on the walls. Some people put envelopes with money behind mirrors, paintings, photographs or wall hangings. Those who consider themselves particularly inventive stick envelopes with adhesive tape on the back of such things. All these tricks can only make crooks smile condescendingly.

7. Drain tank. This method is familiar to us from detective films. Criminals hide pistols or drugs sealed in plastic there. Surely thieves also watched these films in their leisure time - and they will not fail to look into your toilet.

8. Kitchen appliances. If you decide to hide a couple of coins and rings in the refrigerator, oven, microwave, then they will be found there too. Not only that: it is possible that a thief will want to take an expensive microwave with him - and will be pleasantly surprised to find a stack or two of bills there as well. The story of how one woman hid her jewelry in a package of minced meat and then put it in the freezer also became the property of the masses.

9 Ventilation hatches. And this place is well known to professional swindlers. If they suddenly break in on you, be sure that they will unscrew all the bars to see if there is anything attractive hidden behind them. Piano. Don't even think about hiding valuables there: a thief will find them in a couple of seconds.

What conclusion can be drawn from the above? Here's what: you don't need to keep large sums of money at home. For this purpose, there are banks that will reliably keep your savings, and will also pay you interest for the fact that you entrusted them with your hard-earned money. If you are going on vacation for a short time or to the country for the whole summer, put your valuables in a safe deposit box at a well-known bank. Renting such a cell costs only 28-30 rubles per day.

But if you absolutely want to have a hiding place at home, then get yourself a safe and attach it to the floor or wall so that dismantling is impossible for a burglar. It is better to think about hiding places already at the renovation stage - make niches in the wall or floor. At the same time, care must be taken that these hiding places cannot be detected by tapping. Ideally, they will be located behind large and heavy pieces of furniture.

Against theft and robbery

Half of all crimes involve theft of property. And every tenth of them is burglary. Uninvited guests enter the house through the window, entrance and balcony doors. How to stop robbers?

Line of Defense No. 1

The reliability of a door is determined by its design and materials. Reliable doors are made of steel, aluminum and even a composite synthetic material - polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Yes, yes, not only metal doors, but also plastic ones are considered burglary-proof. In the first case, this is facilitated by the strength of the material, the accuracy of the fitting of the units and the smooth surface of the doors, which make it difficult to use a burglary tool. Structures made from PVC profiles have high impact resistance, which is achieved using modifier additives. To strengthen the leaves and frames in door structures made of PVC profiles, steel liners are used.

Perfect doors consist of a steel counter-frame fixed in the opening with embedded elements extending 10-15 cm into the wall, a single or combined steel frame screwed to the counter-frame, and a steel base made of one or two galvanized sheets with ribs-beams as stiffening elements . Internal lining the doors are usually made of a solid steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5-3 mm, and the front cladding is made of a sheet up to 5 mm thick.

To reduce the cost, instead of a welded frame, they use metal corner, which does not provide the required rigidity. The frame of a high-quality door should consist of several stiffening ribs from a profile steel pipe.

To prevent the front door from warping over time, it is equipped with powerful

hinges, or, as they are also called, canopies on bearings, which also ensure smooth operation when opening and closing. A good entrance door on the awning side should have anti-removal pins that will prevent the door from being removed from the opening when cutting off the hinges.

A high-quality entrance door is equipped with an additional locking mechanism: horizontal and vertical rods are activated simultaneously with the opening and closing of the main lock. Thanks to the duplicate locking points, such a door cannot be opened with a crowbar by bending the outer corner.

The peephole in the door should provide a view of up to 180 degrees - this is another contribution to safety.

For subsequent reliable operation, it is important to install the door correctly. It is easier to firmly secure the canvas in a precisely prepared opening. If the opening has to be greatly adjusted, then the interface between the opening and the door frame becomes weaker and the reliability of the protection decreases.

The more complex the design, the more reliable the door. The most reliable (and expensive) doors are fire resistant and bulletproof.

Which lock is more secure?

Mortise locks are considered more resistant to burglary. You should not put an outdated and unreliable lock on your front door. rack type. The lock must match the type of entrance door and be burglar-resistant.

Both the invoice lock and the mortise rack lock are a godsend for a thief. If the owners are not at home, then the blockers with inside are free - and then even for an inexperienced robber, opening such a lock takes no more than 20-30 seconds.

It is believed that the lever lock has the highest anti-burglary characteristics among mechanical locks. Its main elements of the lever are code plates with dot notches. At the same time, it is easier to open a lever lock with a master key or a selected key, if the design does not provide protection against such attacks. And the weak point of a cylinder lock is the cylinder itself, which can be knocked out, broken and drilled, which is why the enhanced secrecy is offset by low security properties.

The golden mean is disc locks.

Here the role of cylinder lock pins or lever-type plates is played by a set of disks. Due to the high secrecy, it is difficult to open a disc lock with a selected key or master key. In terms of anti-vandal characteristics, disc locks are superior to cylinder locks, although they are inferior to lever locks, since the protruding part of the lock can be cut off or grabbed with a tool to turn it.

