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How not to lose your house keys. Apartment keys - how to carry them more securely? Which keychain do you prefer?

HIXTO 11-07-2011 22:20

I'm constantly worried about losing my keys. I wear them both in winter and summer on my neck (as in childhood), on a shoe lace. The ring was additionally secured with a PVC tube so that any unruly key would not find its way between the rings.
Several times I forgot my keys in the most different places- a long, noticeable cord always helped them out. The lace has already exposed its core - but I regularly test the entire ligament for strength by lifting a weight on it.
However, the concern does not go away...


ag111 11-07-2011 22:23

They will strangle you with a cord. Maybe it’s better in a bag on your belt, on a chain?

russer 11-07-2011 22:27

I advise you to change the pseudo-safe lock or at least the cylinders - this is all for amateurs...

HIXTO 11-07-2011 22:29

quote: Maybe it’s better in a bag on your belt, on a chain?

ag111 11-07-2011 22:31

In the summer, I’m actually more often bare-bellied and without belts...

Well then, I can only recommend one option. But he's not very decent...

N. Valerich 11-07-2011 22:38

A friend has his own workshop for making keys, sometimes I go to his workshop.
I once advised him to organize delivery of the key to his home as an additional service. (Sorry, flood)

russer 11-07-2011 22:39

quote: Originally posted by HIXTO:

Which key does this refer to?

fourth from the right. but there is a lock that needs to be replaced, and it’s a gimmick to look for the size, it’s easier to install new cylinders with more serious keys (applies to the second, third and fifth from the right), and the first on the right is probably from the mailbox? In general, wearing it around the neck seems to me the most reliable option...

HIXTO 11-07-2011 22:50

quote: Wearing it around the neck seems to me the most reliable option...

If the key doesn't somehow quietly fall off the ring.

ag111 11-07-2011 22:56

The ring can be simply soldered.

Skut1 11-07-2011 22:59

quote: Originally posted by HIXTO:
I'm constantly worried about losing my keys.

ag111 11-07-2011 23:06

russer 11-07-2011 23:10

quote: Originally posted by Skut1:

I'm afraid that now I'll also have to worry about whether or not the "well-wishers" made copies of the keys from the photo...
Reading the secrets of the key from this photo is a piece of cake for specialists...

what's the point in copies? The vehicle didn’t indicate its address, but the locks can only be opened once or twice without copies.

Toyotomi 11-07-2011 23:13

quote: Originally posted by HIXTO:


go to a psychoanalyst.
to reduce your anxiety, paranoid levels going off scale.

and also change the locks. All. put one decent type of motura or cheese. and one additional one purely for my own peace of mind.
It's easier to carry two keys)))

Kwik 11-07-2011 23:25

quote: Originally posted by HIXTO:

but I regularly test the strength of the entire ligament by lifting a weight on it.

16 or 24. 16 will not work, they will get lost at once.

Skut1 11-07-2011 23:26

TS did not indicate his address

A little searching and determining the address is not so difficult

HIXTO 11-07-2011 23:33

quote: It's easier to carry two keys

Well, who is looking for easy ways here? The entire contents of the apartment cost less than these transformations according to your plan..

Sergey_P 12-07-2011 12:23

quote: Originally posted by HIXTO:

I'm not saying that there is money in the apartment? You just need to enter it; with these keys it’s more convenient than without them.

Put the key under the mat
quote: Originally posted by Toyotomi:

go to a psychoanalyst.
to reduce your anxiety

The advice, by the way, is not at all superfluous. If you come back three more times to check if the iron is turned off, then it’s completely alarming. If it's just a matter of keys, then a neurologist will be enough. And this is serious.

HIXTO 12-07-2011 12:26

We can send everything...

Sergey_P 12-07-2011 12:35

quote: Originally posted by HIXTO:

We can send everything...

Yes, we’re not sending there
A public forum is a bit of the wrong place to talk about this, so I won’t continue...

But on the merits of the topic, it’s hard for you to expect good advice. About 90% of people are not afraid of losing their keys, but they can give advice. And listening to the advice of those who are also afraid is another case.

