home · Networks · Materials for heat and sound insulation of room walls. Thin sound insulation of walls in an apartment: characteristics of materials and installation methods. Assembling the soundproofing panel

Materials for heat and sound insulation of room walls. Thin sound insulation of walls in an apartment: characteristics of materials and installation methods. Assembling the soundproofing panel

Scientists have established the fact that exposure to constant noise negatively affects the human psyche, does not allow him to fully relax and unwind, and worsens general state body. Therefore, the issue of soundproofing walls in an apartment and private house with modern materials is becoming increasingly relevant. There are a huge number of soundproofing materials on the market. The most popular and effective ones will be discussed below.

How to choose a material for high-quality soundproofing of walls in a private house

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. All types of sound insulation offered by modern manufacturers are divided into categories and types, which have their own characteristic features.

Before purchasing soundproofing material, you should first determine its function. The material can be:

  1. Sound-absorbing.
  2. Soundproof.

The first type absorbs noise, ensuring its attenuation inside the structure. Sound-absorbing materials have a fibrous or granular base. Significant advantages are low price, low weight, and therefore ease of installation.

Soundproofing structures reflect noise and prevent it from entering the room. Optimally solves the problem of sound penetration from the street. All of them are quite massive and heavy, so they are inconvenient during the mounting process.

You should also take into account the features of the room. In small rooms, noise spreads faster, and the issue of sound insulation is especially acute. At the same time, oversized structures eat up useful space and reduce the already small footage.

Noises can be structural or airborne. Structural include the sounds of moving furniture and falling objects, the stomping of children, etc. Airborne noise travels through the air. These are people's voices, music playing and equipment working.

Airborne noise is eliminated using a thick and dense surface. Materials that absorb vibration help reduce the sounds of footsteps, impacts during repairs, and falls. To get rid of structural interference, sealing individual areas with durable materials is suitable. The ideal solution would be to combine all types of sound insulation. This is an expensive and energy-intensive process that reduces available space but provides the highest quality results.

Important! Some modern materials combine all types of sound insulation.

Types of modern materials for sound insulation

Mineral wool is very popular for sound insulation

  • still remains one of the most popular options for soundproofing in an apartment. It is inexpensive and, according to professionals, can retain up to 98% of various noises. Designed for finishing most types of surfaces, but may lose properties due to high humidity.
  • Cork are soundproofing boards that can be easily mounted on a prepared surface. Due to its natural origin, it is more expensive than mineral wool, but for protection against impact noise it is the best option. Not subject to rotting, prevents the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms. With proper installation and operation, it will not lose its properties for about half a century.
  • Among the new products it is worth highlighting sandwich panels ZIPS (thermosound-insulated) with interlayers mineral wool and plasterboard cladding. They are one of the best materials on the modern market with ideal sound reflection and noise absorption parameters at the same time. They are very easy to attach, but are expensive and require installation in several layers.
  • Soundproof breathable boards ISOPLAAT. Made from natural, environmentally friendly fibers coniferous trees. They isolate the room from both shock and airborne noise. They are mounted with glue and consist of a 2700 x 1200 mm slab with a thickness of 10 mm, a weight of 4 kg and a sound insulation index of 23 dB.

  • Wall panels "Kraft" made of environmentally friendly fiberboard, with front side lined with waxed paper, and with corrugated cardboard on the back. Each 12 mm thick sheet weighs about 5.5 kg. Rw is 23 dB. Suitable for finishing.
  • EcoZvukoIzol panel made from quartz sand and seven-layer cardboard profiles. The acoustic mat has a thickness of 13 mm. Weighs from 10 to 18 kg, but has a sound insulation index of 38 dB.
  • Mineral plate Schumanet made of basalt fibers and is considered a premium sound insulator. One side is covered with a fiberglass layer, which helps maintain the integrity of the mat and holds the basalt fibers in one position. This characteristic is especially useful if lining with acoustic panels is planned. Due to its low moisture absorption, it is suitable for use in wet areas.
  • Texound appeared on the market relatively recently. Its main advantage is that, due to its small thickness, it practically does not consume any usable space. The basis of the material is the calcareous rock aragonite, and harmless materials are used as binders. polymer compositions providing flexibility and elasticity. Even thin-thick canvases are very effective and are capable of dispersing high-intensity sounds, not only penetrating from the outside, but also occurring inside the room. The sound insulation index is 28 dB.
  • Acoustic foam. Foam mats are one of the most effective sound insulators in the budget price category. It is successfully used in concert halls, studios and large spaces. They perfectly absorb and dissipate sound vibrations and are able to drown out low-frequency sounds (for example, the bass of music). The material is quite durable and has a wide size range. The main condition for its installation is fastening directly to the base of the wall, without additional pads. If you soundproof not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling with foam rubber, the room will become almost soundproof.

