home · Measurements · How to protect your apartment from burglars. How to protect yourself from theft: techniques and tricks from experienced summer residents Protecting your country house from thieves

How to protect your apartment from burglars. How to protect yourself from theft: techniques and tricks from experienced summer residents Protecting your country house from thieves

A dacha, like no other property, is at risk of being robbed; how to protect your dacha from theft is the most simple ways from experienced summer residents.

Strong and reliable locks and similar doors are one of the most inaccessible ways to protect yourself from burglary. However, this method is only good in the fight against not very experienced burglars, but if an experienced thief has his eye on your property, then a lock or armored door is unlikely to stop him. As they say, locks are for honest people, and a thief will deal with a mechanical barrier in a matter of minutes, and in winter, when the issue of protecting the dacha is most pressing, there are no souls around, so pick the lock as much as you want, no one will scare away.

If you are confident in your locks and doors, there is another method of entering the house - windows. Like a door, a window can be opened from the outside or simply broken by one of the windows facing the outside. inner part summer cottage plot. Can be used to protect windows metal gratings or shutters that can be locked from the inside. True, this is only a relatively reliable method of protection, because if you tie one end of the rope to the grille and the other to the towing eye on a more or less powerful car, then a rare grille will withstand such treatment.

They were, so to speak. passive ways to protect a country house.

Active methods of protection are not available to everyone, but only to those owners whose dachas are within the range of security agencies, so if it is possible to conclude an agreement for the protection of the dacha, then be sure to do so, a flashing red light and corresponding inscriptions on the doors will scare away most uninvited guests .

In addition to concluding an agreement with a security agency, you can install cameras around the perimeter that will record everything that happens around the dacha 24 hours a day. Moreover, if you have the Internet, you can transmit the image in real time to the owner of the dacha.

With all the pros and cons, all of the above methods of protecting a dacha have one drawback - high price implementation of protection.

How to protect your summer cottage from theft in the simplest ways, which would not require large financial investments?

Of course, the main advice is not to store anything valuable at the dacha. At the same time, indicating to the maximum that there is nothing to take from the dacha. In a house where there is no castle or where the castle is purely symbolic, thieves usually do not break into it. Everything valuable can be lowered into the basement, after first turning it off so that it is difficult to find something in the dark.

You can also agree with your neighbors on the regular protection of their homes; perhaps this is one of the most reliable ways, the main thing is to find like-minded people.

What are the ways to protect your summer cottages do you use?

At my dacha, a neighbor who is a car enthusiast installed the simplest car alarm with a powerful siren. One day it went off and screamed until the neighbors in the dacha came running and called the owner. Now you can complicate this system a little by making the alarm send an SMS about activation to your mobile phone.

Guided by the principle “forewarned is forearmed,” “MK” was figuring out what to do to protect his apartment from uninvited guests. What things do modern burglars take out first? On what basis are potential victims selected? How is the Internet used? All these questions from MK were answered by a former criminal investigation officer in one of the district departments of Moscow, Igor GRISHAKOV.

- Igor Nikolaevich, which apartment is the most attractive for a burglar?

Depending on what kind of attacker we are dealing with - a professional or an amateur. With professionals, everything is more or less clear: they steal where they are sure there is money, and they work on a tip. Single amateurs commit spontaneous burglaries. For example, such a spontaneous thief could be a drug addict who goes for a dose and does not have enough money to buy drugs. In my practice, there was a case: a man got up to go to the toilet at night and in the corridor met a single burglar who chose his apartment by chance, was just walking down the stairs and decided to “look at the light”... While the owner of the apartment was recovering from the meeting with the stranger, he managed escape.

A “spontaneous” thief will covet the apartment that is least protected. Most likely, it will be an apartment on the ground floor, with plastic windows (they are easiest to open, if not additional protection). Apartments with windows next to them are also at risk. gas pipe or a fire escape: you can easily climb into your home using them.

- It’s clear with singles, but how do professionals work? How are their roles distributed?

Here everyone really has their own role and area of ​​responsibility. For example, one person in the group must be behind the wheel. Such a person brings his accomplices “to the case,” waits for them, and informs them of potential danger. Two more work directly on site: one monitors the situation on the floor, the other, a lock specialist, opens the door. As a rule, no more than two people work in an apartment.