The front door should have two or even three locks of different systems. Maximum protection is provided by a lock with a bolt from the inside. To increase security, it is better to install a lock on the entrance door with the ability to recode - then your apartment will not be opened lost keys. To protect the locks from drilling, an applied armor plate is placed on the secret mechanism.

The manufacturer's reputation in the lock business is an even more important indicator than price. The highest class of reliability is found in locking devices from European manufacturers. The best locks are those made in Germany and Finland.

Neither the door nor the window

Window manufacturers classify protection against unauthorized entry as a secondary function, but in some cases it becomes decisive. In private homes and on lower floors, this function becomes of paramount importance and is the preferred alternative to security grilles.

An anti-burglary window is a whole complex of components: a reinforced frame, special glass, reinforced glazing beads and special fittings.

Wooden windows are vulnerable; they can only be strengthened with steel linings. Reinforced glazing beads, in which the screws are covered with curtains, will not allow you to squeeze out the double-glazed window. More profiles are reliable made of PVC, allowing reinforcing liners to be placed in the central chamber. The wider the profile, the more cameras it has and the higher its anti-burglary qualities.

Window fittings are a handle and a locking mechanism. In the anti-burglary window, a lock with mushroom-shaped pins is installed, which securely engages with the strikers and prevents burglary. Handles that can be locked with a key also improve security.

If the attackers were unable to overcome the protection of the structure, they will try to break the glass or use a glass cutter. There is a separate range for window protection electronic devices with sensitive elements alarm system. These are capacitive sensors and microwave motion sensors that are triggered when an intruder approaches the window, as well as glass break sensors that analyze the spectrum of acoustic vibrations, sounding an alarm in the event of unauthorized entry through the window and eliminating false alarms.

The best security solution is a combined system of wide-range microprocessor sensors. This is a guarantee against false alarms, since an alarm signal is given when a simultaneous combination of factors occurs - someone approaching the window and repeated impacts on the glass or frame.

Window armor

The most common options for window protection are metal grilles, roller shutters and shutters.

The least expensive way to protect a window from attacks is a metal grill made of a welded angle and rod. Manufacturing a standard window grill will cost 350-500 rubles. for 1 m 2. If you don’t want associations with a prison from the “cheap and cheerful” category, then you can move to the “more expensive” segment and install forged bars. In addition to the protective function, an artistically designed grille (up to $200 per 1 m2) also performs a decorative function - decorating the facade. A durable lattice is forged from a round or square bar, while simply bent elements are less durable.

The grille coating should be able to withstand all weather conditions so you don't have to deal with rust and peeling paint. The most reliable coating is powder. In addition, it can imitate patina and non-ferrous metals. Imported automotive and anti-corrosion enamels are no less durable.

The fastening of the grilles depends on the material of the facade. On a house made of timber, the grille is installed overlay, the bolts are pierced through the wall and secured from the inside with nuts. In panel and brick houses the lattice is welded to embedded pins or to through studs, screws and anchors.

Shutters and roller shutters

High-quality modern shutters are made of galvanized steel with polyester powder coating, equipped with reinforced hinges on bearings and locks (latches) of a special design. Shutters can be single-leaf or double-leaf, hinged or removable. This is a relatively cheap and reliable way to protect a window from penetration.

Security roller shutters successfully replace traditional shutters, grilles, sliding display cases and even have advantages over them. The average service life of a roller shutter is 15 years, and the cost, depending on the design, is $35-60 per 1 m2. A drum with an untwisted sheet of steel or aluminum lamellas is installed above the window opening from the outside or inside the building. The profiles are interlocked along the entire length thanks to the special shape of the edges and form a high-strength hinge joint. Moving along rigidly fixed guides, the flexible metal shell completely covers the window. It is difficult to enter a room with such protection without attracting attention. Maximum resistance to burglary of roller shutters is ensured by built-in guides, which are literally embedded in the masonry or concrete, making them impossible to bend or unscrew. The disadvantages of such protection can be considered partial blocking of the light opening and installation of the system before finishing. Overhead roller shutters allow you to preserve the entire opening, but the degree of window protection will be lower.

The drive of the roller shutter mechanism can be manual or electric. The locking device for the manual drive is a locking bolt from the inside and a deadbolt with two keys from the outside. The manual drive is suitable for light roller shutters weighing up to 30 kg, but for heavy ones it is better to use an electric drive. Additional equipment - emergency manual control and a group control system with the ability to control all roller shutters from one switch. During testing, roller shutters withstood opening with a drill, hammer and axe. They are only powerless against a grinder cutter. A power saw is used by rescuers, but it is unlikely to be suitable for burglars.

Legal ways to protect your dacha and other housing from thieves

Every person has the right to protection not only of his life and health, but also of property. However, during defense, the law is sometimes broken.


To outline the boundaries within which an owner can act, protecting his property from criminal attacks, let us turn to criminal law. There is the concept of “necessary defense”, which, after some adjustment, can be applied to the relationship between the owner of the dacha and a possible robber.

In this case, the encroachment on your property must be actual, and not imaginary (for example, you arrived at the dacha and found a robber with a crowbar on the porch), contrary to the provisions of the law in the event that you purchase a dacha by concluding a preliminary purchase and sale agreement, and the seller is in no hurry to liberate the “already-almost-your” territory; you cannot forcibly evict him, since such an action is punishable.