Sound insulation price

When purchasing sound insulators, you need to pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • Density.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to fungus and mold.
  • Fire safety.
  • Resistance to tensile and pulling.

The better these indicators, the more optimal properties will have material. Naturally, its price will be higher. Pricing is also influenced by naturalness - environmentally friendly material is safer and more expensive.

If we consider each type of sound insulation separately, then sandwich panels will be the most expensive. Their average cost is in the range of 1000-1300 rubles per square meter.

  • Plates based on mineral and glass wool cost between 200-300 rubles. per meter
  • Drywall sheets – 100-300 rubles.
  • The price of sound-absorbing materials in rolls varies from 170 to 300 rubles.

How to save on sound insulation

Prices for soundproofing walls in a country house with modern materials may vary, but in any case you should not skimp on indicators such as fire resistance, moisture resistance, etc. Then the soundproofing system will last for a long time and will provide additional home security.

First you need to determine the type of noise you want to eliminate. For example, if your neighbors dog barks behind the wall, then the noise disturbing you is of airborne origin. In this case, there is no need to purchase expensive materials designed to combat several types of noise. Choose a sound insulator that eliminates only airborne noise. If constant repair work interferes with your relaxation, insulate the wall from structural noise.

Do not buy sound insulators intended for industrial and public spaces. They have high technical characteristics, but materials with lower performance are suitable for an ordinary apartment. For residential buildings, systems with a sound insulation index of 15 dB or more are suitable. An index of 22 dB is suitable for rooms with special requirements.

How to choose the best soundproofer

According to experts, the best sound insulators on the modern construction market are materials based on mineral wool or fiberglass. They allow air to pass through, do not burn, are easy to cut and, at the same time, are affordable for most consumers. But universal material still no. Manufacturers offer dozens of options. To achieve the best effect, it is better to combine several of them. Most often used in homes:

  • To overcome airborne noiseceramic brick, wood structures, plasterboard, foam concrete, fiberglass, special multilayer panels, mineral wool.
  • To overcome impact noisecork materials, expanded polystyrene, bitumen-cork substrates, polyethylene, etc.
  • To overcome structural noise– vibroacoustic sealant, fiberglass, silica-based substrates and other highly elastic materials.

The consumer tries to give preference to the most durable and elastic sound insulators that have a budget price. When installed correctly, all sound insulators will create a pleasant and calm atmosphere in your home.

And if you still have doubts, watch the video with the comparative characteristics of different soundproofing materials:

7 8 9 10

With development modern technologies The frequency range of sound sources has expanded significantly. Residents of panel and block high-rise buildings especially suffer from this. Contrary to popular myths, traditional insulation materials such as mineral wool, polystyrene foam or cork do not improve sound insulation. To fully protect your apartment from noise penetration, you should look for a comprehensive solution and it is best to invite an acoustics engineer for this. This is recommended to do in case of serious acoustic discomfort. If you need to reduce noise pollution by 5-10 dB, you can resort to special noise-insulating materials by using them in the design frame partitions and wall cladding. This rating contains a list of the most effective of them and is compiled based on expert opinions and user reviews.

Actual noise insulation characteristics may differ from those declared by the manufacturer, since they largely depend on the degree of tightness of the fences, their total mass and number of layers, as well as some architectural aspects. In other words, even the most effective material will be useless if the apartment is located next to a noisy engineering equipment, the neighbor's subwoofer regularly rumbles through the wall, and the partitions are made in the form of single structures and are rigidly attached to the bases. To avoid wasting time and money, we suggest evaluating the pros and cons of different materials.