I remember there was a gang apartment thieves, who preferred one-room apartments. In such oversized apartments, all the wealth is in one room, so searching is much easier and faster. Moreover, “one-room apartment” does not mean that you are poor. In general, for studio apartment two people are enough for the eyes.

Do thieves have “standards”? How long can you stay in the apartment? And at what time of day do they climb in most often?

I don’t think there are “standards” as such, but they stay in the apartment for about twenty minutes, no more. As for the time of day, they usually climb during the day, when everyone is at work. Let's say the time from 12.00 to 14.00 can be called peak burglaries. At this time, everyone who was supposed to leave home had already left and had not yet returned for lunch. I remember that after one apartment theft, they looked at the cameras, which recorded how the thief safely left the apartment - and the owner literally came in after him. We missed each other by 10 minutes...

- What places in the apartment do thieves comb without fail?

Lone thieves grab whatever comes to hand first. It could be a bag in the hallway outerwear... I remember that a woman once made a complaint because such a loner had taken the only expensive thing out of her house - a fur coat that her children had bought for her. Yes, this happens too. Thieves also love all kinds of drawers where you usually put jewelry or money, cabinets... In places such as the kitchen, children's room, bathroom, they operate only if they know for sure that there is something.

- What do burglars most often take out of apartments?

Today, large items are stolen less often, because it is very difficult to take them out unnoticed. Let's say a stolen TV that cost 50 thousand rubles can be sold for 5 thousand, no more. For what? After all, you can take gold and hand it over to any jewelry store, where they will gladly accept scrap for good money. Therefore, what is in demand today is something that can be taken out unnoticed by putting it in your pocket: money, jewelry, expensive gadgets... The expectation is that even if the police “take it” right at the crime scene, the thief can always say that it is his personal savings or things.

- Can citizens determine that thieves are spying on them?

Purely theoretically, of course, they can. In practice, as a rule, citizens do not notice this, because these specialists act very carefully. For example, would you be confused by a pizza advertisement stuck in the front door of your apartment? The majority of citizens do not. And at the same time, this is how thieves test the waters: if the next day the flyer is stuck in the door, it means the apartment is empty. Just anyone normal person When you come home, you will definitely throw out unnecessary trash, right?

The same thing with correspondence, perhaps? If there are a lot of letters in the mailbox, it means that no one has been home for a long time...

Well, the correspondence trick won't work today. It happens that a month's worth of letters are filled into mailboxes in one day. And some owners simply don’t look into them.

Our citizens love to show off new clothes, gifts, and share vacation plans on social networks... At first glance, a harmless status - “two days left before vacation” or “a gift from my beloved husband” - can leave a person penniless for the near future. When the Internet was not so widespread, the following scheme worked perfectly: they looked for advertisements for the sale of a car, called and asked if it was still relevant. If the other end of the line said that the car had been sold, this meant that the owner of the apartment already had money, while a new car most likely had not yet been purchased. In general, another victim has been found...

From time to time, news flashes that this or that celebrity has become a victim of burglars. Recently the house of singer Vladimir Kuzmin was robbed for 10 million rubles... Does it make sense to protect your homes if even such rich people cannot do anything?

It is imperative to protect your houses and apartments. Even a sticker on the front door stating that the apartment is under security, or the cheapest camera that costs less than the cell phone they buy for children today can save you from uninvited guests. Why would a thief break into a place where he can be exposed when the building is full of apartments without security? At the same time, if a specific task is set, then rest assured: they will rob you. And even the most expensive alarm system will not help.

- It won’t even help a resident of, say, the prestigious “golden mile” in Moscow?

Burglary is a market in which all zones of influence are distributed. Therefore, there are no random thefts. This is for you a resident of the “golden mile” - important person. For a thief, this is a guy who has earned a lot of money, but in the criminal world he is worth nothing. Moreover, enclosing the apartment of such an “upstart” is even welcome. If there is an instruction, they will climb anywhere. The taboo is only on the apartments of those who support the thieves themselves...

- How do thieves bypass dozens of CCTV cameras, alarms and concierges in prestigious complexes?

Individual masters can open a lock of any complexity - that's it. Getting into such a house by deceiving the concierge or security guard is also not a problem. In such houses, on the ground floors there are all kinds of beauty salons, shops, dentistry, etc. Professionals tell such plausible stories that security lets them through.

- Is it difficult to prove the guilt of a burglar?