Any weapon is suitable for defense, that is, it is not at all necessary to use one similar to the one with which you are attacked. Defense can precede an attack - for example, you have the right to secure a country house with an alarm system even before thieves take a fancy to it.


The most difficult issue is the proportionality of defense and attack. Exceed the limits of necessary defense.

unfortunately, it's very simple. Typical options are the wrong choice of means of defense, incorrect intensity of defense or violation of timeliness. Let us give examples from the life of summer residents. So. The following cases will be considered as exceeding the necessary defense:

  • they shoot at teenagers who were picking apples in the orchard and did not seriously resist arrest;
  • poisoned alcohol or food is left in the house;
  • install danger traps. such as bear traps;
  • equip the fence or entrance with live wire;
  • adjust the crossbow to the opening door.

The damage to the life and health of robbers in the listed cases significantly exceeds that. what happens when your property is stolen. Remember: human life, even if it is the life of a criminal, is priceless.

Punishment for exceeding the limits of necessary defense is restriction or imprisonment for up to 3 years (if the robber is killed) or up to 2 years (if serious or moderate harm is caused to his health). If the offender’s health is slightly damaged, you will face a fine, forced labor or arrest for up to 4 months.

Battering or committing other violent acts is punishable by a fine, forced labor or correctional labor. If self-defense was associated with humiliation of the honor and dignity of the robber (for example, in one of the partnerships they caught the violators, they stripped them and forcibly bathed them in any weather; another group of self-defense summer residents even put naked robbers in a cage for everyone to see), you will face a fine of up to 40 thousand rubles. or forced or correctional labor.

At the same time, deliberate destruction or damage to property (which is what dacha offenders are most often accused of) is fraught with a fine of up to 40 thousand rubles, and the most significant punishment is imprisonment for up to 2 years.


Of course, the most common way to solve the problem of dacha security is to organize a guard service from neighbors with pets (even a medium-sized dog, constantly patrolling with the owner of the site, can scare away unlucky thieves) or enter into an agreement

a thief with a security organization that will provide its guards. However, security companies very often send elderly employees to gardening partnerships, guided by the principle “they will steal something anyway, but the summer residents will not lose anything.” You can also contact residents of a neighboring area with an offer of seasonal work. settlement. But local residents may also have a selfish motive - to help criminals they know get into their country houses.

According to experts, best option for medium size gardening partnership- conclude an agreement for the so-called remote security. In this case, the house is equipped with an alarm system connected to the remote control of private security or a private security company. It is best to cooperate with your neighbors, since a collective security agreement is always cheaper than a personal one.

Before signing an agreement with a security company, read it carefully. The document must indicate the company’s financial liability in the event that your property is damaged by the actions of robbers.


Technical home protection is a more complex method. In holiday villages there are often power outages, and the speed of Internet transmission often leaves much to be desired. This means that any gadgets like a timer that turns on the lights in the house at a certain time, simulating the presence of the owners, will be useless without autonomous power supply.

This method is very expensive, since equipment and installation will cost tens of thousands of rubles. But even with the system “ feedback"(for example, to your mobile phone you will receive a message about an attempt to open the lock on the front door of the house), there is little you can do, because you still need to get to the dacha, which in winter can be quite difficult.

In any case, it is better to entrust the installation of an alarm system to professionals who can offer the most effective options guards and will be held liable if their certified and licensed system causes any harm to a burglar. The security alarm system should be duplicated with the fire alarm system, then you will hit two birds with one stone.

Some owners of suburban areas use a different method. The house is not equipped with cameras or alarm sensors, but with their dummies. This option is much cheaper, but, according to summer residents, it is quite effective.


The rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 1998 No. 814) regulate the requirements for hunting, gas and traumatic weapons. So, subject to certain standards, legally purchased civilian weapons can be stored in a country house.

First of all, weapons must be stored in a safe or metal cabinet. The officially approved method of storage in boxes made of high-strength materials or in wooden boxes lined with iron is, in fact, far from ideal. It is much easier to purchase a special gun cabinet. It is advisable that there is enough space for several rifles or pistols. It is permissible to store weapons both disassembled and assembled.


Requirements for burglar resistance or fire resistance of gun cabinets are not established by law. However, a cabinet made of thin iron will not be able to resist for long either the locksmith’s tools or the ingenious devices of an experienced burglar, so it is better to purchase a safe with walls of the “correct” thickness and equip it with high-quality locks.

It is not necessary to mount the safe to the wall (unless, of course, you collect weapons), but it is advisable. Thus, you will not only make life much more difficult for burglars (it will be difficult to take the safe with you), but also make the cabinet more stable, especially when open door. Some models are built into the wall, which saves space. If the safe is located close to the door or window, then although there are no special requirements in this regard, any inspector (and the local police officer is obliged to pay you a visit and check the quality of storage of officially registered weapons) will advise attaching the cabinet to the wall.

