home · On a note · How to improve the sound insulation of a Chinese door. How to make high-quality soundproofing of an apartment door with your own hands? Door with double sash

How to improve the sound insulation of a Chinese door. How to make high-quality soundproofing of an apartment door with your own hands? Door with double sash

Good entrance and interior doors are not only aesthetics and home comfort. This is the absence of drafts and silence. But often only good and expensive designs can boast of such characteristics. On lower models price segment Options such as soundproofing may not be available. But you can always modernize the design yourself.

Soundproofing a door is a simple process that will help create real comfort in a house or apartment. Let's look at how to do this.


In an ideal situation, when purchasing, you should immediately choose a good noise-proof model. But if you couldn’t buy a good door, then you’ll have to do everything yourself. To protect the canvas from noise, various soft, loose or hard materials. Often they also serve as insulation. Soft ones settle over time. Is not in the best possible way will affect noise protection.

This may also affect the appearance of the fabric (if it is upholstery). Bulk sound-absorbing substances are not always suitable. If you do the soundproofing of the door yourself, then there are several materials available for this. Polystyrene is well suited for noise protection. It does not allow sounds and cold to pass through. It can be supplied in granule form or liquid mixture. There is also synthetic winterizer. It is quite soft and has high wear resistance. Its main advantage is not high price. But to get a good result, you need to stick the padding polyester in a thick enough layer. Another inexpensive option- this is foam rubber. It is also suitable for upholstery work. door leaf, and as an internal filler. You can also use foam rubber to seal joints.

Izolon is a more modernized analogue of foam rubber. He's different high density and improved characteristics, however, its price is much higher. Mineral wool is widely used for sound insulation. It is quite soft and is widely used in sealing voids, cracks and joints. Over time, this material may shrink. Mineral wool also accumulates moisture well, but it is reliably protected from rotting and reproduction various insects. Foam plastic is also suitable for soundproofing work. Sheets are often used, but the product is also produced in the form of granules. It's good and affordable but has average performance.

Preparation for work

Modern entrance doors can be of two types - with and without interior lining. If the product costs less than 15 thousand rubles, then the casing can be easily dismantled. Door leaves without any finishing inside are much more reliable. But they miss any sounds. Soundproofing the front door should begin with work on dismantling the casing from the inside. On most structures it is secured with self-tapping screws. On old doors it can be installed on decorative nails, so it can be removed very easily.

You can also find door panels decorated with leather or leatherette. If necessary, this decorative upholstery can be changed or left unchanged. It does not affect the level of sound insulation in any way.

Dismantling the casing

Before you take it apart door structure, you should unscrew the handle and remove the cover. It is also advisable to dismantle the lock cylinder. This is necessary if it is installed secretly, but you don’t have to do this. If the door is equipped with a push handle or other automatic systems To close, it is better to block them. Soundproofing a door usually starts with removing the old decorative covering. On most metal structures under the upholstery layer you can see the transverse elements made of profile pipe, attached by spot welding, and crookedly nailed crossbars made of wood. If these components are already rotten and the metal is rusty, then they can be safely removed, and the steel must be thoroughly sanded or treated with a zinc converter. Some models are covered from the inside with a sheet of hardboard. We also take it out.

Laying soundproofing material

Most door models use mineral wool or felt. All this is attached directly to the hardboard. Along with available materials you can use by special means. These are seals that are used in

As the first layer, so that the material does not rot in the future, glue it to the canvas roll insulation"Schumanet." One of its sides has a special polymer-bitumen coating. Then mineral wool or polystyrene foam is laid. Next, you can select any material up to 5 cm thick. This should be the third layer. At the end, an additional layer of Schumanet is attached. Naturally, this method is not true, but this is how you can achieve maximum protection from noise from the entrance or from the street.

How and with what to attach materials to the canvas

Since soundproofing of a metal door is carried out using special materials, then the approach to installation will be special. Installation should be carried out only after the surface of the canvas has been thoroughly cleaned. To degrease it, it is recommended to use alcohol, kerosene or acetone. Sound-absorbing materials are best installed using adhesives specifically designed for this purpose. You shouldn't skimp on them. Sound-absorbing plates and sheets should fit as smoothly as possible to the surface of the metal sheet.