Burglary is very difficult to prove. And that’s thanks to the little things that thieves catch. Once we hired a window operator - a Georgian who worked alone, mostly breaking into the apartments of pensioners. We took it almost from the apartment. But they couldn’t show him anything: irrefutable proof was needed. And here it stands staircase a man with a long stick and a knife tied to it. We understand that he needs both a stick and a knife in order to get into apartments through windows (he uses a stick to check if the window is locked, and uses a knife to cut through mosquito net, if available). But prove that there was intent...

- What they were doing? Have you solved the crime?

Yes, they revealed it. I remembered that quite recently I had a burglary visit: the victims were grandparents. There is practically nothing as material evidence: a bottle of opened Georgian wine, which the thief apparently wanted to take, but changed his mind, and a couple of foreign coins in flower pot, which the thief dropped when he climbed through the window. I’ll get ahead of myself and say that we didn’t find any “fingers” anywhere.

In general, the Georgian was nevertheless escorted to the department, examined and found in his sweatshirt pocket... a dozen similar coins that I had previously found in a pot. Such a numismatist burglar. I took him into the office and told him that his prints had been found on the pot, on the coins and on the wine bottle, and he had better confess. It was a bluff, but there was nothing left... By the way, despite the fact that this “numismatist” was working alone, two such reputable lawyers came to bail him out. As a result, he sat down only for this single episode, although in fact there were a lot of them.

- Were there any cases when you were taken with loot in your hands?

It was so. The guys once walked around the dorm and collected what: a phone, a tablet, a computer... All this, in their own way mental abilities, they sold it to a pawnshop whose owner worked with the police. One phone, of course, can be found, but ten is already too much. And it is very difficult to prove this type of crime. The work is mainly based on little things: here a coin, here a putty car... Everything is based on luck.

- Do organized gangs of burglars have higher support?

I don’t presume to say, but in my practice there were very strange things. For example, we once accidentally caught a gang of house thieves, who took a very long time to catch. The operatives knew that the burglars drove a car with a special mark. And then one day the opera goes to lunch and sees a familiar car. Naturally, they call where necessary, a group leaves, and the thieves are detained. And then strange things begin to happen: the car disappears somewhere, cases are transferred with the words, they say, your thefts have been solved, the rest will be dealt with above... Look: there is a 20-year-old Georgian window maker, to whom expensive lawyers come, here is a serious gang , which is being dumped somewhere... One can only guess who is in charge of this process.


● Keep large sums only in the bank, safe deposit boxes. At home you can only keep a small amount that is needed at the moment.

● Make friends with your neighbors. In older buildings, where neighbors have been friends for many years, there are significantly fewer burglaries. People know each other and perfectly identify strangers in the entrance or next to the house. As a rule, in such houses they do not hesitate to ask unnecessary questions to strangers. Such interest will certainly scare off the swindler.

● If you witness strange and suspicious behavior of a stranger on the staircase, call the police. You should be alerted if he rings through apartments, looks through keyholes, and lingers at the door. If you can take a photo of a stranger unnoticed, take a photo: such information can be very useful.

● When going on vacation, ask relatives or those you trust to check your accommodation from time to time.

● Install burglar alarm. If it is already installed, do not neglect to activate it.

Many owners rarely visit summer cottages during the winter months. The harvest has been harvested autumn work and insulation completed. Now is the time to take care of protecting your property from theft for 3 months. Simple but effective ways will help you protect your dacha.

Protecting your dacha: precautions

According to statistics, theft at dachas occurs more often in winter than at other times of the year. During the season, the sites are always crowded, but in cold weather it’s the opposite. Although they can climb into the house on a dark summer night. It all depends on what you have stored in your dacha and who knows about it. Even in reality simple area thieves will be interested in gardening equipment (for scrap metal, for sale as a whole), and building materials. In lived-in homes, the list can expand to include electronics (both new and old, which can be smelted into copper or even gold parts), household and cutlery, bedding, dishes, valuable rare items (samovar, icon, etc.).

Attention! Most often, in any dacha plot, thieves try to get hold of the harvest. The beds are “cleaned up” with both ripe and unripe vegetables, berries and fruits.

Typically, dachas located far from homes are visited by drinkers. The goal is to find something to sell to get money for alcohol and snacks. Thieves will not be stopped by modesty and small size Houses. For homeless people, your cottage in the country can also become a place of temporary residence when it comes to winter.