De Niro 12-07-2011 01:35

UV.TS, don’t worry, there is no place more reliable than on the neck. It won’t get lost even in the bathhouse. The main thing is that both the lace and the ring are reliable

Erich Weiss 12-07-2011 09:00

Almost all of you are evil!!! ))

For a forgetful person, such a chip can simply be stuck on the nail, for example, of a pointing finger, and it will be possible to perform tricks like “open sesame”))
But the lace causes microtrauma to the skin, accumulates dirt and sweat, bacteria and fungi live in it... So still, think about it!

ag111 12-07-2011 09:12

quote: Originally posted by Erich Weisse:

People we know implanted a chip in the cat, now she doesn’t press her door’s electric lock button with her forehead, but simply approaches the reader near her “entry door”!

Wow, the technology has arrived. Also a travel pass and a credit card to pay for dry food.

Erich Weiss 12-07-2011 09:17

And I would like to provide the big white cat Belka with an electronic cat translator with a speech synthesizer, but it’s a little expensive in Ipponia ((

HARON 12-07-2011 09:17

quote: For a forgetful person, you can simply stick such a chip on your nail, for example, a pointing finger, and you can perform tricks like “open sesame”))

and why such a label? knock out another number for the set...
quote: more reliable than on the neck, there is no place

Why not wear it on your belt or in your pocket? Victorinox has excellent clips with a carabiner and a chain; they are securely fixed both to the belt and to the edge of clothing. I carry it attached to my purse, it’s very simple and won’t suffocate

Rusich 12-07-2011 09:30

Brother. You really got burned. A cast from a photo, an IP address - expect guests soon...

Erich Weiss 12-07-2011 09:35

No, who's afraid? electronic keys, then a good club-maker will always sanctify them and protect them for reliability!
But the vehicle cannot carry keys on its belt due to the lack of both it and pockets with clothes, the subtropical heat rules. Goa or the Maldives, atolls and lagoons - you don’t belong here! ))

po4emu4ka 12-07-2011 09:51

quote: Originally posted by russer:
In general, wearing it around the neck seems to me the most reliable option...

There are also disadvantages:
1. To grab the soul, having such a ligament on the chest - it hurts.
2. People are probably surprised to see an adult with keys around his neck.

button 12-07-2011 10:03

I think the topic is for ward 151

Plinker 69 12-07-2011 18:13

quote: topic for ward 151

Wow, that’s the right place for him! Taking care of such crappy locks (which sucks is obvious from the keys immediately and categorically) is definitely something like that, hello, uncle psychiatrist!
On topic - if you really feel like pulling on your neck, replace this unhygienic lace with a normal chain, maybe even a beautiful one. Then, on occasion, you can use the bundle as a flail (the spirit of the 151st chamber is all-pervasive!)

When you're in a hurry, you don't want to waste a minute looking for your things. Here are some tips to stop wasting time looking for lost items.

There's a place for everything

One of the reasons people lose everything is because things don't have a designated place in the house. To avoid losing your keys or wallet, designate a special place where you leave the item every day when you come home. This could be a basket in the hallway or a hook by the door. When this becomes a habit, you will know exactly where to look for this or that item. Other members of your family will also become accustomed to using this dedicated space. And if they find certain things outside of their designated space, they will put them back in place. Special Zones are super simple but extremely effective method finding everyday objects.

Get rid of clutter

The fewer unnecessary things in your home, the fewer “hiding places” there will be for the loss of certain items. If you keep your home tidy, it will be easy for you to spot any object that is out of place. Minimizing paper piles and collecting mismatched items such as toys or office supplies can all help reduce the time it takes to find missing items.

Speak your actions

If you have lost something you need, then in order to recall in your memory or subconscious the information about where you put it, you should make a reminder for yourself in advance or come up with some associations with this place. The next time you're looking for that item, especially if it's in a temporary location, this reminder will help you remember exactly where it is.

Don't put your phone on silent mode

There's nothing worse than forgetting where you left your phone. The easiest way to find it is to call your number from another number. But if you have it installed on your phone silent mode, then this strategy is almost useless. Conclusion: never turn off the sound. This concept also applies to other objects. For example, buy a chain with a key fob for your keys - this will make them easier to find. For quick search important documents, perhaps a bright folder with files in which they will be stored will do. With the help of audio and visual signals, you can find your lost items much faster.