This is important, because this is the only way the door can withstand temperature changes in the off-season and drafts. When choosing an adhesive, make sure that it has a service life of more than 10 years. This way you won't have to re-glue everything again in a couple of years. Every next layer It is recommended to lay only after the previous one has completely dried. Schumanet has its own adhesive film, but you don’t need to have much hope - the composition on this film is not very reliable. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to coat it with the main substance. To ensure that Schumanet adheres better to the metal surface, it is recommended to preheat it with a hairdryer for 20 minutes.

Seam processing

This important point. Without high-quality treatment of the seams, the sound insulation of the door will not be complete. At the joints, in places where the sheets are connected to each other, it is recommended to seal and dampen these areas. A special sealant is ideal for this. With its help you can quickly process a metal entrance door.

Lock processing

This point should be taken Special attention. If the lock has an open structure, it is worth laying these areas with soundproofing materials. The gaps are easily filled with polyurethane foam.

Don't apply too much composition. It tends to increase. As a result, the lock may jam. Instead of foam, mineral wool or silicone sealants work well.

Completion of work

Now the soundproofing of the metal entrance door is almost complete. Additionally, it is recommended to lay insulation under the leatherette. Hardboard can be installed with self-tapping screws even if it was fastened with nails. Now all that remains is to purchase door seals and install them on the frame and door leaf. You should also close all the cracks in the door block.


Soundproofing an interior door will help create maximum comfort and coziness in an apartment or house. But it does this process slightly different than in the case of input structures. Here you need to try to seal the joints. Canvases of such designs are rarely subject to major modifications. To protect yourself from noise, you need to purchase and install a threshold. It must be aligned with the door leaf in closed state. It is recommended to glue a seal around the perimeter of the door frame.

It should be selected based on the size of the gaps along the edges of the canvas. If the seal is not enough, then there is another option - sheathing special panels. It is best to immediately purchase interior doors with sound insulation, for example, from MDF. Over time they can break down and wear out. It is recommended to update them periodically. The position of the canvas is especially important. During operation of the door, distortions may occur, which can cause gaps to appear. This compromises the protection against noise penetration.


Of course, you can buy it right away good doors with good sound insulation, but this is expensive and not always possible. But with a little effort, you can get the same level of noise protection for cheaper door units.

Soundproofing an apartment is the most important issue that every resident probably thinks about. apartment building. And if the sound insulation of walls and ceilings does not raise any questions, since many articles have already been written about it, then today we will talk about how to make sound insulation of doors with your own hands, and below we will provide a video of this process.

- a very important question that worries many homeowners. It is especially relevant for residents of Soviet-style high-rise buildings, because during the construction of these houses practically no attention was paid to protecting apartments from extraneous noise. As a result, tiny landings, thin walls and the plywood doors left absolutely no chance for a quiet life. There are several ways to change the situation and ensure a comfortable existence for yourself. The first is to replace the door with a metal-plastic one, consisting of several layers, one of which is a high-quality sound insulator of varying degrees of conductivity.

Inside modern entrance doors The following materials can be used:

  • Foamed polyurethane. This is a good sound insulator, it does not allow extraneous noise into the room and is characterized by high resistance to fire. The material fits closely to the door leaf from the inside and does not allow sounds to pass through.
  • Polystyrene foam is characterized by a low specific gravity, provides good protection from noise, but in the event of a fire it causes severe smoke.

Advice! Experts advise, if possible, to avoid purchasing entrance doors with internal sound insulation made of foam plastic, since this material is characterized by a low level of fire safety.

  • Mineral wool. It has quite good fire resistance, but during operation it absorbs moisture and sags under its weight.
  • Corrugated cardboard. This is the most cheap option, however, its soundproofing characteristics leave much to be desired.

Modern models of entrance doors made of metal-plastic are additionally equipped with special thresholds and sealing contours, thanks to which the leaf fits closely to the door frame without the formation of any gaps. Expensive models are sheathed on the inside with a layer of artificial leather, which is also a good sound insulator.

Types of sound insulation for entrance doors and methods of its implementation

If it is impossible to replace the doors with better ones, you can soundproof the old door leaf and door frame yourself. It is performed in several ways.

Arrangement of the vestibule

It's no secret that metal is a poor sound insulator, while the characteristics of wood in this regard are much higher. Therefore, our compatriots often establish double door. The first of them is external; in most cases it is made of reliable and durable metal and protects against the penetration of uninvited guests. The second - internal - is made of wood and is an excellent barrier to all kinds of noise and odors. Forms between the doors air gap, performing the function of insulation.

