home · Lighting · Installation of an electric meter in a gardening partnership. Electricity in SNT: does the board of the partnership have the right to require the installation of electricity meters on poles outside the sites? Lawyer's comment. Convenient to take readings

Installation of an electric meter in a gardening partnership. Electricity in SNT: does the board of the partnership have the right to require the installation of electricity meters on poles outside the sites? Lawyer's comment. Convenient to take readings

Two years ago, the chairman of SNT installed additional electricity meters in many houses, without the consent of the owners. They were mounted very high on poles.

This winter, during the frost, the electricity in the house went out, but the necessary button is now in a place inaccessible to me. Several times we were left in the cold and darkness for many hours.

Please clarify whether the chairman had the right to put additional counter on the street? Do I have the right to demand that it be removed? Who should I contact in such situations? I old man, I live in the country with my disabled son.

Fedotova Galina Yakovlevna, Moscow

Answers Yuri Volokhov, lawyer and summer resident:

With all my sympathy for the summer residents who had a hard time during the power outage, I have to confirm: the chairman of your SNT acted lawfully.

Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE)

In accordance with them, it is recommended to install electricity meters at the boundary between the network (by balance sheet) of the electricity supply organization and the consumer. And if there is no such border (as on the territory of SNT), then near garden plot. This is done primarily to prevent the theft of electricity by unscrupulous consumers.

Convenient to take readings

Taking the meter outside is convenient both for the energy sales company and, in most cases, for the gardeners themselves. New meters have a radio channel for transmitting consumption data. Now the citizen does not need to go outside the gate and take readings from the meter. Consumption data is displayed on the remote display (remote control). There is also no need to wait for inspectors and let them into your home. Electricity network workers have special equipment and can remotely, without your presence, take readings and carry out the necessary maintenance of electricity meters.

What to do if you disconnect?

Emergency power outages often occur not only in gardening partnerships, but also in many populated areas, even in major cities. Since you live at your dacha both in summer and winter, I advise you to find out (and always keep at hand) the telephone number of an SNT electrician or an electrical network company (depending on who serves the gardening partnership). This information is required to be provided by SNT management. In any case, the accident must be repaired by a specialist, and it is he who needs to be informed first.

Moreover, how seasoned summer resident I advise you to purchase an alternative heat source. For example, a gas or kerosene heater that will replace an electric heater. IN difficult cases he will always help out.

Electricity connection and removal of electricity meters in SNT, ONT (DNT, DNP) in the Moscow region +7 495 922-17-70, 8 903 685-55-36

When contacting us, we are ready to offer dacha associations and cottage communities:

>>> Special prices for equipment - Electricity meters Mercury, Matrix. Routers (USPD). Automation (switches, RCD, DIF). Shields for streets (IP54).

>>> Special conditions for work - Electricity connection. Removal of electricity meters. Installation of ASKUE. Street device LED lighting(LED).

We work according to Federal Law 217 - non-cash form of payments with SNT and ONT

For getting detailed information, click on the picture you are interested in

Services for removal of metering devices to dacha associations:
>> removal of electricity meters to the border of the balance sheet in SNT , DNT, DNP
>> removal of electricity meters to the street in SNT , DNT, DNP
>> removal of electricity meters to poles in SNT , DNT, DNP

Applications are accepted daily for email: [email protected]
Delivery of equipment throughout Moscow and the Moscow region. Shipping to all regions of the Russian Federation.

Direct agreement with Mosenergosbyt in SNT, consultation tel.: +7 495 922-17-70(SNT direct contract for electricity supply, consultation and paid assistance in registration. Preparation of initial permitting documentation for concluding an electricity supply contract).

Electrical installation work in SNT in the Moscow region.