It is very important that a safe or gun cabinet be equipped with an internal, key-locked compartment for separate storage of weapons and ammunition. And although formally this requirement applies only legal entities, but separate storage of weapons and ammunition is an additional guarantee of the safety of your household: children will not be able to equip the magazine with cartridges on their own.



If you don’t trust standard alarms or are used to working with your hands, it makes sense to build your own system. We will offer several options that are not prohibited by law.

A simple way is to make (or buy in specialized stores) chemical traps with special dyes, similar to those used in ATMs or cash-in-transit bags.

You can also use a car alarm by setting it to unlock doors or windows. Car battery will provide power (installation of wires and a system of breaker magnets is simple), and sound effects will scare away thieves. Please note that the sound alarm must be loud enough to scare, but not kill, the burglar. There are known cases when ship howlers were installed at the dacha. However, such craftsmen were brought to court for exceeding the limits of necessary defense, since thieves who broke into their houses died of a heart attack

Another method is quite paradoxical, but very effective. Some summer residents write notes to unwanted “guests,” for example, with the following content: “I can’t vouch for the life of a thief” (who knows, maybe there’s a crossbow in the room).

True, the most wonderful and reliable defense is common sense and a good relationship with neighbors, especially with those who periodically come to the dacha in winter or permanently live outside the city. You can organize your own “dacha-agent” network and distribute the days of duty trips to cottage village during the winter season.

Practical advice on protecting your dacha and home in general...


The best option is structures with strong frames, equipped with latches and a locking mechanism that controls the opening width of the sashes during ventilation. Even a child will not be able to climb into a window that is open 5-10 cm. During the absence of the owners, the windows (not only of living quarters, but also of the attic and basement) will be secured by metal blinds or shutters that are locked from inside the house.


It is necessary that the locks (security specialists believe that at least two need to be installed) are mortise and can be locked with a key. Such a door will not slam shut on its own, and an inexperienced thief may give up his intentions when he sees reliable locks.


Even if an alarm is installed in the house, it will not work if all its circuits are not closed properly.


Valuables must be removed from visible places or taken to the city.

THE THIEF WILL BE THE LAST ONE TO GO TO THE LIT AREA (TO THE LIT HOUSE), Therefore, it is advisable to install outdoor lighting with a timer and sensors.

IF THERE IS A SECURITY POINT NEAR YOUR GARDEN COMPANY, it is worth concluding a security agreement. Hot summer against mosquitoes insects Fly mosquito net magnetic net... How to embed a lock From how... How to make a metal one with your own hands...

  • Let's decorate the door with panels using layouts...
  • Very soon we will harvest from our beds and begin the process of preserving the dacha. In most cases, all the actions that we take to preserve the dacha are aimed at ensuring that there is nothing left there for thieves if they suddenly break into the house. However, all country house cannot be taken out, and necessary and good things remain there.

    I really wouldn’t want some intruder to break down a door or window and get into the house, stripping it clean. The number of dacha thefts is growing and therefore we need to take this issue seriously. Every summer resident should have basic safety rules for protecting a country house. This is useful not only in winter, but also in summer, when you are away and there are expensive things at the dacha. We will tell you further how to properly organize the protection of a country house.

    Analyze the situation

    According to statistics, those houses are robbed where there is something to take, unless it is a mass robbery of an entire dacha community, where thieves are interested in absolutely all dachas. And if there is something to take, then the thieves know about it, so it’s worth thinking about where they got this information from.

    What is deep analysis for? Everything is very simple, a lot of facts are interconnected, so before taking any measures to protect your home, you need to think through the logic and actions of the thief. However, you need to have a minimum list of safety equipment that will protect your home.

    First, you need to think about why burglars might rob your home. Usually “targeted thieves” take people out of the dacha household appliances(if there is one), garden equipment and inventory, as well as expensive tools. In general, they don’t waste small things, they steal big.

    Visual cues

    The first thing robbers look for is general state dacha plot, or rather, its wealth. Of course, if your dacha has 2-3 floors, plastic windows and air conditioners, there will always be something for thieves to profit from.

    A large number of security equipment can also attract the attention of intruders: a high fence, expensive doors, roller shutters, etc. If there is such protection, then the owner has something to protect.

    From this it follows that there is no need to highlight your dacha too much, and security measures should correspond to the status of the dacha.

    In other words, if you have a dear two-story dacha then, of course, she should have appropriate means of protection, but they will be few. The more expensive the dacha, the more it needs a security guard or the protection of a security agency, as well as a security system.

    Acquired information

    Thieves may be interested in your dacha if they visited it and appreciated it with their own eyes, so do not let strangers or unfamiliar people into your house. Acquaintances and neighbors can give a tip to the thieves; it can be a targeted tip, or an unintentional one, when, for example, an acquaintance or neighbor was talking to someone about your dacha and this conversation was overheard by intruders, or the thieves obtained information in some other fraudulent way.

    Conclusion: in most cases, your dacha may be of interest to thieves due to external features (high cost or a large number of security equipment) or a tip-off (direct or imaginary).