Each of you has probably seen more than once that a layer of sealant is glued along the entire perimeter of the door frame in new doors. If there are several such layers-contours, they can provide truly high-quality noise insulation.

On modern market There are several types of soundproofing circuits:

  • silicone - mounted in slots on the door frame or leaf using a plastic rib.
  • Foam rubber contour. It has an adhesive base, which makes it easy to independently soundproof the front door.
  • The magnetic circuit ensures a tight fit of the doors and, as a result, good sound insulation.

Advice! Using a soundproofing circuit is one of the most affordable and effective ways to soundproof an entrance door, which you can do yourself.

Do-it-yourself noise insulation using upholstery

Not so long ago, it was very popular in the vastness of our Motherland. effective method soundproofing the front door by finishing its exterior with a thick layer of batting. Some craftsmen even managed to upholster the door leaf with an old blanket and cover it with leatherette on top. Even now, when asked which sound insulation is better, they confidently declare: the one made with their own hands and with the help of a thick cotton blanket!

Today, isolon and synthetic winterizer are used as sound insulators for door upholstery. They are laid in several layers, and covered with leatherette or artificial leather on top - to give the canvas a beautiful appearance.

How alternative options soundproofing of entrance doors, you can consider installing decorative panels on the canvas, installing rubber thresholds, sealing concrete mortar gaps that form between door frame and walls.

Interior doors are much thinner in texture than entrance doors, which is not surprising, since they are designed to divide the space inside an apartment or house. However, this does not mean that the issue of sound insulation of such structures is not relevant. If you take a large family, one part of which dreams of an afternoon nap, and the second part dreams of watching a football match with all the ensuing circumstances, it becomes clear that you cannot do without good sound insulation interior doors. But before we talk about its types and methods of implementation, let’s consider the materials from which door panels are made today. So, the following materials are used for doors installed inside the apartment:

  • natural wood;
  • Fiberboard (the most budget option);
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • mirror and glass plates.

The most popular doors are made of fibreboard (fibreboard). Their canvas can be solid or hollow, with or without filler, with inserts made of glass and other materials. The lowest degree of sound insulation is characterized by doors with glass inserts and hollow door leaves, which are generally a kind of resonators.

Speaking about which material is better for soundproofing interior doors, it should be noted solid array from natural wood. But through plastic and glass doors sounds and noises easily penetrate from one room to another.

Today you can find high-quality soundproofing doors on sale that are made using the sandwich principle. If you install them in special boxes with automatic rubber thresholds, the sound absorption level can reach 26 dB. True, such a decision is not always justified, because the appearance of such structures is not particularly aesthetically attractive.

Self-soundproofing interior doors

Professionals assure: if the door between separate rooms within the same apartment is installed correctly, the noise level can be reduced by at least 12 dB. If you also use best materials for sound insulation, you can further reduce the noise level.

Advice! Installation of interior doors in accordance with technical standards reduces noise level by 12 dB.

Stages of soundproofing interior doors

  • Seal all gaps between the wall and the door frame (for this you need to use sealant).
  • Covering the door leaf on the side from which extraneous noise enters the room. In this case, the role of filler can be played by synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, mineral wool, or batting. Dermantin is used as lining, artificial leather and other materials. Door leaves are often sheathed with special sound-absorbing boards, which are glued with mastic and covered with decorative material.
  • Gluing a seal around the perimeter of the door leaf; for this you can take a regular profile hollow rubber cord.

Advice! The gap formed between the door leaf and the frame should not be more than 1 cm.

  • Installation of a threshold that will prevent noise from penetrating through the gap under the door. Today in stores you can find thresholds made of a wide variety of materials with a sound-absorbing effect.

Tips for self-soundproofing doors in an apartment or house

If you want to install beautiful interior doors in your apartment with glass inserts, which, by the way, are not particularly sound insulating, it is better to give preference to models with special sound-proof double-glazed windows.

Any entrance door should protect the room from unwanted guests and intrusion. Moreover, she should become excellent protection from the cold and various noises that can come from the entrance or from the street. Also, high-quality sound insulation will allow all family conversations to remain indoors, and no one passing by the apartment or house will hear a single word. Modern products already have high technical qualities, but sometimes there is a need to increase them. Do-it-yourself soundproofing of doors is a process that can be done with ease. For this you should use modern materials, which will meet all the requirements.

A high-quality entrance door should protect not only from the entry of unwanted guests, but also from street noise.