We connect electricity to SNT (DNP, DNT), single-phase and three-phase subscribers under an agreement with a guarantee for all work carried out electric installation work. A collective order for such work significantly reduces their cost, which is why our organization operates for SNT special prices, first of all, you can find out prices by phone. The customer receives the final payment in the form of a specification after a pre-project inspection of the facility by our specialists. It is possible to purchase only electricity meters with prompt delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. SNT can also order and buy a meter from us at special wholesale prices.

You can order from us removal of electricity meters to poles in SNT(power line supports or pipe stand), this event, at correct execution technical part, makes it possible to significantly reduce unaccounted for electricity consumption (electricity theft), which is ubiquitous in SNT and other dacha associations in which there is no proper control over metering devices within the partnership itself. Accordingly, payments for electricity are collected in smaller amounts than actually paid. The result is that all SNT pays for electricity stolen by individuals, because network organization(CO) only the “calculated” electricity meter for transformer substation, from which this SNT is powered, and not the electrical equipment inside it. The reason for the discrepancy in the CO readings is not of interest. Putting things in order this issue, is the interest of the SNT members themselves.

SNT meters installation. Meter on SNT pole and meter on pipe stand +7 495 922-17-70

How to bring order to payments for electricity in SNT? Options in terms of technical solution This problem is currently sufficient. From the simplest and cheapest, when in compliance with PUE standards, only the installation of simple modifications on electricity meter poles is carried out, without the possibility of telemetry (remote control and data transmission), before the installation of automated automated control systems for automated accounting of electricity consumption (ASKUE) in SNT ( automated system commercial electricity metering). Including, on the most technically modern radio options, in a very interesting price sector, allowing you to organize such energy accounting in SNT on electric meters with a radio module, described in more detail on our website for these systems in the ASKUE radio section, below conditional diagram With brief description structures of such technology (click on the picture to enlarge).

We organize accounting of SNT for electricity. You can get a preliminary consultation by contacting +7 495 922-17-70, +7 903 685-55-36.

In this case, permanent insulation must be provided for winter time through insulating cabinets, hoods with heated air inside them electric lamp or heating element to ensure a positive temperature inside the hood, but not higher than +20 °C. 1.5.29 Meters must be installed in cabinets and complete chambers distribution devices(KRU, KRUN), on panels, panels, in niches, on walls with a rigid structure. Mounting meters on wooden, plastic or metal panels is allowed. The height from the floor to the meter terminal box should be in the range of 0.8 - 1.7 m. A height of less than 0.8 m is allowed, but not less than 0.4 m. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 210. Burden of maintaining property The owner bears the burden of maintaining the property he owns, unless otherwise provided by law or contract. Article 421. Freedom of contract1.

Installing an electricity meter on a pole

Don't forget that your main weapon is knowledge current laws and rules! PUE-61.5.27 Meters must be located in dry rooms that are easily accessible for maintenance, in a place that is sufficiently free and not cramped for work with a temperature in winter not lower than 0 ° C. General industrial meters are not allowed to be installed in rooms where production conditions the temperature can often exceed +40 °C, also in rooms with aggressive environments. It is allowed to place meters in unheated rooms and corridors of switchgears of power plants and substations, as well as in outdoor cabinets.

Legality of installing a meter on a pole

On the functioning of retail markets electrical energy, complete and (or) partial limitation of the mode of consumption of electrical energy", "Basic provisions for the functioning of retail markets for electrical energy", "Rules for complete and (or) partial limitation of the mode of consumption of electrical energy"). If there is danger mechanical damage meters or their contamination (the device is outdoors!), then a lockable cabinet with a window at the level of the dial should be provided for them (item.

1.5.30). But even a sealed power panel is not able to protect electrical equipment from heat, condensation and frost. In addition, when negative temperatures the induction electric meter begins to lie in its readings.
Its error can reach 10% or more.

Is it legal for energy supply companies to install a meter on the street?


Often, owners of plots in horticultural non-profit partnerships (SNT) require the installation of an electricity meter on a pole. In this case, they take the necessary equipment outside not only the house, but also the yard itself.