Construction plasterboard


Light weight of the finished partition


Tangible results when arranging a double partition

- complexity of installation

‒ significant loss of area

‒ minimal sound insulation of a single frame without a sound absorber

Soundproofing plasterboard

Highest sound insulation properties due to increased density and reduced rigidity

Can be used for soundproofing music studios and home theaters

- costs much more than usual

‒ when attaching the GC-cladding, it requires installation using special fasteners

‒ in the future, it is undesirable to attach heavy interior elements to the cladding

Sandwich panels

Multilayer structure

Easy to install

Sufficiently high sound insulation provided the fence is sealed

‒ large panel thickness

‒ high cost of installation work

‒ noticeable reduction usable space apartments

Acoustic mineral wool

Suitable for soundproofing walls, floors and ceilings, including suspended ceilings

Made from high quality raw materials

Successfully solves the problem of airborne and impact noise transmission

Has high thermal characteristics

- low hydrophobic properties

‒ lack of specialists in the installation of acoustic materials on the labor market

‒ high cost of installing a soundproofing system

Roll materials

Affordable cost

Possibility of self-installation

Convenient format for wall decoration

Saving space

‒ minimal acoustic effect when using one layer

‒ the need for plasterboard covering for finishing the walls

Conclusions: there are no materials that provide complete sound insulation. In order to maximally attenuate sound as it penetrates through the wall, it is necessary to erect a soundproofing structure of the “mass-elasticity-mass” type.

TOP 10 best materials for soundproofing walls

10 Echocore

High sound absorption coefficient. Wide variety of designs
Country Russia
Average price: 2,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

"Echokor" are acoustic panels for soundproofing apartments, private houses, and public spaces with varying degrees of noise pollution. Their production is carried out by the Alliance company, using unique raw materials - foamed melamine from the German trademark Busf. Externally, melamine is very similar to foam rubber, but, unlike it, it is absolutely non-flammable, has an open-cell structure and low thermal conductivity. This combination of properties makes the material attractive for solving a number of construction problems, including sound insulation.

Due to the highest sound absorption (up to 1.0 with a panel thickness of 40 mm and a wall depth of 200 mm), Echokor can be used to create sound comfort in recording studios, assembly halls, restaurants, etc. Moreover, the properties of the source material allow the products to be painted in a wide range color palette, give it to the surface geometric shapes, apply prints and designs using airbrushing, cut into shaped products. Thus, sound-absorbing panels provide unlimited possibilities in interior decoration according to individual projects.

9 Thermosound insulation

Time-tested effectiveness. Precise installation technology
Country Russia
Average price: 4,800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

TZI is a soundproofing sheet made of needle-punched fiberglass, mechanically compressed and sealed in spunbond. The Korda company has been producing it since 1996 and during this time has developed an extensive range of products based on TZI, the most popular of which are mats for heat and sound insulation measuring 1.5mx10mx10 (14 mm). If necessary, the canvases can be cut by sealing the sections with tape of the same brand.

The main advantages of this material are its high sound absorption coefficient (up to 87%), versatility (suitable for sound insulation of country cottages, offices, apartments) and low thermal conductivity. The manufacturer provides on the website a detailed algorithm of actions, thanks to which even the most inexperienced home craftsman can correctly install a soundproofing “pie”. As practice shows, the above technologies really work, and the material fully justifies the long-term trust of customers. True, you should be careful when purchasing - recently cases of counterfeiting have become more frequent, and packages with canvases have received an updated design.

8 Gyproc Aku Line gypsum board

Recommendation from professionals. Smoothness and hardness of the front surface
A country: Poland (produced in Russia)
Average price: 680 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Soundproofing gypsum sheets are recommended by the Moscow NIISF for use as permanent elements in standard structures for soundproofing walls and ceilings of residential buildings, including medical and children's institutions. To do this, they have all the necessary set of qualities: strength (provided by a dense gypsum core reinforced with fiberglass), high sound insulation index (54 dB), environmental friendliness (confirmed by EcoMaterial Absolute).

The front surface of the sheet has a hardness that is significantly superior to that of competitors, and the special shape of the edge increases the resistance of the seam to cracking. It is important to note the exceptional smoothness of the cladding, which significantly reduces time and material costs for finishing. Reviews confirm that the sheets are indeed very dense, transporting them is quite difficult and it is better to countersink the holes before tightening the screws. But sound insulation, provided that the material is used according to ready-made solutions for specific premises, is achieved noticeable.