There are practically no serious burglars in the practice of dacha thefts - they are not on the same scale, so there is no need to take ultra-modern measures to protect the site. But minimal economical ones are a must.

Advice. It is better to find out the features of the winter life of a dacha cooperative from future neighbors even before purchasing: how often dachas are opened and how they deal with it.

Basics of summer cottage safety

Dacha is the same a private house. Therefore, the same principles and techniques apply to protect it:

  1. Fence. A reliable fence is the first means of protecting your territory. It will become an obstacle to the entry of many animals. Fence from edged boards or chain-link mesh - a proven option. This, of course, is not 100% protection of the dacha from thieves, but it is quite acceptable. Especially if you stretch a barbed spiral along the top edge. A diameter of no more than 0.5 m is suitable. Such a fence will be able to protect the dacha even during a prolonged absence of the owners.
  2. Timeliness. Try to harvest the crop on time, without delaying it.
  3. Good neighborly relations. IN warm time your neighbors will be the first to sound the alarm if they see a stranger in your dacha. It would be nice to meet and establish friendly relations with the inhabitants of nearby plots.
  4. Lock. You should approach the choice of locks for your dacha responsibly. If you use a mounted one, it should be massive. Make sure that precipitation does not fall on it, otherwise in the spring you will not be able to open the room yourself.
  5. Gardening partnerships. As a rule, summer residents are united in a common village. It already provides minimum security measures for all areas:

Make sure you have a secure lock

  • watchman's work;
  • organizing voluntary duty at the dachas of members of the partnership;
  • the presence and integrity of the common fencing of the gardening association.

Advice. Experts advise installing a mortise lock on your dacha. A mounted analogue will immediately tell intruders that there is no one in the house.

The simplest ways to protect your dacha from thieves

Before thinking through security measures for your site, take advantage of popular experience. Recommendations experienced summer residents how to protect your dacha:

  • The higher the fence, the better. But, having penetrated the opaque fence, the thief will become invisible to the watchman or neighbors. Therefore, it is better to opt for a chain-link or similar translucent option.
  • Strengthen your front door, but don't overdo it. Strong metal structure is not able to protect a house made of wood - an attacker can simply cut it out around the perimeter.
  • Window bars are very effective. The only condition - reliable doors. A thief will not climb through a window if he can enter through a traditional entrance.
  • Use shutters on the windows. The conditions are the same as for gratings.
  • Use LEDs with relays. Hang several pulsating tiny red lights under the roof around the perimeter of the building. From a distance they could easily pass for alarms.

  • Print and post a warning sign in a visible place that reads: “Warning! The building is guarded by private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.” It is unlikely that anyone will want to check the veracity of this statement.\
  • Make dummies of video cameras and stick a warning about video recording at the dacha. It is especially effective if the crafts are deliberately disguised. On the other hand, the desire to get a video camera can become an additional incentive for a particularly reckless lover of easy money.
  • In winter, don’t be lazy to visit your dacha from time to time: trample the paths, remove snow, etc. This way you will create the effect of the presence of people.
  • If we are talking about the warm season or your dacha has heating, invite friends or acquaintances to stay while you are away.

Attention! All tricks are appropriate only against those people who do not know you closely and do not know the real state of affairs at your dacha.

How to protect your cottage with doors

Strengthen wooden door in a country house - it’s not expensive and quite simple:

  • cover with tin or sheet of steel;
  • apply steel protection for the castle;
  • reinforce the door frame with metal corners.

For extra strength, drill several holes (10 mm each) in the end of the box and drive metal pins into them. After strengthening, be sure to check the hinges. If they are too weak, a heavier door will lead to sagging and problems with opening and closing.

Can be installed in country house And steel door. You should not buy a copy with pretentious external finishing- an economical option is suitable if we are talking about protecting the dacha. Characteristics of the door and features of its installation:

  • steel sheet - thicker than 2 mm, so that the material does not lend itself to a kitchen knife;
  • the door must open outward, otherwise it can be knocked inward;
  • To be sure, secure the structure with a pair of complex, diverse locking mechanisms.

Such a door is an excellent defense if all other parts of the house are impregnable. It can only be opened with an autogenous gun, and this is too noisy and bright. But still the best way To protect the dacha there will be caution. Take your valuables home and celebrate the New Year calmly.