However, these manipulations must be performed in compliance technical standards and existing legislation. Thus, it is possible to join an electrical network installed in a specific area only at the border of the so-called balance sheet.

This means that both the installation and the installation of an electrical energy meter can be carried out strictly on the dividing line of energy sections. This is determined by federal law. Responsibility for operation is divided between the direct consumer of electricity and its network supplier.

Requiring electricity meters to be taken outside is illegal

After all, it is much easier to control electricity consumption and timely payment for this public services. And of course, check whether SNT members are stealing electricity.
So such a decision of the general meeting of SNT members may be completely justified. And if it is adopted by a majority of votes (if there is a quorum), then all gardeners are obliged to comply with it. It’s another matter if the general meeting of SNT members was held in violation of legal requirements. But, as can be seen from the letter, the author does not have accurate information about how many members of the association were present at the meeting and, accordingly, whether the decisions taken at it were legal.
You can only figure this out on the spot by looking at the minutes of the meeting. And, if violations are discovered, you can appeal the actions of the board in court.
The court has the right to recognize the decisions of the general meeting of SNT members as invalid and cancel them.

Let there be light! How should electricity meters be installed in SNT?

Sincerely, lawyer P.S. Shuk tel 89103363995e-mail Personal consultation Thank you for your answer!

  • reviews: 428 Hello, The requirement to move the meter outside the site is UNLAWFUL. According to paragraph 1.5.27 of Chapter 1.5 of the “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations (PUE)”, meters must be located in dry rooms that are easily accessible for maintenance, in a place that is sufficiently free and not cramped for work with a temperature in winter not lower than 0°C.
    It is allowed to place meters in unheated rooms and corridors of switchgears of power plants and substations, as well as in outdoor cabinets.

Rules and regulations for installing electricity meters on poles

In this article we will talk about the legality of the requirements of energy supply organizations to install a meter on the street (facade of a building, support). Having submitted an application for connecting electricity, the consumer receives a technical condition, after which, the energy supply organization will connect the electricity, that is, it will carry out the technological connection of power receiving devices.
Having become familiar with technical condition connection, you may find that the ESO requires installing an electric meter on the facade of the building or on the nearest support overhead line power transmission This requirement of the ESO is justified by the possibility of unimpeded access for their employees to the electric meter for inspection, verification and reading. Let's look at how legal this requirement is.
PUE, Chapter 1.5, paragraph 1.5.27 When installing an electricity meter on the street, it will be affected by atmospheric phenomena such as snow, rain, ambient temperature, etc., thereby reducing its service life. Even if you install the electric meter in a sealed cabinet, the service life of the electric meter will still not increase.

And yet, at negative ambient temperatures, the induction electric meter begins to work with increased error. This error may not always be on the consumer’s side and will be felt in monetary terms.

Attention!!! The requirements of energy supply organizations to install electricity meters on the street are illegal, because violate clause 1.5.27, PUE. In addition, THEY VIOLATE ST210 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, SINCE YOU CANNOT control the safety of the meters - practice shows that they are SIMPLY STEALED.

Good luck. Every problem has a solution.

Electric pole meter installation law in lyn

They indicate:

  1. Counter type.
  2. Input protection circuit breaker.
  3. Wire cross-section and footage.
  4. Name of the installation panel (box).

Step 2. Installing the meter Having received the technical documents, you can install the device.

At self-installation the necessary materials and elements should be prepared. A YUR-NG (external distribution box) is fixed outside the house or on a pole.

It is equipped with the necessary parts for fastening electrical. counter elements. When installing the device yourself, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Before starting work, disconnect the network line.
  2. The installation height should be 0.8-1.7 m.
  3. At temperatures below 5°, the device readings are incorrect. You should consider purchasing a heated electrical panel.
  4. Entrance electrical circuit connects to the line circuit breaker and then to the meter.
  5. Protective grounding is required.
4.81/5 (47)

They are forced to take the electricity meter outside: is this legal?