7 Knauf Acoustic KNAUF

Environmental friendliness. Effective term operation for more than 50 years
A country: Germany (produced in Russia)
Average price: 912 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

AcoustiKNAUF is an acoustic mineral wool created using innovative Ecose technology, which eliminates the use of harmful substances based on phenol-formaldehyde resins as a binder. In addition, no synthetic dyes are introduced into the composition, and the characteristic brown color of the canvases is the result of exposure to high temperatures on the natural components of the raw materials. Compared to other products, Acoustic has longer and thinner fibers, due to which a higher sound insulation rate is achieved - according to test results, a finished partition using KNAUF materials reduces the noise level to 57 dB (the figure also depends on the wall design).

Based on AcoustiKnauf, the company offers many ready-made solutions for heat and sound insulation of various objects. Their implementation is easy due to the presence detailed instructions from the manufacturer, with the help of which you can isolate the premises yourself or monitor the work of the contractor. Correct installation provides maximum rigidity, elasticity and recoverability, so that the predicted service life of the material as part of the partition is 50 years or more.

6 SonoPlat Combi

Widest scope of application
Country Russia
Average price: 940 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

SonoPlat Combi soundproofing panels boast a very wide range of applications. They can be used in the construction of interior partitions, soundproofing walls and floors, creating soundproof screens, building chambers for industrial equipment. Using the material, boxes for lamps and electrics are erected, niches are formed for speaker systems. The material is a combined soundproofing panel, which is intended for the installation of frameless thin systems. The basis of SonoPlat Combi is a multilayer cellulose frame filled with quartz sand and air coniferous substrate. It is thanks to the use of environmentally safe materials when creating soundproofing panels, a wide range of applications became possible.

The panels can be mounted directly on a leveled wall. For this purpose, there is an elastic, lightweight backing and folded edges at the ends. This design allows you to form a single surface without visible joints and crevices. The panels can become a kind of layer when it is necessary to create a super-efficient soundproofing system. Using only SonoPlat Combi sheets you can reduce noise in the room by 13 dB.

Homeowners write about many positive properties of the panels in their reviews. First of all, multifunctionality and reasonable price are indicated. But not everyone manages to create an effective barrier to extraneous sounds.

5 Soundguard Ecozvukoizol

The thinnest sound insulation
Country Russia
Average price: 920 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The thinnest sound insulation in our review was the domestic Soundguard Ekozvukoizol panel. Its thickness is only 13 mm. Calculating the number of panels per room is not difficult, since the dimensions of the sheet are quite accurate (1200x800 mm). The manufacturer was able to achieve a soundproofing effect through the use of quartz filler. Soundproofing panels greatly reduce the impact of sound and shock waves over a wide range of frequencies. This was achieved by increasing the weight of the sheet and using a multilayer interlayer. It contains elastic, integrated and vibration-damping layers, as well as free filler particles.

The panel is mounted similarly to plasterboard sheets; it can be used for sound insulation of both walls and ceilings. It is allowed to soundproof only interior rooms with low humidity. You can cut the panels with a hacksaw, circular saw, grinder or jigsaw. The sheets are mounted both on an independent frame and directly to the wall surface. In the latter case, the surface must first be leveled using fiberboard or Soundguard Roll.

The majority of apartment and house owners in their reviews positively characterize Soundguard Ekozvukoizol soundproofing panels. They do not take up room space and are easy to install. Some users are not happy with the high price and heavy weight of the sheets.

4 StopSound BP

The best combination of noise and heat insulation properties
Country Russia
Average price: 755 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

To minimize the cost of heat and sound insulation of a house or apartment, you should pay attention to StopZvuk BP slabs. The material has unique abilities due to the presence of basalt mineral in its composition. This component plays main role universal insulator. In addition to high noise absorption (up to 99%), the slab can withstand high temperatures (up to 1000°C). Owners of private houses will benefit from such properties as resistance to rodent penetration, preservation of their properties in a humid environment, and inertness to biodestruction.

StopZvuk BP is an environmentally friendly material, since basalt is a natural substance. The products meet all the requirements of European standards. Quality is controlled at all stages of production.

The low density of the material allows for complete thermal and sound insulation of a house or room, without fear of the load on the supporting structures. Sound insulation is installed in the same way as in the case of mineral slabs. A frame is made with a pitch of 600 mm, and an insulator is placed in the resulting space.