Main characteristics

Today, the market for entrance and interior doors offers a fairly large range of models. Among all the options, there are models that have very high heat and sound insulation characteristics. It is worth noting right away that such products will cost much more. As for cheaper options, then, accordingly, the technical qualities are reduced.

If you want to install the cheapest and practical option, use a steel sheet with a corner welded around the perimeter. In order to make the structure more durable, additional stiffeners are installed. Sound insulation of such a product must be performed. Soundproofing a room can be done in several ways:

  1. Insulation of the entrance door.
  2. Arrangement of a small vestibule - installation of a second door leaf.
  3. A combined method that involves the use of the two previous options.

Two latest options require additional labor and financial costs. That's why the best option the first door leaf will be insulated.

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For sound insulation it is worth using modern sound-absorbing materials, which are presented today in a huge assortment. A significant increase in the volume of the canvas allows you to retain more heat in the room. By performing such work, you can completely change the appearance of the door. It depends on personal preference and the insulators chosen.

The first thing the work begins with is removing the upholstery from the canvas. This is acceptable if the door has a frame covered with fiberboard sheets covered decorative layer- leatherette or laminated film. If the product is metal, then it is worth disassembling the structure, and it is very important to ensure that the cutting site is very neat, since in the future it will be necessary to connect the elements by welding.

You should first check the parameters of the frame and its geometry. To make the product more reliable and durable, additional stiffeners can be installed inside the structure. The entire internal area must be treated with a degreaser, such as acetone. When working with it, be sure to wear protective gloves.

Can be used as a heat insulator polyurethane foam, with the help of which the internal emptiness of the structure is filled.

Polyurethane foam is used to seal cracks that form during the installation process. As for sound insulation using this material, it will be quite low. Sound insulation of the canvas can be done using bitumen self-adhesive insulators. Among them, it is worth noting self-adhesive vibration insulators - bimast, vizomat, or self-adhesive noise insulators - vibroplast, splen. In order to perform high-quality insulation, you need to use three layers of each of the two types of insulator.

In order to cut vibration and sound insulation, you will need a regular construction knife or large scissors. It is also worth using a tape measure, a ruler and a pencil or chalk for marking. Sometimes, for better adhesion, it is recommended to use an additional adhesive composition.

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Pasting soundproofing material

After the surface has been degreased, it is necessary to give it time to dry completely and only then begin gluing the materials. The first layer is to lay bitumen vibration insulation. This material is a fairly heavy sheet with a sealant - glue. This material can be glued in two layers. Several layers of sound insulation must be laid on top of it. This material is lighter and looks like thin foam rubber.

Installation of such material must be done in strips; the process is reminiscent of gluing wallpaper to a wall. Protective film, which protects the adhesive layer, does not need to be torn off immediately; its removal is carried out gradually, during the process of gluing to the door. At the same time, it is necessary to smooth the surface so that there are no air spaces left. It is very important to overlap each layer. To do this, all strips must be glued in a checkerboard pattern so that each joint is covered with a new strip of sound insulation. In order to remove the remaining material, you must use a regular knife.

It is recommended to glue such materials in warm time years when the air temperature exceeds +20°C and even +25°C. If the procedure is carried out in winter time, it is necessary to warm the surface of the metal door with a fan heater.

When overlaying insulating materials you need to be careful where the locking systems are located, access to them must not be blocked, and after completion of the work the entire system should work without difficulty.

Today, the front door must perform many functions, and one of these functions is their sound insulation. After all, all people, returning home after a hard day of work, want to separate themselves from unnecessary sounds and relax in silence. But it becomes impossible when you hear the constant slamming of neighbors’ doors in the entrance, someone’s conversations, and so on.

If you are tired of this and you just can’t relax, then it’s time to think about soundproofing your front door in your apartment. Today, soundproofing doors are a must in apartment buildings. Today, purchasing entrance doors to an apartment with sound insulation is not a problem. This article will discuss soundproofing a door with your own hands.

The simplest and at the same time expensive method is to replace the old entrance door with a new one, which already includes sound insulation. Or you can make an additional door. You will have to spend a sufficient amount of your Money. You will not only need to pay for installing a new one, but also for dismantling the old one. All in all, you will have to make huge expenses.