No matter how poor or rich a person is, there is always a tidbit for thieves in his home. It is a fact. And it is foolish to believe that, having established iron door, your property is absolutely safe. MirSovetov will tell you how to make your home a real fortress.

The “right” door is the key to success

There are no trifles in the matter of protecting property. And the most the main objective owner, make the thief’s path to the treasured “treasures” difficult and thorny. To do this, the thief must spend as much time as possible at the very entrance to the apartment. Seeing a stranger scurrying around the door for a long time, there is a greater chance that neighbors will call the police.
Now everyone has rushed to change entrance doors to the so-called a budget optionchinese doors. One might say, to the delight of thieves. Such a door can be opened with a can opener, and the lock can be opened in a couple of minutes with a regular screwdriver. Cheap, but absolutely not reliable. Nice door– all-metal. Such samples cost from $300, but it is impossible to knock it out or cut it. It is important that the door does not open into the apartment (it is more difficult to break), and that between the door and door frame there were no gaps.
– this is certainly an important matter. But you need to treat it even more carefully. You will have to spend even more on a good lock than on buying a door. Be sure to purchase a mortise lock with rivets. The invoice is broken by removing the front panel and removing the lock core. This takes a few minutes. Therefore, we choose a mortise lock and always with a secret.
The more turns of the key are provided, the more secure the lock. Ideally there should be 3-4 turns. Lock bolts also play a very important role in ensuring security. These are the “fingers” that extend when you turn the key. There must be at least two. The bigger, the better.
As has already been said, we don’t skimp, we buy an imported lock (domestic ones cannot be called reliable). By the way, it doesn’t matter whether two, three or five locks are installed. It is better to install one, but very reliable. It will also be useful to install a latch from the inside or hang a good old chain - this way you will be safe. It will be great if you increase the number of obstacles and additionally install a vestibule door. And further. There is no need to buy a gilded door that screams that wealthy people live behind it. Why tempt thieves once again?

Window protection

Protection against thieves should be as comprehensive as possible. Therefore, a castle is indispensable. Modern thieves often enter a home not through the door, but through the windows. Moreover, they even manage to open plastic windows. But you can also find a trick against scrap.
Now there is such a service as glass booking. From inside the apartment, a special film is glued to the glass, which after a few days becomes one with the glass. Such a window cannot be broken with a stone or a hammer, and even during an explosion, it simply deforms and does not break. The service is not cheap - a meter of such miracle glass will cost you from 20 to 50 dollars. But you can choose a tinted film, which will protect you from the sun and from prying eyes. And the thermal insulation will be excellent. In general, the game is worth the candle.
When ordering new plastic windows check with the seller whether it is possible to equip them with special anti-burglary fittings (special locking elements that protect the window from burglary). This fittings are not that expensive, but the manufacturers of such fittings claim that you don’t even have to install grilles. Moreover, by purchasing fittings of a certain protection class (from first to third), you can protect your home both from toolless burglary (first class) and from burglary using a pry bar and crowbar (third class). It is possible to install such fittings on already installed windows. By the way, it will be good for you and bad for uninvited guests if you glaze your balcony or loggia - additional obstacles will do their job.
Did you know that half of it is done through an open window? Yes, yes, especially in the summer, be careful!
In addition to glass armor, there is another good old type of protection - grilles. The existing selection of bars will allow you to choose any pattern or color, so you won’t feel like you’re in prison. But you will feel completely safe. The best from a safety point of view are stationary bars made of rod (thickness is at least 10 mm, preferably 12-15 mm - it cannot be cut with a hacksaw). They cannot be sawed or torn off, so uninvited guests are barred from entering your home. But in the event of a fire or other force majeure, a stationary grille can do a disservice. If the only way to get out of the apartment is through the window, you will find yourself in a hopeless situation. Therefore, MirSovetov recommends equipping at least one window in the apartment with swing bars (shutters). There is such an option as sliding grilles (accordions), they can be equipped not only with windows, but also with doors. True, from the point of view of protection against thieves, this is the most vulnerable option. Many people place bars inside windows (between the frames) or with inside window. Also a reliable option, but again dangerous in case of fire.
Many people believe that installing bars on windows is only necessary on the first floors. No! All windows near which pipes pass, fire escapes, near which there are any buildings are vulnerable. And if you take into account the climbing skills of modern thieves, it is better to bar absolutely all windows.
Well, another way to protect windows is roller shutters. You've undoubtedly seen these on the windows and doors of closed boutiques in the evening. Such "blinds" great option for a cottage or private home. They are equipped with tamper-evident protection from the outside, but can be opened and closed from the inside by pressing a button. The cost of such shutters is steep - from 30 dollars per square meter plus installation.