Homeowners note in reviews such advantages of StopZvuk BP as reduced costs for a set of insulation measures, simple installation, and low weight. Disadvantages include insufficient protection from strong noise and vibration.

3 Schumanet BM

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 749 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Cheaply making high-quality noise insulation of a room will help mineral slab Schumanet BM. This non-combustible material has a low specific gravity, which reduces the load on the walls. The slabs are designed to fill voids between the wall and the cladding. Installation is carried out using frame structures. The quality of each slab is strictly controlled by the manufacturer. Therefore, excellent acoustic properties are guaranteed.

Builders have no problems installing the material. As a rule, a frame is installed on the walls of houses with a pitch of 600 mm. The minislab has the same width with a length of 1200 mm and a thickness of 50 mm. The package contains 4 slabs, which allows you to immediately insulate 2.88 square meters. m walls. Soundproofing material is placed between the profile or wooden beam. For fastening, it is enough to use several plastic “fungi” intended for mounting heat-insulating boards. If Shumanet BM will be used in rooms with high moisture, then each slab is first wrapped in non-woven material, for example spunbond.

Russian homeowners and builders note a number of positive qualities soundproofing material. This is an affordable price, ease of installation, good noise absorption coefficient. The disadvantages include the presence of loose and prickly elements.

2 Soundline-dB

Optimal combination of thickness and sound insulation properties
Country Russia
Average price: 1080 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Unique soundproofing properties has an acoustic triplex Soundline-dB. It is made according to the principle of an automobile windshield. A special sealant is applied between two moisture-resistant weighted sheets of plasterboard (8 mm). Due to the elasticity of the layer, the sound flow is reduced due to the gradual absorption of waves. In other words, each sheet of drywall vibrates on its own. The total sound insulation is significantly higher than that of the same two sheets of drywall without an acoustic layer.

Testing of the material has shown that it has the lowest levels of flammability, toxicity, combustibility and smoke formation. Triplex Soundline-dB fully meets all the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards of the Customs Union.

Among the advantages of sound insulation, it should be noted ease of installation, high degree of sound insulation (up to 69 dB), preservation of its properties for up to 25 years, and low cost.

Installation of triplex is in many ways similar to the creation of plasterboard structures. You just need to select the appropriate screws for the thickness of the sound insulation (17.5 mm). You should also make adjustments for the heavy weight of the three-layer fabric.

Owners of houses and apartments in reviews praise the soundproofing qualities of the Soundline-dB triplex. It is easy to install, effective in reducing noise, and has a small thickness. Disadvantages include heavy weight and bulkiness.

1 ZIPS-III-Ultra

The best sandwich panel
Country Russia
Average price: 1525 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The use of the ZIPS-III-Ultra sandwich panel allows you to comprehensively solve problems associated with extraneous noise. Thanks to the exact sheet size (1200x600x42 mm), any homeowner will quickly calculate the need for a specific room. It is also worth considering that the kit includes the necessary set of hardware for fastening. These are traditional dowels, anchors, washers and screws. The soundproofing system itself is a combination of gypsum fiber and staple fiberglass. The role of support is played by 8 vibration isolators. They protrude 10 mm in a free state relative to the plane of the sheet. During the installation process, they are pressed with plasterboard. As a result, the total thickness of sound insulation and plasterboard sheet is 55 mm.

To install a soundproofing layer on the walls, you only need to stock up on a hammer drill, a screwdriver and a hacksaw. Thanks to the frameless system, you can save on lathing. Included with the sandwich panel clear instructions on installation. The sound insulation layer can be covered with ordinary plasterboard sheets.

Domestic owners of apartments and houses call ZIPS-III-Ultra panels the best option for sound insulation. It is effective, inexpensive and thin. After installing soundproofing, many managed to forget about loud neighbors, their dogs and sounds from a busy street.

Comprehensive sound insulation of walls, ceilings and floors will help prevent extraneous noise from entering your apartment. But completely soundproofing an apartment is very expensive and not always advisable, especially in cases where the source of annoying noise is a specific apartment. If you are annoyed by your neighbors on the floor, you can get rid of the noise in their apartment by soundproofing adjacent walls. In this article we will figure out how.