Use different technologies

There are some great programs out there now that help us keep track of our stuff. With the help of a special headset from BlueTooth, which is attached to certain things, you can easily track lost items, but under one condition - they must support this function. If you lose an item along with your headset, you can find it on the map and even call when you get closer. There are more a new version. Various programs search, including the Find My Phone application, can be used using a computer.

Need to focus on this subject

When we are looking for something, we panic and stop thinking. The problem lies with ourselves, not with the object we are looking for. To be successful in finding a lost item, you need to sit down and think carefully. Who knows, maybe you will be able to remember where you put this item.

Remember three main things: comfort, peace of mind, confidence

To quickly find an item, you first need to calm down, completely abstract from all pressing problems, because only a calm state of mind and common sense will help you in such a difficult task. The most important thing is not to panic, because if you are nervous and angry, you will not be able to concentrate on the main thing. Sit down, take a few deep breaths, calm down, think carefully. A cup of invigorating tea will come in handy. Finally, to find a lost object, you must be confident in your abilities. Without this, you will too easily fall back into frustration mode.

Search wisely

If you have bright thoughts and your head is not filled with various nonsense, then the search will be much easier. Plan how you will search for your item. Instead of frantically tossing things around, look room by room, starting with the last place you used to store that item. Also be sure to check exactly where the item should go (e.g. your coat on a coat rack, your umbrella on a stand). Try to retrace all your steps since you last saw this object. Don't waste time looking in places where you know it won't be there.

Try to put things in their place

Perhaps you lost a book you were reading and then forgot to put it back on the shelf. Maybe the cat knocked over your favorite pen and it rolled under the sofa. Tip: carefully and carefully look at the place where the item you are looking for usually lay, and carefully inspect the area around this place to understand exactly where it might lie. lost item. Losing an item can be a panic-inducing event, but if you gather your thoughts and calm down and follow a set plan, you will relieve yourself of stress and be able to find the item you need with ease.

The fashion for keychains came to Russia a long time ago and to this day this attribute serves mostly a decorative function. However, alarm devices that require interaction with radio key fobs impose a certain responsibility on miniature devices. But there is another function that can become indispensable. It is performed by a wireless key fob to search for keys, valuables and belongings. The compact device, through simple manipulations, will allow you to find a lost bunch of keys or give a signal if there is a risk of their loss.

Operating principle

The action of most anti-loss key fobs is based on a simple scheme: the user sends a signal, which provokes the key fob to respond. In this case, the response means and parameters of the outgoing signal may be different. The most common is the radio channel, through which the owner can have access to several key fobs simultaneously. However, new wireless technologies replace aging signal exchange principles by providing more advanced and reliable search capabilities.

In addition to the main function, the key fob can be equipped with another option. In particular, there are models that also include a compass, thermometer and even a magnifying glass. Special versions for hiking conditions They have a shock-resistant case, and for reliable fixation they are complemented by a durable carabiner. This indispensable assistant in the forest, where any loss may be irreparable.

Structural design

The developers of such devices strive to preserve as much as possible the basic concept of the accessory - compactness and ease of use. In other words, the key fob looks exactly the same as its conventional counterparts, but inside it contains microcircuits, sensors and miniature lamps. By by and large, the internal “filling” is focused on providing two functions - receiving a signal and providing a response. Otherwise, the device completely repeats the style of ordinary key fobs - or rather, the variety of these styles. By the way, to attract attention, manufacturers implement the most creative and original ideas design.

Search by whistle

In such models, the simplest search algorithm is implemented - any high-frequency sound is played (the same whistle), after which the key fob speaker is activated. Inside the device there is a board, a light bulb, a tweeter speaker and two batteries. A typical representative This category is the Finder keychain, which is available in different designs. The advantages of this device include the ease and simplicity of searching. You don’t need to have special remote controls or sensors - just make a sound like a whistle, and the place of the loss will be detected.