After strengthening the rear, you can think about professional security. If you can afford it.
For half a thousand hryvnia you can install a scare alarm. When you enter your home, a deafening roar is triggered, and your vigilant neighbors, in the event of your absence, will call the police. This option can save your life if thieves break into your home at night, at least you will wake up from a deafening roar, and the thieves (not a fact, but most often this is the case) will get scared and run away. As you understand, there is no monthly fee for such an alarm system. There are also no guarantees for the safety of your property. There is another option - an autonomous GSM alarm system. In the event of an illegal invasion of your home, the device sends an SMS or calls (in the case of a voice module) to the specified phone number of the owner, and the owner, in turn, calls the police. Here, too, there is no need for a monthly fee; the cost of such an alarm is about 1000 hryvnia.
Security guarantees are given to you only when you connect the alarm to the public or private security console. State security will cost you somewhere around 200-350 hryvnia per month (plus one-time costs for installing equipment of about 3,000 hryvnia). Private – a little more expensive (up to 500 UAH per month) plus the same amount for installation. So, option number one. Alarm systems are installed in apartments with landline phone. This will take about ten days, but this option is not suitable if you do not have a phone. Therefore, most often (to be honest, and more expensive) they prefer to install a GSM alarm connected to a remote control. In this case, the SMS alarm message is received not only by the owner of the apartment, but also by the security guard on duty, after which a group of security guards will quickly come to you. By the way, in addition to standard sensors, your apartment will be equipped (at your request) with a glass break or door opening sensor. They will eliminate the occurrence of false calls.
IN Lately The GSM channel is also widely used by security agencies. And if previously wired ones were used to send an alarm signal telephone lines or a radio channel, now even the presence of a telephone number in the apartment is not an obstacle to installing an alarm system. True, in terms of cost (both installation and subscription fees) the telephone channel is the cheapest, with the radio channel in second place. Reliability increases in the same order. Therefore, usually reputable companies use several channels at once: one is the main one, the second is auxiliary.
In my opinion, the biggest advantage of hiring security companies to protect your home is their competence. Experienced and experienced specialists will develop individual plan home protection. Typically, this plan will be comprehensive. For example, you will be advised to install two doors, one of which will be armored. After the thief opens the first (regular) door, a warning signal will sound in the agency, and while the robber is fiddling with the second (armored) door, a squad of security guards will arrive at the crime scene. The same can be done with windows - anti-burglary fittings and bars from inside the apartment. And also, I would like to draw the attention of MirSovetov readers that almost all security companies guarantee financial liability for the protected property. Even this thought makes your soul feel better, doesn’t it?
As an option, it will be reliable to install video surveillance, although it will cost about $200, and not everyone can live “under the gun” of video cameras. But based on the recording, the police will be able to identify the thief, which will increase the chances of returning your property.
There is another option - an emergency call button. Like in bank robbery movies. Only now the button is not placed under the tabletop, but is integrated into a key fob or mobile phone. If you find house robbers or your apartment is attacked, such a button can literally save your life. But she can help if you press her. If you are not at home, it will be of no use. Yes, and children love to press these buttons, and if this happens, you will have to pay for a false call. Today, this type of wireless alarm is very popular due to its efficiency - you press a button, and after 5-7 minutes security arrives. In any case, specialists will tell you all the nuances.
Some craftsmen can easily turn an ordinary webcam into a home spy; with simple manipulations you can see what’s going on in your home while you’re in the office.