    Yes, we should not exclude the simplest option, when the attackers carry out a robbery, as they say in the heat of the moment, that is, they decide to open and rob the dacha without preparing and collecting information about it. Most often these are petty thieves whose goal is to make a quick profit. Their interests may include something small that can be sold quickly and for normal money (sets of something, tools, non-ferrous metal, etc.) - this is the field of activity of petty thieves, as well as some products, alcohol - most often interests homeless alcoholics. But this category operates in simple dacha communities, where there are no particular difficulties in getting into the house. If there are any, the house is not considered.

    Dacha protection

    Having analyzed all of the above, move on to measures to protect your dacha. These measures should be both active and passive.

    The less they know, the better they sleep

    In order to protect your dacha from thieves, you need to tell strangers less about what you have on it. As was said above, it is better not to let strangers into the house, even neighbors, if they are not so close and you are not particularly confident in them. If there is nothing valuable at your dacha, then there is no need to worry too much.

    Even if you have an “expensive” dacha inside, it’s better not to show it outside. Try to hide it altogether behind trees and fences.

    General Safety Precautions

    Now thieves are quite lazy, so if there are difficulties, they retreat. To do this, you need to have ordinary security means to protect your dacha, and they must be organized correctly..


    First of all, it will help protect a private home from thieves. The ideal is a high and strong fence that will completely hide your site and the house itself from prying eyes. The best material for a fence is a metal picket fence or metal tile. A more budget-friendly option is a fence made of metal rods or chain-link mesh. You need to close the entire area with a fence, even from the neighbors, if they do not completely exclude a thief from entering your area. To save money, you can use expensive material on the outside, and cheap material on the borders with neighboring areas.

    To build a fence, we recommend doing concrete base, which should be 50 cm above ground level. This will eliminate digging under the fence and will also increase the height of the structure. The fence must be strong, and when constructing it, try to eliminate or make it as difficult as possible for a thief to overcome it.


    Now regarding the doors. It will best protect your dacha, but if you have a wooden one, then upholster it metal sheet. At the same time, the door leaf and door sash must be strong, the wood should not be dry. The platbands must be firmly fixed, preventing access to the lock. The door must have at least 2 locks. It is also recommended to strengthen the awnings.

    Do not use padlocks, it is possible on sheds even if it is not possible to insert an internal one. As padlock use so-called crab locks.

    If there is a second door to the house, the so-called back exit, then make sure that it is locked from the inside. If possible, also replace it or strengthen it. If you don't need it, pawn it altogether.


    Finally, let's talk about windows. Window frames in the country must be durable. For most summer residents, the frames are in a dried out state, so intruders only need to hit it hard once, and entry into the house is organized. If possible, replace windows; it is recommended to use quadruple sashes, when one sash includes 4 glasses with strong partitions; it is quite difficult to get through such a window than one with one large glass. The window shutter must also be reliable: strong and so that a thief cannot open the window by breaking the glass. Each window must have a window that must be secured not with nuts, but with rods and welding.


    If possible, you can install an audible siren and flasher that will sound when the front door is opened. This will scare away random thieves, but not professionals who came purposefully.

    Show up at the dacha more often. If you keep an eye on your dacha often, this may deter thieves.

    Security guard and security systems

    A security guard can protect a private home from thieves as much as possible. Many people simply cannot afford to hire a personal security guard for their dacha, but it is quite possible to solve this issue together.

    All participants in the dacha society can enter into an agreement with a security agency and for a certain fee they will protect the dachas. Although it may be costly, you will still be confident that your country house is under supervision. How will the security of the dacha society be carried out, and what responsibility will the security agency bear in the event bad work– to be discussed separately. In most cases, security companies are reluctant to take on the protection of dacha communities due to the lack of landline communications and the remoteness of operational groups.

    You can protect your dacha from attacks by intruders with the help of. Special sensors are installed in the house, as well as remote warning systems for unauthorized entry. Complexity this option lies in several aspects:

    1. Security equipment is quite expensive;
    2. There is a high probability that it will be very difficult to set up a high-quality connection between the base and the dacha;
    3. The distance of the dacha from the base is quite large, and the guards simply will not have time to arrive quickly.

    If there are these difficulties, then we can try to solve the issue collectively.

    Remember, if professional thieves have their eye on your dacha, neither a high fence, nor strong doors with reliable locks, nor windows with bars, nor even a security company will save it.

    If desired, a professional will bypass all the difficulties that you create for him, but the more of these difficulties, the less desire he will have to continue his work further.

    Be vigilant and let your home be reliably protected.

    Every person wants to live in peace and not be afraid for their safety and the safety of their property. However, many things happen every day burglaries, losses from the actions of thieves often amount to several tens, and sometimes hundreds, thousands of rubles. This issue is especially relevant for residents of large cities, where the crime rate is especially high.

    Ken Powers. Lock and Latch. 2008

    Statistics of burglaries in Russia

    According to official data from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, over the past few years there has been a decrease in the number of burglaries in the country. However, according to statistics for the first 10 months of this year, every 22nd crime in Russia is burglary. This is more than 90 thousand crimes.

    Most burglaries occur in large cities. Thieves choose more often apartment buildings With big amount apartments and entrances. In such houses, as a rule, neighbors rarely know all the residents, especially if these are new areas. The choice of a specific apartment is influenced by many factors. First of all external signs wealth of the apartment owner (air conditioners, expensive double-glazed windows, satellite antenna etc.).