But if you do not want to purchase a new one or install an additional one, then you can carry out soundproofing yourself. It is necessary to carry out some modifications in order for this element to acquire the necessary qualities:

  • Upholstery using specially designed materials that do not allow noisy sounds to pass through. This option is budget-friendly, and a small amount of time is spent on the procedure. The process consists of placing foam rubber pads under the skin. The entire effectiveness of the entire procedure depends on the thickness of the material. Seams must be laid with thick, dense material from felted wool(felt) or you can use foam. This is done to prevent any noise from penetrating through small gaps.
  • Using mineral wool. This material is the most common one used for sound insulation. Mineral wool is so popular due not only to its sound insulation, but also to its resistance to fire. Mineral wool has a certain drawback: after a certain period of time, this material begins to decrease in size, so during installation, longitudinal grooves on the blade should be used to give it greater transverse rigidity (stiffening ribs).
  • The use of polyurethane foam (common name “foam rubber”). Polyurethane foam has excellent soundproofing characteristics, which is important for our work. Foam rubber is installed in inner part, and it itself attaches to the surface. There is also a minus, but it is small: the material is not flame resistant. But this is not a problem at all if your structural element is made of metal.
  • Bituminous material that absorbs noise and vibration. This material has a self-adhesive base. Vibroplast or bimast can serve as such a base.
  • There are more budget-friendly methods, such as using fiberboard (MDF) or using polystyrene foam. But, unfortunately, these methods have little effectiveness.

In general, in some cases, the comfort and coziness in the apartment depends on the sound insulation of this structural element, so do not skimp on the purchased materials. Otherwise, you risk wasting your energy, time and money, but will not be able to feel the desired result.

During soundproofing of the front door, there is a possibility of improving other characteristics:

  • You can increase the mass and thickness of the canvas - this factor will also be an obstacle to the penetration of unnecessary noise.
  • Thermal insulation qualities increase.
  • There will be no draft through the cracks. This occurs due to the gas-tightness (sealing) of the insulation.
  • The element takes on a more aesthetic appearance thanks to wood fiber boards (MDF).

Algorithm of actions for sound insulation

There is a certain algorithm of actions that should be followed:

  • First, the old upholstery is dismantled. These low-cost structural elements are covered with leatherette material, which is attached with nails. You can remove them using a plumbing tool (pliers). Once all the nails are removed, the leatherette can be easily removed from the surface. Also under the covering is a fibreboard. It also needs to be eliminated. Then wet a rag with acetone and then wipe the inside with it. For safety, work must be carried out with gloves.
  • Carrying out soundproofing and thermal insulation of entrance doors. Next, on the surface, which is made of metal, you need to stick bitumen material for vibration isolation. After this, apply soundproofing material. The procedure for applying soundproofing material is similar to that for gluing wallpaper. Unnecessary, excess layers of material are eliminated. This is done with a knife. In order for the entire installation to be carried out efficiently, the work must be carried out under room temperature(20 to 25 degrees Celsius). To improve sound insulation and thermal insulation characteristics, free areas of the inner surface must be covered with mineral wool or foam rubber. You can secure some of these materials using nails that were previously removed with pliers.
  • The process of laying wires. Signal wires are routed in the interior. The wires run from the top of the loop to the peephole and lock. In the future, the wires will be used to install locks for radio control or an electronic peephole. You will not need to dismantle this structural element with good sound insulation again.

Metal doors

Metal doors with sound insulation are very rare. In most cases, a metal door does not have any specific sound insulation at all. Or there is corrugated cardboard, which reduces unpleasant sound insignificant. Therefore, do-it-yourself soundproofing of the front door at this moment simply necessary.

As soundproofing material Mineral wool is perfect. It is not recommended to use polystyrene foam to insulate noise. It releases toxic substances, and foam is not fire resistant. But the best option To soundproof this structural element made of metal, it is to use a plastic material such as polyurethane foam.

Foamed polyurethane has many advantages. This material adheres perfectly to the surface. Polyurethane for a long time retains its shape throughout the entire period of use. This plastic material is also highly fire resistant. Soundproofing of a metal entrance door is most often carried out using polyurethane.

Instead of silicone sealant, you can use a magnetic circuit as insulation.

As a result of using all these materials, you can achieve excellent sound insulation of a metal door. Doors with increased sound insulation will provide you with comfort. Soundproofing metal entrance doors is a process that is becoming widespread.

Iron doors

The best solution for soundproofing an iron entrance door is to use automotive materials which absorb vibration and noise. When installing a metal door, the temperature should be around 20-25 degrees Celsius. Iron or steel doors also do not have normal noise insulation.

Most effective method is to remove the front door covering and add soundproofing material to the inside.