Placing electricity meters on street poles is the main solution of some energy companies, whose representatives motivate it with more convenient conditions for checking them and taking readings.

Among other things, this is explained by the desire of organizations to make money on the error of meters (sometimes reaching 10 percent), which fail faster at temperatures below 0 degrees than ordinary household ones. This decision also plays into the hands of sales companies, whose services citizens are forced to turn to for repair, installation, resealing and reinstallation of equipment.

Against this background, residents are increasingly asking the question: are actions of this kind on the part of energy supply companies legal?

The answer is no, by law organizations are prohibited from forcing their clients to install meters outside their homes.

Attention! This measure contradicts the contents of the following legal acts:

  • clause 1.5.27 PUE (electrical installation rules). This act contains information that meters must be installed exclusively in areas suitable for Maintenance rooms with extremely low humidity levels and temperatures in winter not lower than zero degrees. Placing the meter outside the house is fraught with detrimental consequences for the device due to the impact of climatic conditions on it;
  • clause 1.5.27 PUE (electrical installation rules). This act establishes a kind of ceiling, above which the meter cannot be installed: the acceptable level varies from 0.4 m to 1.7 m. Advice from energy company employees on placing electricity meters at higher levels high level not only goes against the contents of this legal act, but also causes great harm individuals, unable as a result to normally take readings from the device;
  • clause 1.5.27 PUE (electrical installation rules). Each owner is responsible for the safety and normal functionality of his property, however, in the context of the company’s requirements for placing meters on the street, this responsibility is impossible. Any random passerby can affect performance street meter up to its complete destruction, which is often used by vandals and hooligans.

The company's clients have the right to write an official refusal and demand the right to place an electricity meter at home. However, this right may be revoked if the decision to install the device is outside home premises was accepted at general meeting SNT.

Who has the right to install a meter on a street pole?

Installing an electricity meter on street pole- a task that any competent worker can handle, but to connect electricity must be used qualified assistance a company representative with appropriate authority and skills.

Even at the planning stage of the procedure, the assistance of a special electric network employee should be assumed exclusively.

Provided that the meter is installed outside the home by employees of the energy company, no claims can be made against the client.

Before this, the relevant documents must be verified, the contents of which indicate the boundary of division of balance sheet ownership, coupled with the conditions for the placement of an individual device.

If the house is private property, the boundary of the balance sheet is not at home, but on the street. In this case, only existing documents can indicate the location of the meter. The procedure is possible only with the consent of the owner of private property.

Where is the best place to install an electric meter on the street?

Installation of an electricity meter on a support, pole and/or facade of a building is appropriate on the territory of a cottage or country property.

Notice! Here is a list of conditional standards for placing the meter on the street and parameters for attaching the suspension line:

  • 25 meters or less - this should be the distance from the mounting post for the introductory module. In places of constant movement Vehicle the lowest attachment point should be located at a height of 6 meters, above pedestrian paths - three meters;
  • 2.75 m or more - this should be the height of the lowest point where the wires are attached to the building.

Without appropriate permission from the energy supply company, the placement of a metering device is strictly prohibited. In this case, the work must be carried out by a specialist with a genuine license.

The connection occurs by attaching wires from the building to the support site. Malware protection external factors provided with external insulation.

Boxes serving as cases for energy reading devices must be made of metal or plastic materials. The pipe through which they must pass electric wires, must also consist of metal. In order to reduce the likelihood of electric shock to a person, a structure made of metal is connected to a grounding circuit.

Please note! The location of the meter should be a pole securely fixed to the location. Installing the counter on front part building provides the same standards for performing the procedure as when attaching to a classic support. A mandatory aspect is the appropriate permission from representatives of the organization.

Which electric meter to choose

On store shelves you can find special Appliances energy metering devices designed for placement on street poles. Due to other work criteria, they are not subject to temperature fluctuations, as a result of which the possibility of any error is excluded.