    If we consider the main ways thieves enter apartments, then according to statistics, in Moscow 40% of thefts are committed by breaking into, knocking out or drilling out the lock. In second place in popularity is penetration through windows, vents and balconies (18% of thefts). 14% and 13% of all thefts are committed respectively by breaking doors and picking keys.

    Popularity rating of techniques used to enter an apartment
    40% - breaking and knocking out the lock; 18% - penetration through windows, balconies and vents; 14% - knocking down and breaking the door; 13% - key selection; 10% - free access (guests, friends, etc.); 5% - other

    It is also important to remember that the number of burglaries increases during the holidays, vacation season and school holidays. If you want to protect your home from thieves, then you need to take care of its protection in advance.

    To protect your home from thieves, you need to close everything possible ways access to the apartment. Therefore, the main methods of protection are: a reliable door, a high-quality lock, window protection, and installing an alarm system. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

    Obviously, to open the door, there are 2 ways:

    • Vandal - when the door is simply knocked down, opened with a screwdriver, crowbar, grinder, etc. Obviously, in this way it is easy to open an ordinary wooden or metal door made of thin steel. Surely, many have seen videos about opening Chinese metal doors with a can opener.
    • Professional - using a variety of master keys, rolls and other types of professional tools used by experienced thieves.

    To protect against vandalism, it is necessary to install high-quality steel doors made of thick metal. According to Russian standards (in particular, GOST R 51072-97), there are 4 classes of resistance to burglary of steel doors.

    Fernando Botero. The Thief on the Roof. 1980

    I class- the door can be opened using physical force and standard hand tools(crowbar, nail puller, mount, etc.);

    II class— the door can only be opened with special electric tools;

    III class- the door is impact resistant various instruments, including special electric ones with a power of up to 500 W;

    IV class— a door capable of resisting small arms fire (armored, bulletproof door).

    However, it should be understood that there are no completely unopenable doors. To enter an apartment, you only need a certain amount of time, proper skills and a suitable tool.

    A burglar-resistant door is simply a door that can withstand a burglary attempt for a certain period of time.

    Despite the fact that doors of this type are several tens of times more reliable compared to simple ones metal doors, but their protection also has a limit. The burglary resistance class only limits the period during which intruders can enter the apartment. The time for partial and full access to the premises is given in Table 1.

    Table 1. Ability of doors to resist burglary

    That is, as we see, even 4th class armored doors can be hacked. However, this will take thieves more than two hours, which significantly reduces their chances of remaining undetected.

    Also, when choosing doors, you should pay attention to the fact that it is useless to install a door whose degree of protection exceeds the level of protection of the walls. Optimally, the level of protection of the walls should correspond to the level of protection of the door being installed. There are known cases where thieves, using special tools they simply cut an opening in the concrete wall and entered the apartment through it. The most protected are walls in monolithic houses.

    Prices for high-quality steel doors start from 22-25 thousand rubles. The price depends on the thickness of the metal used and the finish.

    Unfortunately, one burglary-resistant door is not enough to provide protection against thieves. Often the door meets the highest requirements for reliability, and the locks installed, although expensive, are simple for a burglar specialist.

    Walter Tandy Murch. Lock. 1948

    Therefore, let's figure out what types of door locks exist and which one is more reliable.


    It got its name from the word “lever” (an element of a code mechanism that locks the bolt). The reliability of the lock depends on the number of these “levers”; if there are more than 6 of them, then the lock is extremely difficult to open with a master key. A high-quality lever lock has a good level of burglary resistance. The disadvantages of these locks include big sizes both the lock itself and the key. (Price from 1,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles, depending on the design features and the manufacturer).


    They got their name due to the cylindrical shape of the code mechanism installed in them. Their advantage is that the cylinder is quite easy to replace, and if the key is lost, you do not have to change the entire lock. The main disadvantage is the need to install additional armor plates that protect the lock from being opened. Otherwise, such a lock is not difficult to open. The simplest cylinder lock costs about 1000 rubles. However, choose better model with 4-5 crossbars, its average price is about 5,000 rubles.


    A special type of combination locks, which contains 2 locks in one housing. The monoblock can also be two-system: the code mechanisms of the lower and upper locks in its composition belong to different locking systems (for example, one lever, and the second cylinder).

    The advantage of monoblocks is that they are cheaper than two separate locks. Note that when installing a monoblock with a dependent locking system, the degree of burglary resistance of the system also increases. The disadvantage is the small distance between the bolts of the built-in locks, which in turn reduces the degree of security of the door. Therefore, it is recommended to install monoblocks together with a multilateral locking system (“crab”). (The cost also varies depending on the company and design, starting from 2000 rubles).

    Crab system

    Allows for multi-sided locking of the door, which ensures a high level of burglary resistance of the door to forceful methods of breaking. In this case, the locking sides can be any: top, bottom, sides. This system involves the installation of locks with special rods. Their disadvantage is the increased complexity and cost of the design, and they are also more difficult to operate, since the load on the key when locking increases. Depending on the number of bolts and the manufacturer, such a lock can cost from 2,000 rubles to 8,000 rubles.