Layers that increase the level of sound insulation must be increased.

Improving the appearance of the front door after installation

Once work has been carried out to prevent noise from entering the room, it is important to give the front door an aesthetic appearance. It is not recommended to use plastic for this work, as this material quickly deforms. To give an aesthetic appearance, the use of wood-fiber boards (MDF) or ordinary lining is suitable. To secure the sheathing you need a covering of lathing made of wooden material.

The installation of panels should take place where the hinges are located. Narrow, well-processed, tightly fitting cladding boards (lining) are cut to size. The panel is attached using liquid nails. Then the other panels are secured and a peephole is made for the door. Completion of work occurs where the lock is located.

To hide all emerging defects, the surface is covered with decorative strips. The gaps that have formed between the skin and the metal of the front door are eliminated using viscous compounds based on low molecular weight silicone rubbers (silicone sealant).

As soon as the silicone sealant dries, the rubber profile is installed.

The covering at the very end is masked with varnish. After this, the entrance door with good sound insulation takes on the appearance of expensive wood. The soundproofing procedure is completely completed, and at the same time the insulation is installed and an aesthetic appearance is given.

Bottom line

Entrance doors with good sound insulation are a guarantee of unique comfort and coziness in the apartment. Soundproofing doors is also necessary for those who are afraid of being overheard by someone during conversations. If you have enough money, then it is best to purchase an entrance door to an apartment that has excellent soundproofing characteristics. Self-soundproofing your front door is a simple procedure.

Soundproofing the front door does not require any specific effort or skills. Soundproofed entrance doors are essential if you live in a noisy city. This article examined sound insulation for metal, rather than wooden doors, since today they practically do not exist.

A modern front door is not only a symbol of prestige and security for the homeowner, but also a guarantor of warmth and silence. The last two qualities are currently subject to increased and completely justified demands when choosing a door, whether to an apartment or a private house, after all, everyone wants, upon returning home after a “busy” day of work, to completely abstract themselves from extraneous sounds: the slamming of neighbors’ doors, noisy companies on landing, sounds of passing cars: from all kinds of smells from the entrance and street, and just enjoy the warmth of your home.

If you feel that all these “costs of living” in an apartment building or private building do not allow you to fully relax and gain strength, then it’s time to think about heat and sound insulation your doors. There are two ways to solve this problem:

1. The easiest, but also the most expensive way is to replace old door to a new one, with ready-made heat and noise insulation. This option entails additional costs: dismantling the old one and installing a new one.

2. If the budget is limited, and time is “not very good”, then it is worth considering a way to do the heat and sound insulation of doors with your own hands. It will consist of modifying the existing entrance door so that it acquires the qualities we need.

So, what does good heat and noise insulation of a metal door consist of?
Firstly, it's a filler. It must be present inside the front door and fill all the voids in the door leaf, be “durable”, have high sound insulation properties and low thermal conductivity.

Secondly, this is the contour of the seal. In addition to the filler to retain heat and sound insulation, the design of the front door must have sealing contours - rubberized or magnetic tapes around the perimeter of the door leaf at the point of contact with the door frame, for example, like in a refrigerator. They are designed to protect against drafts and in high-quality entrance doors there should be at least two of them - one on the leaf and one on the frame.

Other design features increasing heat and noise insulation properties:
There are a couple more secrets by which you can identify a door with good heat and noise insulation or give it these properties. In addition to the presence of the obligatory filler and sealing contours better sound insulation and a door with a thicker door leaf will have protection against heat loss. Decorative panel(MDF, veneer, etc.) installed inside and sometimes outside the door leaf will also provide additional heat and noise insulation.

Which filler should I choose? There are many ways to insulate a door, as well as the thermal insulation materials themselves. It is important to take into account the design of the door itself: “hollow inside” or with lathing. Let's talk about the most popular and easy to install:
. Mineral wool. This material has long been used in construction and is the most popular and widespread for heat and sound insulation. This is due to the fact that this type the material is environmentally friendly, fire resistant, does not emit harmful substances and retains heat excellently. Minus - mineral wool absorbs water well, and when the percentage of humidity increases to a certain value, it significantly loses its thermal insulation properties. Moreover, like everyone else sheet materials, inside the vertical cavity it gradually “sags” down, which is why the door begins to freeze from above. This drawback in factory doors is eliminated by sealing the internal cavity of the door leaf and using special stiffeners (lathing frame).