Tricks of “professional” thieves

Thieves are divided into several categories. In principle, the techniques described above will be very helpful against ordinary thieves (teenagers, drug addicts, etc.). It is much more difficult to discourage professional touring performers. They take a long time to choose a target, track them, and know the daily routine of their owners. The presence of such thieves is easy to notice. Unknown people periodically appear in the yard, hang out in the entrances for hours - this should arouse suspicion. To find out whether the owner of the house was, for example, on his lunch break, they place a cracker under the doormat. If it is intact, the apartment is empty. They also leave some marks on the doors and throw broken matches. If you find this, take action. First, tell your neighbors about it. Forewarned is forearmed. Try not to leave the apartment for a long time. Instruct the grandmother from the apartment opposite to look after your apartment through the peephole, grandmothers love this kind of work and will not let anyone out of sight.
An advertisement about baiting cockroaches once appeared on the door of one Kyiv entrance. All residents planning to be away from 3 to 5 p.m. were asked to leave at the door empty cans for poison. That day, seven apartments were robbed—precisely those whose owners had put out the jars. So much for thieves' enterprise.
There are also “their” thieves - they know you, or friends of your friends. Somehow they find out about your absence and steal valuables. There were cases when the robbers turned out to be the children of neighbors who were tasked with watering flowers during their vacation... They even had keys - it was too much of a temptation.
A few months ago, my good friend’s apartment was robbed. They don’t live luxuriously, rather like everyone else. The thieves worked on weekdays at about three o'clock in the afternoon, while vigilant grandmothers watched TV series. They took out the DVD player and microwave, as well as some rings and chains (they were in a vase on the chest of drawers). Surprisingly, the thief was caught. He turned out to be the older brother of a classmate of the son of the robbed woman. It turned out that during recess the son was bragging (this is a common thing among teenagers) that his mother had received an award, the repairs had begun, and he “showed up his new mobile phone as proof.” Therefore, I recommend talking to your children and giving this example.
I strongly advise readers of MirSovetov not to tempt fate and not talk about their purchases, income, or vacation plans. A person who hears this out of the corner of his ear (in line or in the office) can “direct” thieves to your home.

How to “deceive” a thief

This section is dedicated to those people who cannot afford to hire professionals to protect their apartment. It turns out that it can be easier to scare off and outwit a thief than to stop him. What is needed for this? Fantasy.
The most reliable thing is to hire a concierge. As a rule, this is one of the residents of the entrance, who knows all of her “friends” by sight and certainly won’t let a stranger through. If you chip in 10-30 hryvnia per month from each apartment, you can get an amazing “alarm system”.
The intercom, it turns out, is an assistant to thieves. As an investigator I know told me, many thieves tracked the schedule of the owner of the house through the intercom. We dialed the apartment number and waited for an answer. No answer - no owner. And if someone answers the phone, they introduce themselves as a postman or a water utility worker. And sometimes they just ask for some bread. So we advise you to pay attention to the frequent “erroneous” calls.
In second place is the dog. Friend of man and enemy of thieves. It would be good to have a Rottweiler or a Shepherd, but an ordinary Pekingese will also do, the main thing is that it is not tame and barks loudly. By the way, any dog ​​(no older than eight months) can be trained to guard your home. It costs up to $400, but you pay once and are safe for the rest of your life.
My friend made a miracle dog from a doorbell and scrap materials (a motion sensor and something else). As soon as someone started moving near the door, the “dog” began to bark loudly. This device actually almost gave the inventor’s mother-in-law a heart attack. But on the other hand, he has guards who do not need to be walked.
If you are going on vacation, be sure to make your presence visible. Leave the lights on, hang your laundry on the balcony to dry, and leave the radio on at the entrance. Ask trusted (!!!) neighbors or relatives to pick up your mail.
By the way, a sticker on the door “the object is under protection” should confuse the thief. You can find it online, print it out and stick it higher - this will make it harder to see the “fake”.

Where to store money?

There is a lot of advice on this topic on the Internet. We can definitely advise you not to store money in things, children’s toys, sideboards, cereals, cisterns. Where then? Here you are already your own masters - show your imagination and do not follow advice from the Internet, everyone reads them, including thieves. The only advice: arrange several hiding places - it is not a guarantee that a thief will find them all.
For wealthy people there is additional options– savings banks, banks, . The latter are the most reliable. This service is not cheap (2000 hryvnia per year), but these cells are located in underground storage facilities. But they are not comparable to a hiding place in an apartment... True, things placed in a locker are not insured, and cases vary. If you decide to buy a safe, choose a heavier one. Enterprising thieves are already taking out half a ton of safes.
I would like to add that there is no limit to human imagination. And if you have come up with any exclusive method of protection against thieves, leave it in the tips for the article. I think many readers of MirSovetov will find it interesting and useful to learn about it.