When building new houses, there is an increasing tendency to reduce the weight of the structure. This allows you to reduce foundation costs, which negatively affects the sound insulation of the room. Not everyone is interested in hearing what their neighbors are doing. That is why soundproofing an apartment is a concern not only for those who live in old panel houses, but also in new buildings.

Due to the large assortment of soundproofing materials on the market, you can get confused. The choice should be approached responsibly, because each material has its own purpose. Increasingly, people are interested not only in how well the material will combat sound, but also whether it is safe to use in a residential area. Not everyone wants to breathe phenol vapors and install glass wool.

In this article we will look at materials for soundproofing walls from a Russian manufacturer MaxForte.

Which can be used for framed and frameless schemes.

MaxForte EcoPlate

Sound-absorbing basalt slabs made of volcanic rock.

They have excellent acoustic properties. The slabs are used for soundproofing the most complex objects: cinemas, recording studios.

Material with impeccable ecology. Can be used as fire protection. High sound absorption coefficient α W at all frequencies (including low).

Without phenol and slags.

  1. Non-flammable material.
  2. Without smell.
  3. Resistant to moisture.

MaxForte EcoAcoustic

Plates made of polyester fibers (acoustic synthetic padding), without glue in the composition. To give shape, thermal bonding technology is used. The material does not emit or contain harmful substances. Only primary raw materials are used in production. To maximize sound absorption, aerodynamic fiber laying is used. When working with the material, no special clothing, gloves or a respirator are required.

  1. Made from homogeneous raw materials.
  2. No fiberglass.
  3. Hypoallergenic product.
  4. They are not afraid of water.
  5. Maximum class “A” for sound absorption.


Rolled composite material, new generation. Created taking into account theoretical developments in the field of building acoustics. With a thickness of 12 mm, it provides maximum protection against airborne and impact noise. An irreplaceable material in small apartments. No glue or chemicals included. Also acts as fire protection and thermal insulation.

  1. Completely non-flammable.
  2. They are not afraid of water.
  3. Without phenol and odor.
  4. Easy installation.
  5. Maximum class “A” for sound absorption.

MaxForteSoundPro And MaxForte EcoPlate

For enhanced sound insulation, a combination of materials is recommended, for example - MaxForteSoundPro And MaxForte EcoPlate. Using such a scheme will allow you to obtain the highest possible sound absorption, including low frequencies (stereo systems, home theaters)

But it is not always possible to “eat up” precious centimeters from the wall and need to be done as subtly and effectively as possible. In this case, frameless sound insulation will be a proven option.

How to install sound insulation without making a frame with MaxForteSoundPro:

Everyone chooses the best method for themselves based on their strengths, personal preferences and financial capabilities.

If you make soundproofing according to our recommendations, you can safely count on good comfort and silence.

Soundproofing of walls is carried out using the following materials:

    • Self-adhesive soundproofing membranes.

    • Combined panels with a layer of sound-absorbing materials.

    • Plates made of synthetic and mineral materials.

    • Mineral wool.

  • Cork panels.

In addition to the basic materials, depending on the soundproofing method you choose, you will need:

  • Metal profile or wooden blocks for frame guides.
  • Drywall, particle board or other decorative coating for wall decoration.
  • Double screws.
  • Fastenings for plates.
  • Screws.

Each soundproofing manufacturer has its own installation technology, so you may need additional consumables not included in the list.

Installation of sound insulation

Preparatory work

Before you begin installing sound insulation, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory work:

  1. Remove old wall covering (wallpaper, decorative panels).
  2. Remove sockets and switches. If there is a distribution box for wiring on the wall, remove the cover from it. Don't forget to turn off the power first.
  3. Remove the wires from the box and the sockets for the switch and outlets.
  4. Extend the wires for the switch and sockets to the length of the future insulation.
  5. Temporarily insulate the exposed wire ends.
  6. Fill the nests and box with cement mortar or foam.
  7. Inspect the wall and the joints between the slabs for cracks.
  8. Seal the cracks with cement mortar.

If you have little knowledge of electricity, then invite a professional electrician for work related to wiring.