    To increase the security of an apartment, experts recommend installing 2 locks of different types, for example, one lever lock, and the second cylinder lock with a replaceable core. You should not neglect special armored linings; they increase the level of burglary resistance, making it more difficult for criminals to work. A lock with an armor plate is much more difficult to knock out, saw out or drill out.

    Window protection

    For residents of the first and last floors, in addition to installing a good door with a reliable lock, window protection is also very important. After all, it’s quite easy to get into such apartments through a window. Especially if the owner leaves the window open or balcony door. But even a double-glazed window does not save you from thieves; modern craftsmen have long learned to open them. So how can you protect your windows? There are not many options, but 3 can be distinguished:

    • Window reservation.
    • Special protective fittings.

    The first option is the most common. Experts say that the most reliable are stationary grilles made of rod 12-15 mm thick. It is almost impossible to cut such a lattice with a hacksaw. However, gratings also have disadvantages. For example, if a fire occurs, it will be impossible to get out of such an apartment through the window. And, if the path to the door is cut off, this could even lead to the death of the owners. This is why you should consider other window protection options.

    Fernando Botero. A Thief. 1994

    Reservation of windows is most often carried out by covering the glass from the inside with a special film, which increases its strength. Such glass is very difficult to break even with a hammer or brick. The cost of this procedure is not cheap. On average in Moscow, covering a window with such a film will cost from 650 to 2000 rubles/sq.m. m. depending on the stability class.

    According to the current standards in Russia, burglary-resistant windows, depending on the number of impacts withstand, are divided into 3 protection classes: B1, B2 and B3.

    The first class can withstand up to 50 blows of a hammer or ax, the second - up to 70, and the third class can withstand more than 70 blows.

    In addition to armored glass, you can also install an armored frame made of steel or aluminum. The strength of such a frame is given by additional steel armored plates. This overlay is designed to protect the junction of the frame and the glass - the most vulnerable point of the window. Sometimes they make one piece metallic profile without pads, but such frames are more expensive and heavier than modifications with pads. However, the degree of protection of such windows is greater. The cost of installing such a frame is from 15,000 rubles.

    In addition, you can install special anti-burglary fittings on the windows, special locking elements that provide protection against burglary. The fittings are also divided into 3 classes:

    • WK1 - guarantees protection against the use of physical force without special tools.
    • WK2 - provides protection against attempts to break in with a screwdriver, pliers, etc.
    • WK3 - provides protection against burglary with a pry bar or crowbar.

    In addition to everything listed, the owners country houses We can recommend installing roller shutters. They have a high level of protection against burglary from the outside. That is why they are often used to protect offices and shops.

    Alarm installation

    Of course, one of the most reliable ways to protect against thieves is to install a security alarm.

    Let's look at what types of alarms exist:

    Sound alarm. This system is characterized by the fact that when criminals attempt to break into an apartment, it emits a loud sound signal. (Cost $50 - $100)

    Alarm with automatic dialing. There is a completely different system here: if there is an attempt to break in, the alarm will let the owners know by calling or sending an SMS message to their mobile phone. (Cost $200 - $300).

    Remote alarm system. The most reliable, since after the alarm is triggered, a team of state or private security service employees will arrive at the apartment within a couple of minutes. This kind of alarm system is the most expensive, its installation will cost from $1000. In addition, you will have to regularly pay for the services of security guards. This is at least another 1000 rudders per month.

    Despite its price, this alarm system provides a high level of protection. Thus, according to the Department of Private Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, according to the results of the first 9 months of 2011, not a single theft was committed from the apartments they guard.

    Remember, you should choose the type of alarm depending on the goals you are pursuing. In some cases, an audible alarm will be enough, but for others it is more reliable to install a remote control system.

    Rating of the safest areas of Moscow based on the results of 2011

    When buying an apartment, Muscovites often take into account the degree of danger of the area in which the apartment is located. After all, the peace of mind of the residents depends on how safe the area is. Many people are interested in the opportunity to walk freely in the park near their house, leave their car in the parking lot in the yard, etc. Typically, more expensive areas place more emphasis on home and yard security, which helps reduce overall crime and theft rates in the area. Sometimes even a simple sign saying “the house is under guard” cools the ardor of potential criminals.

    If we consider the capital’s administrative districts, then, according to data from the company Caesar Satellite Group for 9 months of the current year, in absolute terms of the number of infiltrations of thieves into apartments, the districts were distributed as follows:

    Rating of Moscow administrative districts by the number of thefts in the first 9 months of 2011

    As you can see, the most burglaries were recorded in the Eastern (1024 intrusions) and South-Eastern (933) administrative districts of Moscow. The least number is in the North-East (510), North-West (399) and Central (362).

    As for individual areas, the Gulfstream Security Systems company and the Miel-Brokerage agency recently published a rating of metropolitan areas in terms of comfort of living in terms of security based on the results of 10 months of 2011.