They are both single- and three-phase, single- and multi-tariff; street meters have different power levels.

Attention! Our qualified lawyers will assist you free of charge and around the clock on any issues.

Without calculating the power of all electrical appliances, it is impossible to determine the power of a particular meter. If the total power is less than 10 kW, you need to choose a meter with a power of about 60 A, more - more than 100 A, class not lower than 2.0.

Today, active production of equipment capable of withstanding low temperatures is underway.

When purchasing an installation box, do not forget to pay attention to the degree of its tightness; the presence of heating is not mandatory.

The moisture-resistant box must have a degree of protection of at least IP53-IP54.

We should not forget that there is a connection between the shape of the box and the design of the device.

Normal readings are impossible without a window on the door.

The single-phase meter will become ideal option subject to placement on the street in the territory of a dacha complex or small house, three phase meter more suitable for a building with many luxurious frills.

The last point presupposes proper connection and distribution of electricity to all areas. Electric meters have a great advantage over induction ones due to their higher accuracy. In this case, the meter readings remain at the same level throughout the entire time the device is used.

When selecting the type of device mounting, it is better to give preference to a DIN rail because of its versatility. The presence of the seal and the inspection date should be decisive factors in deciding whether to purchase a meter. If no more than two years have passed since the last inspection of the device for single-phase and one year for three-phase, then the purchase of such equipment does not promise problems in the future.

Watch the video. Residents are forced to take meters outside:

Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE)

If there is no such border (as on SNT lands), it should be located near the garden plot. This measure will help eliminate the possibility of electricity theft by unreliable customers.

Step-by-step instructions for installing an electric meter

First of all, to successfully place a metering device, you need to call a qualified specialist.

Step 1. Submitting an application to the energy company

There's preparation going on necessary documentation, agreement, an account for energy expenses is assigned. After this, the client receives a package of technical documents.

Attention! Their contents should include:

  • counter type;
  • input protection circuit breaker;
  • wire cross-section and footage;
  • name of the installation panel (box).

Step 2. Installation of the meter

After completing the documentation procedure, the consumer can begin installing the equipment. It is recommended to stock up in advance necessary materials and auxiliary tools.

You need to take an external distribution box and secure it to a street pole or other support; in it you can find everything you need for successful installation of the meter.

Notice! Independent mounting of the reading device requires compliance with the following rules:

  • de-energizing before starting the work process;
  • The height of the counter should vary from 0.8 m to 1.7 m;
  • if at a temperature below 5 degrees the meter readings do not correspond to reality, the client is recommended to purchase a special shield to protect against temperature fluctuations;
  • the input electrical circuit is connected to the line circuit breaker, and then to the meter;
  • Protective grounding is required for installation. In case of phase imbalance or short circuit electronics in the house are not subject to negative influences;
  • connection is made to the input device;
  • the meter must be located at a distance of at least a meter from the gas pipeline and water supply line;
  • perform a test run.

Step 3. Submitting an application to put the device into operation

The documentation is drawn up with the direct participation of the client at the office of the energy company.
An option is to send registered letter with appropriate notice.

This should include the following information:

  • consumer's passport data;
  • account (agreement) number;
  • consumer contact details;
  • client signature and date of registration.

Step 4. Recording the fact of checking the device and its subsequent sealing

The company agent is responsible for completing the documentation. The contents of the act reflect information about the placement service and technical processing devices to the client. The date entered in the protocol is considered the starting point for subsequent payment.

Please note that when installing the device for the first time, the sealing process is free of charge.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed application form for commissioning an electric meter:

Who pays for installation

In the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 4, 2012 No. 442 “On the functioning of retail markets for electrical energy, complete and (or) partial restrictions on the consumption of electrical energy” in paragraph 1.8. it is stated that “... actions for putting metering devices into operation, for installing seals and (or) visual control signs upon completion of the procedure for putting the metering device into operation, for taking and providing readings from metering devices are carried out by them without charging a fee for their commission, unless otherwise not expressly stated herein."