Radio key fob

These are more complex representatives of “search” devices that have high functionality. Firstly, it is the presence of a radio module, signal reception and transmission sensors. Secondly, there is a wide range of equipment, which includes a key fob for finding keys. The radio allows you to search in a range of up to 40 m. A special remote control is designed for direct signal transmission. If the key fob is detected, it will start squeaking and blinking the LED (or other) light. One of the features of radio models is the presence of several key fobs in one set. The fact is that one transmitter is quite enough to service several objects - so the user can safely hang keychains on different objects without fear of losing them.

Warning keychain

Such devices operate on a slightly different principle. We can say that they warn against losing keys, signaling the loss at the right time. However, there is no need to talk about loss in the full sense of the word, since the “anti-loss” keychain for finding keys begins its work as soon as the user moves away from the valuable item to an unacceptable distance. A set of such devices consists of two parts - a telephone (or smartphone) and the key fob itself. If the distance between the key fob and the gadget begins to exceed that set by the user, a corresponding signal is heard. As you can see, this technology is currently being implemented by manufacturers mobile devices. The kit also includes several key fobs that interact with the main device via Bluetooth and NFC interfaces.

Which keychain do you prefer?

On the one hand, a lot depends on the conditions in which the key fob is intended to be used. Perhaps the ideal device for searching at home would be a keychain whistle for searching for keys, the seven-meter radius of which will allow you to quickly find keys indoors. It is important to take into account that partitions and walls can interfere with the search process, so for greater effect it is worth searching in each room separately.

If you plan to handle house keys or other important items that are used on the street or in the office, then it is worth having a more serious search tool. The best of them will be a means of prompt notification of loss using a key fob synchronized with a phone or smartphone. However, at work or at the dacha, a radio keychain covering more than wide space for searching than a device that responds to a whistle.

Are your keys constantly in a state of complete disarray, and are they lost somewhere with enviable regularity? A reliable and convenient keychain pendant will help solve all these problems. One of these appeared quite recently. The accessory also has some “additional” functions.

They say that everything ingenious is simple. Despite the fact that this statement is quite controversial, in the world and on the gadget market there is quite an excellent, laconic confirmation of the correctness of this point of view. At least when it comes to key rings. More recently, a very simple and effective accessory has appeared that will allow you to keep your keys in perfect order, and at the same time help solve several other everyday problems.

It's called new Mstr Link. The accessory was born thanks to a crowdfunding campaign. The design of the keychain is very simple - it is made in the form of a small carbine-ring, on which several more similar smaller rings are suspended. This system is designed to carry keys and any other useful little things, which can be attached in the same way. The keychain fits easily in a pocket and can also easily be placed on an “honorary” key stud.

Mstr Link weighs very little - only 14 grams. The accessory is made of stainless steel. It is not afraid of water and does not burn in fire. A nice addition to the carabiner is the presence of a small bottle opener.

Everyone in their life has at least once encountered the problem of finding keys. This is especially true in a hurry, when every minute counts. And here, as luck would have it, it is impossible to find the keys to the apartment or the car. You have to search the whole apartment to find them.

If married couple There are small children, then such searches can take much more time, since a bunch of keys can be found in the most unexpected place. Because of such searches, precious time is lost and many people are late for work or an important meeting, sometimes they even have to cancel everything and install a new lock if there are no spare keys.

To prevent you from becoming a hostage to such a situation, you can purchase a keychain to find your keys. This “smart” device will not only help you find a lost set of keys, it can also be attached to other things that are often lost, such as the TV or air conditioner remote control.

What it is

This device can become a real lifesaver not only for individuals who are highly absent-minded, but also for older people.

The key fob can respond to certain sounds, such as a whistle or a clap, by producing sound signal like a squeak or light in the form of blinking.

Some devices are equipped with special transmitters that include radio beacons. When you press the transmitter, a signal is transmitted to the receiver, which is located on the key fob, as a result of which the latter emits a sound or light signal.

State-of-the-art key fobs can be connected to your smartphone and track their location using a specific application that is installed on your phone or tablet.

Main advantages

Keychain with key tracing function (" Key Finder") has a number of advantages that set it apart from other devices.