    The 20 safest neighborhoods, from most dangerous to safest, are as follows:

    1. Timiryazevsky (SAO)
    2. Krylatskoe (JSC)
    3. Ryazansky (South Eastern Administrative District)
    4. Pokrovskoe-Streshnevo (SZAO)
    5. Filevsky Park (JSC)
    6. Levoberezhny (SAO)
    7. Savelovsky (SAO)
    8. Gagarinsky (South-Western Administrative District)
    9. Cheryomushki (South-Western Administrative District)
    10. Khamovniki (TsAO)
    11. Troparevo-Nikulino (JSC)
    12. Ostankino (NEAD)
    13. Sokol (SAO)
    14. Kurkino (SZAO)
    15. Obruchevsky (South-Western Administrative District)
    16. Khoroshevsky (SZAO)
    17. Kosino-Ukhtomsky (South Eastern Administrative District)
    18. Lomonosovsky (South-Western Administrative District)
    19. Rostokino (NEAD)
    20. Ramenki (JSC)

    As you can see, the most dangerous areas are those where there are many former and existing industrial zones, as well as large commercial and commercial facilities.

    Let's take a closer look at the top five safest areas.

    It is closed by the Khoroshevsky district. Despite the large number of industrial zones, and there are 3 of them, according to the study, only about 0.14% of all attempts to break into and enter apartments were recorded here. It should be noted that Khoroshevsky district is quite large in area, but very small in terms of the amount of housing stock. There are both economy class apartments and more expensive business class offers. The price mainly depends on the distance from industrial zones.

    Next comes the Kosino-Ukhtomsky district. About 0.10% of all attempts to commit theft are noted here. This area is remote from the center and located outside the Moscow Ring Road. Is different high level ecology and diversity of the proposed housing stock.

    The safest areas are Lomonosovsky, Rostokino and Ramenki. Here, respectively, 0.089%, 0.086% and 0.083% of theft attempts were recorded according to Gulfstream Security Systems.

    The western and southwestern regions are traditionally distinguished by their respectability and good reputation. It should be noted that the Rostokino district, despite the presence of 18 industrial enterprises, takes a very high 2nd place in the safety rating.

    It is these three areas that are recognized by the Gulfstream Security Systems company as the quietest and safest for living in terms of the number of recorded attempts to commit burglaries.


    It is important to take into account all the weakest points in the apartment and, first of all, increase their resistance to break-ins. For example, you live on the first or last floor, then be sure to take care of reliable protection windows If you store large sums of money or other valuables at home, it would be a good idea to install a good alarm system and enter into an agreement with a security company.

    Protection must be comprehensive: it is not enough to install a good door, but with a bad lock; cover the glass with a special film, but leave a simple frame that can be easily opened with a screwdriver. Remember this, and then you can be sure that no thieves are afraid of you!

    Anna Belova, rmnt. RU

    A dacha, like no other property, is at risk of being robbed; how to protect your dacha from theft is the most simple ways from experienced summer residents.

    Strong and reliable locks and similar doors are one of the most inaccessible ways to protect yourself from burglary. However, this method is only good in the fight against not very experienced burglars, but if an experienced thief has his eye on your property, then a lock or armored door is unlikely to stop him. As they say, locks are for honest people, and a thief will deal with a mechanical barrier in a matter of minutes, and in winter, when the issue of protecting the dacha is most pressing, there are no souls around, so pick the lock as much as you want, no one will scare away.

    If you are confident in your locks and doors, there is another method of entering the house - windows. Like a door, a window can be opened from the outside or simply broken by one of the windows facing the outside. inner part summer cottage plot. To protect windows, you can use metal bars or shutters that can be locked from the inside. True, this is only a relatively reliable method of protection, because if you tie one end of the rope to the grille and the other to the towing eye on a more or less powerful car, then a rare grille will withstand such treatment.

    They were, so to speak. passive methods of protection country house.

    Active methods of protection are not available to everyone, but only to those owners whose dachas are within the range of security agencies, so if it is possible to conclude an agreement for the protection of the dacha, then be sure to do so, a flashing red light and corresponding inscriptions on the doors will scare away most uninvited guests .

    In addition to concluding an agreement with a security agency, you can install cameras around the perimeter that will record everything that happens around the dacha 24 hours a day. Moreover, if you have the Internet, you can transmit the image in real time to the owner of the dacha.

    With all the pros and cons, all of the above methods of protecting a dacha have one drawback - the high cost of implementing protection.

    How to protect your summer cottage from theft in the simplest ways, which would not require large financial investments?

    Of course, the main advice is not to store anything valuable at the dacha. At the same time, indicating to the maximum that there is nothing to take from the dacha. In a house where there is no castle or where the castle is purely symbolic, thieves usually do not break into it. Everything valuable can be lowered into the basement, after first turning it off so that it is difficult to find something in the dark.

    You can also agree with your neighbors on the regular protection of their homes; perhaps this is one of the most reliable ways, the main thing is to find like-minded people.

    What are the ways to protect your summer cottages do you use?

    My neighbor, a car enthusiast, installed a simple car alarm with a powerful siren at his dacha. One day it went off and screamed until the neighbors in the dacha came running and called the owner. Now you can complicate this system a little by making the alarm send an SMS about activation to your mobile phone.