. Polyurethane foam- this is foam that is pumped inside the door and quickly hardens. 97% of the volume is air in the pores of the material, so such a door will retain heat perfectly. But you won’t be able to pump the foam yourself, which makes using polyurethane foam more expensive than all the options given here.
Plus: it has very low thermal conductivity and is also excellent for use as a heat and sound insulating material for an entrance door.
Disadvantage: it is a flammable material and cannot be used in fire doors. Unlike mineral wool, polyurethane foam does not absorb moisture and has a low specific gravity.

. Bitumen vibration- and sound-absorbing materials on a self-adhesive basis, for example vizomat, vibroplast, splen, isolon.
Izolon is one of the most effective insulation materials, which you can easily install yourself. This is a material based on foamed polyethylene, produced in rolls. On one side of the sheet there is an adhesive layer that is attached to the door. Minus - high price compared to polystyrene foam, foam rubber and mineral wool.

There are more economical materials, such as foam rubber and polystyrene. But the efficiency of application here is corresponding.

. Styrofoam does not slide down the door, does not deform, does not pick up moisture and itself has sufficiently high thermal insulation properties. But this material also has disadvantages: corridors are formed in the gaps for the penetration of cold, and Fire safety- not the best strong point this material. This insulation is more suitable for the entrance door to an apartment, but if you live in private home, you need to think carefully here. A door insulated with foam plastic will most likely freeze in winter. The gaps between the plates can (and should) be filled with foam during installation, which will reduce this drawback.

. Foam rubber It’s also easy to place yourself inside or on the door; it has good warmth and soundproofing properties, but quickly begins to crumble and crumble in “difficult conditions,” especially if the front door separates the home from the street, and not from a relatively warm entrance.

How to choose the thickness of the insulating material?

The thickness of the material is most often selected empirically, if there is a cavity in the door (in which manufacturers, especially Chinese ones, most often place cardboard), it should simply be filled as tightly as possible thermal insulation material. It is clear that the thickness of the material in this case should not be greater than the thickness of the door leaf itself.

Sequence of work on independent heat and sound insulation of the door. The work is carried out in several stages:

. Removing old upholstery. Before soundproofing a door, you need to remove the old upholstery. Often, cheap doors are covered with leatherette, attached with nails. It will be easy to pull them out by the caps with pliers. When all fasteners are removed, the material is removed from the entire surface of the door. Under the upholstery there is usually a sheet of fiberboard or hardboard. It also needs to be removed. Next, you should wet a rag (with solvent, acetone) and thoroughly wipe (degrease) all inner surface doors. Before doing this, be sure to wear gloves so as not to injure your hands on burrs that may be on the metal;

. Heat - sound insulation of the door. Now with inside, right on metal surface, glue the selected bitumen vibration-proofing material, and in turn lay it on it - soundproofing material. The gluing of these materials is carried out according to the same principle as gluing wallpaper. The layers overlap each other, excess parts are removed with a knife. In order for the materials to stick reliably and efficiently, it is necessary to carry out work at room temperature (20-24 degrees). At the end of this stage, in order to enhance the soundproofing and at the same time add a thermal insulation effect, the remaining free interior of the door is filled with foam rubber or mineral wool. They are secured using any mesh and nails that were previously used to nail down the old covering;

. Laying wires inside the door. If necessary or just in case, power and signal wires are installed inside the door. They stretch from the top loop to the peephole and lock. In the future, they may be used to install radio-controlled locks or a video peephole, without having to disassemble the door again - necessary wires has already.

After the soundproofed door is ready, you can think about giving it a more aesthetic appearance. It is better not to use plastic for these purposes, because... it is subject to deformation. MDF panels or regular lining are more suitable for this. The sheathing should be secured to a wooden sheathing.
Installation of panels begins from the edge on which the hinges are located. The panel is cut to size, a thin beam is placed between the panel and the threshold, the panel is glued liquid nails. Next, the rest of the panel is attached, and a slot is made in it for the door peephole. The installation of the panel is completed from the edge where the lock is located.
In order to disguise the uneven edges of the panels, their perimeter is covered with decorative strips. The gaps formed between the skin and the metal of the door are eliminated using silicone sealant. When it is completely dry, the surface is thoroughly degreased and a self-adhesive rubber profile is attached as a seal.

As a finishing touch, the panels are coated with colorless varnish, after which it looks like expensive wood. And so, the entrance door with heat and sound insulation is ready.