For more than 70% of gardening partnerships or cottage villages one of serious problems, which causes strife between neighbors and disputes with the chairman - is the high loss of electrical energy within the village or gardening partnership.

After all, payment for electricity between the electricity supplier and SNT is carried out according to common device electricity metering, which is installed at the entrance to the partnership. In the future, this volume is distributed among SNT members.

What to do when one of the members or residents of the village consumes electricity “bypassing” the meter? In this case, the remaining residents pay for electricity both for themselves and for their neighbor. This is why such controversial cases arise: the chairman either increases electricity tariffs for all residents to cover losses due to theft, or residents are required to pay for volumes of electricity that exceed their own consumption by 2 or more times.

What is the way out of this situation?

The answer is to organize electricity metering in such a way that no one can steal electricity from SNT.

Electricity losses in the electrical networks of SNT reach 20-30 percent of the volume supplied to the network of the gardening partnership.

Obviously, the reason for such losses is not so much the poor technical condition of power lines, but the banal theft of electricity by unscrupulous SNT members.

Therefore, in order to eliminate unmetered consumption and unpunished interference in the operation of the electric meter, it is necessary to either monthly monitor the connections of each member of the SNT, or organize automated electricity metering in the SNT - implement the ASKUE (automated system for commercial metering of electricity in gardening partnership).

Besides, effective way To combat theft in SNT, electricity meters will be moved to a pole. In this case, the counters of SNT members are out of reach.

Removing metering devices to a support is quite an expensive undertaking. However, electricity meter readings will have to be taken the same way as before - through regular walk-throughs.

Removing electricity meters to a support will protect SNT from theft of electricity and interference with the operation of electricity meters

A more modern and effective way to combat theft in SNT networks would be the construction of ASKUE.

If we do modernize metering, it should be done radically, so that in the future it will be convenient to take readings from electricity meters.

The construction of an ASKUE system will not only help protect against the theft of electricity, but will also simplify the taking of electricity meter readings: the data is automatically transferred to a computer installed in the administration of the village or SNT.

This is what it looks like circuit diagram ASKUE for SNT or village

Some advice to SNT and cottage villages on organizing ASKUE and electricity metering

Tip 1. ASKUE is not suitable for every SNT due to the high cost

The approximate cost of the system will be at least 7,000 rubles for each homeowner and additional costs for general equipment(server) from 25,000 rubles for all SNT members.

In other words, the more members there are in a gardening partnership, the lower the price will be for each owner of a house or plot.

Tip 2. For large SNT ASKUE will be more profitable than moving the meter to a support

For SNT, the number of members of which reaches several hundred, monitoring and identifying theft through regular rounds is an impossible task. Therefore, the only way out in this situation is to introduce ASKUE. Moreover, the price for a cottage community with a large number of members will be lower than for a small SNT.

Removing the meters to a support may not cost much less than building an ASKUE.

The ASKUE system for gardeners involves the automatic collection and transmission of data on electrical energy consumption to a server (a computer or a server installed in the SNT board).

Tip 3. If you want to reduce the cost of ASKUE, first get unreliable elements of SNT or a cottage village under ASKUE

What does it mean?

This means that, according to statistics, 80% of losses in SNT are created by 20% of its members.

The grandmother is a pensioner with an electricity consumption of 100 kWh. per month is very responsible about paying for electricity, unlike his neighbor - a wealthy businessman from Moscow who comes to his dacha only on weekends.

Therefore, with a small budget in SNT for the construction of ASKUE, it is advisable to first install electricity metering for persons who are under suspicion of stealing electricity. This will already be able to solve the problem of electricity losses.