Frame making

The best way to block sound is frame method soundproofing, so we will consider it in our article:

  1. Place a thin soundproofing membrane over the entire wall area. You can use a self-adhesive membrane or use special glue for fastening.
  2. Make a frame frame; to do this, install vertical guides along the edges of the wall, as well as horizontal ones, under the ceiling and on the floor. To secure the guides, use dowel screws.
  3. Install the vertical guides inside the frame, at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other.
  4. Place soundproofing material between the frame rails. To secure the sound insulation in the frame, you can use glue or a bendable metal strip attached to the guides with screws.
  5. Inspect the frame for voids and gaps. There should be no gaps or empty space in the frame.
  6. Lead the wires of switches, sockets and wiring through the insulation.
  7. Install sheets of drywall or other finishing boards on the frame. When installing the panels, make holes for the junction box, switch and sockets.
  8. Seal the seams between the panels.
  9. Install the finishing wall covering (wallpaper, plaster).
  10. Install sockets, switch and distribution box.

Soundproofing methods without frame

To save space, many people prefer to use a frameless soundproofing method. This method really allows you to reduce the thickness of sound insulation by 2-3 centimeters, but at the same time, the quality of noise insulation is significantly reduced.

For sound insulation without a frame, they mainly use combined panels that are glued directly to the wall. After this, the panels are plastered or covered with wallpaper. In addition to gluing, soundproofing panels and slabs can be installed on the wall using special fasteners located in the corners.

In addition to rigid slabs and panels, sound insulation without a frame can be made using soft rolled material, for example, a self-adhesive membrane. The membrane is glued to the wall and closed finishing panels. True, the quality of sound insulation with this method leaves much to be desired.

You can see how to make sound insulation without making a frame in the video:

Whatever method you choose, remember that 100% elimination of noise will only be ensured by the walls and walls.

Protecting premises from external noise is a pressing problem for residents of apartment buildings. To solve this problem, the modern construction market offers a wide range of sound-proofing and sound-absorbing materials. Thin sound insulation is one of the effective means of protection. It allows you to reliably protect your home from extraneous sounds.


In contrast to thick soundproofing materials with a soft structure and a sound absorption coefficient of up to 0.95 units, thin materials have a lower rate. Its value usually does not exceed 0.5 units. The coefficient of polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene is 0.25 units and corresponds to class E. To ensure good protection, it is necessary to use materials of at least class C.

At high level extraneous noise, thin soundproofing materials should be used as part of multilayer structures. In the case of moderate noise and the inappropriateness of installing a thick panel, the use of such materials is quite acceptable. Noises are divided into three types. They are:

  • structural;
  • percussion;
  • air.

The use of thin soundproofing materials can protect the room only from airborne noise. These include:

  • dogs barking;
  • operation of a vacuum cleaner and TV;
  • baby crying;
  • talking and singing.

The indicator of the degree of protection of a material from airborne noise is called the sound insulation index and is indicated by the symbol Rw. The higher numeric value Rw, the higher the insulating properties a particular material has. Impact and structural noise have a different nature of origin and wavelength. Therefore, it will not be possible to cope with them with the help of thin sound insulation.

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of thin sound insulation is due to a number of positive properties:

  • Significant savings in room space are due to the small thickness of the material. After its installation, the area of ​​the room remains virtually unchanged.
  • Easy installation is due to the absence of the need to install a metal frame, lay thick slabs and subsequently cover the structure with gypsum plasterboard sheets.

  • A wide range of materials with different sound insulation indexes makes it easier to choose the right type.
  • The environmental safety of soundproofing materials is achieved due to the absence of toxic substances in their composition.
  • Significant reduction in work time compared to the time required for installing other types of insulation.

The disadvantages include the high cost of some models and the low efficiency of thin materials. Many of them should only be used in conjunction with other types of sound insulation.


According to their performance characteristics and purpose, thin materials are divided into two classes.


They convert sound energy into heat and significantly reduce the intensity of the reflected wave. These are fiberglass and basalt slabs, which can only be classified as thin types of sound insulation only conditionally. Despite the fact that the minimum thickness of the sheets is 3 cm, their installation requires the installation of a frame with further cladding with gypsum plasterboard sheets. As a result, the thickness of the structure exceeds the values ​​​​that fall under the definition of thin sound insulation.

Polyurethane foam panels, which are called acoustic foam, do not require installation of a frame. They are mounted on the base using glue. The advantage of using this material is that there is no need to level the wall before applying the sticker. The minimum thickness of such a panel is 3.5 cm, which makes it possible to classify this type of sound insulator as a thin type.