The main advantages of this device:

  1. Small sizes- this device is compact and lightweight, so it fits perfectly in a trouser pocket or a small handbag.
  2. Neutral design- this device is made in a laconic, restrained style and is characterized by minimalism. Therefore, it is perfect as an indispensable item for a man or woman, for a child, teenager or elderly person.
  3. Makes it easy to find an item, to which it is attached, as it emits sound and light signals, demonstrating its location, reacting to your whistle or loud clap.
  4. Some models can be used as a flashlight, since they are equipped special light bulbs, which illuminate the road at night.
  5. Features a long service life, since it is made from durable plastic, which does not crack or break if dropped on the floor.
  6. This device is easy attach to the desired item.
  7. Economical battery consumption allows you to use this key fob to search for keys for a long time without replacing batteries. On some devices, you will have to change batteries once every two years, or even less often.

The main disadvantage of this device is its limited range, usually about 50 meters, but it can be less if there are walls or other ceilings in the signal path.

This disadvantage can be easily eliminated if you don’t stand still, but move around in search of the missing item (which is what we usually do so as not to waste time).

This device can become not only a great assistant in search of small things that are constantly lost, but also a wonderful useful gift for friends, family and loved ones.

See below for a video review of the key fob.

Popular models

There are several most popular models of key fobs that are used to find keys or other commonly lost items. Such variants of “search engines” have received a huge number positive feedback from people who purchased this product and experienced its effectiveness and benefits.

"Key Finder"

This device is in great demand as it does not require any special skills to use. To find lost keys, just whistle loudly or clap your hands.

The device will respond with a certain sound, similar to a squeak, thereby reporting its location. This way, finding your keys will take you a minimum of time.

The advantages of this item also include its affordable price, so purchasing of this equipment Anyone can afford it, regardless of income level. Such a purchase will not only not hit your family budget hard, but will also save you the nerves that are usually spent on searching for missing things.

iTag Locator "Anti-Lost"

Using this device, you can easily determine the location of any thing, animal and even person. To do this, just fix the locator iTag "Anti-Lost"" on an item that constantly gets lost, on a pet's collar, or give it to a child.

You need to install a specific application on your phone and configure the transfer of communication between two gadgets (smartphone and locator). In the application you will see where this or that thing, person or animal is located.

In addition, this locator is equipped with a function that responds in the form light signal or making a loud sound, making the search much faster.

The iTag "Anti-Lost" locator is perfectly compatible with the following operating systems:

  • IOS based:
  1. IPhone 4, 5, 6;
  2. iPod;
  3. iPad.
  • Based on Android from version 4.3. The key fob connects to the phone using Bluetooth 4.0 technology and runs on button batteries. Such batteries last up to six months of continuous use of the device.

The iTag "Anti-Lost" locator has a number of useful features:

  1. "Don't forget" (Anti lost) - this opportunity prevents absent-minded people from losing keys or other small items. It is enough to set a certain range between the smartphone and the thing on which the key fob is attached, for example, a range from 5 to 50 meters. As soon as the distance between them is greater than what you specified, both devices will emit a warning sound.
  2. « Search for a car"- an excellent feature for drivers who park in large parking lots or leave their car in an unfamiliar place due to duty. In order not to waste time on lengthy searches, you need to leave the key fob in the car. As soon as the distance between the device and the phone becomes very large and the connection between them is lost, the application will independently record the time and coordinates of the location of the break. The application will also offer to build a return route to the place where the connection was interrupted.
  3. « Remote control" - iTag locator"Anti-Lost" allows you to take a selfie remotely on your phone.
  4. « Anti-theft helps protect your smartphone, wallet or car from theft.

Brief instructions how to use this device is as follows:

  1. Bluetooth function needs to be turned on on a smartphone.
  2. You will need to install and open the iTracing app.
  3. You should press the button, resembling a magnifying glass, to find objects tied to the locator. On the map you can easily find the location of lost items.

The body of this device is very durable, as it is made of aluminum and plastic. It provides excellent protection against moisture and dust, preventing them from getting inside the gadget.