Tip 4: After construction, ASKUE must be maintained

Of course, further costs for servicing ASKUE are not comparable with the cost of construction, but they will still be there. Therefore, it is recommended to work with a contractor who will provide a guarantee for the constructed system and is ready to provide post-warranty services for ASKUE for a small fee.

In general, the advice is simple - choose reliable contractors.

Don’t let the contractor who built the ASKUE run away “unnoticed”

Tip 5. Choose the ASKUE option that suits you

And we did it for you brief analysis major manufacturers of ASKUE systems for SNT to choose the option that suits you.

When designing and constructing an electricity metering system, two channels can be used for data transmission:

1. PLC channel - signal transmission is carried out via power lines

Among the advantages ASKUE systems using such a communication channel - low price and well-known manufacturers who offer such solutions. In addition, when building a system using such a communication channel, data transmission does not depend on radio interference.

Disadvantages of ASKUE systems using a PLC channel: Data from meters may arrive with delays. The signal transmission speed in such systems is affected by the quality of power lines. Taking into account the fact that in SNT the lines are usually in poor condition, the system as a whole may work intermittently. In addition, SNT members will not be able to see consumption online in their personal account, since Personal Area not provided in systems built on a PLC channel.

An ASKUE system using such communication channels should be installed in newly built cottage villages, in which the power lines are new and allow the transmission of a stable signal.

The main manufacturers of electricity metering systems that operate using a PLC channel:


The cost of the system per member will be about 9 thousand rubles.

The advantages of this manufacturer are that it is already widely known and has managed to establish itself as a manufacturer of reliable equipment.

It is worth noting that the basic model (NP523 Counter) does not have a display. This means that if there are problems with the signal from the meter, it is impossible to visually take readings from it. The display can be purchased separately, but this makes the system more expensive.


The cost of the system per member will be at least 13 thousand rubles.

According to reviews from electricians, electricity metering systems based on MERCURY PLC-I have proven to be unreliable. They often fail, causing signal transmission failures and other difficulties.

Unlike PLC-I, Mercury ASKUE for SNT based on PLC-II will work much better. However, the cost of the system will be much higher and is no longer comparable with competitors.


The cost of the system per member will be about 8 thousand rubles.

Among the features of ASKUE using such electricity metering devices is that the manufacturer produces devices in one case of which a meter for one, two or even three subscribers can be installed. That is, using such metering devices you can save money if several households or plots are powered from one pole.

2. ASKUE systems using a radio channel (main manufacturers of ASKUE Energomera, STRIZH)

Systems based on a radio channel began to be used relatively recently.

Benefits The use of a radio channel means that radio communication is more stable compared to a PLC channel. However, such systems began to be used relatively recently.

Accordingly, the quality of the incoming signal from the electricity meter does not depend on the state electrical networks village or SNT. In addition, systems on a radio channel already require the presence of a personal account for each owner of a plot or household.

A personal account is needed to control power consumption and obtain statistics. Access to your personal account is via the Internet.

Among the disadvantages Such systems may cause possible interference in the radio signal. Also, such electricity metering devices cannot be placed in an iron cabinet: it will jam the signal.


The cost of the system per member will be at least 10,000 rubles (data needs to be verified).

Interesting system. It uses base stations to take readings. This means that base stations can be used in large SNTs with a large number of members and a large distance between the server (which is installed in the board) and metering devices. In other words, base stations are some kind of adders and signal repeaters for large SNT.

ASKUE systems based on STRIZH are quite new and interesting solution for gardeners and cottage communities. Especially for the big ones.

Some ASKUE systems allow owners to track electricity consumption via the Internet in their personal account

At the end of the material, I would like to once again describe some of the activities that can be carried out in SNT to reduce electricity losses and prevent the theft of electricity:

1. Place electrical energy metering devices on a support.

2. Carry out regular walk-throughs and checks of electricity meters and connection diagrams of SNT members or residents of the cottage village.

3. Order the construction of an ASKUE system and control electricity consumption.