Another popular product is liquid sound insulation, which is a sound-absorbing agent. The material is applied to the wall and covered with a decorative panel or plasterboard. The thickness of the applied layer must be at least 3 cm. The thinnest representative of sound-absorbing materials is rolled cork, its thickness is 0.8 cm. This type of sound-proofing material is considered universal.

With its help, you can reliably protect the room from extraneous sounds, effectively decorate the space, using the material as decorative covering. When choosing a cork sheet, keep in mind that the diameter of the crumbs should not exceed 3 mm. Models made from 6 mm chips are somewhat inferior in soundproofing qualities to fine-grained material. Therefore, you need to choose the material carefully.


These types of sound insulation block the path of sound waves, preventing sound from penetrating into the room. The most common materials of this type are gypsum plasterboard and gypsum fiber board. However, they should be mounted at a distance, leaving a gap between the sheathing and the wall for filling with sound-absorbing tiles of at least 3 cm. As a result of the multi-layer construction, the total thickness of the “pie” can be 4 cm. This is a conditionally thin type and cannot be considered as absolutely thin sound insulation .

Decorative panels are a fairly effective type of sound insulation. Therefore, they are in demand among consumers. The sheets have a layered structure; they are made in the form of a cardboard frame with mineral filler inside. Quartz sand is often used as filling, which requires taping the panel sections with tape when cutting them. This is practically the only drawback of this material.

TO thin materials include some models of acoustic panels made of soft fiberboard with a thickness of 1 to 3 cm. The panels have a multilayer structure. They consist of reinforcing mesh, expanded polystyrene and waterproofing. This type also includes decorative wood fiber boards with a thickness of 1.2 to 2.5 cm.


On the modern market of construction and finishing materials there are many ultra-thin films and membranes that can intercept a sound wave and neutralize it. The soundproofing characteristics of membranes are directly dependent on the frequency of extraneous sound. They differ from each other in their critical frequency. This is the name of the lowest frequency, after which the sound insulation properties of the material decrease.

Of the building materials, concrete and brick have the highest critical frequency. Rubber and steel have good performance, lead has the best. However, due to its harmfulness to the human body, it is not used in the production of insulating membranes. The polymer-bitumen membrane has a critical frequency comparable to lead. Unlike it, it does not contain harmful impurities, negative influence does not affect human health. The material has a polypropylene coating and its total thickness is only 0.4 cm.

Mineral membranes have good performance characteristics. They are one of the thinnest representatives of sound insulation, their thickness ranges from 0.25 to 0.37 cm. Among them, the most famous are the aragonite variety (Texound) and barite membranes (sound block or loaded vinyl). The coatings contain polymers that give the films high elasticity and ductility.

Popular means of sound insulation are polyethylene wallpaper covering 0.5 cm thick and lead foil 0.7 cm thick covered with a polyurethane foam layer. Ultra-thin wallpaper padding is made from foamed polyethylene wrapped in thermolaminated sheets. To ensure better sound insulation performance, it is recommended to use multi-layer membranes, alternating them with sound absorbers. From liquid materials It is worth highlighting Green Glue with a viscous structure. It is applied to the back side of gypsum plaster boards before their installation. When hardened, the substance creates a reliable barrier to sound waves and provides good sound insulation of the room.


The most popular and frequently used materials include several varieties.


This is a natural, environmentally friendly soundproofing board, which contains softwood fibers. The sheet size is 2.7x1.2 m with a weight of 4 kg and a thickness of 1 and 2.5 cm. The Rw index corresponds to 23 dB, which is a good indicator for a material of this class. The slab is installed using glue. The material is characterized by good ventilation. The front surface has smooth texture, the material is suitable for finishing the walls of an apartment and a wooden house.


Kraft is an environmentally friendly fiberboard covered on one side with wax paper and on the other with corrugated cardboard. The size of such a slab is 2.7 x 0.58 m with a thickness of 1.2 cm and a weight of 5.5 kg. The Rw index has a value of 23 dB. Slabs are often used as finishing material.

"Eco Soundproof"

“Eco Soundproof” is a seven-layer material made of cardboard and quartz sand. It is produced in dimensions of 1.2 x 0.45 m. It has a panel thickness of 1.3 cm. The Rw index corresponds to 38 dB, installation is carried out using gypsum board glue.